Birds Of A Feather
Asher being off at college was the worst thing that could have happened to the young man, the parties growing more lame every weekend, without his best friend. Chase wandered into the kitchen to make himself another drink, phone in hand as he answered a few texts before texting Ash to tell him how boring life was without him. Sliding the device back into his pocket, he returned to the party, red cup in tow as he weaved through the crowd of bodies that stood between him and the little blonde he had been chatting up previously.
On the way, he ran into a familiar brunette, the man smiling down at her. “I should have known you’d turn up eventually.” He teased, casually. Effy had been one of Asher’s friends, Chase having only interacted with her a few times. He obviously hadn’t left a good first impression, having heard the girl refer to him as arrogant, obnoxious, and an idiot. “How you holdin up since our boy flew the nest?” He asked, curious to know if she was struggling to occupy her free time, like he was, now that Asher was on the opposite side of the country.
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years
🍼 (give me Effy and Hamlet getting to do the whole family thing right)
Send “🍼” for a drabble/starter where my muse introduces their newborn baby or child to yours!
Hamlet hadn't been able to put their baby girl down since the nurses brought her back, as soon as she woke up he'd held her close to his chest and she'd stolen his heart completely. He didn't know how long he'd stood there just staring into his daughter's eyes, thinking there's no one in the world he'd ever love as much as her.
Of course he loved her mother more than his own life but the love he had for this tiny, perfect combination of the two of them was so much more intense. He found himself wondering if he'd feel this way about any other children they might have in the future and he suddenly found himself aware of how much heartache this baby would cause him in the future. He bent his head and kissed her tiny tuft of dark hair as he heard Effy waking up.
He turned to his beautiful Queen with a smile on his lips and walked over to her side. "You were so strong my love. There's someone i want you to meet, if you feel ready that is?" Her tired face stared up at him and he handed her the little bundle he'd had in his arms, immediately missing her comforting weight. "This is our beautiful baby girl Effy, you did it."
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iiimpulse · 5 years
@effymccall​​ liked for a starter!!
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This was the most comfortable Travis had been in a while, just sitting on the couch with Effy, binge-watching shows on Netflix at his house. The particular episode they were watching was ridiculous, and he blinked a few times before staring at the ceiling, thinking hard.
“Wait, so... what just happened?”
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vcxmultis · 5 years
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*note sent with cupcake*
Keal, I know Daliah said you’re not a fan of sweets, but this cupcake turned out the best. You don’t have to eat it, but when I ask you how it was please at least lie to me and tell me it was good. I missed you today.
P.S. Happy Valentines 💕
The cupcake looked decent. Maybe not as sweet as the ones his sister makes. He decides to take a bite. Still to sweet but not bad over all. He would be able to say it was a good cupcake and not lie about it. Humming to himself Kealen pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the baked good and smiled.
[txt: Effy] The cupcake was good. Thank you. 
[txt: Effy] Happy Valentines day Effy. I hope someone is able to make you smile as you’ve made me smile.
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incolubruma · 5 years
Hi! I miss you! Okay that is all!! I have class now 😭
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          ❛   this wasn’t how i wanted her to find out.   ❜   of course it wasn’t. he’d planned on telling his mom that he was a werewolf himself, when the time was right and they could have an actual conversation about it. instead, she saw him forced to shift in the heat of the moment... and the horrified way she’d looked at him, like he wasn’t even HUMAN, would be forever burned into his memory. he hadn’t been prepared for that reaction.  ❛   she won’t even talk to me.   ❜
starter call  ▶  ⸢ @effymccall ⸥
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plurimaevoces-blog · 5 years
@effymccall || ( x )
Lydia was so confused. Every time she started to figure out how she’d gotten here and what was happening, a doctor would come in and drug her again, stopping her mind from processing properly. After a few days of this, Lydia managed to swipe one of the doctor’s access cards as they were drugging her. She wasn’t just going to stay in this psychotic circle forever. Quietly, the banshee snuck out into the hallway and started making her escape. That was, until, she heard a familar voice. Effy. She followed the sound and tapped the access panel to open the door and found Scott’s little sister looking frail and afraid. “Effy? What are you doing here?”
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keeganthewolfwilder · 5 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
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Aww you’re to sweet!!!
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scottmccalltm · 6 years
@effymccall // closed plotted starter
Scott looked at himself in the mirror, tightening his blazer and slipping the button through. He didn't even RECOGNIZE himself. The face staring back at him was so DULL, so empty of life. It was such a stark contrast to the positive, bright person he was just a week ago. He tries not to think about it as he heads out the door, not wanting to be late to his own father's FUNERAL.
Who would even show up? Obviously his mother would be there, Stiles, maybe even the sheriff. He wondered if Effy would come, and if she did, which Effy she'd bring with her. His sister was unpredictable, wild and free. He hadn't seen her since they were kids, when his parents split, but he kept in contact through social media enough to know she had fallen in with the wrong crowd. It concerned him. He was WORRIED about his sister, and had tried to reach out to her countless times over the years, but every message he sent was read and never responded to. He thought maybe a part of her BLAMED him, for not speaking up, not protecting her. Maybe he blamed HIMSELF, too.
