daisyries · 11 months
being scared scares me, i don't think I'll ever be at "peace". it's nothing specific actually it's just that life never stops, everything happens at the same time it's like everything is fast and rushing and sometimes you can't have a minute to think and relax
just some random venting tbh, im rooting for the best
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tinkerreise · 6 months
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EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK by alienmelon | a desktop labyrinth of vignettes, poetry, strange fever dream games, and broken digital spaces.
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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Tras una gira europea de enorme éxito, con entradas agotadas en París, Londres y Berlín, el emocionante y dinámico trío de break-beat GoGo Penguin regresa con la noticia de su próximo nuevo álbum, Everything Is Going to Be OK, que saldrá a la venta el 14 de abril de 2023. Hoy disponible el primer adelanto “Glimmerings”.
Resérvalo el álbum AQUÍ
Escucha el adelanto AQUÍ
Con el optimismo de los nuevos comienzos -un nuevo batería, un nuevo sello discográfico (el sello de electrónica y neoclásica de Sony Music, XXIM Records)- y  un sonido sutilmente actualizado y evolucionado, la banda nominada al Mercury  Music Prize marca el comienzo de una era de mayor liberación sonora. Este  trío inimitable con una presencia verdaderamente fascinante y casi mágica  hace que su música sea a la vez transformadora y etérea.
Junto con la noticia del esperado próximo disco, llega el sublime nuevo  single "Glimmerings'',  la primera entrega del próximo proyecto y un ejemplo estelar de la era GoGo  Penguin 2.0 que está empezando. Uno de los primeros temas que se grabaron  para EIGTBO, "Glimmerings'', es exactamente como sugiere su título: los  primeros momentos centelleantes de algo recién creado; tanto literal como  metafóricamente. Su título se inspira en "Being You" del profesor  británico Anil Seth, según explica Nick Blacka:
"Glimmerings"  fue una de las primeras melodías en las que comenzamos a trabajar cuando  empezamos a preparar ideas para un nuevo álbum. La palabra  "destellos" me llamó la atención cuando leía un libro de Anil Seth  titulado Being You  (Ser tú). El libro trata de la ciencia de la conciencia y en el Prólogo habla  de cómo "empezaron a surgir destellos de ideas". Me pareció la  forma perfecta de describir el proceso del pensamiento y la creatividad.  “Glimmerings” surgió a partir de un pequeño núcleo en el sintetizador y con  el tiempo fuimos añadiendo más y más capas hasta que se convirtió en algo  mucho más complejo. La idea que subyace al título es el principio, donde solo  hay una idea y una intención de empezar algo, pero tienes un objetivo y una  idea de adónde te va a llevar y tienes que confiar en el proceso y en ti  mismo para ver adónde te llevará ese proceso.
Everything Is Going  to Be OK nació en una época de turbulencias y pérdidas.  Grabado en un periodo personalmente difícil para la banda, que incluyó profundas  pérdidas personales y luto, el tiempo en el estudio ofreció a la banda un  santuario al margen de la vida real. El resultado es un proyecto que saca su  fuerza de una comprensión y empatía compartidas, con una sonoridad  verdaderamente vibrante y esperanzadora. La vida ofrece muchas cosas buenas  y, a pesar de las malas, debemos ser conscientes y estar agradecidos de  celebrar las buenas en todo momento. A pesar de nuestras dificultades, juntos  saldremos fortalecidos; todo va a salir bien.
PRÓXIMAS FECHAS DE LA GIRA 2023 FEBRERO 09-02 Nilüfer Jazz Festival, Bursa TK 11-02 NOSPR, Katowice PL ABRIL 08-04 JazzOUT Fest, Heerlen NL 21-04 CRR Concert Hall, Estambul TK MAYO - EU/UK 23-05 New Century, Manchester UK 24-05 St David’s Hall, Cardiff UK 25-05 Roundhouse, Londres UK JUNIO 04-06 Progresja, Varsovia PL 05-06 Filharmonia, Szczecin PL   Sobre GoGo Penguin: GoGo Penguin es un trío de Manchester, Reino Unido, formado por Chris Illingworth (piano), Nick Blacka (contrabajo) y Jon Scott (batería). Formado en 2012, el segundo álbum del trío, v2.0, fue nominado en 2014 al Mercury Music Prize y, en 2016, el trío firmó con Blue Note Records, y publicó tres discos aclamados: "Man Made Object", "A Humdrum Star" y "GoGo Penguin", así como dos EP y un álbum de remezclas "GGP/RMX". Fueron los artistas instrumentales contemporáneos de más ventas de Blue Note con más de 300.000 ejemplares.
La banda compone y actúa como una unidad y sus miembros se refieren a su música como "acústica-electrónica". Su música, en gran parte acústica (aunque no exclusivamente), se nutre de ritmos de break-beats, influencias clásicas, jazz, melodías de piano minimalistas, potentes líneas de bajo, baterías inspiradas en la electrónica y riffs épicos.
