effelants · 6 days
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Super Secret Fic Project is super secret no longer. Its name is, and always has been, Sanguine.
It's a loosely canonical chronicle of the events of Dragon Age: Origins featuring a canonically impossible Warden and a F!Amell/Alistair pairing, which results in some familiar situations resolved in unfamiliar ways.
It is fully pre-written (by myself, over the course of the past seven years) and illustrated (by the exceptional @vjatoch), and is being published in a serial format with weekly updates beginning... right now. Literally, right now.
Read chapter 1 of Sanguine here on AO3!
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anneapocalypse · 2 months
Hi, Anne! <3 "What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?" for the DAVG ask meme (if you haven't answered it already; if you have, any unanswered question you'd like to answer!)? <3
Veilguard Hype Ask Meme!
Thank you for asking, and I will answer this one multiple times because I have multiple answers.
I really like the art style from what we've seen. I enjoy that it's a little more stylized vs aiming for hyperrealism. I think it's going to mesh really well with the visual and architectural styles of Tevinter and the northern nations based on what we've been shown so far.
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minthara · 8 months
Sorry for just having creepily gone down your blog to like and reblog a bunch of stuff but I clicked and it turns out you have exceptional taste so I wanted it all on my blog too
Have a nice day xoxo <3
no worries at all thats how tumblr is supposed to be used <3 and thank you so much!! i try!! thanks for liking my scrap book
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spindleweedss · 10 months
Could I have #1 for Keira, Larkspur and Jasper? <3
Thank you so much effe!!!
Putting this under the cut because I love rambling about my tavs' pre-tadpole lives <3
What was your Tav's place of birth and raising like?
Keira was born to the Greyvalour noble family in Neverwinter. Being the second daughter (and second child of three), she was definitely the spare child whose life had two purposes: to step in as heir if her older sister died, and to increase the family's wealth and social standing if her sister had children. And I don't mean that her parents and everyone else involved in raising her didn't care for her!! They absolutely did, but every decision made in raising her was made with those goals in mind. (she's probably secretly glad that her son is an only child)
Her parents went to great lengths to get Keira and her siblings the best tutors and carers in order to prepare them for the world where some might look askance at half-orc nobles - the Greyvalours only got their title three generations ago, and the Neverwinter nobility still considers them newcomers. Keira proved to be a quick learner, especially when it came to her lessons in physical combat. Her least favourite thing was learning to manage the family's businesses, but that's ultimately what she ended up doing for most of her adult years before getting tadpoled :D
Larkspur's backstory is a lot more vague at present, but she's originally from Baldur's Gate, with parents who worked as booksellers. Definitely grew disillusioned with the urban way of life and left the city before she even swore her oath (and changed her name, and cut her hair, bc she has a bit of a flair for the dramatic)
Jasper's family has lived in a small village a few days' journey from Baldur's Gate for generations, working as blacksmiths and farriers. Their life was extremely normal and wonderfully uneventful until their face began getting covered in scales around the age of fourteen and hot coals no longer burned their hands. Afterwards he started working on understanding his magic and performing to the occasional visitor at the local tavern.
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xiuxiueig · 1 year
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Creació d’Eva
Litografia de Jean Effel 1943
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chezveronalice · 3 months
Tour Eiffel 14 juillet
Tour Elffel du 14 juillet
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Un coloriage pour le 14 juillet avec la tour Eiffel et ces feux d'artifices de ma création. J'ai utilisé des étoiles pour positionner des gommettes et laissé libre de coloriage la Tour Eiffel. Je vais préciser encore une fois que je protège tous mes dessins avec une bannière d'adresse, mais en cliquant dessus plus bas vous pourrez le télécharger au format PDF pour une meilleur impression. Mes partages sont tous gratuit et en téléchargement libre. Pour me dire MERCI cliquez une fois sur ma pub. Pour ce coloriage quelques idées que l'enfant pourra utiliser : - Des crayons de couleurs - Des feutres - De la peintures - Du collage de textures diverses n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur la pub, c'est un moyen de participer à la vie du site chez veronalice. MERCI Pour télécharger le fichier pdf cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous.
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Voici une idée avec  en peinture il vous faux : - sur une feuille de dessin noir un peu épaisse - Un rouleau de papier toilette ou l’on découpe des petites bandes pour former une fleur qui vous servira de tampon pour créer le feu d’artifice. - de la peinture de couleur - Une paire de ciseau pour découper la Tour Eiffel du gabarit en pdf - De la colle pour coller la Tour Eiffel N'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre sur le groupe de bricolage et activités pour les tout-petits et partager vos réalisations avec mes gabarits que je rajouterai sur le site avec votre prénom. à très vite Veronalice Read the full article
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slivensays · 5 months
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justpostingavibe · 6 months
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orqheuss · 9 months
paris looks quite nice this time of year 😏
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feelwonder · 9 months
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rolandbast-blog · 10 months
Discovering Paris: A Unique World
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View On WordPress
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plisuu · 8 months
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the Inquisitor walks into a volley of arrows....
