#eggsyobsessed talks kingsman
stronglyobsessed · 5 years
Hello! I'm new to the Kingsman fandom. I watched both earlier this year for the first time after seeing Taron in Rocketman. I adore the first and like some parts of the second very much though I do have my issues with the movie overall. What's your story behind getting into the Kingsman fandom? Did you see the movies when they were released? What about them that appealed to? Also if you ever want to talk about the movies my inbox is always open!
Hello!!! Welcome welcome!!! Hope you like long responses, because this is likely to be one. So I am going to insert a keep reading tab so that I don’t clog up feeds with it’s length
First I’d like to say WOO for coming into the Kingsman fandom. We can always use more faces, as well as some of the veterans popping up. The fandom is kinda slow right now, but with the movies so far apart, and the fandom was small to begin with, it’s tapered off. So it’s always nice to see new faces surface.
The movies are great. I love the first, of course, and personally adore the second, outside of them killing Rox and Merlin - I have serious issues with both of those. Merlin especially because he was SUPPOSED to live, like that was original to the script, but because it had a better reaction from the test audience, they killed him - Mark Strong was cross with that, saw in an interview.
Okay. I came into the fandom around December 2017, so just about 2 years ago. I was mainly a reader then, and fell hard and fast into the fanfiction - I had never heard of, nor read, fanfiction before this. I’m sort of mad about that, because I would have started writing a long time ago - I mean I sort of did. I wrote an original story in high school, so I kind of always liked to write. Whether it be stories, poems and the like.
My story started off in September of 2017. My husband’s friend was living with us until he moved to Arizona the following year. One day he was like “You guys ever seen Kingsman?” I’m like...? What is that? I had never heard of it. He described the movie and so we all watched it. I loved it from then. Now I wasn’t looking for any fanfiction or anything yet - didn’t know it existed and all that jazz.
I heard the second movie had just been released in theaters that month, but I wasn’t really SO invested I was gonna see it in the theater. We waited until December to watch it on DVD. We rented it and I was like...OH! So, long story short about myself, with any TV show or movie I watch, that I really really like, I spin stories in my head. Not knowing what I was doing was essentially creating fanfiction in my head.
So naturally I was doing that with Kingsman. I began to google it. I loved Eggsy so much, googling pictures of him, and searching for ANY evidence a third movie would take place. To me, Eggsy being married and becoming a Prince just didn’t suit him. Yes, I love the idea of him having a HEA, married with babies, but he’s a spy and was just finding his footing as Galahad. I felt he was robbed of that, being a Prince would make it hard to keep that job - he even says it.
While searching for these things I found fanficiton. I found it through fanfic.net, and wattapad, and an assorted other places. A lot of it was reader insert and Eggsy. Where I liked it, it wasn’t my favorite, so I started finding some with Eggsy and a female OC, and some with Eggsy and Roxy. Of course, the more you search the more you find. I started to find Harry/Eggsy fics - Hartwin - and I won’t lie, wasn’t my jam at first. I had never read anything with same sex relationships, and I have NO issues with it, friends with plenty of gay people, but not the sort of READING I was exposed to.
I consumed everything I could find - of fanfic - and than I found AO3, and holy fucking shit. It was like a gold miners dream, or a starved fanfic readers dream. I loved it. I started writing my own fic in my phone, while I waited for the ability to sign up on AO3 - you needed a code at the time, not sure if they still do that - and so that’s what I did. I created an alternate life for Eggsy, wife, kids, long life and my favorite headcanon that he becomes Arthur when he’s older. So I read the same sex fanfic, while not being 100% comfortable with writing it myself yet, but they say you learn by writing and reading it, right?
Eventually I found Merlin/Eggsy - Merwin - fanfic, after about a month of posting my own writing, and good god. I was so fucking sunk. I needed to write THAT! I’ve been a shameless Merwin shipper since then, so almost 2 years, and been writing consistently. Of course with writing I created Tumblr and found SO many people who loved this too. Wrote fic, made art, did challenges, exchanges and just a fandom so fucking loving and caring and supportive of one another.
Manners Maketh Man, and all that. Kingsman fandom surely lives up to that motto.
But in short, I came into the fandom from my husband’s friend introducing me to the movies. Thanks, Mikey!
So no, I did not see the movies when they came out, and I actually came into the fandom late, but I’m PRAYING it picks up again with the new movies.
