#edward cadogan
coarsely · 5 months
Build a pokemon team for your ocs
Jumping on from @thanataes, because I thought this was such a fun idea! I may have gotten a little carried away, but I really like pokemon :) it's really fun to look at what suits their aesthetic, their fighting style, their personality, etc, while trying to create a balanced and workable team.
Ucalegon, Nod's most beloved warrior.
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Ucalegon is someone fairly concerned with aesthetics, but also as a fighter for Nod has to have a fairly balanced team. She often uses eletricity to taze and shock people, but also lives in a fairly urbanised area, hence the eletric and steel types. There is a certain level of mystique to her, which Absol represents, while also being considered wild and uncivilised by the Bronze Eden populace, which Lycanroc shows. Tauros acts as a good balance for the rest of the team's speciality, while also showing how full-on she can sometimes be.
Hendrix, leader of the Undark.
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Hendrix's team are all visually related to water creatures, although only two are actual water types. While he is heavily involved in the pirate aesthetic, he is not actually one, so I thought it would be fun to show that by only visually looking like sea creatures, while not being one. I chose two poison types, because he is mildly radioactive. Most ground attacks are physical, which suits his physical and aggressive nature, hence my choosing of those. Barbaracle was chosen because Hendrix does have barnacles in different places on his body, so it just makes sense. Garchomp, I can't really explain, it just feels right to have at least on dragon type on there. There's a certain status symbol thing with dragon types, and he is a leader of sorts, so it fits in!
Vítor Cadogan, former Gladiator of Golden Glimpse.
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Vítor was quite fun to do. Aside from Mimikyu, I tried not to choose too many recent pokemon, to show he's a little older than maybe you'd first expect. Once being a superhero for Golden Glimpse, I tried to make his team more varied, to have more options in a fight. Lucario evolves with high friendship, so it's nice to have that sort of implication that Vítor treats his pokemon very well. Jolteon is honestly mostly chosen because Golden Glimpse is visually very yellow, and it's cute to imagine one curling up in his lap. Porygon2 is because it requires a lot of trading to evolve, and Vítor is someone very well connected. His protective instincts are symbolised via Aegislash, and his secretive nature while also being very socialble feel well represented by Mimikyu.
Dr Edgar Edwards, former heavyweight champion of Bronze Eden.
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As his title suggests, Ed was once a highly successful boxer in Bronze Eden, winning the heavyweight championship 3 times in his career. This is why Hariyama and Machamp are there! Steelix and Weezing I chose due to his rags to riches story, which both represent to me with the sleek steel form and the pollution tophats. Houndoom feels like they fit in very well as a guard dog, which in a way Ed is one himself. Venusaur just felt right to add there. Very large, poisonous, and Ed is a war criminal who is not far off 8 feet tall, so it just feels good!
Diomede, exiled leader of the Vagor.
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Diomede is a horse girl, so Mudsdale was an obvious choice. His actual steed though is an elk, which Sawsbuck sort of emulates, so I went with them too. Crobat was fun to add because of the whole "cannot evolve without high friendship", while also being scary-looking, which hints at how much he loved his people when he was part of them, but doesn't necessarily show it. Golurk, being inspired by a golem, also shows that latent protective instinct he had. Being a ghost type also feels like it shows those are just memories now, which i like. Bisharp was chosen as Diomede is a weaponsmith like most Vagor, and Bisharp looks like it would help out! Bouffalant works well as being a Vagor is also about working in tandem with the wilderness and with the untameable megafauna that roam Nod, which Bouffalant is clearly inspired by.
Saccade, Punisher of Neo-Babylon
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For Saccade, it was important almost every pokemon felt recognisable as an animal. Saccade is quite a down-to-earth, no nonsense person, so these choices sort of infer that with their recognisable designs. Two are normal type, further cementing that she isn't someone majorly into the flashy looks of other pokemon. The exception to this is Noivern, who I'd imagine she rarely deploys as a sort of "suprise tool that will help us later". Mabosstiff, some of you might have noticed, is a shiny! I imagine Mabosstiff as a gift from her spouse when they were still alive, who Saccade rarely brings out in a fight either, for fear of losing them. Durant was chosen frankly just because I really like durant! Gallade, because in between these two pokemon she's hesitant to bring out, I think she needs a more aggressive partner to compensate. This team was also very fun to put together!
This was so fun to do! I'm gonna tag @megarywrites, @solipseismic, @revenantlore, @noblebs, @dyrewrites and @cream-and-tea, and of course, absolutely anyone else who is as taken with this concept as I was! Here is a link to the team builder, enjoy yourselves!
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Edward England
Edward England was an Irish pirate who operated in the Caribbean, the Eastern Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean between 1717 and 1720 during the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730). Captain England’s successful but brief pirate career came to an end when he was marooned by his crew on the island of Mauritius in 1720.
