#eh the middle argument is sort of weak. I’m having trouble figuring out what I’m trying to say
communistkenobi · 2 years
re a recent post my hottest take on this planet is that you can be an amab transmasc but not an afab transfem. perhaps ive been inhaling too many of the website vapours. im afab transmasc btw
I think you can personally identify as literally anything you want in your own brain, but if you’re using labels that generally refer to well established community orientations you should probably like, be aware that people will (reasonably) assume that when you say you’re transfem you are referring to something broader than your own individual experience with gender. so things like “afab transfem” becomes illegible at the community level and don’t really make sense when talking about group experience vis a vis transphobia. so like if you’re discussing your gender in public I find it counterintuitive and counterproductive to use those labels
and I’m sympathetic to the limitations of language. like as a similar example I am effectively heterosexual, but calling myself “straight” doesn’t exactly feel accurate, because the word straight comes with a lot of social baggage, including the assumption of you being cisgender. straight in this context is hegemonic not just with regard to sexual orientation but also the gendered role you occupy in society. and like I tried for many years to be cishet and it didn’t work, so like “heterosexual 2” is sort of how I feel. but like, in a public forum if I were to be like “I’m not actually straight because I’m transgender” that sounds pretty transphobic lol. so I guess my point with this is like. idk if you want to have a discussion with more than just yourself, you need to be aware that these community labels refer to more than just the thoughts in your head.
and on a less generous note, that particular ask came from a transmisandry blog, and I am hesitant to take a discussion about the complexity of labels in good faith from someone who equates “transmisandry” with transmisogyny. I do not trust that person’s intentions when discussing what terms like transfem actually mean. you feel me
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