#either that or i start the count of monte cristo in november
devitalise · 2 years
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another round of music i’ve been listening to this week x
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lightbeyondeden · 4 years
New York
New York
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
a/n: This will have a part two that ripped my heart out to write - however this one is very fluffy and i love these babies
Wordcount: 1.5k
Warnings: foreplay?, implied smut, some pining yk, pretentious writing, alcohol 
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Hotels had always seemed like such a magical place to both Y/n and Spencer. Y/n loved the anonymity they brought, like you could be anyone or do anything for your stay because you knew no one and no one knew you. 
Spencer’s infatuation came from a more childish side of his brain - a side which he seldom got to express. Due to the circumstances he grew up under, he had never really been on vacation. Even in his adulthood, he was either in school, taking care of his mother, or, later, dealing with the never ending stream of cases that came with his FBI job.
That is all to say that when they arrived at their New York hotel room on that November afternoon, they were both grinning like children let loose in a candy store. 
When the pair crossed the threshold from hallway to room, all of the anxieties they shared about taking time away from work melted away. Heads no longer clouded with “what if the team needs us” or “no one else is taking their own time off!”, all that mattered now was that they had a full seven days to spend together. 
Spencer had been Y/n’s best friend for as long as she had worked for the BAU. From the first time she stepped off the elevator into the bullpen, she knew she could trust Spencer. She could still remember how he had instantly come to her aid when the boxes of stuff she was carrying to her new desk had started to slip in her grasp. She remembered his kind eyes and soft voice, she remembered how attractive he had looked in that navy cardigan and those thick rimmed glasses. 
Y/n had been Spencer's best friend for 4 years 7 months and 3 days. He was sure she was her best friend when she let him borrow her copy of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ after he said he wanted to revisit some french classics. Her book was filled with highlighter and notes in margins and dog-eared pages, and somehow Spencer found himself enjoying her commentary more than he was enjoying the actual story. He knew she was attractive the second he saw her, but he fell for the version of her she left on the pages. He read her copy 27 times.
They knew everything about each other, all the favourites and firsts and pet peeves, and they loved each other for them - not in spite of them. However, there was one minor detail they had neglected to share;
They are both desperately in love with each other - and neither knows the other feels the same way. 
Which is why when they decided to take a trip to New York City they booked a hotel room with two beds, not one. 
Spencer was sitting on the bed closest to the window, thinking to himself that the traffic in this area was much less dense than it had been when they were closer to Times Square, and that he was right to have chosen this hotel. That self-congratulatory thought was interrupted by Y/n walking out of their now shared bathroom in a mossy green coloured two piece swimsuit. 
“Ta-daaa!” She giggled as she threw her hands in the air and spun around for Spencer.
He shot her a questioning look, keeping his eyes strictly on her face. As much as he enjoyed seeing her like this, he definitely didn’t want her to know that.
“This hotel has an awesome pool, we’re going.” She clarified. “Go get changed brainiac.”
“Do you know how much bacteria resides in the average public swimming pool? The chances of-”
“Please don’t ruin this for me. I’ll drag you down there if I have to.” She shot him a look that said she meant it, and Spencer had never been good at saying no to her anyway, so they went swimming. 
Next on their New York agenda was dinner - ‘somewhere nice,’ Spencer had said when they were planning the trip, ‘we order takeout together all the time! For one I would like to eat off a plate instead of out of a box.
That was a funny thing for Spencer to say, Y/n decided, because Spencer Reid was the king of only eating food from a box - who was he classing it up for? It would only later occur to her that she had been the one he was trying to impress.
Weeks before their trip, Spencer had hesitantly knocked on the door of Emily’s office to ask her to help him choose a restaurant. The whole interaction had him bright red and uncomfortable, but he wanted to take Y/n somewhere as nice as she deserved. Though the prices would mean making their own coffee for the rest of the year, he chose Gramercy Tavern as the perfect spot. Elegant, but not quite romantic - after all, they were best friends, nothing more.