Early Career
Captain England has his own chapter in the celebrated pirate’s who’s who, A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, compiled in the 1720s. The book was credited to a Captain Charles Johnson on its title page, but this is perhaps a pseudonym of Daniel Defoe (although scholars are still debating the issue, and Charles Johnson may have been a real, if entirely unknown pirate expert). As with many other pirates, the General History is an invaluable source on England’s career, even if there are fictional additions to the factual information laboriously garnered from such sources as court records, official documents, and letters of the period.
Edward England’s real name was possibly Jasper Seager (or Seegar). Like many pirates of the period, England was obliged to join a pirate crew after the ship on which he was serving was captured. England had been an officer on a Jamaican sloop when it was taken by Christopher Winter, who was based at the pirate haven of New Providence in the Bahamas. The General History gives the following not unfavourable assessment of England’s character:
England was one of those men, who seemed to have such a share of reason, as should have taught him better things. He had a great deal of good nature, and did not want for courage; he was not avaricious, and always averse to the ill usage prisoners received: he would have been contented with moderate plunder, and less mischievous pranks could his companions have been brought to the same temper, but he was generally over-ruled. (114)
Following the successful attacks on pirates in their haven at New Providence (now Nassau) by Woodes Rogers, Governor of the Bahamas from 1717, England sailed across the Atlantic to continue his piracy elsewhere. Several merchant ships were captured in the Azores, Cape Verde Islands, and off the coast of West Africa.
In 1718, England himself obliged an otherwise honest man to turn pirate when he captured the Welshman Howell Davis who had been chief mate on a slave ship, the Cadogan of Bristol. The captain of the Cadogan was murdered, and Davis was given command of the slaver despite refusing to formally sign England’s ship’s articles and become a part of his pirate crew. Impressed with Davis’ courage, England allowed him to sail off. Davis ended up in Barbados where he was captured. Davis managed to escape prison, and he continued a pirate career on both sides of the Atlantic, a spree that ended with his death on Principe Island in 1719.
England was, for a time, an associate of the most successful of all pirates in the so-called Golden Age, Bartholomew Roberts (aka 'Black Bart' Roberts, c. 1682-1722). In the relatively small world of pirates, Roberts had taken over the crew of Howell Davis after the latter’s death. Roberts and England operated off the coast of Guinea, West Africa. England operated two ships: his own sloop and another prize renamed Victory. Command of the latter was given to John Taylor and together they raided the western coast of India and took more prize ships. When required, provisions were taken on board at the pirate base on Madagascar.
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dmitryswifey · 3 days
❗Translated from Russian to English using Google and Yandex. Please comment if you notice any mistakes or mistranslations.❗
Evthys tries to get in touch with Isman’s Ka, but something goes wrong and she again sees only fragments of her brother's memories, as well as Anubis, who keeps his soul. Having failed to achieve the result, Eva falls into the hands of the epistates who caught up with her. Amen and Agnia decide to make a bait out of her and Livy, because Remmao is somewhere nearby. The mentor does appear, but he is not going to give up to the hunters and allow himself to be tortured. Having set fire to the ibu where Isman's body rests, Remmao cuts his own throat. Set, who suddenly appears, first engages in battle with Amen, but then convinces him that they have a common goal. After a crazy night, Ramesses appears in the tent and is going to tell about his brother and the reasons for his actions…
Miss Harrington distracts Ellia from thinking about why she was put to sleep and placed in a stone coffin by telling her that the circus he used to work for has arrived in London. The friends all go to a performance where the heroine walks a tightrope under the hypnosis of two acrobats, Edward and Christopher Cadogan. In the evening, Alexander invites the young investigator to go down to dinner, where, to her surprise, he introduces her to the Queen of England, Victoria, who is also his grandmother. The Queen reports that her sapphire tiara has been stolen and that the guards swear that the thief is the "Glowing Killer" Severin Bastendorff, who has risen from the dead, and who has been written about in the newspapers lately. The heroine takes on the case, promising the Queen complete secrecy. Wanting to examine the crime scene, she, Rachel and Sam travel to the palace, and along the way Sam shares his story of how he was stripped of his rank and exiled from his home country…
The cards are revealed, the spy is exposed. The Incineration Alliance decides not to banish the Time Catcher, but to test her loyalty. The witch must steal the Conduit from the Vatican - an artifact necessary for initiation. The heroine turns to Renato for help, who gives her the necessary information. At night, in the company of Shen and Onyx, the witch makes her way to the heart of the entire Church. However, in the place indicated by Renato, the Time Catcher finds a fake Conduit and Praevius, who calls himself Idris. Having assured her that he wants to help, he begins to deceive the witch into draining her life force…
