#edited my wording cos I wasn’t trying to steal anyone’s boyfriend (DUH!)
luveline · 9 months
just saw this boy I went to college with who was very very handsome but he was dating one of my friends so I of course never pursued (or even would have had a chance with him honestly if that wasn’t the case) but he just said to me do you remember me? like bro you are one the prettiest people I’ve ever seen in my life 😭
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Life is Good chapter 24
It was Valentine’s Day and Andrew was an emotional wreck. He had been working himself up into a frenzy. It hadn’t even been a full year since they had met each other again after years apart. They had been together for a grand total of 10 months. It wasn’t exactly a huge length of time. If he had been half his age, 10 months wouldn’t have been that long at all. Certainly not long enough to start thinking of their lives together. At 20, that was generally kind of creepy. Though in fairness, he and Alex had started a family right out of college. They had been planning to be together for their entire live and they had had many happy years together, raising Amanda.
It had been so long since Andrew had thought about having a life partner. Never in a million years would he have guessed that it might have been Craig. Not before they had run into each other again last year.
Craig had also been more secretive and aloof than usual. He never really said what was on his mind, beyond that he had a plan for the evening. He refused to elaborate. The last time he had tried to figure out what was planned, Craig had picked him up and tossed him on the couch to tickle him into submission. The guy had to know how agitated he was, but there was no helping it.
“I’m 1000% sure that they’re up to something,” he said to his daughter. He was skyping her for her birthday. “Even River looks like she knows something that I don’t!”
“Pops, I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason for that,” she replied. “And it might be that they do know something you don’t.”
“That’s not helping, Panda,” he said, grinning. “You know that I’m a chronic over thinker.”
“Yup, and I know that some people decided co-opt my birthday and plan great romantic gestures for their significant others,” she said drily. “So if the dude does have something planned, could it be that bad?”
“Noooo, I suppose not…” he replied. “I’m just nervous, I guess.”
“Pops, it’s been, what, 10 years since you’ve had a Valentine to steal attention away from your beloved daughter?” she said. “I would be concerned if you weren’t nervous.”
“Speaking of Valentines…” he said. “Got any exciting plans for your birthday, kiddo?”
“Actually,” she said. “I forgot to mention that I have a hot date with this guy from my digital editing class.”
“Do I need to have the talk with this disgusting lech—I mean, fine young man?” he asked.
“No problem, Pops,” she replied. “If he turns out to only have one thing in mind, my roommate’s got my back.”
They chatted for a while longer about their respective plans for the evening and if Amanda enjoyed her birthday present (since her dorm room was too small for anything she didn’t really need, the gift was basically just a gift card to a restaurant relatively near campus). She was planning on using it with her friends some time, rather than for the date she was going on tonight. Eventually he had to leave to get ready for his own date. He reluctantly bid farewell and good luck to Amanda.
“Try not to worry too much, Popsicle,” she said. “Just be yourself.”
“You know who you’re talking to, right?”
Amanda just laughed and signed out of the skype session. Andrew hesitantly closed his laptop and wandered off to get ready for his hot date. *************************************************************** Craig was literally losing his shit. He was pacing back and forth in his closet as he deliberated on what to wear. Which he normally didn’t care about that much, but since tonight was supposed to be special, he wanted to put actual thought into it. Hence the actual crisis he was having while he tried to figure his shit out.
 Should I go with a white shirt? A red one? Yeah, red makes sense it’s Valentine’s day. But wait, what tie do I wear? Should I wear a black suit? Wait, duh, why wouldn’t I? I can’t wear blue on Valentine’s day. It’s sad. But wait… I wear blue all the time. Am I a sad person? God, when did I become so stereotypically gay?
He really needed to get ready before Andrew was finished skyping Amanda. He wanted to surprise him, and also be surprised by him. Which wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to manage when boyfriends lived in the same house, it turned out. He finally settled on a solid black suit with a dark red button up shirt and a tie that was a brighter shade. He got dressed quickly and went into the bathroom to style his hair into that spiky style that Andrew loved, but he didn’t actually wear unless he wasn’t at work. He tended to encourage more professional appearances with the people who worked for him.
