#dogfight headcanons
wolfpackmuses · 2 months
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@viviskull replied to this post: ""It's a car if everyone had access to it""
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❝Do you have any idea how little that narrows things down for me?❞
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r144l3r · 2 years
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relaxxattack · 10 months
okay because of the differing opinions on @calware's post i had to go and check for myself. after all, we've all heard info passed down the fanon grapevine over the years. so, here it is:
is dave strider right or left handed?
obviously, this being homestuck, character sprites flip like every half a second, so i'm trying to take that into account here. alright, let's plow through an entire comic's worth of dave panels.
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in his very first appearance, dave uses a katana from his wall to slash through his name command left-handedly.
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he proceeds to use his left hand for many actions he takes in his apartment, including typing.
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he then uses his right hand to fistbump cal, open the attic, pick up a sword, and escape the puppet pile. his computer is also set up for his right hand.
so already we've got a lot of switching going on, as to be expected with homestuck. i'm going to just try and focus on "main" shots now and not minute sprite details, since those seem to switch constantly.
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dave climbs the staircase after picking up the sword with his right hand. however, when beginning the strife with bro he switches it to his left.
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during that fight his sprite (and dominant hand) flips many times. while he is laying on the floor beaten he texts john with his right. once he gets up, he resumes typing with his left. [EDIT: he pretty much always uses his left hand when texting; there are very few panels where this sprite is flipped.]
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during the [s] enter, dave is famously seen drawing a sbahj panel with his mouse right-handedly. he does this again talking to tavros later. his computer setup seems pretty consistent in this way.
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during [s] accelerate, dave flips his sword between hands multiple times both in sprite and hero mode.
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then, for no apparent reason except for that he probably hates me and wants me to suffer, dave switches his main hand back and forth repeatedly for the entire rest of the comic.
he frequently carries his sword in his right hand, except for stray panels where, when actually using the sword, he favors his left (panels 5 and 8 above). however, this isn’t a case of him only carrying with his right and then using his left to actually wield— because as you can see in panel 9 above, he also uses it right-handedly.
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he uses his left hand during the entire fight with jade and bec, but then, switches back to his right during cascade.
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during meteorstuck he seems to use his right hand for most activities, including drawing and writing, except for the penis ouija scene, in which he uses his left.
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he takes all his selfies with his right hand, then confronts jade with his left hand. his watch is also positioned on his left wrist, which is traditionally an indicator of right-handedness; and he holds his sword in his right again as he absconds.
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during the dogfight he makes most of his attacks with his right hand, and switches to his left to parry bec. when he dies in game over, he's holding his sword in his left.
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he's using his right hand in essentially all of the non-sprite shots in collide, except for this last big red one.
that's all i've got.
conclusion: ????
in all honesty, he seems to switch between either hand frequently enough that you could make an argument for almost anything. hooray, everyone's headcanons are valid!
though i will say that he definitely uses his right hand more frequently in panels. if you only count panels where he's actually using his sword, it's closer to an even split, but i'd still tentatively say that he favors right more often than not.
the widespread fanon concept that he canonically only uses his right hand while drawing and otherwise uses his left, is unfortunately mostly cheryypicked in terms on panels. but that's not to say it's necessarily wrong. there's too little consistency in the art to definitely call it false
considering he's been seen both writing and swordfighting with his left, you can headcanon whatever the fuck you want! (and let's be honest, he has leftie vibes).
that's all! hopefully this helps someone. this took way too long to do help
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lavenderpanic · 11 months
I love thinking about Bucky and Steve volunteering post-Endgame so here is where I think they would volunteer.
