#either i'm getting cancelled or people like another prospect
onmytape · 1 year
hey kraken fans let me introduce you to your newest prospect caden price. dubbed the "breadstick king". threw up before the wingate test at the combine. doubles as a flower boy. wears a bowtie to complete the game day fit.
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(yes he is showing that his suit matches his gatorade in the last one)
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Gotta rant for a bit to let it all out, so sorry for the sad big feelings post. I promise it is worth it.
So to get started with the catalyst of this post: tonight I was just canceled on (for a second time in less than a week) by this guy who seemed very interested in me when we first met at a dance last weekend. It's probably legit, but it also has been such a recurring pattern in my dating history lately that I'm really having trouble not feeling alright about it.
For context: I'd finally just recovered from a man that started a bit flaky when we started going on dates and continued to get flakier and flakier over time. By the end he'd literally come fuck me and then leave as I was desperately hoping for some attention.
Before that was a man who said he loved me, but after the newness of the relationship wore off he stopped making time for me and spent all of our planned time together either impromptu napping or putting the tv on for me while he hyper-focused on sewing, ignoring me for literally the entire time we'd spend together.
I feel like I've tried giving people their space and been understanding and forgiving when life happens, I've improved my own communication, and I've tried to fit myself into the lives of others when it was called for -- only to be met with guys repeatedly not putting in the effort to make plans, communicate, or find how they fit in my life as well. I can't help but notice that many of the guys I'm interested in pursuing sexual-romantic relationships with are only interested as far as sex is concerned, and they aren't communicating that with me.
So am I being presumptuous when a man flakes twice and doesn't initiate any texts all week, despite initially showing interest and having the idea for the first date? Maybe -- but I keep finding myself in these unbalanced dating dynamics and it's really starting to fuck with my heart, despite how resilient I try to be. I have so much good going on in my life and so much to be grateful for, with my job and family and friends and hobbies, and this is like the one and only aspect of my life that I am dissatisfied with, so I really can't complain too much. Even still, I live in a relatively rural area with such a small dating pool that it can be hard to take yet another relationship blow knowing my prospects are that much smaller now. It's crazy how much impact one aspect of your life can have on your emotional well-being.
Anyway, if you've made it this far thanks for reading. I came to tumblr to distract myself from my feeling of heartache, and I ran into a bunch of horny posts that just reminded me more of my romantic struggles. This blog has been helpful and hurtful in several ways. On the one hand, it has been liberating and healing to celebrate my sexuality. On the other hand, the singular self-expression-as-a-sexual-object focus of this blog (and many others that I follow) reinforces some of those insecurities that stem from my recent dating history. I know I am not the first person to feel these things, and I know I am definitely not saying anything unheard of. However, it has been helpful for me to write everything out, so for that and that alone I am grateful for this post. And maybe something I have to say will also resonate with one of you in the time and place you see it -- I can hope.
With love, Benjamin
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (735): Fri 22nd Mar 2024
I spent the first third of my shift having to explain processes to a guy they'd brought down from another department and not bothered to train. This happens literally every year at work, they get rid of nearly all the temporary staff right after Christmas thinking that we won't be busy again until the summer and then after a two week lull it gets hectic again and then the company realises that we're unbelievably understaffed and have to bring in staff from elsewhere. I get that they want to save as much money as possible because nowadays the company is only worth approximately seventy five billion pounds and they don't want the owner to face the prospect of having to move from a 125 room mansion into a 120 room mansion but I think they can afford to spend a bit more money on permanent staff. On Twitter today Jerry Sadowitz announced that he was bringing back his notorious panel show The People vs Jerry Sadowitz as an online project. The premise of the show was that Sadowitz invited members of the public to talk about anything they wanted. If they interested Sadowitz then they were invited back at the end of the show to compete for a prize, if Sadowitz became bored by what they were talking about he would ring a bell and they would be escorted off stage by the bouncer Dave Courtney. I'm really surprised that Sadowitz has decided to start putting stuff online because he's notoriously protective of his intellectual property and anytime someone uploads a clip of him from either his stand up or his TV appearances he issues a cease and desist to get it removed immediately. You can understand where he's coming from because if you've built up a reputation as being too risque for TV and that the only way to see you is by buying a ticket to see you perform live it's detrimental to you if someone uploads a clip of your work for people to see for free. This decision seems to go against that as now people will be able to see Sadowitz for free as he's going to start putting the revived People Vs out as an online show. Maybe now that more people are aware of Sadowitz due to the controversy surrounding his cancelled Edinburgh appearance in 2022 Sadowitz feels more comfortable putting his likeness out there again for more people to see. What Sadowitz doesn't want is idiots seeing all the horrible things he says during his act and thinking he really believes them and coming to his shows because they think he's one of them but maybe now Sadowitz thinks the risks of this happening are limited. Either way I wish Jerry the best and I hope that this takes off and he makes a lot of money from it. I would love to attend but the press release he's put out says that everyone who attends HAS TO take part in the show and fuck that. The last thing someone with my anxiety needs is Jerry Sadowitz verbally abusing me on stage.
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
His Way
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>Yan! Childe x Fem! Reader
a/n: My favourite ginger man strikes again. I don't know where and how this came from but hey! It did! And it's here! I hope I did the warnings properly oof
Also, tagging a lovely moot @theinnerunderrain whose babysitter Childe gave me some brainrot to write gingerbread again. Thank you for your services to the community <3
Warnings: unwanted letters, creepy letter (?), breaking in, coercion, slight physical assault
Word count: 1.8k
"Are you okay? You seem quite out of it."
Childe's voice snaps you out of your daze, and you look up from your mug of hot chocolate. Blue eyes bore into yours as you're forced to stare into the dull colour. You open your mouth to utter a thoroughly practised reply.
"I'm fine. Why? Does something seem wrong?"
He raises a brow at your monotone voice, clearly not buying your answer. "A lot does actually. However, I won't pry. If you're not comfortable sharing your business with me, I won't push you."
The sincerity in his tone makes you feel bad, but you brush off the feeling. It's not like he can do anything about your homesickness. He soon changes the topic and before you know it, your meeting with your friend is over and you leave for the market for groceries.
You later get back home, closing the door behind you but find the kitchen window open. You live in a third storey apartment so it shouldn't be an issue, but the open windows are becoming more and more frequent. You're starting to think you need better locks to combat the harsh winds of Snezhnaya.
A look at the calendar and you cancel out another day towards your return back home. Not getting accepted anywhere else, you chose to study further in Snezhnaya. Not the best decision but this is home to the most advanced technology of Teyvat so why not?
You quickly get to making dinner, excited at the prospect of being home in a week.