The movies were appealing because they had the perfect mix of action, comedy, and heart. I loved it. Eggsy was so well developed and his character was just so relatable and you were really rooting for him the whole time through the first movie. I knew some of the actors in the first: Colin Firth and Samuel Jackson, I mean...Colin in that church scene? That’s the best shit I’ve seen.
I of course wanted to watch the second, because I loved the first, and I will be watching the prequel and the last Eggsy/Harry movie.
I’m not sorry I found this fandom. I love it and I’ve made some awesome fucking friends, even met one in real life this past October! I am forever grateful for this hobby, and the fandom, it’s so great!!!
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Thank you for the ask! And welcome again! My ask box, as well as private message, is always open for fandom discussions, the movies, headcanons and anything else you’d like to chat about!!!
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ardentmuse · 6 years
Hello you lovely human, if I may ask for two? 💜 + Eggsy, and 💚 Lena. If I can only have one, I’d prefer the green. Thanks, babe!
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Lena is bright and chipper, but the softness of the consonants is peaceful, too. It evokes a nice teal (which is actually very similar to the color produced by my husband’s name), one that reminds me of peacock feathers. 
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- Eggsy is VERY obsessed with the Kingsman puppies. 
- Eggsy begs Merlin regularly to allow him to help with the care and raising of the pups when they have a round of new recruits. 
- Despite JB, Eggsy actually has a huge fondness for the big dogs, mostly because he loves the awkwardness of his super large paws with their tiny bodies.
- He occasionally slips up in conversation and calls them his “babies” which Harry just raises an eyebrow at and Roxy mercilessly teases him for.
- Merlin supervises Eggsy via his cameras, mostly to make sure none of the puppies are overly prepared for their future partnerships 
- But all he ever sees is Eggsy talking softly to them and giving them a ton of cuddles
- Occasionally he even sings to the little guys, but only because he thinks no one is listening
- Merlin has a few of these solos saved in a file on his computer marked “backup” for purposes. 
- Eggsy is fully convinced that being a good dog dad means he’s prepared to be a good human dad.
- He hasn’t the slightest clue what he’s in for. 
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Writing Challenge: Taron Egerton.
This challenge was requested by @wand3r1u5t. I hope that you enjoy this honey and thanks for the request.
Please excuse the mistakes in this. 
5: “Why do you hate me?”
30: “So that’s it? It’s over?”
46: “Can I kiss you right now?”
137: “You’re an asshole.”
180: “You have no idea what you do to me.”
184: “Can I touch you?”
P.S: I am so sorry that this was not posted earlier like I had planned. If you didn’t see it, I got sick and felt it necessary to step back for a couple days and get myself feeling better. Thanks for your patience and for your support. 
Hannah stood in front of the mirror with tears cascading down her reddened cheeks. The events of the night replaying in her head.
*A few hours earlier*
“Hannah, you look stunning.” Leah complimented as Hannah admired her chosen wedding dress. “You think he’ll like it?” Hannah asked. “Oh absolutely. You are a vision.” Leah replied. The women spent the rest of the afternoon talking about Hannah and Adam’s upcoming wedding.
15 minutes into their lunch, Leah got a text and made her leave. Hannah shrugged it off and went to go and pick up the gift she put on lay-by for Adam. “Thank you.” Hannah said as she grabbed the bag and made her way to Adam’s flat. Just as she reached the front door, she could sense that something was wrong. She cautiously unlocked the door and opened it and immediately regretted it when she saw Leah deep throating her fiancé. Hannah dropped the gift to the ground, catching Leah and Adam’s attention. “Hannah.” Adam said. Hannah’s heart shattered. “How could you Leah. I thought you were my friend. You helped me pick my wedding dress.” Hannah said as she tried to stop the tears. Leah smirked. “You’re so gullible Hannah. Just face it, Adam would rather be with someone less, well, less like you.” Leah sneered. “She’s right Hannah. You’re not that pretty, never were.” Adam added. Hannah swallowed. “You’re an asshole.” Hannah said as she rushed out of his flat.
Hannah ran to the comfort of her home and slammed the front door before falling to the ground and letting her tears fall. Hannah’s body shook with her sobs. What was so wrong with her? Was she really that ugly?
