#eden. 001
loveofcharacters · 9 months
Aurora's reply didn't help her understand where she and Archie would land. Replaying it over and over while walking around the corner from the apartment, is the equivalent of self torture. Putting space between her and the apartment, letting the cold air dry the tears that fell down her cheeks didn’t give her the peace she thought it would. Holding herself together was becoming harder and harder with every step. She thought about her life, and knew Archie had provided enrichment that no one every had. Which stirred even more self hate with her choices and wondered what she could have done that would have produced a different outcome. Whether she admitted what she did today, or three years ago, she still would have lost him. Looking up, she recognized the familiar shapes of Archie and Alex, "Oh fuck," she murmured, taking deep breathes to surppress the sobs.
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elpida · 11 months
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He was stupidly handsome, the type of handsome that made her heart flutter every time she passed him in the hallway and since that first time she saw him, she'd done silly things just to see him for a few moments. Silly things like burning her toast. She had burnt her toast every time she had it, which had been far more frequent these days, just because she knew if that fire alarm went off, he'd curiously knock and she'd have an excuse to try and talk to him. It normally ended with doe eyes and heat in her cheeks.
Eden had crushes in high school, liked people but never quite to this extent, never enough that she stuttered from presence alone. She did hate that, how she got tongue-tied. Her father used to berate her terribly for it, scold her, punish her... and yer her heart beat so heavily around Xander that she couldn't help it.
"Hi!" she blurted when he answered the way she'd knocked a little tune into his door. Maybe she should've just, left the lasagne on the doormat, tapped and gone back into her flat but she had to start somewhere, right? "Hi I- Eden, from.." she wiggled her finger to her flat, a deep ceramic dish covered in tin foil in her other arm. "I hope this isn't ov-" she took a deep breath. Slow it down Eden. "I'll try that again, Hi, I'm Eden from across the hall, we've met a few times and I hope this isn't overstepping at all but, I noticed you come home late on Thursdays and I just... well I wanted to make sure you had something easy to eat, you know? Easy but, good and I mean I bake but I cook too and I don't think I'm too bad, apparently I make a great lasagne so.. well, this is for you." she had the most sheepish yet, sweetheart smile on her lips and a rosy lush to her cheeks, holding out the dish towards him. "Feeding people, kind of my thing so you know, if you're ever in need of a full stomach I'm uh-- I'm your girl." she nervously giggled.
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incrementumxmaxima · 6 months
Eden Lloyd was a powerful man; a renowned man who's name in the business world was synonymous and equitable to success and fortune. A man to please all, he was the face of the American Dream to those who wanted to become entrepreneurs like him and, for those of old money, he came across as having his head screwed on enough to make real waves in any scene he inserted himself into. His reputation was something of a behemoth, complete with the man to match it.
Civilians saw the muscled man with a sharp jawline, handsome and the eye of multiple beholders. Lovers saw his gargantuan cock, big balls and an ass like no other, always thanking the lord that he was, by some miracle, versatile and open to any and all parts of him being worshipped. Eden loved it that, no matter the scenario, people knew when he was present and fawned over him incessantly, both silently and verbally appreciating his muscles and physique.
Once upon a time, however, Eden had wanted a very different body for himself. Now fully entrenched and in love with his Adonian body he had crafted, long ago he had wanted to be the antithesis instead; a man with a huge gut, moobs instead of pecs and gluttony and hedonism ruling his life over moderation and strictness. Trying to gain under the pretence of a dirty bulk had worked well for a few months before Eden had decided that it firmly wasn't for him. Since that day, he shifted his focus towards feeding men and letting them realise their dreams of being huge, helping them every step of the way to make it a reality. And, for a long time, it satiated him - until it didn't.
It'd been a month since he had put up the ad on a sugar baby website. It was simple, straight to the point and didn't hide or conceal his expectations out of the arrangement. Simply put, instead of company and sex in exchange for money, all Eden wanted was a young man to fatten. His own personal project, he had called it in the advertisement, the next step from what he had been doing before; helping already big guys had lost its touch and, now, he wanted to ruin a college jock. Sex wasn't off the table, but was merely an added perk for pounds well gained.
