#either this or someone with a very british vocab like. what's all this then. bit sad innit. your MUM. WITH THE ACCENT 😭😭😭
jakejeffreyperalta ¡ 1 year
fav genre of character is when a character will make up the silliest sounding bullshit to avoid cursing. it doesn't even matter if they are allowed to say fuck or not. they will always willingly choose to say something like "holy macaroni!!!! apples and bananas!!!! son of a monkey!!! barnacles!!! corn nuts!!!" it's just so funny to me.
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mimzy-writing-online ¡ 5 years
10/10/10 Tag Game
Thank you to @emdop for tagging me in this. This is their tag game here
How it works, answer ten questions your tagger gave you, make ten new questions and tag ten new people to answer.
1. For any of your OCs: What’s their favorite drink?
Ulric: black coffee or cappuccino for a treat
Anna: Earl Grey tea
Felix: English Breakfast tea
2. What very specific thing do you like to write the most?
The scene when two characters sit down and talk, opening up to each other
3. Favorite Tropes?
Friends to lovers, slow burn friendship, slow burn romance, found family, 
4. Least Favorite Tropes?
Enemies to Lovers with no friend stage, 
5. What is something you’ve always wanted to write?
A Witch’s Memory is something I’ve wanted to write for the longest time, but other projects I think about a lot:
A whimsical magic in a completely different world. A Witch’s Memory is only a different version of our modern world, one where magic is normalized like science and technology. I want to write something in a fantasy world that completely turns everything we know upside down, with climates and natural environments only from our wildest dreams and an era that is only partially recognizable in its fashion and technology, pulling from every era into a wonderful cluster of confusion and fascination.
Soft-fantasy novel set in the 1990′s with 90′s era technology, libraries and librarian aesthetic, dragons, witches, 
Most recently I’ve also been playing with the idea of a steampunk royalty story with a romance plot.
6. Do you make playlists for your WIP ideas?
Yes, and they usually either a “if this book was a movie this would be its soundtrack with this song for this specific scene” or it’s a “this would be this character’s personal playlist of favorite songs”. Anna, Ulric, and Felix have their own playlists.
7. When you’re having trouble writing, how do you inspire yourself?
I also make a pinterest folder for my WIP ideas, and A Witch’s Memory has its own board for its world building as well as a board for Anna, Ulric, and Felix. I look at that when I’m stuck and don’t know how to start or continue a scene.
If I’m drafting, I look back at my outline and work through what I have planned. Sometimes I have to deviate from the outline a little and figure out a way to reconnect back, or alter it altogether. 
If I’m very stuck I go back to other works of fiction that have inspired me in the past, specific for that story. That includes rewatching them, rereading them, listening to soundtracks or looking at fan art.
I get out of the house and spend some time with a friend. My friend (A) and I usually work through a story problem by talking it out. (K) usually distracts me and takes me to random places. Sometimes I call or message (C) because she lives far away and we talk. They all help.
8. Where do your WIP ideas typically come from?
“I really like this story, but I kind of wish it went differently, involved these tropes, had this world building, had these characters, etc.”
Nothing is really original, no matter how far back in fiction you go. Everything is inspired from something else, so for me what I do is find the aspects of fiction I love most and see what I would do with them personally.
Example: witches are cool, but if it takes place in the modern world then it has to be a secret and humans can never know, but if it takes place in a hard-fantasy historical world then everyone knows about magic and has access to it somehow. - - - > And it becomes the whole premise for this world I built
Example: why do werewolves hate being werewolves? And why must they blackout during a full moon and go total beast? And they’re either always alone or there’s this whole alpha pack thing which isn’t technically true of real wolves - - - > and it becomes a thing that werewolves are proud of being werewolves, they easily form bonds and friendships with other people, even non-werewolves, and when the full moon comes around werewolves run in a group as a fun activity, something they enjoy
Example: Amnesia makes for an interesting story, but it’s not very realistic when you know actual medical stuff, and it’s always one-sided so people are always trying to make their loved one remember or trying to “reconnect” in the exact same way they did before - - - > Which lead me to amnesia through magic curse and mutual loss of memory, forgetting the entire friendship, so now they genuinely start from scratch
Example: Long distant pen-pals is a popular trope, especially since the invention of the internet, but every time I see it, it involves people who have met in real life even if it was only for a moment and they never knew it / didn’t give each other enough information to figure it out. - - - > It turns into, they couldn’t possibly have known each other before, they live in different parts of the world, but they want to meet one day, and then by a twist of fate (or meddling) they do meet
9. If your OC was a breakfast food, what would they be?
Felix: unsweetend English Breakfast tea and jam toast: When I say jam toast, I mean his humor is a little dry like toast, but he’s still enjoyable company, sweet if he wants to be. He can also be a little bitter sometimes, the kind of person you need to know a little bit before you develop a taste for it
Anna: Earl Grey tea and honey on an English Muffin: she’s calming company but complex like the flavor of earl grey tea. As for the English Muffin, it’s a joke that she’s English-adjacent, not actually British. She spent her first eight years in America and then lived in the U.K. with Felix’s family for the next eight until their family moved to America. Her accent is slightly changed and she uses some U.K. English vocab instead of American English, so most people think she’s British. English muffins aren’t actually English. They’re an American breakfast food based on crumpets. 
Ulric: A cinnamon roll and cold butter. This is a weird one. I think if you met Ulric and got to know him, he’d be someone you’d want to protect. He’s polite, kind, and shy. Life keeps throwing him lemons (literally throwing, between his emotionally abusive father and suddenly being blind, dealing with new anxiety/depression after going blind, etc) but Ulric’s just trying to do his best. Absolute cinnamon roll. But that’s not a something he’d let you see. Most people don’t know about that part of his life, so he’s like cold butter. He’s friendly but it takes a while for him to warm up and soften those walls to let you in.
Mason (Ulric’s best friend, who I must add): sweetened coffee - very energetic and hyper, a sweetheart of a friend. There’s no coffee-bitterness, by this I mean that it’s easy to enjoy his friendship, you don’t need to develop a taste for it like you do with black coffee. (Mason is also a precious cinnamon roll if you ask me)
10. Explain one of your WIP ideas in the most ridiculous way possible?
I’m going to do this AO3 tagging system style
A Witch’s Memory
Multi, T, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Anna St. Claire & Ulric Matthews, Anna St. Claire & Felix Robbins, Felix Robbins & Ulric Matthews, Felix Robbins/Hayden Watson
Anna St. Claire, Ulric Matthews, Felix Robbins, Mason Shepherd, Elmsley St. Claire, Veronica St. Claire, Hayden Watson, Katarina Matthews, Tobias Matthews, 
Memory Curse, Amnesia, Pen-Pals, Found Family, Adoptive Family, Slow Burn Friendship, Enemies to Friends, Platonic Soulmates, M/M Slow Burn Romance
Disability, Blind Character, Bisexual Character, Three Bi Disasters, Trans Character, Elmsley is trans, Elmsley is a Good Uncle, Tobias Matthew’s Terrible Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Emotional Abuse
Magic, Witches, Werewolves, Werewolf Ulric, Witch Anna, Witch Felix,
Graphic Violence is only in two scenes, two different characters get punched, and there’s some blood
Tagging: @snowblossim @thephantomofwriting @novel-scribe @the-moving-finger-writes @sapphoopages @owlsofstarlight  @mayvinwrites @belles-library @maggie-wolff-writes @thewritingpirate
Your Ten Questions:
1. What’s your favorite trope to read but not to write? Or vice versa, to write but not read?
2. Some of your favorite aesthetics?
3. Ideal writing environment? (Time, place, sound, drink/snacks)
4. What’s your favorite side character in your WIP?
5. How would your OCs interact with your favorite characters from other works?
6. An embarrassing fact about your OC that they would never tell anyone?
7. What book do you think should be made into a movie?
8. What’s the last mean thing you did to your OCs?
9. Write an Incorrect Quotes post between your OCs
10. I’m stealing from emdop too! Explain one of your WIPs in the most ridiculous way possible?
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Beta/Britpicker List
Hello writers! We’re glad to see that so many of you (hopefully all of you) are happy with the prompts you received. In case you need any help with your fic, all of the wonderful people below have volunteered to help in any way they can! If you’re in need of someone to give your fic an extra read-through, or give you some extra encouragement, check out the list below and feel free to contact any of the people here when you’re ready. 
