#edwina x matthew + baby bridgertons
apinchofm · 2 years
Chapter 18 & Chapter 19 - In Her Own Right
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@angel-starbeam @spitefularmand @alrightsnaps @livingonfanficseyra @lizzibennet @hptriviachamp @jeanvanjer @goodqueenalicunt @katesharmasheart @harnitbee @onlysnowydays @aspoonfuloffiction @phantomphaeton @margaritanightly
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
okay so i don’t think words can describe how much i loved ‘Goose’. That chapter is so beautiful and im so happy for these fictional characters ( david can suck it).
I wonder if how matthew and eddie continue the wednesday tradition with an older (toddler and maybe speaking) edmund? cause that’s all my heart wants.
side note ‘Goose and Eddie’ would be an amazing name for a romantic 90s-2000s sitcom or a romcom movie
Okay! I cannot tell you how relieved I am about how much everyone seems to be enjoying Goose! This fic was a largely selfish venture because I made myself fall in love with Matthew Goose Bagwell who just met a girl in the museum who was smart and funny, and she made little puns about dinosaurs to her Nephew who had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, and fell a little desperately in love with the way her nose crinkled when she smiled and had no idea that she was that Edwina. The Edwina Sheffield who by this time had been voted England’s most beautiful woman thrice in a row. And then I think like a grand total of 1 person asked to see more about them and I forced this fic upon you all, in true Molly Fashion!  
David can get Wreckkkkkked. He never deserved Edwina and after she was with Matthew, take comfort in the fact that Edwina fully realised how ... unsatisfied she’d been by him. (Get it Girl) 
And YES I want to watch “Goose and Eddie”! I want to watch this fic that I wrote as a romantic comedy tbh. Is that vain? Probably. 
Now, I fully, subscribe to the fact that Edwina still takes Edmund to the museum every week, and then miles, and then Charlotte and her own Daughter Sarah, and Mary, and eventually her son. And Matthew takes a long lunch and sits with his wife’s family, more than content to watch Kate’s manic children run all over his office little hands grabbing at everything within reach.
“Auntie Eddie! Edmund is pushing!” Miles’ tiny voice called out as she shut the car door. Edwina sighed, turning towards her Nephews, Edmund looking very innocently back at her. “I wasn’t!” He said, the charming smile Anthony used to get away with things fixed on his face, slightly startling on a boy barely three years old. Edwina fixed them with her sternest look despite how adorable they looked, Miles’ electric blue glasses strapped to his face, An astronaut on his shirt. Edmund’s shoes flashing brightly as he tapped his foot excitedly. “Boys we have to behave, otherwise we’re going straight home, and Grandma Mary will probably make broccoli for lunch.” Both boys wrinkled their noses and Edwina had to bite back a laugh as though her mother would ever force Kate’s children to eat anything they didn’t like. Mary Sheffield had been a very kind mother, but stern when needed. Grandma Mary didn’t know the meaning of the word. Kate’s boys seemed to have her wrapped tightly in their little fists, all of them were trapped there really. 
“Okay, then, Hold hands.” She said, holding her hands out for the boys to take, making their way down the street to the museum. “When Mummy has the new baby, are you going to bring her with us?” Edmund asked as they made their way. Edwina hummed. “Probably. What makes you so sure it’s a girl Neddy?” Edmund grinning at the nickname only she used. Eddie to Neddy she always said when she told him faux secrets and his little face lit up with joy. “Because I already have Milo. So now I need a sister, like Mummy has you.” He said, shrugging as though that made perfect sense. Edwina chuckled to herself as they came through the door, the boys both grinning excitedly just like always.
“Where’s Uncle Matty?” Miles said, tugging on her arm as he looked around the foyer scanning for him. “Uncle Matt can’t meet us today, sweetheart. He’s a little busy setting up something new to show us next week.” Edwina said, her heart clenching at the way both boys pouted. Edmund sighed, “Is it gonna be cool?” He said sceptically a crease forming between his tiny eyebrows, and Edwina had to bite back a laugh. “I think it will be very cool.”  “Well I suppose that’s okay.” He said as though that quite settled the matter tugging his aunt and brother in the direction he had decided they should go.
“It’s bigger than Uncle Ben!” Miles practically shrieked in delight as he looked at the triceratops skeleton his little legs moving with excitement just like it always did. And Edwina felt her heart skip. This was why she loved bringing them here, watching their little faces light up with excitement, watching them discover and learn new things, it was truly beautiful. And a strange sense of longing welled in her chest. Matthew was enough for her, really he was, but recently she couldn’t stop imagining him with their own children rather than Kate’s. He was so patient and kind with them, and god she just wanted. But she’d chickened out every time the thought had pushed at the back of her throat.
“Excuse me, Miss?” A familiar voice said behind her, bringing a smile to her lips “It’s not usually my specialty but maybe I could give you a hand.”  Edwina turned to find her husband grinning broadly, his hair flopping into his eyes, that were shining at her in the bright lighting, and her breath caught a little. But even so, “Mmmm, thanks but, no. I’m waiting for my husband.” Matthew laughed. “Ooof he must be a lucky man.” He said as he leaned in and pressed his lips lightly to hers only to be interrupted by Edmund sprinting headlong into Matthew’s legs. “Uncle Goose! Auntie Eddie said you weren’t coming!” His little voice cried out excitedly and Edwina’s heart stuttered as Matthew Crouched down and let out a little honk at his nickname, grinning broadly as Miles barrelled into him as well. “Hmmm Auntie Eddie can be very silly.” He said shooting her a quick wink. “How could I not see my favourite palaeontologists today?!” both boys grinned excitedly, tugging him towards the skeleton
“Triceratops has 800 teeth!” Miles called out and Matthew gasped theatrically  “No way, Milo! You’re making that up!” Matthew said and Edwina thought, in that moment that she couldn’t be any more thankful that this man had bumped into her just a few feet away.
