#eddie birdlace headcanon
NSFW Headcanons~ Eddie Birdlace
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(My gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Eddie’s had quite a bit of experience but not in the way you’d expect. He’s slept with women before but none of; or at least very few of them, have done it for free; if you’re catching my drift. So while he does know what he’s doing when it comes to sex, he’s a bit inexperienced when it comes to the feelings that are usually involved. 
- Eddie likes oral just as much as the next guy but when it comes to you, he definitely prefers giving rather than receiving. He’ll sometimes have flashbacks to the deals he’d strike with his buddies and a “working girl” and be filled with a weird, somewhat irrational guilt which makes him occasionally; subtly, turn down a blowjob. 
- While that reasoning may not seem the most romantic, I’ll assure you that he does just genuinely enjoy going down on you; even if he’s not the most experienced with it. He takes the time to learn and grows to love hearing the noises you make and the way your fingers grip his hair or the way your thighs squeeze around his head. 
- Foreplay is sort of a new experience for him but he likes it. He enjoys being able to take his time and enjoy your company, admiring your body and lovingly making sure you’re ready for him. 
- He’s endearingly nervous and awkward when it comes to you; at least during your first few times together, but there’s always an undeniable, deep yearning between the two of you. You can see that he’s unsure of his next move but it still sends a wave of heat through you every time he comes near. 
- If it had to be decided, then he would be the dom in your relationship but there really aren’t any roles when the two of you have sex. You just do what feels right. 
- He usually takes things slow when you’re sleeping together. He’s used to being forced into the smartass, macho marine role, but with you, he doesn’t have to be like that. He can enjoy just being himself and being with you and showing you how much he genuinely cares for you. 
- The two of you will oftentimes make love rather than just fuck. Sometimes, things might be more sweet and playful but it’s always loving and it’s hardly ever rough in any way.
- The only time that he would be somewhat rough is when he’s jealous and even then, he’s not nearly as rough as you’d imagine. He tends to just move a lot quicker and maybe have a tight grip on some part of you, or pin your wrists by the sides of your head. 
- Although, he occasionally likes to move fast just to hear you laugh or squeal. It never fails to make him smile/laugh as well. 
- Like I said before: you’ll occasionally get a bit more playful. There’ll be a lot more giggling/smiling and you’ll roll around the bed and tease each other more. It’s in those moments that he thinks to himself about how happy he is with you and how he’s finally found “his girl”.
- The two of you usually do it in missionary position. He’s not all that impressed with crazy positions, he’d much rather be able to see your face and have the two of you be comfortable and close. 
- Cuddling sex where your arms are wrapped around each other and your leg is hitched over his. He’ll hold you by the waist, hip or thigh and slowly drive his hips into yours, liking the way your nails dig into his back when he begins to move. 
- He’s pretty vanilla. He sort of just enjoys sweet, normal sex with you.
- He doesn’t really have a choking kink but he does have a thing for keeping his hand wrapped around your throat, he just doesn't squeeze.
- His stroke game? On point. He knows exactly how and where to move to make you quiver around him.
- Kisses pressed all across your face. Your forehead, eyelids, ear, nose, side of the mouth, etc. You don’t think there’s a place on your face that his lips haven’t touched. 
- His forehead pressed against yours. After he’s finished sponging kisses across your whole face, he’ll lean down and connect your foreheads, closing his eyes and basking in the moment.
- Things are generally pretty quiet between the two of you. Neither of you make a lot of noise besides the occasional soft moan or short check ins/praises. 
- He likes being able to show you that you don’t have to be insecure and insisting that he loves and thinks every part of you is beautiful. 
- He’s all about consent, even when you’re already in a relationship and its obvious that he would have it. He always slows or stops when he doesn't think you’re into it, asking if you’re alright or if you want him to do something else. 
- He’s always eager to make you feel good so he’ll always respond to the noises or faces that you make. The moment he hears you moan; or moan particularly loud, he’ll glance back at your face and repeat the action, looking closely at the way your expression changes.
- Long, intimate reunions. The two of you can spend whole nights “together” when you haven’t seen each other for a while. 
- After the war, he might have a bit of trouble with his leg so the positions you normally use might change. He’d probably try to do things like normal but buckle awkwardly and throw himself down beside you in a huff. Then you’d shyly climb on top of him, assuring him its alright and distracting him with kisses while you “take care of everything”.