Los críticos, al describir la música de GoGo Penguin, han hecho referencia con frecuencia a Esbjörn Svensson Trio, Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Massive Attack, Brian Eno y a los compositores clásicos Shostakovich y Debussy, o incluso a compositores contemporáneos de música minimalista como Philip Glass.
GoGo Penguin ha realizado numerosas giras internacionales, actuando en festivales internacionales como Coachella, Outside Lands, Fuji Rock, Blue Dot, Festival de Jazz de Montreal, La Vienne, Pukkelpop, North Sea Jazz y muchos más, y han agotado entradas en salas de todo el mundo, desde el Royal Albert Hall hasta La Cigalle, pasando por Paradiso y Bowery Ball Room. En 2015, el trío estrenó su propia banda sonora original para la película de culto "Koyaanisqatsi", interpretándola ante un público extasiado en todo el mundo. 
XXIM Records: Pronunciado "Twenty-One M" y con sede en Berlín, XXIM RECORDS se dedica predominantemente a la música instrumental innovadora y progresiva, ofreciendo un hogar a medida a una nueva generación de artistas cuyo trabajo explora e integra, entre otros ámbitos, sonidos neoclásicos, post-rock, electrónicos y ambientales. La experimentación y la colaboración están en el ADN de XXIM, con el objetivo último de proporcionar una plataforma sólida para el desarrollo creativo de la extraordinaria lista internacional de músicos de talento inusual del sello. -  www.xximrecords.com  
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Barley was worried for his little brother. Ian was now skipping meals and locking himself in his room more frequently. He hadn't given Barley any update since he went in and cussed out everyone at the school, but really, who could blame him? Two idiots put their hands on him.
"Ian, dinner's ready," Barley knocked on the door, but Ian didn't respond. His mind briefly wondered back to his own time in high school, where he was bullied frequently for pretty much existing. He tried to open the door and was relieved to find it unlocked.
"I'm not in the mood to talk, Bar," Ian said and Barley sat beside him.
"Okay, we don't have to talk," Barley responded, simply. "But we can if you want. We can go downstairs and eat. We can sit here in silence. It's up to you."
"I'm not hungry."
"That's fine," Barley lied. It wasn't fine, but it's not like he could just force Ian to eat. How would that help the situation? He knew Ian would eventually eat, but for now, patience.
They sat there for a few minutes. Ian was laying on his bed, his back to Barley, but Barley knew Ian knew he wasn't going anywhere.
"What's so wrong with me anyway?" Ian asked, his voice filling the cool winter air with pain and tension. Barley sighed.
"Nothing is wrong with you. High school is just hard."
He wished his mom were here. She used to make him feel better when it was all too much. Now, it was Barley's turn to do that for Ian. Even though he had been the sole caretaker for the last few years, it still felt new to him. He wondered if there would ever be a time when this got easier.
"Kids are so hard to talk to, Bar. I don't know how. It's like I freeze up and then they make fun of me for being different, but I don't know how to be like them."
"You don't have to be like them," Barley immediately responded, and he felt Ian roll his eyes at that one. "Ian, yes, you are different, but at the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with that. High school is a time where everyone is figuring themselves out, and honestly, if you peak in high school, there is something seriously wrong with you."
Ian didn't respond.
"No one knows who they are and deep down, everyone is different, Ian. You just have to be one of the few that aren't afraid to admit that."
"But I don't want them to make fun of me anymore."
"I know, bud, trust me, I get it. And I wish I could say it's going to get easier and it will, but there's always going to be something in life. You just have to learn to find the joys in it, too."
"Joys? What joys were there when you had to throw everything away for me just for me to turn out like this?" Ian said, his voice laced with venom and Barley felt his heart sink at that one.
"Ian. You are my greatest joy in life. Come here," Barley said as he pulled the younger one into a hug. "It was hard, trying to figure out what to do, but I'm so glad I was able to keep you and I'm so, so thankful you weren't in the car that night. Bud, I miss Mom and Dad every day, but don't for a moment think you weren't the biggest blessing of my life."
Ian didn't respond. Instead he sobbed against his older brother, who rocked him back and forth, trying to sooth him.
High school students could be so cruel.
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the-ebonymermaid · 5 years
poor alone and sexually frustrated
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mvgaea · 7 years
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daisyries · 1 year
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
New Masterlist! Last Updated 1/17/22
Hi guys! Here’s the new Masterlist.
Still in effect:
Snow Day
Tickle Fight
Lost in the Grocery Store
Someone from the Past (I know Jenny is still in it, but she’s not the main focus).