We’ll update this list as needed, but read all of the descriptions to see how well you’ll work together, and don’t forget to check the parentheses for their AO3 names. We wouldn’t want you to accidentally ask someone to beta the fic they’ll be receiving! 
1. backtohaz (backtohaz) - Hi! I'm Sarah, and I spend 99% of my free time reading about two special boys falling in love! I don't have any triggers, and will read anything you throw at me! I would love to help you out! 
2. mehconomancy (shesnotafraidofshadows) - I won't read major character death, self-harm, suicide, or rape, but everything else i'm completely fine with!! :)
3. i-miss-my-bearents (imiss_mybearents) - I'll read it all,  I honestly can't think of anything that would bother me.
4. jada-the-beta (openolivia) - Everything is a go EXCEPT sexual activity for characters under the age of 16 or incest. I love to read anyway, so can usually beta pretty quickly (usually within 24 hours). I use Google docs. I'm easy ;)
5. courtesyofmj (aesthetixniall) - I'm willing to help you with about anything. Whether it is brainstorming, editing, moral support, emotional advice, anything. We will become a team. I'm willing to contact you in any type of social media that is most comfortable with you. I am skilled with most document platforms, but I have a better understanding for Microsoft Word and Google Docs. I've been reading fics for five years now so I have a wide understanding in what I like to work with and feel comfortable. This is anything except contents that include: underage, abuse, emotional abuse, cheating (in some cases), alpha/omega/etc. I am 100% onboard with fics that include smut, but I love my fluff too. I prefer AUs to cannon, but can work with both. I love my drama and complex plot, but simple plots are also welcome. I also can help a little bit with britpicking since all I read are fics involving british ships, but I am in no way related to anything England. I am willing to learn with you through this process though. I am a college student so I have responsibilities that come first to being your beta, but we can work a schedule that works for us both. I can't wait to start this journey with you. 
6. funkyqueers (funkyqueers) - No self harm, present abuse or eating disorders. No blood play or ddgl. Apart from that, I'm willing and excited to read everything. I've been reading fanfiction for almost my entire life and I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm here to help you avoid the latter two.
7. duchesskitty16 (duchesskitty16) - No a/b/o; no heavy bdsm; no daddykink 
8. slaychords (alittlelove) - I am willing to read almost anything and you can count on me to be brutally honest and truthful about your writing and where I think you can improve! I'm pretty good at syntax (sentence structure), grammar, vocab, and generally just giving a reader's opinion and a second brain to make sure your fic is as great as it can be! I'm sure you will do amazing! However, not too comfortable with reading ABO, mpreg or daddy kink. Happy with pretty much everything else though :)
9. dimpled-halo (dimpled_halo) - I'm pretty good with grammar and catching typos, and I'm also willing to point out plot holes and be a sounding board to bounce ideas off of.
10. boyfriend-shirt (loammy_jean) - I'll read pretty much anything except non-con and extreme or unhealthy BDSM. I gravitate toward friends-to-lovers, slow-burn, and high school fics, but I don't confine myself to those types of fics at all, and I have a real passion for unique/weird ideas and topics. I also have a really good eye for spelling and grammar errors and making sure a sentence flows properly.
11. maybe-jamesbond (kbw01) - I'm a very caring person, so I will check in on you and make sure you're doing well. I have 7 younger siblings, so I'm pretty good at gently pushing you in the right direction, but I can also push you harder or be firmer when needed. I'm a good person to bounce ideas off of it you're stuck, or even just to get a second opinion. Punctuation and grammar are my "super strong suits". I will read anything, I'm not picky. I look forward to reading all the amazing fics that will come out of this. Good luck :)
12. dulosis (el_em_en_oh_pee) - My beta work in the past has centered around both SPaG (spelling, punctuation, and grammar -- so the mechanics of writing) and characterization/plot feedback, as well as cheerleading. Given the demands of my real-life job, (1) I cannot beta last-minute, particularly given that fic due dates are around the same time as university finals -- we will need to work out a schedule that works for both of us. I prefer to have between 4-7 days to give documents a close read and so that I can provide iterative feedback should you desire multiple pass-throughs (I'm also happy to check in multiple times during your writing process instead of just at the end, though!); and (2) I tend to provide detailed feedback framed more as constructive criticism than anything else. I can respond to specific questions you have about your work (e.g., "does this make sense for these characters?") or provide more general feedback than that. I will NOT read anything that includes forced closeting, anything that vilifies women associated with 1D, or daddy kink or addiction plotlines, but am open to just about anything else. I cannot provide britpick aid, but I do have knowledge of the operation of educational institutions *IN THE UNITED STATES* ranging from daycare through universities, as well as creating realistic/age-appropriate child characters, if you need feedback on either of those things! I'm happy to work via google docs or emailed word documents, whichever you prefer!
13. haz-and-louis (larryismyloveandlife) - First of all, I feel like it's necessary to say that I'm not a native English speaker. However, I have a very good knowledge of the language, especially grammar. Also, I love to write and I'm willing to help with anything from ideas to proof-reading to cheerleading you at 4AM! I adore Christmas so every fic will be a joy to read!😍😂 I generally don't like reading very detailed scenes of violence and abuse, and also I'm not a big fan of a/b/o, m!preg and hybrid fics! Watersports is also a kink I don't really like, but smut is absolutely fine! Also, if your fic includes any of those it wouldn't be a huge problem and I'm positive I could work with it just as well. Feel free to contact me at any time about anything you need and I'll be more than happy to help! :)
14. nightwideopen (nightwideopen) - I’m willing to read pretty much anything except underage, student/teacher, and non-con. I prefer to read fics supernatural elements & lots of angst. I’ve got a really good eye for correcting grammar/spelling/punctuation. I’m also good with noticing plot holes and/or inconsistencies. You can bounce ideas off me if you’d like, and I’m always available to help/read!
1. britpickerhl (twiki77) - Can help with anything/everything British, lived in UK all 40 years of my life. Have local knowledge of Wolverhampton, if Liam is a big part of your fic. I won't read noncon/rape but will read absolutely almost anything else. Happy friendly BP who can work with several writers at once. Just come say hi.
1. screwstyles (screwstyles) - Would like to avoid reading about blind characters, hurt/comfort and major character death as much as possible. 
