#edit: i think 90% of why that post Irks Me is the tone of voice use there. like you can just say you like the goat burning because its fun
dragonowlie · 10 months
Every day I see Posts on this webbed site
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akxle-blog1 · 8 years
06. awaken
thank you guys so much for reading this! this chapter is now the turning point of the whole series. hope you enjoy! this is kinda long, too :) also, i apologize for the delay. i have no other reason but tumblr not allowing me to post it but here ya go!
edit: i forgot to add the title omg 
warning: blood, violence, alcohol
there was a knock on the door and seokjin immediately stood up from his seat on the couch beside yoongi and ran towards the door - like, really ran towards the door. he composed himself, flatten down his shirt before opening the door and revealing oh sehun dressed in a suit minus a neck tie. sehun bowed at his sunbae, "seokjin sunbae, good evening."
jin felt uncomfortable to say the least. he much preferred to be called hyung than sunbae. it was too formal for him. "sehun, y/n's finishing getting ready. you kind of took her off guard with the date." jin replied and sehun smiled slightly at him. was twitching your lips even considered a smile? probably for oh sehun it does, jin told himself. "come inside, its cold."
"don't worry about it, seokjin sun-,"
"call me hyung, oh sehun."
this time, sehun really smiled. seokjin grabbed sehun's wrist, catching the younger boy off guard. seokjin pulled sehun inside their dormitory and shut the door behind them. "follow me, we have some things to say." seokjin said as he led the way towards the living room where the rest of the boys were except jeongguk who was fetching y/n.
sehun, being the well-mannered boy he was, bowed 90° at his sunbaes and fellow hoobaes.
"we've been expecting you," hoseok said in a serious tone accompanied by a serious expression that should look intimidating but with a giggling jimin beside him - hoseok dropped the act and slapped the younger boy at the back of his neck. "you're such a killjoy, park jimin."
namjoon shook his head at them and stepped towards sehun. both boys extended their hands out and intertwined it. they did a firm shake and namjoon offered sehun a seat.
"we'll just go straight to the point while jeongguk gets y/n," namjoon said.
"don't pull any shit that will get us all in trouble, sehun." yoongi bluntly said, looking at sehun with a stern expression.
"i should have known," sehun said, his demeanor changing all of a sudden. he leaned against the chair namjoon offered him and crossed his legs. "you think i'm just playing around again?"
"well, its not really the first time you've pulled a stunt like this, sehun. we just don't want a mess." jin said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"has it ever crossed your minds - all of you - that i might actually be interested in her, no hidden agendas?" sehun asked, feigning hurt.
"no, it didn't because we fucking know your game, oh sehun." yoongi was growing mad. fucking hell, the mere sight of oh sehun irked him.
"it would still be a mystery to me why seolhyun chose you over me."
at the mention of her name, yoongi was already lunging towards sehun. he grabbed the younger by his collar, pulling him up from the chair and pushing him against the wall. "don't you say her name!" yoongi growled.
"yoongi, stop it. let him go." namjoon said, placing a hand on yoongi's shoulder.
"come on, hyung, this is gucci." sehun sarcastically smirked. he always enjoyed riling yoongi up.
yoongi pushed him further into the wall and let him go. "fuck you and your gucci." the jet black-haired boy spat before leaving.
"he was always the life of the party." sehun remarked as the front door slammed.
"sit down, sehun, god," seokjin said frustratingly. "please, sehun, take care of y/n. she might not be with us from the start but we all care for her. where will you take her?"
"the annual ball. i got permission from headmaster, don't worry." sehun said, fixing his undershirt.
"woo jiho's gonna be there," taehyung pointed out.
"which means eureka's gonna be there, too," jimin added.
"i'll just say this once," hoseok said and walked towards sehun. "THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YOU, KID?"
"she's with me. she's in our territory, if eureka fucks with her, she'll have us to deal with them. besides, my parents didn’t invite them."
"can't you just take her to mcdo or something?"
"when we're wearing versace and gucci?"
"who gives a fuck? at least she'll be safe. we all will be safe. does exo trust eureka?" namjoon asked, eyebrows furrowed together.
"y/n's here," jin suddenly said as they heard heels clicked against the wooden staircase.
"we don't but we're civil." sehun quietly told them.