Y/n wore a pale purple silk dress that made Spencer’s heart do backflips. In the taxi he couldn't help but run his hand over the fabric on her knee. It felt icy and crisp, much like Y/n’s hands did when they wrapped around the space above his elbow as they stood and waited to be seated.
The waitress brought them champagne, a glass or two went before they even noticed they were drinking. Another during conversation, and then some wine ‘to pair with the food’. Before the pair knew it they were red faced and slurring their words. The check was paid, they were in a cab, even Spencer’s own memory was missing pieces. It seemed like time was going by faster than the planes taking off over the busy skyline. 
Y/n didn’t even realize what she was doing when her lips met his. She saw Spencer hover the keycard over the sensor in the door and then push it open, she saw him run a hand through his hair and turn to look at her, she saw the love in his eyes when he did. She just reached out, cupped her palm to his cheek and pulled his face down to join their lips. 
Spencer instantaneously looped his fingers in the hair just above the nape of her neck. When her tongue found its way into his mouth he could taste wine and the salad she had eaten at dinner - and it was the only thing he wanted to taste for the rest of his life. The pair backed through the door of the hotel room without ever breaking the kiss, knocking into corners and walls on their way to the bed. Hands and arms and legs all entangled in the darkness made them look like a creature Spencer would’ve read about with his mother all those years ago. 
They finally broke apart, gasping for air still desperately grasping at every inch of the other they could find. The light from the city dusted the room with the colour of the curtains, painting the pair in an angelic hue. When Spencer finally caught his breath he looked over her. Y/n looked beautiful - all the words in his brain and he could only think that one. Possessing. Gorgeous. The straps of her dress had slipped down her shoulders, her hair was teased from his hands, her lipstick smeared. Perfect. Angelic.
“Is something wrong?” She asked shyly, feeling Spencer's gaze all over her. 
“N-no.” His breath was hot, she could feel it on her own face. “You’re just... you’re beautiful.”
A stronger blush than just the one the alcohol had created pooled across both of their faces. She leaned back and let her head softly hit the bed as Spencer left soft cherry kisses across her neck and collarbone. He felt her stomach push up against his pelvis as she arched her back, writhing under his touch. Her hands gripped tightly onto both the hotel bed sheets and the back of Spencer’s head as he slipped her dress down to gather above her hips. 
She reached her cold fingers around Spencer's belt buckle and made quick work of it, unleashing his erection with the sound of his pants and underwear hitting the floor. 
Spencer - with plans of his own - pushed her back down into the sheets and instead peppered kisses down Y/n’s stomach and over her thighs. 
Y/n balled the bedding underneath her tightly in her fist and let out a string of curses and variations of Spencer’s name she had been holding onto thus far.
Y/n’s head was pounding - she would never have thought whatever drinks the waiter had brought them last night would’ve been strong enough to give her a hangover like this. 
Spencer’s back stung - he would’ve thought it was bleeding if it weren’t for the bleach white sheets underneath him. 
The pairs legs were still intertwined, and as both of them shook off sleep and rolled over into each other from under the light duvet. Y/n’s eyes were the first to flutter open, they met Spencers closed lids only inches away. She recoiled, the events of the last night flooding back to her, and she could see her best friend go through the same stages of stark realization when he was jostled by her exit from their shared bed. 
Wide eyed, open mouthed, twisted guts. Neither could speak - until they did;
“What the hell did we do?”
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alittlebook-ish · 7 years
18 Book-ish Questions for 2018!
Ahoy there my fellow readers and book eaters! Welcome to 2018! 
I hope you all are having a marvelous year so far, and you are all buckling down trying to make progress on your reading goals! If not, don’t fret, there’s still a long year waiting for us! 
I’m posting this later than I intended because I’ve been so wrapped up in some winter cleaning! But here it is: a glimpse into my 2018! 
How many books did you read in 2017? What did you set your 2018 reading goal as?
I set my goal for 20 books this year, and I read 29. 
As for 2018, I set my current goal to 35 books, but it wouldn’t be surprising if I end up changing in. For my Spring semester alone I’m required to read 15 books, along with texts from the Shakespeare textbook (I just don’t know if they’re full plays). There’s at least 30 books I want to read on my own free time...so I’m interested to see where this year takes me. 
