#either way i might be cringe but i am free i want to smooch them so i will
coffinsister · 10 months
Writing about the Graves siblings making out with my oc because nobody can stop me
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finniestoncrane · 9 months
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12 Days of Kinkmas • Day 11: Piss - General!Boomerang x GN!Reader request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist • dividers minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: drunk boomer, piss, unexpected piss, oral sex
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It was already well into Christmas morning, and it’s not that you were particularly bound to tradition, but you were desperate to get home. The party was supposed to finish at midnight, and you’d been suffering through the drunken revelry for way longer than you really wanted to. Digger of course, ever the life of the party, had other ideas, but it was dangerously close to encroaching on your ability to sleep enough before you woke up to open presents, so you had to find him and drag him home.
After looking in every bathroom available, assuming he might be slumped over one of the toilets, you finally caught sight of him in the kitchen, just the back of him, facing away from your view and delivering some disgusting anecdote to a group of people who laughed and cringed at his words.
“Oy! Digger, time to go home!”
Usually, he responded better to sharp, short commands. Like a dog. And it worked like a charm as he turned his head towards you, smile erupting across his wonky, drunken face.
“Babe! Check this out!”
He turned his entire body to you, and you saw that he had taped a clump of mistletoe to the top of his belt, thrusting his crotch in the air as the branches waved around.
“Gotta have a kiss under the mistletoe, eh?”
The others around him offered a pity chuckle and waved him off, returning to the conversation, glad to be rid of the attention hog that was now stumbling towards you.
He slurred his words, and you could smell the beer on his breath, droplets of it falling on your shirt as he waved his half-full can around.
“George, I really just want to go home.”
He raised his eyebrows over and over, eyes half-lidded, but not equally on either side. Just the sight of him made you giggle, and you let out a delighted squeal when he hooked his arm around you and brought you in to him, his words muffled as he rubbed his face into your neck. His free arm fumbled around, reaching for the handle to the bathroom door just beside you.
“C’mon… just a little kiss! I’ll leave right away if you just come with me into this bathroom and give me a little smooch… under the mistletoe.”
Whenever he was tipsy, he was ridiculously amorous, always on you, showering you with compliments, hands pawing at your body. It was hard to resist his sloppy charms at the best of times, but this was love bombing to the Nth degree and you were very happy to be targeted by them. And knowing you would get to go home and have some fun with George when he was in such a good mood felt like a win/win.
"Fine... but you better be quick."
"Am I ever anything but?"
He winked at the blatantly false self-deprecation and led you, stumbling, into the bathroom. As he shut the door and locked it, you sank to your knees in front of him. His fly was already undone, typical of him, so when you undid his button, he was quick to slip his fingers below the waistband and shift his pants down, his semi-erect cock bouncing up a little when freed. He had pulled the mistletoe off as his pants fell to the floor and held it now against his flat abdomen, resting in the patch of dark red pubic hair above his shaft.
"Well, are you gonna kiss it?"
Leaning in with a sultry smile, you pressed your lips to the tip of his cock, feeling it twitch at the contact, at your warmth on the red and sticky head. Swelling slightly, stiffening and rigid, you grasped at the base of his thick length and opened up the kiss, letting your lips slide down his girthy cock until you could feel his head at the back of your throat, your nose flat against his body.
Pulling your head back with a gasp, you took a breath and then enveloped him in your mouth once more, careful not to take in too much, just enough that you could taste him, savour him, and make him moan as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked on him.
Out of it, in part due to the amount of beer he had drank and out of the fog of arousal, Digger's body relaxed, all tension falling away as he released himself. Not in the manner you had expected though, as your mouth was flooded with a slightly sweet, intensely salty flavour, liquid hitting the back of your throat forcefully until you pulled back in surprise. The warm, yellow liquid flowed from the tip of his cock, the stream coating your face and dribbling down your chin. As it began to trickle to the floor, Digger noticed and with a look of panic on his face, he tried to step back, but you kept a grip on his cock, aiming it down, letting his piss cover your shirt as he stared down at you in disbelief, eyes wide, body trembling as the stream softened to a tiny trickle and then ceased altogether.
Both of you stayed perfectly still for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say until the ice was broken in true, blunt, Digger fashion.