My headcanon for Bucky is an animal shelter. He sees one of those sappy ASPCA commercials and it upsets him so badly that he decides he needs to start volunteering. At first, he mostly like feeds and cleans little kitties and puppies, which he loves. He loves how even the teeny little kittens don't see him as a threat. They meow and lick at his fingers and it just makes him feel so warm and fuzzy inside because everybody else in the world sees him as a murderer but they just see him as the nice guy who brings them food and gives them belly scratches. But after a while, Bucky finds himself drawn to the "aggressive dogs." The ones that the shelter says are pretty much doomed to die there. The ones who were thrown into dogfighting when they were just puppies, the ones who never knew kindness. The pitties with big, sad eyes who bark at anyone who tries to touch them. He offers to help with them one day, because he's strong enough that he doesn't have to worry about being bitten or anything. They don't bite at Bucky, though. He knows how to move, how to reach for them, how to show them that they won't be met with violence. They don't understand what Bucky went through, but they seem to trust him in a unique way.
My headcanon for Steve is a children's hospital. Everyone kinda figures he's doing the whole "superhero who visits sick kids" thing, mostly for publicity, but he starts going back often and forming friendships with these kids and their families, and soon enough he's practically an uncle to most of the kids there. He knows the strength they have, just to stay alive, he remembers it all too well. They all marvel at his muscles and his shield, but he knows he was stronger pre-serum than he ever was after. They see themselves in him, they tell him they're getting medicine that's going to make them better "just like him" and they ask him if getting the serum was scary during their infusions. He shares Sarah Rogers' wisdom with their parents. He makes silly sketches of whatever the kids request, and they always giggle at his old-fashioned jokes and his inability to grasp modern slang. They ask him if he knew Abraham Lincoln or Cleopatra and he makes up elaborate stories to keep them entertained.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
While I was rewatching The Phantom Menace yesterday, I was thinking during the sequence at the end with the N-1 Starfighters that one of them could be Din's, and boom! A rather amusing new headcanon was born.
So, obviously we know that Peli Motto somehow came into possession of one of the ships and in approximately 9ABY on Tatooine, she restores it with Din on Tatooine.
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But what if four decades previously, it was the same starship used by a certain Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Naboo...
So, why would this be funny?
Well, because of what Anakin uses the ship for, and the fact its eventual owner has a well known disdain for droids...
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After Anakin leaves the hangar on Naboo, he joins the dogfight up in space. Eventually, he finds himself on one of the Trade Federation's ships and after a bit of panicking, has a great time destroying a few droids...
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As they fire at him, he launches a few shots which inadvertently causes the Droid Control Ship to blow up. Every single one of the thousands of droids on Naboo instantly powers down, ensuring that the planet is saved.
But this kid really used an N-1 starfighter to blow up an enormous ship of vital strategic importance. I mean, look at it go! Bye bye droids!
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I have nothing to base this hc off other than Anakin used an N-1 to destroy droids and Din (who hates droids) eventually has the same kind of ship. But I'm running with it because I think it's hilarious and that Din would be pretty pleased to know that his N-1 has a history of destroying droids...
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Wizard, indeed.
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calkale · 11 months
top gun ask game
Favourite ship and why?
Top Gun (1986) or Top Gun Maverick?
Favourite character from Top Gun (1986) and why?
Favourite character from Top Gun Maverick and why?
Favourite scene?
If you could be any character for a day who would you be?
Do you have any headcanons about [character or ship]?
Favourite plane used in the movies?
Favourite screencap from either movie?
If you could change one thing about either movie what would it be?
Favourite song off the soundtracks?
Favourite fic? 
Favourite piece of fanart?
Favourite fic/art you created?
Ship(s) you dislike?
Underrated ship?
If you had a callsign what would it be?
Scene that makes you emotional? 
Unpopular opinion?
If you could re-design any helmet or design your own what would it look like? 
Favourite helmet design?
If you had the time and resources would you get a pilots license? Why or why not?
Quote from either movie that speaks to you?
A line you quote all the time?
Would you rather play beach volleyball with the 86 crew or dogfight football with the daggers?
Character from Top Gun (1986) you wish was in Top Gun Maverick?
Do you want a third movie? If so what would the plot be?
