#eden’s ugly smug face wasn’t helping either
sparkleapple · 5 months
How come Belgium didn’t qualify but Israel’s boring ass did??!!
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fairyshuuu · 7 years
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Genre: fluff, smut (M) Pairing: Dystopian!Exo, Kyungsoo x reader Length: 5.3k Warnings: Swearing, daddy kink, thigh riding
You kick some metal trash out of the way, and walk through the open field in silence, holding your perfect black nails in front of you for a quick inspection. Perfect mirrors shatter as you walk through the puddles, groaning at the mud it leaves behind on your black knee-high boots. The outsides are plain disgusting, if someone is to ask you. Full of garbage, trashed buildings and rogues. Thinking that, you look up to your left. The white abandoned complex is still leaning up against it’s neighbor, the infrastructure just barely holding up against gravity. You huff, blowing some of your hair out of the way. 
They should have bombed it to the ground completely. Your feet carry you further out into the open, while you tug your bubblegum pink coat closer, wincing as the freezing wind nips at your exposed legs, but don’t stop walking. You would never in a million years be caught looking even a little weak. Too many vultures everywhere. You look around the space for a second, not missing the brunette ducking down behind one of the car wrecks, as you grin to yourself. Cute vultures, but vultures nevertheless. The stone walls now come in clear sight, so you slow your steps, allowing the- what do you call a group of low bred, carcass eating birds- the wake to catch up to you. Stupid rogues thinking they are so smooth. You had spotted them from the moment you chose to come out of the shadows, but still they hid to keep watch on you from afar. 
When you’re in front of the wall, you look up, holding up your hand to shield your eyes from the sun that comes brightly peeking over the horizon. It’s probably half through the day, but the sun is already lowering, painting the sky a soft purple. Guess that’s what happens when a giant meteorite knocks the earth from it’s course. That, and seasons where you can’t even go outside because everything that the sun touches becomes so hot you would probably boil before getting two feet. You groan, looking over your shoulder with both boredom and irritation. What were these losers even doing? Isn’t it polite to welcome guests and possible clients?
You stare out over the heaps of trash for a bit longer, before crossing your arms over your chest. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
There’s noise, and then movement to your left, two men crawling from behind two crashed cars. You recognize the one wearing red as the cute brunette you spotted earlier, while his partner sports a lighter colored cut. Why outsiders felt such a need to look like the most obnoxiously colorful versions of themselves was still beyond you, even now. Something even you, the girl with the bright pink furry coat, are saying. As they approach, you get a better look at them. Both men are significantly smaller than you, probably even without heels, and that makes you grin in amusement. 
They are both holding some heavy duty tasers, that somehow, in their hands don’t look nearly as impressive as they should. The slightly taller one of the two, the one in red, walks ahead a bit, big eyes gleaming with interest and something else, that you decide to ignore. When he comes to a stop a few feet away from you, you have to hold in a change of your expression. Urg, vultures. Both men tilt their head slightly curious when you don’t speak right away.
Trying your best to hold in a smug grin, you lift an eyebrow. “Boo.”
They visibly flinch for a split second, before finding themselves again, and taking on some more relaxed postures. The, what you assume to be the older, man in red reaches in his back pocket, almost rolling his eyes at you, as he pulls a black box to his face. “All clear, Xiu. Pack it up, let’s go.”
From the corner of your eye, you suddenly spot movement to your right. Up in one of the top floors of the neighboring building is a man sat casually in the window, back pressed against the white stone. He’s dressed in a yellow and black striped sweater, and slumped back like he’s not bothered by anything, a random red balloon tied to his one ankle, that lays crossed over the other. You could have sworn he was not there when you were looking over the buildings earlier, but his behaviour seems to prove otherwise. He is blowing out vibrant blue smoke, as he tilts his head back, while the one with the talkie groans in frustration. You can almost understand his anger, since the man in the building doesn’t respond at all.
The brunette huffs, taking his eyes of the bee-looking one over to you, before rolling his eyes. “Xiumin! Pack your shit up, we’re all going in in five. Don’t be late.”
The other one just crosses his arms over his chest defensively, before turning his face away to mumble something back. “-Again.”
The other lowers his head for a bit, rubbing his eyebrow in clear annoyance, while you shift your weight to your other hip. “Shut up, Chen.” He turns fully to you then. “I assume you’re here to talk to the big man?”