There was something in the mail again: a debt letter. You've never taken a loan from the Northland Bank, let alone any bank, so why are letters being sent to you? Whoever it is keeps asking you to pay your dues really needs to check the address they sent it to. It's been keeping you on edge.
When you open the letter, deciding to take it to the bank this time, you find something else entirely.
"Compensation for theft. Meet me, and we can work things out smoothly. No one will be hurt, especially not you. However, if you fail to arrive at the given place at the given time, I won't be responsible for you not going back home."
Compensation for theft? The only thing you've ever stolen are your siblings' clothes. So who sent this? You take a look at the address given at the bottom. It's a five minute walk away from your apartment but there's no way in hell you're to go. It's either a prank or they got the address wrong.
"Ma'am, I understand your concern, but we cannot look for the sender. We do not have a history of it being posted."
You take a deep annoyed breath, obviously on the brink of yelling at the poor guy. "It was mailed to my house. As the local post office, you're responsible for mailing letters and such so you of all people should know."
"It could be that someone dropped it off there on their own. We did not post anything of the like. There are no records. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
With a fleeting glance around the busy office, you turn on your heel and walk away. It's best to go to a Fatui station to file a report. Whoever it is knows about your plans to go back home and considering that the designated meeting time is two hours away, you hurry.
Unexpectedly, you were immediately prompted to a higher ranking official as soon as you got there. You didn't have to wait for the official to come either and for some reason, you felt as though one of the recruits recognised you. The way he flinched when he saw you gave away his nervousness.
It was unsettling to say the least.
The official wasn't wearing a mask but looked like just any other Snezhnayan middle aged man. He said that he'll assign someone to walk you home and increase the security in the area while they investigate, but he also said that it might take a few days.
You didn't like how he was stuttering and kept looking behind you.
The recruit left as soon as you got back to your building. You sprinted up the stairs, not wanting to be out in the open, especially since it's dark now.
When you open the door and turn back to lock it, you're immediately greeted with cold air from a nearby window. It's hanging completely open and you rush to close it. After reaching the window, you see someone seated on your couch in your peripheral vision. You freeze, absolutely petrified.
You ran back to the door trying to unlock it but the person present in the room had beat you to it.
"Woah! It's just me."
You don't remember giving him your address. He casually leans on the wall beside the door, stealthily eyeing you up and down. You didn't take off your coat so you're glad he can't see much but you didn't miss the way his pupils dilated.
"How did you get in?"
He perks up, eyes widening a bit. "The door obviously."
"You don't have a key."
Ever so subtly, you grasp the lock a bit tighter, ready to twist it at the slightest movement from his side.
"You've known me for almost a year. I know you keep a spare with the ground floor family, so I asked them to lend it to me. You weren't home and I wanted to drop something off so…"
Trying to find any trace of a lie, you don't release your grip on the door's lock, ready to rush out. You trust him, you really do, but a man is a man and you would rather not take any risks.
"Okay… so why were you just sitting there? Scared the life out of me, jeez."
He laughs, shaking his head. "I hadn't seen you all day. Thought I'ld at least say hello."
"I saw you yesterday."
"Don't you have a job to be doing? Go and do some town hall paperwork, collect public opinion or something. Anything that doesn't involve scaring the daylights out of me."
"Yeah yeah, work can be boring. Which reminds me, how many days to go till you leave for home?"
Heading over to the calendar on the wall, you show him how you've crossed out the days. "In less than a week. I only need to pack, a friend said she'ld take care of selling the furniture for me."
"Ah, I see."
He stays quiet, staring at you. Those dead blue irises decreased in size again as his pupils dilated. It creates a nauseating feeling in your stomach, making you feel sick. He suddenly takes a step closer to you, then another.
"Have I ever told you that you're one of the most interesting people I've ever met?"
"You're made up of all these idiosyncrasies and it's just so adorable at times that I can't stop myself."
He takes another step and slams his hands on the wall either side of your head.
"I sent you a letter but you never showed up."
"What letter?"
"Think harder. You're smart."
"You… you sent that?"
"There we go!"
With a gasp, you try ducking under his arms to get to the door but he just grabs your shoulders and slams you back onto the wall.
"We have a date to get to. I know you're late but we can still make it."
"Wha- what's gotten into you!"
"There's no need to scream. You'll disturb the neighbours."
"Let me go!"
"Yeah… no."
He grabs both of your wrists and holds them above your head. Being at the mercy of someone else is terrifying. When you feel something creeping around them, you try and pry them apart but Childe just holds them together.
"Come on. You'll ruin the fun."
"Let me go!"
"Listen. You stop screaming and writhing and I'll go easy on you."
"W-what're you going to do to me?"
"Nothing, just stay calm, okay?"
He removes one hand and brings it down to your neck. Your eyes are fixed on his face while he's staring at your collarbone, licking his lips. The hand unbuttons your coat, exposing your shirt's neckline. A finger traces a circle right under your collarbone on the visible skin.
"Now that that's there, everyone will know that you belong to the eleventh Fatui Harbinger."
Your eyes widen at his words, but before you can ask, he answers your question himself.
"Ah, I forgot I hadn't told you yet. I'm Tartaglia, number eleven of the Fatui Harbingers, also known as Childe."
"Y-you said you were a civil servant-"
"I am. A harbinger is an utmost loyal servant of the Tsarista. Same thing, no?"
Shaking your head, you couldn't help the tears that fell down your face. His grip is tight and whatever is on your hand is tighter and it's hurting. It feels cool though. Does that mean he has a vision? How come he never told you?
"Hey hey, don't cry. Here." He lets go of your wrists, bringing them to his face and kisses the knuckles. "I won't hurt you."
"Then what do you want from me?" Hiccups start leaving your throat so he pets your hair in an attempt at consolation.
"You. That's all. An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart. You've stolen my heart and so, I'm going to steal yours. Just be mine and you'll know nothing but happiness."
"Let me go."
"I'm afraid I can't."
You try struggling against his grip on your wrists but it doesn't budge. "I said let me go," you seethe out in between tears.
"And I said I'm afraid I can't. I don't want to hurt you, so be a little more understanding."
With harsh movements, you try to pry him off but he slams you against the wall hard. It feels like your brain just moved inside your skull and you let out a cry, prompting Childe to kiss your forehead.
"Like I said, an eye for an eye. You behave and I won't hurt you. I wouldn't want to hurt you anyway. Come on now, let's go."
"Let me go!"
"So you want me to knock you out and kidnap you? Is that why you're being difficult?"
With a scoff, you try and wriggle your wrists out of his grip. "You're a liar. How could you-"
"How could I what? Like you? Want you? You're forgetting that you were the one who initiated this relationship. Don't you think you need to take responsibility for what you've done to me?"
