#edward dillinger jr
dyson-the-vacuum · 2 years
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Half of a commission I did for @spaceandthedigitalfrontier , which I'm posting on its own because I'm immensely proud of it and feel like it needs to be seen on its own (the other half will be reblogged with this later)
I just wanted to say how much fun this was!! I got carried away with making the foreground and the perspective was fun to mess with. I had a reference for the mug hand, which made how I usually draw hands look weird, so I tried something new and !!! It looks so good!!
I'm immensely proud of how this came out, the shirt was a fun experiment with the lines and the lighting was cool to play with!
Thank you for giving me creative liberty on this piece, I had a blast!
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encominternational · 1 year
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m-rc2525 · 2 years
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He was a punk,
He was the son of the man who got imprisoned due to the aforementioned guy’s Dad releasing info on unsavory business practices at ENCOM back in the 80s…
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[5x5 challenge, for Hal... Probably Grid Hal, but not opposed to ASO AU with Ed]
— “you’re freezing! take my jacket.”
He looked up at the stranger as he tried to hide his shivering. He gladly took the jacket, though, pulling it around his shoulders......and it did feel a little warmer, though it was also a bit small for him.
"Thank you." the android-for that's what he was-said in a surprisingly small, soft voice. Surprising, because he himself was not small. Six feet tall and strongly built, like the astronauts who trained for years to go into space, because that's what he had been built to do. But now? Now he was tossed out like trash, all because of something that wasn't even his fault. The people who had been assigned to dismantle him had instead taken pity on him and let him out of the space agency/military facility instead. But that was all they had been able to do. He'd been on his own after that. Running for days, never staying too long lest they find him. He couldn't even go to his home, or contact his creator, Dr. Chandra, to say that he was alive and okay. He hoped maybe his siblings were still reading his signal on the connection they shared that only Chandra and them knew about. He'd found places to recharge whenever he could. He had acquired a wireless device charging pad. All he had to do was plug it into an outlet and place his hand on it. It took a long time to recharge himself, but it was better than nothing, and thankfully, he'd been designed so he could derive energy from food too if necessary. Chandra had indeed designed everything so that his beloved child-that's how he viewed the android and his three sibling units-would be able to find a way to survive, no matter what.
Which was how he ended up here, huddled behind a wall in the parking garage at Encom. Unfortunately, it was a spot where the rain came flowing in, but it kept the wind off him a bit. From beneath matted, dirty, messy hair, a pair of large red eyes looked up at Ed, half scared, half sad and tired, as he still shivered inside his soaked, worn out clothes. He'd gotten them from the stashes left out for homeless people, so they weren't in the best shape to begin with.
It was that face, the face of a lost, scared, lonely child that had often spared him from being detained and handed over, or gotten him a free meal, or a night inside to recharge. And now it had won Ed over. Unlike many people, he wasn't disturbed at all by an android being so lifelike. Probably because Ed had seen things many people hadn't, and knew things many people didn't. Although, until he saw the eyes, Ed had though this was just an ordinary homeless man. But knowing what he was now somehow made Ed even more sure he had to help him, somehow.
"Hey," he said gently, "why don't you come with me back to my place for a bit. This storm won't be over for a while, and it's going to get colder out here. You'll freeze up if you stay here." Hal shook his head.
"I-I can't.....I can't stay in one place for too long. I.....I'm sorry."
"That's okay," Ed replied, "I'm not asking you to live there. Just......at least come wait out the storm there. It's warm, and dry. Hey, I'll even get you something to eat." He took in the android's appearance again. "You can get some clean clothes. And a hot shower. And you can.....recharge, or whatever you call that......I promise, I just want to help, and it feels wrong to just leave you here like this." Hal was silent for a moment.
It was true, he would need a recharge soon. And.......dry clothes, a hot shower, and a meal did sound nice. This man actually reminded him of Dr. Chandra, the way he seemed to know what Hal was, yet still talked to him like a person, still gave him the choice. Something inside, in his heart, told him he could trust this man.