And that night, when the thought pushed at the back of her throat as they sat on the sofa, his head resting lightly in her lap, she let it fall out.  “Matt, I want to have a baby.” Matthew’s eyes softened as he looked up at her  “Yeah?” He said lightly his eyes staring into hers carefully. And she forced herself to nod, as nervous butterflies beat against her stomach. And then her heart skipped as a broad smile spread over his face. “Then let’s have a baby, honey.”         
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writeroutoftime · 3 years
edwina x matthew
(these stories are a collection of the wonderful @newtonsheffield's that I have complied for easier enjoyment)
early relationship
meeting the parents
fluffy headcannons
anthony being suspicious of matthew
more of this
edwina, matthew, and baby bridgertons
matthew meeting newton
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Lol, I should have definitely clarified that. I would not be disappointed with either. However, as much as I love the Bridgerton Babies, I'd love some Anthony and Mary Sheffield* moments. Thanks, Molly!
I was so hoping you wanted Mary Sheffield, who like her daughter is a poetic noble land mermaid. I love and adore her as we know. I recognise one (1) Queen Mary. And so, here she is, with her son-in-law whom she loves and adores like one of her own Children. 
And it seems we've caught the interest of another anon
That wasn’t from me but give us Mary Sheffield x Anthony 😍
Mary had been waiting all morning for Kate to arrive, Edwina had said excitedly when she got off the phone yesterday morning that Anthony had promised to attend brunch today and Mary had put in a special effort his his honour. The stack of pancakes nearly toppling over by the time Kate arrived, an embarrassed little smile on her face,  biting her lip as she looked down at their intertwined fingers and said Mary, you remember Anthony? My boyfriend. And Mary’s heart had leapt with happiness for her daughter but she certainly hadn’t missed the way Anthony’s shoulders had pushed back a little his chest puffing a little proudly at the word boyfriend and the way his eyes tracked Kate as she moved, his posture mimicking her like a magnet subconsciously, the way he’d sat with his arm around Kate’s waist on the sofa Kate’s head leaning on his shoulder. When Mary pulled him in for a hug as he made to leave saying he was supposed to meet his Mother, and whispered in his ear I knew I wasn’t wrong about you, Anthony. Welcome to the family. The Grin on Anthony’s face as he pulled back kissing Kate softly on the cheek on the front step made Mary’s heart clench a little. When Mrs Johnson from next door stopped Mary on her way out the next day and said I saw a very handsome man leaving here yesterday which of your girls is he after? Mary had been unable to stop her proud tone That’s Anthony, Katie’s new boyfriend. Mrs Johnson had whistled lowly and said Good for Her. Mary had nodded in agreement 
Anthony wanted desperately to have to approval of Kate’s family when they started dating. He knew how much Kate loved her family, just as much as he loved his own so it was important that he make a good impression. You’re being completely ridiculous Anthony! Kate said as Anthony scoured for a gift for Mary’s birthday for months I just want Mary to like me, Kate. He’d said quietly, resting his head on her shoulder and Kate had sighed and said Honey, Mary loves you already. Why don’t we take her to dinner? And Anthony had nodded firmly and tried desperately to believe her. He had agonised over the restaurant choice for weeks. Reading reviews, pestering Kate with questions Does Mary prefer Italian, or French? Or would she like Indian? Ethiopian? Kate had eventually hit him with a pillow and said Go to fucking sleep Anthony! He’d eventually settled on a small Italian restaurant that Daphne had recommended. He’d smiled nervously across the table at Mary when Kate had gone to the bathroom. Mary had eyed him carefully, then sighed and Anthony had tensed and said Anthony, I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a little while. Anthony’s heart had stopped, panic rising in his chest I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Katie as she is with you, certainly not since her father died. And I hope you know how welcome you are in our family. Edwina and I are very happy to have you. Tears had come to Anthony’s eyes and eventually he’d managed to choke out I don’t think I’ve ever been as happy as I am now and I’m very glad to be in your family which is beautiful.  Mary manages to stifle her tears just as Kate returns to the table a questioning look on her face. 
Oh Anthony, she’s so beautiful Mary cooed at her son in law staring down at her tiny granddaughter, Charlotte. Anthony beamed at her radiating joy from beside Kate, also smiling happily. Katie, she looks just so much like you Anthony smiled even more broadly than Mary thought possible I know! Isn’t it amazing?! Kate rolled her eyes Anthony is convinced that she’s going to be just like me. Mary’s heart leapt at the thought of her son in law who had told her months ago how much he wanted the baby to be a girl. Just like Kate he’s said, a soft smile on his face and Mary had had to clear her throat before responding. And as Edwina came into the room trying to hold back a very excited Edmund, her husband Matthew carrying Miles she felt that same emotion rise in her throat. Mummy! Auntie Eddie told me that I have a sister! Just like you do!  Edmund said, brushing his hair from his eyes as Mary had seen Anthony do numerous times. And Anthony had scooped his son up holding him up to see the baby in Mary’s arms and said You sure do, Sprout. And isn’t she just as cool as Auntie Eddie?! And Mary had smiled softly and thought, just as she had the very first time she’d met Anthony Bridgerton that Yes, Anthony had done very nicely for Kate.      
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