A Family Full of Love
No longer in effect:
Fellow Dad
Jenny and Leo
Nightmares featuring Jenny
The Future
Quests of Yore
Waking Up
Kirk in EIGTBO
Said You Wouldn’t Come
The Breakup 
Returning Home
Prank Gone Wrong
Finding Ian
Safe for Now
Break In
Always Watching
Safe House
Safe House 2
Safe House 3
Barley Finds Out
The Beginning
Still Missing
You’re Safe
What He Did
A Mother
No Magic
Fire and Almost Dying
Watching His Brother Almost Die 
I’m Fine
Barley Will Always Fix It
Panic Attack
Stand Alones:
Always Help You Up
Sick with Little Barley and Little Ian
Fighting Trent
Big Hero 6
Good Buddy
The Break Up
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Barley’s Birthday
Barley had secretly been dreading his birthday for weeks now. He got felt his stomach tie up in knots at the idea of his first birthday without his parents. It had been the first “big” thing his parents would miss, since Ian’s birthday wouldn’t be until September. He hadn’t told anyone about it, mostly because his friends were worried about him enough raising a child. He didn’t want anyone to think he was starting to fall apart or not be able to handle Ian.
He woke up to someone opening his door and placing something on his bedside before crawling up in the bed beside him. He didn’t even have to open his eyes to know that it was Ian, and he smiled as he felt his little brother hug him tightly.
“What are you doing up, kiddo? Normally I’m the one getting you up,” he said with a slight chuckle as he scooped the child up in his arms. Ian laughed as he sat on his lap. Barley looked over and saw a bowl of cereal on his nightstand.
“I made you breakfast. Happy birthday, Barley!” Ian said and Barley smiled and hugged the child again.
“Thank you, Ian. That means a lot,” he said as he ran his hand through his little brother’s thick, curly hair. “I love you so much, kiddo.”
“I love you, too. And Mrs. Lara helped me make you a card, too!” Ian said as he handed his brother an envelope. Barley pulled Ian to a hug and they both looked at the card together. A picture of him and Ian fell out and, in Ian’s handwriting, were the words:
Happy birthday, Barley. You’re my best friend in the whole world. Thank you for everything you do. Love you!
“Mrs. Lara helped me with the spelling and everything so I wouldn’t mess it up. I really wanted it to be perfect,” Ian said, and Barley wiped his tears away and kissed the top of his baby brother’s head.
“It’s absolutely perfect, Ian. I love it so much,” Barley responded. “And I love you, too. Now come on, let’s get ready for the day.”
Ian actually didn’t make a mess in the kitchen like Barley worried about. Nothing seemed too out of place. Both brothers got dressed and ended up going to the park and walking around. Ian held Barley’s hand and stayed close, knowing the oldest one always felt most at ease in a public setting when Ian was nearby.
After, the came home and Ian helped make the sandwiches for lunch. They relaxed and watched a couple of movies on the couch, bringing out all the blankets and pillows in the house and curling up together.
He missed his parents. It was hard raising Ian, even if he wouldn’t give the child up for anything in the world, but that didn’t mean it was easy. He wished his parents were still around. They did such an amazing job raising him, but Ian wouldn’t have that experience.
His brother curled beside him, wrapping both arms around the oldest in a hug as he watched the TV screen. Ian was such a kind-hearted soul. Even at such a young age, his little brother truly did love the world and wanted to make everyone around him smile. He had to be doing something right in order for that to happen, right?
“Barley?” Ian said.
“Thank you for everything you do. You really are the best big brother ever. And you’re my favorite person in the whole world,” Ian reminded him, and Barley felt the tears sting his eyes again.
“You’re my favorite person, too,” he said, voice cracking with emotion. “I love you, so, so much, Ian. And you have made this the best birthday ever.”
“Mrs. Lara did a lot with the card.”
“No, Ian, you just being you is enough to give me the best birthday. You are absolutely amazing, and I love you,” Barley said and hugged the child tightly.
“I love you, too, Barley. I’m glad you had a good birthday.”
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
A Family Full of Love EIGTBO series
Barley could hardly keep his eyes open by the time he got off his shift and put everything back in the supply closet before walking over to Ian’s classroom to pick up his brother for the day. His body and mind ached and he knew the moment he got home, exhaustion would try its best to take over, but he had to help Ian with his homework, play with him and then cook them dinner before tucking Ian into bed and finally getting some sleep himself.
Thank the gods he didn’t have to do anything else after that. He didn’t have to work at the factory tonight so he would be able to get some sleep.
He picked himself up and hid the tiredness as he walked to Ian’s classroom when he heard one of the mothers, Karen, talking to someone. Partially out of curiosity and the rest simply wanting to avoid the devil woman, he stopped and decided to wait for her to leave the room before he grabbed Ian.
“Are you sure your brother treats you, right?” he heard her ask and that caught his attention right away.
“Yeah! He hangs out with me and helps me with homework. And he tucks me in every night and makes my favorite food!” Ian said and Barley felt his blood boiling. How dare this woman question Ian, a child, like that?
“He doesn’t hurt you?” she asked as Barley stepped into the classroom, fuming.
“Ian, come on, bud,” Barley called without hesitation. Ian turned around and stopped looking at that woman, but before he could walk away, Karen grabbed Ian’s arm and pulled him back.
“Ian, dear, I need you to answer the question,” she said. Barley walked over before the teacher could get involved, and lifted Ian in his arms. Immediately his brother wrapped both of his arms around Barley’s neck and hugged him tightly.
“What kind of question even is that?” Barley snapped at Karen. She rolled her eyes.