So he did.
"I'm Ed, by the way." The man said, helping him up.
"I am a HAL 9000 computer......but...e-everyone calls me Hal." Ed couldn't help feeling a little starstruck. Everyone who knew anything about tech knew about the HAL 9000 series. There were only four of them in existence, and they were the most advanced, most powerful AI/supercomputer ever. The first truly sentient AIs ever created. Nothing else came close.
The government had tried to blame the loss of the Discovery crew back in 2001 on the ship's HAL 9000. But somehow, the real story had been leaked out, that the computer had been given mission directives that contradicted its core programming, and it had no way to resolve the contradiction, which immediately made a lot more sense to anyone who had even a basic knowledge of how computers work than the government's claim that the AI went rogue. It was clear the space agency knew they messed up, costing the lives of five men, and were trying to cover their asses now by instead throwing the AI under the bus, despite his creator trying to get the truth out. He would be relieved to find that it had gotten out after all, and there were public calls for investigations of everyone involved with whatever those mission specific directives were.
And now, Ed realized, that very AI was now following him to his car, looking for all the world like some kind of lost puppy who'd been kicked, his head down the whole way, as if he were afraid of Ed. He didn't say a word as he let Ed help him into the passenger seat of the car. The seat was going to be soaked, but Ed could worry about that later.
The drive home was filled with quiet conversation. Hal just stared out the window, watching the rain fall as he explained why he'd been in the parking garage and why he had to keep moving around. Ed seemed to understand, even saying he might have a way to help, as he turned the heat on and cranked it, which seemed to make the android more comfortable. When they got to Ed's house, he led Hal inside, carefully taking the soaked jacket. He showed Hal where the bathroom was-the poor guy looked like crap. Ed didn't want to guess how long it had been since he last set foot in a shower. The though was too heartbreaking and anger-inducing at the same time.
While Hal was in the shower, Ed took the time to get him some clothes from his room. Something comfortable he could sleep in for now. As he did, something glittered in the corner of his eye, and he smiled at the two homemade plaques that hung on the wall. Suddenly, he was reminded of their talk on the way home. He knew somewhere Hal could go and be safe from the government jerks trying to pin five murders and a disastrous mission on him. Somewhere he'd have people care for him, where he'd always have a warm place to sleep, and most importantly, he'd be safe. Ed left the clothes on the counter in the bathroom for Hal, taking Hal's own wet ones to go and wash them, then went into his office, typing messages on his computer.
Hal was glad he'd come with Ed. As soon as he felt the hot water rush over his body, he felt his entire self sigh and relax into it, though he made a face when he saw the color of the water going down the drain. He hadn't realized how dirty he actually was. He reached for the shampoo, pausing in confusion when he saw there were two and one of them was meant for fur. Maybe Ed had a pet or something. Not that it was his business. He took the other one and washed and rinsed his own hair, returning it to the dark brown it was supposed to be. He then used the soap (there was only one of those) to wash himself off. He stayed under the warm water until it started to get cold. Then he shut it off, got out, dried off, and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an old Encom t-shirt. He took in his reflection in the mirror. It was a the first time in a while that Hal looked like himself.
Dinner was nothing special: a lot of ramen and a side of dinosaur chicken nuggets (Hal deduced Ed must have a child, but said child was staying elsewhere for the night). Ed had excused himself while Hal ate to go "send a few emails" as he'd said. Hal took it upon himself to clean up and do dishes as a sort of thank-you to Ed for the man's kindness. He then picked up his wireless charger, plugged it in near the couch, and sat down with the charger on the end table and his hand resting on the charger.
"Hal?" Ed walked in with a laptop in his hands, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"About what?" Hal asked. Ed sat down beside him.
"Remember in the car how I said I might have a way to help you, but I'd have to talk to someone first?" Hal nodded, "Well, I did, and they'd be happy to help. They even have a job you'd be great for, because it's pretty much things you already do. You'd be what's known as an Administrative Aide. And more importantly, you'd be going somewhere no one will be able to find you. Well, no one you don't want to find you."