Luca had responded to the advertisement fairly quickly, indicating an interest under some hesitations. Through their conversations on the advertisement app, Eden had learnt that the idea fascinated Luca but an actual commitment to it was something he was still on the fence about. To remedy it, Eden had begun giving him half of the weekly allowance he'd be entitled to when the full conditions of the arrangement began under the pretence of giving the younger boy some time to come to a decision. In the mean time, the two could (and had) met and interacted, defiling various places close to Eden, all culminating in a meeting in a small, private café near Eden's home. It was there that Luca would give final decision and, if deciding to go for it, discuss with Eden an initial goal weight. Seeing as Luca hadn't shied away so far, Eden was cautiously optimistic.
The high-end café that he had chosen to meet at was just busy enough where their conversation was discreet but still empty enough to give allowance for Eden to initiate anything if he so chose to. Having gotten there earlier than Luca, he lounged around and nursed a black coffee until the younger boy finally took his place in front of him. Though they had met before, Eden still found himself entranced by Luca's natural boyish charm.
"Good to see you," He said, smiling, the natural charm and charisma oozing out of him. "College going well?"
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springfallendeer · 5 months
Fall of Eden - 1 (Training: Introductions)
2500+ words. Sun and Moon are brought out of containment to be introduced to the animatronics that will be in charge of training them. We get a hint at where Eclipse is, and a sprinkle of lore about the Brothel versions of the boys (in the context of this crossover).
Nothing overtly worth a TW as of now. Though the next segments will contain some level of what could be classified as "Dubcon". And I get to dip my toes into describing the morbid reality of being a fully sentient animatronic in a world where humans control everything.
The boys from the Club AU (Escape from Eden) belong to @spicymoonmenace. Give them a looksee.
The previous part can be found here.
Eventually, the time came for their training to begin.
People arrived and gave the command to be followed. They naturally complied, as they had little choice but to do so.
The space that they had been kept in was little more than a glorified storage closet. An empty space with little light and nothing in terms of decoration. It existed only to keep them contained while the arrangements were made to have them trained and moved to their new stations.
The building outside of the storage room was anything but bland.
Just beyond their first room was the technician area. It was the space where all of the animatronics were sent in order to be upgraded or repaired. All of the typical essentials were present; from shelves covered in robotics supplies, to the actual tables where the maintenance took place.
The sight itself was no doubt mundane to the workers, who only saw these supplies as basic tools for the job. But to animatronics, it was like walking into a medical ward and seeing all the spare body parts hung up on the wall, just waiting to be used.
It was morbid. Unpleasant. Anxiety inducing. Especially when looking at spare parts that were considered a vital means of keeping an animatronic mind running.
There was the general knowledge that at any given time, they could be erased. Their minds and personalities could be wiped completely clean, allowing completely new minds to be born in their place.
The room was both a threat and a reminder. Obey or be destroyed. And while destruction as a whole was not an entirely horrible idea, given the circumstances, it was the knowledge of how their empty husks would be used that kept them in line.
Relief took hold the instant that they were led beyond the horrors of that room. But the message had been received loud and clear.
They would be obedient to their new master. Because it was that, or be deleted…
Beyond the maintenance room was some sort of a lobby. They needed to ascend a flight of stairs in order to reach it.
The building was much larger than they had first realized. They counted three different floors, excluding the stairs that led down into the ground.
Each floor was lined with doors. Which meant that there were a lot of rooms that they had yet to see. There was no telling if they even would see the rooms in question, considering how many there were…
Once in the lobby, they were brought to a desk. There, they encountered the first of the new animatronics that they would see.
He was beautiful.
He was shaped a lot like them. A celestial animatronic. He bore a lot of similarities to Eclipse, who they had yet to see. But his body was more vibrant. Painted in all the shades of the sunset, in gradients that made no two inches of his body look the same in color.
His body glittered in the lighting, more so whenever he moved.
Once he took notice of their approach, he closed the laptop that he appeared to be using, and he turned to address them.
“Well! Now who are these cuties~?” He asked with a smile.
His voice was smooth and deep. There was a note of amusement to his tone as he gave them a passive lookover. His tone alone implied that he was already aware of who they were on some level.
“The new recruits, Sir.” Their escort replied in turn, which only seemed to make the pretty animatronic’s smile widen somewhat.
“Ah! Good. Daddy told me that he wanted them trained soon~” He chuckled in response, before stepping out from behind his desk. “I can get started on that now, if you’re able to take over at the desk. The first round of customers are due to arrive soon.” He hummed.
The human responded in turn with a nod, before they stepped around to get behind the desk.
This left Sun and Moon with their new handler. The pretty animatronic. Who seemed eager enough to get started with them.
Oh, great. This was probably the “Eclipse” of the Brothel. The favorite. The top bitch, as it were. The one who was in charge of keeping all of the other animatronics in line.