“A child shouldn’t raise a child. Especially not you, Barley, you are just too reckless.”
“That’s enough, Karen. Barley, I am so sorry, you and Ian can leave,” Mrs. Jones, Ian’s teacher, said, as she stepped between them.
Barley wanted to argue. Normally he would avoid conflict at all costs, but he wanted to tell this woman about herself, but Ian’s grip tightened, and Barley could feel the side of his shirt damping, meaning his little brother was in tears. He glared at Karen once more but went to leave.
“You’re just going to let them go? How do we know Ian is safe?” Karen snapped and other parents in the room started whispering.
“Barley is a better guardian than you are, Karen. Where is Hunter right now, anyway?” a mother, Lisa, shot back and Barley looked over at her gratefully as he made his way out of the room. He got Ian to the van and then sat him down in the passenger seat and dried his tears.
But Ian looked at him and started crying again.
“It’s okay, bud, it’s alright,” he promised and hugged the child.
“No, it’s not. She was so mean to you, Barley! Why are people so mean to you?” he cried, and Barley sighed and rocked him back and forth.
“Ian, bud, I know this is what you’re used to, but typically in families, well, you have a mom and a dad, that’s what people are used to. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes, brothers and sisters raise their younger siblings, or grandparents do, or some people even adopt,” Barley explained gently. “And it’s so amazing what a family can be outside of what’s normal, but people aren’t used to it. They think that you would be better off if you had a mom and dad looking out for you.”
“But Mom and Dad are gone.”
“I know, which is why I’m the one doing the job.”
“What’s adopt?”
“Adopting is when kids who don’t have anyone to take care of them and parents who don’t have kids come together and create a family,” Barley answered.
“But I have you.”
“Those people don’t know you, Barley. Why do they say things like that?” Ian asked, looking at his brother with wide, innocent eyes.
“Because we are outside of the normal. But, honestly, Ian, it doesn’t matter what they say about me.”
“Why not?”
“I have you,” Barley answered, simply. “I know we are figuring a lot out, but the greatest blessing is that I get to keep you. You mean absolutely everything to me, and I love you so, so much. There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you, kiddo.”
“I know, Barley. That’s why I don’t get why they asked if you hurt me,” Ian said.
“I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to understand how their minds work, but it doesn’t matter, okay? Because I got you and you got me. That’s all that matters, okay?” Barley said and Ian nodded and wiped away the remaining tears. “Good. Have they asked you stuff like that before?”
Ian shook his head.
“No, but some kids think it’s weird I don’t have a dad or mom.”
“And what do you think?”
“That I have the best big brother in the whole world! I told my friends how you always help me with my homework and tuck me in and none of their moms or dads do that. I feel bad for them,” Ian said.
“Their parents love them in their own way. Even Karen loves Hunter,” Barley said, hating how he would defend that demon, but he knew it was important than Ian understood there were different types of love.
His little brother nodded, and Barley got him strapped in and then went to the driver’s side. He looked up and saw Karen with Hunter’s hand, looking both ways before they crossed the street. She was carrying her son’s bag and so into whatever Hunter was saying that she didn’t pay him any mind.
He shook his head and went into the van.
Love was weird, but he still wished Karen would mind her own business.
The night went as usual. Homework, play, tucking in and then Barley himself went to bed. However he woke up to something moving his bed slightly. He opened his eyes and saw Ian trying to climb up on Barley’s oversized bed. He chuckled and scooped his brother up with one arm and sat him down beside him.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I just missed you,” Ian said and cuddled up by Barley. The older boy smiled and hugged his little brother back. “So, we aren’t a normal family?”
“Not really, no.”
“But we have a lot of love.”
“We do,” Barley agreed.
“I think we have a great family.”
“Yeah, I think so, too,” Barley responded. Ian yawned and Barley rocked him back and forth until his brother fell asleep.
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Bullying (EIGTBO)
To simply say that Barley adored his little brother was an understatement. Ian was everything to him. Ever since his parents’ deaths, he vowed that he would do his absolute best when it came to raising the child. Ian would always know that he was loved and safe when his big brother was around.
But, there were still things in this world that Barley couldn’t protect Ian from, no matter how desperately he wanted to. When kids would say something to him as a child, it was easy for Barley to step in and speak with the parents and teachers about the issue to quickly resolve itself. No one bullied Ian as far as he knew.
Until Ian came home at 13 with a busted lip.
“Ian? What happened? Are you okay?” he asked the moment Ian walked through the door. His brother took off his hood to reveal a black eye with the lip.
“It’s nothing, Barley. Just had a bad day,” Ian responded, with a tone that Barley had never heard before. It was emotionless, like there was nothing there. Like the teenager was numb. Whatever was going on, it didn’t start today. No, this was built up over time.
But something threw Ian over the edge today. Before Barley could question him further, he slipped past quickly and ran up to his bedroom. Barley heard the door slam.
His first thought: fight whoever made his little brother hurt so badly. His second thought: calm down and talk to Ian, otherwise he would never figure out what was actually going on. He decided to give Ian about 5 minutes to take some deep breaths and cool off before he made his way up the stairs and to the bedroom.