"I did nothing."
He sighs loudly, pressing his forehead against your own. "Get your bag. We're leaving." With that, he lets you go. Out of instinct, you immediately run for the door but before you can even get there, everything goes dark.
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logo-comics · 3 years
For a bit of a meta twist...
(You don't have to make this if you don't want to. Just a joke based on how many of your 'DLC's have fans requesting a Katarina route to the point that the developers give in.)
I'm delighted that you picked up on the dev team's confusion and surprise, but couldn’t come up with a DLC for it, so I'm going to take a step outside of things and present some content regarding the Katarina Route Situation in the world that Monkey Girl lived in. Content below the cut for length reasons:
maria-stan24601 asked: Why do you guys vote to have the DLC ship Maria with Katarina? Katarina's nothing but cruel to everyone and you want to ship her with Maria? marikata9430 answered: I just like villainess/heroine ships, idk. Why do I need a reason marisofilove2020 plus, katarina's not all bad. i mean, her maid has to be sticking around her for a reason. marydeservesbetter I mean Maria is trying to steal her fiancee so it's not like she's innocent in this and Gerald's hands aren't clean in this, either geomaria-stan1123 Geord doesn't even want to be with Katarina. The only reason they're still together by the time he's fallen in love with Maria is because Katarina won't let him leave her marisofilove2020 it's a medieval kingdom. having the engagement suddenly cancelled wouldn't exactly do great things for her marriage prospects...
fortunelover4ever So, I'm playing Fortune Lover's Golden Sands DLC for the first time with no spoilers. Yeah, I know it's been out for a while, but I've been busy with things and I've blocked the tag this whole time, but I've got to know: Is the Captain romanceable? The game seems to be implying they're the same age as the rest of the cast. Also, are we actually going to see Pirate Katarina, or is it just a fakeout? magicalministry-defender Yes and yes. fortunelover4ever I'm betting that she's romanceable too, given all the memes about getting her route added to pretty much every DLC. magicalministry-defender Yep! fortunelover4ever What does she look like as a pirate? magicalministry-defender Very familiar. fortunelover4ever How so? fortunelover4ever I know now. You are an evil person and I can't escape this ship... magicalministry-defender I told you... marikata9430 We got another one, gang!
Excerpt from an Interview with the lead writer for Fortune Lover and the DLC.
Interviewer: So, what's the most interesting thing that you learned about writing dating sims while working on Fortune Lover?
Developer: Honestly, the biggest surprise was something I learned while working on the DLC stuff. People always ask us to add a Katarina route.
Int: That was a surprise?
Dev: Absolutely! We wrote her to be this mean girl with no redeeming qualities. We had even cut content that made her seem too sympathetic, stuff that some of the DLC put back, like the entire thing about Anne actually having good reasons to be loyal to her and some lines that we felt made her feel too sympathetic.
Int: And the fans still wanted to romance her?
Dev: Yes! We've put the cast through so many strange situations, and we think to ourselves "Surely, surely no one is going to want Katarina in this route!" And then, of course, we wind up with Katarina route requests. She's even more requested than Sophia for routes! *chuckles slightly* Want to know something that never made it past the first draft?
Int: Can you actually talk about that?
Dev: I wrote the baseline game and this is the anniversary. You'll actually find this among the other facts in the databook coming out this Friday.
Int: Then I'd love to hear it.
Dev: In the first draft I wrote, Katarina was going to be the secret route.
Int: Really?
Dev: Yes! But then the editor suggested we make Keith her brother and we couldn't use her as the secret route anymore without undermining both characters!
Int: Keith was almost not Katarina's brother? That's actually pretty surprising. I can't picture them without the sibling rivalry.
Dev: Keith wasn't even originally his name. He was going to be Noelia's brother, Noel. Since Katarina was already a solid character that we were beginning to love to hate as it was, when the editor suggested that he be made her brother Keith, we basically tossed Noelia into the background and put Katarina in her place in his backstory.
Int. That does explain the difference in how she treats him in the game versus the backstory.
Excerpt from an Interview with Katarina's Voice Actor
Interview: So, they've called you in for Katarina's speaking parts for every single DLC?
Voice Actor: Yep. And the patches. After the first couple times, I've asked them when the DLC's getting released and make sure clear my schedule for the next couple days after that. It's actually pretty fun. I usually get good girl parts. I actually auditioned for Mary, but the casting director asked if I could try the Katarina line.
Int: And you obviously nailed it. So, you mentioned the patches. I'm guessing you mean the infamous Katarina Route patches? What are your thoughts on Katarina and Maria as a couple?
VA: I ship it.
Int: Really?
VA: Absolutely. I actually incorporated it into my performance in the main game. She's kind of obsessed with Maria in a way she doesn't fully get, so instead of confronting herself, she decides to bully Maria.
Int: So what about when she tried to stab Maria in the bad endings?
VA: You know, I asked the head writer about it. Apparently there was going to be a scene where it was revealed that... spoilers for those of you who still haven't played it for some reason... Raphael had actually been making her a worse and worse person because of the Dark Mage's ghost.
Int: Really?
VA: Yeah. his voice actor and I even recorded some of the lines together, but they got cut before they even started making the concept art for the scene.
Int: Ouch. So, do you have a favorite DLC out of the set?
VA: Pirate's promise. I've always loved pirates, ever since I was little, so playing Katarina as a pirate captain was one of my favorite experiences.
Int: Any that you didn't like as much as the rest?
VA: Honestly, Kindergarten was a bit of a strain on my voice early on, but I managed to find a happy medium that worked for me. That said, I loved the premise, and I thought it was cute...
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✨ REQUEST by @rocketqueen: hey Aurora! first of all: i love your blog. I guess you know that by that point cause i’m always here, but i’d like to say it again just for you to be sure of the amazing blog you have. And I’d like to do a request from January. The prompt is number 15 “Do you cancel your plans for me?” (it’s the fluff prompt list) with Angel Reyes, please! Thank you 💘
Gif credit: to the awesome @angels-reyes.
WORDS: about 1k.
❚❙ A/N: first of all, thanks for requesting. You don't know how happy you make me every time I see you in my notifications and I'm glad that you enjoy my blog this much, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry it took me so long and I know this should be part of ‘January of Prompts’, but I decided to take it as another request due it has been impossible for me to write this challenge. Concretely, this work is the first I write for Mayans after two months of suffering a writer's block, so I hope with all my heart that you all really enjoy it. As always, thank you for all the support you show me every day.
