ltleflrt · 1 year
Seeing the ask people stuff post - how goes your cross stitching?
Oh man, I haven't touched it for almost a year! I was doing some of the outlining, and the pattern calls for all black but it just didn't look very good in some places, so I started doing some lighter colors, and then I was questioning myself, and I put it down in indecision. Which sucks, because I'm so close to being done, and it's almost Halloween again.
But I've always cross stitched in fits and starts so this is not completely unusual for me lol
Anyway, here's my last progress shot
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chromatic-lamina · 3 months
4 and 23 for the fic writing asks.
Thank you! Now I have to find the ask post. Haha. Kinda very haphazard at these things. Okay! Thank god I remembered I had an archive function!
How do you choose which fics to write? If I'm writing for myself, whatever tickles my fancy. It it's for a zine, event, or something similar, whatever the theme or prompt is.
Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest? All pretty much of a muchness. Sometimes the middle presents, sometimes the beginning, sometimes the end. Whichever gets the pen moving. Thing is, it might be the middle, but I might not know that until the story's got a bit more shape. Or I might know, and might not know why that scene is important, but it eventually shows where it slots in. Sometimes those early drafts are not the finished product at all! Thank you for the ask! I have a link in this post now, so easier for me to find. If anyone else wants to drop an ask or two, go for it! Am a bit busy, though, so might take a bit of time to answer.
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envydean · 4 months
Top Five Hobbies you've tried.
Crafting (like making props and stuff)
Card making
Reading (😅)
Sea swimming
I do enjoy all my hobbies and these are in no particular order :) knitting is a new one (since January) but the others I've been doing and enjoying for decades 😊😊 crafting in it's different ways gives me so much joy
Ask me a top 5 anything
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demonzoro · 2 months
@anarchycox replied: honestly I'd buy a ton of your stuff on inprnt if there was more there
thanks for letting me know your interest - my INPRINT is officially revamped :] if you're looking for something specific that isn't up there, feel free to say!
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thenerdyindividual · 1 year
Rewatching A Crown of Candy had reminded me how much I hate Saccharina. She is such a well done character. Her expectations are completely out of line with reality. The Rocks family lost Jet less than two weeks before meeting Saccharina, and they’ve had no time to process their grief. They’ve been running for their lives for even longer with out any idea that Saccharina existed, and have had no time to come to terms with everything. Calroy, someone they cared about and trusted, was directly responsible for the state of affairs, including Jet’s death. There’s been no time to process a betrayal that profound. Ruby, Jet, and Liam went from being rambunctious teens to war guys, and they haven’t been able to figure out what that means for them.
Despite all that, Saccharina expects them to play happy families immediately because she’s known of them her entire life. Then, because of her background, she takes every instance of tension as a personal slight. There’s no consideration for what the Rocks have been through because she’s experienced pain too. She is so focused on the distance she feels with Ruby and Amethar, she ignores that the rest of the party has been welcoming to her. Theo gave his loyalty to her within minutes of meeting her. Cumulus bonds with her over Lazuli. Liam is… well he’s Liam. He’s an awkward guy with everyone, but he is welcoming to her too. Amethar is doing his best but Saccharina doesn’t consider that his struggles to bond with her have nothing to do with her. He lost a daughter and now is being asked to accept another daughter he didn’t know about on the heels of that loss. Ruby didn’t just lose her twin, she lost her best friend, but Saccharina expects Ruby to put aside her grief to welcome a new sister with open arms. Just a couple episodes before, Ruby is “warging into Yak so I don’t have to be in my fucking body” and saying she felt like she died the day Jet did. Yet when she tries to explain all of the grief and trauma to Saccharina, Saccharina’s response was “I was born with nothing”.
What makes all this so brilliant (besides Emily Axford’s rp and character choices) is how if the tables were turned, we’d hate the Rocks family. As @anarchycox pointed out, if this was a YA novel where we had been following Saccharina’s point of view, we’d hate Amethar and Ruby for not accepting Saccharina. We’d be raging and saying things like “She’s your daughter! You’re meant to love her, you asshole!” After everything Saccharina has been through, we’d be pissed that she couldn’t get a happy reunion. There would be no question that we were on Saccharina’s side.
