#edit: i forgot to add the reference 😅
anime-obsessed · 4 months
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Here is my entry into @thepinklink's dtiys!!! Congratulations on 300 followers!!!
The OG drawing by Plink is below!! (Its so cute btw, love it!!!)
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EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Legend!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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Do Not Worry
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6: 25-34
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pforestsims · 3 years
📣 older updates:
(most recent updates are here)
05.06.23 - Updated Orchids in basegame pots set at MTS. The large pot is now recolourable.
28.05.23 - My recolours of Kalux’s 4t2CandySim Valentine v1 glasses are now layerable with other accessories. DL links: SFS | BOX 
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12.04.23 - fixed DressLilBlack mesh default (’fat’ morph wasn’t showing)
14.02.23 - fixed tan recolour for 4t2 Wedge Booties .
26.01.23 - Fixed AM Fancy Suit Default (sharp edges).
03.01.23 - I’ve shared new version of this 4t2 coffeemaker, it has all anims !
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25.12.22 - Fixed my custom recolours for Undercut Dreads, please redownload! File is Here (SFS).
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Custom colors showed correctly in CAS but not in the game 🙈
19.12.22 - I’ve updated my hair recolours, naturals should now have correct family property (hairstyle will stay the same when switching between natural colours /and ages in CAS).
I’ve also added dark red recolours for Alesso Spring and Wings ON0105 (F).
My hair folder is here (SFS), updated hairs have “updated” suffix.
Floor perfume rack from my Perfumery Set should now be compatible with OFB (sims running a business can set the price etc). If you only need the updated floor rack file, it’s HERE (SFS).
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10.11.22 - Hipster metal chair barstool add-on (included in my Bar Chair Set) works properly now. If you only need the fixed barstool, it is here (SFS).
26.10.22 - I’ve updated my edit of Rabbit Pen. And Hay rug mesh - yet again, ‘cuz apparently I shared the wrong thing TWICE and it would still cast a shadow outdoors (?) Not sure what the f*ck is wrong with me but If I mess up you guys need to tell me, ok?
17.09.22 - Added two clonable black recolours for Wings ON0105 Half-shaved hair. You can make recolours in Bodyshop using these (repo files will throw errors). Download here (SFS).
09.09.22 - Fixed pink dirty state for my Mr Maritime Aquarium Default. Download (SFS)
04.09.22 - My edit of Guatla’s Broken kitchen Coffee maker was tweaked by Epi to make it compatible with their Mugs by colour traits. if you use that mod, you can get the updated mesh here (SFS).
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23.08.2022 - I’ve updated my edit of Rabbit Pen. And Hay rug mesh - again, ‘cuz previously I shared the old file. It doesn’t cast outdoor shadow, for real this time 😅. OR SO I THOUGHT. It’s fixed now..
Download (SFS)
Also: added Spanish, Swedish, French, Brazilian-Portuguese and Russian translation to pen default. If you’d like to replace it remember to also get the updated Wants file (SFS) from original upload.
26.07.2022 - Vintage Telephone Bench was updated. I’ve fixed the texture reference in txmt (could result in weird thumbnails? not sure) and a shadow disappearing on zoom out - barely noticeable, but if it bothers you, please redownload:
Download (SFS)
17.07.2022 - Added custom bottle to my Custom Perfume Display. Can also be used as a separate functional object. Please note custom perfumes in inventory do not add “use perfume” option to sim’s pie menu, unless you have this mod (SFS).
09.07.2022 - I’ve updated my Bubble Blower Default . Turns out the texture default package contained “no melody” mod (and also smoke effect ?)  because I forgot to remove it. Thanks to @maricbate for letting me know. Now the default file will only replace textures and txmt, nothing else.
Download (SFS)
14 & 15.06.2022 - My Perfume rack default was flipped, the updated archive has “fixed” suffix. Also improved flat surfaces on rack mesh.
Download (SFS)
02.06.2022 & 07.06.2022 - Fixed af hathardhat blue default (replaced with ombre recolours of Hazelpuff 4t2 Divus hair). I got files mixed up again . Default would clash with pmg_MESH_wingsON0105 hair if you also had it in your game. And fix of the fix, 🙈 so now defaulted hair is available for Formal outfits.
Download (SFS)
27.05.2022 - Another update for Lobster Bisque. First I’ve fixed the missing burned pot texture. Second update changes the price for OFB, so it will cost as much as Lobster dish from the game, and not much cheaper Mac and cheese.
✦ Lobster Bisque - update 2 | Download (SFS)
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24.VI.2022 - Updated default for Restorable Car [FT] with swapped paint colours. Now it includes edited pie menu paint colours in languages: ENG, GER, PL, SWE, RUS, FRA, ITA, ESP.  
Download (SFS)
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14.III.2022 -  If you use my grunge shower curtain recolour for Country Shower Default and the dirty state looks weird or is flashing blue for you, please redownload, ��it's here (SFS)
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My Lobster Bisque was missing a burned pot texture - fixed.