Christian tells Devi about his investigation and search for the traitor and finally gives the name - Mohan Prasad. Doran also comes to the same conclusions. The executioner continues to collect information. And de Clare intends to marry Deviya before returning to Calcutta. An old friend of Lord de Clare - Bernard Swinford arrives at the estate with his sister Clara and right-hand man Oscar Fitzwarren. At dinner, the English begin to egg on and provoke the Indian guests. The already tense situation is aggravated by Christian's announcement of an imminent wedding…
Dong-hyun suspects that Mr. Won is hiding something, and helps Ji-yoon secretly break into his office. However, there the heroine witnesses a conversation between Castiel and his father, and realizes that they both visited the Garden of Eden club. The heroine remains unnoticed and only after, in a conversation with her mentor, learns that Castiel's father stopped financing the RK3 group. And it also turns out that Mi-yeon had some kind of secret sponsor – and, most likely, Seo-yoon too. In search of clues, Minhyuk and the heroine make their way to Mi-yeon's house. There they find a secret phone, with which the singer left a voice message to Minhyuk before her death with information that she had found Seo-yoon's killer, but they were following her, and that Seo-yoon's sister would help him understand everything. After returning home, they call the suspected killer's number from Miyeon's phone and hear a melody on the phone…
Isolde, a siren and Walter/Cynthia's mother, helps the succubus deal with the attacking demon. To continue the work, the demoness goes to her Brother Kang and asks him to unblock her Soulspark account. Kang, interested in the MC's daring behavior, arranges a new meeting with her. The succubus is worried that she has become close to Ava, but is forced to report her to Elliot, and she refuses to do so, promising in exchange to now leak information directly about Kang. Returning home, the demoness receives Ava as a guest and, in a fit of frankness, tells her about her deal with the detective. Ava, disappointed and angry, leaves, leaving the heroine with a deep sense of guilt. Adding to the emotions is Vincent, who examined the torn out heart of an unknown demon and now declares that they need to fly to the old Starling estate together with Threxia/o, and the demoness suddenly feels sick from the accumulated experiences, which becomes a big surprise for both herself and Vincent. While getting ready for the trip, the doorbell rings, and an unexpected guest appears on the threshold…
The heroine finally decides to admit to not having a license - and it turns out that Astrea has known about it for a long time. Together with Felonia, the MC goes to talk to the father of one of the victims, the owner of an unconventional restaurant, and later, in the company of Cassiel and Raphael, she goes to save the supposed future victim - boxer Harry. The latter is brought to the agency by the company, but he quickly leaves, simultaneously planting seeds of doubt about his colleagues in the soul of the appraiser. The next day, the MC goes to the village to see her friend Ruth, and it turns out that she is a fan of the cult, who specially lured the heroine into the wilderness to sacrifice her to the Beast. Here, the girl again meets Phillip Moore, who escaped from prison and plays one of the leading roles in the ritual. The sectarians almost manage to kill their victim, but then Raphael appears, blinds the villagers and takes the heroine to Astrea. The heroes heal the MC's wounds and erase her memory in order to preserve her psyche. The next day, the heroine wakes up with a feeling of emptiness, filled with strange dreams, and a desire to escape from the agency. She returns to her apartment and spends several days there, and then meets Cassiel and decides to drop in at Astrea - as it turns out, at the wrong time, because the bosses have finally arrived at the mansion…
In the ruins found in the tracks of the spawn, the squad members see the torn body of a nun and understand that it was bait to pump blood out of the spawn. In pursuit of another spawn, the heroine falls through the ice, Dmitry jumps after her, and the underwater current carries them to the lower floors of the destroyed Siberia base. The MC and Dmitry are temporarily separated, the heroine hides in a room from an incomprehensible pursuer, who suddenly begins to speak to her through the door in Dmitry's voice. The MC is ready to open the door, but suddenly the general appears right next to her, silently making it clear that there is something else behind the door. Then the involuntary partners find themselves in a strange laboratory. Soon Cain and Anna break through there. Having looked around, they find a couch for research, on which, in addition to straps for hands and feet, there are also straps for wings. A halo flares up in the sky above Rotkov, and the squad, having returned to the estate, understands that the last sacrifice has begun somewhere. Having found a secret passage under the temple, the heroes discover a secret sanctuary, where, among a crowd of infected, Boris is going to become the last - the main - victim and release the original evil into the world, however, he himself begins to turn into an infected. The heroine kills Boris and the squad escapes from the temple. At the last moment, Anna discovers that Dmitry has been bitten. Meanwhile, an avalanche approaches Rotkov and buries half the city under snow. The squad decides to go to the Adam base. The bitten general is in serious condition and unconscious. Bypassing settlements and hiding from the spawn, the heroes make another stop at a railway warehouse. Part of the squad, checking the territory, stumbles upon a car that has driven off the road and a wounded man in it. And the rest, getting inside the warehouse, discover crucified bodies. A new acquaintance assures that these are the victims of cultists. Suddenly, Dmitry appears in the room without a single sign of infection…