It is the only time I’ve experienced feeling guilty about hating a character. Normally, when I hate a character it feels good to hate them. They’re a bad guy and it’s fun to tell them to go fuck themselves. Saccharina isn’t a bad guy, or even an antagonist. She’s is an ally, and a deeply flawed and wounded character.
I still hate her.
It’s brilliant. Emily Axford you’ve done it again.
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Merlin fandom try not to act like the Knights of the Round Table were secretly pro-magic activists challenge (impossible). Why do you act like they weren’t grown ass men who willingly chose to work for the system oppressing magic users?
it wasn’t a secret to anybody that one of the obvious job requirements was occasionally murdering people.
But but you don’t get it! When the magic reveal happens, they’re all going to be protecting babygirl Merlin against bad alpha Arthur (as if they weren’t all following the same fucking system).
You can’t possibly believe these people actually give a fuck about magic. I’m so sorry but that’s ridiculous.
Controversial opinion, but when you think about it, Arthur was actually the least worst of them all because, unlike the rest of them, he was the only one who had no choice in doing this job. He was canonically groomed into becoming a child soldier and was brainwashed and abused directly by the fucking dictator himself. He canonically said that if he had a choice in his life, he wouldn’t be here, and if I’m not mistaken, he was the only one of them to ever question if the system was wrong. The rest of them were just going with it with no second thoughts and didn’t give a fuck at all.
A lot of people fail to remember that 1) Uther is the only family Arthur ever knew, 2) his only family also happens to be the narcissistic tyrant who we saw committing all types of atrocities, 3) he was isolated (he didn’t even have friends before Merlin arrived), and 4) he was only fed lies and half-truths his entire life.
Like, is it crazy that he was brainwashed?? No?? Why do you act like he was like that solely because he’s an annoying brat lol.
And imagine this: after all that brainwashing, where your abuser drills 'Magic is evil' in every possible way, he unfortunately gets proven right multiple times (82.05% of the times Arthur was aware of magic being used, it was used in a harmful way, based on a meta made by anarchycox, thenerdyindividual on AO3).
So, considering all the brainwashing, the abuse, and magic being used to hurt Arthur or someone he loves or the entire kingdom, he still has it in him to try and think that maybe there’s good in everyone, that maybe Uther was wrong.
Do you know how crazy that is?? I want you to stop and think: would you do that if you were in his situation? Because I’m definitely not going to, but maybe I’m just an immoral person lol.
And also, stop acting like Arthur wasn’t doing anything when he became king. He stopped the mindless murder of anyone who had magic and only punished those who used it to do harm and that was after a trial.
You might say that this is just the bare minimum, which is somewhat correct but not entirely because 1) Arthur only ruled for four years, meaning he didn’t have time, 2) there were tensions and wars started by Uther that he was trying to undo, meaning the magic situation wasn’t the only thing going on, and 3) the entire population had been brainwashed for 30 years and was terrorized by Morgana’s followers very recently. Like, sure, it’s definitely a good decision as a newly crowned king to just suddenly repeal the laws and no one would mind not Uther's followers, not the nobles, and certainly not the average citizen, right?
Also disclaimer: this is neither me hating on the knights nor saying you can’t like them, nor is it me excusing everything Arthur ever did or saying that he was 100% innocent, because he definitely wasn’t. It’s just me saying that maybe you should consider his trauma and point of view before making him into the bad villain and then believing that the knights were better people, because they definitely weren’t.