Thoughts about your year in reading?
I think overall I had a really good year! A majority of the books I read this year were either 4 or 5 stars for me, and I found two authors who’s books I honestly love with every inch of me! My biggest regret tho was my reading slump between September and November, where I had a hard time finishing anything because I just wanted to read a specific book that I couldn’t have quite yet. Also, it was a really big year for buying books....really big year. 
How many books are you planning to read this year?
Somewhere between 35-40 books. With school and my job I just don’t have the time or patience to read every book I want. Compared to 2017′s reading goal of 20 books, 35-40 seems ambitious, but I need to read about 16 of those for my English minor.
What are your goals in 2018 as a reader?
1. Read more diversely. 
2. Read different genres. 
3. Read through at least half the books I own before buying more.
4. Read the books lent to me that I’ve been holding onto for forever.
5. Finish the books I’ve abandoned.
6. Read more classics. 
What are the Top 5 books on your TBR for 2018?
1. All of Maria V. Snyder’s books (that I haven’t finished...counting these as one)
2. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
3. Storm and Siege by Leigh Bardugo
4. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor 
5. The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog  by Dr. Bruce Perry 
An author you’d like to read (that you’ve never read before):
Leigh Bardugo. I’ve heard nothing but praise for her work, and as a lover of all things fantasy I think I’d really be into her books! I always walk past her books while I’m browsing in Barnes and Noble, and 9/10 times I’m drawn to at least pick it up. I also couldn’t count the amount of times someone has recommended Six of Crows to me. Hopefully next year I decide to follow through and buy one of her books! 
A book you’d like to read:
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. SJM gets a lot of praise in the book community, and a lot of people recommend A Court of Thorns and Roses and the remainder of that trilogy (or is it a quartet? I can’t remember). While I can’t say ACOTAR is of interest to me at this point in my life, I was always drawn to the Throne of Glass series...but I never bought the first book because I didn’t like the cover (yes...I’m one of those people). However, the UK edition made me want to purchase at least the first installment in the series because I am a total sucker for that white aesthetic. 
A book you’d like to re-read:
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. And Then There Were None has always been one of my favorite required readings, and it’s been seven or eight years since I’ve read it cover to cover. This past summer I picked it up several times to try and re-read it, but I always ended up putting it down in favor for another book. Hopefully this year, I’ll finally make it through. 
A book you’ve had for ages and want to read:
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. I bought this book on Amazon in May of 2014. That poor book has been sitting on my shelf for over three and a half years, waiting for someone to pick it up and read it’s story. Again, this book is talked about a lot by some of my favorite Goodreads reviewers, and they hold this book in high regard. This will probably be one of my summer reads, but I’m going to try and make it happen!
A book you started in 2017 and need to finish
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. There’s at least a hundred other books I should read but this one...I kinda need to return. I love swashbuckling adventures, and my coworker lent me this book to read but school and life happened, and I was never able to get through the first few dozen pages. But...I kinda need to finish it before summer.
A big book you’d like to read:
Iluminae by Amie and Jay Kristoff. It’s not that big of a book, but it’s 599, which is probably one of the bigger books I intend on reading in 2018. Though Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss are up there too (it’s just a matter of if and when I get to them). 
An author you’ve previously read and want to read more of:
Agatha Christie. I’ve started collecting up her paperback books, because I honestly love a good detective story mixed in with all the fantasy I read! Whenever I go to the bookstore I tend to spot a lot of cozy mysteries, and I’m not necessarily into all of that side of mystery, thought they are fun to read. However, Christie was such a great writer, and a lot of her books are true classics. 
A book you got for Christmas and would like to read:
Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius by Marc Seifer. Before Christmas, I had an argument with my grandma about Einstein and Tesla, and how much better Tesla was. I guess that prompted her to buy me a biography on him (actually...two biographies). Regardless, I really want to try to read more nonfiction this year and to learn something new. 