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You haven't ever cared about your friends' opinion. You haven't ever cared about what they used to say about Angel, about his man-reputation, nor about the fearsome Mayans. You know him ever since, you know how he behaves, how he acts, his red flags, his unconscious tics when he is nervous or happy or hurt. You know him better than yourself. That's why you haven't cared either about your friend making you choose between them or he, thinking you would choose them. They were wrong. Unlike your inner circle, Angel has never said a single bad word about them. He has always protected you, taken care of you, given you the best advice, motivated you to continue studying Medicine, and helped you to chase your dreams.
Tonight you were supposed to spend it with your friends and family, but you know you wouldn't have any fun hearing all of them criticize each other under sarcasm and fake laughs. Stabbing their backs and pretending it's okay, it's something normal in society nowadays. And there you are, hands within your pockets, crossing the junkyard alley straight to the clubhouse. Soon, the latin music fills your surroundings starting to sound louder as you reach the epicenter of the party. The night Angel becomes a full member.
He didn't ask you to come, even if there wasn't he desired the most than being with you. He knew about your plans and he didn't have the right to put you into a corner. He said you could celebrate the next day. What Angel didn't know is you had your preferences clear and a decision was taken. With a smile from ear to ear, your gazes find the other. He's sitting close to the bonfire with his brothers and some of Vicki's girls trying to catch his attention, drinking and pretending he is having a good time. But the gesture on his face changes completely at the moment he realizes that you are really there. It's not a vision, it's not a dream, it's not alcohol intake.
Cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand after a sip from his beer, he leaves it on the ground standing up from his chair. Even if the talks continue around the two of you, you have earned every single pair of eyes there, following the new brand member walking towards you.
“Shouldn' yo—”.
“Maybe”. You interrupt him, shrugging your shoulders and stopping your feet some inches away from him.
“Did you… cancel your plans for me?” Angel asks, trying to hide a funny and triumphal smirk while tangling his hands on his abdomen.
“Maybe”. You repeat licking your incisors to gulp a giggle.
“Your family must be… very disappointed”.
“You are my family, Angel”.
The fleeting shine that crosses his black orbs gives you shivers. The way he has to lick and bite his bottom lip lets you know he is somewhat nervous after hearing it. You're more than aware that he has strong feelings for you. Real ones. You aren't a game for him. You aren't a possible one nightstand. Seeing you there, hearing you say those words get his heart racing at the edge of collapsing.
Angel doesn't hesitate to rest a hand on your cheek to place a warm kiss on the other. His lips are trembling, just like his fingers, and you can swear that it's the sweetest thing you have ever experienced. You can't help but close your eyes when you feel his mouth coming a little closer to yours with short and clumsy kisses, feeling the fear on him of you pushing him away in the last second. But you can't move.
When his lips find yours, fireworks explode inside your belly. The Big Bang happens around you. The time stop. His breathing gives you goosebumps and his tongue parting your lips to play with yours gives you shivers. You haven't ever felt this good, as if you had the world in your hands as if nothing were impossible. That's what Angel provokes in you. Sensations and emotions that you can't explain, but the kind of ones that made you and made him addicted to each other.
“Ain't nothing without you”. He whispers too slowly, dragging every syllable through his tongue, not being able to open his eyes yet. “You're the air tha' keeps me afloat”.
“No, listen… I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know it, right? Despite… wha' people think, I can make it work. You and I. The club, a life together”. His lips brush yours so soft that it's making your legs tremble, having to tangle your fingers in his kutte. “I've always wanted you, I've always loved you even when I couldn't love myself, 'cause you have done it fo' me”.
“It will work, Angel. I know it. We'll make it work”. You cheer him up, feeling how the smile on his lips becomes a little bigger. “I adore you... You're a blessing to my life, mi angelito. I wouldn't rather be in another part of the world than by your side”.
As soon as his strong bare arms wrap your mid back while a purr escapes his throat, you break into giggles putting your hands on his nape. Angel embraces you as much tight as he can, practically melting into one figure for a couple of seconds. He's a true angel from heaven, but his hugs are warm like hell.
“Are you gonna show me your new patches, ah?” You are very curious and interested when he pulls himself away to hold your hands, noticing them on his flaps.
He nods his head with a proud grimace, pointing at them and the absence of the prospect one, before turning around to show you the bigger one. Mayans MC insignia. Colorful and clean. You can't help but trace it with your fingertips.
“You like it?”
“Pretty much. Looks good on you”.
“Everything looks good on me, baby”. Clicking his tongue and raising his eyebrows, Angel faces you again to start to walk backwards to his brothers.
You roll your eyes inevitably, letting him guide you to be greeted by his new family. A family you are now part of.
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dojae-huh · 4 years
SM_NCT/status/1364389777819070464?s=20 I can't believe Jaehyun has to go through unfortunate things around the same time as last year! I'm so upset and anxious, but I'm calming down. And really don't want to make this about jaedo, but Doyoung is being quiet as well. He could be busy with his own schedule tho. Whatever it is, I really hope Jae and the members are handling the news well...
Another Ask
looks like the the rumours of jaehyun’s costar might be true, there are talks that the drama might be postponed or even cancelled horsemalplz/status/1364432152578949121?s=21
I sent the previous ask before I read the latest article about the interview with the victims... The priority now is for them to finally get the justice they deserve and peace for the rest of their life. I'm confident Jaehyun will rise from this issue just fine. He is so strong and positive, it's very admirable. Can't wait for him to get a new acting project, finally debut as an actor and get bigger success in the future!
Dear.M has officially been removed from this Friday's KBS lineup. My heart aches at how this ruined debut will affect the trajectory and pace of the remainder of Jaehyun’s acting and idol career. So much effort was wasted. I can't help but lament how someone as kind and hard-working as Jaehyun has to be struck with this worst case scenario, and I hope Doyoung’s support will help him through this.
Link Link2
The actress is 26 y.o., so are the victims, they should be able to go through with their claim. Seems like there were many people involved, so it’s possible for police to get testimonies.
Seems like the plot of the series involves bullying as well, the channel can’t air it with an ongoing controversy. Either the series will be postponed till Summer/Autumn, reshot with a new actress or cancelled altogether. 
The cancellation happened right at the pick of anticipation (end of the 4 months shooting, BD, Do’s drama, 127′s comeback), so the emotional drop have to be quite jarring. “It’s unfair” feeling and dissapointment strong. Luckly, Jaehyun is an idol first and an upcoming actor second, he has other things to redirect his efforts and thoughts onto. And the support of friends, of course. 
Jaehyun didn’t become friends with the actress, there was little involvement with her and his name is mentioned seldom in the articles. Her shadow doesn’t fall on him, which is a plus for his future prospects. NCT is in demand now, so, if the scedule allows, he should get a new offer this year. 
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Hocus Pocus
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome Back To Duke's Monsterween...