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aeon-uriel · 3 months
Hi! I really want to know the fic recs of the trope of married at first meeting for zolu!
heyya!!! here they come
❤️💚 ꕀ 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ 💚❤️
oh temptation (i could be a part of you) by meteorablues
they are so married but not 'married' but thats only because its something more. they love each other so much since the first time they meet and their logic goes: if theres a beginning theres an end so their relationship is just there with them as long as they exist hes mine and im his its that simple but some things need to be put into words because because!!!! i might or might not cry what a concept (the fics about the rest of the crew being baffled because of that and its beautiful) (also ft nika luffy i just love that so much and this fic delivers so incredibly) (LIKE FOR REAL THE NIKA PART IS EUEGEHGEHEGEHHHGGHHH i dont wanna spoil it but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pls read this im begging on my knees
Just Because You Didn't See It, Doesn't Mean It Didn't Happen by anarchycox
this one is a pov outsider story which is one of my fave tropes ever. a real fun take of zolus marriage being such a part of themselves that even the other crew didnt notice it as a separate thing; oh yeah thats just how those dumbasses are. (apparently married.) (oh look another person falling for luffy.) (but hes already married.) (but we didnt know for the what feels like the longest time ever because we thought thats just how they are.) Or. Yknow. perhaps this one time the rest of the crew could be the dumb ones
(bonus) How It Happened, The First Time by anarchycox
companion piece of the one above! first night on the dinghy! so mind the rating. its quite fun and chaotic just like them
Love is where you find it by Alone77
another pov outsider but specifically jimbe's and the other crew actually knew! love that old fish man slowly realizing his new captain and first mate's love as palpable as the sun
honorable mentions:
baby you're my north star by galaxyninjer
5 thingy format of luffy proposing to zoro BUT WHERES THE ONE TIME THEY ACTUALLY GET MARRIED i really wish i could write a continuation for this im sobbing sm send help
Hearts Can Break Any Cage by anarchycox
its a abo au so cw for that plus the rating and not exactly "marriage" because. again. abo. :D not everyones cup of tea i know, but just in case coz it still fits and they make me go insane. zoro using a muzzle zoro in a muzzle zoroINAMUZZLE
❤️💚 ꕀ 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ 💚❤️
writing this answer got me realizing yknow maybe i should actually write this trope from their povs in shells town and there is not enough of this trope pls pray for my muse to graciously make a comeback
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Curse Fic Recs
I absolutely love Witcher fics where a character gets cursed so I thought I'd share some of my favorites! All of them are Geraskier except for a few Lambden ones at the end.
If anyone has other fics to reccommend, please feel free to give them a shoutout – I’d love to read them!
Cursed Jaskier
A Friend in the Wild by @samstree (Rated T, 1k)
In which Geralt acquires a tiny mouse friend who wouldn't stop following him.
If There's Any Sleep At Night by @smolalienbee (Rated T, 22k)
A mare, also known as a mara or a zmora - a malicious entity, a bringer of nightmares and a demon of the night. An easy enough contract to fulfill, if only frustrating, or at least that’s what Geralt believes when he first sets out to hunt down one such mare. What he doesn’t expect is to be wrapped up in a tale of a wronged soul, of love and of joy.
My Name is Hidden On Your Tongue by @anarchycox (Rated T, 10k)
Jaskier is cursed. Well his whole family line is. Every male born child cannot be named. They can be given a name, but it will never be a true one and people will always have an allergic reaction to saying this false name. Only a soulmate speaking your true name aloud will break the curse. The family though has never cared, they've only cared about the family fortune and marrying well. But Jaskier cares. He is determined to travel the world, find his soulmate and learn what his name is. And the best way to travel the world seems to be with a rather taciturn witcher named Geralt of Rivia. If he started to hope that Geralt would be the one to say his true name, well that was one thing that Jaskier would not say aloud.
The Cursed Jewels of Lettenhove by GoldenDaydreams (Rated T, 8k)
Geralt has no intention of getting involved with breaking a curse and naturally ends up very involved.
Silver and Copper by @heronfem (Rated M, 56k)
Jaskier is kept from becoming a bard. Geralt finds him anyway.
Priceless by @handwrittenhello (Rated M, 38k)
Jaskier was cursed as a child; when spilled, his blood turns to rubies and his tears turn to diamonds. When his secret is discovered, Geralt must save him from those who would take advantage of it. Together they work to break the curse, but the cost might end up being too steep.
Set My Wings on Fire by bilboakenshield27 (Not Rated, 4k)
Jaskier gets turned into a bird and has to warn Geralt about an ambush.