Two planters from my Terracotta Set were casting square shadows (outdoors). That's been corrected. ✦ Terracotta Planter Set | Download (SFS)
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01.II.2022 - Large dirty fan add-on (as appliance) wouldn't show in the catalogue under appliances on public lots, now it does.
s4to2 MKStudio Dirty Ventilation Fan - AddOn & Recolors
✦ Download (SFS)
Pastel recolours shown below are here (SFS)
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♢ ♢ ♢
19.I.2022 - I've updated my seasonal Azalea Bonsai add-ons. Now flowerless states for spring & autumn should work properly - you'll get green leaves instead of default pink flowers.
Seasonal Azalea Set - Fixed | Download (SFS)
The entire set with recolours for Bonsai Bonanza Tree [BV] is HERE (SFS).
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08.X.2021 - CRITICAL FIX
 9 merged recolours file for Central Perk Neon Mug Set
contained a bunch of random mods (yikes)... I’ve cleaned it up.
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Download the fixed file HERE (SFS)
The entire updated mug set can be downloaded HERE (SFS)
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Updated Small Coctail Glass Neon from my Neon Set
Fixed issues: the glow layer was hidden in the wall, so it was not visible when placed without cheats.
Updated Neon Pack | Download (SFS)
if you only need the small Coctail Glass Neon mesh, it’s HERE (SFS)
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Updated Lucky Shrine garden light from my Lantern Pack @ MTS. It contained accidental recolours for Swing Arm Floor Lamp (base game).
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I’ve found out my default / fix for Asayake Garden Lamp glow would also replace street light glow (it was turned yellow, as seen on the left).
The updated Fix is HERE (SFS)
Please note this fix is not mac - compatible because Macs can’t handle lamps containing transparent textures, or even transparent light texture defaults. File for Mac users is here (SFS).
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Updated Waterlily Tub Fountain (Repo) @ MTS - it contained a handheld game recolor that was flashing blue.
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the-void-writes · 2 years
Here's a free pass to talk and ramble about any OC (or couple) that you wanna tell us all about! :D
@bloodlessheirbyjacques :D
Hey, thank you @bloodlessheirbyjacques! 😊😊😊 I will take this free ramble pass to gush about the Division 6 kids for who knows how long 😂
So Jason’s division students are Jin, Sarah, Colin, Thomas, Riley, Kevin, and eventually Will. Sarah, Colin, and Thomas were the original three, so they’re kind of closer to each other, but they love their teammates equally.
Sarah gets a huge crush on Jin later, but she doesn’t want to say anything because Jin is this buff badass (just like her dad, lol) and Sarah doesn’t think she deserves her. Of course, Jin’s already fallen for this sweet little lady. She likes to pick her up all the time, even though Sarah assumes she’s too heavy, but Jin just says “nonsense honey help me bench-press”
Everyone was surprised when grouchy “I’ll fry you like an egg” Riley fell for “if I get scared, I’ll fall through the floor” Thomas. Probably because both of their parents hated them after they came out, but also because Riley is much softer than he looks, and Tom isn’t the uwu baby that the doctors think they are. Just a lovely grunge-punk couple beating up bigots for each other. And they both have this “loving but not in a romantic way” friendship with Kevin.
And finally my special boys, Colin and Will. Poor Colin was literally dropped off on a supervillain’s doorstep, so he’s already had it rough. Then in walks this just-as-worn-down kid who both protects his friends and supports his dreams to be a chef? Colin didn’t realize just how hard he had fallen. And likewise, Will has it bad for him. No one has ever shown him this kind of romantic affection before, and he’s both thriving on it and dying of embarrassment. (This is far before Dante, I forgot to add)
Thank you for letting me go on about these precious beans, sorry for the long answer 😅
Edit: Pics for reference under cut
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
I drew Legend!!! The boy!!! He's probably one of my favorite Links to draw<333
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EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Legend!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
mini art dump :3
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hehe I'm on a quest to draw all of the bois and some of their companions and I'm either gonna draw Ravio next or I'm gonna draw Rin and Len from vocaloid stuff :3 I've just been drawing whatever comes to mind lately lmao, hope y'all enjoy <333
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Twilight, Wind, and Rulie!!!!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
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(also @kittiesplunderingmyinnocence suggested I give him body jewelry so there you go bestie <33 /p)
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Legend!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 6 months
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I did a thing again :)))
I used the same design I used for the wild drawing I made a while back for my friend cheeto!!! I just made it more fancy :3 plus I got a new sketchbook so I was super excited to draw!!!! Hehehehe >:3
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Wild!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
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My Ravio sketchbook page <333 he's my baby I love him :3
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Ravio!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
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@ketchupkio @mizuriii I drew Cinder!!!! I like how the sketch + lineart looked so I didn't color it lol :)) hope you guys like him <33
ASAU Cinder belongs to @ageless-soul-au!!!
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Cinder!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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anime-obsessed · 5 months
@wanderlustmagician HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDERRRRR<333
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(Fyi: you are awesome and I'm glad we're friends <333 )
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Twilight!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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