A series you want to read from start to finish:
Avry of Kazan trilogy by Maria V. Snyder. Once I close the cover on Ixia and Sitia, I want to pick up Snyder’s other fantasy trilogy! I love how Maria explains her worlds and her magic system, so I can’t wait to start something new! (Book 1, 2, 3)
A series you want to finish that you’ve already started:
The Chronicles of Ixia series by Maria V. Snyder. The Study books are some of my favorite books of all time, and I’m three books from finishing the 9 book series! (Book 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Most anticipated 2018 release?
The Darkest Legacy by Alexandra Bracken. Set for release on August 7th! I’m so excited that Zu is getting her own standalone novel! The Darkest Minds trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies of all time, and I love everything Alexandra Bracken writes. 
Most anticipated book turned movie/TV show?
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. Set to be in theaters September 14th! I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited to see a trailer for the movie, and when I finally see it I might honestly cry. 
Any New Year’s Resolutions?
I’m really trying to get my shit together this year. I spent the two weeks completely gutting my room, getting rid of all the old stuff that no longer makes me happy or no longer need. I must’ve had almost 20 bags of trash because I honestly just got rid of absolutely everything. I sorted out books and clothes for donations as well! It feels good to just relieve myself of all that clutter, and I intend on doing so for the rest of the year! 
I also want to work on some writing this year. I just finished a Creative Writing course and it was honestly so much fun being able to just let my thoughts flow, so I’m going to try and do some more this year. Especially with my camp season coming up!
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scribewizard · 4 years
Top 10 Revenge Films
In Films, there are characters that are wronged.  Usually, the pick up the pieces and move on, for other’s it’s Revenge.  I wanted to create lists again and revenge films have been one I have been itching to try out.  Now, there are some rules to this list.  
1.       Must be the whole movie for the characters trying to get revenge.  
2.       The Person with the Revenge can either succeed or fail in their revenge
3.       Killing may or may not be involved with the act of Revenge
Here are my honorable mentions.  The ones that could have been on the list, but I canceled on at last minute.  
Honorable Mentions
Carrie – Even though it’s just one student that pranked Carrie White, it wasn’t enough to put it on the list.  
Gangs of New York –  As much as I love the revenge in this movie, the ten that are on the list were simply better than this tale.    
Robo Cop- While Robo Cop unknowingly gets revenge on the person that puts him into the Robo Cop suit, it wasn’t stronger than the other contenders on this list.  
Conan the Barbarian – Same story as Gangs of New York
Grand Torino- It only had one moment of revenge.  
Revenge of the Sith – While it has Revenge in its name, I felt this was more of a takeover than an actual revenge story.    
Now, let’s get on with our list.  
10. Gladiator (2000)
Let’s start our list off with a Roman tale.  
Maximus is seeking revenge against Emperor Commundus for killing his family and putting him through slavery. What makes this revenge exception is how he put through the Gladiator colosseum and throws everything at him Yet, Maximus preservatives.  
9. V for Vendetta (2005)
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November.  The gunpowder treason and plot.  I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.  
Now, I know I might be cheating with this one, but bear with me.  V for Vendetta, based on a comic book, tells of a vigilante named V that sets out to change the country through his terrorist acts.  The first part of the film is V’s revenge for being experimented on, but the film becomes more about V’s actions as he sets to destroy the corrupted government.  
8. Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Clive Shelton is seeking revenge against a flawed Justice system that gave a lighter sentence to a criminal that killed his family.  What makes this revenge so fascinating is that Clive is always one step ahead of his opposites.  When you think he’s doing one thing, he’s doing another.  The film paints Shelton as a criminal, but it almost makes you want him to succeed.  
7. Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Probably the oldest revenge story on this list, the Count of Monte Cristo is about Edmond Dantes, who is falsely imprisoned and betrayed.  While imprisoned, Edmond is given to a map to a treasure.  Using the treasure, Edmond establishes himself as the ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ and sets to get his revenge on those that imprisoned him.
What makes this revenge tale fascinating is that it’s a revenge story about hope.  While in jail, Edmond still holds onto hope that he’ll be reunited with his girlfriend.  The story has been shared multiple times, but I think the 2002 version is my favorite version of the story to date.  