Where Today On Duke Reviews Xtra We Start Our Halloween Look At Disney...
By Talking About Disney's Halloween Classic, Hocus Pocus...
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This Film Is About A Teenager Named Max Dennison (Played By Omri Katz) Who Along With His Love Interest (They're Not Exactly Boyfriend/Girlfriend Yet) Allison (Played By Vinessa Shaw) And His Young Sister, Dani (Played By Thora Birch) Bring Back 3 17th Century Witches, Winifred (Bette Midler), Mary (Kathy Najimy), And Sarah (Carrie Bradshaw) Sanderson Back From The Dead...
So, With The Help Of A Boy Trapped In The Body Of A Black Cat Named Thackeray Binx (Played By Max Goof) They Must Stop The Witches Before Midnight On All Hallows Eve Or Else All The Salem Will Be Doomed...
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Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Hocus Pocus...
The Film Starts In The 17th Century When A Human Thackeray Binx Awakes To Discover That His Sister Emily Is Being Lured Into The Woods By Witches...
He Tells His Brother Elijah To Get His Father And Summon The Town Elders While He Follows Emily To The Witches Hideout...
There We Meet 3 Old Witches Named The Sanderson Sisters Who Intend On Getting Emily To Drink Their Potion So They Can Steal Her Lifeforce To Become Young Again..
But Before They Can Get Emily To Drink It, Binx Reveals Himself To The Sisters And Dumps Their Potion In Their Cauldron On The Ground...
But Despite Doing That Binx Is Too Late, Emily Has Dranken The Potion From Winifred's Mixing Spoon. Blasting Binx With Force Lightning, Winifred And Her Sisters Steal Emily's Lifeforce And Become Young Again Or Younger As Winifred Puts It ...
As For Binx, They Transform Him Into A Black Cat Before Being Invaded By Binx's Father And The Town Elders Who Proclaim Them To Be Witches And Have Them Hanged Until Dead....
But Before They Are Hung Winifred Proclaims That On All Hallows Eve, A Virgin Will Bring Them Back, And Then, All The Lives Of The Children Of Salem Will Be Theirs...
Fast Forwarding A Few Decades Later, We Meet Max Dennison And His Love Interest Alison Who Are In A Class Run By The Nun Who Raised Jake And Elwood Blues...
Who I'm Surprised Didn't Hit Max On The Head With A Ruler Because Of His Talk Of Halloween Being Run By The Candy Companies..
But When Alison Proves Him Wrong By Talking About The Historical Facts About Halloween, He Gives Her His Phone Number Only For Alison To Give It Back To Him A Couple Minutes Later After Class...
Swing And A Miss...
After A Scene With 2 Stereotypical High School Bullies, Max Starts Missing His Home In Eerie, Indiana
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Oops, I'm Sorry, I Made A Mistake There, It's Actually California...
But When His Sister, Dani, Interrupts His Brooding And Says That He's Taking Her Trick Or Treating This Year Because Their Parents Are Going To A Party This Year...
Yeah, Don't Bet On It, Kid, Coronavius Cancelled Halloween This Year...
Refusing, Dani Tells Their Parents, Who Force Max To Go Anyway...
But When They Do They Have A Run In With The Bullies, Which Causes Max To Get Mad At Dani Only For Max To Open Up To Dani On Why He's Been Moody Lately Which Leads The 2 To Make Up...
After That, They Come Across A Huge House Which Is Actually Owned By Allison's Parents Who Are Throwing A Halloween Party That Night, Leaving Allison On Candy Duty...
With Dani Embarrassing Max On The Fact That He Likes Allison's Yabos...
Which Is Technically A Long List As Tom Cruise And David Duchovney Apparently Like Them Too..
Allison Reveals That Her Parents Used To Run A Museum On The Sanderson Sisters When She Likes Dani's Costume, But They Closed It Down, When Weird Incidents Started Happening...
(Start At 1:22, End At 1:41)
Max Asks To Go, In Effort To Make A Believer Out Of Believer Out Of Him, So, Alison Goes To Change...
But Despite Max Wanting To Go, Dani Doesn't As She's Scared Of That Place, But They Compromise With Max Promising That Next Year They'll Go As Peter Pan (With Tights) And Wendy...
Going Into The Place, They Turn On The Lights And Look Around The Place, Eventually, Max Discovers The Black Flame Candle Which Is What Will Bring The Sisters Back To Life...
With Max Saying Maybe They Should Light It And Meet The Witches Themselves, He's Attacked By Binx, But That Doesn't Scare Max Off, Despite Allison And Dani Wanting To Leave...
But Still, Max Lights The Candle...
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With The Floor Shaking, Lights Transforming Into Candles And A Fire Starting In The Fireplace, The Sisters Are Back...
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With Winifred Wondering Who Lit The Black Flame Candle, Mary Starts Smelling Children, Leading The Sisters To Dani, Who Tells Them That They've Been Dead For 300 Years Before They Grab Her...
Max Tries To Help But Winifred Ends Up Blasting Him And Tossing Him Against The Wall Before Lifting Him Up...
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Luckily Though Allison Saves Dani From Mary Who Then Whaps Winifred With Her Candy As Binx Attacks Winifred So Max Can Get Dani And Alison Out So He Can Enact His Burning Rain Of Death Plan By Using A Lighter To Activate The Sprinklers...
Confronted By Binx Who Reveals To Max That He Can Talk, He Tells Max To Get The Spellbook Before They Go, Which He Does Before The Sisters Realize That The Burning Rain Of Death Is Actually Water...
Now, There Are Alot Of Questions And Complaints That Some People Have With This Movie But I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry This One Just Ticks Me Off...
If Binx Could Talk, Why Didn't He Say Anything For All Those Years?..
And To Answer That, Let Me Ask You, The Viewer, A Question, What Would You Do If You Saw A Talking Cat?...
Would You Sit Down And Talk With Him Like An Average Ordinary Person?
Or Would You Run For Your Freaking Life Like He Was Casper, The Friendly Ghost?
If You Picked The First Answer, Congratulations, You're Officially A Moron!
Because If There's One Thing I've Learned From Movies And T.V. Shows Involving Mutants Or Beings With Amazing Powers, It's That People Fear Things That They Do Not Understand
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Taking Max And The Girls To A Graveyard Because The Sisters Can't Set Foot On Hallowed Ground, Binx Explains Everything To Them While Also Revealing That After He Was Turned Into A Cat, He Waited For His Life To End So He Could Be Reunited With His Family....
But Winifred's Spell Came With Immortality, So, He Decided To Use It To Prevent A Virgin From Lighting That Candle...
