#eelektross in hisui
cutekittenlady · 2 years
I think Ingo showing up when he does really saves Eelektross.
Like at this point in the concept Eelektross has been muzzled, collared, and caged by people who are both terrified of him and know nothing about him. Especially not his needs. So he ends up with food he doesn't like or even can't eat. Water in a recepticle he can't use, and trapped in a dry place with no place to moisturize his skin.
Being a smart, modern day, electric land eel, he's able escape but is very weakened and dried out. He's able to moisturize in the stream that runs through the village, but it's not long til it's discovered he's escaped and the whole village is put on lockdown.
Hungry, tired, scared, cornered, maybe even injured, Eelektross finally starts going feral.
He's been fighting it the whole time he's been in Hisui. But having all his attempts to make peace thrown in his face, being treated like a monster, and having no comfort of knowing where his trainer is and having no ally whos strong enough to protect him he starts hissing and lashing out more at the people hunting him.
But they keep chasing. And chasing. And chasing.
Hes nearly to the point of letting out a massive fully powered discharge in the middle of town!
Then Ingo arrives and takes charge. Eelektross has managed to hide in the stream. Maybe under the bridge? Meanwhile Ingos loud voice is able to attract attention helping the galaxy Team get things more organized and stop the rabid hunt.
There are still people watching along the stream, waiting to see if eelektross emerges and raise the alarm, but they're not jabbing in sharp farm tools to drive him out or anything.
Ingo, known as one of the only trainers to tame an alpha, wants to give handling eelektross a go. Kamado is hesitant to agree given that Akari has already tried and failed to capture it and he's been given to understand from Laventon that the creature can't be caught with a pokeball. However, the warden still wants to give it a try as there's a chance it could pose a risk to the Pearl Clan if left alone, and given it's an unknown species there's little to show what would happen if any of the villagers actually hurt it. For all they know it could blow up the whole village like a voltorb!
Eventually, with Laventon's help, they're able to draw Eelektross out from under the bridge with food he'd actually like to eat and up the small stream and into the training grounds. It's there that he winds up cornered in the walls of the training grounds by the Security and Survey Corps. Electricity zapping off him in fear and stress.
That's when Ingo jumps him. He has Gliscor (immune to electric) hold Eelektross down as he orders Probopass to use Earth Power (super effective) on the clear electric type. Hoping to distract him before having Tangrowth try and put him asleep with sleep power. (Neutralize the threat)
He's shocked when Eelektross manages to draw no damage from the attack (levitation FTW) and actually dodges Tangrowth's sleep powder.
That's when Eelektross's training really kicks in.
Eelekross might be used to having a partner in multi-battles, but he knows how to fight multiple opponenets. It helps that Ingo's pokemon were trained with a similar method Eelektross was.
All the same he manages to knock Gliscor off and knock over Tangrowth before turning on Magnezone.
Ingo's legitimately startled. Most wild pokemon he fights tend to focus on a singular opponent, but this ones strategically picking out opponents based on his perception of their threat. Plus, yknow, he's a levitating eel monster.
He gives the group orders as best he can. Following Eelektross beat for beat with neither really overcoming the other.
Eventually though, Eelektross winds up breaking the rules.
The first time he's ever done it.
And turns on the one giving the orders.
He's jumped on him before he really recognizes him, which is good because he was about the shoot a massive Discharge and, hopefully, knock out the trainer so the pokemon would get confused giving him an opportunity to escape.
But then he sees his face.
All of this happens in a few seconds and the moment Ingo is tackled everyone is ready to attack the 'monster' that seems to be mauling Ingo. But when they get there, pokemon at the ready and sharp implements raised Ingo tells them to STOP.
And they all look down to see Eelektross's floppy eel arms around Ingo in a hug, sucking on his face, and crying uncontrollably.
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proxycrit · 8 months
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Salvaging the Ship of Theseus au! Posting on the sketch acc because i haven’t decided on anything permanent yet.
Emmet’s having a grand time guys.
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He’s doing great!
On a side note, here’s Ingo!
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Ingo’s fighting very hard to retire from Wardenship after seeing a whole train fall from the sky and land on the other side of Hisui. Unfortunately, this is a track he can not disembark until either him or Sneasler become permanently indisposed.
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He’s also doing great! Don’t worry about it!