*Present Time*
Hannah staggered drunkly to Taron’s front door. He was the only one of her friends that she could trust. Hannah knocked on the door and took a long sip of her liquor as she waited. “Hannah?” Tina asked in surprise. Her and Taron had been informed that Hannah went berserk and ran out on Adam, leaving the man alone with his fears. Before Hannah could reply, her eyes landed on a red eyed Adam. She could see that he was playing the victim card and her blood boiled. “Hannah, there you are.” Adam said as he and Taron walked toward the door. Hannah pushed her way into the house and with all the strength she could muster, she slapped her ex. “Hannah!” Taron shouted. He was shocked but maybe there was a reason for it. “ What is wrong with you?” He asked sternly and Hannah looked at him with hurt in her eyes. Taron never shouted at her and this crushed her heart even more. “Ask him!” She shouted as she stumbled. Taron and Tina looked at Adam for an explanation. “ I came home to Leah deep throating him and then he has the nerve to tell me that I’ve never been pretty or worth anything.” She said. Taron stood there with his blood boiling. Adam had just lied to his face. Taron had always liked Hannah and thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and her admitting what Adam had said, hurt him. 
After a few minutes, Taron pulled his fist back and punched the other man square in the face, making Tina and Hannah cringe when they heard a crunch sound emulate from Adam. “Get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back.” He said as he shoved Adam out. Taron slammed the door shut and locked it. He then grunted as the pain coursed through his hand. “Taron, you take her upstairs and I’ll get you some ice.” Tina said and Taron obeyed. He helped Hannah upstairs. Hannah sat on the guest bed. “My hero.” Hanna joked drunkly. Taron took the bottle from her hands and took a drink before putting it out of Hannah’s reach. Tina came upstairs with ice for her son before she left them to talk. They didn’t talk however, Taron just walked out without a word. Hannah sat there with tears in her eyes again. Hannah laid down on the bed and cried for awhile before the anger settled into her bones. She grunted and stormed into Taron’s room. Taron looked at her through his glasses as he closed the book he was reading. He just looked at her as she shuffled on her feet. She felt judged, like Adam was right. Maybe she was ugly and worthless. 
Hannah bit her lip. ‘Adam’s right.’ ‘Why would Taron care.’ ‘You? Desirable? please.’ The voices in her head spoke as Taron continued looking at her, waiting for her to speak. The tears welt up in her eyes again and Taron’s heart broke. Taron scoffed as Adam’s words replayed in his head. Hannah mistook the scoff for a negative thing aimed at her. She let her tears fall. “Why do you hate me?” Came her small voice. Taron’s eyes snapped up to her face. “Hate you? You think I hate you?” He asked and Hannah nodded, falling to the ground in sobs. Taron got off his bed and rushed to her. He held her as she cried.
“Hannah, look at me.” Taron he said softly and she did. She saw pity in his eyes and she pushed him away. She stood up and left his room. Taron rushed after her. “Hannah Marie, stop.” Taron called but she ignored him. “Hannah!” He shouted and she stopped. He spun her around. “I don’t hate you at all.” He said. “Prove it then.” She replied softly. Taron cleared his throat. “See, you can’t.” Hannah said as she moved from his grip. Taron wasn’t having it. He threw Hannah over his shoulder and she shrieked. “Taron! Put me down.” She demanded but he didn’t.
Taron took her back upstairs and laid her on his bed. “What the fuck are you doing?” She asked. “Ending our friendship.” He replied simply. Hannah looked up at him with hurt in her eyes. “So that’s it? It’s over?” She asked and Taron nodded. “Can I kiss you right now?” He asked as he sat next to her on the bed. Hannah bit her lip and nodded. Taron leaned down and kissed her softly. Hannah’s belly erupted in flutters. Taron broke the kiss. “You have no idea what you do to me.” Taron whispered and Hannah smiled. “I punched him because one, what he did was wrong and two, I may have been showing off.” Taron admitted, both of them laughing. Once she had calmed her giggles, she looked at him for real this time. She looked into his eyes and the sudden need to feel him against her washed over her. “Can I touch you?” Hannah asked above a whisper and Taron nodded, closing his eyes as she sat up and removed his shirt, imprinting his skin with her kisses.