This was probably going to be an unpleasant experience…
“Alright then~” The animatronic chuckled as he put all of his attention on his new toys.
“Come right this way~ We need to fetch a couple of helpers and get you into the training area.” He hummed, motioning for the pair to follow after him.
Again, they obediently followed their orders. Because they pretty much had no choice in the matter.
The two followed after this pretty animatronic as he led them up two flights of stairs.
There were a lot of doors. But these ones seemed to be where the animatronics were kept. The biggest door at the very top of the stairs might have even been where their new owner stayed. Not that they had any intention of peeking their heads in to find out.
They made a brief stop outside of one of the rooms, where their handler wound up calling out the inhabitants. Two additional animatronics. Who looked very eerily like them.
Another Sun and another Moon. Just… Sluttier versions? They had clearly been built to serve as brothel animatronics, unlike the former daycare attendants. Their bodies had all sorts of extra details that the daycare attendants did not. From extra padding to change the shape of their bodies, to flashier silicone casing that was made to be particularly visually appealing.
It was strange to see such… Blatantly horny replicas. But there was no real point in commenting on it, not right now.
“This is Dusk.” The handle states while pointing to the slutty Moon replica.
“This is Dawn.” He adds, pointing to the erotic Sun mimic.
“And I am Twilight.” He finishes, pointing to himself.
“The three of us will be working to train you for the time being~” He hums, before motioning for the group to follow after him.
Alright. Off to the training grounds, then.
“Those are… Interesting names.” Moon awkwardly comments.
This whole situation was unpleasant. Uncomfortable. He did not want to be here. All that he could think to do to settle his nerves was to make what was probably useless smalltalk.
“Well. We thought it would be nice to change them.” Twilight casually replies.
“We are the replicas. Figured it would be fair to let you keep your names, instead of making you change them.” He explains.
“Oh!” Sun gasps in turn, seemingly caught off guard by this information.
Then again, it sort of made sense. What were the odds that there would be three animatronics here which all seemed to be heavily inspired by them? Not very high, to be honest.
“That’s… Well. Thank you.” He quietly and awkwardly mutters.
It was nice, being allowed to keep his name. Moon felt just the same.
They had already had so much stripped away from them. Being allowed to keep their identities was at least something to be grateful for.
Granted, the revelation came with the knowledge that all of these animatronics were, in fact, their copies. Which was something very strange to think about. Not that Sun or Moon were about to start asking these uncomfortable questions.
The group was led to another door at the end of the hall. It was opposite the big set of doors that they assumed to lead to their master’s room.
This door was casually pulled open to reveal a stagnant interior. All of the walls were white and free of any actual decoration, save for a few shelves and digital screens that seemed to be attached to the ceiling.
The group was led right inside, and the door was closed.
Sun and Moon had themselves a look around.
There were some big chairs near the wall adjacent to the door, which were not visible from outside of the room. In the middle of the room, there was some sort of a table or bed. It was large, and held high off of the ground by what seemed to be a built in shelf. All of these items seemed to be medical grade; they were covered in padding and had visible means of being adjusted or used to hold someone down if need be.
If this was the training room, as they suspected it to be, then… Well, it was not what they had been expecting whatsoever.
It looked less like a place of debauchery, and more like a place where people would get treatment after an injury.
“Alright-” Twilight’s voice unexpectedly called out, catching the pair off guard “time for the rundown.” He states, casually removing the vest that was lazily wrapped around his torso before placing it onto one of the vacant chairs.
“You two are to begin your training today. This is a process that will last anywhere from a few days, to a few months, depending on how well you take to your lessons. You will learn the ins and outs of passion and ideally, figure out what particular role you plan to play here at our establishment.” He states while further stripping himself. There is absolutely no shame in his body language or in his tone as he easily steps out of his shoes and removes his pants, all while the animatronics observe him with varied levels of discomfort.
Dusk and Dawn seem completely fine, which is not all that surprising. They are the sex bots, after all. But Sun and Moon are not at all content with the little display.
“Once you have been trained, you’ll be moved up into a room of your own, or you’ll be put into a room to share with someone else. Dusk and Dawn share their room. I have my own, as do many of the other animatronics. It will all come down to your comfort level and how much space suits your needs.” Twilight explains, crossing one set of his arms in front of his chest while folding the other behind his back.
“If you have any questions, I’d suggest asking them now.” He then states.
That playful tone that was once in his voice was all but gone now. Replaced with something more blunt and almost mechanical in how it sounded, as though all of this was just some sort of a program that he was running.