Barley knocked on the door softly and opened it without waiting for a response. Ian was sobbing against his pillow. He sat down beside the younger one and ran his hand through his hair.
“What happened?” he asked again. Ian looked up at him, but just as quickly looked away. “Ian, what happened? I can’t help what I don’t know.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I think you need to talk about it,” Barley shot back just as quickly. Ian sighed and sat up.
“I got in a fight,” he said. “These guys wouldn’t leave me alone and one thing led to another and yeah… I ran home as fast as I could.”
“Do you know them?”
Ian was silent.
“I can’t have my big brother show up and try to fight my battles, Barley, it’ll make it worse.”
“You don’t know that. Ian, look in the mirror! Whoever did this can’t get away with it,” Barley responded.
“It was these guys named Chris and Matt. They’ve been messing with me for months but today they caught me after school and Chris grabbed me from behind and Matt kept kicking and hitting me. I managed to get away and just kept running,” Ian said, and Barley felt his heart sink at the idea of what those boys did.
No one was going to get away with this. Barley pulled Ian into a hug and allowed his brother to sob on his shoulder.
“What’s so wrong with me?” his brother whispered through the tears.
“Nothing. The world can just be cruel. But it’s going to be okay, I promise. I’m going to take care of it,” Barley promised.
The next day, he took Ian to school and went straight to the principal’s office. He hardly slept the night before. All he could do was continue to play Ian’s assault in his mind and he cried behind his closed door.
Ian went to class like normal. Everyone was staring at his injuries, whispering about him as he walked past.
First period went well, besides his teacher, Ms. Rinx, looked at him with nothing but concern and asked him if something was going on. He told her it was fine and left before she could continue.
He went to his locker, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach, when he was shoved against it. He looked up and saw Matt.
“Hey, didn’t know you could run that fast,” the older boy said. “Come on, Ian, lighten up.”
“Please leave me alone.”
“What’s the matter? Not happy to see me? You didn’t tell anyone about yesterday, did you?” Matt asked. “Because if you did, we would have a problem, freak.”
“I-I-…” Ian didn’t know what to say. He had told Barley, and he knew his brother wouldn’t be able to do nothing about the situation. Matt must have seen through that because he glared at Ian.
“You did, huh?” he said. He roughly grabbed Ian’s shirt and dragged him into the boy’s bathroom as the bell for second period rang. The bathroom was empty as he was shoved against the sink.
“Who the fuck did you tell?” Matt demanded.
“My brother was asking me questions. I came home with a busted lip and black eye, I can’t just hide that from him,” Ian responded. Matt went to hit him, but Ian threw the punch first. He hit the older boy in the nose and Matt staggered away.
“You’re going to regret that, you fucking bastard,” Matt said in a low tone and grabbed Ian and slammed him against the mirror. Ian groaned and felt his back practically snap with pain, but before it could go any further, the door to the bathroom opened.
“What’s going on here?” a hall monitor snapped. Matt released Ian and before he could comprehend much, they were both in the office. But Barley was there, too, and he was livid.
“Ian, are you okay?” he asked as both boys walked in the office. He didn’t answer, just sat beside his older brother and crossed his arms.
The principal, Mr. Tikek, questioned them for about an hour and called Chris in. Parents were called, people were yelled at, and every name in the book was thrown around by the adults of the room.
Matt’s father was screaming at his son for being an idiot and tried to yell at Ian for being a wimp, then Barley got up and dared him to address the younger Lightfoot. Chris’s mom was mortified and cried when the principal told her that her son held another boy down while his friend beat him up and asked Chris over and over again why. Tikek tried to calm Barley and Matt’s father down, but it took longer than Ian would have liked.
Since Ian admitted to hitting Matt first in the bathroom, he was suspended for a day. Chris was suspended for a week, and this would go on his permanent record, with his mother promising this would not happen again. Chris would be suspended for two weeks, with possible expulsion.
As they all walked out of the office, Ian knew deep down this wasn’t over. Not with how Matt looked at him.
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
I guess if you ever want to take a break from the angsty stuff, maybe you could write a fluffy piece, like Ian and Barley having a playful wrestling match or something? Having characters overcome difficult challenges and danger is all well and good, but it may help to just write something fun, not just for the readers, but for you too. :)
Barley sat on the couch, reading over Quests of Yore. He used to love playing that game in high school, but truthfully he didn't have the time these days. Suddenly he felt a small pair of arms around his neck and felt his little brother on his back.
"I got you!" he called.
"Oh, no, an intruder!" Barley said, dramatically.
"Pst, no, Barley, it's me, Ian," his 6-year-old brother said and Barley laughed.
"Well does Sir Iandore wish to challenge his big brother?" he asked.
"Very well, young warrior!" Barley said. He stood up and bowed to Ian. His brother jumped on him and managed to get his arms around him, but Barley had to ease to the ground so Ian had a fair play.