Sleep of the Dead by @dancedelion (Rated T, 20k)
Jaskier thinks he hit rock bottom when Geralt flushed twenty years of friendship down the drain, but then he finds himself suddenly translucent and rudely walked through by a traveller. Apparently he's dead - that's certainly a new low. He needs to find out what happened, and who better to help him than the man who's made more than clear he wants nothing to do with him.
The Sandpiper by @welcomemysentence (Rated T, 2k)
When Jaskier gets cursed into an actual sandpiper, the little coast bird, the only way to save him is with true love's kiss.
What's Engraved Upon My Heart (In Letters Deeply Worn) by @made-of-constellations-blog (Rated T, 6k)
Jaskier gets cursed to be a lark with a strange failsafe to turn him back. Geralt misses this, and realizes too late that he's not ready to lose his bard.
to be held by @wanderlust-t (Rated T, 1k)
The knife dropped on the ground. And Geralt’s thoughts reached to a halt for a moment. He had no rope. Not anything to keep Jaskier still. To hold him back. Oh. That was going to be a really long night.
Catskier by @al-in-my-head (Rated T, 17k)
Due to an unfortunate encounter with a mage while him and Geralt are apart, Jaskier is transformed into a cat. It just so happens that Geralt likes talking to animals.
Cursed Geralt
A Marvelous Night for a Moondance by @flowercrown-bard (Rated T, 1k)
There was a warning every child living near Oakwood Valley knew. "Don't go out at night, or you'll disturb the Moonlit Dancer." No one truly knew who the Moonlit Dancer was, but everyone agreed on two things: The Dancer must be dangerous. And he must be oh so lonely.
animal instinct by leodesic (Rated M, 13k)
Despite Jaskier's hard work, there are still plenty of people who hate witchers. They think they're monstrous, inhuman, only held back from violence by a thin veneer of control. One mage has a plan to spread his views by capturing a witcher and bewitching them to remove their control. When the Butcher of Blaviken walks into his hideout, he's convinced he's found the perfect candidate - and a convenient way to get rid of the pesky bard that's been singing his praises. Jaskier is forced to agree witchers are not human, but that doesn't mean they're dangerous. In fact, he's astounded by how many of Geralt's uncontrolled impulses involve touching.
Connecting dots by @dapandapod (Rated G, 3k)
Geralt is hit with a lying curse, and it takes Jaskier an embarrassing amount of time to figure it out. Now, it Jaskier only would stick to the safe questions....
Don't Go Stealing My Heart by @thesilverqueenlady (Rated T, 17k)
When Jaskier is stiffed by a lord on payment, he decides to help himself to proper compensation. Alongside the correct amount of gold and silver, he also steals a beautiful silver wolf's head medallion. It's safe to say that he is not expecting the medallion to be haunted by the spirit of a very grumpy, very handsome, very cursed Witcher.
Cuddles, Curses, and Confusion by me :D (Rated T, 3k)
Geralt becomes oddly affectionate after being cursed by a mage. Jaskier would just like his life to be less complicated, please.
Spectre's Soul also by me :D (Rated T, 31k)
When Jaskier tried to go on a date with a man named Rience, he did not expect to nearly be killed. He certainly did not expect to discover a beautiful valley while running away from him. He very definitely did not expect to find out that the valley was haunted — by an absurdly beautiful man. Or: In which Geralt is cursed to be a ghost and Jaskier is the first person in decades to talk to him.
Cursed Aiden
Headache at First Sight by YorkAndDelta (Rated T, 12k)
A story of how Lambert ends up looking after a cursed cat, helping a Witcher from a rival school retrieve his gear from angry mages, and maybe finds love along the way.
Cursed Lambert
the mortifying ordeal of being known as a cat by @skaldingrayne Rated M, 10k
Lambert is cursed to be a cat. Fortunately, he finds Jaskier.
You can find my other reclists here!