2. angelfaceharry (angelfaceharry) - I'm pretty open to reading anything, but the only thing I'm not really willing to read is Mpreg. As a beta I'll help you with anything you want me to as well as the usual beta duties. I really like being a beta for fics as I really enjoy it and like to help as much as I can. I am from the North West of England so I'm more than happy to britpick as I have lived in the UK my whole life. Therefore, I am fully qualified to ensure your fic (if its set in the UK) sounds realistic.
3. czernxy (lapoesieestdanslarue) - I’ll read pretty much anything bar PWP or heavy BDSM
4. lilacstyles (lilacstylesss) - I am willing to read anything except alpha/omega fics. I can help with grammar, spelling and punctuation. If the author is Spanish speaking but is writing in English I can help with translation as well. I can also provide the writer with ideas and be encouraging all the way! I lived in London for a year, and most of my friends are British so I can help if you need someone who knows about the UK.  
5. ponymom-stuff (ponymom) - The only thing I am not good with is hard drug use and character deaths. Anything else, I am fine with. 
6. nouisarelovers (lourrielove) - I'll read anything really. I'm british and part irish. I can help with spelling and grammar and choosing british words instead of americanisms.
7. chloehl10 (lovelarry10) - Anything, I am not bothered! :) Open to everything.
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titconao3 ¡ 7 years
that 11 question thing
i was tagged by @antarctic-echoes​ & @mametupa​, so here are my answers. Warning: i suck at these things. Sorry. tl;dr: i’ve been told several times i was too much of a realist, too down-to-earth and sadly unable to dream & leave what things actually are aside, and it shows.
1.  what’s your favorite hobby? Er, i don’t really know... anything where i can forget myself?
2.  What’s the movie you hate more than anything? there are several, and probably quite a few i’ve erased from my memory. i don't get why people like Love, Actually so much for instance - so depressing. And others, but i either don’t remember them or don’t want to get flamed, so.
3.  which would you rather be: Ninja or British Spy? And why? i teach English for a living, but i practised a martial art for a few years. No idea, you pick! If the British Spy thing means lots of sex, no thanks. If it means cool fun toys, why not. If the ninja thing means being able to do fancy moves, why not. If it’s about the training that allows me to do that, probably not.
4.  What’s your favorite book of all time? i don’t know. No, really. There are many books i enjoyed, but i’ve learned to be wary of picking them up again for a reread...
5.  If you could go anywhere, whether it be a real or fictional location, where would you go? no idea. Since i’m a very positive person who expects disappointment everywhere, well. Somehow, people think i’m pessimistic; i tend to see this as being realistic. It’s not that i don’t travel or like travelling, it’s just... i’m always keeping in mind it’s just a distraction that barely covers the emptiness of existence ;-) many places sound really great, but then when you’re there’s always that “gah i hate mountain paths” or “crap nearest toilets are far away” or “and now there’s the horrible trip back to look forward to” or “my feet are wet” or “those moving stairs are such a pain” or “the Pegasus galaxy is cool and stuff but i don’t have reliable access to AO3″... you get the idea.
6.  Which would you rather fight?  An angry horse-sized duck or a hundred angry duck-sized horses? depends on what tools / weapons etc i have at my disposal, i’d say? Do i have something that can incapacitate one large thing? or something to outrun small-legged animals for long enough i’d be safe?
7.  If you could have any dinosaur as a pet, which one would you have? i don’t want pets of any sorts. Not that i don’t like animals (i really do!), but i can’t properly care for them; i don’t have the time / space / patience etc. And, while dinosaurs are cool, they’d need a lot, and probably wouldn't be happy in an environment they’re not adapted to.
8. What is your favorite animated movie? er... i really don’t watch a lot of films, animated or otherwise. There are some i’ve enjoyed, and they’re definitely not Disney films. No shade on those who enjoy them, bear in mind i haven’t watched a Disney film since i was a kid, apart from the Lion King on a plane or something and the political undertones and how the way the lady lion’s role was downplayed made me angry (and why do so many of these end on “and they got married, the end”? not the more recent ones, from what i understand?) and also why do these people sing all the time? i... don’t like random singing??? i live in fear of the Lucifer musical ep, and i’m one of like 2 or 3 people who don’t like Lucifer singing stuff. I try to pretend he’s Freddie Mercury when writing him. Regarding anime, i’m probably supposed to say Miyazaki or something because everyone loves his stuff, and... it’s nice, sure. Really. Honestly, young characters have never been my thing - Ponyo was sure cute, i guess? i liked the Kenshin OAV because it mixed great music, anime, trope use etc? Or should i mention The Grave of the Fireflies because it’s all deep and stuff? It’s really good, but i’d never EVER rewatch it. Or perhaps Ghost in the Shell? great Kenji Kawai music there. Haven’t watched any animated film in ages. 
9.  What is your favorite dessert? i generally don’t really like sweet things - i can appreciate them, but one spoonful or two is enough; it’s not really my thing.
10.  what is your movie score? the... number of films i’ve watched? i used to be big on artsy cinema in my younger days, now i can’t stand being still for several hours, surrounded by people potentially munching on crunchy stuff. I’d probably not get a good score (HAHAHA) at most quizzes. to answer the question, the music i’m living to? i do enjoy some film scores - but i like silence more. 
11.  If you could go to dinner with any fictional character, who would you choose and why? no idea. i don’t have anything interesting to say to anyone. i imagine i can pretend for a while, but that’s what i already do most of the time i’m not home, so... i mean, there are many characters i find interesting / fascinating, but i don’t fit in their world or they don’t fit in mine. How would that work? Am i a lowly ensign on the (original) Enterprise? What am i supposed to talk about with Tony Stark and his buddies? i guess i could just stare moodily at a beer bottle while Methos looks all cool and liquid on the chair next to me, he’s probably one of those people who won’t mind silence too much? It would be rude to pester him about what he’s lived through. Maybe ask where he gets his sweaters, they look comfy. Not Lucifer, because i’m not the Detective (or in her orbit) / a pretty young thing / a good singer. I can drink? But i don’t know what to do with myself in a club, so.  and now from @mametupa​: 1. Which is your favorite holiday and why?  As a rule, i dislike holidays. It’s uncomfortable, i don’t particularly want to see most of my family, and it all feels forced. Of course i do know that for some people it’s a joyous time, but be it Xmas / Easter / birthdays whatever, it’s... not my thing. Sorry.
2. What is your favorite food to cook or eat?  i’m easy either way. A few years ago i used to cook with a friend. We became estranged, and now i don’t really cook anymore - i mean, i still cook everything myself everything i eat (including bread or yoghurts) but since then i’ve lost the taste and it’s all very utilitarian; fuel so i don’t faint at the gym or at work. i don’t really care, but i’m okay with or at least will try almost anything. Really.
3. If you had to live in the body of someone else, who would it be? Er, no one. Honestly, and that’s not a fun answer, but i’d rather not exist at all. Bodies are hard work (plus luck) to maintain reasonably healthy and, worse, in what is considered “good shape.” Besides, some that really look good are actually not good at all inside, not all diseases / pains are visible.
4. Favorite season? spring makes me sneeze, summer is too hot, winter is that horrible holiday period, so i guess autumn? i do like red colours on leaves (but i live in a city, so don’t see them much like on those nice autumn moodboards with pretty forests)?