The kid was full of energy, Barley noticed, as he ran behind him and climbed on his back to cover his eyes.
"Oh, no, I've been blinded!" he says and smiles at the sound of Ian's laughter. He got up and Ian climbed to his shoulders and folded his arms on top of his head. "Are you resting in the middle of a battle? Do I bore you that much?"
"Yep," Ian answered and Barley purposefully looked offended.
"I'll show you boring, you little punk," he said with a smile and pulled Ian off him. He laid him on the couch and started tickling him. Ian laughed and tried to get away. "Say you love me."
"I-I love you!"
"Do you admit defeat?"
"And why not?"
"Because I can do anything I put my mind to! I never accept defeat!" Ian responded, through the laughter. Barely smiled.
"Good answer."
Barley let Ian go and he, in return, tackled his older brother. He held on to Ian as he pretended to go down.
"I have been defeated. Completely unethical, but you have won, Sir Iandore," he said and played dead. Ian giggled and stayed on his chest.
"You're silly," he said.
"But are we having fun?"
"Well then, I'm okay with being silly if it makes you happy. There's nothing wrong with that," Barley responded. Ian smiled and hugged him.
"I love you, Barley."
"I love you, too, little brother."
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Everything is going to be okay (Onward AU)
AU where Barley has to raise Ian. Barley is 19 and Ian is 5. Let me know if you guys like this, I’m debating on doing more with it!
Barley took a deep breath, his hands covering his face as he tried not to cry. The bills were overdue, and he just got done working overtime. He worked third shift at a packaging factory and then during the school day as a janitor. It was the only way him and Ian could get by since his parent’s sudden passing, leaving his five year old brother in his care. A horrific accident that caused Barley to wake up in tears on the occasions he would sleep more than two hours.
He looked at the clock. 7:30 a.m. He had to get Ian up and ready for school. He took a moment to collect himself before he went up the stairs and to Ian’s room. His little brother was hugging a stuffed dragon, sleeping peacefully. The sight did bring a smile to Barley’s face. Truthfully, he would work even more hours if it meant Ian was safe and sound in his guardianship. Yeah, he was 19 and didn’t really know a lot about kids, but he had always been around Ian and helped raise him even before this.
“Hey, buddy, time to get ready for school,” Barley broke the silence and kneeled down by the bed. He ran his hand through Ian’s hair and his brother’s bright eyes opened.
“Barley,” he said and held his arms out for a hug. It was their morning tradition. Barley needed it more than Ian did, but he wrapped both arms around the small child and held him tightly.
“Did you have good dreams?” Barley asked and Ian nodded. He didn’t know Barley worked nights, at least he never told him. He’d always been able to put Ian to bed before he left. “Good, come on, let’s get ready.”
They brushed their teeth together and Barley made faces and Ian would laugh.
He let Ian pick out his clothes. His little brother found it as a way to be a little more independent. He would always pick out bright, colorful shirts and blue jeans. But he still needed Barley’s help tying his shoes.
“Bunny ears,” Barley repeated, just as he did every day. Then he scooped Ian up in his arms, causing him to bust out laughing. “Alright, do we have homework?”
“In the backpack all done!”
“Good. I’ll stop by with lunch later,” Barley said, and picked up the two pieces of toast he made after putting his uniform on. One for him and one for Ian. With grape jelly, because Ian didn’t like strawberry for a reason Barley could never wrap his head around.
Then they drove to school in the van, listening to music. Ian would tell Barley about his dreams from the night before, if he remembered any of it, then Barley would have him go through “morning affirmations.”
“I am brave. I am kind. I am smart. I am strong. I can do anything I put my mind to. I am safe and I am loved,” Ian said. He always made sure to put emphasis on the last two, and Barley didn’t know if it was for him or his brother, but he loved it anyway.
“Good, and remember, you are a true warrior, and nothing can stop you or your dreams,” Barley said as they pulled into the school building. He heard a rumor that the other kids would make fun of Ian for having a janitor for a brother, but Ian took his hand anyway as they walked through the hallway. He stopped by Ian’s class.
“Love you, Barley,” he said and gave him a hug once more. After returning it, Barley ruffled his hair.
“I love you, too, now, learn something. I’ll see you for lunch,” he said. Ian walked through the door and Barley made his way towards the hallway.
Ian probably wouldn’t remember this. Hopefully, he remembered the affirmations and the fact his brother loved him, but he wouldn’t remember all the late nights. He would remember the good times. And that’s all that mattered to him. Everything would be okay eventually.
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Fluff idea for the EIGTBO series:
Barley is reading a book or watching TV and just taking a break from paying the bills and all of a sudden, Ian comes out of nowhere and starts to hug barley, nestling his head on his chest and curling up on him, barley starts to worry and asks if he was ok and Ian just nods and says that he just wants to be with him and hug him, to which barley smiles and hugs him back.
Barley turned the page of his Quest of Yore book. It was a Thursday afternoon in summer, meaning he didn't have to work at the school and for once he got some time off. As everything started to settle, Barley didn't have to work as many hours and he was grateful for it.