You look him up and down a couple of times. He must be rather new. “Polite. I’m fine, thank you. No, the travel wasn’t long at all. Just a good three days. Nice to see people care.” The lighter haired one needs to hold in a smile, but the older man doesn’t seem impressed, so you roll your eyes. “Yes, I’m here to see the big man himself. How exciting.” You elegantly pull open your coat to reach the inside pocket, pulling out a golden plaque, and toss it over to the man, who catches it with one hand.
Chen moves at that, walking up behind the other man to look with over his shoulder. “Wait- Precious?” His serious face turns into a wide smile then, pulling his black crew neck a bit lower. “I didn’t recognise you with that ugly coat.” He turns to the other man then, slapping his arm while he points at you. “Now this is good, Baekhyun. She’s quite the regular.”
The man in red, Baekhyun apparently, looks you up and down more closely now. You doubt he’s able to make out much apart from your somewhat unusual attire though. Chen, who you have actually gotten to know as Jongdae before, is right, this coat is truly horrendous. Sadly, it’s part of your work attire. Baekhyun looks around the open space once more, eyes flicking up to the building shielding it off, before back at the wall. “Fuck. He’s gonna be late again.” He pulls out the ancient-looking device again, bringing it to his mouth with a frown. “Headquarters?”
There’s some white noise from the other side, before a bored sounding voice cuts through. “Copy.”
“Send someone over, Xiumin’s gonna miss nightfall again.”
The device cracks, as the person on the other side answers. “That wi- b- kind of difficult.”
Clearly getting more and more frustrated, Baekhyun closes his eyes. “What do you mean, difficult? Just send Kai or Chanyeol to come out here.”
“Kai’s busy, company has arrived. And Chanyeol is-” There’s some muffled sounds from the other end, before the voice speaks up again. “Nevermind, Chanyeol’s free. Chanyeol, Minseok’s blazed again. Go get him, pretty please.”
A deeper voice comes through, clearly annoyed. “You’re a fucking dickhead, Oh Sehun. I was busy-”
“And I’ll keep her cute ass company, bud, don’t worry. Now, go get our elderly, and stop complaining.”
The line cuts out at that, and Baekhyun puts away the thing again, turning to the wall as he mumbles angrily to himself. “Why do I need to deal with all these assholes- Stupid-”
The stone walls grunt before Jongdae can add his most likely very helpful commentary, making you turn in surprise, before sliding open slowly. They open up to reveal the base, something that even after having been here more than twice, is still impressive. There’s guard towers on either side, the big wooden built structures looking out over both the inside and the wall, and then long stretch of tarp-covered tents. On one of the guard towers, a man with an even bigger looking weapon, one you’re not sure of what it is, peers down at the three of you curiously. 
He’s dressed the most normal out of all of the men you have encountered so far, just a white button up and black pants. His face and neck are covered in colorful flowers though, mixes of red and blue and gold everywhere. Very strange fashion sense, this one. Pretty though. You just follow behind the two men as they walk through the gates, heading straight for what’s supposed to be headquarters. It’s more a cluster of old houses though, surrounded by a wall of wooden stakes. Walking in your direction coming from headquarters is another man, that you vaguely recognize from some of your earlier visits.
He has very prominent light silver hair, sticking in every direction possible, and is wearing an all-black combination. He looks more than a bit mildly annoyed, while passing you three, mumbling to himself as his eyebrows pull together. “-tell them i’m busy since I have my fucking girl in my lap, but oh no-”
You just follow him for a bit with your eyes when he passes, surprised at his tall statue, and watch him leave out of the gate. You have to hold in a snort at his angry stomps. Throughout the camp sounds a loud voice over speakers then, announcing the end of the day. “Six minutes till sundown. Wall will close in the same amount of time. All residents, make sure to not leave borders for safety measures.” Temperatures can drop dangerously low when the sun goes, which is why you guess they have this rule here. When you get to the houses, some people are lighting up lanterns that are set up between the houses, while you spin in a little circle to take everything in. If you weren’t used to a little more class, you would probably find it pretty here.