WIP Wednesday tags:
@rosella-writes @dreadfutures @demarogue @daggerbeanart @greypetrel @theluckywizard @nirikeehan @exalted-dawn @inquisimer @alienturnip @blarrghe @sulky-valkyrie @knuttydraws @about2dance @effelants @warpedlegacy
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dreadfutures · 5 months
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Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Let's bring back rec posts, and share some love for the creative work we get to enjoy every day in our fandoms! For ANY fandom, highlight either a fanartist or a piece of fan writing (or both) you love and tag some friends!
FANARTIST: @yolebrat
Today I'm highlight @yolebrat - an amazing artist who I first found through painterly Dragon Age fanart. Since then I've enjoyed commissions, and cute little doodle replies that make me smile!
One of my favorite pieces is a commission yole made for Mel (below) Give it a reblog and follow yole for more art of all kinds. Or buy a commission and get an amazing painted piece of your own!
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FANFIC: Cheating the Dread Wolf by cartadwarfwithaheartofgold
I read this story long ago all in one sitting. It absolutely gripped me, tugged at my heartstrings, and wouldn't let me go. A Cadash/Solas/Varric Tethras rare pair, you have to give this a try.
Rating: E Pairing: Female Cadash/Solas, Female Cadash/Varric, Varric/Solas Chapters: 13/13 Length: 42,657 words Summary: Maria Cadash hung up the Inquisitor's mantle for the Viscountess' crown, but she's unable to stop her desperate and impossible struggle to stop Fen'Harel from destroying the world both her husband and daughter inhabit. The fact Varric, Maria, and Solas are all madly in love with each other just means she may have enough of an edge to win this game.
I'm tagging a lot of people on this one because I want to get this KICKSTARTED. Dragon Age is coming BACK this summer, and I'm trying to get twitter refugees who don't know anyone on tumblr to realize that there's a thriving DA fandom that has been here the whole time. But feel free to recommend from other fandoms! I love finding new fics and new artists to follow.
Dragon Age FanFic server tag list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan | @oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @agentkatie | @delicatefade | @leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
People I Love In My Notes: @fiadhaisteach | @shivunin | @greypetrel | @littlewitchbee | @wildbasil | @peforby | @sucrosesorcery | @layalu | @beebundt | @neonteeth | @galadae | @thiefbird | @mel-0n-earth | @alienturnip | @ndostairlyrium | @v-arbellanaris | @demandthedoodles | @wailing-willow | @the-rebel-archivist | @thedreadblog
(There is a tag limit of 50 people on posts so I'm pushing it lol)
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inquisimer · 20 days
these violent delights
As soon as I saw Lucanis in the first Veilguard trailer, the idea of Zevran & Tabris helping him fake his death popped into my head - this is the result >:] First chapter is up while I edit the remaining three!
✨read it on ao3 here!✨
Zevran/f!Tabris, Zevran & Lucanis & f!Tabris | T | chapters: 1/4
cw: implied/referenced child abuse
When Lucanis decides to leave the Crows, he looks outside the guild for the help he needs to pull it off—and survive. - Zevran shook his head. “I have no doubt that word of Caterina’s death would spread very fast, but we’ve heard nothing. No, if Lucanis is looking for a face-to-face meeting I am…inclined to take him at his word.” “A Crow you can take at his word?” Ariya’s brow cocked up in surprise. “Those are rare, or so I’ve heard.” “Exceedingly.” Zevran pressed an affectionate kiss to the corner of her mouth. “And getting rarer by the day.”