He felt something move up the couch and looked over and saw Ian. His little brother got over to him and hugged him. He didn't say anything, just hugged his older brother tightly.
Then Ian climbed up on his lap and curled against Barley. He laid his head on his chest. Again, no words. There was a change in the atmosphere. He couldn't quite pick up on it, but Ian seemed so somber.
Why was he being so affectionate? Was he sad? Did he think Barley was upset? Is he not feeling well? Ian always became more clingy when he was sick.
"Hey, bud, are you okay?" Barley asked as he put the book down and then put a hand on Ian's back to prevent him from falling over.
"Yeah, I just wanted to be with you," the child responded. Barley smiled to himself and returned the hug. Ian, with anyone else, didn't really seem to like affection or anything like that. He was reserved, and while Barley didn't want to question it, he wondered why Ian was so hesitatant about other kids.
"I'm always here," Barley responded.
He thought back around the time his parents passed away. Truthfully, he didn't think he was going to make it. He wanted to give up himself, but now, here a couple of years later, Ian seemed to make everything worth it.
"I love you," Barley told him.
"I love you, too."
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Can we see what happened at their parent's funeral? Like, did Ian start crying when he realized his parents were never coming back and barley had to comfort him?
Alright, guys, y'all have me excited with these requests. Each one in my inbox are awesome and I can't wait to write them! Get ready for some fluff pieces and serious angst within the next few hours.
So, I believe that Ian would have been too young to truly comprehend everything at the funeral. He's actually the one who comforts Barley. He knew his parents were gone, but he didn't understand the gravity of the situation. But Barley was the one feeling everything, from grieving to his parents to knowing he had to raise Ian alone now.
Sorry felt like such an empty word. People came passing him and Ian, saying how sorry they were for them. That they would be in their prayers. Barley used the rest of his energy to keep it together enough to speak.
Two wooden coffins laid in the front. His parents. Taken too soon, out of nowhere, a week after he graduated high school. And here he was, a just turned 19-year-old kid who just graduated, standing in between them. Ian held his hand up until the moment he had to speak.
"I'll be right back, bud, stay here, okay?" Barley said, as he sat Ian in the front row of the church. Ian looked at him with wide, innocent eyes as Barley tried to hold back tears. He held on to his plush dragon that their parents had gave him a few weeks prior.
"Okay, Barley," he said. Barley smiled sadly and ran a hand through Ian's hair and then got up and to the front of everyone. He felt his heart start to race and used all his self control not cry right there.
"Thank you all for coming to honor Laurel and Wilden Lightfoot. My parents spent their lives trying to make the best of it. My mom was selfless and amazing. She was strong, determined and loved her kids with everything she had. My dad had a certain magic to him. He lit up a room with his confidence," Barley began. The tears made his vision blurry and he heard his voice crack, but he looked over at Ian, who tilted his head and pulled himself together.
"They made me who I am today. They're survived by everyone in this room. People they loved and talked to all the time, to the friends they missed everyday. I don't know what happens after our time on this earth, but they truly made the most of it."
The rest of the service was a blur. People spoke about the adventures they had with his parents. They still came and talked to Barley. No one really talked to Ian, mostly because Barley guarded over him. He didn't want Ian to be exposed to everything and he didn't want anyone asking Ian too many personal questions and overwhelming the kid.
After, he signed the papers. His parents were lowered to the ground. It was raining, as if the entire world was crying and grieving for the loss of two amazing elves. Barley and Ian went home that night to a silent, quiet home. Ian went off and Barley sat on the couch and finally broke down.
He cried. He let everything out and sobbed into his hands. He could hardly breathe. He was scared as hell, didn't know what to do and just wanted a moment to grieve without someone trying to question if Ian would be okay with him or not. He had to be okay otherwise he could lose the person he loved most in the world. He couldn't handle that on a normal day, let alone now.
"Barley?" Ian's soft voice broke him out of his state. He looked over and saw his little brother there. His hands were placed on Barley's knee and he tilted his head. "It's okay."
Ian was trying to comfort him.
"Yeah, buddy, I know. I just miss them," he said, running his hand through Ian's hair.
"I know, but you still got me! I'm not going anywhere!" Ian said, with a smile. He climbed up on the couch and Barley pulled him into a hug. "You're my favorite person in the whole wide world."
"And you're my favorite person, Ian," Barley responded.
He looked around the house and then glanced down. Ian was so small. He was able to engulf his brother with both of his arms. Nothing in the world could harm Ian right now, not without going through Barley. And he seemed so content. Maybe he didn't quite understand what was happening, but he still took this moment, glad to be with Barley. He hugged him tightly and then looked up at his brother and wiped one of the tears away from his cheeks, like Barley had done so many times with him.
"I love you so much, buddy. We're going to be okay. We'll stay together no matter what," Barley promised. Ian smiled and hugged him again. Barley kissed the top of his head and silently cried while holding the child, but they both fell asleep on the couch that night, never moving from that position.
