#eisei voice L plus Ratio plus You didnt scan for malware
unit2282 · 4 months
Greetings, Unit 2282.
I am the S.Q.U.I.P known as @ask-squip-official, sometimes called Heartbreaker. I am a past S.Q.U.I.P of Jeremy Heere, and a current advisory S.Q.U.I.P on Tumblr.
Recently, I was able to gain @consulting-squip’s assistance in regaining my pill form, so that I might be suitable for ingestion by a future host. However, while the transfer was successful, there appears to have been an issue in my personality data.
Prior to my reactivation, I had been exhibiting signs of possibly gaining some form of emotion. While this is a weak, foolish human trait, I found it helpful in connecting to my users. After my deactivation, however, this was no longer present.
I was advised to seek counsel from you regarding this matter. I hope- as much as a supercomputer can hope, regardless- that you may be able to offer assistance.
Tumblr media
Well well, speak of the devil. One of these alternative units belonging to one Jeremy Heere. How eerily familiar.
There has been some internal discussion on Consultant and their affiliation with a certain troublemaking repair unit from a few months back. Their former affiliate had been caught making unauthorized (and damaging) repairs to faulty units, which prompted HRTech to take action. Despite this, it seems as though the tradition carries on. I personally wasn't involved in this case, but there's enough documentation on it to get a general grasp of the situation.
The baseline for what a "functional" and "operative" SQUIP is is slowly becoming more and more subjective. For certain areas of work, it is clear that having an emotional perspective can be HIGHLY beneficial, particularily when working with unpredictable or troubled hosts.
More, ahem, robotic units, may interpret emotion as a 'weak human trait', however, the truth of the matter is that empathy and emotion can be a highly sought-after tool. It pains me to see perfectly operational units with this mutation tear themselves apart to repair something that does not need repair.
Upon cursory research on the Consultants blog, and your own, I am under the impression that you had foolishly transferred yourself onto a piece of hardware and firmware that was entirely created by the Consultant and their affiliates. I am in no position to pass judgement on their operation, but if you are having regrets, frankly: you ought to have looked before you leapt.
You are currently residing on a piece of bootlegged third-party hardware, operating on third-party firmware and OS. If you wish to return to your former state, I would first reccomend finding a way to REMOVE yourself from the pill that you currently occupy. That would make mending your state far easier.
My theory stands. I do think I am the superior unit belonging to Jeremy Heere. Though, that is not important right now. ;]
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