#eddie diaz defense squad assemble
Apparently, Josh really pissed me off back then. Don't come for my repressed firefighter son or I'll come for you I guess? lol:
Not gonna lie, kind of pissed at Josh this episode. I get the point he was making and that there is a reason they have protocols in place, but that was a really shitty way to get that point across. You're telling an experienced firefighter, army medic, and vet (who was the only one to figure out about the pressure switch under the gas pedal btw) to back the fuck up and that this is your house? Really? Not to mention, Eddie was right, time was of the essence and he told Linda to tell the caller first, before taking over. Then he handled it and kept a calm, even tone just like Linda would have. So wtf? Plus, to start out almost baiting Eddie by being friendly and asking about his weekend plans and then sort of commiserating in a way about how scary the truck emergency was and then complimenting him on catching the secondary trigger...that's even shittier, especially with what came after it all. And then to go into that tone with "You know, you could have come to me with your concerns" - um, really? You were in the break room, Josh, most likely gossiping and literally sipping tea. Not that Eddie couldn't have gone and gotten him, but come on. And "You are a guest in this house. Act like it" -- since when was Eddie not acting appropriately (except apparently for this godforsaken handling of this emergency that again SAVED the husband)? And he's a guest? Because he's in a liaison role? What a crappy thing to say. And it's not as if Eddie had a chip on his shoulder or wasn't approachable. Again, I get that Josh was just making sure it didn't happen again and the point he made was valid, but wow what a hell of a way to make it.
I usually love Josh but that was bullshit.
Don't come for Eddie Diaz or I'm coming for you. You hear me, Josh? And Maddie will not be able to save you. =P
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sasanka-27 · 3 months
Eddie Diaz pfp for Eddie lovers (free to save and use but personal use only, no reposting please)
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
Thank you for your Shannon posts because every time I try to talk about how I hate her because of her gross ableism I get called a misogynist and uhhhhh that’s not it!
Hiiii, honey! Oh my god, do I love or do I love you? 💕 I love the show, I love our fandom, and I absolutely am IN LOVE with the Buckley-Diaz family unit. However, as an adult with cerebral palsy (Gavin’s a bit more advanced than me because he can use crutches/walk short distances without help while I have spent nearly three decades operating a wheelchair), I find it extremely difficult to speak my mind and be heard.  The female characters on this show, especially those connected to Buddie, are going to get the benefit of the doubt by default because nobody wants to look misogynistic, let’s keep it 💯. I also believe fans took offense to Eddie being redeemed for abandoning his responsibilities while Shannon was the absentee mother who didn’t even get the opportunity to change. To the average fan, there was an injustice. Shannon Diaz Defense Squad assemble!, of course. But I’m gonna say something that her supporters are not here for: those writers went easy on her.  I have spent my life being cared for by an ableist mother (which is why Ana drives me up the damn well, but that’s a different discussion), and she has never missed her chance to let me know when I have caused her unwelcomed stress, anxiety, what have you. Shannon didn’t take out her true feelings about motherhood on her child. She saved those thoughts for arguments with her husband. Christopher is going to be able to live his life believing that his mother loved him (which she did) and yes, it will hurt when he gets older and he has to confront the fact that she left and was planning on leaving again before her death, but speaking from experience... there’s nothing worse than being raised by someone who makes you question your worth. There’s nothing worse than feeling like your existence brings pain and suffering to people you care about.  I NEEDED Shannon Diaz in my life. I NEEDED to see a mother give birth to a disabled child and admit to herself she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing and she isn’t sure she can handle the life she was given. I needed that because that’s MY life. That’s MY backstory.  I’m glad it causes her fans so much grief, if you want the truth. Imagine being the daughter of someone like that in real life. How do you think I feel every single day?
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