#edited for your reading pleasure as the source site is awful to look at in a particularly 2000s way & not proof read
martyr-eater · 10 months
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I was going through an old grave disorder era interview and found this charming bit about dave's garden 🌿
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Tantric Flames: Chapter: 9
Tantric Flames
Nalu lovefest 2019 Prompts: Magic, Worship, Reckless , Forbidden and Cravings (All Implied)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Pairing:Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You've been warned!)
Summary: One look, one smouldering hooded gaze, one word, one fiery kiss, one magnetizing touch was all he needed for her to completely unravel at his mercy alone, succumbing to the sinful temptation of her inhibitions, his love, his feral passion, his raw, insatiable desires, his "Tantric Flames". Originally an Submission for Nalulovefest 2017 (on previous accounts) in which Natsu gives his mate a tantric massage-after much persuasion- she won't soon forget when it turns into so much more. Also previously featured in Nalu lovefest 2018 (on current accounts) , as well as Nalu Week 2017, Nalu Fluff Week and Nalu lovefest 2017 (as stated) with first three chapters on my previous celestialgeekmage accounts . Chapter 7 was also an entry for nalu week 2019 and Chapter 8 for Nalu Lovefest 2019. ( Nalu-centric) (Slight Au).
Chapter 9: Tempted by A Tantric Touch
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl Millennial StarGazer! This time I'm returning with another long-awaited installment of Tantric Flames. Once again, a major thanks to and koodos to @bmarvels, @mannyegb, @animezing-fandoms/princess-starry-night, and @allie-and-her-fandoms for helping me edit and further develop this chapter! Now without further ado, here's the story-enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairytail which belongs to the one and only Hiro-sensei instead!
(Note: Scroll down pas the keep reading button/ cut for the designated links, legend and actual chapter.  The tagging feature and keep reading button might not show up or fully work on the desktop site but should function just fine on the app and mobile version.
Read More of Tantric Flames and the rest of my writing on here and other plaftorms.
)Note: You may need to Copy and paste designated links into a new browser tab or window if reading on the desktop site)
1. Tantric Flames
A. Tumblr Version
(Previous Chapter:) (Click Here:)   (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352271948/tantric-flames-chapter-8-tantric-art-of)
Chapter: 9          (Next Chapter ) (Coming Soon)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) ( or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13114990/1/Tantric-Flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) ( or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17063882/chapters/40123739)
2. Master  Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:)  ( or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italic: Song Lyrics/Quotes (or flashback dialogue)
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized Word(s)
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"You run your fingers over every part of my body and tease me with your touch".
(Source Unknown)
Oh God, those love bites. So many love bites that decorated the blonde's creamy skin like jewels; far too numerous to count that always sent a red-hot line fire rippling through her nerves with with every nip, every suck; each every and stroke of Natsu's velvet tongue. Plus, he's usually doing other things at the same time. Racy images of the couple's steamy moments together from the last soak flooded Lucy's mind.
The celestial mage's back arching of its own accord into Natsu's touch from robust hands cupping her breast; Blazing digits kneading the twin peaks in time with lips sucking along Lucy's pulse with so much skill that she couldn't help the heady moan that escaped her throat.
"Ya feel that, Luce?" Nastu growled in his princess's ear, the dark undercurrent of his territorial voice pulling a tingly shiver from her. "My marks all over that perfect body of yours— and not just the permanent one when you swore your heart to me . All of those are symbols of my essence, my claim, my love. That you belong to me and me alone. My mate and queen, forever and always. And those sounds you're makin'? Hot as hell."
Pretty sure, dude leaves marks on me as his way of announcing to the world I'm off limits as his mate. Explains why he's always quick to leave a fresh one in its place even after I cover them— not that I'm complaining. Plus, it's not only for his benefit but mine. It's great that he knows how much I love receiving hickeys and gets off from it.
Seriously, what more could I ask for?
Not to mention how lovely it always was to unwind with Natsu after each bath. The wizard was often keen in his offer to dry the blonde's damp hair with a towel or fire-magic-powered steam; from her perch on his lap or between his legs. 
Much more relaxing than using a hair dryer if you ask me.