*5 years later*
“Mummy, Harmony is in daddy’s office.” Melody yelled, earning an annoyed grunt from her parents. “I’ll get her out of there, you finish getting Lyric ready.” Hannah said to her husband. She rushed to the small girl. “Harmony, your father and I have told you not to come in here, you will wreck your Christmas surprises.” Hannah chided. “Dad, mum is yelling at Harmony.” Melody hollered. “Melody Marie, leave your mother alone.” Taron warned as he walked down the stairs, holding his newest born daughter. Melody ran up to her father and hugged his legs. “Sorry daddy.” She replied with his cheeky smile. “Thank you Cariad.” He said as the doorbell rang. With her parents long forgotten, Melody ran to the door to greet her grandparents. 
“Where are our little monsters?” Hannah asked as she walked into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around her husband. “Upstairs with mum who is upstairs changing Lyric’s nappy.” Taron replied and Hannah nodded. “Hey, you never told me your Christmas wish.” Hannah said. Taron smiled. “I don’t need one, I have all I could ever want.” He replied. “ So, you don’t regret that night at all?” Hannah asked and Taron shook his head. “Why would I regret that night? it was the night that gave us Melody. It gave me you. It gave me the life I have. You, Melody, Harmony and now Lyric are my life and I wouldn’t change that for the world.” Taron explained and his wife smiled brightly at him. “I still can’t believe that you threw me over your shoulder.” She said and they both laughed at the memory. 
“Dad, mum, can we open a gift tonight?” Melody asked as she brushed her unruly hair from her eyes. “Yes! I have a gift for all of you.” Taron shouted excitedly. Tina and Hannah shared a looked and Hannah shrugged. She had no idea what this gift for all of them was. Taron bounded up the stairs. “Ok, everyone close your eyes!” Taron called as he started walking back to his waiting family. When he was sure that all their eyes were closed, with the exception of Lyric, he set a box down and pulled out a little pug puppy. He placed the puppy in Melody’s arms. “Open your eyes.” he said as he rocked on his feet in excitement. When their eyes landed on the animal, Melody and Harmony squealed in delight. Hannah groaned. “Really Taron?” She whined and Taron’s parents and sisters laughed. “ Oh come on Han, look at him.” Taron cooed, earning an eyeroll from the woman. 
“What are we going to name him?” Taron asked and Hannah counted down from 5. When Hannah reached 1, Melody piped up. “JB.” The girl cheered. melody had an obsession with pugs ever since her father had shown her pictures of him with George, the pug that played JB in Kingsman. Now that her father had gifted them a pug, it was inevitable that his name was to be JB. “Well, if you like it, JB it is.” Hannah said. For the rest of the night, everyone played with the puppy and made some new family memories, now that Lyric was here for her first ever Christmas.
Tag List: @mairyleo @sarahegerton96 @rocknrollmadden @jobanan23 @superthiccthighssavelives @dogmom2014 @eggsyobsessed @softeggsy @hauntedflamingo
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solrosan · 5 years
Not sure if you’re taking prompts, but was wondering if you’d write a ficlet or something where Eggsy is older, terminally ill and meets his grandchild for the first time? Could be the only time? Any ship of your choosing.
Thank you for this, Anon! It turned out to be just what my muse needed this Sunday. Also thank you @eggsyobsessed who talked some things over with me.
warnings: cancer, character death
Tilde’s voice was soft and quiet, almost a whisper, as she opened the door to his bedroom. His bedroom, not theirs. Their bedroom was on the second floor, but Drottningholm Palace didn’t have a lift and he hadn’t been able to take the stairs for quite some time now. They had discussed putting one in, but they wouldn’t have turned their bedroom into a hospital room anyway, so why subject the 18th century building to it? 
“Are they here?” said Eggsy, brightening up and trying to sit up in the bed.
“For the love of–” Tilde was by his side within seconds, moving fast for a woman who was just a year shy of 70, and pushed the bed-remote in his hand. “Use the button.”
“But they’re here, aren’t they?”
Tilde kissed his forehead. “Yes.”
Eggsy smiled, the air leaving him in an exhausted huff – he really had no strength left these days – and used the hydraulics in the bed to raise himself up. 
Four months ago his leukemia had come back and it had been obvious early on that his only option would be palliative care. Beating it the first time had been hard enough, and with worse odds and a higher age, the choice to not put himself through high-dose chemotherapy had been… well, not easy, but not difficult either. 
Eggsy wasn’t ready to die yet, but life is what it is and if Tilde was the only person he didn’t manage to convince that he wasn’t painfully bitter about it all then he considered it a job well done.