"Well, fuck me! That was pretty hot babe... remind me about it tomorrow when I'm sober, 'kay? I'll uh... I'll wash your shirt for you, maybe buy some plastic sheets..."
Wiping your thumb on the corner of your mouth and lifting your coat to cover your shirt, you nodded, knowing you wouldn't let him forget it in a hurry.
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youranxiousgf · 1 year
Embrace the Cringe
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23-04-2023, 12:00 am
(This is an article I wrote for my INTJ boyfriend who doesn’t like to do “cringe” things like romance, affection & emotions lmao. As an INFP dedicated to the cringe along with my ENFP friendo, we decided to write articles convincing him. Here’s mine! If you're tsundere like him, this may help you a little 😌💞)
Person A demonstrating cringe: "Aww I wuv you my snuggle pookie bear, your tushy is so mushy I’m gonna smooch it all over!! Watch out, the smooch monster is closing in!!! Mwah mwah mwahhhh"
Person B making it worse: "Uwaaa save me!! I’m drowning in the smooch bombs! >0<"
Me, you, everyone who's watching: "Uhhhh *vomits inside and chokes*"
Chances are, while reading the above disaster you either smiled uncomfortably, felt an icky chill, or made a face reminiscent of biting into a sour lemon. What you may not know is that the physical response of the body in moments of cringe actually betrays a much deeper fear within us. 
You might assume that we “cringe” at other people because they’re acting in socially unacceptable ways, that our bodies are rejecting their behavior. And you’re correct! The reason we like to make our bodies smaller, want to curl up inside and disappear in the presence of cringe is because we view it as a Social Evaluative Threat and want to be as far/invisible as possible so it can’t be tied back to us. 
A social evaluative threat is any situation, person, or thing that carries the risk of being negatively judged, shunned, and rejected by society. Something which may be *evaluated* by *society* as a *threat*, if you wanna think of it that way. Our biology understands its danger to our survival, hence the cringe, hence refusing to be a part of that behavior. There u go, I just validated your horror of cringe using science. Now let me debunk it again >:3
Just because you’re scared or disgusted of something doesn’t mean it actually poses a danger to you. The body will often lie to us- just think of a panic attack before a school presentation or running away from invisible demons to a well-lit bedroom after turning off the kitchen light. Are you going to die? No. Will people throw tomatoes at you at the speed of a bullet for stuttering during your speech? No, maybe they’ll laugh but laughter is harmless and you’ll live another day. Will Satan himself emerge from the darkness and make you his sex slave because you turned off the light and didn’t run to safety fast enough? No, but if he did I would say yes, he has big dick energy- 
THE POINT BEING, cringing at another person means they’re putting themselves in the spotlight of social rejection, and you don’t want to join them… you’re afraid of the same rejection (or maybe genuinely agree they’re a disgrace to society and it’s not a question of association lmao). Cringing doesn’t necessitate however, that you truly, TRULY despise their actions or even find them actually worthy of getting marginalized by society. In fact, you may even admire them deep down, feel amazed and awed at how this person is able to express themselves so openly in the face of possible judgment whereas you can’t imagine putting yourself in that position. You’re shrinking inwards because you are in fact imagining yourself in that position and embarrassed of it. What you call “cringe” might be “brave”, “authentic”, “real”, “free”.
When you're feeling cringe, what you're really feeling is empathy. In empathy, there is room for understanding, room for acceptance. 
It’s not always that you don’t want to participate in cute baby talk with your girlfriend, or that you don’t want to join the drunk extroverts on the dance floor, or that you don’t want to say I love you to a friend, or that you don’t want to write “mommy” in the comments like all the other horny simps… maybe you want to, you just feel that you can’t, that you shouldn’t.     
I know you love and encourage my infp weirdness, [bf’s name], even when it’s cringy to us both. And I love and encourage your weird, edgy, and grumpy self, even if it’s cringy to us both. Because at the end of the day we admire the other’s ability to be themselves, we hold the other’s authenticity in high regard. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Me embracing your cringe doesn’t mean me becoming you. I stay who I am. But I dote over your cringe and accept it wholeheartedly as a very real, very special, very vulnerable part of you. I'm honored to see it. When [enfp friend] and I scream at you to embrace the cringe, we don’t mean becoming us. You can stay who you are if you like. But you don’t have to reject it only because you’re afraid that’s how you’re supposed to act and can’t be caught liking it. You don’t have to hold yourself back from joining us and putting your cringe at full display too.  