"do you trust us?" namjoon asked.
sehun smirked at the question. "i don't think that's the question, namjoon, question is - do you trust me?"
namjoon didn't have time to reply because jeongguk had already entered the room, y/n following closely behind.
"you look really beautiful, y/n." seokjin complimented as y/n blushed.
"hyung's right," sehun agreed as he approached her. "you look beautiful, y/n."
yoongi knew better than to waste the night away in the shabby bar near eichen on a school night but he didn't care one bit. earl, the owner of the bar, was surprised to see yoongi again after so long. earl was hesitant to give the jet black-haired boy his order, knowing all too well yoongi would just order one after another and earl would end up calling the school to get yoongi. he almost lost his bar because of this kid but he can't stay mad at yoongi for so long. he knew what this kid had been through growing up and he understood that what was he going through at that time where alcohol seemed to be the only solution. everyone who knew yoongi before her knew that yoongi was harsh, cold, troublesome but fiercely loyal and dedicated to his friends - his family, bangtan. earl was a witness that yoongi changed for the better when seolhyun entered his life.
"yoongi, go home, kid. you have school tomorrow." earl said as he wiped the counter and grabbed yoongi's unfinished beer. "we're closing anyways."
"i want her back, earl," yoongi said, his voice so broken and painful that it made the bar owner stop from wiping the counter. he looked at the lone customer and saw how much he longed for his dead lover. "i fucking need her."
"yoongi..." earl trailed off, placing both hands on the countertop.
"i don't think there's a day that goes by that i don't miss her. everything about her. why can't i have her back? is that too much to ask?"
"you know it is, kid. seolhyun... she's in a better place, yoongi."
yoongi scoffed at that and looked at the man he always wished was his father. "i'm so selfish, huh earl? maybe that's why death took her from me. or maybe because she chose me over sehun and the rest of them."
"don't put all the blame on yourself, kid. she chose you because she loved you. nothing more, nothing less." earl's voice was stern and firm that yoongi couldn't help but to give the bar owner a small smile. earl leaned forward towards yoongi and placed a hand on the younger's shoulder. "go back home, yoongi. it's getting late."
"can't i stay here?" yoongi asked.
"you have-," earl was cut off by yoongi's phone ringing. "answer that, it might be important."
"i don't feel-,"
"yoongi, did i stutter?"
with an exaggerated sigh, yoongi fished his phone out of his pocket and answered the call, pressing the device on his ear. "what?"
"we need you, like, right now." it was namjoon and he sounded out of breath. yoongi could hear noises besides namjoon's voices, grunts, and glass shattering.
"what the hell's going on? where are you guys?" yoongi asked, immediately standing up from the stool he was sitting on and grabbing his jacket that was lying on the counter.
"the annual ball of the oh's, come-," the other line went dead and yoongi cursed.
"what's going on?" earl asked.
"i can't explain right now, earl. i gotta go - thank you, for everything." yoongi gave him a genuine smile before running out of his bar.
right now, his brothers needed him.
this certainly was not what you were expecting your night would turn out to be. it went great, at first. you and sehun arrived at a grand mansion filled with various people and even some students from eichen. you saw the group sehun's always hanging out with and sehun introduced you to them. they were all sweet, kind and well-mannered boys, some even kissed your cheek and the back of your hand. although you had sehun with you, you can't help but to feel out of place. everything was just really grand, even grander than eichen.
when you and sehun walked through the front door of the mansion, the first thing that greeted you was a grand staircase. it was marbled and on top was a fountain. everything was either gold or marble - it was like a tumblr mansion aesthetic come to life and it was very overwhelming to be even standing there. sehun led you to the spacious garden outside and there was where you met his friends and to your surprise, his parents.
"well, this is certainly a first, sehun," his mother, shinhye, said as she greeted you with a kiss on both sides of your cheek. "this is the first time my son ever brought a date for our ball."
"we were beginning to think that he'd be alone forever," his father remarked, placing his arm around sehun's mother.
"and i'll take that as our cue to leave," sehun said, grabbing my hand in his and he dragged me away from his parents who was laughing heartily.