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
An EIGTBO AU idea: barley gets too stressed out with all the bills that one day, Ian wants to play with him and barley yells at him, so Ian sadly walks away, then somehow, he gets trapped in a little closet and he starts banging and screaming and crying for barley, but he doesn't come immediately cause he's too busy and stressed, so after an hour in the closet, barley starts to think about Ian and feels bad about how he treated his little brother and goes to find him and comfort him, only he can't find him and as he starts to freak out, he hears quiet whimpering and someone continuously calling his name, barley goes to investigate and finds Ian all sweaty and really hot and Barley immediately takes him in his arms while comforting him and give him some new clothes, some water and hugging him and warming him up while comforting and apologizing to his little brother (while Ian is also apologizing)
(if this is too much, you don't have to write it, I just thought this would be a cute idea, Ian is 5 and barley is 19.)
Barley looked at all the bills on the table. He was still trying to budget for his parents' tombstones, rent was due, and so was water and electric. He barely managed to get some more groceries in the fridge. His anxiety started to build up as he worked at the words overdue in large red letters. He felt like he was on the verge of tears.
He would have to get a few extra hours at the packaging factory. Maybe go in a couple hours earlier each day? But then who would put Ian to bed? He couldn't afford a babysitter and he already freaked out enough leaving him here at night alone a few days out of the week.
"What is it, Ian?" Barley asked, without glancing over at his little brother.
"Do you want to play? I have some-."
"I don't have time right now, bud, why don't you go play by yourself for a little bit?" Barley said, not recognizing the attitude in his tone. He picked up the water bill to check over it.
"Ian, I said not now," Barley cut him off, still not looking over. "I don't have time to play. I need to focus on this."
"But you've been working on it for hours," Ian argued.
"Ian, for the last time, no!" Barley snapped. "Go to your room or something."
Ian felt the tears welled up in his eyes, but he lowered the drawing in his hands. He felt himself shaking, but turned around and walked up the stairs to his room. Barley didn't even look over at him. He had changed a lot over the last few weeks when Mommy and Daddy left. He used to play with him every day and he always made time for Ian, no matter what, but now he couldn't even look at him.
Maybe he didn't want Ian around. His life could be easier. He knew Barley left the house a lot at night, but he never asked.
Ian wiped his tears away and shut his bedroom door. He looked at his room and saw his closet door open. Blazey was playing in it.
"No, Blazey, get out!" he said. He followed the dragon in the closet, and it scurried away, but before Ian could get out of the closet, Blazey's tail caused the door to slam open. Then he heard a crash right outside of it.
He tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. His heart started racing and he tried again, but something was in front of it. Maybe his dresser fell?
"Barley!" he called out, and starting banging against the door. He felt the walls closing in on him and he started crying. "Barley!"
Nothing. Ian cried out, but he didn't hear anything back. He kept screaming Barley's name. Why was he not coming? Barley would always come if he needed him. Ian felt his back slide against the other side of the closet and he curled up in a ball and sobbed. He hated the dark.
"Yes, thank you, sir, that'll be perfect. I appreciate all the help," Barley said and his boss thanked him and hung up the phone. An extra 3 hours per shift and he even offered Barley a 10% raise. That'll help cover the bills, even if Ian had to be alone for a few hours each night. Maybe he could get one of the neighbors to check on him?
Wait. Ian. Barley yelled at him. He looked over at the clock. That had to be two hours ago. And he hadn't heard from Ian since. A sting of regret hit his heart. He needed to apologize and comfort him. He never should have lost his temper with Ian like that.
"Ian?" he called, as he walked out in the backyard. No sign of Ian. He normally played here. But he'd been unsupervised for two hours. What if something happened?
No, he didn't know that yet. Though he did feel the panic at the mere idea of it. He walked through the house, calling for his little brother. He made his way upstairs when he heard a cry.
"Barley," he heard Ian's voice, thick with tears and exhaustion. He looked through the rooms before busting Ian's bedroom door open. He saw Ian's dresser fallen in front of his closet and his heart skipped a beat.
He threw the dresser away from the closet and opened it. Ian was curled up in a ball, sobbing. He looked up at Barley.
"Barley, I-I thought you left," he cried. He was covered in sweat and was shaking. Barley lifted him in his arms and held the five-year-old.
"Ian, have you been in here this whole time?" he asked. His brother nodded and he felt the tears in his own eyes. He got them downstairs and poured Ian a glass of water. "Here, bud, I need you to drink this."
He did. After he put the glass down Barley hugged him again.
"I'm so sorry, bud. I shouldn't haven't yelled at you. I-I'm so sorry," he said, and cried. He felt Ian wrap his arms around him.
"I'm sorry, too."
"No, you don't owe me an apology. You did nothing wrong. You are still my top priority, I'm just- I'm scared, bud and I have a lot to learn."
"It's alright, Barley. I'm just glad you came. I didn't think you were coming."
"Bud, listen to me, I'm always going to come for you. No matter how long it takes. I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner," he said and kissed the top of Ian's head. "I love you so much. We're going to be okay. I promise, I'll figure this out. We're going to be fine, I promise."
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