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erisenyo · 1 year
of the beaten path Zukka author/fic recs please? Zukka fic is the thing standing between me and a meltdown these days
Let's see, off the beaten path definitely depends on the personal rabit holes you've fallen down, but some maybe less known fics I haven't seen mentioned as much:
The Best Laid Intentions Series by amidsizedfrog - a really fun, snappy, hilarious writing style, and a great Katara-Zuko bestie-ism dynamic throughout
How To Not Deal With a Fuck Or Die Situation by anarchycox - hilarious premise, hilarious execution. Anarchycox has a real talent for fully exploring absurdity in a way that feels approachable and real, I'd recommend all their stuff
Bae's Anatomy by aiyah - a fun established relationship dynamic in a Modern AU, and fun smut
The Road Between Action and Inaction by Donvex - a slower burn roadtrip AU, the way they got to know each other and got comfortable with each other was such a delight to read
i hate accidents except from when we went from friends to this by triplefire - a 5+1 full of accidental proposals and low-angst miscommunication, my favorite things lol
Mark Time by foil - this might be more on the beaten path, but if you want your heart ripped out of your chest, this will do it. Mind the tags though, it deals with some heavy topics (tastefully and well)
At The Top of the World by Lady_of_the_Flowers - might also be more on the beaten path, but I can never do a rec list without mentioning Lady of the Flowers amazing work. This is a Modern AU with such a great interpretation of the characters and canon dynamics into our world
Young Love by Kalira - I love me an external POV, and seeing the Zukka relationship through Hakoda's eyes in the Western Air Temple was so much fun
Also this list by @zukka-simp of Zukka authors who deserve a raise has been keeping me in fics for weeks now, checking out authors I hadn't heard of before
Anyone else have any to throw in the ring, too? I'm also looking for good fics off the beaten path too!
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sarah-the-artiste · 18 days
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Gotta blame a friend of mine for getting me into this show, this ship, and this week. @anarchycox
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olgsecond · 2 months
Hi! You seem to be a LawZo fic reader. Do you perhaps have recommendations to share?
I do, but I'm afraid they are popular, so everyone already read them. I'm just like 15 years later back into fandom without even starbacks (we don't have starbacks here anymore). But if you are new here, check this stuff, it fucks.
I'm still going through LawZo tag on AO3, being very picky in the process, so there's not much. But I have like 30 tabs of fanfiction opened, so maybe I will be able to recommend something more in the future.
All finished works. Happy endings. In no particular order:
"Panic Pixie Dream Boy" by calysto1395
Was the first fic I read after a two years break. Wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Very good smooth language. If you love Zoro as much as I do you will be delighted.
Additional snippets on autor's tumblr: one, two
"Law's Eleven" by calysto1395
Canon divergence, but don't worry everyone is on their place in the end. Dunno how to describe it without giving spoilers. Law is his own enemy, suicidal bastard. Good thing Zoro won't let him die so easily.
Snippets: one, two
"so little is a stone" by deleted_bundles
Zoro-centric. LawZo is not the main theme, but still is very satisfying. Zoro instantly shifts into big brother mode the moment he knows Chopper exist. Actually meaningful Zoro&Luffy friendship. Good written. Deals with heavy topics, child abuse and trauma, and deals very good. (mind warnings) (Mihawk is a really bad guy here, but can be seen as OC)
"I Do - For Now, For Forever" by anarchycox
Fake marrige, falling in love. Interesting worldbuilding. Protective Zoro. Mugivara family.
"Promises and More Promises" by anarchycox
Very light and heartwarming fic. Everyone happy and nothing hurts.
"Three Sword Style Sugar Baby" by anarchycox
Starts very light, but then crushes your heart and remodels it back but happier.
(Author has more fics and other ships, all good quality, check it out. I dived into her AO3 account and emerged five days later with 3 hours of sleep)
Also check this zine, it's amazing.
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ltleflrt · 3 months
7, 19, 74 for the writer ask
Thanks for asking! 😁
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Pure vibes lol... ok ok sometimes I'll have a reason for wanting it in a specific POV, like it's important to emphasize one character's emotions and thoughts over the others, or I'm trying to keep something secret so I put it in the non-secret holder's POV. But most of the time I'm like hmmm, this just feels right in this character's voice.
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Fluff, with 46. But that's out of 120 posted fics, so that means I'm only like 38% a fluff writer lol
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
There's probably sex happening in a bathtub or shower 😆
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Hoho! I'm getting there with the ppt, btw. Had to pop out for dinner. Those icons look positively buggytastic in big size!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Oh, man. I've got quite a few.