Tristan steals a car to help the heroine and her brother Carter escape from the dealer. Carter is temporarily allowed to stay at the Rosewood club, and soon he receives an invitation to stay on James' private island. At the same time, Ray receives an eviction notice from the apartment. Helping to move Ray's things to her grandmother, the MC reads the notice and recognizes the label - it was James' family company that evicted Ray. At the meeting, FBI agents demand that Carter be returned, and the young student has no choice but to sail to the island and return her brother. Later, Chloe asks the heroine to be with her at a party thrown in her dorm. There, she admits that she has known the guys from Rosewood since childhood, but they must not find out that Chloe is also in Kearney, because she is in the witness protection program and is going to testify against her father …
The last sacred oak tree, standing on the edge of the village, began to wither and shed its leaves, which means that changes are coming. After all, the tree is the only defense against the horrors that live in the fog. The heroine, together with Tata and Milon, try to find out what happened to Vereya in her last hours of life, because her spirit keeps appearing to her sister. The high priestess, seeing this, offers the heroine to become a priestess and a student of her grandson, the magus Ozar. The MC agrees. The priests go to the stone idols to make a sacrifice to the gods and plant the seeds of the sacred oak. But during the ceremony, the heroine is stupefied by a goblin who has crept close to the village. And at night, falling into a deep sleep after a hard day, she sees her twin Vereya in her bedroom again…
The long war between the Kingdom of Esshai and the Ro'od Empire may finally come to an end. The condition of the truce is the marriage between the princess of Esshai, Fanuel, and the crown prince of Ro'od, Tai. The king of Esshai sends two ladies-in-waiting with his daughter, one of whom is our heroine, a young court sorceress. Representatives of the two peoples meet on the border of their lands, on a mountain pass: here, Princess Fanuel must undergo the rite of entry into the Ro'od clan. The night after the rite, the MC accidentally witnesses Fanuel's conversation with an unknown person about her desire to violate her father's order and not marry Tai. The next morning, the princess is found at the bottom of a gorge with a broken neck. Chaos begins in the camp. The conclusion of peace is under threat, as is the life of the young sorceress: she is threatened with death at the hands of a dragon rider…
I found this on Reddit!
Credits to: u/euphorheya for the translation
and nvta for the original post^^
Here is the link
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haitianempress · 2 months
Battle of the Siblings 👩🧑
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Fair Rosamund and Queen Eleanor
signed and dated ‘F.C. COWPER/1920’ (lower right) and further signed and inscribed 'Rosamund and Queen Eleanor/ Cadogan Cowper A.R.A./ 3. Edwards Square Studios/ Kensington/ London, W.' (on a label attached to the reverse)
oil on canvas
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olympic-paris · 25 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 1
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1868 – Baron Adolph de Meyer was a photographer famed for his elegant photographic portraits in the early 20th century, many of which depicted celebrities such as Mary Pickford, Rita Lydig, Luisa Casati, Billie Burke, Irene Castle, John Barrymore, Lillian Gish, Ruth St. Denis, King George V, and Queen Mary. He was also the first official fashion photographer for the American magazine Vogue, appointed to that position in 1913.
In 1899, he married Donna Olga Caracciolo, an Italian noblewoman; she was a goddaughter (and possible illegitimate daughter) of Edward VII. This was a lavender marriage —a marriage of convenience, as the groom was homosexual and the bride was bisexual. The couple reportedly met in 1897, at the home of a member of the Sassoon banking family, and Olga de Meyer would be the subject of many of her husband's photographs.
After the death of his wife, Baron de Meyer became romantically involved with a young German, Ernest Frohlich, whom he hired as his chauffeur and later adopted as his son. The latter went by the name Baron Ernest Frohlich de Meyer. From 1898 to 1913, de Meyer lived in fashionable Cadogan Gardens, London, and between 1903 and 1907 his work was published in Alfred Stieglitz's quarterly Camera Work. In 1912, he photographed Vaslav Nijinsky in Paris.
On the eve of World War II in 1938, de Meyer returned to the United States. Today, few of his prints survive, most having been destroyed during World War II but some 52 photographs of Olga, packed away by his adopted son Ernest, came to light in 1988 and were published in 1992.
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1904 – Karl Ernst was born in Berlin (d.1934). It is hard to say for sure if he was gay, but we know that he had worked as a bouncer for a gay nightclub in Berlin in the 1920s. He later joined the SA which was run by two gay men - Ernst Rohm and Edmund Heines, and it seems very possible that they may have been brought together through gay social circles.