What character do you think you would get along with the most?
Did you get into aviation because of top gun or were you a fan before?
Do you own any merch?
How many times have you watched each movie?
Dress whites, service khakis or flight suits?
Line or scene from the script that you wish made it into the movie?
Character you wish got more screen time?
Volleyball scene or dogfight football scene?
Who’s the better pilot?
Outfit one of the characters wears you wish you could steal?
Which character do you project onto the most?
Ship that makes you feel the most feelings? (Does not need to be your favourite ship)
Favourite manoeuvre used in the movies?
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ddejavvu · 1 year
mei's 20k celebration !!
first of all, thank you to each and every single one of you for being here!! together you make just over 20k. the size of my audience is very hard for me to fathom (seriously, have you ever googled what 20,000 people look like? insane!!!) but i know i'm incredibly grateful that you're here!! writing is very fun for me but it's even better with lovely people like you cheering me on, and i'm happy to do what i do if it means you get to enjoy it.
i have been exceptionally busy lately, and i haven't done a follower celebration since 10K i believe, so i figured now was a good time for another one! i know not everyone is into the same fandoms as everyone else, so this celebration will be separated into each different fandom that i write for. why? it's fun for me to plan things around my fandoms, but i didn't want to exclude anyone, so i just made a little mini celebration for them all :)
you're allowed to send as many asks as you want, for whichever fandoms you want, i just ask that you do it in separate asks! i'm not sure yet when I'm going to end the celebration, but I'll give you at least a 24H warning so that you can send in any last asks you have :)
without further ado: my 20k follower celebration!
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Top Gun / Top Gun Maverick - Playing With The Boys
Are you ready for a beach day with some navy men? Choose an option from the list below and come hang out by the water, just be careful no one pushes you in!
'maverick? did your mother not like you, or something?' - make up a callsign for yourself, tell me why you've chosen it, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'i just don't want anyone to know i've fallen for you.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'and your wingman?' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'dogfight football.' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the characters of top gun!
'baby on board!' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'hangman. you look... good.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Criminal Minds - Wheels up in 30
You've been called on a case with the BAU! Pass the time on the jet with an option from the list below, and good luck catching your unsub!
'we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...' - pick an activity to do on the jet on the way back from a case, and i'll tell you which member of the BAU i think you'd get along with!
'oh, you LOVE me!' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'ah- he wants to be his FAVORITE profiler.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'hey, there's still money on this thing!' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the characters of criminal minds!
'let me tell you about my team.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'pretty boy!' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: aaron hotchner, derek morgan, emily prentiss, spencer reid, penelope garcia, david rossi, jennifer jareau, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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The Marauders - Summer at Potter Manor
You've been invited to spend the summer at James's manor! Be polite to Euphemia and Fleamont, spend your day picking an option from this list, and try not to tear up the lawn!
'a rather friendly disposition' - tell me what you think your animagus form would be any why, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'oi! evans!' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'mischief managed' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'i solemnly swear that i am up to no good' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the marauders era characters!
'he's a murderer.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'pretty brown eyes' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Stranger Things - Into The Woods
You're going monster hunting with Hawkins' finest! Pass the time waiting for your trap to be sprung by picking an option down below, but don't talk too loud, or it might hear you...
'we're stuck here...' - tell me which season of stranger things is your favorite and why, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'it's finger lickin' good.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'that's actual shit.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'oh it's the championship game?' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the stranger things characters!
'this is giving me the heebie jeebies.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'I've got a date, dad.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, jim hopper, chrissy cunningham, joyce byers, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Marvel - Crime Fighting Duty
Your favorite heroes have asked you to tag along for a day! between calls on the police radio, pick an option from the list below and fight the day away!
'he's got one up his ass, too.' - tell me what superpowers you'd want and why, and i'll tell you what marvel character you'd get along with!
'you're a very good kisser.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'pile of bodies, pile of heads.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'ooh! I know this one!' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the marvel characters!