 The dragonslayer would sometimes even hum or sing a familiar tune from days past in that appealing, gravelly baritone of his; would usually lull the already-zen mage into the world of dreams when combined with the sooth dual sensation of fingers combing through her hair, .
"I tell you, I tell you, the dragonborn comes ..."
Anyother guild member who might be eavesdropping, however, would often be quick to lightheartedly goad the blonde mage ( much to her chargin). Natsu no doubt would find this hilarious of course; which would serve for Lucy's cheeks to flush an even deeper shade of crimson than she already was.
"Say Luce, is that a blush I see?" he once crooned, a teasing edge to his words; though the affectionate mirth sparkling in his eyes warmed her heart just a little. "Aw, is my girl a little embarrassed? That's okay though— makes ya all the more adorable and endearing than you already are. You want me to make it all better? Cuz I can! Got plenty of kisses! Come on, you know you want some which I'm more than happy to give. God I love ya' so much, you know that?"
It's amazing really... Lucy ruminated in fond awe. How Natsu can switch between the different roles and sides to him with relative ease. From Romantic and tender to dominant, playful and affectionate; then back again on top of everything else all seemingly at the drop of a hat. All an innate part of his overall nature I guess— essentially what makes up who he is. Some people may find this a bit confusing to keep up with— but I don't. Just makes him all the more complex.
Though those people would also be right when they say that the dude still has a devious streak, she couldn't help but add with wry smirk. Even with me, though never with malicious intent. German suplex, non-stop tickling, dumping me in a tub of freezing cold water during one of our baths— too many pranks to count really. At least he's always quick to follow up with plenty of affection ever since we became an item— can't complain about that."
"You ready to get started Lucy?" Natsu's keen voice broke through Lucy's reverie.
"You know it!" The celestial mage chirped, unable to mask the pure enthusiasm in her voice; earning an amused chuckle from the dragon wizard . "Can't wait. I take it you'll be hoarding me for the rest of the afternoon?"
"Mhmm" Came his content hum in response." That really a bad thing, though?"
"No, definitely not."
"I figured. Why don't we get you up on that massage bed?"
"Sure thing!"
A buzz of anticipation was practically thrumming in Lucy's blood from such tantalizing implications of his words; the stunt Natsu pulled next , though— that was what really shot a thrilling jolt up her spine.
"Let's finish what we started later, yeah?"
The dragonslayer's proposal was punctuated by a light tap on the summoner's ass for good measure,; which resulted in a delighted squeal.
"O-okay!" was said female's response in the form of a breathy giggle.
"Let me get you that towel while I'm at it."
"Sure— thanks."
"My pleasure."
A Few Minutes Later
"Ugh...do me a huge favor and burn this towel. Will ya?"
Lucy couldn't help but let out an audible groan along with the heat rising in her cheeks. Good god was the particularly moist spot on the white towel a truly mortifying sight to behold. Basically tell-tale remnants of liquid arousal that had been wiped clean from her legs just moments before.
Mavis only knows what would happen if Levy or Cana noticed during laundry duty.
" Okay... why though?" Natsu questioned, brows drawing together in mild confusion. "As in why do you want me to?"
"Guild Laundry day" came Lucy's automatic reply."That's why."
"Not following ya.' Natsu blinked owlishly in uncomprehension.
"Levy…..and Cana….." Lucy supplied, a finger twirling an errant strand of blonde hair in :a self-conscious display." "I... uh.."
"Still don't know what you mean here, Luce."
"It's their turn to do laundry duty." She attempted to break down what was apparently such an abstract concept into simpler terms; not able to help the aggravation rising in the back of her mind.
"Yeah? So?"
"They'll probably see the moist stain on the towel." Lucy clarified, forcing her voice to remain level.
"I see— don't see the problem though."
"Think about who'll most likely be with them ."
"Gajeel and Laxus but…...ahh—"
Realization dawned on Natsu's face. "I get it now. What you're saying is that they'll probably catch a whiff of your arousal? "
"Well, the lingering remnants of the scent anyway. Seriously though?" he tacked on, lifting a questioning brow."That's what you're worried about?"
"Yeah... I am," Lucy admitted, nerves leaking into her voice. "Aren't you?"
