#either they entered the gateway as part of the ritual or they fled to the gateway which both leads into them popping out in hellcatch
chaosgenasi · 2 years
having hishari thoughts. inchresting that 1) the lyth-priest's -- possibly ashton’s dad’s -- helmet, (once again could be a coincidence, but i keep thinking about "lith" being derived from "lithos," which means stone), is designed so that the leather "curls up like a living flame" 2) this passage:
[Thordak's] presence not only incinerated his enemies — it wounded the land itself. After the Cinder King’s defeat, the Tal’Dorei Council beseeched the Fire Ashari to travel from the distant lands of Issylra to Emon and lend their wisdom. The frightful Scar of the Cinder King and Thordak’s Crater, both twisted by the red dragon’s cancerous, fiery magic, were healed by the druids of the Fire Ashari over the course of about fifteen years, an act that the brightest minds of the Arcana Pansophical thought would take an epoch to achieve… Nevertheless, the Fire Ashari left behind a group of four druids, led by a female half-orc named Lorkathar. They dwell in a small stone fortress known as Flamereach Outpost — a defensive fortification used when the scar was still spawning beings of flame and hatred. They vehemently warn all who enter to avoid using elemental magic of any sort — especially fire magic — as these evocations could cause the still tender division between the Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire to resonate and tear.
3) so far, the only artifacts we have from hishari are pieces of ceremonial, leather armor that appeared slightly worn, but cleaned. leather doesn't really burn.
#basil.ramblings#idk ashton definitely saw all of the elements but it's just the question of. where that actually happened#either they entered the gateway as part of the ritual or they fled to the gateway which both leads into them popping out in hellcatch#bc thin barriers / calamity also wounded the valley / leylines#but i'm still wondering if the town itself burned bc the elemental ritual they attempted kinda re-opened that wound; plus this happened#two decades ago / presumably before the fire ashari even finished doing what they could.#also the descriptions of the destruction caused by the town (in either plane) kinda matches imogen’s storms (esp in this most recent dream)#i really really wouldn't be surprised if there were other survivors & they went on to join or lead the rogue faction in issylra#can you imagine if ashton's parents lived. the DRAMA#there’s also the ultimate tinfoil theory which is that the cult disbanded & left the town to the elementals or burned it themselves after#the ritual backfired / ppl presumably didn’t come back from the elemental plane#also there is a resting molten titan in tal'dorei and like primordial seeds & shit which doesn't pertain to issylra but i'm still eyes#also it's interesting that we so far only have the ashari perspective on the town. i am curious about how it's a cautionary tale not only#against trying to presumably control/mess with raw elemental chaos but the reference to 'traditional wisdom' from cities such as vasselheim#i am now very eyes about that meeting between the fire ashari & the tal’dorei council
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Catholicism = NOT Christianity
(And hasn’t been for a LONG-TIME)  (Trigger Alert)
Catholicism Exposed
Dear Catholics and World,
Please stop referring to Catholicism as ‘Christian.’ Just because some Catholics might want to be Christian, wanting doesn’t change an orange into an apple. I hate to explain basic terms to grown adults, especially about their own religion, but apparently it’s necessary. The fact of the matter is that to be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ; Jesus Christ that is, not the pope or priests. And whether most brainwashed or uneducated Catholics realize it or not, not only did Catholicism depart from the teachings of Jesus centuries ago, but all the real Christians left during the Protestant Reformation. And maybe because of misinformation, brainwashing, or simply a lack of education -a seemingly widespread disease, I’m sure most Catholics have completely forgotten WHY all the real Christians left. You would think such a dark and evil time responsible not only for one of the greatest bloodsheds in history, but also the 2nd greatest revolution in history (Protestant Reformation) –after the birth of Christianity, would not be so forgotten by so many. Or maybe this history has been buried deliberately. Considering the Catholic Church is one of the most powerful, wealthiest, and influential organizations on the planet, with around one billion followers, we should not be surprised if they have went to extensive efforts to hide the fact that they were responsible for mass murdering and torturing real Christians for centuries –from the 1200’s to the 19th century! I know my real Christian brothers have not forgotten the Inquisitions. This pure evil religious persecution was one of the reasons we Protestants fled to America! It’s very disturbing to me how so many people can subscribe to a system they seem to know nothing about, especially a system which has set itself up both as a moral authority and as a mediator between man and God. If the fact that Catholicism, formerly known as the Holy Roman Empire, is estimated to have killed tens of millions, maybe even 100+ million, of real Christians, cruelly torturing and imprisoning many more throughout their various Inquisitions (Episcopal Inquisition, Papal Inquisition, Medieval Inquisitions, Roman Inquisition, Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition, Peruvian Inquisition, Mexican Inquisition) across every continent, isn’t enough to convince you to stop referring to Catholicism as Christian, then let me break down the fundamental corrupted Christian-Catholic doctrines for you in order to explain in more detail why Catholicism is absolutely NOT Christian.