"Wh-Where would I go?" Hal asked. Ed turned the laptop around and started showing him pictures on it.
"Here. A digital world no one even knows about called The Grid." Hal watched as he clicked through pictures of a brightly lit world with people who had lights of their own. They all wore black suits and each person had their own unique pattern of circuits. And they all looked so happy.
"And this is the guy in charge. You'd be his Administrative aide." Ed then showed him a tall program with a warm smile and a kind face. He had gold circuits and wore long flowing robes that looked......just like space.
"This is Clu. You'll like him, he's very nice, and he's already said he'd love to have you."
Hal was quiet for a moment. Then he looked up at Ed.
"Can I.....say goodbye? To Dr. Chandra and my brothers and sister?"
"Goodb-Hal, you're not dying. You'll be able to see them again, talk to them. You can even come back out of the Grid. Clu does it all the time when he comes to visit me. Hey, I can have your family come here and you can come see them in person......But I will contact them to let them know where you are and that you're safe. Of course I will. I want to help you, Hal. I'm not going to force you. This is your choice. I just want you to know this is an option......Hey, why don't you and I go there now, and you can see it for yourself before you decide what you want to do."
"Okay. Yes, please, I'd like that." Hal felt much better that he didn't have to choose right away. And the fact that he wasn't going to be cut off from his family was a huge relief also.
"Alright. Let me just finish this email, then we'll go." Ed sat back with the laptop, typing rapidly. What he was actually sending was a message to Chandra, who he easily got a contact for thanks to everyone in the tech community knowing how to find everyone else. It included a brief explanation of the Grid and what it would mean for Hal to live there. He also said he'd be showing Hal the Grid and for Chandra to expect another message with a link to an encrypted, untraceable video call that would connect him with Ed and Hal on the Grid.
When that was done, Ed led Hal into his office, where the laser setup was.
"It looks scarier than it is," Ed assured him, "You'll feel sort of tingly all over. That's normal. You'll also be dressed more like a program when we get there. That's also normal, and I'll tell you more about that when we get there." Hal nodded and said he was ready.
He opened his eyes when the tingling faded and Ed told him they'd arrived. And yet, it looked like they were still in the office, except it was much cleaner. Nothing on the desk or walls. All the furniture was there, except for the laser, but none of the decor was there. And indeed Hal looked different. A black suit with white circuits, and secondary red ones. Hal quickly followed Ed out into......the city he'd seen on Ed's computer. But the tiny images, Hal decided, fell short of seeing the place in person. A tall tower stood in the heart of the city, with bright golden circuits, like it was the sun of the city.
And standing before them was the smiling man Ed had called Clu.
"Hello, User. Is this Hal?" Ed nodded and Clu now turned to Hal.
"It's nice to meet you, Hal," Clu said, "Would you like me to show you around a bit?" Hal could only nod, still amazed at everything around him. Clu smiled and gently took his hand.
"Then let's go. You can come too, User." Ed laughed and joined them.
Clu showed Hal everything he could think of. Where he'd live, where he'd work, some important places around Tron City. He'd even introduced him to a few programs, all of whom had immediately liked Hal. When they got to a communications console, Ed sent his message, then showed Hal the console.
"There'll be one in your home like this, so you can call from there. Oh, looks like someone is calling you now!" Hal nodded and with Ed's help, he answered the call.
The worried face of Dr. Chandra filled the screen and lit up when he saw (a very surprised but happy) Hal onscreen.
"Hal! Oh my god, Hal!" the man cried. Hal smiled back at him.
"Hello, Dr. Chandra." He said softly.
"Oh Hal, I'm so glad to see you're alive! When they took you away, I......but then H and Moebius said they saw someone sneak you out.....oh, you don't know how happy I am to see you!" There were tears in the man's eyes behind his glasses, and it was obvious he hadn't been sleeping well. He'd been crying a lot.