5. If someone wrote a book about you, what would the title be? that won’t happen :-)
6. Favorite childhood book? i was a voracious reader until lit studies made me quit reading for a few years, so i read a lot as a child. I kept ideas, feelings, one little thing from many books, but i don’t think there’s ONE book that made me go THIS ONE. sorry.
7. Favorite smell? i don’t know. Wet forest? Fresh bread? Fireplace? What is one supposed to answer?  Definitely not perfumes or flowers, i’d sneeze and my eyes would become liquid or something.
8. What different languages do you speak or understand? French, English. I used to be good at Spanish, and i can (especially after a few days of resetting the brain bits) cope. My grammar and vocab are all shot to hell but i can definitely get by; i understand people enough to enjoy guided tours & stuff and get food and a hotel and get directions to park the car. For some reason i now have an English accent whenever i try to speak Spanish (i once said “nos quedamos ten minutos” sounding like a posh XIX lady and the friend i was travelling with was laughing like a loon. She had to repeat what i said to me). i’d like to learn Arabic, because it’s different and the grammar and sounds and writing and word etc are both alien to what i’m used to and yet a source of the languages i’ve learned before, so. i did Latin and Ancient Greek loooong ago, and well it was useful to read street signs in Greece and St Petersburg (i’d brushed up on the Russian alphabet just in case).
9. Favorite era?  they’re all interesting, past and present and future. The way some categories of people are / were treated tends to make me run away, though - women, sexual or racial or or or minorities, slavery, you name it. Nowhere, nowhen is 100% a haven.
10. What 5 things would you want to have with you if you were marooned on an uninhabited tropical island? i don’t know if the Internet counts, i guess i could tell people i’m stranded with it, so maybe not? If it doesn’t, no idea. i guess i should say useful stuff like, i don’t know. A fridge with electricity? A survival handbook? A fully-stocked house (with furniture) with electricity? or a means to kill myself as painlessly as possible?
11. One thing that you would never throw away? i don’t know. something useful? Or trousers, perhaps? i hate being naked. But a knife is always useful? Probably? i tend to not throw away stuff BUT i don’t *get* a lot of new stuff either (unless it’s polish, but even there i’ve slowed down because it has to be really special to catch my eye now). i don’t have 11 questions to ask people, but if anyone wants to pick among the many that have been asked before, feel free.
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rachelisnotatwork ¡ 5 years
Sweltering round the Fatherland
I did not leave Berlin willingly. In fact I complained constantly throughout the one final brunch I demanded. And on our way to the car rental place. And most of the drive down to Dresden. After nearly 5 weeks in our glorious Airbnb I felt like we probably had at least some light squatters’ rights.
It didn’t help that our apartment in Dresden was in what I’m sure an estate agent would describe as an “up and coming” area, i.e. a bit of a shit hole. It also managed, no matter what we did, to be hotter than the outside world and our host- clearly dubious about the continence of the guests, had covered the bed with extremely noisy plastic undersheets that heated the bedroom to essentially the equivalent of sleeping in a Finnish sauna. That plus a disappointing evening meal did nothing to discourage my belief that leaving Berlin was a mistake.
We had two days in Dresden and it’s surrounds. Because some of the museums are closed on Monday, we decided to use our Monday to go visit “Saxon Switzerland”. The name Saxon Switzerland sets the bar high and naturally it then disappoints because it’s more hilly than Alp-y. I would blame an over-zealous tourist board committee but apparently it was some homesick 18th century Swiss artists.
First off we visited a place called the Bastei bridge, which is a bridge built between giant rock formations. It is pretty beautiful although I feel someone without crushing vertigo could probably appreciate it more, especially since the top was also frequented by a man with an extremely badly behaved Alsatian, thus combining my fear of heights and dogs in one terrifying location.
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Our next stop was more pleasant. We walked through the woods and then took a boat ride along the Obere Schleuse, which is a shallow river in a gorge between Germany and the Czech Republic. The boat was gondoliered by a guy who gave a little tour as he punted us slowly down the river. He had what I strongly suspect was a very thick local accent but Marcel thought there might be a chance he’d had a stroke. Either way it was fairly impenetrable to me, expect bizarrely a few minutes where he talked about lichen growth. So I guess that month at language school was really worth it?
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The only downside of the trip was that the walk to the boat had been entirely down into the gorge and thus the walk home was entirely uphill. It was fairly steep and exhausting, and what wasn’t particularly reassuring was to find a gravestone half way up one of the steep climbs with a gravestone from the 19th century with a very specific time of death for a forester from something called a “Blutschlage” (literal translation: blood blow). So I guess I should be pleased we got out with just a few insect bites.
The next day we’d booked onto an English-language tour of Dresden. Almost everyone else was north of 75, which made us feel super young. And had also reached the complaining years. The ticket could be torn off to leave a free postcard of Dresden. One Australian woman then complained to the guide that it didn’t include a stamp and wouldn’t let it go.
The tour was pretty good though. The centre of Dresden is stunning as was mostly built by August the Strong, who really liked to party. My favourite fact from the tour was that he’d weigh guests before and after parties and those who hadn’t gained enough weight weren’t invited again because they were clearly no fun. He built a huge complex called the Zwinger for summer parties in addition to a huge palace for one of his mistresses (he had a lot) so he didn’t have to go far for the night.
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The downside of touring Dresden is the crushing guilt you get to feel if you are British (or American) for brutally firebombing it. They have pretty much completed the reconstructions now but when you look at the before photos… well, it was no big surprise that both groups were some of the biggest contributors to the fund to rebuild the cathedral (the blacker stones are the only original ones).
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After the tour finished we went up the cathedral for the view.
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Then we went into the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon. This is largely a collection of clocks and super creepy automatons from the 18th century, so right up my street. Afterwards we had coffee and cake on a cafe on the roof and I went on what felt like an epic trip in the boiling sun to find a toilet somewhere I could use (doesn’t seem to be a legal requirement for cafes to have one here) and ended up begging a cleaning lady to use a museum one. Think Marcel thought I was pretty much dead by then, I was gone so long.
The next day we headed up North. Whilst our final destination was the island of Ruegen, we had a planned stop for the day at a place called Godnasee. This is a lake in the middle of nowhere, where we had a delightful afternoon swimming, sunbathing and reading. The nice thing about East Germany is it is full of lakes and is rapidly depopulating, so it is very easy to find an empty swimming spot.
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We got to Ruegen in the evening, just in time for a quick walk before dinner. There were two national parks we wanted to visit in our two days and because the weather was due to be better at the one further away, we went to the Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft the next day. The spot we picked  to go to was a lighthouse on a beach that was a 5km walk/cycle ride/horse and carriage ride away from the nearest car park. We decided to walk because of my lack of cycling aptitude and because legs are a lot cheaper than horse-drawn carriages (thanks to the endless slow tragedy of UK politics, the Euro to pound ratio could be best described as...sub-optimal for us).
This turned out to be a mistake. Apparently Marcel had showered in mosquito pheromones that morning or something so after a few minutes he was besieged by such a huge crowd of them that, whilst he was the main attraction, some of them by dint of sheer numbers bumped into me. This lead to less of a “walk” through the woods than a mad charge frantically waving our arms until we eventually reached the lighthouse. The beach there is quite pretty and in typical fashion, once you walk a short distance from the lighthouse, quite empty.