Ernst was an SA Gruppenführer who, in early 1933, was the SA leader in Berlin. It has been suggested that it was he who, with a small party of stormtroopers, passed through a passage from the Palace of the President of the Reichstag, and set the Reichstag building on fire on the night of February 27, 1933.
If he had homosexual relationships, which have not been confirmed, he was most likely bi-sexual. He married a young woman in Bremen in June of 1934. The young couple were on their way on honeymoon to Madeira when, on June 30th, Adolf Hitler undertook a "purge" of the SA. Ernst's wife and chauffeur were both wounded but survived while Ernst was taken back to Berlin by SS Officers. He was briefly imprisoned at the Cadet School at Lichterfelde and then shot, along with several other SA leaders, by a Liebstandarte firing squad.
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1950 – The New York Attorney General issues an opinion that both partners in an act of oral sex are guilty under the state's sodomy law.
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1950. On this memorable day is born your Admin jp F, presenting you this https://www.tumblr.com/olympic-paris page
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1969 – On this date West Germany repealed its laws prohibiting homosexual acts between consenting adults. It's interesting to note that this change didn't affect Lesbians, as West German sex laws had never acknowledged the existence of Lesbians.
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1977 – On this date the present-day Log Cabin Republicans organization is founded as the "Gay Republicans" club, a group of homosexuals within the United States' Republican Party.
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1978 – The Gay Bob doll makes its debut in stores across the nation. He had a pierced ear and his packaging box was shaped like a closet.
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1979 – On this date researchers at Columbia University issued a report that concluded that homosexuality is a result of nurture, not nature ("upbringing and psychological causes"). Of course they STILL argue about the whys and hows.
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2003 The first paperback collection of Glen Hanson's Chelsea Boys is published.
A native of Toronto, Glen Hanson is an openly gay Canadian-born cartoonist and illustrator, best known as co-creator with Allan Neuwirth of the comic strip Chelsea Boys. He is an internationally acclaimed illustrator, art director and writer.
After studying animation at Sheridan College, Glen went on to design characters for TV's Babar, Beetlejuice and Daria cartoon shows. In 2000 he was nominated for an Annie Award for his art direction and design on MTV's internationally syndicated Spy Groove series. He has since developed shows for Nickelodeon, Film Roman, Studio B, Disney and co-wrote, designed and storyboarded a series of animated promo spots for Soap Net entitled "Crescent Hollow".
Glen's illustrations have appeared in a variety of publications around the world including British Vogue and GQ, Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, The Wall St. Journal, Maxim, FHM and Variety. Celebrities like Carol Burnett, Rosie O'Donnell, Billy Crystal, Mary Tyler Moore and Tom Cruise all own original caricatures created by Glen.
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But Glen Hanson has an alter-ego. He is also G-Man of gay erotic cartoon fame. When he moved to New York as a struggling artist, he found a ripe market for the sexy toons he had created in his teens. He says: "I came up with the name G-Man," he says, "to separate my career as Glen Hanson — who was doing work for 'Ladies Home Journal' and 'Good Housekeeping' — from the fantasy studs that I started drawing in my teen years."
"I was in the right place at the right time." he adds. "My gay work proliferated throughout gay New York, where most American advertising and editorial art directors are."
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Hanson now lives in Los Angeles, where he's developing an animated version of his syndicated comic strip Chelsea Boys for possible inclusion on gay cable channel, Logo. Begun over six years ago as the carefree adventures of three kooky roomates, Chelsea Boys soon took on more serious issues like the prevalence of crystal meth, barebacking - even the war in Iraq.
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2009 – Brett Josef Grubisic (b.1963) with David L. Chapman, publishes American Hulks: The Muscular Male Body in Popular Culture. Grubisic is a Canadian novelist and editor, and Sessional Lecturer of English at the University of British Columbia. He obtained degrees from University of Victoria (B.A., M.A.) and the University of British Columbia (Ph.D.)
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He has edited one anthology of gay male pulp fiction, and co-edited an anthology of upcoming Canadian writers. Grubisic's debut novel, The Age of Cities, was published in 2006, and was a finalist for the City of Vancouver Book Prize. S This Location of Unknown Possibilities, Grubisic's follow-up novel, appeared in 2014. Appearing in 2009, American Hunks: The Muscular Male Body in Popular Culture, 1860-1970, a pictorial social history co-authored with David L. Chapman, charts changes in the depictions of and attitudes toward the nude and semi-nude male body in North America.
He has written about film, books, and writers for the Toronto Star, Literary Review of Canada, National Post, the Vancouver Sun, The Globe and Mail, Maclean's, and Xtra!
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2016 – Tim McCaskell's book Queer Progress: From Homophobia to Homonationalism is published.