'I was cleaning the chimney.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'we look GOOD.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: eddie brock / venom, peter parker (1, 2, and 3), matt murdock, steve rogers, bucky barnes, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
Do you ever think abt how gaul was originally an obstetrician? I’ve never seen in discussed anywhere but that detail chilled me to my core when I read tbosas. sorry this is sooo random but I needed to share that with somebody. Kbye:3
I actually think about this surprisingly a lot! I was so sad that they didn’t include that detail in the movie when she’s stitching up Snow!
It’s actually one of those throwaway lines in the book that really make the character for me! (the other one being Festus Creed dogfighting line)
The way she talks about the parents wanting reassurances about their kids futures and her being unable to give them any (Ch. 16):
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To me, her words characterize her as someone who wants certainty and control, and despite all her claims that people are born ruthless and bad, she still needs to influence people to get them to reinforce her own worldview. Confirmation bias.
I just think that it matches so well with her character that what children might face in the future (and possibly shape them) makes her uncomfortable (but maybe I'm reading too much into it).
Also there's something to her talking about this while she's stitching Snow up that really reinforces a kind of creator-creation imagery to me. Like she's waiting to deliver him into the world reborn. Volumnia being the name of Shakespeare's Coriolanus' mother... There's something here that has to be at least partially on-purpose by Suzanne Collins. I'm not just making things up (unlike 90% of this blog).
Anyway, being brought into the world by Gaul of all people does invoke a sense of horror (also lol Snow's internal monologue in that scene). It's why I weaponize it in my Dr. Gaul-Pres. Ravinstill weird dynamic. (I headcanon that despite the Vickers' being the President and by extension his family's personal physicians. Gaul still comes out of obstetrician retirement to help with the births of all of the president's brother's progeny... which obviously includes Felix. I've been putting him through situations in my mind since his literal birth.)
I've mentioned her past as an obstetrician a couple times in my Pres. Ravinstill-centric fics as well. The above headcanon makes a guest appearance in one of them (In Your Image), and I definitely mention it in passing within Ave Atque Vale.
Umm, yeah, so based on the length of this response, I definitely think about her being a former obstetrician a lot!
Thanks, anon! I am always happy to hear anyone's random thoughts on tbosas, although I can't always promise to be as able to engage with them as fully as I have here considering my unique perspective as Ravinstill EnjoyerTM (and General 10th HG Mentor Enjoyer) gives me a strange range of things I have lots of thoughts about.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
Hey, can I get some headcanons of Icemav being grandparents? I think your grandparent au is so cute, and I want to know more!🥰
You absolutely can, it's my favourite thing to talk about!!
It is very, very hard to get the babies out of Ice's arms once he's got them, he could sit for hours on end, rocking them and humming to them and pulling faces to make them smile. Mav just has to perch his chin on Ice's shoulder and grin down at them. He's not that annoyed, the only thing cuter than his grand babies is watching his husband with them
Poppy especially is always insisting on bursting into Ice's office and sitting with him while he works. She'll sit on his knee and say 'tell the boats to go over there' and Ice will smile and nod, yes of course, dear. As he does something completely unrelated.
Tommy, the little boy, adores stuffed animals, they're his favourite thing. As soon as his grandparents hear that, all of a sudden he's always coming back from their house with a brand new stuffed animal. Bradley will tell his uncles they are making his life so much harder, Mav says that sounds like a you problem,
In my head, there's three hangster babies, Poppy then Tommy then another little girl called Joy. Joy takes the biggest interest in man's hangar, from when she's about four she's always wanting to be there, always fascinated by what her Pops is doing. She can take apart a car engine and put it back together by the time she's twelve, Mav is so proud of her. However she's also the one who takes the biggest interest in Ice's babushka's recipe book and spends hours happily baking with him in the kitchen and even opens a bakery when she's older where she still uses those same old recipes she learned from her deda.