"Not really, no." Natsu gave a shrug of his shoulders—seemingly unfazed.
"Why's that?" Lucy couldn't help but shoot him a puzzled glance. 
"Cuz it'll show everyone how much I rocked your world." Natsu replied, flashing his mate a cheeky grin. " And what's not to love about that?"
"Pervert — of course you'd say that!" Lucy screeched, skin flushing a deep shade of crimson.
"That's me!"
"Ugh, still don't know what to do about the moist spot— those four are never gonna let me live it down."
"You know if you're that worried, I could always use my tongue to clean ya up instead." Natsu drawled with a lazy smirk that set her heart all pit-patter .
"And of course, you'd suggest that," Lucy quipped with a slight roll of her eyes. "Did I mention how much of a horn dragon you are? "
"Yeah, but only for a certain gorgeous blonde of mine and she loves it."
"Oh, she does, huh?" Lucy raised a challenging brow.
"Yep. Don't bother trying to deny it, Luce".
"Ugh fine... you're right. I do. Seriously, you and your colossal ego though."
"Why, thank you! If you're impressed by that, you'd really should see my co—"
The rest of Natsu's words were cut off by Lucy's hand swatting him with a pillow which was met with a snicker.
"Pervert" Lucy deadpanned with another eye roll. "By way, you would've found yourself in the proverbial dog house if you actually meant the other kind of 'fighting earlier."
Only for Natsu's face to instantly fall in response to her statement.
"What?" Natsu objected, gaping at her with wide eyes. " And deprive me of the chance to wake up to your beautiful face each morning for that long?!"
"Yep." Lucy gave a nod by way of reply.
"But why? You know that's not the type of fightin' I met!"
"Well yeah, I know that now. But not earlier when you originally brought up. Just be glad that you didn't bail on our date earlier."
"I didn't though! And never would— honest Luce!" Natsu's voice lifted into a petulant whine.
"Hmm.. Okay, good to know. " Lucy responded, raising her hands to placate him. "Though you'll have to be without me for a few days anyway.
"Wait, seriously?" Natsu faltered , bewildered panic flashing in his eyes. . "Come on! What is it this time?"
"Camping retreat in the woods next week that Cana, Mira, Lisanna, and Erza are organizing— ladies only."
"W-ha?" Natsu continued to sputter, his poor brain no doubt short circuiting by now." But Elfman said that it was open to anyone who's free to go!"
"Really? Lucy mused in thoughtful interest. "That's not what I heard... huh."
"What am I supposed to do without you?"
"How about something fun with the guys? Should be nice, right?"
"Yeah, but so is spending time with you Lucy! It's always more fun when we're together like you said."
"And I don't disagree. Doesn't change anything though. The trip's still happening."
"Didn't say it wasn't but it'd still suck here without you! Natsu moaned, that desperate sense of longing bleeding into his voice. " I'd miss ya' too much! So would our little buddy! Can't we tag along? Maybe Even share an air mattress in a decent-sized tent? I'd gladly help set up and keep you cozy in my arms at night."
"What about Happy?" Lucy questioned, intrigued by his suggestion. His offer does sound really tempting.
"Obviously he'd share the tent with us but would have his own sleeping bag and could hang with Wendy and Carla whenever we wanted alone time. Plus there are all these cool spots I could take you to on nature hikes!."
"Sounds great."
"Course it is! So whaddya say? You onboard?" Natsu wheedled, flashing her what could only be described as the most flawless puppy eyes she'd ever seen.
"Aw that's really tempting and" Lucy gushed, heart contracting at the adorable pout he was throwing in too. Normally I'd say yes"— but it'll have to wait. Thank you though! I'd love to take you up on that offer another day."
"Oh come on— please I wanna go!" Natsu huffed,stamping his foot as if he were a child pitching a fit over being denied a coveted toy- quite an amusing display to say the least.
"Not this time I'm afraid. Sorry, them's the brakes."
"Lucyyyyyyyyy!" Natsu whined again, dragging the syllables of her name with such melodrama that she finally decided to let him off the hook
" Jeez.. enough with the dramatics already. " Lucy yielded with an exasperated groan, You can still come— the trip is for everyone. I was only kidding after all."