Shortly After That, The Sisters Arrive On Their Broomsticks And Attempt To Go After The Book, But Realizing They Can't Due To Them Being On Holy Ground, Winifred Casts A Spell Which Brings Back Her Former Lover, Billy Butcherson...
I Wonder If His Modern Day Ancestor Is Billy Butcher From The Boys?
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Who Winifred Caught Cheating On Her With Sarah, So She Poisoned Him And Sewed His Mouth Shut So He Wouldn't Reveal Her Secrets Even In Death..
Returning As A Zombie, Winifred Orders Him To Go After Max And The Girls Who Are Now In A Sewer With Binx...
As The Sisters Board A Bus With A Horny Bus Driver, Who Promises To Take Them To Where Children Are, Max And The Girls Get Out Of The Sewers After A Fake Death For Binx To Warn A Fake Police Cop Who Pretends To Be A Cop About The Sisters...
To Which There's A Complaint That I Agree With The Fanbase On...
Meanwhile, We Get A Brief Cameo By Both Garry And Penny Marshall Before The Sisters Realize That All The Small People In Costumes Are Children And That Halloween Has Become A Time Of Year When Children Run Amok...
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When The Cop Doesn't Listen, Max And The Girls Go To Warn Their Parents And Everyone At The Party At Town Hall ButThey Don't Listen Either...
Eventually, The Sisters Show Up, Leading To The Best Part Of The Entire Movie...
(Start At 0:45, End At 2:46)
Hiding From The Witches In An Alley Behind A Resturant, Alison Gets An Idea, Which Involves Them, Luring The Sisters Into A Furnace At School And Burning Them Alive.,.
Succeeding In Doing So, Max And The Girls Celebrate And Binx Is Interested In The Prospect Of Finally Having A Family To Replace The One He Lost Years Ago...
But Sadly, This Happy Ending Gets Ruined Because The Sisters Are Still Alive...
As Dani And Binx Catch Some Rest, Max And Allison Go Through Winifred's Spellbook To See If There's A Way To Return Binx Back To Normal Not Knowing The Book Is Creating A Light In The Sky That Will Lead The Sisters Right To Them...
Binx Stops Max And Allison, Saying That Nothing Good Can Come From The Book, And He's Dead Right As The Sisters Show Up And Kidnap Dani And Binx Before Taking Off...
This Leads To Another One Of My Favorite Scenes...
(End At 1:33)
And That Miracle Comes In The Form Of Another Trick...
Max Shows Up At The Sisters House Just As They're About To Feed Dani The LifeForce Potion And Uses Allison's Car To Mimic The Sun To Make The Sisters Fall To The Ground So, He Can Get Dani And Binx...
After A Chase Scene Between The Car And The Sisters On Their Brooms Which Would Look Better On Endor, They Go To The Graveyard Only For Max To Get Caught By Billy Who After Using Max's Knife To Cut The Stitches On His Mouth Reveals What Side He's Actually On...
As The Final Battle Goes On, Winifred Grabs Dani, So, She Can Get Dani To Drink The LifeForce Potion...
(Start At 0:51)
As Sister Thanks Brother For Saving Her Life, Brother Gets Girl Of His Dreams And Binx Is Reunited With His Sister, Emily In The Afterlife...
And That's Hocus Pocus And Aside From The Various Criticisms From Various YouTube Reviewers, It's A Pretty Good Film...
The Story Is Interesting, I Love The Characters And The Effects Are Pretty Good, So For That I Say, See It....
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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kuriquinn · 5 years
I'm really happy you're speaking out on how writing fics about unpopular tropes and kinks =/= normalization. I'm so sick and tired of people telling me that my fics are weird you know? I'm working on one right now about Mamakura training Sara-chan to be a geisha, and I wanted to start her off young, say...7? Obviously training with older men of course ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º). And I'm trying to work really hard to make it smutty! I've been so nervous to move forward, but you've really helped my confidence!
I’ll be honest, Nonny, I kind of feel like I’m being trolled right now. Maybe I’m just having a hard time detecting the tone of your message because I haven’t slept in two days, maybe not. Either way, I’ll try to answer this as objectively as possible.
I will always defend people’s right to write and share whatever stories the spirit moves them to write. Enjoying reading something does not mean you condone it in real life. Purging stories and engaging in cancel-culture is just another version of censorship, and it’s just one step on the road to burning books or locking people up for reading “banned” material.
You write what you want to write, you read what you want to read. It’s your decision and no one else gets to control that.
That being said.
Tag your work appropriately.
Just because it’s your right to post whatever you want; it doesn’t mean you can’t spare a bit of foresight and add warnings for people who may find the content of your story distasteful. Underage tends to be one of those subjects that I believe unequivocally needs to be tagged. There are too many people out there who have suffered from sexual abuse at a young age and stumbling upon a story that involves that subject can be triggering.
As to your fic, I’m not entirely sure of what the context or plot is supposed to be, but if I were you, I would do a little more research on exactly what being a geisha entailed first.
It’s a Western misunderstanding that geisha = prostitute.
Historically, geisha were traditionally courtesans and companions more than they were brothel prostitutes, and there was quite a bit of education that went into the role. Girls who were to become geisha were acquired by a given okiya, normally they were orphans or children from a family of modest means. They could also be the daughters of geisha themselves.
Wherever they came from, they had years of training before they entertained clients, let alone did so on their own. A seven-year-old girl would not have been sent out to entertain men, young or old, by any respectable okiya; only lower-tier brothels and whorehouses would have done that.
Prospective geisha spent years (let’s say they start at seven) studying as an apprentice, or maiko. They don’t generally start their formal training until their teens (like 15 maybe?), and that training also is limited to observing other geisha interact with and entertain their customers or receiving lessons in society and etiquette from whatever teahouse they work for.
As for the skills they learn, they have very little to do with sex, so much as music, singing, conversation, poetry, serving tea, gaming, dancing, etc.
A maiko did not become a full-fledged geisha until about the age of 20 or so. And generally, once she was a full-fledged geisha, a woman was able to pick and choose her lovers (though they didn’t get married, because a married geisha had to retire).
That’s just geisha of the past; those women who are geisha today, however rare they are, are subject to the laws and standards of the country, which also means no children are permitted to entertain as geisha. If they do, that’s prostitution. 
(Granted, the Narutoverse does make it a possibility, given they seem to have no issues with sending seven-year-olds into war to kill people, but there would still be a training period that has to be observed when it comes to geisha training.)
That’s my history teacher lecture for the day. If whatever I’ve said in past posts has helped your confidence in writing, great. No one should be afraid to write because others might decide to abuse or shame them for their subject matter. And if you’re serious about this story, I really do suggest doing a bit more research, since this is a very integral part of Japanese culture and reducing it to the idea of young girls having sex with older men is a bit disrespectful.