- He’s average sized: not too big, not too small. 
- He always carries a condom or two in his wallet so you’ll never have to worry; even though you usually only do it in your/his bedroom where there should be at least a few lying around. 
- He never thought he’d enjoy aftercare as much as he does when he’s with you. Regardless, he’ll go grab you some water without you even having to ask before tugging on his boxers and crawling back into bed with you. He’ll hug you close and the two of you will sometimes talk a bit before you fall asleep wrapped up in each others arms. 
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Meeting and Dating Eddie Birdlace
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(My gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I can’t promise that these are historically accurate. Also, I didn’t really change Eddie and Roses first date because I love that sort of ‘do whatever looks fun’ kind of date.)
- You met Eddie while he was getting his military physical. You were working as a nurse, giving different exams to the soldiers when he was first ushered to your station. The instant he saw you he blurted out something akin to “Jesus Christ” because dear lord you were an angel.
- Poor you had to deal with all four B’s in a row, but you had to admit that you didn’t mind dealing with Birdlace... mainly because he was speechless for a hot minute, unsure of what to say to a girl like you. He needed to make a good first impression, think, think, thi—
“You have nice eyes.” Great job Einstein. Even though he was internally cursing at himself, you seemed to think it was somewhat endearing.
“Well thank you. Perhaps we should check if you do too.” You joked as you led him over to the eye examinations.
- Now that the ice was broken he finally tried to “work his magic”, complimenting you and trying to make conversation. It was really quite hard to concentrate on what you were doing. So finally you just pressed a finger to his lips and asked if you agreeing to go out with him would make him stay quiet. He smiled and pretended to zip his lips, finishing his exam without a hitch.
“What time do you get to leave here?” He asked after you were finished writing down his results. You stifled a laugh and told him to pick you up from your house at six.
- He may or may not have arrived half an hour early and literally beat you there. Although to be fair, it was kind of nice coming home to a handsome man, holding flowers he bought for you on your front step. Good thing you only really needed to change your clothes and touch yourself up.
- For your first date, the two of you went on a nice little adventure around town. You sort of just wandered and talked until you found something you wanted to do, did it, then wandered some more. It was still the best date you’ve ever been on even if, in theory, it might not sound the greatest.
- Your first kiss is that same day, or rather night by the time you get back home. You’re standing on your front step with him, not really wanting to part from each other but knowing you have to since you have work in the morning. The two of you are just kind of muttering to each other, getting a bit closer inch by inch until he finally closes the distance and presses a soft kiss on your lips.
- ...Which prompted you to invite him inside. And, well, let’s just say he’s spent many nights (and days) there ever since.
- In his eyes you’re a proper lady and he wants to treat you like one so he tends to keep his pda light. Little touches, handholding, quick kisses, laying his head in your lap or having you lean your head on his shoulder, things like that.
- He likes being able to call you “his girl” especially to other people. Another common nickname is darling but he usually uses it sarcastically or when he’s overacting.
- The flattery king. He’s constantly complimenting you and occasionally trying to butter you up.
- Arcade dates.
- Going to different diners together.
- Forehead kisses, nose kisses, eyelid kisses, corner of the mouth kisses, head kisses, just so many kisses, he doesn’t stop. And hell you don’t want him to.
- He thinks you deserve only the best and he’s determined to give it to you.
- He thinks you’re an angel and that the world doesn’t deserve you. Whenever you get upset/insecure he’ll tell you that and you’ll just have to believe him because he isn’t one for poetic shit like that.
- He tries to act like a gentleman when you’re around, holding open doors for you and pulling out your chair.
- Although he isn’t great at it, he does try to stop cursing in front of you even if you don’t particularly have a problem with it.
- In theory, he’s pretty good with the ladies, but when it really comes down to it he doesn’t know what you want. He always tries his best to think of things you’d like but he ends up second guessing himself at least once, wondering if it’s just a myth that women like this or that.
- If you ever get dressed up just know that you’ll make him nearly speechless. All he can say is the same compliment over and over, all the while laughing because he feels like a fool but doesn’t know what else to say.
- He’s very skilled at sneaking in through your window but the instant he gets inside he’s a bit of a clumsy bastard. You always have to make sure the areas clear because if there’s anything there he will trip.