You already know all this ofc (smort hubby), but nonetheless, perhaps this will help redefine cringe in your mind as something bold, rebellious, maybe even an agent of truth in the sea of rules and conformity. Not as something unacceptable, but as something… harmless, innocuous, merely a threat to the part of you that still cares what people think. 
HA I DID AN UNO REVERSE CARD!! *evil laughs* ok bye
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Chapter Reviews: March 26-30, 2019
High School Story Class Act Chapter 7:
Man, I'm feeling worried for Ajay. I know that him taking out his anger is unacceptable, but at least he apologized to Skye. Their stories need to have good progress and satisfying conclusions that answer how they overcome their respective turbulent home lives.
Still miffed that the Clint and Graham side romance amounts to nothing of particular substance. As I've said before, it would've been better if Graham's so creepy obsessed that it makes Clint uncomfortable that he tells Natalie that this is how Rory feels like whenever they're around.
The ending of this chapter made me dislike the twin for taking the election too personally. I was like "your campaign for more sports is redundant because it's already the most supported program at school". This isn't even a joke that sports gets a lot of attention at schools. This is evident in the first trilogy. Book 1 focuses on getting ready for the Homecoming game, especially because Brian's rotten behavior and transfer to Hearst left Berry desperate to search a suitable quarterback. Book 2 has Ashley Faris diverting all funding from cheer and band to the basketball team after she appointed her brother as coach. I even saw some people calling Rory out for taking offense at the MC should they support the twin, who is family no matter how annoying they can be. I guess this means the election is dumber than I thought.
Across the Void Chapter 15:
Honestly, this chapter is much better than the previous ones. I get to learn about the lore of the setting for free, especially on The Void, the origin of the Vanguard-Jura conflict, and astradust creating various races in the story. About time the story goes somewhere, though it should've been shown earlier on. Regarding the Void, it seems that they're a bunch of nihilists who want to plunge the galaxy to oblivion while playing the Vanguard and Jura like sniveling fools.
One thing that captures my attention is the possible connection to Endless Summer and maybe even Hero. Barlow mentioned a planet that got destroyed millennia ago that lights blue flames and has pieces entering its wormhole creating various races. What if it reached Earth and played a role in La Huerta's formation? What if some of them entered through the wormhole in Northbridge and created the superhumans in Hero. I hope this will get addressed in Book 2 of Hero.
On another note, why do they make Barlow a love interest? MC already has five, one of them is shared with Eos. Honestly, the story's writers are wasting time, resources, and effort enticing us with more love interests than necessary, excessive amounts of time with Eos and Pax, and catering to insufferable passengers while not focusing on the Vanguard-Jura conflict enough.
Didn't buy the biodroid, though it remains a low priority choice to get for me someday. I also didn't pick the premium option to check the library with Zekei, but after I watched on YouTube that it's about the MC torn away from the people they love almost every time, I actually felt ambivalent because the love interests aren't developed enough, though Kepler comes close.
I'm starting to think Pax's loyalty is put to the test and allow us to determine whether she'll stay loyal to the Jura or sever ties. Either way, I don't care because I find her annoying.
Desire & Decorum Chapter 14:
Duke Richards's journal is just another proof of how deranged he is, which is getting redundant. At least I have proof that he has been manipulating Dominique, which is another step up I need. Might as well replay this book and get the other pieces of evidence to see the full outcome.
Oh, Hamid. I really want to spend time with you, but my diamonds for other books go first. Don't worry. I'll spend diamonds on you so you and my MC can live happily ever after.
*sigh* The sight of the MC's mom's ring thrown into the fire better be the last straw because I've had enough of Duke Richards being continually despicable, as if I don't know that already. A part of me wants him to have some sort of depth that makes him well-developed while still irredeemable. That would've made him memorable and interesting instead of just someone I should hate. Here's hoping the wedding day gets disrupted and the tables turned against him.