1.)    First of all, Jesus clearly taught us to love our enemies (Mtt 5:44). Also, the 6th Commandment (Ex. 20:13) clearly states, “Thou shalt not kill.’ Catholicism not only clearly violated this commandment, en masse, but even today currently disregards this Judeo-Christian teaching. If you think Catholicism today is any different or better than a century ago, I strongly advise you on an education concerning Jesuit history. In short, Jesuits have been responsible for nearly every political assassination, revolution, and war, since Napoleon, in attempt to restore their Holy Roman Empire and destroy Protestantism, as is their stated mission. Jesuits are militant zealots and have been the strong arm of the Catholic Church since the Inquisitions and Protestant Reformation. We should be very worried now that a Jesuit is pope, with numerous other world leaders either openly Jesuit or closet Jesuits known at least to have attended Jesuit school (Donald Trump). This unity movement championed full-time by this current Jesuit pope is nothing more than a step towards restoring their global Church-State. Make no mistake, they are literally wolves in sheep’s clothing. Once the pope assumes control over the coming New World Empire, aka (soon to be) Holy Roman Empire, his true colors will come out. Interestingly, the Bible prophesied 2000 years ago about this coming end-times New World Order/Church-State in which those who did not conform and bow down before would be killed (Rev. 13:15). If you think this prophecy is ridiculous, it already happened before during the Catholic Inquisitions! Since the leaders of the Catholic Church are literally mass murdering maniacs hell bent on global domination, they are literally the exact opposite of Christian.
2.)    The first 2 ‘Commandments’ given to us from God clearly states: A.) Thou shalt have no other gods before me, and B.) NOT to ‘make any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them…” Exodus 20:4-5. Catholicism clearly violates these first 2 commandments both with their creations of images and statues everywhere of the Pope, Mary, and dead saints, but also with their bowing down and praying to these images, statues, and the Pope. What part of ‘no gods before me’ do Catholics not understand?! This means there should be NOTHING between you and God, not Mary, not priests, and not the Pope. Prayer is a form of worship and thereby idolatry! If you idolize, bow down before, or pray towards the Pope, or Mary, or dead saints, THAT’S IDOLATRY AND NOT CHRISTIANITY! Technically, Jesus did away with the need for priests: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (I Timothy 2:5) And according to Peter (I Peter 2:9) –ironically Catholicism’s first pope/priest- WE are “a royal priesthood.” Jesus also made it very clear that “(He) I am the way, the Truth, and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME (Jesus)” (John 14:6) – NOT the pope, NOT Mary, and NOT priests. According to John (I John I:9), God is the one whom we should turn towards for forgiveness of sins! And finally in John 14:14, Jesus teaches that, “If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” This means we should be praying to Jesus, no one else! It doesn’t even make sense why anyone would pray to a mortal man, let alone a dead person. Since Catholicism teaches prayer and confession towards men (idolatry) instead of God, Catholicism has literally been leading souls to hell and therefore is absolutely NOT Christian.