Maverick is putting that somehow still well functioning sixty year old body to use, always running around with the kids on his shoulders, playing aeroplane with them, swimming with them. Once they go home with their dads, he's face down on the floor groaning that tours of duty were less exhausting than being a grandparent.
They are absolutely those grandparents who fill their grandkids full of sugar, spoil them rotten and let them sleep way past nap time. Bradley is on his Knees, you're literally killing him.
Three a side family dogfight football tournaments. Tommy sits out because honestly, it gets hostile and he's not cut out for it
Ice is always falling asleep with his grand babies on the sofa, Mav calls it 'their' nap time meaning all three babies and his husband. They're all nightmares if they don't get at least an hour
Poppy hears her deda's callsign and is a little confused by it. She asks if he got it because he's warm and soft like a polar bear because honestly thats the only version of Ice that she's ever known, she can't imagine him being a smug, tooth snapping asshole
The hangster kids taking it in turns wearing that cowboy had Bradley had when he was tiny
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t-nd-rfoot · 2 years
🔥 + jake, my beloved!!! (For the emoji headcannons)
GATHER 'ROUND Bonfires with Jake Headcanons
Jake is a fire man! Oh no, sorry, not that kind of fireman...
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Pairing Jake Seresin x reader
Theme fluff
Word Count 569
Note Honestly, had so many interpretations for this one!!! There was ‘cooking with Jake’, ‘Jake eating spicy foods’, even ‘Hot summers with Jake’ 🫣 but once this idea came to mind (as basic as it is huhu) I just could not stop thinking about it!!! Had a lot of fun with this one, I hope you enjoy it 😌
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Reblogs are the best way to support creators (writers, artists, gif makers, everyone!) on this platform. Share the content, share the love!
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Everyone currently stationed at Top Gun knew that bonfires were the Dagger’s special way of celebrating, well…anything
Successful missions, birthdays, family visits, milestones, etc.
Even if there was nothing specific to celebrate, there was one wherever they went (off base, of course)
But no matter what the occasion—or whose occasion—it was guaranteed that Jake was man to set it up (lol)
So technically, bonfires were really more Jake’s thing than a Dagger thing, but they were more than happy to partake every time
His favorite thing about fires was how they were fit for nearly any occasion or location
At the beach? Bonfire after some dogfight football
Even before they started playing, he asked the local lifeguards if he could set one up
Penny keeps a stash of driftwood that would end up on the shores for whenever he wanted to set one up
In the snow? That’s what fireplaces are for
Everyone knows not to sit in his “prime spot” in the living room whenever the fireplace was lit
(That prime spot being on the floor in front of the couch by the windowed wall so that while you were on the couch, he could sit in between your legs and feel the enough heat from the fire to warm him but not feel stuffy)
Backyard party? He built a fire pit at home
It was the pride of your backyard, knowing how much work he put into building it
“I want to make as many memories as we can around this, so this is for you, too, as much as it is for me,” he told you when he proposed the idea right after moving in
And true enough, many moments were spent there, even if it wasn’t always lit
Middle of the afternoon? “I just got a new grill, let’s bring out some beers and make it a barbecue!” and he would proudly wear his “Hot Stuff 🌶️” apron while he cooks
Late at night? “Honey, where are the—?” you hand him the outdoor blankets and the s’mores kits before he can even finish
He’d even ask Rooster to bring a guitar to play some songs for everyone as the night unwinds
From childhood to now, many of his favorite memories involved some sort of gathering around an open flame
Camping trips every summer with his family
Parties he attended in high school
You guys even lit a small one—just for the two of you—at the end of your wedding reception at the Seresin family ranch after the last guest left but you guys didn’t want to end the night just yet
Heck, the first night you stayed over!!!