He heard the door open and close and then the closet door opened and closed. Craig took one last look in the mirror and judged that he was set and quickly sneaked out of the master suite and rushed downstairs. He wandered into the kitchen where he found the girls and Smashley were mixing together some cookie dough with a bowl of red sugar and a bag of Hershey kisses.
“Hey bros,” he said, grinning, trying to mask his nerves. “What’s cooking?”
“Nothing you’d be interested in, dude,” his ex-wife replied. “Lookin’ good!”
Craig chuckled and rubbed his neck. “Thanks, dude,” he said. “And thanks for agreeing to watch the girls tonight.”
“No problem. Now, come on Craig, don’t be nervous,” she said. “Everything is going to be fine. You ready?”
“I’m pretty sure,” he said. “Just you know…”
“Yeah, I get it,” she said sympathetically. “By the way, Briar has something for you.”
Craig looked at his daughter. She dashed over to her backpack and he bit down the instinctive reflex to tell her not to run in the house, not that she and Hazel ever listened. She took out a big, pink foam heart cut in the uneven style of a child with scissors. She held it out with a big, proud smile on her face. “Bro” was written on it in big, rounded letters.
“We made these in art class,” she said. “You pin it to your shirt, see?”
“Aww that’s sweet, tiny bro. And you wrote our thing on it!” he said, picking her up. “Thanks, Briar.”
“Yeah, we figured if you won’t stop calling each other that, we might as well just get used to it,” she said. “Andrew’s getting one, too! But Hazel made that one.”
“Aren’t you supposed to make these for people you’re interested in,” he asked. “You know, like a boy, not your parents?”
“Dad,” she said. “Boys are still gross. I don’t care what anyone else says.”
“Well, thank goodness for small favors,” he replied, kissing her on the cheek.
“Besides,” she continued. “You and Papa aren’t boys. You’re bros. At least, that’s what mom says.”
Craig laughed, finally feeling some of the nervous energy begin to dissipate. “Heck yeah, we are, tiny bro.”
He pinned the heart to his suit and settled down to wait for Andrew to come down for their date. River was having lots of fun with the flour and Craig steered clear of the cookie station, lest his suit get ruined by River’s toddler aged antics. Hazel showed him Andrew’s heart, which was red and decorated with the word “bro” but with silver, glitter paint. Hazel, for her struggle in school, had very good handwriting. There were also flowers drawn on it whereas Briar had just written, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Bro!” and that was that. She wasn’t as artistic as Hazel.
Finally they heard footsteps walking down the stairs and Andrew walked into the kitchen in a matching black suit with a white button down and a burgundy vest and a red bowtie. Craig’s mouth went dry. It was a rare occasion for Andrew to dress up, but he cleaned up nice. His hair was in its usual pony tail, which he was glad to see. It didn’t really count as a hobby, but he really enjoyed pulling his hairband out of his hair and seeing it fall down around his face. Craig was suddenly thinking of situations where he could have an excuse to drag him along to formal occasions so he could see him in suits. He suddenly wanted to go shopping for suits with this man just to see what he would look like in them. He was the most handsome man Craig had ever seen, there was no mistaking it.
Andrew was the first to recover. “You look great, bro,” he said. Then his eyes fell on the heart pinned to his suit and he grinned. “Where’d you get the heart?”
Craig chuckled and rubbed his neck again, but Hazel answered first. “Briar gave it to him!” she said and ran up to him with her heart. “Here’s yours! You’re ‘sposed to pin it to your suit!”
“Thanks Hazel,” he said sweetly. “I’ll put it on right now.”
Craig cleared his throat, having finally found his voice. “You look amazing, bro,” he said. He walked up to him and kissed him lightly. He smelled of aftershave and cologne and Craig was nuts for it.
Andrew blushed. “Thanks, bro,” he said. He pinned the heart to his suit as promised and looked back up. “You ready to go?”
Craig responded by taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. “Ready when you are, dude.”
“Oh! Before you go,” Smashley shouted from the kitchen. “I’m taking the girls back to my place tonight as soon as they’re done with their stuff.”
“What? Why?” Craig asked. “When did this happen?”
Smashley gave him a look. The look she reserved for when he asked a dumb question. “Dude, it’s Valentine’s Day.”