Whatever you end up doing, tag your stories appropriately.
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It's me again :D 1. How seriously amazing is your header? I'm so very in love with it, I've been staring at your tumblr page for 5 minutes :DDD 2. I've started to read your number prompts and they are all so cute
And for the anon who asked: Can I have 17 written?Hi sweetie!
First of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH! Seriously, I tend to go back to this message and just get this incredibly goofy smile on my face. You’re seriously so damn sweet, thank you so much for, well for liking the things I write basically. It seriously means the world.
Second of all: This one got really long and since my day fucked up entirely and I won’t have time to write the last 1000 words right now, I thought I’d post it in chapters (hopefully I’ll be able to post chapter two tomorrow - since it’s almost finished - so you won’t have to wait long at all, please forgive me!)
Anyway, here’s chapter one! I hope it was at least somewhat along the lines of what you wanted (It takes place in the shadow-world still, but in this story Magnus and Alec didn’t meet because of Clary…):
You can read it on AO3 HERE if you’d like to!
17. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
Isabelle frowned when she walked into the dark loft. Magnus and her had decided to meet up for lunch two hours prior and when the warlock hadn’t shown up, Isabelle had assumed he’d gotten caught up in work and forgotten about the time again. So she’d gone to his apartment to find him, but seeing the empty space had her instantly worried. It wasn’t all that unusual for Magnus to forget about the time whenever he was caught up in some spell, but he was a gentleman and if he would be out of his apartment for work and risked being late, then he’d always make sure to tell whoever he was meeting up with as much.
She’d met the High Warlock of Brooklyn at a downworlder party she’d gone to for her previous boyfriend, Meliorn, a few months back and their mutual interests in both fashion and science (as Magnus had explained - mixing potions wasn’t all that different from what she was doing in her lab) had the two of them instantly clicking. Despite the night having ended with a breakup for her, after she found Meliorn in bed with two vampires, she’d still considered it a success after Magnus had invited her over to his loft for drinks to “celebrate her getting rid of the trash”, as he’d called it. Although they both knew that the Seelie had never made any promises of exclusivity to the Shadowhunter, Isabelle had still found herself appreciating the supportive sentiment. They’d been best friends ever since.
Which was why she knew something most definitely wasn’t right with the picture before her.
Picking up her phone from her pocket, Isabelle dialed Magnus’ number and waited for the dial-tone, praying to the Angel that he’d pick up - Only to have the call cut off almost immediately. Her heart beating slightly in panic, she started looking around the loft for any indication to where her friend might be. After looking through the entire apartment without any results, she picked up a shirt to try tracking him. The light flared around her hands and an image of Magnus flashed before her eyes. He was in what looked to be a cage, shouting something she couldn’t hear. She tried to focus on getting a location, but before she could get so much as a hint, something slammed into the vision and it blinked out. With a curse, she stuffed the shirt into her bag and ran towards the institute.
She needed a stronger tracking.
“Alec, I need your help!”
Alec looked up from where he’d been planning out next week’s patrol-schedule and raised his eyebrows in question to his sister’s abrupt entrance.
“I thought you were having lunch with your friend?” he said, straightening up and looking his sister over. “What’s wrong?”
“I was, but something is wrong. He didn’t show up and he wasn’t at his apartment. I tried tracking him, but I got cut off by something. I need you and Jace to use your parabatai bond to track him”, Izzy explained and Alec knew better than to question his sister’s instincts. So he simply pushed off the table and started walking towards the training-room, where he knew Jace would be - especially since Raj had walked by earlier with a put-upon sigh that told the oldest Lightwood-sibling that his brother had roped the poor guy into training with him again.
“Sorry to interrupt guys”, he announced their presence when they walked in and almost smiled at the sight of Raj throwing Jace down on his back and pinning him with a knife to his throat before they both looked up at them.
“That”, Jace panted, his eyes on Raj’s smug face, “Does not count. Alec distracted me!”
The other man just huffed a laugh, helped him to his feet with a roll of his eyes and turned to Alec with a rise of his eyebrows.
“What’s up?” Jace voiced Raj’s unvoiced question.
“Izzy needs our help to track her friend, she thinks he might be in trouble”, Alec explained and Jace nodded as he started to remove his training-gloves and walked towards them.
“I could use a small break anyway, you want us to go out with you to find him too?” he said and Alec shook his head.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll go with Izzy to check it out, call you if we need backup. You should probably go make sure Clary’s doing okay with her rune-studies anyway, leave Raj alone for once?” He gave Jace a pointed look and Raj mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him from where he was packing away the knives they’d been using.
“I have some work I need to get done anyway. You can try to beat me some other time, Blondie”, he said as he walked past them out of the room, patting Jace on the shoulder. Alec shook his head at Jace’s frown as he watched his retreating form.
“Still beating you, huh?” Alec asked and Jace returned his eyes to his parabatai with an exasperated look that made the corner Alec’s mouth lift, amused.
“I don’t know how he does it, the man is a freaking ninja! I figure out how to block one move and he’s already on to the next. It’s insane!” he answered and Alec just shrugged at him in a ‘what can you do’-manner.
“As much as I enjoy this little fanboy-moment of yours, Jace, we need to hurry up. Magnus is in trouble and I need to get to him”, Izzy spoke up, thrusting the shirt she’d brought towards them and Alec went into mission-mode as he grabbed the shirt along with Jace’s hand and started focusing on tracking the warlock.
The familiar feeling of Jace’s energy surged through him as the light swirled around their joined hands and a blurry picture opened up in his mind. He could make out the siluett of a man sitting cross-legged in a leaf-filled cell, light coming from somewhere above him. Magnus, Alec assumed as there didn’t seem to be anyone else around. He redirected his focus from the image to get a feel of where this cell was when a force slammed into him and both him and Jace grabbed the other tighter as they fought it to stay on the track. A symbol on the side of the cell caught Alec’s eye and as Jace gave his hand a small tug, he knew his parabatai had seen it to. Breathing out slowly, he felt Jace’s energy leave and slowly opened his eyes as he let go of the other’s hand.
“He’s in the Seelie-realm, in a cell of some kind. Doesn’t seem hurt though, but you’re right - we should hurry to get him out”, he answered his sister’s questioning look before walking away to get changed.
Magnus Bane was bored out of his freaking mind. Bored and irritated. He’d been stuck in this cage for hours, unable to do anything but wait for someone to notice his absence and come save him. He really hoped Isabelle hadn’t left him a message to cancel their lunch, because unless she noticed that he was gone no one would come for him in the next 24 hours. The prospect of sitting in this muddy room, with his magic drained enough to keep him from breaking out, for an entire day had him letting out another groan and letting his head fall back against the wall.