Born in 1951, Tim McCaskell has been one of Canada's most prominent gay activist since the 1970s, and one who has consistently incomporated race and class issues into his liberation outlook. He was a member of the editorial collective of The Body Politic, Canada's most important gay magazine until its demise in 1987.
In the early 1980s, he was also an important member of the Right to Privacy Committee, at the time the country's largest activist group, organised in response to police raids on gay bath-houses. For many years, McCaskell worked for the Toronto Board of Education on antiracist and other initiatives.
It wasn't until 1986, when Mr. McCaskell's blood was tested as part of a study into the epidemiology of the disease, that he learned that he was HIV-positive.
McCaskell was a founding member of AIDS Action Now! in 1988, an activist group formed to press for changes in the way that AIDS treatements were researched and disseminated, and was successful in changing goverment policy.
For years he has been partner to Richard Fung, a Trinidadian-Chinese-Canadian filmmaker sharing his interest in anti-racist initiatives.
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🩷James + Wooden Breaks🩷
🧡DOTD Percy + Angst Story + The Rest of The Story🧡
💛Main 12 and their Original Drivers and Firemen💛
💚Dane and Edalyn Angst💚
💙Sally and Douglas💙
~The Original Western~
❤️Donald and Douglas❤️
🧡Scrap Oliver and Toad🧡
💛Oswald and Jessica💛
💚Isabel and Dulcie💚
💙Toad and Samantha💙
~Lucy and Daniel~
❤️Coma Nightmares❤️
~The Ghosts Of Sodor~
❤️Alfred + Alive Self❤️
🧡Godred + Alive Self🧡
💛Proteus + Alive Self💛
💚Timothy + Alive Self💚
💙Rusty's Ghost Engine: Cadogan + Alive Self💙
💜Edward's Ghost Engine: Darrell + Alive Self💜
~@hi-my-name-is-cosmopathy's Fanart + Headcanons that are now canon lol~
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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Libby Spotlight: Vampires!
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn.
Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Isabella, the person Edward holds most dear. The lovers find themselves balanced precariously on the point of a knife — between desire and danger.
This is the first volume of the "Twilight Saga" series.
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith
Indiana. Moonlight falls through the dense woods that surround a one-room cabin, where a nine-year-old Abraham Lincoln kneels at his suffering mother's bedside. She's been stricken with something the old-timers call "Milk Sickness." Only later will the grieving Abe learn that his mother's fatal affliction was actually the work of a vampire.
When the truth becomes known to young Lincoln, he writes in his journal, "henceforth my life shall be one of rigorous study and devotion. I shall become a master of mind and body. And this mastery shall have but one purpose..." Gifted with his legendary height, strength, and skill with an ax, Abe sets out on a path of vengeance that will lead him all the way to the White House.
While Abraham Lincoln is widely lauded for saving and freeing millions of slaves, his valiant fight against the forces of the undead has remained in the shadows for hundreds of years. That is, until Seth Grahame-Smith stumbled upon The Secret Journal of Abraham Lincoln, and became the first living person to lay eyes on it in more than 140 years.
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Patricia Campbell’s life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she’s always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they’re as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.
One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn’t felt in years. But when children on the other side of town go missing, their deaths written off by local police, Patricia has reason to believe James Harris is more of a Bundy than a Brad Pitt. The real problem? James is a monster of a different kind—and Patricia has already invited him in. 
Little by little, James will insinuate himself into Patricia’s life and try to take everything she took for granted—including the book club—but she won’t surrender without a fight in this blood-soaked tale of neighborly kindness gone wrong.
Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill
Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn’t exactly glamorous, but it was Merit’s. She was doing fine until a rogue vampire attacked her. But he only got a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker–and this one decided the best way to save her life was to make her the walking undead.
Turns out her savior was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now she’s traded sweating over her thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries’ worth of charm, but unfortunately, he expects her gratitude–and servitude.
But an inconvenient sunlight allergy and Ethan’s attitude are the least of her concerns. Someone’s still out to get her. Her initiation into Chicago’s nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war–and there will be blood.
This is the first volume of the "Chicagoland Vampires" series.
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she-x-wolf · 2 years
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Damn sir..
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The more he messes with his hair, the hotter he gets-
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Aaaaand I take everything back.
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romance-club-daily · 3 years
Character Profile!
~Edward Cadogan
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Book: Chasing You
Interesting fact:
Edward's mother loved to watch disaster movies and documentaries about criminals and serial killers. For a while, Edward wanted to become a detective because his mom always admired people who eventually found and detained villains.