Realization dawned on him and he felt his blush creeping up on his face. “Oh. Right.” he said eloquently. “Thanks. Behave yourselves, girls.” He rushed out of the house leaving behind a chorus of questions about why them going to their mother’s house just because it was Valentine’s Day.
Andrew was grinning at him. “Shut up,” he said, though he couldn’t help but grin himself.
“I didn’t say anything,” he said through bits of helpless giggling. “So, what are we doing after all this? We just going to come home and sleep? Is Smashley getting the girls away from your snoring?”
“I’m never hearing the end of this,” Craig said as they got in the car. *************************************************************** Craig was uncharacteristically closed lipped about where they were going. Andrew wasn’t nervous. Well he was, but not about this. He was trying his best not to fidget and be obvious that he was nervous. Which was sabotaged by the silence that stretched on and on as they drove wherever Craig had in mind. Andrew hadn’t felt more awkward around him since they first met in college. And that was saying something, considering how awkward their first date had been when they were surrounded by thirsty softball moms. Finally Craig turned into a parking lot and Andrew’s jaw dropped.
“The Boar’s Crown?” he asked. It was by far the fanciest restaurant in the area.
“It’s our first Valentine’s Day together, bro,” he said. “I wanted to make it special for you.”
Andrew felt his face start to burn. “How did you get a reservation for this place?”
Craig smiled. “I know the owner.”
They walked into the restaurant hand-in-hand and Andrew’s jaw dropped again when he saw who the host was.
“Robert???” he exclaimed. “This is your restaurant?”
Robert looked… clean. And sober. He was wearing a nice suit and his face was clean shaven. He grinned at him as he took their coats.
“What? You thought I was jobless?” he asked as he hung their coats up.
“Well…” Andrew replied. “I kinda thought you were a tomb raider or something.”
“Only when I’m hunting cryptids,” he said. Robert marked their arrival down and grabbed two menus. “Right this way.”
The restaurant was a large and open with all the ambiance of a high end establishment. The lights were turned down and The tables all had red, pink, or white tablecloths with matching napkins neatly folded in crystal wineglasses. There was also a cleared space in the center of the room with an elevated wooden platform. Nearby, there was another stage with microphones and a piano.
A dancefloor, Andrew realized. I wonder if we’ll dance. God, when was the last time I actually danced with someone. Do remember how?
Robert broke his reverie by presenting their table to them. It was, shockingly, near the dancefloor. Andrew’s heart started racing. Well, more than it already was He wasn’t sure whether he was excited or terrified.
“Enjoy your evening, lovebirds,” Robert smirked.
“Thanks, dude,” Craig said and he sat down. Andrew hastily sat down across from him. Craig grinned, bemused. “You okay, bro?”
“I’m fine,” he whimpered. He looked up and met Craig’s eyes. Craig’s look had gone from bemused to smug.
He’s planning something, he thought, scowling at his lover. He promptly opened the menu and hid behind it.
This was definitely the fanciest restaurant Andrew had ever been to. The meal was served in several courses and Andrew had never heard of most of the foods outside of the entrée section. Even then there were foods that he had never heard of. None of them actually listed a price. Thankfully their waitress was patient and knowledgeable about it and answered all his questions. He placed his order and tried not to be concerned about what the price would end up being.
“So is this your first time here, dude?” Andrew asked.
Craig smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, actually,” he admitted. “I’ve been to other of Robert’s restaurants in the area, but this is the best by far.”
“You were never curious about it?” he asked.
“Well…” he said. “There was never anyone I cared about enough to take out here.”
Andrew blushed furiously and couldn’t help but wish that they still had some menus to hide behind. He contented himself with hiding behind his wineglass. It was a lovely, earthy white wine. It didn’t help the blush at all. He didn’t have to look up to know that Craig was grinning at him. He did, however, hear Craig pour himself a glass.
“A toast?” he asked. Andrew looked up at him.
“What do we toast to?” he asked, smiling.
“To us, of course, bro,” he said. “To our first Valentine’s Day together.”
Andrew smiled as they clinked their glasses together. “The first of many.”
