gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
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omg kissies!!!!!
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cyberneticlagomorph · 2 years
Egg can speak. Really, that's the whole magic.
>> it is Done
>> Egg is in the middle of chewing on your ankle when it happens, her little squeaky growls turn into coherent words
>> "Numnumnum gonna eat you up Bibi!!" And then she stops, confused, "huh?"
>> no more little "e!" squeaks, but WORDS like the big people
>> she stops gnawing and sits up, ears flicking this way and that as she looks up at you with wide red eyes, "Bibi? I'm can talk?"
>> The wonderment lasts like 5 solid seconds before she just starts crying, unsure of what else to do. You scoop her up and nuzzle her tiny face until the tears turn to hiccups.
>> this is gonna take some getting used to
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cgghycok · 6 years
@knghiraxth​                      Hyejin | Lewis [ W H O  A R E  Y O U ? ] - CLOSED STARTER
Intoxicated humans never gives you the best blood. It’s not like Lewis hates it but he prefers his blood pure and sweet. Alcohol makes the blood taste bitter. It makes vampires drunk too which could be either an up or down side of it. At the moment, Lewis’ taking it a little bit on the up side. Arriving in Seoul made him want to get drunk. But not wasted. Just enough to feel warmth all over his cold skin and pretend like he’s warm like a human. Perhaps that is Lewis’ main reason why he went to that club in the first place. Thanks to his new prey that he found in that club, he could indulge himself. She still seem unconscious from drinking too much. A perfect candidate.
He tentatively took a bite first on her bare shoulder a bit close to her neck. It’s important that he doesn’t bite through an artery or else she might die. Lewis wouldn’t want that at the moment. He doesn’t stay on the same bitten spot either. Licking on the bite mark to numb the wound and prevent more bleeding before he looks for another vein he could sink his teeth into. Keeping her unconscious is important too as that would be be better. But the longer Lewis hovers over the innocent young woman, increases the amount of bit marks he’s giving her. Sure, he’s just trying to have a taste but the more he’s biting into her for a taste, the more blood she loses and the more drunk he gets.
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
Some farmers will tell you that most chickens roost anything vaguely egg shaped, be it a rock or a small animal
how'd it fit three whole kittens under there tho........... are kittens that small ive never Witnessed one in real life :(
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 9 months
I have come for your clout >:)))
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
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met god yesterday
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
for the story ask thing: 1 (but you have to do this one as poorly as possible), 4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 18, and 20
YAY this will focus mostly on bird of prey since thats the. the comic being worked on yis but i think some stuff can apply to the rest of tamaverse
long post so uhhhhh
1.) how would you describe the world your story takes place in?
uhhhhh idk how poorly i can describe it 😭 like uh. hell. but not actually hell its hell in the sense that its new york
4.) what would you say is the message, if there is one.
honestly i dont think there is a message 💔 just kinda doing whatever the fuck i want at this point...
5.) pick a theme song for the tv adaptation.
for bird of prey specifically ive wanted to make a silly op with this but more realistically??? probably the song i named the whole thing after
or scooter - fire hfkjsdhfk
6.) speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
homophobia probably 💀 or maybe like ppl screaming about the Toxic™️ people/relationships... i think chase himself is a good enough reason to put "dni if you like this" on ur carrd JSGDGHSJSJKD
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
2016ish... kare was gonna be a minor character that shows up like One Time in another story! but then i kept developing him n chase and they kinda. split off n became their own protags whoops
also the fact it was gonna be REALLY SHORT but i kept adding things and now idk where we are lolllll
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
kare's relatively normal he just tries promoting his music :)
chase gets a new callout post every ten minutes and he celebrates this, makes another account, and reblogs it calling op a slur. rinse and repeat
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
like even before any depictions of Unhealthy Relationships hes just insufferable BDHDHJS
20.) your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. how have they horribly mangled your message/theme so that the movies are now a showcase of what the original was condemning?
hm. i think the absolute worst possible thing ever would be to make kare and chase an actual healthy couple...... the entire dynamic is kare being so nice and trusting and naive, oblivious to the Evils of this world and the dude that seduced him day one. i feel like they'd Sanitize chase and just. make him an entirely different person. and the thought of chase being Normal terrifies me
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
the sun/moon dynamic follows me everywhere and i hope that never stops ever
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 1 year
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me being cringefail at work
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 2 months
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hey what the fuck
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 6 months
The flick of a wrist can start a fire; look at me as I build my empire!
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 2 years
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 2 years
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all within minutes
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 2 years
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 4 years
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a collection of kara frames from today’s episode cuz im just very in love
bonus suiriku
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gmaxgrimmsnarl · 4 years
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a stitch if anyone needed this karamatsu as much as i did
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