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nettlesketches · 6 months
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more 'emmet in france' musings from this post :>
some notes:
- woke up in kalos after falling asleep in his chair doing paperwork
- wants to return to Gear Station ASAP, working on inventing a time machine with the help of his pokemon. Emmet considers this a 'slight delay'
- ingo has been a missing person for 3 years
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keksflunsch · 7 months
After Ingo finds a way back to modern days, Emmet fixes the coat of his brother. Well... He tries xD
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archersxartxblog · 10 months
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we all need a vacation sometimes. what better place then Alola
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snakeeyesdraws · 2 years
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Doodles from the last submas drawpile, hot off the press
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loumun-versen · 2 years
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30. Back Home Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (here) And we’re ending the month with the long awaited reunion hug <3 Extra challenge of “no angst” completed, I believe? I avoided direct reference to Hisui apart from the 3 days finale that was the reunion, so I’m taking it as a win!
For the newcomers, please stay tuned, as I’ll be completing the Inktober as well, and with my hyperfocus needing more quenching, the monthly thematic is still Submas and Nimbasa Trio! I hope you’ll enjoy the Ink Line as much as the Sketch Line! Thank you for riding with me this month <3
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waywardstation · 2 years
The eelektross story in tags is making me le sad. But is also cute.
OH YES I’ve seen a little bit of it in passing, it is really sweet!! ;w;
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from-hisui-to-unova · 7 months
What are y’all’s favorite pokemon?
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Caleb: when I was a Kid I saw my Uncle's Eelektross and loved it intently. Still do!
I mean my Vikavolt Pawn is my partner for life and I would never trade him for anything. But Eelektross has always been my favourite Pokemon. you know
I've been wanting to try catching and raising one myself, but Tynamo are really hard to find and catch.
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Fjord:..... um.....
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Fjord: Ghost Pokemon....? ....I don't know if I can narrow it down more then that.
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critterbitter · 9 months
Hello, my name is Crit (he/them.) Welcome to my SUBMAS art blog, @critterbitter! It is sfw, but please take care if you are a minor, as I’m Old. Thanks! To reach my main blog, please direct your attention to @proxycrit .
This is a masterpost of all the art and comics I’ve done for the funny train men so far. Feel free to browse and definitely feel free to comment!
(Here’s my kofi as well! If you wish to tip. If you want wips, here’s my patreon!)
All work can also be found under #myart.
Comics/Art List:
A SUBMAS spotify playlist-- Post Hisui Muppet Council
Emmet and eelektross— you and your dog get sent to feudal japan
Ingo and lady sneasler— you weigh like a bag of grapes
Emmet, meet volo
tynamo and emmet’s first meeting (they become friends instantly)
Litwick and ingo’s first meeting (they become enemies immediately)
Aftermath of training
The starters perform care on full grown men
Committing war crimes on both eel and man
Submas kids— the Snack that smiles back, litwick edition
Box shenanigans (caricatures of the children)
Emmet and litwick come to a deal
The difference in starter relationships boggles the mind
Good morning, litwick (good night, lady sneasler.)
Ingo fights his inner envy demons with the communication stick
Coat flapping
You are Beloved, Lampent. That’s all. 
A jackie at gear station
Tynamo evolution blues (this is funny)
The imposter syndrome sets in (it is no longer funny)
Library blues (elesa should be paid for carrying books)
Sassy night light
Happy eel dog
The joyful ordeal of evolution
Eelektrik boa (a gold standard!)
Lampent discovers discourse. This becomes everybody's problem.
Nimbasa trio walk and talk
Couch party (it's poll time!)
SUBMAS AU: Conventional Starters
Lampent is an umbrella, if you squint
Happy Holidays!
Eel-esa outfit (cause, you know, she dresses like an eel. Get it? Get it?)
Master of manipulation.
They left Lampent in a Deino's Parking Lot
"These are our Exoskeletons, Elesa."