He's dazed as he drives to the cemetery, lost in thoughts of regrets and memories. Honestly, he probably shouldn't even be driving in his current state, but death demanded his presence.
His knuckles are white as snow when he rolls up into the gravel lot, watching a collection of people gather in the distance as he parks his car and pulls the keys out of the ignition. Chestnut eyes stare back at himself in the rear view mirror, wrought with emptiness.
Okay. Let's do this. He thinks out loud, letting the words leave his lips in a sigh. This was the last thing he wanted to do. The emotional effort it took to talk to all these people, greet them, thank them for their condolences. He swore it would be the death of him. All Scott really wanted to do was to go home, curl up on his couch with a bottle of rum and SCREAM until his throat was bloody. But for now he had to suck it up and deal with it, and be the picture perfect son.
The car door slams behind him as he heads toward the area of the ceremony, taking in the faces, both familiar and unfamiliar, skimming the crowd until his eyes make a dead stop. Effy. She showed up. He was half stunned, his feet CEMENTED to the soft grass as he watches his sister walk toward him, a little bounce in her step.
"Effy, it's good to see you," he says as if he hadn't been dreading this moment, "I've missed you," at least that wasn't a lie. Scott wants to go in for a hug, but it's been so damn long since he's seen her let alone spoken to her that he second guesses his instinct, shoving his hands in the pockets of his dress pants.
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“ did someone hurt you?” (Amos and Aaliyah during the college years)
Amos was in town, and while she usually loved catching up with the only man who truly had her heart, it was just bad timing. SHe had been fighting constantly with her, now ex, boyfriend. Latina froze at his question, clearing her throat as she realized the bruise across her cheek was still very much visible. “Oh, uh, I walked into a door.” She lied, forcing a smile. “You know me. Clumsy as ever.” She couldn’t tell him what happened, she knew how protective he could be. “I’m fine, really.” 
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Moving In
Wes had never been happier, knowing that his schooling years were finally coming to a close. Took it long enough he had always thought, especially after the almost killer senior year. Having to balence football and classes were tough, lucky for him he had always had Effy by his side. She had definitly been his rock throughout this experince and he was excited to move to the next one with her. He smiled softly, looking around the small but new apartment, all the boxes that had yet to be unpacked. “Effy, do you wanna help me with this last box?” He pointed towards the door, “I think there is one more out there?”
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buchananbarnes1991 · 6 years
🎖 5 traits admired (cause you know, him being the good uncle figure gives me feels)
“You’re honesty with me. Not being afraid to open up. Your taste in films. Calling me on my bullshit when no one else will say it, and, usually following through with the things you set your mind to.” 
[Isn’t dyslexia just a peach sometimes. I’m leaving that up there :P Domi]
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1. Checking in on Eff, usually if she’s been quiet for a couple of days.
2. Letting her drink with him, mainly to keep her safe. 
3. Having Effy’s number on speed dial. 
4. dropping whatever he’s doing when she calls him at night. 
5. spoiling his not daughter-daughter with technology, books, and films. 
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mxnstersarereal · 4 years
✵ + haffy
Send me a ✵ + a ship and i’ll tell you who does what at christmas!
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off? Effy
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting?is both an option? cause Hamlet would probably try to be romantic and have a cozy night in the middle of the stress only to realise later that oops they ate the christmas chocolates.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies? Hamlet, it’s kinda tradition for him. His mom would show them to him when he was a kid so it’s a happy childhood memory.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas? Effy although that’s mostly because she likes to tease Ham, who absolutely loathe it.
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping Effy... let’s face it Hamlet would snoop everytime
who insists on making snow angels? both
who put christmas outfits on all the pets?...Hamlet...
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in? a quiet day in, they visit their families either the days before or after but christmas is just for them.
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers?...neither....okay Ham...but only because he thinks that they’re something every normal family has
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present? neither, although Ham would but he wants Effy to get some sleep
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year? Effy
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame? Hamlet...
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm?...okay we get it he’s a mess...Hamlet
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real? Effy, bc let’s face it she has to put up with the giant man baby as well
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iiimpulse · 6 years
“Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue?”
sexual tension sentence starters (part two)
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A scoff left Travis’ lips in response to Effy’s question, eyebrows knitting together tightly. He could, in fact, tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
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changingtiides · 6 years
🎰 effymccall
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
1. PJ Halliwell + Effy McCall
2. Peter Parker + Effy McCall
3. Emma Vanity + Effy McCall
4. Callum Avery + Effy McCall
5. Jace Herondale + Effy McCall
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dalphahale · 6 years
 “will you be my valentine?”
send my muse “will you be my valentine?” to see their reaction !
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Derek chuckled softly. “What? Did Stiles reject you?” He teased, pulling her in close. “I thought he already asked you to be yours? How did you turn him down?” He pecked her lips. “Hopefully it wasn’t gently.”
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