Posted by RC on Facebook
RC Character's Profile Masterlist
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cheesycourier · 2 years
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ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ 𝓒hristopherᅠ & ᅠ𝓔dward
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ ᅠ 𝓒adogan
— never saw one without other, did you?ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ
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coarsely · 3 months
OC cuddle scale tag
Rules: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled on a scale of 0-10
Many thanks to @noblebs for tagging me! This thing looks so cute and fun I absolutely have to participate! I have a lot of OCs so we might be here for a while but it's a very fun exercise to go through.
Saccade: 6/10
She's got biceps like cantaloupes, and is pretty tall, so you'd think she'd be great at it but she's pretty hesitant around touch for the most part, and so usually is pretty tense and awkward. She prefers to give people a handshake or a slap on the back rather than hugging them, and that hesitation comes through.
Vítor Cadogan: 2/10
You'd think a man whose occupation is looking after emotionally damaged children would be well used to giving hugs, but nope! He tends to leave that side of things to Apricity, preferring to be more of a steadfast emotionally dependent rock as opposed to a warm, nurturing personality. He's extremely awkward about it, and he's rather lanky physically, and isn't big on touch as a rule, so the whole thing doesn't suit him.
Ucalegon: 6/10
She's very sinewy, very thin, lots of bones and edges and hard muscle. Despite this, she does put her all into it, and often rocks the people she hugs gently in her arms. She doesn't much like being hugged, but doesn't mind hugging her friends and loved ones, of which there are many. She's also pretty strong and could lift most people, if you're into that.
Cerebellum: 8/10
Muscular, a little on the boney side but he makes it up with sheer enthusiasm. A hug from Cerebellum gets you lifted in the air and twirled around in excitement. He likes to hug his friends! But it can be a bit overwhelming for people not into that, alas.
Diomede: 5/10
He's bonier and thinner than he used to be these days, and is a lot more touch-starved than he ever was with the Vagor. So very hesitant and awkward for the most part, up until his desperation for human contact hits and then he's extremely clingy until you let go.
Hendrix: 2/10
Hendrix is thin, bony, very angular, slightly wet and cold, and has a number of very hard shell growths all over his body that can and do dig into the skin. The only reason why he's not 0/10 is because he does properly try to give you a bear hug if you ask (he's not large enough to really make it work but it's the thought that counts) and he's just about tall enough for most people to snuggle in nicely, it's just that you're snuggling into what feels like rocks.
Imperator V: 9/10
V is a gentle giant in every sense of the word (except for all the murders). He's very large, both muscular and with a healthy layer of fat on him, and while he is somewhat starved for real gentle human contact he's not socially aware enough to feel awkward about it when it is initiated. If you get his shirt off him, he's also pretty hairy. He'd make a great human blanket, if you asked. One mark deducted for the very real risk that you might get blood stains on you from hugging him. On account of all the murders.
Imperator III: 0/10
Sorry babe the armour that singes the flesh of the sinners and nonbelievers of the Empyrean's doctrine stays on during hugs.
Ed Edwards: 8/10
The man is over 7 feet all, and is a former boxer who has put on a lot of healthy weight in his sporting retirement. He is also, despite his bitter attitude and constant pissed off attitude, is someone who does quite like physical contact. He is touch starved also, which I'm coming to realise is pretty standard in this project, especially Bronze Eden. What intense cultural puritanism and Catholicism does to a motherfucker I guess. Anyway points deducted because he still doesn't quite know his own strength and will squeeze you a little too hard.
Sal Solomon: 1/10
Like hugging an unwashed porcupine.
Sylvester Praeceptor: 5/10
Probably the only person on this list that gets hugged somewhat regularly, by his favourite sibling and proverbial twin Jules. However he's not really big on physical contact outside of that, and rarely lingers in someone's embrace. He's fairly tall but quite thin, although his shoulders which are deceptively broad are probably nice to rest your head against if you want. All in all, fairly middle of the road hugger.
Potentate Magnus: 1/10
He's an emaciated 105 year old man with a very literal God complex. He doesn't hug and if he did it would be like hugging a skin-clad skeleton who actively thinks you are lesser than him. Also wouldn't take off his mask so you'd get stabbed by his horns.
Potentate Augustus: 1/10
He would think you were attacking him and would have a heart attack and die.
Potentate Boris: 6/10
Quite warm, very gentle and pleasant, but points deducted because he would start crying and make it awkward for everyone.
Potentate Salvatore: 7/10
He's more of a kiss on the cheek guy rather than a hug guy but he can and will do it, and is fairly warm and cozy, probably the most normal Potentate to hug. I wouldn't linger though, he gets creepy if you stay around him for too long.
Potentate Felipe: 0/10
Would get a stiffy, potentially cream his pants. Bad idea for everyone involved.
Potentate Clymene: 10/10
Warm, soft, smaller than you but properly wraps her arms around you and all around is a very comforting person to hug. Smells nice too, on account on all the floral perfumes she uses. And she won't tell you off for having bad manners for wanting a hug as others might do.