1. I don't want to give away the punchline, but Chopper and Bepo are striking for higher bounties, and the recurring raccoon joke comes in to play in Overlooked and Underpaid (with a twist!). I forgot I wrote that joke, and when I reread it, it made me laugh, so I think it's okay! 2. I have a long fic. MarLaw is the main couple, but Frobin are a side pairing. Law and Robin are also besties. There's a recurring joke in that fic where folks think Robin and Law are getting too close, and someone (EG: Shachi) asks, "What would Franky say?" and Law, or Franky, (or eventually an outsider) answers: "It's okay, Franky and I are in an open relationship." It's a dark fic, so it lightens it up a bit. 3. Aokiji, Law and Bleat the goat cycling along on Aokiji's bicycle (Bleat in the basket), along a river the ex-admiral freezes, Law pleading for him to do loop-de-loops! 4. Kid and Law hooking up while Law is simultaneously attending an online conference, and guess whose ass unmutes the audio and camera? 5. Bepo's Beptober. 6. That one time that Marco turned into a blue flying elephant.
There's more, but I don't want to bore you 😊
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
Yeah, but it's usually pretty dark. However, in the non-dark stuff, and fairly tame smut, probably ZoLaw, The tibia, the fibula, the regions in between is the most popular by hits.
In dark fic, and it's extremely dark, Interdisciplinary. It's my most popular fic off-anon (by hits) [heed the tags if you seek that one out. Strictly 18+].
I don't write smut so much any more, but sometimes the lizard brain takes over. I can write sweet and funny smut too, but seem to have been cruising along in a mostly G-T zone lately.
Thank you so much for the ask! ! ✅ 🍦😈🤭 🎉 🤡🍆 answered. And 🧐❌🥰 about to be answered.
I better leave it there. The night is drawing to a close and tomorrow is...very soon.
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sulkybender · 11 months
Do you have any zukka fic recs 🥺 I’ve been starving lately
Yeah! Very happy to.
I wasn’t sure what you were asking for—my fics or stories by other writers? what length or mood?—so I organized a little chocolate box for ya.
Made me cry but in a good way: Boomerangs and Rainbows by mindbending
Modern au: Mark Time by foil Black eyes always watch the clock Sometimes a future I've already had before aka “feral foster kid Izumi”
Amnesia: People you've been before
Fire Lord Zuko: Nightmares and Reveries by HisMomoness the firebender’s guide to living life after destiny by chuffystilton
Older Zukka falling in love and helping each other heal: broken lines series
Zuko comforts Sokka: Better Days by CSHfic, VSfic
Sexy and deranged: A Worthy Sacrifice by anarchycox Self-Taught by QueenDollopHead
Sexy and omegaverse: full by agni_kai
Everybody loves alcoholic Zuko: Pretty burn series If there's a way out, it'll be step by step through the black
That one time I made a legal drama: Burned out, still glowing
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nodeadfandoms · 1 year
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Binding of The Sun Kissed Your Skin, But Not as Much as Me by the essential @anarchycox!
A binding for an espionage meet-cute story. Tropical hardware cover art and body heat reactive electrical connections endpaper art from an 80's Italian electronics magazine to fit motifs found in the work. Blue metallic titles on gold luster and grey duotone cloth.
I’m really enjoying binding as a method of celebrating and validating transformative works as well as a pro-community gesture. In keeping with that idea, I’m happy to make the author a copy at no cost for themselves if they’d like one. Thanks!
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thenerdyindividual · 5 months
I just watched Damsel. Guys? It fucking slaps. Yes it’s a bit heavy handed at times but what can you expect for a fairytale honestly? The costumes looked great, the story was engaging, Millie Bobby Brown killed it especially considering she had to carry the whole second and third act with basically only a CGI dragon to interact with. If you were ever a teenage fantasy-loving girl, or someone who believed in their beliefs, this will call to that part of your soul. As @anarchycox put it, 12 year old me would have worn out the VHS.
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