Not long before they had got the news of his relapsed leukemia they had put out a communique saying that Crown princess Anne, his and Tilde’s oldest child, was expecting a baby. Getting to share that with the world, getting to tell people that he was going to be a granddad, had been one of the best things in Eggsy’s life. Then having the rug pulled out from under him – from under them – just weeks later… 
No one had been able to tell him if he’d live to see his first grandchild. 
Two days ago now, Anne gave birth to a healthy baby boy – 51 cm, 3 280 g – and today they got to leave the hospital. Their first stop, even though it wasn’t even remotely on the way home, was Drottningholm Palace. It hadn’t even been a discussion. 
Or well. It had. Of course it had. Everything was always a discussion in their lives, even if everyone was on the same page. Sometimes Eggsy wondered if they had wills of their own anymore – or in the case of Tilde and their children, if they had ever had any at all – or if they just always wanted what they thought would play out best in the press.
Either way, the Crown princess couple and their newborn son was here now. Eggsy couldn’t care about anything else even if he’d had the energy to do so. 
“Have you seen him?” he asked Tilde.
Tilde nodded. “Held him already and everything.”
“How’s Anne?”
“Knocked about. Sore. Tired. Happy.” Tilde smiled, but she took a deep breath through her nose and the smile faded. “Devastated.”
Eggsy squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not like you’re doing this on purpose.”
“No… “ He looked up at her, her face wrinkled and her eyes hidden behind glasses. He had almost forgotten what she looked like without glasses. “Don’t let them change their minds and name him Gary just because of the leukemia.”
“You really want me to be that parent?”
“I want you to be that queen.”
Tilde laughed. “Oscar Gary Christer, as previously discussed. I’ll announce on Monday.”
Eggsy nodded. “Give him my duchy.” 
The smile died on Tilde’s lip and in her eyes. Eggsy had been given the titles Prince of Sweden and Duke of Västergötland when they married. The second was mostly a formality, but Eggsy had been really proud to be the Duke of Västergötland, even when Tilde no longer held the title of Duchess after becoming Queen. 
“Babe,” said Eggsy, coaxing her to meet his eyes again. “Give him my duchy, promise me you’ll do that.”
Tilde nodded, wiping tears that hadn’t fallen yet with her free hand, because they both knew that the only way she could keep her promise was if Eggsy was dead by Monday. Eggsy was fairly sure she’d be able to keep it.
There was a soft knock on the door. Tilde squeezed Eggsy’s hand hard and blinked rapidly to get the last tears away as Eggsy asked their daughter, son-in-law, and grandson to come in.
“Hi, dad,” said Anne, smiling and carrying a small bundle in her arms. She looked just like Tilde had described her – knocked about, sore, tired, happy… and devastated, even if it was clear that she tried to leave that feeling at the door – but mostly she looked proud. 
Eggsy grinned when he saw her. He turned back to Tilde.
“Take the baby so I can hug her.”
“Dad…” said Anne, smiling and rolling her eyes, but gave her son to her mother anyway.
Eggsy reached for her and she bent down to hug him. There were a thousand things he wanted to tell her, that he wanted to whisper in her ear, but he held on to her as tightly as he could and hoped that it would somehow be enough.
“I love you,” he said, “and I’m so, so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” she murmured. “I love you too.”
“Now, give me my grandson,” said Eggsy as Anne pulled away from him. 
Tilde gently placed the boy in his arms and for a moment, the rest of the world disappeared. The only thing that existed was his grandson. He got flashes of holding his own children for the first time, of the nights he had walked around trying to get them to sleep, of the days he just didn’t want to put them down, of looking at them and imagining a bright, shining future for them.
“Oh, look what you’ve made,” he said to Anne when he found his voice again, but he didn’t for a second take his eyes off the boy. “He has the right number of fingers and everything.”
Next to him, Tilde stifled a sob. He had always been quick to point out that his own kids had the right amount of fingers and toes. 
The little boy had a firm grip on his finger and it hurt in ways no morfin could ease to know he wouldn’t get to see the boy grow up. He wouldn’t get to show him the alternatives to growing up in a palace. He wouldn’t get to tell him about football or teach him about suits.
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair. 
The boy squinted up at him, his tongue sticking out. There was a hint of a smile and the pain eased for a moment – it was gas, Eggsy knew it was, but it didn’t change anything. 