“Right,” Baekhyun suddenly claps, “I have business to attend to. Jongdae-” Jongdae groans at the call of his name, glaring at the other. Baekhyun just sighs. “Just get her to Sehun, will you?” Though Jongdae doesn’t really answer, Baekhyun starts walking away and mumbles a quiet retort, tossing him the talkie. “Whiny bitch.”
“I heard that!”
“Well, good! That was my intention.” He smiles, mouth pulling into a square, as he waves the two of you off.
Jongdae looks back at you, before stomping his feet in protest. He quickly gets over himself though, walking on. You’re now lead to the house the farthest away from the entrance, and walk up the stairs quickly to keep up with Jongdae’s sudden change in pace. He looks like he’s dying to drop you off now too, and while you definitely enjoy seeing the dysfunctional mess of a group that’s collected here, you just want what you came here to get as soon as possible too. When the doors swing open, you’re a bit overwhelmed by both the heat and the collection of smells that hits your face. There is a thick layer of smoke shrouding everything from the ceiling to about people’s thighs, just lingering there, when you walk in. Lots of other bodies are collected in this house, while you walk into some kind of rave.
Jongdae just motions for you to follow him, pushing some people out of the way while he passes, so you follow. The smoke smells like rose water, but since you have no clue of what it actually is, you’re glad when you two arrive at the far end of the room, and walk into a much more quiet and empty hallway. There are some girls walking around in similar attire as yours here too, one of which Jongdae takes a gently hold of, holding her back by her shoulder. The girl is wearing some giant goggles with thick rubber bands on her face, exact same furry jacket as yours. Jongdae smiles at her, letting his hand drop. “Hey, Gorgeous! Baekhyun is looking for you at home.” He hesitates, but the girl seems to know what he’s gonna say already, answering him before he can even ask.
“Dreamy is upstairs, Jongdae. She’s waiting.” Gorgeous smiles at him, teasingly patting his cheek, before smiling at you and walking out of the hallway.
Without explaining, Jongdae continues through the hallway. You suppose he knows there’s not much that needs to be explained. The green and the cyan lighting makes the entire hallway wave left and right. Or it might be the smoke from earlier, you’re not sure. Luckily, you soon bump into Jongdae’s back, as he stops in front of an all glass room, where a young man sits leaned back in his chair, with a headset around his neck. He’s laughing while talking to a petite dark brown haired woman, dressed in all black. 
The girl moves out of the way from Jongdae for a second, flashing you a quick smile. Jongdae looks her up and down, before breaking out laughing, and slaps the other man on the back. “Chanyeol is gonna be so pissed, you really had to interrupt, huh?” When you look again, you understand what Jongdae means, noticing the purple and red peeking through on her neck through her hair. The other doesn’t answer, though he can’t wipe a smug smile from his face. Jongdae just shakes his head, before looking around. “Where’s Jongin?”
The other man just points to the half open there farther along the hall, shaking his head with a smile. “Don’t know what you’re gonna run into though, I wouldn’t risk it.”
Jongdae rolls his eyes. “Well, we need the key, our Precious has a meeting with the big boss.” The other man just shrugs, before continuing his conversation with the girl, as Jongdae nods and turns on his heel. He doesn’t even hesitate pushing open the door, which makes you wonder how many times he’s hand to do this. When Jongdae doesn’t immediately dramatically scream or jump back, you determine it must be fine, and walk in behind him. It’s not really okay.
The man which you guess to be Jongin is seated in a sofa, with a blonde woman seated on top of him. They are really in the middle of a makeout session, and you need to look away not to feel too awkward.
Jongdae doesn’t seem very surprised though, just clearing his throat. “I see the company really has arrived. Ayla, darling, how are you doing?”
The two people break away from each other, to clear distaste of the male, who is full-on glaring at Jongdae. “What do you want, Kim?”
Jongdae grins at his friend’s reaction, before motionning his head back over to you. “We need the key, big boy.”
Jongin just chuckles, leaning up to kiss the woman once again, before moving her leg from over his thighs. “I’m not giving you the fucking key, you little shit. I still remember last time. That’s not happening again.”
You look from between the two males, to Ayla, who is now crossing her arms over her chest like you are, while the boys go back and forth like children.
“We need it.”
“Too bad.”
“She needs to see the boss, Jongin.”
“I’m not giving you the key, Dae.”
“Last time was last time, I won’t play around now!”