3.)    Baptism is a fundamental doctrine both Jesus, Peter, and Paul preached about, and therefore very important. According to Jesus, baptism is a pillar of our salvation. Jesus said in John 3:5, “…Except a man be born of water…he cannot enter into the kingdom of God…” And again in Mark 16:16 Jesus declared, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” Jesus even set the example getting baptized Himself (Mtt 3:13). Peter preaches in Acts 2:38, ‘Repent, and be baptized…” Paul teaches in Galatians 3:27 that, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Peter also teaches (I Peter 3:21) that baptism is …”the answer of a good conscience toward God…” which means baptism is a choice the individual must make, and is not a decision one can make for another. Now, the Greek word of ‘baptism’ literally means ‘to be fully-submerged,’ and in every Biblical baptism the act involves submersion in a large body of water. Since being a Christian is to be a follower of Christ, baptism is an important step in one’s faith and relationship with God. Unfortunately, Catholicism has led its members from a real baptism to a fake one. Nowhere in the Bible is there an ‘infant baptism’ even recorded, and technically, a sprinkling is not baptism. Infant baptism was originally a ‘baby dedication’ as parents sought to earn God’s favor and blessing for their newborn. Since a baby’s brain is not yet developed enough to make a commitment to God, let alone a public declaration, any attempt at baptism would be a pointless ritual. We cannot save anyone, only God. And salvation comes by faith first (John 6:47). So a real baptism can only take place when a child is mature enough to make that decision. Because the Catholic Church has corrupted and twisted this doctrine, most Catholics have never made a public confession or dedication and therefore have never been truly baptized or saved. Some might argue that God is not so petty as to deny someone from Heaven over such a seemingly trivial technicality, and might point to the thief on the cross. However, I challenge that thought for several reasons. Firstly, the thief literally could not get baptized. We have no such excuse. Secondly, all true Christians split from the corrupt and evil Catholic Church a long time ago and have been/are getting baptized. Thirdly, God gave us His Word for a reason. We will have no one to blame but ourselves if we fail to read and follow His instructions. If you’re reading this right now, it’s for a reason. You still have time. This is your wake up call. If you have only been sprinkled with water as a baby, you have NOT been baptized, and therefore you cannot call yourself a Christian! And since Catholicism does not follow this teaching of Jesus, they are not, nor can they refer to themselves as Christian.
4.)    Then there’s the fictional Catholic invention of ‘Purgatory’ somehow mystically controlled by the pope through ‘Indulgences,’ which you can, of course, purchase with a simple donation. A quick word-search using ‘Bible Gateway’ will reveal that this word ‘purgatory’ never appears in the Bible, in any translation. However, we should be deeply concerned about the intelligence of the masses who are gullible enough to believe that a mere man could control anything beyond the grave. At the very least, you’re seriously a few fries short of a happy meal. Catholics should take note that the sale of these indulgences occurred before and again recently during times of Catholic need or decline. Indulgences were first sold in order to raise money for the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica. And the recent revival of this practice coincides with the decline of Catholicism. One of the reasons Catholic leaders NEED to unite the world religions is because their power is failing as Catholics have been fleeing the church in mass after all the alter-boy raping by priests was discovered and still seems ongoing.
5.)    Catholicism’s doctrine of ‘Abstinence’ for priests is not only contradictory to Scripture, and of, ironically, their first pope, but a Devil’s Doctrine which gave rise to the recent plague of pedophilia rampant among Catholic priests, something they very much try to hide and want you to forget about. The fact of the matter is that nowhere in the Bible is sexual abstinence even mentioned, let alone encouraged or demanded. In fact, not only does Paul the Apostle teach in I Timothy 3:2 & 12 that both bishops and deacons must be the husband of (only) one wife, but the Bible clearly indicates that (Simon) Peter had a wife (Mtt. 8:14/Mark 1:29/Luke 4:38)! When the disciples asked Jesus if it was good marry (Mtt. 19:10-11), Jesus simply responded by implying that marriage wasn’t for everyone. Jesus never required of his disciples complete sexual abstinence in order to serve Him. Again in I Corinthinans 7:8, Paul teaches that it is ‘better to marry than to burn.’ And tellingly, one of the 2 times abstinence IS mentioned in the Bible (the first referencing ‘things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood.’) is right after Paul warns us of devil’s doctrine’s, which include ‘forbidding to marry.’