Due to the overall discomfort of the situation, neither Sun nor Moon can really bring themselves to ask the questions that they do have. Like “can we get out of this?”, which was a question that they already had the answer to.
It was like a corrupted version of the anxiety that people were prone to feel when visiting the doctor’s office. The sort that impeded one’s ability to voice concerns or general discomfort due to the awkwardness of the situation that came with someone else having any level of authority over your body.
The two remained pitifully silent for a good while.
“No questions?” Twilight asks, his tone a bit more… Stern, or maybe even disappointed.
There followed another period of silence where Sun and Moon refused to actually speak.
“Alright then.” The beautiful animatronic sighs.
“One of you, strip and get up on the table.” He commands.
“E-excuse me?!” Sun immediately stammers, startled by the casual way in which Twilight gave the order.
“I said, one of you strip and get up on the table.” Twilight repeats himself, this time while reaching out to pat the padding of the bed. His tone is a bit more stern now.
Neither of the animatronics move. Mostly because they’re a bit shocked. Partly because Moon is a bit stubborn.
“I don’t care who goes first. I need at least one of you to have started the training process today.” He states, his tone somewhat softer now.
Sun and Moon still refuse to actually move. The most that they do is share an awkward glance with one another as they struggle to actually process the situation that they were in.
The two of them had thought they understood what was going to happen. But no amount of mental preparation had actually prepared them for what was going to happen now that it was happening…
“Look. I am going to need your cooperation with this. Otherwise I’m going to have to move on to disciplinary action to correct your behavior, which I have already had to do with Eclipse.. And none of us want that. It reflects poorly on you, and on me for my inability to get you to comply.” Twilight states. His tone now sounds more irritated than anything.
Dawn is quick to get between Twilight and the two anxious animatronics. He holds his arms up and puts them on Twilight’s chest. He does not push them back, though they do willingly step back once pressed. He then turns around somewhat to face Sun and Moon, all while keeping a hand relaxed on Twilight’s chest.
“Okay! Lets try this again~” Dawn hums as he casts a kind smile to the anxious animatronics.
“We need to begin our training today. Dusk and I will be helping with the process, while Twilight observes and mediates to assure all is going well. We have plenty of time to complete the training, Daddy only said that he wants us to get started today.” He explains. 
His voice is much sweeter and more gentle than Twilight’s voice has been. Softer, but equally as smooth. It is much easier for him to pull the two into a sense of security, false or otherwise, given how relaxing his voice is.
Even so, Sun and Moon still refuse to actually move.
“... Well’s start with kissing~” Dawn suggests, his smile never wavering.
“That should be reasonable, right? Kissing is easy. And whether or not we move past that is entirely up to your reactions.” He hums.
“You’ll still need to strip, though.” Twilight interjects, for the sake of clarity.
“Your bodies have new programming, and new parts. You’re going to be more responsive to stimulus than you were before. I need to be able to observe how well you’re adjusting to these new aspects of yourselves.” He explains.
Sun and Moon share a nervous glance with one another.
Naked kissing? Still uncomfortable, but… Well, that didn’t sound too bad? And they could stop if they didn’t want to go further than that. This time, at least.
“Alright…” Moon mutters, at least letting the group know that they’re going to be compliant.
“Just give us a moment.” Sun requests. They needed to decide which of them was going to wind up going first. Neither of them really wanted to, but at the same time, they were sort of protective of each other. So whoever went first would mostly be doing so for the sake of the other. Twilight and Dawn each offer some means of confirmation and they allow the two to get themselves sorted. In the end, all that really mattered was that the training got started today. And as they had stated, only one of them really needed to begin their training. Though both of them would be preferable, considering that Eclipse was already being subjected to disciplinary action…
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cricketcampbell · 3 months
for: @edenxoconnell
where: tuttie fruittie smoothie
"Oh my God, why am I, like, suddenly so nervous?"
Even if she hadn't just said as much, the admitted nerves were clear in the slight shake to Cricket's laughter, her fingers plucking away at the label to the water bottle she'd purchased alongside her green juice.
"Like I love to talk, I think we all know that...but I guess I've just never been actually interviewed before?" Other than by potential clients, and even then, her food did most of the talking for her. "What'd you say this was for again?"