Potentate Zephyr: 3/10
Clymene took all the good hugging genes 😔 he is tall, lanky, and usually is awkward, tense and uncomfortable, but is much more open and warm around Clymene, who is the main person he's hugging. Again, they're probably the only siblings in this miserable family who genuinely like each other.
Potentate Louis: 2/10
Like his uncle Zephyr, he is awkward, tense and uncomfortable, and has the same lankiness Zephyr has (although isn't as tall). He is also chronically touch starved, but will snuggle nicely given the opportunity. Unfortunately you might get hair gel on you, nothing we can do about that.
Sorry for writing so much, games like this really make me realise how many characters I have in this current project 😅 I'm tagging @woundlight, @chauceryfairytales, @dyrewrites, @albatris, @solipseismic and as always anyone else who wants to give this a shot! It was a really cute and fun thing to do!
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details of
Venetian Ladies Listening to the Serenade, 1909, Frank Cadogan Cowper
Sidonia von Bork 1560, 1860, Edward Burne-Jones
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leffot · 3 years
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Edward Green MTO mother load. ⁣ ⁣ Clockwise from top left:⁣ Falkirk Top Drawer, 82 last, Cognac Cordovan ⁣ Dosan Top Drawer, 890 last, Sienna Hatch⁣ Cadogan Top Drawer, 82 last, Dark Oak⁣ Dover, 82 last, Sienna Hatch, Snuff Suede⁣ Kentmere no strap, 72 last, Brandy Cordovan ⁣ ⁣ #edwardgreen #mto #madetoorder #topdrawer #falkirk #dosan #cadogan #dover #kentmere #inthedetails #leffot (at Leffot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP0rRvShdy4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Fair Rosamund and Queen Eleanor
signed and dated ‘F.C. COWPER/1920’ (lower right) and further signed and inscribed 'Rosamund and Queen Eleanor/ Cadogan Cowper A.R.A./ 3. Edwards Square Studios/ Kensington/ London, W.' (on a label attached to the reverse)
oil on canvas
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nanshe-of-nina · 3 years
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“Gerald of Wales described Henry II’s mistress Rosamond de Clifford in a famous pun as a ‘rosa immundi’ (unclean rose), not as a rosa mundi (rose of the world). He implied that Henry planned to imprison Eleanor in order to spend more time with his mistress, and that after his victory over the rebellion of 1173–4 he, like Pharaoh, relapsed into vice. Roger of Howden records that, following Rosamond’s death and burial at Godstow Abbey in Oxfordshire, the bishop of Lincoln had her reburied outside the abbey grounds ‘for she was a harlot’. Yet from this unflattering beginning developed a legend in which Rosamond was transformed into an innocent heroine, she and Henry into star-crossed lovers, and Eleanor – the wronged party – into a murderess.
A key element of the legend is that Henry hid Rosamond deep within a bower at Woodstock to protect her from the queen’s vengeance. This first appears in Ranulph Higden’s early fourteenth-century Polychronicon, which passed into English through John Trevisa’s translation later in the century. Higden made no mention of Eleanor having killed Rosamond, the queen being in prison at the time of her death....
The first claims that Eleanor was a murderer come from secular chronicles of the city of London. The mid-fourteenth-century French Chronicle of London confuses Eleanor with her namesake, Eleanor of Provence, the wife of Henry III, who was deeply unpopular with the people of London. The author has Eleanor bleed Rosamond to death, and, in a peculiar twist, has an old woman place toads upon the dying girl’s breasts.... Fabyan’s Chronicle, an English chronicle of London from the turn of the sixteenth century, adds another element that became a key part of the Rosamond legend, the claim that Eleanor found her rival within the maze with the aid of a ball of silk or thread. The late sixteenth-century ballad Fair Rosamund by Thomas Delony develops the themes further, with the addition of a ‘trusty knight’ who provides Eleanor with the silken thread. Eleanor kills Rosamond with poison, despite the young woman pleading for her life – two more elements that would be repeated in later retellings of the legend.” 
— Inventing Eleanor, The Medieval and Post-Medieval Image of Eleanor of Aquitaine; Michael R. Evans
(Marie-Philippe Coupin de La Couperie, Queen Eleanor and Rosamund Clifford, c. 1826)
(Arthur Hughes, Fair Rosamund, 1854)
(Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Fair Rosamund, 1861)
(Edward Burne-Jones, Fair Rosamund and Queen Eleanor, 1861)
(Herbert Sydney, Fair Rosamund)
(John William Waterhouse, Fair Rosamund, 1916)
(Evelyn de Morgan, Queen Eleanor & Fair Rosamund, c. 1888/1919)
(Frank Cadogan Cowper, Fair Rosamund and Eleanor, 1920)
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