What a journey his life had been. Losing his dad as a kid, growing up in the poorer parts of London, leaving the marines, working shitty jobs and being unemployed, causing trouble and getting arrested, joining Kingsman, saving the world, falling in love, getting married, and now…
“Look,” he said quietly, his voice almost breaking as he looked up at the other people in the room with a smile. “I’m holding the future King of Sweden… Who would have thought?”
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zebraljb · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Harry Hart | Galahad/Percival Characters: Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Merlin (Kingsman), Harry Hart | Galahad, Percival (Kingsman) Additional Tags: Breaking Up & Making Up, Singing, Voicemail, Fluffy Ending Summary:
Merlin has said some horrible things and Eggsy doesn't want to talk to him. He ignores the voicemails until he simply cannot stand it any longer.
My dear @eggsyobsessed wasn’t having the best of weeks last week, so I threw this at her. :)  She seemed to enjoy it so I will post it here.
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ao3-nightwriter93 · 6 years
The shipping Meme
was tagged by @eggsyobsessed in the shipping meme.
First ship you ever read fic for: Sasuke/Naruto
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Prussia/Canada
Ship you write the most now: tie between Merwin and Hotch/Reid
Ship you read the most now: Merwin.
Newest ship: Harcival
Rare ship you wanna read more of: Harcival
Your taboo ship: uhhh, don’t think I have one TBH
They never met in canon ship: oh no they all meet
Your unexpected ship: Harcvial with bottom Harry Hart
The ship you always forget to give love to: Hotch/Reid. Kingsman has taken over the brain
Ship your OC with a canon character: I haven’t thrown an OC in, but if I did probably Harry or Percival
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: none
Your most romantic ship: Merwin ❤️❤️
Your sexiest ship: Probably Merwin. If we’re talking about smut and kinks
Your most tragic ship: I can make anything tragic. It’s a talent
A ship you want more content for:All of them
I tag @kiyuohonoo and @bad-wolf-run
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stronglyobsessed · 5 years
I shouldn’t have to be sorry...
I shouldn’t have to be sorry that my struggles, as a writer, might be someone else’s norm. I shouldn’t have to feel bad about it.
Yes, getting 1,000 words written in 2 1/2 hours was hard for me. I have been struggling for days to get words out. So bad that a 2,800 word one shot took me 3 days to write. This is not my norm. It may be someone else’s normal as a writer, but it is not mine.
Each and every writer is different, unique, all of us possessing different strengths and weaknesses. That does not make my struggles invalid, that does not make another writers struggles invalid.
I am valid. You are valid. My struggles are valid, and that is a struggle for ME. I am NORMALLY a 2,000-2,5000 word a day writer on my PRIME writing days. The past few weeks have not been prime for ME. Does that mean someone who writers 500 words a day isn’t valid? That those aren’t successful days for them?
Fuck no. That just means we are DIFFERENT. Not one person writes the same, has the same word count, sounds the same. If we did that would be boring. But my struggles are real, they are frustrating to ME, they are discouraging to ME.
As writing gets harder, as Kingsman’s fandom shrinks due to lack of writers and readers, all we can do is support one another. Encourage one another and praise one another when words were written, because progress was made no matter how little or large the word count.
Whether you write 50 words, or 5,000 words, I support you. I see you. You are valid, and your writing is too.
Manners Maketh Man. What this fandom was built on.
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stronglyobsessed · 5 years
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The day after a double, not feeling the best, but look okay? Showered and not doing a damn thing for the rest of the evening and night.
What’s everyone up to this evening? Come bug me about anything.
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stronglyobsessed · 5 years
Okay but here is a thing I wanted to ask: Have you considered this --- Sebastian and Roxy hanging out? you haven't written much of that, really curious how they get along.
Okay. So I am going to answer this based off of my original Sebwin AU and then in general.
When Eggsy first tells Rox that he’s dating again she’s all supportive, of course she would be. It’s only been what feels like decades since he’d had an actual fucking boyfriend or girlfriend and not pushed them away and out of his life. Then he tells her that Seb is 17 years his junior, and Rox just loses it, and not because she frowns on the age gap, but he’s so far from Eggsy’s usual.
She’s known Eggsy to have dated older men and usually some a few years younger. It’s often she’s having to listen to Eggsy gripe about todays youth and how half of them don’t know their arse from a hole in the ground, which admittedly can be true. It’s not until she meets him does she get it. Sebastian is 100% Eggsy’s type, and SO good for him she’s almost sorry she had teased him about robbing the cradle, almost.