Addt'l Tags: Action/Adventure, Fluff and Humor, Antivan Crows, Assassination Plots, Scheming, Intrigue, Minor Andarateia Cantori/Viago de Riva, Rogues Doing Rogue Shit
DAFF tag list: @warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren
@breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @dreadfutures | @theluckywizard | @oxygenforthewicked
@exalted-dawn-drabbles | @blarrghe | @delicatefade | @leggywillow | @plisuu
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theluckywizard · 27 days
Kiss Me Moonstruck
Hawke x Trevelyan | DA2 | Matchmaking Mischief | Fluff and Smut | Fish out of Water | Romantic Comedy
At long last! I have begun publishing my 'distraction fic' Kiss Me Moonstruck, a romantic comedy romp set during Dragon Age 2, Act 2 between scrappy warrior Garrett Hawke and plucky noblewoman Rose Trevelyan. This fic happened when I overheard Leandra Hawke plotting to find Hawke a spouse right at the start of Act 2 and decided to run with it! New chapters weekly or biweekly (haven't quite decided yet) 💖
Fic Summary: Smashed together in a matchmaking scheme cooked up by their enterprising mothers, Garrett Hawke and Rose Trevelyan are forced to endure one another for a whole week over Satinalia at the Hawke Estate. Rose hears he’s a swashbuckling treasure hunter, as wild as he is handsome and as ill-bred as he is rich. Garrett suspects she’s a brat of an ingenue with a string of rejected marriage proposals behind her. Determined to prove to the other that they could not be less compatible, they quickly find their mothers’ plot might be working better than they thought.
I have loads of art of these two for my DA:I long fic, but not for KMM yet! But this favorite of mine is by @crunchyncrumbly 👇 and the one below is the favorite of mine that I made!
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Chapter one excerpt below the cut 👇
The carriage winds from the outer gates through the undesirable part of the city, slowed by restive crowds who can’t be bothered to get out of the way. The unfamiliar livery of their carriage offers no additional incentive; indeed the teeming masses seem utterly unmoved by the finery of the vehicle. Rose counts derisive stares, supposing they’re envious of their fortune, the one passed down through generations. She wonders how they’d feel if they knew that her veins coursed with the same humble blood and whether it might soften the bitterness in their eyes. 
“I wish they would hurry up,” mutters Alsatia, fiddling with her delicate kidskin gloves.
“Oh I’m sorry, Mother, are the unwashed masses making you nervous?” asks Rose. “Didn’t you tell me that Leandra lived in these parts before her fortunes were restored?”
“Well it’s not as though she wanted to be down here any more than I do,” retorts Alsatia. 
“And wasn’t she a Blight refugee? From a humble life in Ferelden she chose for herself? I’m amazed you ever managed to become friends in the first place.”
“Hush, Rose,” says the elder Trevelyan, drawing her furs closer around her neck.
“It’s true. You can be an unbelievable snob,” presses Rose. “But maybe you weren’t so stuffy back in the day.”
“Polish up that mouth of yours,” she warns her.
“Or what? He won’t make me an ill-fated offer of marriage?” she asks. Alsatia’s frosty eyes land on Rose’s with a determination that matches her daughter’s flippant resistance. “Truly though. Isn’t he some sort of swashbuckling treasure hunter? I’d be amazed if he cared.”
“He’s richer than the Maker and an Amell and you will do your best to make a favorable impression.”
“I thought he was a Hawke.”
“The name doesn’t matter as much as the lineage.”
Rose slumps back and huffs a sigh. Aside from Alsatia’s industrious pursuit of an advantageous match for her daughter, she knows it’s all a clever plot to avoid her father’s family who descends upon Swinley House each Satinalia and treats her low-born mother with thinly veiled contempt. And now they’re off to see her old friend who suffers from a similar affliction: Leandra Amell had famously absconded to Ferelden with an apostate mage. The upper crust never forgets these sorts of things. Rose certainly knows that.
Read the rest of the chapter here
@warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren
@breninarthur | @ar-lath-ma-cully | @dreadfutures | @plisuu | @hekaerges
@ir0n-angel | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @agentkatie | @oxygenforthewicked
@about2dance | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @blarrghe | @delicatefade | @leggywillow
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chezveronalice · 1 year
tour Eiffel 14 juillet
Tour Elffel du 14 juillet
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Un coloriage pour le 14 juillet avec la tour Eiffel et ces feux d'artifices de ma création. J'ai utilisé des étoiles pour positionner des gommettes et laissé libre de coloriage la Tour Eiffel. Je vais préciser encore une fois que je protège tous mes dessins avec une bannière d'adresse, mais en cliquant dessus plus bas vous pourrez le télécharger au format PDF pour une meilleur impression. Mes partages sont tous gratuit et en téléchargement libre. Pour me dire MERCI cliquez une fois sur ma pub. Pour ce coloriage quelques idées que l'enfant pourra utiliser : - Des crayons de couleurs - Des feutres - De la peintures - Du collage de textures diverses n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur la pub, c'est un moyen de participer à la vie du site chez veronalice. MERCI Pour télécharger le fichier pdf cliquez sur l'image ci-dessous.
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N'hésitez pas à venir nous rejoindre sur le groupe de bricolage et activités pour les tout-petits et partager vos réalisations avec mes gabarits que je rajouterai sur le site avec votre prénom. à très vite Veronalice Read the full article
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