sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Just saw your post about prompts… 👀
If you’re interested, I’ve been dying for a very particular Buck/Bucky fic, where, during the interrogation scene, the officer has Gale brought in to try and get answers out of Buck ✨
Im a sucker for the extreme angsty stuff, but other than that, I’ll leave the prompt broad and up to your interpretation!
Thank you! ♥️
(This went more "two Steve McQueens fight a couple nazis" and less "oh god why must I watch you be hurt" but I hope you enjoy! Personally, I think Buck's likely the shithouse crazy one of them when it comes down to it, and Bucky just tags along when it happens.)
[cw: blood mention]
After several minutes of going back and forth, the interrogator questioning and Bucky replying over and over with his name, rank, and serial number, the interrogator pauses, then says, "Well, let us try something else."
Bucky expects the man to stand up and threaten him. Instead, he pushes a button on his desk. There's a buzzing outside the office.
Bucky expects guards and guns, maybe a fight. He keeps his seat even as the door opens, ready to spring up if needed but trying to hold himself in check.
There's two sets of footsteps, and then Bucky looks to his left where they stop.
It's a guard, all right. And next to him, still in his uniform, is Buck. He's bruised and busted, though not as badly as Bucky. He's standing at ease, like he's not shocked to see Bucky.
But Buck looks not shocked to people who don't know him a lot of the time. Bucky, though, he can read that face like his favorite book. And Buck's face is stoic, but there's mayhem in his eyes.
"John Egan," Buck says, and Bucky leans forward, ready to go, "What took you so long?"
"Well, I had to come back from London, you know," Bucky replies. "Told you you should have come with."
"Maybe next time I will," Buck says. He licks the corner of his mouth where there's a spot of blood. He looks at the interrogator. "I suppose I'm here for a reason."
The interrogator smiles thinly. He rests on his desk and waves at the guard, who takes two steps back.
Stupid, Bucky thinks. Absolutely and fantastically stupid.
"Major Egan is not being forthcoming," the interrogator says. "And you have also not been forthcoming, Major Cleven."
"Attaboy," Bucky says in his most obnoxious drawl. It makes the interrogator glare at him. Perfect.
"If you think showing me Egan's alive is going to be make me cooperate with you, you're wrong," Buck says, cool as you please. He scratches his wrist. The guard behind him doesn't even twitch. Bucky catches the way Buck's hand doesn't fully uncurl when he drops it to his side again.
"What he said," Bucky adds.
"You Americans and your confidence," the interrogator says, looking like he wants to spit. "Always so certain you can't be stopped."
Bucky shrugs and slouches further in his chair. He finishes his cigarette, stares at the interrogator, and flicks the butt to the floor. The man's nostrils flare. "Buck, when we're out of here, I'm taking you dancing."
"You can try," Buck says, and Bucky moves at the same moment Buck does, grabbing the interrogator by the throat and snatching the letter opener off of the desk. He stabs him through the jugular, holding him up as he bleeds all over his pristine uniform.
He lays the interrogator on the floor and glances at Bucky. The guard's down, too. His neck slashed clean across. There's a razor blade with fabric wrapped around the dull side next to him.
"How'd you get a razor blade?" Bucky asks as he takes the interrogator's gun and knife and searches through his pockets. He finds money and a gold watch.
"They made me scrub their bathrooms," Buck says. "I think it was meant to emasculate me. I found it in the wastebasket."
"They didn't search you?" Bucky asks. He walks to the door and presses his ear to it. There's no noise outside.
"They're undisciplined," Buck says. "Not lazy or dumb, but undisciplined."
Bucky reads between the lines. It won't be easy or simple to get out of here, but the men here won't be expecting a fight. "It's quiet out there," he says.
Buck walks up next to Bucky and hands him a box of ammunition. He tucks two folders into his jacket, then tucks another two into Bucky's. They all have a large stamp on the front that seems to imply importance. "Where's your sheepskin?"
"Traded it out," Bucky says. "You hated it."
Buck stares at him for a moment, then pulls him in and kisses him. "You ever fly without it again, I'll shoot you down myself."
Bucky kisses back. "I'm telling Marge you paused my heroic rescue to kiss me like a bad movie."
"I'm telling Marge you were dumb enough to get captured," Buck replies. He pulls Bucky into a quick hug that Bucky happily returns. "Ready?" Buck asks, holding up the knife he's stolen. His gun's tucked into his waistband so he can grab the doorknob.
Bucky stands behind him, the knife in his right, the gun in his left. The box of ammunition in his pocket makes him feel lucky. The sharp concentration and determination in Buck's eyes makes him feel sure. "Let's get the hell out of here."
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