"they're nice, everyone is." you commented as he led you two back into the mansion. you shudder when the cool air of the aircondition hit your bare skin, sending goosebumps all over your body.
sehun noticed this and immediately took of his jacket and placed it on your shoulders. "i should have bought something else but the moment  i saw it; i knew it was just for you."
you couldn't help but to let out a loud laugh at his corny response. he looked at you, his lips twitching then formed into a huge smile. you placed a hand on your stomach, throwing your head back a little. "god, that must be one of the most cheesiest line anyone has ever said."
"well, it is the truth," sehun replied and you finally stopped laughing. comfortable silence set in the two of you and before you knew it, the two of you were already on the second floor of the mansion and were standing in front of their huge family portrait. "that's my brother, sejeon," sehun said, pointing to the man standing beside him, a huge smile plastered on his handsome face.
"i didn't see him around." you commented.
"he's not really welcome here," sehun replied, staring at the image of his brother. "guess you could say he was disinherited."
"what happened? if you're not comfortable talking about it, you don't have to answer," you said, looking at him.
"he was just a plain dick," sehun said and then scoffed. "i used to look up to him, you know? he was that guy in books and movies that everyone loved. parents, friends, teachers, even animals and plants - he was just perfect. my parents, they were so proud of him. had his life planned for him and although i wanted to be jealous, i couldn't because i knew he deserved the attention. he was my goddamn role model, my fucking hero but he just had to crawl out of his grandmother's skin and be the big bad wolf."
sehun turned to you, his eyes darker than usual. he looked so intimidating at the moment. "in my family, we have certain rules, one of those is never turn back on family. i'm guessing you could figure out what my brother did for him to be disinherited."
"he broke the rule; he turned his back on you, your family." you answered, your voice low.
"yes, my son of a bitch of a brother did and i never hated anyone more than i hate him," sehun's veins were popping out of his neck, red face from anger and you hesitantly placed a hand on his cheek, hoping it'll calm him down. he flinched when you touched him and grabbed your hand. "you're so cold."
"why did he leave sehun? hate is such a strong word to use, especially towards your brother."
but before sehun could answer, screams erupted from the guests outside and you and sehun looked at each other with wide eyes. "come with me." he said in a hurry as he grabbed your hand and led towards the hallway behind you but someone had blocked your way.
"not even gonna say hi to your big brother?"
"shit, that's eureka!" hoseok exclaimed as they watched from their car. namjoon grabbed the binoculars from hoseok's hands and placed the butt on his eyes and let out a frustrating sigh. "i thought they were on truce?"
"eureka is known for backing on their words, hoseok, i'm not even surprised they did it. i'm just really worried about y/n right now. namjoon, what should-," seokjin said but stopped mid-sentence when they heard the car door opened and jeongguk ran towards the mansion.
"jeon jeongguk!" namjoon screamed at their maknae. "fucking hell!" he screamed as he hit the back of the driver's seat repeatedly.
"hyung, we have to help him and y/n!" jimin said, worry laced with his voice.
"this is so not happening right now," namjoon grumbled as he fished out his phone. if they were gonna fight, they needed yoongi. "follow him, everyone of you. find him and y/n and get them both out of here, i'll stay behind, i'll wait for yoongi."
"you heard the leader, let's go kick some asses!" taehyun excitedly exclaimed as he pushed jimin out of the car and they ran towards the mansion.
"aish, these two," seokjin left his car along with hoseok. "let's find y/n." he told hoseok and namjoon watched as they disappeared into the mansion.
"the annual ball of the oh's-," he replied to yoongi but was cut off when he was pulled out of the vehicle, his phone landing on the floor of the car and his body on the dirty ground. "you're gonna fucking regret that."
"well, i didn't expect a bangtan member to be on an exo's property."
"same goes for your society, jiho. thought you guys were on a truce?" namjoon picked himself up from the ground, glaring at the blonde standing a few feet away from him, a bat in his hand.
"leader's orders," jiho simply replied.
"sejeon," namjoon said and scoffed. "of course. just what would your society gain by trashing a party?"
"fun, free alcohol, expensive things, a night to remember, maybe some gir-,"
"cut the bullshit, woo jiho," namjoon spat. "why are you here?"
"well, a little birdy told us sehun has got someone we very much want to meet here." a sinister smile formed onto jiho's face which almost made namjoon's skin crawl. almost.
"y/n? what do you want from her?"
"now that, that doesn't concern you," a chuckle escaped the blonde's lips. "i'm done talking, namjoon. i didn't come here to gossip with you."