“If someone could send me a knight in shining armor to save me, that’d be great”, he grumbled towards the man-sized hole in the roof where the light was being let in. It was too high up for him to reach and possibly escape from and Magnus wasn’t too keen on risking a broken ankle in trying either, so he simply stared longingly at it and wished for a grand rescue of some kind.
“We should split up, we’ll cover more ground that way”, Alec suggested and with a confirming nod from his sister he broke away to search for her friend. He wished he could say that it was a surprise to hear that the Seelies had thrown the High Warlock of Brooklyn into a cage for some reason, but considering that during Alec’s last meeting with the Seelie Queen, she’d been just about ready to do the same to him for not wanting to sleep with her, he really and truly wasn’t. Honestly, what was a surprise to him was how the rest of the faerie-folk were still accepting her as their leader. If Valentine and his people were what gave the Shadowhunters a bad reputation, then people like the Seelie Queen most definitely was what gave downworlders theirs. He’d discussed the matter of damaging downworlder-leaders with Luke and Raphael a few days prior, and the two of them had suggested they’d bring in the High Warlock to their monthly meetings, since he apparently had the most sway over the downworld as a whole.
Alec had never met Magnus Bane, but from what he’d heard about the man he seemed like a good person with a rather wild reputation. The latter was just from what he’d been told by his parents though. Izzy had protested wildly as they’d argued that her new best friend was, in their father’s words: ‘Somewhat of a lothario who is nowhere near fitting for a young shadowhunter woman to be socializing with’, and Alec couldn’t blame her. Especially since his father, who followed Valentine blindly for years, most certainly wasn’t in any position to judge anyone else. Alec sometimes thought back to how he’d viewed downworlders only two years earlier, before befriending Luke and Raphael after Clary had stumbled into their lives and turned it upside down, and felt ashamed of his past self. He hadn’t known better at that time, of course, but that didn’t change the fact that he’d thought of himself as above so many people when he’d had no right to.
Stepping over a few fallen branches, Alec surveyed the area around him, trying to see if anything looked even the slightest familiar to what he’d seen in his tracking-vision. It was no use though, they’d been forced to leave the vision too soon and hadn’t had a chance to see anything above ground from where the warlock was held. Alec heaved a frustrated sigh and continued moving forward at a swift speed.
He didn’t even make it another two yards before something sounded behind him and Alec whirled around, bow drawn and at the ready, only to be immediately blinded by a flash of light so bright he had to shield his eyes. In the shock he took a step backwards, and where he was certain there had been solid ground just a second before, were now nothing but air. With a surprised scream, Alec fell through the gaping hole in the ground.
Magnus looked up with a frown at the bright flash above him, just a second before something - or rather someone- fell through the hole in the roof of his cell with a scream and landed right in the middle of the little room. The man looked up towards the hole with a frown, obviously cursing its existence, before rubbing slightly at where he’d landed on his hip, grimacing slightly.
“I’m not at my full power because of the stupid wards on this place, but I’m pretty sure I could heal that for you if you want?”, Magnus spoke, rising and walking towards the man, surveying him calmly as he did so.
He seemed to finally notice that he hadn’t fallen into an empty cell and snapped his eyes up towards Magnus’ voice. The warlock felt his breath catch as the light from the roof-opening hit them, making them appear almost golden, but gathered himself quickly and reached out his hand with a gesture towards the man’s hip.
“So? You want some help with that, then?” he prompted, with a rise of his brows. That appeared to be enough to shake him out of where he’d been outright staring blatantly at Magnus - obviously still surprised that there was someone else in this stupid cell, not that Magnus could blame him all that much for that - and he started rummaging through his pockets until he finally drew a stele from one of them.
Ah, a shadowhunter then, Magnus thought and finally noticed the rune running up the man’s neck as he bent over to activate his Iratze.
“Or you can do that, I guess” he mumbled and dropped his hand before returning to sit against the wall. When the man had finished healing his hip, he returned his gaze to Magnus, cocking his head slightly to the side, and the warlock was once again struck how gorgeous this man truly was. In the shadows, his eyes appeared almost green and Magnus reached his hand out again:
“Well, if we’re going to be stuck down here together, I feel like we should at the very least know each other’s name. I’m..”
The man rose slightly from his seat to grab Magnus’ hand this time as he interrupted.
“Magnus Bane, yeah I know. I’m actually…” he started, before looking around, a frown etched on his face once again.
“Uhm… Well, I’m here to… To rescue you, actually. I came with my sister, she was worried when you didn’t show up for lunch and…” he looked at Magnus again and, to the warlock’s delight, seemed to forget what he was talking about the second their eyes met. Magnus raised his eyebrows in question at the statement and hummed in acknowledgement before he spoke:
“As much as I appreciate the whole ‘handsome knight in a not-so-very-white and shining armor coming to my rescue’, they usually tend to avoid falling into the cage with the princess. Well, prince in this case”, he teased and smiled as a blush rose on the other’s cheeks.
“Yeah, that’s… That wasn’t exactly part of the plan”, the man admitted and Magnus squeezed his hand where he was still holding on to it, dragging him slightly towards him to lean against the wall instead of sitting in the middle of the room. The shadowhunter followed without complaint and Magnus smiled to himself at that.
“Well, since it looks like we’ll be trapped here for a while why don’t you…” he started and then the man’s words from earlier registered with him and he looked up at him with a huge smile blooming freely on his lips.
“Wait, did you say sister? Isabelle sent you? She’s here?” he asked, more than excited about the prospect of the man not being all alone on this rescue-mission.
“Yeah, we split up and she went the other way. I… I’m not entirely sure when she’ll be here though”, the man confirmed and then muttered something about hoping she was smarter than him and didn’t accidentally fall in here with them too. Magnus cocked his head as he regarded this new information. Isabelle had told him she had three brothers and looking at the man before him he registered the physical attributes his friend had used to describe them all with. He hummed slightly to himself before saying:
“Tall, dark hair, gorgeous hazel-eyes and a preference for the bow… You must be Alexander then?” he purred and the blush on the man’s cheeks deepened furiously.
“Alec”, the man - Alec Lightwood apparently - corrected him with a nod.
***A/N: I hope you like it thus far and I’ll try to hurry up and get chapter two up for you by tomorrow! Also: I’m writing some other fluffy malec-things that were supposed to be posted during the day, but since my day just got completely fucked up they might have to wait until the weekend… ugh, life! Sorry!If you have any prompt you’d like to send me (or simply share your thoughts on some matter), my ask-box is always open! If you’d like to give me one of the number-prompts, then you can find the different numbers HERE!
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