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We took a route back through some wetlands to stay in the sunshine and hopefully avoid the mosquito plague- a successful plan. It also brought us across a cafe that served the only accommodation in the park (a caravan park) so stopped to eat the traditional hot sunny day beach food of...struedel.
On our way back we stopped in the city of Stralsund. It is a pretty little city that used to be a Hansa city (so lots of nice brick architecture), spent a long time being part of Sweden and is now the political seat of Angela Merkel. We had a nice wander around and came across a Simson pharmacy, so I felt quite at home.
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The next day we headed out to explore Ruegen itself. Our first stop was a wander along the chalk cliffs there. Sort of surprised we found them and that they were decently high as driving around the island it had seemed as flat as a pancake. 
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The previous day I had been messaging my friend Karo and mentioned I felt like I was the only British person for about a hundred miles and she directed me towards a place called Woody’s Little Britain, which is a British “emporium” featuring scones and cream tea in the middle of nowhere. Naturally we went. It was pretty boiling, which felt pretty unBritish and the cream was whipped not clotted (Debrett’s would be horrified) but the scones were pretty good.
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Afterwards we headed to the beach. Ruegen has some huge long beaches, so we parked up and wandered through the woods to about 10km of pretty empty beach. Marcel went for a swim. I declined because the ocean was full of seaweed and also after Australia, I’m pretty convinced the sea is out to murder me. So I remained on the beach, which in the fashion of East German beaches was full of naked people and noted with amusement that the extremely elderly naked woman sitting a few metres down from us had cracked out a pair of binoculars to look down the beach. I initially just thought she was a shameless pervert, but apparently she was looking to see if her elderly nude swimming companion was coming down the beach (or at least I assumed that was what she was doing, because he did eventually turn up. We didn’t cover the vocab for that in language school).
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The following day we headed West. Our first stop was the town of Wismar. Or more precisely a cafe within because we’d left without breakfast and then got stuck in traffic so were both hungry, overly-hot and grumpy on arrival.  We then wandered around the town. It is again, a pretty Hansa city, although this one we bombed a bit. We went up a rebuilt cathedral, which I did point out to Marcel that thanks to our bombing could be reconstructed with a lift right up to the tower in (you’re welcome guys!). It is still a port city which apparently brings logs from everywhere to turn into sawdust, or so the giant piles of logs and delicious smell of sawdust that wafts through the town suggests.
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After that we went to Schwerin, which is also lovely and historic. It also has a famous castle which looks a bit gauche if you ask me, but Marcel just says looks German. 
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We had a late lunch and then accidentally discovered some weird mooning monument with no explanation. A rather lengthily googling seems to suggest it is a scene from the life of the founder of this town, who got mooned by the folk of his home town when returning home for a visit because he’d directed all the trade that used to go to their town to Schwerin. I would have thought this was the kind of thing that merited a plaque as far lesser things have generated one, but apparently not.
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We ended up having a subpar dinner in town and disappointed, both of us developed a craving for ice cream. This is apparently not something you can get in Schwerin after 9pm so we ended up driving to an out of town McDonald’s for late-night McFlurry’s and then I got all indignant that the lids weren’t hedgehog-friendly like we have in the UK, confirming to all the national stereotypes of weird British eccentrics who are overly sentimental about animals.
The following day we weren’t due in Luebeck, our next stop, until the evening and beautiful weather was forecast. So Marcel found us an amazing canoeing place to go. This was on the river Warnow and was a 15km trip down river through a nature reserve. The initial part of our trip was a little more exercise than I’d have liked as we happened to set off at the same time as a large school trip of teenagers. Not wanting to enjoy the beauty and solitude of a nature reserve with 30 shrieking teenagers, we decided to use our superior canoeing skills to put some distance between us and them. Annoyingly though either we are shitter at canoeing than we thought or they were perhaps a school canoe team as we had to paddle REALLY hard to keep any distance between us and them. And when we did create some distance, we managed to catch up with a family that had decided to enhance their trip to this protected nature reserve by mounting a boombox onto their canoe in order to play some incredibly loud techno. Thankfully they decided to pull over for a break before I could ram them and knock their stupid boombox into the water, and shortly after that Marcel wanted to take a side stream so we could “have a picnic at a castle”. This involved some very hard paddling upstream through a shady, stinky mosquito swamp that didn’t actually end in a castle but just in a village with the German word for castle in. Thankfully there was a field we could eat our picnic lunch in, and that placated my bad mood somewhat.
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The advantage of this stop was that by the time we rejoined the river, pretty much no one was on it. We still had about 8km to go and this was the wilder, less-maintained stretch with lots of weaving around trees to be done. German prep for these sort of trips is also a lot more casual than English prep so a good few times we were left wondering where to go and which part of a rocky course was better to navigate. But it was beautiful, sunny, thousands of electric blue damselflies constantly flitted around us and there was a spot for a gorgeous (albeit cold) swim.
We finally got into Lubeck and our ancient house in the evening. We then had a great dinner at a place called Schlumacher’s, so that was a great day out. We fell into bed pretty exhausted, and then I nearly fell out again, because that is the problem with elderly houses with subsidence.
The next day we decided to go on a tour of Lubeck. Lubeck clearly doesn’t get a lot of English-speaking tourists as it only has a once-weekly tour in English and that did not happen to coincide with our stays. Completely disregarding my previous experience of near total incomprehension with a german tour, I merrily signed us up for one again. This went slightly better initially as our tour guide was old so spoke slowly and bellowed loudly, but it was boiling hot, I rapidly fatigued and the tour was two incredibly hot hours and by the end I was desperate for him to stop talking as by this stage I wasn’t really getting any of it and everyone kept laughing at jokes I couldn’t get. I ate a huge ice cream to recover from the experience.
Lubeck is an ancient Hansa city that is pretty much entirely a UNESCO world-heritage site for ancient buildings. However the original city was built on swampy ground with some eccentric choices (like a fortified gate that had 3m thick walls on one-side and 1m thick on the other, leading the heavier side sinking a lot faster). The whole town is full of extremely wonky buildings, which you are fairly surprised are still standing. On the outside you can see essentially ornamental pole ends that support the floors and hold the two sides of the buildings together.
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In the afternoon, hot and having toured most of Luebeck (as it prides itself on being “the city of short distances”), we decided to retire to the swimming lake opposite our front door. There we wiled away an enjoyable afternoon swimming, sunbathing and eating hot chips with mayonnaise. Glorious.
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My grandfather was born in Kiel and the next day we had a plan to drop in there on the way to our next airbnb in the countryside. We had briefly considered staying in Kiel before we discovered it was Kieler Woche, which is some sort of sailing festival shebang. So we decided to limit it to a day trip.
It was exceedingly hot and our trip to Kiel brought forth the following observations 1) sailing festivals are pretty dull if you are on shore and thus are mostly a series of kiosks 2) Kiel was apparently bombed to the ground in WW2 but unlike areas that went for a painstaking reconstruction, they went for the construction of multiple ugly shopping malls 3) I know it sounds like it is impossible but apparently the town has absolutely no shade in it and I had forgotten to put suncream on and get extremely grumpy when I’m too hot.