It was Craig’s turn to blush as he sipped from his glass. The first course arrived and the music began to play. It wasn’t anything special. Just someone playing the piano on the stage. He wondered what kind of music they would play. It was hard to hope for a dance when he didn’t know they were going to play next. The songs played and a few couples got up to dance. Some of them did ballroom type stuff, but most of the young ones especially just sort of swayed with the music.
Craig seemed antsy. Like he was pumping himself up mentally for something. Does he have something planned, too? Andrew thought. Oh God, what if we steal each other’s thunder? What if it’s really awkward? What if I totally screw up? Maybe I should just hold off on all—
Suddenly the pianist began to play one of those old-fashioned love songs, the kind that they used to play in black and white movies back in the day. Andrew could swear he knew the cords to this song, but he couldn’t remember what the song was. Then Craig stood up and held out his hand.
“Come on, let’s dance,” he said.
Andrew’s heart was racing. The last/only time he had danced in front of so many people was when he married Alex. Well, it was a partner ceremony. Gay marriage hadn’t been legal at the time, but still. He wondered if he still knew how to follow. He took Craig’s hand and followed him to the dance floor. Craig’s hand went to his waist and, amazingly, he gracefully led him in a waltz. The pianist began to sing.
 Some day, when I'm awfully low When the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you And the way you look tonight
 Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm And your cheeks so soft There is nothing for me but to love you And the way you look tonight
“You chose to dance during an old Frank Sinatra song?” Andrew asked.
“What?” Craig asked, grinning. “You like old movies and stuff like that.”
“You know me so well, bro,” he replied. He stared into Craig’s eyes as they danced. Craig smiled down at him. Somehow the moves came back to him and he managed to move through the steps without stepping on Craig’s toes. They danced through the first song, then the second. Then the third song played and it wasn’t an old love song. It was definitely a newer song. An alto vocalist had come on stage to sing this one. He didn’t recognize it. It was a beautiful song, though. When the song reached the first chorus, he started to tear up.
 I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more
He rested his head against Craig’s shoulder as they danced. He felt his lover softly kiss his cheek as the music played on. When the song finished, he stopped, took Craig’s face in his hands and looked up into his eyes. They were shining as his arms wrapped around his waist.
“I love you so much, Andrew,” he said. “I never thought I’d have a chance to be with you. But here you are.”
“I never thought I would ever have a second chance at love,” Andrew replied. “But then you ran into my life, literally, and the year since then have been the most amazing, happiest of my life. Well, aside from the months when Amanda first started sleeping through the night.”
Craig laughed. “I’d be offended, but I know what you mean, bro,” he said.
Andrew backed out of Craig’s embrace and took his hands in his. “You’re the most amazing person in the world, Craig,” he said, dropping to one knee. He pulled out the box from his pocket and opened it, revealing the ring he had bought. “Craig Cahn will you marry me?”
Craig looked down at him, stunned. “Dude!”
Andrew’s heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“I was gonna ask you, dude!” he said, bringing out his own little black box. There was a ripple of laughter from the other customers, who of course had taken notice of the proposal on the dance floor.
“Sooo…” Andrew said. “Is that a yes?”
“Dude! Of course I’ll marry you,” Craig said. Andrew’s face broke into a grin as he took the ring and put it on Craig’s finger to their audience’s enthusiastic applause. Andrew got up in time for Craig to pull him into a passionate kiss. Andrew blushed as people whistled and cheered.
“I love you, bro,” he whispered against Craig’s lips.
“I love you, too,” Craig replied. They returned to their table, where their waitress was waiting for them with another bottle of wine.
“Congratulations,” she said, smiling. “This bottle comes with our compliments. Enjoy!”
They thanked her and she left to get their food. Craig picked up the previous bottle and poured a glass for them both.
In the background the alto sang a lovely song to other dancing couples while they spent the evening enjoying each other's company. Andrew couldn't help but think that it applied to them perfectly.
 I only know what I know The passing years will show You've kept my love so young, so new
 And time after time You'll hear me say that I'm So lucky to be loving you
“You know what, bro?” Craig asked.
“What?” Andrew asked, amused that his boyfrie— fiancé was still using that word from their college days. He doubted that they would ever stop.
“Life is good,” Craig said, holding up a glass.
Andrew held up his glass and they toasted. “To life.”
“Our life,” Craig said. “And to our new adventure.”
End of Part 1
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