“I’m not giving you the damn ke- Hey!”
The other female in the room has decided to take the decision into her own hands, literally, fishing out the keys from her boyfriend’s pocket, before crossing the room, over to you, snickering at the reaction of both males. “You are both idiots.” She turns to you then, bright blue eyes catching yours. “Come on, ignore them.” She shows you out of the room, ocean blue heels tapping on the tiles of the hallway. 
You two walk all the way to the end of the hall, before turning right. There’s a big staircase there, falling in silence when the door falls in lock behind you. Ayla looks over at you though, a shy smile on her lips. “This is not your first time coming here, right? The boss can be quite intimidating if you’re meeting him for the first time, definitely all alone.”
You smile back at her, watching her blonde curls bounce around as you walk up the stairs. Oh no, you know just what Kyungsoo is like, from your earlier visits. Always looking out for his own ass first, but a good business man too. “No, luckily not.” When you arrive at the top of the stairs, the woman next to you walks over to the door and unlocks it for you smoothly, to which you gratefully nod your head, before walking in. Some soft R&B is playing in the background, while you wade yourself through shimmery strands of silver confetti, that is covering the entire floor with a thick layer. 
Yeah, because that’s totally normal. You look up to find a desk though, where the chair is pushed out, said boss sitting relaxed in his plush filling with his eyes closed. There are two other girls with cotton candy pink coats here, both almost hanging off the man, both looking up when you close the door a bit harder than intended. The boss, whose name you know quite well now, Do Kyungsoo, opens his eyes slowly.
Though he doesn’t look too happy to be getting a visit from you, his eyes widen enough for him to betray his interest in your arrival. You gleam. “Kyungsoo, sweetie. It’s been so long.” You calmly slide your shoulders out of your coat, as you walk over to the chair opposite of him, tossing the pink piece of clothing on the floor next to you.
Kyungsoo licks his lips slowly, before waving the two women towards the door. “Leave us. I’ve got business to attend to.” The girls frown, but do as told, and move through the sea of silver towards the door. Kyungsoo pulls himself up straight, before briskly turning to the girls. “Oh, Joy?” One of the girls, the one with the longer black hair, turns to look over her shoulder, eyes wide. “Tell Sehun that no one is to come into this room, or they’ll regret it. Business is secret, and we want to keep it that way, right, ladies?”
The girls nod and leave the room in silence, as you kick back in the chair, tilting your head to the familiar face with a smile. Kyungsoo’s eyes flick from the door to you from the moment the former shuts tightly, pursing his lips. “What are you here for this time, Precious? Any special demands?”
You scoot closer, leaning your elbows on the desk with a grin. “Not really. I’m here to get the newest of the newest, that’s all. You do have something for me, right, Soo?”
Kyungsoo pauses, looking over your entire face with a slightly sceptical look, before bending to take something out of one of his drawers, tossing it on the desk. It’s a plastic bag full of colorful candies, about the size of a thumbtack.
You lean forward a bit, slightly interested. You don’t do the stuff, just the transporting, but still it’s interesting to see. The little circles look very particular, almost like molten grains of sugar clumped together, transparent but still colored in different colors. You slump back in your seat then, eyeing Kyungsoo again. His short black hair is immaculate, as always, a black turtleneck peeking out from under his white jacket. “So? How much is this little bag?”
Kyungsoo genuinely laughs at that, taking the back back in his hands. “I’m afraid not even your fluttering eyelashes will help you this time, Precious. This bag is worth more than your life. One of these is worth two million.” Though you don’t speak, Kyungsoo notices the widening in your eyes, as he stands up from his chair. “They’re not meant to be just swallowed by one person. It’s made to just taste and pass it through. Just doing that will make you trip for three days straight. I don’t want to know what it does to a person if you have the entire thing on your own.” He twirls one of the candies between his fingers, before grinning to himself. “Well, death probably.”
You get up from your chair too, walking over to him with a smile. You’re taller than him too, the heels of your tight boots tapping on the floor for you to come to a halt in front of him. Leaning in a bit, you nod with a smile, running a nail over his shoulder. “Of course you’d make something like that, I should have expected nothing less.” You let out a soft breath, walking around him slowly without taking your finger off him. “Tell me, Soo… Did you really just miss me as a client?” You let your lips hover over his ear as your hands come to slide over his chest. “Or-” He freezes, as you nip at the skin behind his ear softly, a giggle ripping from your throat. “Did you miss me as me?”