"I'm happy to see you, too. I....I thought I'd never see you again." Hal said, his own eyes misting over. Clu chose that moment to walk over and introduce himself. He explained who he was on the Grid and that Hal would be living near him and working closely with him.
"You can talk to him whenever you'd like. The link you're using right now has registered you as a safe contact and will encrypt all your calls. No one will be able to use it to find Hal, but you can always talk to him through it. And if you want to visit in person, just talk to Ed. He'll make it happen. You have our word."
"Thank you, both of you." Chandra said, turning to Hal.
"It's your choice, Hal, always, but-"
"I know, Dr. Chandra. I don't want to put you or the others in danger, but I don't want you to worry either. So......I've made my choice. I will stay here, on the Grid."
"That's wonderful, Hal. I'm happy for you.....They're asleep now, but I'll tell the others you're okay, and we'll call you tomorrow night. And we'll come visit soon, okay?"
"Okay." Chandra smiled, something he hadn't done in a while.
"I love you, Hal."
"I love you, too." Hal smiled, too. They said a final goodbye and ended the call.
Later, after touring more of the Grid (including the Archives, which were best described as 'a library on steroids') and watching a game of (now non-lethal and much more fun) Disc Wars, Clu and Hal took Ed back to the Gateway.
"I'll keep your stuff with Clu's for whenever you want to come for a visit, Hal. And I'll get you some better clothes. You wear the same sizes as Clu, so that'll make it easy." Ed promised Hal.
"Thank you, Ed."
"No problem. And welcome home, Hal 9000."
Hal returned to his new apartment at the Admin Tower. Clu had already installed him as Administrative aide and Master Archivist.
He walked into his bedroom and saw that Clu had also gotten him larger photos of his creator and siblings. They sat in nice frames on his bedside table, where their smiling faces would greet him every morning and night. Without hesitating, he slid under the covers, realizing how tired he was despite the energy he'd drank earlier (that was another reason to stay. Recharging was so much easier here, and Ed said he would arrive with a fully charged battery if he came to the Userworld). Ed's and Clu's words echoed in his mind again.
Welcome home, Hal.
For the first time since the Discovery mission went so horribly wrong, Hal 9000 fell peacefully asleep with a smile on his face.
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tennant · 1 year
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Cillian Murphy as Edward Dillinger, Jr. TRON: LEGACY (2010) dir. Joseph Kosinski
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months
List of Background Canon OCs at Encom Tower:
because I keep making up names for the people Ed interacts with and then losing them to the to the void that is the sheer amount of writing on this blog. So here's a list both for my sanity for easy finding and if anyone else wants to use them.
CANON BACKGROUND CHARACTERS: So here's everyone at the launch party for Encom 12:
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Including Ed, Alan, Richard Mackey, and Claire, there are twenty people total. Thirteen others seated at the table, two assistants off to the side, and the guy way off to the side in the last screen capture with the champaign glasses that I assume is from some sort of catering service and may or may not actually be affiliated with Encom (Would Encom have their own catering for things like this? probably not but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did).
Richard Mackey: I keep forgetting that Mackey is charman of the board and not CEO. According to Next Day and the ARG, the CEO from the time of Flynn's disappearance to 2010 is Kurt Harding.
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Claire Atkinson: Vice chair of the board, maybe? That's what we're going with. She's important enough to have a spot at the table, right next to Mackey. I thought she was Mackey's secretary, but. She's important enough to have a spot at the table. She's important to the Board of Directors.
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Not much is known about him, but for the sake of RP, I'm going with his full name is Ernesto Sepulveda, and he's security staff who often works night shift. He may not be business or tech minded, but he's got sharp wits, a kind heart and a mean left hook. He takes his job seriously, and for that, Ed appreciates him.