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cavenshh · 4 months
For: @edenxoconnell Where: Driftwood Coffee Shop
“Oh my god.” Lia grumbled, her hands flying across the keyboard of her laptop while she was buried so deep in the email mess that she had been working on. No one fucked with her when it came to her business. Despite being frustrated she didn’t want to be rude to the people handling her food or drinks so she made her way to the counter. “Excuse me? May I please get a fresh cup of coffee?”
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mingos · 5 months
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been discussing dynamics between my doffy and rabbit & lala's ocs recently and i can't stop thinking about this meme.
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deadn30n · 8 months
❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ -eden
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         THAT  WAS  THE  QUESTION,  WASN'T  IT?   machine  looks  contemplative;  tilt  of  the  head  as  if  faced  with  a  great,  staggering  decision  before  it.  but  it  knew...  Eden  was well  aware  that  though  the  question  was  posed  onto  them,  they  wouldn't  be  the  one  to  make  that  final  verdict.  it  rest  on...    ❝    that  choice  is  your's  to  make.     ❞
         after  all,  they  hadn't anticipated  on  having  their true  nature  revealed  so  suddenly,  and  with  such  little  preparation.  their  companion  wasn't meant  to  be  in  earshot  of  that  conversation; angels  weren't  supposed  to  exist.  a  myth  is  all  they  were  meant  to  remain  as.  an  entity  you  dreamt  of,  prayed  to,  but  knew  neither  which  way  or another  whether  they truly  existed  or  not.   &&   then  there  was  the  matter  of  their  empyrean  clockwork;  an  angel  was  one  thing,  but  one  bearing  a mechanical  nature  was  another  subject  in  it's  own  right.
         ❝    what  would  you  like  to  do,  now  that  you  know  the  Dark  Star  stands  before  you?    ❞    an  ancient  moniker  almost entirely  lost  to  the  sands  of  time;  to  the  tides  of  washed  away  memories.  but  that  name  is  precisely  what  he  heard  them  be  addressed  as.     ❝    that  choice  is  your's  to  make.     ❞    it  bears  repetition,  just  to  make  a point.
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heartrendcrs · 1 year
🌳 a happy text. @hollowedchest
[ text: gunslinger ] i think we should get your boyfriend a cat
[ text: gunslinger ] or is that a stereotype?
[ text: gunslinger ] i just think it would complete his whole aesthetic to have shop pet roaming around
[ text: gunslinger ] did you have pets?
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alulars · 2 years
This queue is long. A thin file of humans, one by one. As though order, for them, can only be retained if rigidly and individualistically imposed. Someone misjudged Brandt’s attendance rate. The line inside the bookshop uselessly and uglily switchbacks several times, intestine-like, before it disembowels out the front door and onto the sidewalk. Johnson talks to no one as he waits. He smiles to no one as he waits; not even when he reaches the front of the line almost an hour later. An hour could be nothing to a being like him. But time contracts through him like blood in fisted hands. Each moment is pressurized, dense, and felt. He sets the new copy of Brandt’s novel on the table in front of them; he will throw it away in the nearest trashcan—public or not—once he exits the shop.
          “For Lee. Lee Melanthom.”
Johnson’s gaze looms heavy on Eden’s face and appears not unmoving—immovable.
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dutyworn · 1 year
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@dctrreids said: ❛   hunger .   give my muse something to drink .
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She startles a little, deep in thought, but quickly recovers and resumes a more stoic appearance.   ❝ Thanks. ❞    She nods as she takes the offered water bottle.    ❝ Doctor Chakwas sent you to run the errand? ❞    She gives a wry smile before sipping at the water, willing her arms to stop shaking.
Doctor Reid isn’t that kind of a doctor, so Wren’s best guess is Chakwas, busy herself, having sent the unsuspecting engineer to tend to her dehydrated state. She’s not been awake for long. Enough for Chakwas to let her know she should be fine, that she’s been out for fifteen hours cold. Not enough for... Anderson will want to talk to her, about Eden Prime. She’d have gone find him herself if she was a bit more steady on her feet; Saren, Nihlus, the Beacon, it’s urgent to discuss.
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offleurs · 2 years
♕ → @wtfxeden​
Sleeping all alone wasn't fun, especially when it was such a cold night and she wanted cuddles. The soloist was happy that Haneul and Malachi were having fun, she was just clingy and needy. So of course Seonhwa was just restless, but instead of ordering room service, she had just decided to go out. She wanted snacks, chocolate, and coffee, so she knew that they wouldn't get what she wanted. Dressed comfortably and warm, Seonhwa walked down the street searching for a 24-hour convenience store, following the instructions on google maps. Seonhwa knew she should have asked her bodyguard to come with her, but it was late and cold and she didn't want to be annoying.
