#edit oopsies I forgot to put the end bracket
the-writing-ninja · 3 months
[Synopsis: Samuraishipping confession (Nya x Pixal)]
[A bright and sunny day, Kai and Nya are out in the monastery's training grounds, fighting dummies and chatting.]
Nya: NO Kai, I DO NOT like her that way.
[Nya lets out a grunt and kicks a practice dummy so hard that she ends up breaking it.]
Kai: (Stunned (and scared)) ....
Kai: Tell that to the dummy, holy fuck.
Nya: UGH.
[She kicks the dummy again and is ready to storm off.]
[But then, she appears, as gorgeous as ever.]
Nya: Oh heyyy Pixal!
Kai: Hey Pix.
Pixal: Greetings!
Pixal: Nya, if you're free may I ask for some assistance?
Nya: O-ofcourse- w-with what Pixal?
Pixal: I require help with designing the new mechs. I have a few plans but I am facing some difficulty with the finalization.
Nya: Ofcourse! I would love to help!
Kai: (whispering) Oh you would just LOOOOVE to help right?
Nya: (whispering) One more word and I will not hesitate to drown you.
Pixal: My apologies, you both seem busy, I shall go and ask Zane.
Nya: Nonono I am completely free. Trust me! My schedule hasn't been this empty in ages!
Kai: (whispering) Hah, simp.
[Nya blasts Kai with a huge gush of water and he lands face-first on the monastery's mural-wall.]
Pixal: ...?
Nya: Don’t worry about it, I just saw a bug on his shoulder. Anyway, lead the way Pixal.
Pixal: If you insist.
[Nya and Pixal leave.]
Kai: (Gets up) Ah, young love~
[Pixal and Nya are in the underground HQ, going over Pixal's building plans for the new mechs.]
Nya: These are all brilliant Pixal! I really don’t know how to choose just one..
Pixal: (Smug) I try.
Nya: (Sarcastic) Oh, soo humble.
[They both laugh.]
[Nya manages to snatch a quick glance at her beautiful laugh, and it makes her feel butterflies.]
[Well, Nya had known about this for awhile, even Kai did, but she had tried her best to not acknowledge it.. even going as far as to deny it all together.]
[She didn't want to ruin their friendship.]
[But at that moment,]
[She knew she couldn't avoid it anymore.]
[While Nya was lost in her own world, Pixal had gone back to her blueprints. Talking to Nya about the ins and outs of the mechs.]
Pixal: What do you think, Nya?
[Nya snapped back to reality.]
Nya: Oh, yeah, I-I uh think, it- might work?
Pixal: Affirmative.
[Pixal goes back to editing the blueprints further.]
[Say something.]
Nya: ...Say Pixal,
Nya: Can I tell you something?
Pixal: Mhm?
Nya: (Takes a deep breath)
Nya: So,, I've been developing feelings for you and I... I wanted to ask you if you'd like to.. go out,, y'know like. On a date. Sometime.
Pixal: ...
[Shocked by the nindroid's lack of a response, the master of water starts to panic.]
Nya: Of-ofcourse I-I don't want to make you feel like i'm pushing you into this and you have the full right to say n-
Pixal: Nya..
Pixal: I've been considering to "ask you out" for a while too.
Nya: Really?!
[Pixal lets out a short laugh.]
Pixal: If you wish to confirm it, go ask Zane.
Nya: (Blushes) ...you've talked about me with Zane...?
Pixal: I believe the correct word here would be "Gushed".
Nya: God how do you flirt so effortlessly,,,
Pixal: ..Flirt?
Nya: Oh, wow.
Pixal: Mhm?
Nya: Nevermind that,,
Nya: Let's uh, finish these mechs now,, shall we?
Pixal: It would be my pleasure, my beautiful girlfriend.
[Pixal looks into Nya's deep hazel eyes, takes her by the hand and leans in,]
Pixal: !Wait.
Nya: (Bright red and now confused) ...??
Pixal: I forgot to ask for your consent. Are you alright with doing this yet?
Nya: (Sighs) Pixal....
Nya: I've been dreaming about this moment for weeks..
[Nya puts her hand on Pixal's cheeks. She can feel the sensors on her face getting warm.. cute.]
[She pulls her in for a soft kiss.]
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