Eggsy BEGS her not to give him the spanish inquisition and is pleasantly surprised when the two hit it off so well that they forget about him, and fuck off to play a drunken game of darts. He’s both jealous and warmed by the exchange.
Roxy finds Sebastian smart, loving, and stubborn enough to keep Eggsy in check - always worried her friend would take one mission too risky and seriously injure himself, or worse not come back. But Sebastian keeps Eggsy coming home, a level head when lost in the heat of a mission, and she’s grateful for that.
When Eggsy is away on longer missions Seb will call Rox. She’ll come over and spend some nights indulging in ice cream and cheesy romance movies, because Sebastian loves them so much, just to take his mind off of an empty, and quiet home without Eggsy.
Eggsy is glad for the kindled relationship between his best mate and Sebastian. They have someone to lean on.
In any other circumstances I see it going about the same. I think Roxy would get along fast with Sebastian and sorta forget about Eggsy, but he doesn’t mind because the two most important people in his life get along well. I could see Roxy just busting over, beer, pizza, and a movie in hand - those same cheesy romance movies that Seb loves and Eggsy hates - and just shoves Eggsy out of the way and says girl time. Sebastian doesn’t mind having some ‘girl’ time, because that means he can cry and be sappy without worrying he’s put Eggsy to sleep from the film.
And now you make me wanna write them hanging out.
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ardentmuse · 6 years
🎃 Kingsman Because I’m just a little greedy, and I saw an ask where yes, we can ask for seconds. And I do enjoy seconds of anything kingsman related. ❤️❤️ Contacts again on 1K followers.
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I ship you with Eggsy (of course)! 
Being a Kingsman was stressful, sometimes debilitatingly so. But you knew stress too. Working for the medical team, you had patched Eggsy up multiple times, and saved a few lives from some of the worst conditions. Eggsy admired you, especially how cool and calm you stayed in situations where he would be pulling out his own hair. 
But the one thing you did have in common was a desire to separate, to find ways to have fun and enjoy yourselves away from all the craziness of your jobs. Every time you took care of Eggsy, you often talked about the things you did and places you went to clear your heads. For Eggsy, it was usually video games, exercise, and, if he was honest, sex. For you, it was writing and relaxing with a book and occasionally exploring the cultural parts of the city. 
And so when Eggsy finally built up the courage to ask you out, he thought a day clearing your heads and immersing yourself in a new world was the best fit. You spent hours exploring the aquarium, allowing your eyes to take in the tropical oceanscapes so different from your daily lives. You walked and chatted and laughed as you allowed the stress to wash away. And by the end of the day, you found it easy to forget you worked protecting humanity from some of the world’s greatest evils. You were just too people existing and enjoying each other, and perhaps sharing a few kisses. 
Lia’s 1k Celebration
(Thanks, lovely! The electric colors of a coral reef remind me of you for some reason. )
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stronglyobsessed · 4 years
Merlin’s always been enthralled with Eggsy’s voice, the pitch, how it resonates through his ear, right to his soul. It isn’t until a bad, civilian car accident nearly takes his husband away, does Merlin realize how much he’d miss hearing it.
For @sorryallonsy - who requested: If you’re still taking prompts, I’d love Merwin with Merlin realizing how much he loves to hear Eggsy talk when put in a situation where he can’t hear him (be it Eggsy in the hospital, on a secret mission with no audio, or whatever you want) and deciding that he’ll do whatever he can to make sure that not another day goes by without Eggsy’s voice in his life :)
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zebraljb · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin, Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Characters: Harry Hart | Galahad, Merlin (Kingsman), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Roxy Morton | Lancelot, Amelia (Kingsman) Additional Tags: Eggsy isn't Kingsman but Harry and Merlin are, Fantasizing, Dirty Talk, established Merlahad Summary:
Eggsy is working his boring job at an ice cream parlor when two very handsome men come in. He tells his friend Roxy everything he'd like them to do to him/with him...but they can't hear him. Right?
Thank you to @eggsyobsessed for suggestions and @tastymoves for fueling the fire.
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zebraljb · 5 years
Fic Writer Meme
Fic Writer Ask Meme
I was tagged by @eggsyobsessed
Answer these questions and then either tag five writers you admire or send this ask to them.