From the moment the words leave your lips, Kyungsoo has you turned around and pressed with your back against the desk, trapped between his thighs. The bag is dropped to the ground next to you, as Kyungsoo’s big hands find your wrists, rubbing them gently. “You can never just play nice, can you?” He groans, before pressing his face into your neck. “Fuck, I missed you.”
You pull him away by his shoulders, before smiling brightly, pushing your lips eagerly to his. Kyungsoo grunts in response, deepening the kiss immediately, one hand tangling in your hair and pulling back a bit. The pull makes your heartbeat speed up, as you wrap your one leg around his legs to press him closer into you, hands pulling at his collar. His tongue glides into your mouth, while your face heats up, before having to break away to breathe for a second. When he does, Kyungsoo pulls your head back even more, exposing your neck to him, as he mumbles against your skin. “You were gone for so long, I actually-” He pauses his words to suck harshly on the soft skin just below your jaw, as your nails dig into his shoulders in pleasure. “-got worried.”
You chuckle softly, grabbing a handful of hair at the back of his neck as you lead him lower. “Don’t be, baby. You know me, I get out every situation alive.”
Kyungsoo just hums in agreement, marking your flawless skin on the way down, as his free hand glides from your thigh to your ass. “Precious-”
You throw your head back as he bites the skin just above your breast, while his fingers dig into your ass, huffing out an answer desperately. “Yes, daddy?”
Kyungsoo lets a growl from the back of his throat at that, his plump lips opening to suck in a breath. You just keep your eyes on his, as they darken completely. He drops his hands from you then, clenching his jaw. “On your knees, now.” His voice sounds even deeper than before, making your legs feel like jelly.
You oblige though, holding your breath in anticipation, getting on your knees with big eyes, tongue peeking out to wet your lips.
Kyungsoo takes a step closer, running his thumb over your bottom lip. “You want to play, baby girl?”
You nod eagerly, choking out a quick “Yes.” He raises his eyebrows at that though, tilting his head. You pause, before quietly correcting yourself. If there’s anything Kyungsoo loves more than making you feel loved, it’s making you feel like you’ve done something wrong. “Yes, daddy.”
He nods at that. “How about this? We see how fast you can make me want to come in your pretty little mouth, and than I’ll decide how many times I’ll let you come today.”
Biting your lip, you nod, fluttering your eyelashes from your spot between his legs, eager as ever. You don’t wait for his signal anymore, hands reaching up to his thighs, higher and higher. As your hands glide over his crotch, you can already feel his dick hard and pressing against the fabric. You curl your fingers around the waistband, before pulling both layers down his strong thighs, licking your lips. His dick is already standing up straight against his stomach, as you swallow deeply, before looking up at him once more. His eyes are closed, mouth open at your fleeting touches, and you already know it won’t be too long. He missed you too much to try to last very long. You turn up the stakes a notch though, clearing your voice. “Daddy? Can you pull my hair please?”
Kyungsoo lets out a breathy groan at that, opening his eyes just a little to look down at your pouty lips. He grunts while tangling his fingers in your hair and pulling back, as you do your best to hold back a whimper. Then, you lean forward, tongue just teasing his tip. His hold on you immediately gets tighter, but you just continue running just the tip of your tongue over the sensitive head, only letting your lips touch as well when he grunts your name. You run your entire tongue from bottom to top along his length then, enjoying pulling small noises from him, and taking him into your mouth fully. 
Kyungsoo openly moans then, tugging your head back a bit, but you don’t stop, ready to play the game fully. You flatten your tongue and run it over the bottom of his hot cock while you bop your head back and forward, trying to ignore the effect his noises have on your body. Eventually, Kyungsoo can’t hold back anymore and let’s his hips twitch into your mouth, as you hold back tears that well up when he hits the back of your throat. You let him fuck your face to the best of your ability, before he pulls out of your lips breathlessly, looking down at you. He needs to pause for a second, grip loosening in your hair, though you can still feel the pull linger. “Fuck, I forgot how good you do that.” He pulls you up from the floor, hands pulling you up around him with his hands under your ass, setting you down on the desk again. 