Chance meeting
Forbidden Lore Unlocked
Introducing Elesa, the New Kid from Sinnoh
Elesa and Blitzle
Outside the crowd
Volume Control
COLLAB: Forgiveness is Electric
Volume Control (Reprise)
Food Exchange
Electric starters
Metaphorical and Literal Rat Children
Trouble starters
Snapshots: Route 3
Snapshots: Castelia City
Snapshots: Virbank Complex
Snapshots: Desert Resort
Snapshots: Route 8
Snapshots: Nimbasa City
Snapshots: Celestial Tower
Snapshots: Pinwheel Forest
Snapshots: Route 18
Snapshots: Anville Town
Snapshots: Undella Bay
Snapshots: Flocessy Ranch
Snapshots: Route 10
Snapshots: Driftveil City
Snapshots: Twist Mountain
Snapshots: Relic Passage
Snapshots: Route 6
Snapshots: Opelucid City
Snapshots: Chargestone Cave
Snapshots: Dream Yard
Snapshots: Route 1
Snapshots: Striaton City
Snapshots: Black City
Giratina and Arceus
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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Also on the eelektross cane via last post; I was imagining Ingo carved it for him post-Hisui as a gift, since he shows affection largely via little gifts and such. Also probably not a lot of official merch for the less cuddly looking pokemon in Unova so I imagine Emmet is super excited to add anything eelektross related to his collection of trinkets and such
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Eelektross in Hisui AU idea, I know we are still in the "events prior to Ingo showing up as the plot solution" but the idea of Ingo's and his beloved but Horrible Wet Guard Dog, that is almost overpowered for the setting (modern professional fighting pokemon have access to all the food, training and potions/ healthcare they need and research has figured better training methods like IV and EV, their only weakness is they follow Stardard Battle Rules like No cutting turn order or no mob Vs one guy) Anyways Ingo only somewhat remembers Eelektross (You have to have Ingo remember eelektross's train pun nickname, I recommend Catenary which is the wires that power electric trains/trolleys) So we have this Legendary Monster that terrorized and chased people for Weeks sitting in Ingo lap being scratched behind the ear(?) fins, wiggling in happiness, while Meille in the background is recovering from being electricuted (Ingo Did Not want to be Touched and eelektross Will make sure that is Respected)
Oh Ingo definitely doesn't remember Eelektross. Though, as you said, he finds him to be verrry familiar and is way more understanding of his behavior than others. I think it'd take even Akari and Laventon some time to stop seeing Eelektross as a wildly territorial pokemon. Ingo, meanwhile, picks up on the fact that his playful and friendly demeanor and behavior are being mistaken for aggression almost right away.
Ingo himself struggles to explain WHY he's able to make this connection beyond just stating that he somehow KNOWS and chalking it up to some kind of intuition. Regardless Eelektross is thrilled to finally find someone he now only knows, but who doesnt treat him either as a beast or some subject of research. So their relationship is relatively good. Whether or not Eelektross tries to help with Ingo's memory loss or is content with just watching over him is still up in the air atm tho he'd definitely grow verrrrry protective of Ingo after everything he's been through.
Eelektross is also definitely OP. Not just due to all the training, but because his species is a complete unknown in Hisui. I mean there aren't that many species in Hisui who can boast having no natural weaknesses in legends arceus especially if one considers Eelektross has a hand on his natural abilities (levitate) in a way that trainers and pokemon in the past dont quite have gives him a unique advantage.
As you say though, this is a double edged sword. Eelektross does NOT do well alone in the wild. Despite being well trained, in prime condition, and very powerful hes been raised taking direction from a trainer and while he does draw on certain memories of strategies Emmet came up with and used in the past, he doesnt have the skill to come up with any strategies of his own. Beyond that he has always been entirely reliant on humans for food, shelter, etc. and so fails in the wild because of that as well.
In fact, its that reliance on humans that more or less causes him to be mistaken as an aggressive creature in the first place.
I don't know about nicknames as I rarely ever give Ingo and Emmets pokemon nicknames (one exception being Ingos Excadrill eventually earning the nicname "Nana" in his absence but thats from a whole other concept) but calling him "Catenary" will certainly make things easier.
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proxycrit · 7 months
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(Takes your kneecaps)
Au’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Gotta figure out how to draw these guys. Inconsistency my beloathed!
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esprei · 2 years
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pla role swap where emmet is the one sent to hisui rather than ingo SO to explain the second image: i asked some friends in a discord thoughts on his noble pokemon, aka would it still be sneasler or another pokemon entirely? @arrowsperpetualcringe suggested luxray as an alternative which... really kind of works well? because not only does it have some design similarities to submas (more specifically ingo as the second image shows), but emmet also has an affinity for electric types (joltik/galvantula, eelektross...) plus, bonus points - luxray is also a cat! so the warden twins are both cat dads in their respective universes ;w; with all of that said, i’ll leave you with this: imagine that every time emmet looks at lord luxray, he feels like he’s on the cusp of remembering something... or rather... 
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 months
What are some of your favorite headcanons for the submas twins?
I have a lot of headcanons I love lol but here are some that pop into my mind
-they're somewhere in their late 20s-30s
-they started the battle subway but not the transit subway
-they're both aroace and autistic
-they live together in an apartment in Nimbasa
-friends with elesa, and Drayden is their uncle/dad and Iris is their adopted younger sibling
-starters are eelektross and chandelure
-have opposite tastes in a lot of minor things like food and music
-both enjoy drawing but are bad at it
-Ingo does return after being in Hisui for 1-5 years
-they're both pretty tall
-Ingo can sing. Emmet could sing if he took singing lessons
-glowing eyes
This is only a few I rattled off from memory tbh XD there's soooooo many HC I adore
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archersxartxblog · 1 year
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Day 15 summer
having some fun at the Beach
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