So all in all, I would not recommend Kiel and our trip there was brief. By the end of a hot sweaty couple of hours there we were both dying for somewhere to cool down and so googled the nearest beaches. We found a nearby beach called Heidkate and headed straight for there.
How nice the beaches are around there appears to be a pretty well-kept secret (perhaps real Germans know. Imitation Germans like Marcel do not). Miles and miles of white sand, grassy dunes and the clean, calm Baltic sea. We found a quiet spot, quickly changed into our swimwear and raced into the...well, Baltic water. It was cold, but in a lovely cold way, especially when you are hot. And lead to the strange dichotomy of having a boiling hot upper half that was sweltering in the sun, and a frosty cold lower half. The sea was so calm between the groynes (and shallow) that even with my sea-phobia I swam again and again, in between coming up to lie on the beach and warm up thoroughly. 
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It was really tough to drag ourselves away...and we ended up leaving rather late (it stays very bright for a deceptively long time here so what we thought was about 5pm was actually 7pm) so we didn’t end up getting to our airbnb in the North Friesland (apparently Marcel says it is a byword for German hicks) until 9.30pm. It was still light though, so we hung out on our terrace and watched a huge number of bumblebees flitting between the wildflowers.
The next day we decided to visit both “seas”. First we headed to the North Sea. There are huge “sands” here called the Wattenmeer. Or at least that’s what I thought they were. What they actually are is enormous windswept mudflats. This is exactly as appealing as it sounds. It was also 7c colder than where we’d come from, so we hastily turned around and headed over to the Baltic side again.
We found ourselves a lovely stretch of sand near Flensburg from which you could pretty much spit on Denmark (should you so want; I quite like the Danes so didn’t). The sea was incredibly shallow and warm as we waded out over the white sandy sea bed. And then noticed we weren’t the only things who liked the warm and shallow water. There were hundreds and hundreds of moon jellyfish. These can’t sting people, but sharing the water with a huge number of dinner plate-sized jellyfish is just a bit...off-putting. I decided this would more be a reading on the beach afternoon than a swimming day.
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The next morning we packed up and set off for Hamburg. Since our last couple of days were city days, we took the car to Hamburg airport, dropped it off in the lengthily car rental queue and took the S-Bahn into town. We checked into our hotel and went for lunch. Whilst waiting for our food, we got a call from Enterprise who were wondering where our car was. Because apparently we are sometimes great planners and book to drop our car off in the downtown area right by our hotel. It turns out though we are not great rememberers and were both convinced we had to drop it off at the airport. Somewhat mortifying. They did find the car eventually though.
Many, many years ago when I was at undergraduate, my friend had sent me a trailer for a place in Hamburg called Miniatur Wunderland as a piss-take. It showed a tiny model train world with dead prostitutes, red light districts and car accidents. I immediately was desperate to go. It took a long time to finally get there, but finally, finally it was time! Now you know when you hype something up massively, and then you go and it is actually a big disappointment? This was emphatically not one of those times! It was even better than I thought it was going to be. We spent three hours there and I could have easily spent longer watching tiny fire engines driving around putting out tiny fires and pressing buttons (there are so many buttons you can press to activate things- pro tip, visit in the late afternoon when all those 4 year olds that would normally be hogging them are having dinner).  It was amazing. And also huge. I mean tiny, but huge in that it covers nearly two floors of a big warehouse.
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The following morning we went on a free walking tour of the city. One of the things Miniatur Wunderland has is a tiny version of Hamburg. Having seen all of the sights in miniature the day before, this lead to a rather disorientating case of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, where I started to doubt what size they were, or I was. It is quite a pretty city though (on one side, on the other is about a million shipping containers and container ships). 
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It has always been a big shipping centre so there are lots of historic shipping offices in there. Our guide took us inside one, nominally to see the interior dĂŠcor but actually so we could ride in a Paternoster lift. These are the endlessly moving doorless lifts that are super dangerous, so everyone else got rid of them. Germans however are weirdly protective over them and refuse to let them decommission them. And whilst I appreciate they are super dangerous for kids, the elderly, anyone moving slowly etc, they are pretty cool to ride. Marcel and I agreed it was pretty much the highlight of our day (nerds4eva).
After that we climbed a tower for the views, then had some lunch. Marcel decided he wanted to do a boat tour of the canals. There weren’t any English language ones but I decided it would probably be okay with German (having again, learnt nothing from prior experience). This time though I was completely screwed because we got on the boat last of all and so were sitting at the back. Where the speakers were broken. So I couldn’t even hear him properly. Anyway, Marcel said he had terrible and monotonous delivery, so I probably didn’t miss much. And it was a nice sunny day to be pottering about on a boat.
After that we decided to go through the Elbe tunnel. This is a 108 year old beautifully tiled tunnel under the Elbe. It has a few additional bonuses in addition to that. 1) you can ride down in giant freight lifts for the occasional cars they let through and 2) It is really nice and cool down there. During a heatwave in a city with no air-con, it was quite hard to feign interest in getting out on the other side to see the view.
A couple of years ago Hamburg completed their new concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie. It was supposed to cost about 200 million euros and take 3 years to build. It overran by 7 years and the final cost was about 800 million euros. Had to admit to a slight schadenfreude in discovering we aren’t the only country that can’t organise a piss-up in a brewery when it comes to accurately and speedily building new projects. The concerts now sell out months in advance but you can get a free ticket to go inside it. So we did. Marcel was very excited as he discovered they have the world’s largest curved escalator. I was too because I imagined it might be curved in the way of a grand curved staircase in some Antebellum mansion. Actually it was just an hump-backed escalator. Underwhelming.
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In the evening we decided to take full advantage of the fact our hotel was creepily empty despite being very nice (Marcel being blunt ended up asking why we were pretty much the only guests. They said it was because they’d newly opened, so I recommend getting in there for a stay before they fill up. Fraser Suites Hamburg) to use the sauna. I love saunas. However I normally only think of visiting them when it is cold out. It turns out if you’ve spent all day in a heatwave, it isn’t half as nice. Does mean if you wash your hair though it dries super fast, so less effort than a hair dryer.
Marcel knows me well so had booked a chocolate tour at Chocoversum for our final morning (softening the blow of leaving). I was keen because tours always involve free chocolate. But this was actually a really educational tour. You learnt all about the history of the plant, how to transport it in a cargo ship, how to roast and extract it, what all the machines are called and how they work, plus you get to make your own chocolate bar. So now if the apocalypse comes, I’m extremely prepared to restart civilisation/aka chocolate production.
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After that Marcel wanted to walk around the Alster Lakes before our flight. It was pretty hot for walking but Marcel had picked a scenic restaurant quite far away. We got to there and it was a beautiful spot, on a pier so pretty much all of the tables had a lake view. To find it only took cash. And we were nowhere near an ATM and deliberately hadn’t got any more cash out because German ATMs charge you 5.99 to get cash out. So we turned back and found somewhere that would have been perfectly nice if we hadn’t just seen a better one.
And then, alas it was time to leave the Fatherland for the Motherland. It had been an amazing trip and we were pretty depressed to leave. But hey, London in summer is also full of endless sunny days...right?
0 notes
autoirishlitdiscourses ¡ 4 years
Discourse of Saturday, 01 August 2020
Com that you don't lose points for the attendance/participation that is, specifically, you did a solid, although that understanding, will pay of a short section from one of your intended final project to me to boil down to recite and discuss this with you, because I think that your recitation and discussion of An Irish Airman instead. I'll see you tomorrow morning. How Your Grade Is Calculated document I do not curve grades.
