#either way i love how u can send something heartwrenching like that n then follow up with absolute nonsense
peachypizzicato · 3 years
Penny took a step back, shielding her face from the bright light. And once she looked back, something in her chest snapped, like a small needle pad was torn in half by demonic hands. Senpai's foot was coated in thick and sticky-looking black webs. He looked down at them, and slowly raised his foot, trying to take a step further away from the blasted console, but as if sensing his motion, the threads gave a sudden pull.
He's going to go back to that place.
Penny grabbed his wrist, and tried dragging him away, her head was pulsating with the overwhelming terror that he'd be taken back there. She wasn't the only one scared. He was gripping her sleeved, frantically running in place on one leg, once he was dragged close enough to the screen, he tried kicking the screen to shatter it, but it was like the thing was made of steel.
A shot of static cut through the panicked grunts and heavy breathing of the two. More unholy webs wiggled out of the screen, grabbing at Senpai's shoulders, his hair, wrists, face, pulling so hard it began to tear through cloth and skin, leaving bloody cuts and tears. He would look cute and perfect once he was in anyway. Forced back into this damned console. And so was Penny, as a web lurched at her hair, tangling itself in it, and pulled, making the poor lady let out a wordless noise due to the pain.
They were going to be trapped there.
The young man let go of his lover's hands, suddenly getting jerked even deeper into the screen, already knee deep, but he had a plan. Before any other webs tried getting Penny, he grabbed a fistful of her hair just at the head with one hand, and buried his fingers in the blackened part of her hair. He'll try to rip it out. She can get away, maybe call for help, and...
- I'm not leaving you! It's not fair, - The small crack in her voice probably hurt more than the devilish darkness tearing him away and the feeling of his legs being compressed into pixels combined, - I should go in there with you, you shouldn't have to be there alone! You didn't deserve this!
- Penny, let go. Penny. Penny, please, let go, - He was less focused on how hollow his voice sounded, without a hint of anger or even sadness, and more focused on trying to pry the young woman's fingers off of his hands, and get the sticky strings out of her hair. But it only clung to her hair more, spread over her curls, akin to a droplet of ink staining a beautiful poem.
- Quit playing the hero, I'm not leaving you! We'll get out of there, I promise, - She said, digging her heels into the sides of the screen, that weren't active, trying to straighten out her legs, and pull him out, pull him out, she didn't want this as much as he did, they deserved to be happy, they deserved to be together, and go on dates, and hold hands, and wake up in each other's embrace, and fall asleep the same way, why is everything trying to ruin their happiness?!
Penny yelped, as the same dark webs that were stealing her Senpai away lurched at her right leg, and yanked her into the game, making her suddenly lose stability, as her other foot was still at the side of the screen, making her hip slam against the side of the screen. Senpai, meanwhile, was waist-deep. He really didn't want to go back, let alone have her be there too. While Penny tried steadying her breath in an attempt to soothe the feeling of her right leg being boiled alive, he made one more attempt at pushing her out. But it only dragged him further in, he already felt the floor of the cleanly polished, forever perfect grounds of the path leading up to the school under his stomach.
So they gave up. Penny let go, and moved to the side, so that the sudden slight drag got her to the same place where she could at least see Senpai's bruised and wounded, but still handsome as ever, face. The webbing relaxed a bit, as the two just quietly let themselves be pulled into the console together. Dark strands reached over them, wrapping their heads, the last things sticking out of the console.
- I'm sorry, - She muttered, feeling her pixelated hand find his. Her apology was met with his nose lightly nuzzling hers. A cute gesture, contrasted against his grim expression.
- Me too.
And so, they were swallowed back into the dating simulator.
When you boot up the game, you can see the title screen. A pretty boy, bouncing happily in place on the left side of the screen. And a pretty girl, doing her own cute little animation on the right. If you play one of their routes, the other will inevitably try to get one over you, try to win the heart of the character you wish to get a good ending with. And, somehow, the only way to get a good ending is to get the rival dead in a worryingly wide array of ways.
And even if they're forced to speak the cheesy lines with cartoonish sparkles at the sides of their faces blinding them, wear a smile as the player in front of them forces fire into their cheeks, and kiss the avatar that disgusts them, whenever the game is closed, the console is untouched, and the screen is off, all they ever do is sit there, and embrace each other. In the cold darkness, into which that demon forced them, they hold each other, while the vengeful spirits surrounding them try to take their anger out in a way other than scaring the player. They screech, and try to rip them away from each other. But they cling on.
If this is Hell, they'd rather stay there together.
Awomba bomba schlomba.
I am extending my reach outside of the dilf man. AND projecting my own nightmares onto you now. None of your F/O's will be spared. You better watch out. :-)
(also no i'm not alex i wish i could be as poetic as that hottie ✌😔)
- Evil Anon.
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out of all things… i didn’t expect hating sim angst today, but y’know what thats just how it is here
please mx anon ill do anything don’t hurt the liddol demon man too-
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