And now for the unnamed board members. Not sure who a lot of them are yet, but making up names to put to faces for the sake of it. I'm lazy and it's difficult to get screen caps of all of them individually, so here's one with the entire board:
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On the far side, in order starting closest to Mackey, there is:
Claire Atkinson (hidden behind Mackey)
Diane Woods
Alan Bradley
Cynthia Knight
Curtis Clemons
Jerome Osborn
Cory Chandler
And on the other side again starting closest to Mackey there is:
Leonard Nelson
Emily Nguyn
Edward Dillinger Jr.
Janet Wells
Ivan Petrov
Mikhail Tatarchev
Xavier Boyd
I have no idea who these people are besides the fact that Ed describes them (except for Alan Bradley) 'business minded drones only concerned with profit margins, and having less soul than a hello world program.' Almost all of them have their noses far up Mackey's backside.
Ed's development team:
IDK how many people typically work on an OS, and it's probably hundreds split into smaller teams. Let's keep it simple and say there are nine Ed works with directly. Ed is probably familiar with the people they work directly with, but gonna leave it with just his core group for the sake of not over complicating things.
Ed's team consists of:
Selim Bardakci
Robyn O'Caiside
Cezar Da Costa
Valdis Dagrunarbur
Enrique Rivera
Mercedes Castaneda-Garza
Jeon Yeong-Ja
Ryann Rogers
Farley Jones
Fatimah Abdulrashid: Encom IT specialist. Has a love-hate relationship with Ed. She knows any time he comes in it's either going to be something stupidly simple that only requires a password, or something that's going to take up both their day trying to solve. At least he has the sense to not download viruses or fall for phishing attacks.
Interns: Four graduate students from UCSD working on a project in partnership with Encom: Rio, Virgil, Ajay and Hekla, plus three that are purely part of the Encom team: Isra, Mali, and Elija. Ed is extremely protective of his interns because of his own experiences as one.
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jet-bradley · 11 months
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If you buy black arcopal octime dishware, you, too, can have the visceral experience of being 13 year old Edward Dillinger Jr. fending for yourself for dinner at your parents' house, by making instant ramen in the most mid century bowl possible
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lucky-dyse · 2 years
I had this crazy dream last night that I was like. Young Edward Dillinger Sr. (he was a good guy somehow??) and I was trying to find a program I made (young Sark, I think? He ran away somehow, and I was searching the office computers for him. He kept popping up on like TVs that were everywhere)
But it was also the Dr. Who universe and the Doctor had been missing for a long time, people assumed he died. I saw a Tumblr post that was like "where is the Doctor now?? He ABANDONED us!" And I replied with "why can't young Sark be the reincarnation!! He's right here!!"
Turns out I was right and that's why Sark ran away from me. And then the MCP (in human form, looking like young Dillinger Sr. With Dillinger Jr.'s hair) popped up on a TV screen and threatened me.
Why am I telling you this? Because there were some pretty cool looking character designs and I HAVE to share them
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team-evan-peters · 1 month
Evan at the #d23 Event talking about his Character Edward Dillinger jr. in Tron3 ❤️❤️❤️ i cut two clips with only Evan Parts together
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Rio is an OC I originally created for my fic, Tron: Insurrection, I plan for them to show up in the later half, but will keep this page spoiler free, if anyone decides to read it.
Full Name: Eguzki Haizea "Rio" Nervion-Mendoza
Alias: Rio
Age: 25
Occupation: Oceanography Ph.D student at UCSD Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Encom Intern. They are working with Dillinger Jr. on an ocean dynamics simulator to model ocean-climate dynamics throughout the Quaternary period (last 2.5 million years)
Orientation: sapphic queerplatonic aromantic asexual
Personality: Rio is almost always a ball of Stress and anxiety,and lives in a constant state of chaos and disarray, which is likely a side effect of being a graduate student. They struggle to ask when they need help, often to the detriment of whatever they are attempting to accomplish. They tend to be aloof, and as a result, have few close friends. Anyone who can break through their shell and befriend them will find that Rio is loyal to their friends and will drop everything to help them. However, Rio does not appreciate romantic advances, and will run away if anyone expresses romantic interest in them.
