#edit the third fixed the intersex vs dsd
queercripintersex Β· 9 months
Tumblr intersex polls without votes from non-intersex people
My project for this evening was to go through past tumblr polls I and others have made for intersex people and re-calculate them to show only the intersex respondents. This is because non-intersex respondents have overwhelmed the results to a point where you can't really see the differences between responses from actually intersex people (sigh). Here are the graphs I got:
Questions About Intersex Journeys
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From: when did your intersex variation become evident? (Not same as finding out you were intersex). Puberty was by far the most common, which checks out with the most common intersex variations typically presenting at puberty.
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From: when did you find out you were intersex? Here most people figured it out in adulthood but it varied a lot whether there had been signs beforehand. A lot of people figured it out in adolescence which I found heartening!
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From: what led you to question if you were intersex? Most common reason is medical but a lot of people wrote in that it was a combination of medical, social, and psychological motivations to question.
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From: how many intersex people have you knowingly met in person? This result was not so heartening, with the plurality of respondents having never knowingly met another intersex person. When we intersex people talk about isolation and invisibility this is the sort of thing we mean; it's a real problem.
Questions About Gender and Intersex
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From: how much do you feel being intersex influences your gender identity? (@skelejon) An almost uniform spread from "it is my gender identity" to "not at all", most common response being "a lot".
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From: ipsogender poll (@intertrek). Ipsogender refers to intersex people who identify with their gender assigned at birth. From replies seems a lot of people saying "not sure" felt it was up to the individual ipsogender person to decide.
Terminology Questions
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From: intersex vs DSD? (@our-queer-experience) Overwhelming preference for intersex here.
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From: term for non-intersex? I don't like dyadic so I honestly gumbled at this but these were the results. This poll I think shifted me towards using perisex more often than endosex but I still kinda mix it up.
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From: what term do you use more commonly to describe intersex discrimination/oppression? (@trans-axolotl) Strong consensus here on "intersexism".
If there are any other intersex polls that you want to see re-plotted with only the intersex responses let me know! Thanks to everybody who voted, reblogged, and created these polls! <3
EDIT: I license this post as Creative Commons 4.0 Sharealike.
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