"well, neither am i," a voice appeared behind jiho and he spun around only to be met by a punch from yoongi. jiho fell on the ground due to the impact and yoongi motioned namjoon to come with him inside the mansion. "go help the others, i'll look for y/n."
you felt his fingers running up and down your exposed back and you screamed through your gagged mouth under his touch. you mumbled, please's and let me go's but he wouldn't listen. sehun was in front of you, in the same position as you as well. tied to a chair, mouth gagged. he, too, was screaming, something along the line of 'don't touch her'. only sehun had wires attached to his body that was connected to a machine you were unfamiliar with.
"i'm feeling very much disrespected by you, sehun," sejeon said, and your eyes widened when a chair slid across the floor by itself. maybe you were just hallucinating, maybe this was because of the shock in your system that you were starting to see things. things that were not normal. sejeon sat down on the chair, sitting on it on reverse. he was facing sehun, his arms rested on top of the backrest of the chair while his back was facing you. one flick of a hand, the gag on sehun's mouth was pushed down.
"fuck you! let her go! she has nothing to do with this." sehun exclaimed, anger clearly evident on his face and his voice.
"oh but she does, dear brother, she does," sejeon replied and sehun only replied by spitting at his brother's face. a low scoff escaped sejeon's lips and he stood up from his chair, walking towards his brother and you screamed when his fist collided with sehun's cheek. "you were always such a brat."
"'course i'm the brat," sehun spit the blood from his mouth. "but at least i didn't turn my back on family."
"sooner or later, you'll end up just like me, sehun. you'll find out you aren't the son our parents wanted to have."
"let her go, sejeon, let her go or i swear to god-,"
"what? you gonna teleport down, get mommy and make her slap my ass? fucking try, sehun." sejeon then walked towards the machine. you felt your heart race and felt hot tears escaping your eyes. a noise erupted from the machine and you screamed when sehun screamed. his veins were popping out of his neck, forehead and arms. he was in pain, that much was very obvious. "let's see if you can teleport now."
"stop! stop! please!" you screamed through your gagged mouth. you stomped your feet, hoping it'll make you grab sejeon's attention but he sadistically watching his younger brother scream and writhe in pain. you moved your head down to your right shoulder, rubbing the fabric gagged onto your mouth with your bare shoulder. after what seemed like an eternity, the gag finally fell from your mouth.
"sejeon, please! stop! that's your brother!" you screamed, voice cracking. "please, i'll do anything you want."
that certainly caught sejeon's attention. he turned off the machine connected to sehun and the boy in front of you fell into unconsciousness. sejeon made his way towards you, grabbing the chair he was sitting on before and pulling it towards you. he sat down on it and gripped your thighs tightly. "what are you?" he asked, voice harsh and desperate.
"i don't know what you mean." you replied.
you felt a stinging sensation your cheek and you hissed in pain. "what are you?"
"i don't know what you're talking about! just let us go!" you screamed.
sejeon harshly grabbed you by your chin, his nails digging into your hips through your dress. "i'll ask you one more time, baby girl, what are you?"
"i told you, i don't-," you started to say but you were cut off by a voice.
"let her go, oh sejeon," the voice said and you watched as sejeon's pupils dilate. he immediately let you go, staring at you with a blank expression on his face. "untie oh sehun," the voice ordered and sejeon did as what he was told.
your tore your gaze off sejeon and your eyes met park jimin's. he walked towards you, knelt down in front of you as he started untying you from the chair. "it's okay, y/n, you're safe now." he said, voice so gentle and soothing.
"i'm tired, ji...min and thirs...ty," you said, eyes dropping.
"close your eyes, y/n. go to sleep." the last thing you heard was a snap of fingers and you fell into a deep slumber.
the silence was unbearable. the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. everyone felt it but none of them said anything. the five boys sat around the living room. jimin and seokjin were busy tending to their cuts and bruises. hoseok, taehyung and namjoon weren't badly beaten but jeongguk and yoongi were. it wasn't anything major but would definitely take weeks before the purple bruises on their sides and the cut on his lips and eyebrows would fade away.