6. Taken (2008)
Bryan Mills is a retired agent; who’s daughter was taken by gangster that try to sell her in a sex slave auction. While the daughter doesn’t die, Mills uses his “particular set of skills” in order to track her down.
While Taken has two sequels, it’s the first film that really got audience’s attention.
5 Punisher (2004)
We’re halfway there now.
Cop Frank Castle and his family is killed by mobsters.  However, Frank Castle is the only survivor despite his death.  So, he goes through a killing spree taking out all sorts of characters to avenge his dead family.
What I really love about the Punisher is that he doesn’t really have any powers.  He has marksmanship, military experience, and a brilliant tactician, but he doesn’t have any superpowers unlike some of the other Marvel Superheroes.
While the Punisher has had many movies, tv shows, my favorite version is the 2004 movie with Thomas Jane.  
4 Old Boy (2003)
The only revenge film on this list that’s a foreign movie.  
What people don’t know is that it’s a part of a trilogy of films called the Vengeance Trilogy
This South Korean film is about a man being imprisoned for fifteen years.  When he gets out, he wants revenge on the man that framed him for killing his wife, took away his daughter.  He meets up with a woman named Mi-do and goes to protect her while claiming his revenge.  
So, there is a bit of spoilers for this movie that I will not give away.  I want people to experience this movie like I did.  The best part of this movie is the twist at the end.  
There is an American version with Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen, but I consider the 2003 version to be superior version.  It might have English Subtitles, but I consider it to be a great movie.  
3 Kill Bill Volume 1/Volume 2 (Volume 1: 2003 Volume 2: 2004)
This one is a tie, but it’s an explainable tie.  A day or so ago, by the time of writing, my cousin told me that he can’t watch Infinity War without watching Endgame.  That really spoke to me because I can’t watch Kill Bill Volume 1 without watching Volume 2. It’s about closure, people.  
How could I not make a Revenge Film list without including the Bride (She has a name but I’m calling her the Bride).  
The Bride is killed by Bill and the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad via shot in the head.  The gunshot only comatose the Bride (???? I don’t know how that works but I’ll try to suspend my disbelief) for four years and after those years, she goes on a quest to kill those involved in two movies.  
What really fascinates me about this series that it feels like a foreign movie.  Quentin Tarano really outdid himself with these movies. The way the Bride gets her revenge, how each of their deaths is unique.  
My hope is that Zendaya does take on the role of Nikki, the child of one of the members of the Deadly Vipers, for a new Kill Bill film.  
2 John Wick (2014)
Much like the previous film on this is, I couldn’t make this list without the inclusion of this great movie.
John Wick is a retired hitman who’s settling down after the death of his wife.  While out with his lovely pupper, John is attacked by a group of mobsters, his car was stolen and they killed his dog.  (WHY DID YOU KILL THE DOG?)
Out for blood, John stops at nothing to avenge the death of his beloved dog, Daisy.  This film is action packed and revenge filled to the bloody end.  Much like Taken, John Wick has two sequels, but a fourth one is being made.  
What I love most about this film is how driven John Wick is.  He stops at nothing to get his desired revenge.  
Also, I can’t stress this enough: WHY DID YOU KILL THE DOG?
1 The Gift (2015)
“See what happens when you poison someone’s mind with lies.”
You know, I actually thought that John Wick was my favorite revenge film.  It wasn’t until I saw this movie that really changed my mind about revenge movies.  While John Wick and the other films were great revenge films, this film shattered my expectations.  
Unlike the other films on this list, The Gift doesn’t have any human deaths.  It doesn’t need to have them in order to pull off the revenge of this movie.  
Simon and Robin move into a new home.  While shopping, they run into an old class mate of Simon’s named Gordo.  
With that premise, one could easily predict that it’s going to be the clichéd new person turns out to be evil.  However, part of the film’s wit’s and reason for being number one is that it shatters that illusion.  
Throughout the film, most assumed Simon was the good guy and Gordo was bad.  As you watch this film, you see that alignment shifting when you learn more about Simon and Gordo’s past.  The Gift plays with themes of Lies and what a person can turn out to be.  