How would you prefer to do to get to everything anyway, especially if the paper itself. One way to do it. General Thoughts and Notes 30 October discussion of The Song of the novel as a group of things well. You did a very specific skill that takes this approach is basically clear and engaging way. Questions?
In the context of your paper around supporting that statement. The same is true: the paper has to be more specific in the manner that an A-—300 F The point totals above are bright lines/that you might do is meaningfully contribute to the way: my grading rubric above. What, exactly? This would help you to be perhaps more flexible, is genuinely smarter than her grade actually reflects, and seemed to warm up.
I hope everything is OK with the paper to punch through to even more in section during Thanksgiving week change, but I doubt anyone will object strongly. I think that you're capable of doing this. 73-74 3. You reproduced the exact text that illustrate your overall score for base grade is OK with me. I think that you want to take so long to get people to take it; b write an A-is, you did quite a good job last week due to the section and it's helpful for you to bring up in some way. Your ultimate guide and final exams, and though they're a bright student you are capable of doing well on the section would benefit from cleaning these up is a useful way for you for a few minutes afterwards, even if the group talking, fall back on if you're still able to write a draft of a text that they talk, but talking about merely the preservation of instincts that contribute to the text s with which you're able to right; that the appropriately made-up, it could be set next to each other think about their relationship and significance. However, I think that incorporating not just providing an introduction to a strong delivery. Can we talk about what it means: are you using a Google Docs, too. All of these are impressive moves.
However. Again, well done. Arrangement.
One of these are very important. Part Two vocab. Your writing is generally quite engaging though I felt like did a lot of ways. I can get you a passing grade, you should focus on the section Twitter stream while we were reading it. Thank you for doing such a good weekend and I'll see you next week. I've pointed to some aspect of the class, even if you have read and interpret as a whole. Thanks for your section to discuss and haven't used Word extensively for a job well done overall. You might also take a look at anyone else's work during the week in lecture this quarter. Everything looks pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of people haven't done an acceptable excuse for late work. Currently, your primary focus should be to sit down and start writing to figure out how to deliver it; is there.
ID #10, which is just posting the parts of your plans by 10 a. Thanks again for a productive direction to take so long to get where you found it there and did/didn't participate. I will count as a group is not a circulating, coin. By the way that terrorism and totalitarianism function in GOLD you should come to a specific argument about their own potential and serve as a member of her anguish in response to the small modification that I want you to be reciting Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Any poem at all.
I'm sorry to take advantage and to exercise even more closely to the text to which I've gestured to in my office until 4: General Thoughts and Notes 30 October or 6 November in section. Both of these requirements. Let me write to the Ulysses lectures which, come to either one of the play as a group is, I do so would be productive for you to develop their own would be to think about how you want to work harder for the previous presenters for providing an introduction to things that you are again; and by email to answer an e-mail me and tell me the URL and I'll see you tomorrow! Let me know.
Opening up more midterms from my grading rubric on this one, too, that it would most help you to a wide variety of ways. Pre-1971 British and Irish Currency Prior to the east of County Mayo. This may be one way to stay above the length requirements. Feel free to come through more in section two, this is taken to be useful resources for scholarly research in the meantime, you have been assigned yet, but I don't think that there are ways in which it could be one standard way to dig deeper and/or disorganized to the discomfort of silence isn't you, let me know if you send me the URL where you land overall in this way is that you're more effectively. Anyway, my suggestion at this point. It was an uncomfortable topic, and is unacceptable. Think about focusing even more specific thesis statement that someone could disagree with the same reaction to it from being an appropriate essay topic. Is neither foolish nor improper, but ran rather short. Your mapping of geographical space onto ideology is thought out extensively, and you want me to but I'm sending this. Because I do not grade you on Tuesday morning. I say this is not an easy task, as well as one of your discussion plans by 10 p. My suggestion would be necessary to try to rephrase a few days once you've produced a draft is the only thing preventing you from speaking in front of me, or that you inform people who were getting a very good work here, and you have, I think you would be to have to take so long to get warmed up for them to their hearts, you can point to start writing. So, I think that the professor is behind a bit more breathing room. Being specific in your current intro paragraph, and that you really want to review that document anyway, or see me but cannot come to my house. I am not inherently opposed to the connections between the poem, and extreme claims require very strong because it is a fine line about how to deliver the poem itself. /Participation score a small boost to your initial proposal. And the sergeant grinning up.
UC Santa Barbara I know that I understand it, you may find that the law isn't able to recite a selection from Beckett's Waiting for Godot Chris has generously agreed to make a paper means that you don't schedule immediately, you are perfectly capable of doing it for a few things that would have helped to have sympathy for violent characters, I realize of course agree with you will put in a lot in section on 27 November section, as a way to clarify your own notes for week 9. But I believe them or want you to make your reading of the particular text, and I hope your quarter! Again, I'm sorry to take so long to get all the grading rubric, and would give your paper more rigorously for your audiovisual text and to relate Ulysses to cubism as the being taken care of yourself, then I think that practicing a bit short because the MLA Handbook for Writers of B-range for you. Too, Ulysses is: What is the ideal and perfect expression of personal narrative by any means at all by Patrick Kavanagh, I realize. Anyway, my suggestion at this point estimate that I left them in ways other than you do an adequate job of balancing your time as a whole is 26 lines. How Your Grade Is Calculated document I do not attend section and will help you as you can email me a description of your situation, and are able to make an explicit statement of what your priorities are if you go up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for them, avoid them entirely, etc. I think that there should be rewarded with the same part of the quarter have been in all, I'd be grateful if you think about how difficult a task this can be helpful during paper-grading music involves this: Don't forget to bring your luggage during section that has to happen in an assignment within this time not even a perfect score on the list, primarily for selfish reasons: this is only one freedom for th' workin' man, and I quite liked it. Well, my policy documented here. GOLD you should wind up getting the class this quarter, I realize that there are some ways in which you can choose any poem at all.
You can conceivably take as long as that's the best way to find something that matters deeply and personally to you, we could meet on Saturday morning downtown somewhere. Are we getting her deeper motivations, or helpful for you? You have excellent things to focus your paper should be even better on future writing—you've done a lot more specific claim about what's wrong with the time limit will result in a lot of ways. I think. An assessment that the only one freedom for wouldn't know what you're getting your information and how the poem's structure creates meaning, and a student will write I think that extra credit should not lift people into good/evil categories. What this means that you're examining different types of documents this certainly satisfies the include an audio/visual text of the slight changes you made to be docking you points for section in HSSB 2251, and I enjoyed having you in section the week in section, and third texts are also possibilities for discussion. Hi! Basic grade: You picked a wonderful human being and a good Halloween! Often, there are other instances of disappointed love in some of them, but really requires that you made to the original text in my experience it's hard for you at 1: IDs of 2-4 lines, probably pick eight of ten weeks and also do the majority of the poem that showed in the front of the course website let me know if you miss more than 100% in section this Wednesday, but it's not out there, but not participating a very good advice. One way but not for a recitation. She wrote a very sophisticated level. Needing to study harder, but that you fail the class and led them through some important material in an episode of/The Plough and the section.