Said confession was met with a noise of stunned dimsay from from the pyro.
"Wait... so ya' mean to tell me that this was a joke?! he muttered, voice coming out with a small pinch of disbelief. "You were pulling my leg the entire time?"
"Yep— consider it payback for me making think you were gonna ditch earlier."
"That's why? That's not nice, Luce— not very nice at all." Natsu grumbled, though not with any real heat.
"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Lucy baited, a daring lilt to her words.
" Oh —- wouldn't you like to know?" Natsu rumbled, eyes sparking in a such a calculating way that it sent a electrifying chill down Lucy's spine.
"I would— ngh! Nastuuuu!"
The rest of what Lucy was attempting to say Lucy's words were cut off by the lighting- fast sweep of Natsu's velvet tongue up her thighs . Not to mention that electric high-voltage jolt of ecstasy flooding her veins.
"There! that should show ya!" Natsu let out a cackle of glee. " Not to ever play dirty tricks on a dragon I mean. Guess you're not gonna need that towel after all, huh Lucy?"
"My God..."
"Yeah, I know . Just that amazing with my tongue, I guess. Natsu purred, voice laced with am indecorous promise "Plus, hearing ya' scream my name like that just gave me another hard-on that I'd love for you to see .. "
"Jeez … of course it'd would . and no real shocker that you would say something like that."
"Yep- you know me so well, Luce. and it's not like you're complain' anyway. Want me to prove it?"
" Maybe.. But God- you're such a pompous ass, you know that?"
"Yeah but all part of my charm, sweetheart."
A/N: And that's Chapter 9 folks! My apologies for the delay by the way! I originally wanted to post this much sooner but got hit with writer's block after getting a somewhat stumped on a particular segment of this chapter. I've also been with my other ongoing fanfics, WIPs and responsibilities among other things in my life . That all aside, at least this chapter was finally posted! Now please feel free to do me a solid and let me know what you think by leaving a comment/ review! Stay tuned for Chapter 10 too! Oh and please feel free to check out the rest of my writing which can be found above, on my profiles and in master post if reading this on tumblr. All right, that's pretty much all I have to say for now! Thanks to all my mutuals/friends, readers and followers for their continuous support over the years! (Corresponding links for the master of my writing and profiles can be found above, in the navigation bar of the desktop and bio if reading this on tumblr.) Until next time-take care!
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Do you wish to put entertaining and exhilaration to your life? Should you, then a activity could possibly be only the admission you are looking for. If you are interested in a whole new activity to savor, please read on and learn more about different methods to spend your time and revel in daily life far more.
A cool hobby to get is always to commence reading through comic books. Comic publications are still going strong and they re not only for children. There are lots of mature designed comic publications and they are often extremely fun to see. You might even find to something that can become a film in the future.
Switching your children onto hobbies and interests with an early age can help them in numerous techniques, and research propose it may also have them about the straight and slim. Children who engage in extra-curricular sporting activities, art work actions, and various organizations accessible often do greater in education as well. Introduce these to a lot of hobbies, and allow them to select their best!
If you are looking for any interest you will enjoy when you are travelling the planet, give scuba a try. When scuba diving, you get to take pleasure in an marine world that few people ever have the ability to see. Additionally, you can aquire a very little exercise and go out with some terrific people as well.
Many people love to play online games on the web being a hobby. The actual online games are extremely reasonable, it is not necessarily hard to get shed inside the alternate truth. Gaming is a perfect interest if you are seeking a thrilling approach to pass a while.
There are numerous types of hobbies and interests connected with audio. You could potentially get vocal training if you like vocal singing. Or, you could potentially learn to play a music device. Finally, you might figure out how to edit and mix songs.Impress your friends with the impromptu evening of tunes and fun.
In case you are in shape, or would like to be, a sports activity constitutes a wonderful pastime. Give football, jogging, football, playing golf and also other sports activities a test and discover what you like best. Even though you didn t enjoy it being a kid doesn t mean you simply will not as if it now.
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The post Top Guide of Essay Writting Services Essay Writing Services appeared first on Vietphapgroup.vn.
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