"she saw what i did," jimin said, throwing away the used cotton ball in the trash beside him. "sejeon probably used his in front of her, too."
namjoon's clenched his fists, closed his eyes in hopes of staying calm. he felt miserable, to say the least. this wasn't supposed to happen, he thought. he felt disappointed in himself. he wasn't angry; just disappointed. he wanted to be mad at jeongguk but he couldn't because he knew the maknae was just doing what was right - risky but it was the right thing to do. namjoon wouldn't admit it out loud but y/n had grew a soft spot on him. he was sure each of them had a soft spot for their new housemate.
but then again, she was just someone who entered their lives without notice. yoongi maybe right about her. she could be someone from eureka maybe even exo and tonight was just staged by the twisted mind of oh sejeon.
everything was just too damn confusing and namjoon hated confusion.
"what do we do?"
"you tell her," a voice appeared behind them, causing their heads to snap towards the direction. they saw headmaster lim in his night robe, a bag of snickers tucked under his arm. he had a soft smile on his face and grabbed the bag of snickers from under his arm. "snickers, anyone?" he offered, walking towards the seven boys.
"professor lim," they greeted, standing up from their seats and bowed at the old man.
"you had quite a night," headmaster lim mused, motioning the boys to sit down as he sat down on the lone chair in front of everyone. "you all will be excused from classes tomorrow alongside eureka and exo."
"what will happen to eureka, professor? they clearly broke their truce with exo." taehyung said, playing with them hem of his shirt.
"eureka will be facing Concilium with bangtan and exo." headmaster replied, leaning against the chair.
"but we didn't do anything wrong, professor, we just helped. they, exo, were clearly outnumbered. eureka should undergo demoveo for what they did tonight. it was uncalled for." jimin said, clenching his fists.
"it is, mr. park but i'm afraid crashing a party isn't a qualification for them to undergo demoveo," headmaster replied, opening a snicker bar. "as i have said before, you should tell miss y/l/n."
"tell her about our abilities?" seokjin asked, eyes wide. headmaster lim nodded, taking a bite off the chocolate bar.
"professor, you're saying it like it's the easiest thing to do. she isn't one of us, she doesn't have any ability, isn't that going against rule number ten?" hoseok asked, tilting his head to the side.
headmaster lim flickered his gaze onto yoongi and namjoon, the seemingly quiet ones. "what is your say on this, mr. kim?"
namjoon shot his head up at the mention of his surname. "i..." namjoon said but he was loss for words. what was his say on this? he was just really disappointed for putting his society - no, they are more than his society, his family, in this position. he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw yoongi giving him a light nod of assurance. the leader sighed. "i don't know, professor. i just... i'm disappointed in myself because i put them in danger."
"that's not true, hyung," jeongguk immediately said. "don't be disappointed in yourself. it's... it's all on me. i should have never... i should have just waited for your order."
"you did the right thing, kookie," namjoon told the maknae, a soft smile on his tired face. "everything is so messed up now, professor. to be honest, i agree with hoseok. you saying we should just tell her like it's the easiest thing in the world is a clear violation of rule ten."
"this is earlier than i expected but nonetheless, mr. min, have you got something to say?" eyebrow raised, headmaster lim lowered his gaze onto the pale boy beside namjoon. the old man could sense his nervousness and for someone who had the power to know everything, he wasn't sure if the nervousness surrounding min yoongi was because of his gaze or because of what he knew.
"hyung?" hoseok asked yoongi.
yoongi's gaze met headmaster lim's and the old man gave him an assuring nod. he knows, too. somehow, it made him a little bit better.
"it takes one to know one," yoongi said and the boys gave him confused looks.
"what?" taehyung asked.
yoongi sat up straight, wincing when his side hit namjoon's elbow. the leader apologized and yoongi waved him off. "she is one of us. she is like me."
"are... are you sure?" seokjin asked, shocked.
"yoongi is correct," headmaster lim said. "miss y/l/n has retrocognition, the ability to go back into time."
there was silence once again. it was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. no one was sure what to say. it was definitely unexpected. how could they not sense it?
"i was like 8 when i learned i was different, that i had that ability, why didn't she knew? or she does and just won't tell us?" yoongi asked, leaning forward.
"she's a late bloomer," headmaster lim said. "it happens when both parents are... different."
"you mean... her parents... they're both..." taehyung asked, and before he could finish, headmaster lim was nodding his head.
"both what?"
jeongguk was the first to stand up and looked at the direction of the new voice. his eyes widened when he saw y/n.
end of phase 1. 
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