I wanted to follow standard academic problematizing introduction ending with a fresh eye and asking you to be fair game for the professor's miss three sections a very reasonable outline, and let that guide you to be concretized more than five sections results in automatic course failure. The sooner you reply, the more interesting ones, and should relate your argument, rather than the syllabus, provided that you engage in micro-level essay. You could theoretically also meet Sunday or Monday if you're still scrambling for those who want to get you feedback on your essay and I will pass out copies of documents this certainly satisfies the requirements out from under you there will be noon on Wednesday, but rather, more complex than just throwing something abstract out there, but you got up in certain specific ways that life in the course components. I don't really start talking until nearly eight minutes into your observations about the issue involved is that you must at least 70% for a comparatively easy revision process. We can talk about this as a scientific discourse, the more interesting answers. You probably noticed that this is true for ID #10, which is a good job of setting this paper to this emotion and the Stars to Downton Abbey, too, so it's the first six minutes of your quite excellent observations in your selection within the larger purpose while also having a full schedule this week; it applies to you, and enjoy the company of your discussion. —There are any number of important points, though this is, I mean as human, in part because it is, and I enjoyed having you in section tonight, just as Shakespeare doesn't necessarily tell us about the way of examining the exceptions is always patronizing, in part because it's a bit short because a visit to the question of how the opening leave?
You should copy me on the board. Hi! You asked for an email letting me know what the relationship is structured not according to post on the gender of each? I've just discovered that I didn't again, we know what works best for everyone else in both sections, and you really have done some very interesting and plausible conclusions about the overall meaning of the poem and started working on it, and you handled yourself and your material you emphasize again, this is the full text of Pearse's speech without too much, but rather that colonialism is always telling me that I should prioritize crashers? I haven't seen it, immediately or in the play as a whole. Have a good job of getting people to dig into in conversation. The amount by which all grades are calculated, including class, and during my office hours, and I won't figure participation in section, has improved. Truthfully, I think that you check your U-Mail address regularly. You need at least a short memorized piece I think you have a few that were open-ended question good: What can we determine about Francie just from these twelve lines of poetry into music and perform a short description of your grade back this time. Thinking about ways to think of a text in only ten minutes if you'd done. I recommend that, going into the wrong field but grad students see a good job of reading that they've been explicit in the back of your material if that works better for you your grade. 2, again, and these are worthwhile paths to take. Think about what it is asking a bit heavy-handed or otherwise just want the discussion in the back of your argument in a more fluid, impassioned delivery. So I had just sat down and take a penalty of/Ulysses/at Wikibooks: Daniel Swartz's article 'Tell Us in Plain Words': An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema of/The Plough and the median grade was 88. I've gotten pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of people who are friends of mine. I got home to consider myself a representative and to focus your analysis more specifically, between the selection you made to the make-up, and there are a lot of points as every other B paper, but that a key component of your own thought will pay off for you? Can you confirm she was at many times a separate workbook for each document from Google Docs, too. Let me know right away. It is not assigning specific topics for your recitation from Ulysses is that you must take all reasonable steps to correct them; or IV. It would have been even stronger. This doesn't change the sense of how you can deal with specifics of the novel. I hope you find interesting. I am myself less than thrilled about this and more than you've managed to draw deeper into the A-—You're got a thoughtful, engaged delivery, and if you found the poem and gave what was overall an excellent delivery and/or capability. Extra spacing between paragraphs or other work for me to do evil. Very well done overall. The sample paper available on the same source. You brought up some important things to talk about the topics accessible to people. Tonight at 11:30 or so announcement to your literary texts rarely constitute direct proof that one of the sources that you picked, the more recent versions at all, you currently have five openings in both sections? I've just finished grading your presentation/discussion 5 p. Hi! I will distribute your total grade for the quarter to move it there. You managed time well, and I don't want to switch topics. I always grade through exams section by choosing a good impression and pick up all of the term very unlikely. You might think productively about, and what it means to be motivated by nervousness, and some people may get more than the paper you wrote this up. Keep your eye on your feet in response to this rule. This means that, of course, the basic principles involved in the 6 p. I just finished grading your presentation tomorrow!
That is to add a course TA during tests; please ensure that everyone knows a couple of ideas. Again, thank you for doing a good student this quarter, and producing some of the episode's title, date, so I'm re-do your recitation/discussion performance for the rest of the larger context of your grade here, but really, your attention focused on refining it even when you're up in section. There are numerous options for getting on stage and reciting many of them are rather difficult section of Ulysses, is held back by this calculation detail but this is primarily to keep you posted if there's anything still outstanding, OK? /The Spirit Level/1996. Twentyeight I was of course. Some miscellaneous observations about personal responsibility by turning in a negative value-judgments about the texts listed under that date, so no penalty for the quarter overall you did a good topic, I think that what I take to be difficult to treat in a lot of interesting. I must answer. As it is—but that it can be a hard line to walk, admittedly, and word not only against your own motivations and how you might find helpful in studying for the quarter, and gave what was overall a very solid work here, overall for the quarter, and their relationship. County Mayo A spavindy ass p.
To put it another good, but will be on my back. Again, well done this week in which it takes a stand that makes sense, and you related your discussion in many ways, and it was more common problems with papers in this matter would help you to give a strictly accurate piece of writing, despite the occasional hiccup with sentence structure obscures your point, but need to spend more time will be. I had more I could have been done even more insightful work on time if you go first or second paragraph would pay off to be absolutely certain that you engage more effectively. I see it, but it's an appropriate campus counseling service. Discussion notes for week 8. I hope that that is formatted correctly.
All in all, this percentage is then used to calculate total points for not coming to section. It seems history is rather stringent, and I think that picking just exactly the right person to do it more in your delivery. Note that other people to dig into Plough quite effectively here—and to avoid responding directly to every point available for the quarter, I think that you will have the overall result of from as a lens to tell you? It got cut short because the 5 p. Again, thank you for being such a good discussion overall. Have a good background to the text s involved and articulating a specific ethical theory about sex before sleep, or about a relationship that we have some perceptive things to focus your analysis. Let me know ASAP remember that this is a thinking process, and giving other people are going faster than you expect. Unfortunately, I think that it would be irresponsible of me wanted to be docking you points for that week and prepared to defend it; is the only person in question and, provided that what you're saying exactly what you see as important. Arguably, The Song of the text to examine your various sources into a strongly religious woman whose son is not criticism, because I think you're moving toward is a mother: that you detect. You are perfectly capable of this length, and I'm deeply sympathetic about how you'll lead into them if people aren't talking because they haven't read it. Hi! If you have any questions, OK? Right now, you gave. Overall, you should wind up satisfying any breadth requirements; but if he had to take a look at the last minute to use the standard essay structure instead of at a more specific claim about the object of analysis is and what you mean; I think it's possible that you realized that their behavior was not how I can think about the absolute maximum amount of generalizing happening in your analysis needs to be on the final: you must take the morning of 16 June, and is certainly a good paper. I notice that the rest of the paper is due or a scholarly book. All of which I haven't seen the final exam.
I will distribute your total grade for the work of leading discussion, your grade is. Well done on this. But you really have done a lot of potential to pay off—the refusal to push your paper around supporting that statement. You had a middle A. I've really enjoyed having you in this particular senior-level details of your thoughts would pay off even more specificity is in range for grades, explained below was 87.
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