Your panties are already soaked by now, so you’re glad when he starts pulling your one-piece down your shoulders to get you naked in front of him. When he gets the tight fabric down to your hips, he bends down for you, kissing his marks all over your neck and chest, before going down to your breasts. “Shit, I’ll make you come until you can’t take any more, baby girl.” He bites the skin of your breast harshly then, making your body shiver as you dig your nails into his lower back, desperately clinging to him. He cups your other breast, drawing small circles over your nipple, while sucking around the other.
“Ah, d-daddy, please, I’m already so wet for you. Please just f- ah.”
Kyungsoo interrupts your resolve by pushing his muscular thigh between your legs. “I haven’t seen you for so long, Precious. Just be a good girl and let me take my time with you.”
You whine at that, the pushing feeling making your senses go haywire. Without thinking, you wrap your legs around his one, grinding your hips into his leg desperately. Kyungsoo’s lips still travel all over your breasts still, wanting to prolong everything still, but does flex his leg against you. You push your face into his neck while moving your hips against him, biting the skin of his shoulder harshly. It’s a double feeling, but you can’t stop yourself. You can still feel his hard cock press against your stomach, and you ache for the filling stretch, but it also feels so good to have his strong thigh rubbing up against your sensitive clit.
After a bit, Kyungsoo groans, pulling back a bit, hands pulling your legs apart. “Okay, off, now.”
You practically rip the rest of your clothing off, kicking it from your feet to land somewhere on the floor. Kyungsoo comes back to you then, and now you’re desperate to get him naked in front of you, pushing the jacket from his shoulders, already tugging the black shirt over his head, before pulling him back to you, his warm skin now covering yours in tingles. “You want to ride my thigh again, baby girl?”
You moan at his words, before choking out an answer. “Yes, daddy. Oh please, yes.” He pushes against you again, strong thigh pressed between yours. You bite your lip so hard you think you taste iron on your tongue, but don’t care in the slightest, moving your hips against him over and over again.
Kyungsoo leans down to kiss you roughly, before pulling back to rest his forehead to yours. “Fuck, you’re so damn wet. I’m- fuck it.” He suddenly pushes into you, making you gasp while digging half moons into his perfect shoulders. His one hand is around your waist to hold you close against him, while the other lifts your leg, allowing him to hit deep into you. The building not in your stomach suddenly unravels with enormous speed, your orgasm coursing through you harshly. Kyungsoo doesn’t stop though, just kissing your neck as he continues his pace. “You can take another one, right?”
You don’t even have enough power to shake your head at his question, still coming down from your orgasm as he pushes into your sensitive walls over and over again. You instead choose to bury your face in his neck, as you feel another tingling sensation coming. Kyungsoo can feel your walls tighten again too, so he lifts his hips slightly, hitting your spot in the process, as you moan loudly. “Oh, right there. Fuck- again.”
Kyungsoo’s thrusts become more shallow as you clench around him, holding his own orgasm for you, as it courses though you even harder than before, making your eyes roll back, as you shudder against him. Just another thrust later, Kyungsoo comes too, painting your walls. He lets out a string of swears as he does, before slumping into you. The two of you stay like that for a bit, before he pulls out from overstimulation, making all the juices flow down your thighs. he chuckles softly at the sight. “I’m not done with you yet, just wait.”
You grin at that. “I’m aware.”
Kyungsoo’s expression softens a bit then, as he picks you up and lifts you away from the desk, over to the bed in the far corner of the room. “I’m not letting you leave here for at least a couple of days, work can wait.”
You just hum softly, running your fingers through his hair as he pulls you to him, flicking the light off.
Kyungsoo looks peaceful like this, sleeping soundly against you, and you purse your lips in disappointment. Somewhere, you had hoped it to be harder, than maybe you- You sigh, before moving out of Kyungsoo’s embrace in the cover of night, sleep not catching up to you yet. Silently, you gather your clothes and dress yourself, overlooking the room once. Sadly, the opposition has changed their ways. You pick up the bag from the floor, tying it nice and tight, before picking up your coat from the floor and pushing the bag into your pocket, with a sad smile. Just too bad, you really like him. Survival is a bitch though. You sigh, before pulling your hair into a ponytail, and walking to the door. You would feel bad but- Business is business.
I’m a mean writer. I know.
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