What was the biggest challenge you encountered while writing one of your fics?
I’m experiencing that challenge right now.  I am, for the first time, writing a story based on an idea that is 100% not my own.  Namely, the Fandom Trumps Hate story.  I’ve come to realize that this is not my cup of tea.  While the person was quite kind and pretty much said, “Here’s like two sentences regarding what I want, the rest is completely up to you, I trust you,” it’s like I’m really having to dig to find a plot, because it didn’t come from my own head. I’m quite thankful I have until the end of the year, because I’m maybe writing a chapter every other day, which is rare for me.
What fic or fics are you most proud of? Why?
I have one Phantom of the Opera story called “Solitude,” an Erik/Raoul story. I was obsessed with the movie when it came out, and I still get very kind comments on it years later.  I am also proud of “Talk to Me,” which started as a simple Merlin/Eggsy one-shot during a prompt month, and then grew into something that has the most hits of anything I’ve posted on AO3.  It was the easiest thing I���ve ever written as well; chapters flowed like honey.
What is longest fic you have ever written?
“Loud and Clear,” my very first Kingsman fic.  Before I relearned about cutting down the drama. LOL
Is there any fic you’d make changes to? What are those changes?
"Loud and Clear” - There is a HUGE section in the middle that moves the story absolutely nowhere and is, honestly, quite out of character. I won’t change it now, though. What’s done is done.
What is one thing you wish people knew about your writing process?
Up until the challenges I’ve been participating in over the past few months, I write and then I post almost immediately. I very rarely do any editing other than one or two quick rereads. I’m sure all of that is blatantly obvious. I also do very little preplanning; most of my stories write themselves as I go.
I won’t be tagging anyone, since my circle on here is small and most of the poeple are already tagged.
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zebraljb · 6 years
Fanfic ask game: F, L, M, N, R & U
F - Share a snipped from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
GUH that’s a hard one for me because I swear my stories are only dialogue. I’m surprised people stick with me! LOL. Pretty much any Harry/Merlin banter I enjoy writing and am proud of, but I’d probably say the scene in “Talk to Me” where Eggsy and Charlie get nasty with one another.  I love writing arguments almost as much as I love writing banter, and in this Eggsy really gives as good as he gets, and proclaims his love for Merlin in the process.
L - How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
This truthfully made me laugh out loud because I am HORRIBLE about revising.  I write a chapter, reread it once, and post it.  If I start it and have to come back to it later, I will reread what I’ve written so far before continuing.  I am shamefully bad about this…and I’m sure it shows.
M - Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Two…I will simpy say Guitar Merlin (that’s what the working title is) and an alpha/omega Hartwin with mpreg.
N - Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
I REALLY wish @wonderdyke would finish “Lost in Translation.” It is my porn fantasy story...soooo much BDMS that I could never write but revel in.  As far as someone writing for me? I would love a sweet Hartwin where they finally admit their feelings and fall into bed where they just rock each other’s worlds.
R - Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
In the Kingsman universe, it was the work of @anarchycox that made me brave enough to try my first story.  In general, I’ve realized recently that I seem to pattern my stories in a similar fashion to the dialogues of well-written sitcoms/comedy television shows. Not that I consider my work ‘well-written,’ but I do enjoy writing quick witty banter/patter similar to that of “Big Bang Theory” or “The Good Place.” I like back and forth.  I would also have to say that obviously I watched a lot of soap operas growing up, because I love drama. LOL
U - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@elrhiarhodan and @anarchycox, becaus they are able to mix comedy and good story telling, and have really good sex scenes without always needing to be gratuitous.  @eggsyobsessed, not just because she’s a good friend but because her stories have immense heart, every single one, and it is so obvious how serious she takes her craft.
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zebraljb · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Merlin/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Characters: Harry Hart | Galahad, Merlin (Kingsman), Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Additional Tags: Threesome - M/M/M, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Office Sex, Dirty Talk Summary:
So, you can blame this on eggsyobsessed and draca...they fueled the very naughty fire lit by their own story a few days ago.
It's pretty much porn with a teeny bit of feels. Merlin and Harry, happily married spies, have realized that the only thing that could possibly make them happier is the addition of a very handsome young chav. Said chav is quite eager...but Merlin feels he's just the stepping stone for Eggsy to get to Harry. They prove him wrong.
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