6.)    In Matthew 23:9, Jesus clearly teaches that we should “…call no man your (our) father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven,’ a teaching which clearly contradicts the Catholic practice of calling priests and the pope ‘father.’
7.)    In Matthew 23:12, Jesus teaches, “…whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased,” a clear contradiction to the Catholic practice of exalting the pope and priests and other Catholic Church leaders.
8.)    Jesus (Mtt. 19:17) and Paul (Romans 3:12) both taught that ‘there is none…good,’ yet Catholicism teaches that the pope is ‘holy,’ a clear contradiction to the teachings of the Bible and Jesus.
9.)    Finally, in closing, I want to briefly highlight Revelation 13, 17 & 18 which not only clearly describes the Roman Catholic Church as the evil Beast/Anti-Christ system, but prophesied its destruction. So Revelation 17 is a prophetic Biblical passage which describes a future Church-State New World Order where a political-religious leader controls all buying and selling through some kind of mark (RFID/Chip/Digital Currency), and kills all those who refuse to worship his image. For those paying attention, it’s clear we are quickly headed in this direction, especially now with a Jesuit pope fully engaged in religious unity, the emergence of crypto-currencies, and with numerous global leaders pushing for a ‘New World Order.’ A quick study of Revelation 17 reveals numerous descriptions of this Beast/Anti-Christ system, clarifying (Rev. 17:18) that this system is represented by a city. There’s only one city which fits every description, and that’s the Vatican City, which became its own kingdom, a sovereign city-state, in 1929. Let me quickly break it down for you. Verse 1 of Revelation 17 refers to this city as a whore. Since a woman in the Bible commonly and metaphorically refers to God’s Church as a bride/woman, a whore would metaphorically represent a corrupt church, especially if that corrupt church gave birth to or controls numerous other corrupt denominations, as the Catholicism has done/is doing through this recent ‘unity movement.’ Verse 4 describes this woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, and having a golden cup. All these symbols and colors are obvious tokens of Catholicism and in fact could be related to no other. Verse 6 describes this woman as being ‘drunk with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus…” Who else is responsible for killing millions of Jesus followers other than the Roman Catholic Church during more than five centuries of bloody Inquisitions? Verse 9 describes this corrupt church as sitting on seven mountains, which not only does Rome (Vatican-City) sit on 7 hills, but you could say the Catholic Church sits on the seven mountains of land/continents. Verse 1 also describes this corrupt church as sitting ‘upon many waters,’ which in verse 15 is explained as being ‘peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues’ a perfect description of the Catholic Church. Finally, verse 2 describes an improper relationship between the kings of the world and this corrupt church, with verse 15 declaring that this city ‘reigneth over the kings of the earth.’ Since the Catholic Church is working hand-in-hand with global leaders towards a New World Order, currently under the guise of a this unity movement –can’t have a New World Order without first uniting religions), which will eventually enforce a one world religion (it happened before during the Inquisitions), while this specific part of the prophecy may not be abundantly clear to all just yet, it’s about to be.
If you want to be a Christian, you should not be supporting the Catholic Church, an evil and bloody system literally destroying lives, raping boys, stealing and wasting your money, and literally leading souls to hell. Get out now! And for now, stop associating Catholicism with Christianity, and stop blaming Christianity for the evils perpetuated by the fake Christian-Catholic Church!
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