So, that was my list of Revenge films.  Did you like it?  Do you think there should have been a movie I missed?  Let me know your thoughts on it.  
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blackhatclubblog · 8 years
Final Autumn WWW.... KOREAN: ~ Oh My Geum Bi Empress: While I have seen some good reviews of the drama so far...I'm really not feeling like watching a drama about a child dying... Ambassador: Not really, no.  It sounds like a good story but not for my life right now. Unni: I’ve heard a lot of really good things about this drama and the fact that it has small children in it has me tempted to try it. ~ Night Light Empress: Not right now, but something about it tells me I'll check it out at some point. (I am curious. If it's about 3 unlikeable people, I won't watch it. But...XD Time Between Dog and Wolf could have sounded similarly stark and unlikable, but I adore that drama.) Ambassador: YES, BECAUSE JIN GOO IN A LEAD ROLE.  Also Uee, whose acting I like.  The writer wrote Time Between Dog and Wolf, Empress, which also intrigues me. Unni: Not my kind of drama really, so I am going to be skipping. ~ Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Empress: I was thinking no, partially on principle alone - that the drama was departing so sharply from its inspiration of Jang Mi Ran - but I have heard some very good things about it and if it continues to be good, I just might end up watching it. XD Ambassador: I wasn't originally going to but I've been seeing clips on IG that are totally cute.  Also, Nam Joo Hyuk is one of the best young actors around right now. Unni: Okay the name caught my name so I sat down and watched episode one and laughed my head off. Episode two had me laughing and fangirling and screaming at people either in sympathy or stupidity. I am hooked on this one. ~ Father I'll Take Care of You Empress: ....I can't say I'm intrigued... Ambassador: Not my cup of tea. Unni: This one sounds a little miserable. ~ Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim Empress: I am still trying to finish Doctors...so was going to say flat out NO...but I have seen some almost realistic pieces on Tumblr...it might go to the bottom of my list. XD Ambassador: Probably not, not even for Seo Hyun Jin or Jin Kyung.  Too busy with other things.  It's getting really good ratings but I just have way too much on my plate. Unni: I’ve seen random clips that make me sort of curious about this one, but this isn’t my typical drama. We’ll see if I play with this one or pass. ~ Legend of the Blue Sea Empress: I haven't seen Lee Min Ho in anything truly watchable for quite a while. I want this to be good so badly. And so far I'm liking it. XD Ambassador: HOW IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION???  IT'S LEE MIN HO.  IN A MERMAID DRAMA.  WITH A DUAL HISTORICAL/MODERN STORYLINE.  Yes, I'm watching.  Plus, it's the director of City Hunter and writer of My Love From Another Star. Unni: I’ve started watching this one and have decided that I need to see more. I randomly love stories about mermaids...and it’s good to see LMH in something that I might enjoy once again. ~ Entourage Empress: Naw...I was uninterested in the American version, and so far I've heard nothing inspiring whatsoever about this one... Ambassador: I haven't seen the American drama of which this is a remake and I don't plan to see this either. Unni: Interesting, it doesn’t sounds like something I am interested in committing to. CHINESE: ~ Legend of Ace Empress: I like that it's a story about the steward, and how he helps someone else achieve greatness...I don't know that I'd want to watch 40 episodes about it.. Ambassador: I'm mildly interested in this one.  'Power behind the throne' storylines can be pretty intriguing when done right. Unni: Interesting, I won’t end up watching it though. ~ Simple Man Empress: Somehow making a deal with a devil doesn't sound like accidental circumstances...I'm not in the mood for comic book devil-deal-making. Ambassador: Sounds pretty standard comic book fare.  Marvel is the only comic book drama I've been interested in lately, so I probably won't try this. Unni: Not my typical interest so I’ll be skipping. ~ The Princess Wei Young Empress: It's so loooooong...it looks kind of gorgeous, though...I'm a bit on the fence. XD Ambassador: YES.  