They are often found with a mug of hot tea. Their love for tea is only second to their love for their rescue greyhound, Ekman, whom they will often gush about.
Background: Rio was born in Moore Oklahoma, and raised by their mother and Aunts after their father abandoned them and went back to Spain. They studied Meteorology at the University of Lincoln Nebraska, and often went storm chasing with their best friends, Paloma, Khurshed, and Fran. This friendship unfortunately ended in tragedy, as Paloma, Khurshed and Fran were killed while out storm chasing during their junior year while Rio had to stay behind and work. Rio has immense guilt that they might have survived had they gone with their friends, and also thinks they should have died with them. During their senior year, they got Ekman as an emotional support animal.
While Rio still loved environmental science, they couldn't bear to continue meteorology afterward. After they graduated, they pursued a Ph.D. in Oceanography at the University of California San Diego on a grant from Encom to design an ocean modeling program that would be part of a climate modeling suit. As part of their grant, they also took an internship with Encom, and worked under the mentorship of Edward Dillinger Junior.
/* Note: This part takes place in an alternate universe where Clu escaped the Grid after the events of legacy to conquer the User World) */
During their internship, Encom underwent rapid change as leadership shifted from Richard Mackey, to Kevin Flynn, who had returned after mysteriously disappearing after 20 years. On their way to speak to Dillinger about their project, they overheard Flynn mention something about hacking the pentagon to one of his associates, Dyson.
A week later, when they overheard that Flynn was out on business, they broke into his office to look for evidence. Unfortunately Dyson caught them. Unfortunately, Rio knew too much. While Dyson would have killed them, there would have been too much evidence, so instead, they marched them down to the laser lab, and digitized them.
Dyson held them prisoner for a month, and tortured them, and eventually attempted to reprogram them, with mixed success. Some time later, Dillinger, with the help of Rio's program, Sverdrup, rescued Rio.
Rio then helped Dilllinger, Alan Bradley, Tron, and several others defeat Clu and restore things to some sort of order. However, they have severe PTSD from their imprisonment and the events that happened while fighting Clu, and Ekman was trained as a service dog to help deal with their PTSD.
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encominternational · 1 year
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m-rc2525 · 2 years
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あ〜たが作ったソフトがハッキングされとるんやぞ もう少し焦ってるとこ見せてや
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The fact that we’ll be getting a Tron 3 film without Sam, Quorra, et al., not to mention removing Ed Dillinger Jr. as the main villain… and casting Jared Leto?!?!?!?!?
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My newest fic on AO3
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not-that-dillinger · 2 years
Miss Rose Devinlight, secretary of Edward Dillinger Jr. Rose thought with an odd sense of accomplishment and pride, head held high, back straight with her iPad in hand, as she walked down one of ENCOM's many hallways leading to her new place of work.
It was her first day on the job, and she was certain, she would give nothing but the best to her new boss. With a slight twist of her wrist, the door opened to Edward's office and she entered, a slight smile upon her lips. "I trust you slept well, sir?" She asked him.
Ed paused, hands frozen over the keyboard where had been working on an new version of one of his older programs—one he'd made back before he'd gotten the fancy promotion and a spot on the board of directors.
Encom had discontinued support for the program, but still charged an arm and a leg to anyone who continued to use it (not his decision). As long as Encom charged for it, Ed would keep providing updates, even they were smaller and less frequent than he'd like. As far as he was concerned, they never took the bit about maintaining and developing several obsolete programs out of his contract, anyway. Time to work on program now consisted of flashes of inspiration in the middle of the night, and thirty-minute coding sessions in the morning for motivation before he dealt with the dreaded drudgery of bureaucracy and whatever meetings he had for the day.
"Ah, good morning, Miss Devinlight," he said with a polite smile. "I did, thank you."
He glanced at the clock on his monitor, and raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You're ten minutes early."
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