There just so happened to be a storm that night which caused the electricity to go out
But since he lived in a small apartment then with no fireplace, he looked for some candles to use for emergencies and placed a few around the room
And he used one to set on his kitchen counter where you both sat, taking turns trying to roast marshmallows on toothpicks over the single tiny flame
It became a sort of tradition every time he got relocated and moved into a new place
After dinner on the first night, you guys would turn off the lights, light a single candle, and roast marshmallows before going to bed
Needless to say, bonfires were Jake’s special love language
That wherever a fire was lit, was where his loved ones would be
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Disclaimer I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission
Edited layout
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
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I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since Top Gun: Maverick took the world by storm and we were all living our best Top Gun Summer!
June 4th will mark one year since the first time that I saw TGM in theaters, which will always be special to me! I often wish that I could go back and experience watching this movie again for the first time—what a thrill that was! It will also mark one year since I decided to create this sideblog as a way to fangirl endlessly over the masterpiece I had just witnessed.
June 5th will mark one year since I posted my very first TGM ficlet—a silly little headcanon list about what it would be like to be married to one Lieutenant Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. Little did I know then just what that one little story would lead to! It’s been a wild ride, and I’ve loved every minute of it!
Since this fandom is so very special to me, I wanted to host a little celebration to commemorate my “Top One” Anniversary. Get it? 😉
I’ll be honoring requests submitted from June 1st - June 5th. Feel free to send in as many requests as you’d like, but please keep it to one request per ask. Have fun and thanks for being here! 🥳
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-> Mav’s Memory Wall: Send me a character (could be any character from the OG film or TGM) and a color scheme/theme/aesthetic, and I’ll create a mood board for you!
-> Don’t Think, Just Do: Hit me with your best headcanon asks or share your favorite headcanons with me!
-> Do Some Of That Writing Shit: Send me a character/pairing and a prompt and I’ll write you a little drabble! (Note: I’ll be accepting drabble requests for Bradley Bradshaw, Hannix, and Bob Floyd)
-> Talk To Me, Goose: Spread some happiness! Tell me something good about your day, scream about your favorite parts of Top Gun, send a shoutout to your favorite friends in the fandom. Let’s keep it positive!
-> Darts & Dogfight Football: Let’s play a game! FMK, CYM, Would You Rather, or another game of your choice!
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princeandrogyne · 7 days
My headcanon is chadgina is dogfight
- not either of them
I know dogfight in real actual life and I have them on Instagram and they have a boyfriend so uh. Wrong
@d0gf1ght hey buddy look u got noticed
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The dagger squad headcanons (+ what it’s like being in it)
The daggers got to stay together after the events of TGM. When they aren’t on a top secret (like the public CANNOT know under any circumstance) mission, they all teach a top gun
Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, Payback, Fanboy, Maverick, and Hangman all got promoted. Maverick as the permanent commander of the Daggers.
Barbecues at Mav’s and Penny’s
Borrowing Mav’s P-51
Beating the new classes of Top Gun in training dog fights
Movie nights
Dogfight football
Gym days
Hard deck
Gaming tournaments
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fierath · 2 years
random top gun headcanon bc I'm watching it for like the 68th time probably:
Cyclone found the squad at the beach playing dogfight football because he has find my friends set up to track Mav's phone
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redfurrycat · 1 year
Hey, why does almost everyone dislike Charlie in this fandom? They don't have a problem with Carole though.
Hello Anon :)
If you expect me to talk about what people in the fandom think, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you. :(
I can't say I keep track, even with my favourite thing to talk about (aka Hangster)... I mostly keep to my bubble with 'some outside' interactions. 😃
Hardly someone who'd know about how to answer your question on a more global level.
That being said, I can talk about MY vision of Charlie??? :)
I'll put everything under the cut. ;)
First and foremost, I'll say it's been A LONG TIME SINCE I LAST watch the Top Gun movie, from the beginning to the end.
I keep watching the same scenes over and over again, aka the 'you're the one' and the final dogfight scenes. Mainly.
Why? Because Goose's death and the subsequent trauma from Mav and Carole makes me sob, and I don't can't deal with these particular scenes...