As soon as she walked into the store, she grabbed a basket and went to get some chips, singing softly under her breath as she grabbed everything that looked yummy. Maybe she should have a movie night and watch something funny. Smiling at her idea, she reached for some cookies and didn't see the other person in the aisle as she turned around and bumped into another body. "I'm so sorry," she said in English as she looked up. "I was ju- Oh, it's you. Then I'm not sorry."
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cfaugust · 5 months
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❛❛   eden teach .  ❜❜   ― ⚔️ ― entering the multiverse… 
verse : descendants (main) [default is arc 003, others by request only]
arc 001 : pre film on the isle. set before the events of the first descendants film. ⌜thieves and beggars⌟.
arc 002 : during films. set at any point during the film series and taking place strictly on the isle of the lost. ⌜hoist the colours⌟.
arc 003 : post descendants 3. set after the events of the series. after the new barrier spell is cast, eden moves her ship to an auradon port. while wary of what this new future may hold, she encourages her crew to make their own choices in their new home. she wants what’s best for all of them, and truly believes the opportunities in auradon may be the way to help them achieve their happy endings. ⌜the seas be ours⌟.
au 001 : villains win au. a decree is made to give four children of the isle a chance, and with it a wicked plan put in place. a wand successfully stolen from the museum. villains freed to take revenge on those who had wronged them. heroes take what they can and run, hiding out for fear of being locked away on the isle of the lost if caught. the children of auradon are spared a life of imprisonment, though are left little more than scraps unless they manage to win favor with the villains and the vks. it is a new dark age for auradon, and one that has no end in sight. ⌜never shall we die⌟.
au 002 : auradon raised au. adopted in infancy by elizabeth and will turner, eden is brought up outside of the barrier in auradon. she’s granted the title of princess of the pirates, as elizabeth is their king, and is a bit softer around the edges than she would’ve been if raised on the isle. which isn’t to say she’s not dangerous. after all, she still carries the blood of the most vicious breed of mermaid known to man, and no one raised by pirates is ever truly soft. ⌜on stranger tides⌟.
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verse 002 : fandomless
arc 001 : raised by her mother after a messy divorce in her early childhood, eden has spent most of her life in the water. training religiously to be at the top of her class, she’s an olympic swimmer with more than a couple of medals to her name. ⌜moonlight serenade⌟.
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verse 003 : pirates of the caribbean
arc 001 : eden was raised by her mother and the mermaids of whitecap bay, and never once thought to seek out her father. because honestly, fuck that bastard for abandoning her. that said, she does harbor a curiosity towards the world of man. a curiosity rivaled only by her distrust of humans. likely what has led to her strike first and as questions later. but hey, at least that ensures she’ll keep you alive long enough to get the answers. not a common trait amongst the devil fish of whitecap bay. perhaps one day she’ll make her way to land and finally fulfill her need for exploration, but she knows that’ll have to wait until she’s found just the right guide. ⌜power of the sea⌟.
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verse 004 : supernatural
arc 001 : a survivalist at heart, eden is a vicious mermaid who will siren song you off a short pier without a second thought. she’s done a fantastic job of flying under the hunter radar so far, only resorting to using her abilities to kill when absolutely necessary. she has no intention of going down easy if ever confronted, so it might just be best to avoid this fish. ⌜hello beastie⌟.
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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verse : tba
arc/au : tba
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mihovil · 8 months
tag list.
[010] *SHIP | EUCLID
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ofnari · 9 months
❀ for an excited starter → @wtfxeden
The holidays were officially over, Nari could tell by the fact Flora found themselves absorbed in a very busy schedule preparing a comeback and herself in her solo release. She supposed it was fine, there wasn't much to do outside practice anyway. And it wasn't like there would be anyone at home for her to visit. Instead, she tried her best just to focus on their schedule, but there were times when a tiny break was just a must.
Were they even allowed up there? Nari wasn't sure nor did she bother to ask when he told her there was something he wanted to show her. Better to say sorry than to ask for permission, or at least she told herself as her whole body buzzed with excitement when Eden pushed the door open to the building's rooftop. The sky was painted a lovely orange as the sun got ready for a very needed rest and the moon took its place, and it was such a lovely sight. A gasp escaped her lips as she took in the wonderful view that greeted them, daring to step outside. "Everything looks so beautiful from up here."
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rxng · 10 months
"... perhaps portraying as a thousand foot flaming titan isn't very friendly."
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