- Late night walks and adventures.
- A lot of the time he just decides what you’ll do on the spot whenever you’re hanging out together.
- Early morning goodbyes.
- If you don’t have to get up early with him he’ll leave little notes on your pillow before he goes so that he can say goodbye without waking you.
- Going dancing.
- One day the two of you were on a walk and he just decided that anytime you passed a flower vender he’d buy you a bouquet. You ended up going home with your arms full of different kinds of colorful flowers. So yeah, getting flowers from him is a pretty common occurance.
- He’d honestly spend his last penny on you without a complaint. You have to make sure he isn’t going broke over you.
- Eddies kind of neurotic. He gets really into his emotions and whatever he’s doing so you’ll sometimes have to reassure him that everything’s okay and that whatever’s happening really isn’t a big deal.
- Hes constantly a man on a mission, always scheming and coming up with things on the spot. Sometimes it’s tiresome but most of the time it’s fun to be his “partner in crime”.
- You always have the time of your life with him.
- He always likes learning new things about you or feeing like he has a good grasp on who you are. He tends to ask a lot of questions about your interests and life, wanting to pinpoint what it is about you that drives him crazy.
- Showing each other different places/things that are important to you. It especially makes him happy when you do because he feels like it’s a sign of how important he is to you.
- Riding the bus and pointing things out to each other from the window.
- He demands people respect you. If they don’t he has no problem making a problem.
- He gets a little shy whenever you give him a compliment. He gives you a quiet little “thanks” as he tries to hold back his smile, his cheeks and ears turning a light shade of red.
- Calling him a “Jarhead”.
- Visiting playgrounds together late at night. The two of you usually just sit on the swings and talk.
- He likes playing with and stroking your hair whenever the two of you are relaxing together.
- Shy, chaste kisses that he just can’t stop giving you. He’s practically addicted to kissing you.
- His friends are pretty much just as bad with women as he is but they try to act decent around you because they can see how much Eddie likes you. They’re all secretly a bit jealous that he managed to score a girl like you.
- Eddie doesn’t fall for girls very often so if the two of you are dating then he’s really invested in you. That means whenever some guy tries to “act all friendly” with you he can’t help but see it as a threat to your relationship. You’re his dream girl, he isn’t gonna let some suave, proper little boy steal you away from him.
- There’s two kinds of jealous Eddie: the passive aggressive one and the just plain aggressive one. When he’s being passive aggressive he’ll act pleasant enough but there’s always this uncomfortable underlying connotation to his words and actions. He’ll “tease” the guy but it’s mostly just insults disguised as jokes and the narrowing of his eyes isn’t lost on anybody.
- Dealing with aggressively jealous Eddie is just as bad as you think it is. He will threaten someone, he will fight someone, and he will win. Although to be fair it is kind of hot when he’s all disheveled and panting after a fight but I digress.
- He’s good at diffusing the fights that the two of you get into, mostly because he never really means to start trouble and genuinely apologizes whenever he does so accidentally. If his usual apologies don’t work then he’ll let you take some time to cool off but will ultimately try his hand at apologizing again, always giving you the choice to brush him off.
- He goes through great lengths to make things up to you and get you to forgive him because he always feels so shitty about the situation; at least when it’s his fault. He can definitely hold a grudge, even when it comes to you, so you definitely have to flat out apologize when you’re in the wrong, no dancing around it or waiting for him to just forget the fight ever happened.
- Long hugs. 
- Playing with his hands and tracing his tattoos. 
- Getting him to ease up on his drinking. 
- Occasionally feeling embarrassed when you’re out with him in public. To be fair, he has a bad habit of acting obnoxiously loud and rambunctious, especially when he’s on one of his revenge missions. 
- You kind of civilize him in a way, teaching him how to get respect and to let things go as well as any other skills he might have lost while in basic training or never had to begin with.
- Listening to his marine stories.
- Writing letters to each other when he’s deployed.
- Getting the surprise of your life when he shows up on your doorstep after the war ends, nervously holding his hat in his hands and nearly breaking down once he sees your face.
- Pulling him into a tight hug without a word.
- Kissing his scars and helping him with his leg whenever he needs it.
- He wants to see you get the most out of life and experience everything you ever dreamed of.
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A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
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Eddie Birdlace nsfw headcanons please?
Sure! Thanks for the request!💕
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