So, as I said, it's mostly me watching parts of scenes.
My vision of Charlie is heavily based on fics then. And from the ones I've read, she has generally the role of the ex/bitter-ex/evil person...
(One of the reason I'd like to be able to watch the movie again, it's so that I can see Charlie from the canon movie point of view...)
The way I remember her from the movie is that her scenes with Mav made me cringe... And I kept thinking why is there another blonde while Mav ALREADY HAS HIS BLONDE (Mister Iceman)?!
All this didn't endear her to me... (Again. A rewatch is a must to erase any previous misconceptions and see her with fresher eyes.)
Carole though? Impossible not to love that woman! She is so perfect with Goose and Mav! We awe at her relationship with her husband and brother/best friend and then cry with her after Goose's death.
In contrast, Charlie just seemed to be in the way to me... Like siriusly to me the movie ends with Ice sunny-smiling at Mav! xD
So, I'm not really into the romantic aspect of Charlie/Mav... I MUCH PREFER the pennymav from the TGM movie!!!
HOWEVER, I think I love Charlie as a character only. She had the potential of being a strong female character, but again the cringe-vibes of the romantic scenes kinda erase that...
MY favourite headcanon is that Mav and Charlie remain in very good terms, and become close friends after 1) Mav realises he loves Ice. 2) Charlie comes out as a lesbian. ((I ship Charlie with Penny. BADASS WOMEN AHOY!!!!!!! *heart eyes* They'd be so cute together.) I like Charlie (and Penny) being protective over Mav and listening to him pining about Ice (the shovel talk is quite brutal! xD). Offering sensible advice too. Also talking with him about technical stuff. These two are both smart!!!!! Mav would in return be a guard dog, protecting Charlie from unwanted eyes at the Bar where Penny works. After all, he's the one to introduce both his exes, he's the perfect wingman to his ladies!!!! :D
Final words are. The way YOU consider Charlie is a-okay, so is the way I see her and the way the fandom sees her.... :)
Sorry my babble can't exactly give you the answer you're looking for! ;)
Have a good day, Anon! :)
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swallowtail-ageha · 4 months
16, 18, 24, 27, 33 for Martyr Logarius please? 👀
From this post
16- Deepest darkest secret they won't even admit to themselves
That he knew that his crusade was likely futile and that the healing church as an institution was doomed to fail. As long as Annalise lived there was also the chance that she'd be found by someone, and knew that other vilebloods managed to escape the massacre and were still around. Menawhile, for the healing church thing, it was already as fragile and ideologically fragmented as it was from the beginning. He decided to ignore both of those things to feed himself the delusion of being Le Holy Warrior
18- What they'd go to see a therapist about
Guy gets dragged into therapy after having a mild mental breakdown about wanting to preserve his extremely holy image but also the Temptations (tm) are too strong. I don't think his ideologies about women and purity (bar the racism) are typical to yharnam (especially before the healing church), but he was one of those guys who got radicalized really easily and i think that too is a therapy worthy subject to talk about because it meant that he had to confront himself with the fact that he wasn't the sigma male who manipulated others and pioneered his own ideology but he was a guy who got swindled by an ideology made by others in an extremely easy way
24- Most annoying habit
Zero. Personal. Space. He's an extremely touchy person with both those who he likes and dislikes, and tends to get really near to people's faces when talking to them and if he's really caught in the heat of the moment he can also grab his interlucotor's face
27- Their guilty pleasure
Betting. The man loved to bet on horses or dogfighting or cockfighting (heh). It was almost pathologic lol, and he had to go disguised to not rouse suspicion and shatter his holier than thou image.
33- Something guaranteed to make them cry
To me he is less of a sad crier and a more of an angry crier! If someone get under his skin well enough by doing things such as talking back to him, not listening to what he's saying or directly disobeying his orders with enough confidence to not fear a possible punishment he'll start to seethe so much that he'll cry (in private)
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