I've been keeping an eye on it for a while.  Vanness Wu and Tiffany Tang and a great plot, if somewhat standard.  It's been generating a lot of buzz online so I'm planning to see it. Unni: This actually sounds interesting. I might have to give this a try. ~ Best Lover Empress: Innnnnnteresting blending...I may have seen too many fake-relationship dramas at the moment, because I'm not finding myself terribly drawn to this one. Ambassador: It appears to be a Chinese/Korean crossover drama?  Korean stars, but a Chinese drama.  Zhou Mi is the main lead and if I watch it it would be for him but even that isn't likely unless I bizarrely find myself sick. Unni: I am curious about this one simply because it has Zhou Mi in it and he’s been posting stills on his Instagram. But then again I have a hard time committing to any Chinese dramas sooooooooooooo. ~ Weapon Soul Empress: LOL. Poor family and friends. I'm rolling my eyes too hard already to put it on my list. XD Ambassador: Wuxia, yessss.  This one sounds so cliche, boy-fantasy-come-true but I'm going to try it at some point just for the fun of it. Unni: Okay, interesting, but no thank you. ~ Shuttle Love Millennium Empress: .....how does Queen In Hyun's Man fit in there anywhere...also I might be a little too much a fan of QIHM, because I can't seen anybody doing that story better. The other sounds more interesting, only because HA somebody would have to grow up in a hurry and it could be very amusing. Ambassador: The storyline sounds hilarious.  I plan to check it out.  Also, Puff Guo was adorable as Heechul's onscreen wife in We Got Married Global edition or whatever it was called. Unni: This sounds interesting, I might have to find out more...we’ll see. ~ Fox in the Screen Empress: Okay, it's shorter...and sounds kind of awesome. From the trailer it might be too black-magic-fantasy for me, but if not, I'll watch it. Ambassador: This storyline + comedy + fantasy.  YES PLEASE. Unni: This sounds HILARIOUS! TAIWANESE: ~ Behind Your Smile Empress: "His goodwill is anything but benign." I'm somewhat curious...though my list might just be too long... Ambassador: The way the synopsis presents the storyline feels a bit lame but this drama could be interesting.  I'll wait and see what online buzz has to say about it. Unni: As my Taiwanese friends (who mostly all watch Korean dramas) say—Some of Taiwan's stories are just weird! ~ V-Focus Empress: Okay, that sounds kind of awesome. Ambassador: Bodyguards + enemies + Swiss Family Robinson = ABSOLUTELY. Unni: I might have to try this one out. It sounds like it could be fun. ~ 700 Sui Lu Cheng Empress: It sounds super sweet, but not what I want to watch. Ambassador: Sounds like an adorable storyline but not my cup of tea. Unni: AWW!!!! but no thank you. CANTONESE: ~ My Lover From the Planet Meow Empress: ....................I feel like these just keep getting weirder and weirder????? and while if this was a book I'd grab it and flip through it, I'm not sure I want to commit to an entire drama of it...I might watch for clips or something, just to see what on earth it's like. XD Ambassador: I'm dying because it seems the latest installment in the You Who Came From Another Star franchise + the Space Kitties book anthology series.  I'll watch this out of sheer curiosity. Unni: I AM LAUGHING...but no thank you, very kindly. ~ Dead Wrong Empress: Almost, but not quite. There's a few others I'd be more interested in watching with similar themes. Ambassador: Shades of the Count of Monte Cristo but not enough to draw me into adding this to my overcrowded list. Unni: This just sounds too crazy to try and wrap my head around and I don’t need to throw in a language I am not learning. ~ Two Steps From Heaven Empress: Night Light I think will be my drama on this theme...probably enough, and with slightly better morals, I'm thinking. Ambassador: Nooooot interested, even for Edwin Siu. Unni: Lovely, but no thank you. ~ No Reserve Empress: "The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne..." Wait, what? Ah. If the Ambassador likes it, I will check it out. XD Ambassador: The storyline is quite interesting, plus Myolie and Edwin.  I'm adding it to my list. Unni: Interesting I like the idea of it, but once again. Thank you, but no. Which of these have you been watching?
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