America's Most Eligible Chapter 11:
I'm so relieved Eden and Kiana are alive, even though they're injured and had to drop out of the show. Their safety matters first and foremost. To think that something life-threatening like this to occur in a fun show is proof of mismanagement. I still don't know whether it's an accident or someone rigged the go-kart, but either way, it's carelessness on Carson's part.
This chapter is surprisingly calming, and it helps that neither Ivy nor Vince are around to stir trouble. It's just me, Adam, Derek, Mackenzie, and Jen relaxing. My MC had a fine date with Adam and even had a steamy moment with him even though they have maximum relationship points. Anyway, can't wait to see what Iceland has in store for AME.
Passport to Romance Chapter 3:
I'm starting to like Sumire for giving her own spin of the Louvre tour even after the MC missed the one Yvette booked. It was a fun take, and I enjoy watching her incorporate her love and knowledge of art together.
So, I picked the premium option to find the Mona Lisa painting and flirted with the security guard. That was a really dumb move on everyone's part, including the MC's. I think taking a picture of Mona Lisa should've been pushed to a later chapter and have everyone involved to ask when it will be ready for display again. Might as well throw Elliot under the bus for suggesting that we trespass in the first place.
Wow! All the love interests look stunning in their formal outfits! It's making me hard to determine who my MC will pursue, even though his vlog is named Sexcapades (don't judge).
I'm starting to dislike Yvette for talking trash about the love interests, even though she warmed up to me earlier this chapter for approving of a fresh tour of the Louvre. I get that she wants her magazine to improve, but I also think a balance between work and friends is needed. During the dinner, I threw Elliot and Marisa under the bus and defended Ahmed and Sumire from her. I actually think Marisa's okay, however.
Open Heart Chapter 7:
I cringed when that kissass with Percy Mendoza's model tried to smooch Aurora into paying for her lunch. Talking about the downsides of popularity. I think her aunt rigged the list in her favor while handing out the "most interesting" cases. In other words, Harper Emery could be up to no good.
Okay, telling Bryce to flirt with Ines and Zaid is pretty fun to watch. It's like he thinks he has a suave way to get around people, and acts like he succeeds. Anyway, glad that he succeeded in buying the MC time to follow Ethan.
For Remy, I told him the truth about his condition that will deprive him from his ability to move his limbs. I'm willing to risk a patient's short-term anger over withholding important information on his condition. Not to mention the latter is unethical. It was touching to see him accept his condition and resolve to live his life to the fullest.
So Patient X is Naveen Banerji? No wonder he resigned. And Ethan telling the MC to not tell this to anyone else just comes across as suspicious. Were they trying to preserve Edenbrook's reputation while one of their top doctors was dying of an illness?
The Elementalists Chapter 3:
I'm worried for Atlas and their search for the girl Dean Goeffe was watching over. It makes me wonder whether they'll resort to extreme measures to take down Kane or something. I grabbed the letter, and it seems that Dean Goeffe served as the girl's caretaker in secret. I think she knows who she is instead of merely stumbling upon her.
I didn't get the enlargement spell when I first played this chapter, so I saved up diamonds and restarted the book just so I could get it. I hope it will come in handy, even when the MC and Atlas's magick goes on and off, probably because of a disturbance in the force or something.
For once, Beckett's presence is kept to a minimum. A welcoming thing, actually. As for the ward Kane sent to the MC, I'm starting to admire him for being as interesting as Redfield. He might be the kind of person whose sense of right and wrong is different from other people's. I'd love to know more about him. Here's hoping he's a genuinely complex character.
Ride or Die Chapter 11:
Well, Logan manipulating the MC in the first place only to fall for her doesn't change my stance on him. I continue to reject him for the mess he caused. Regarding Mona, who apparently didn't know about Logan's actions before, her comment on suggesting to kidnap the MC put me off. That makes her come across as cold-blooded in some ways that it makes me less secure.
Why am I at Riya's house? She pushed MC into pursuing Logan in the first place, then complained that she's feeling lonely as a result. At least she gave the MC a place to stay for now, and Jason told the MC that her dad misses her.
Anyone thinks Toby could be a Brotherhood agent? I mean, good for him that he didn't participate in Colt's foolish plan, but how did he reach Riya's house? Did he have some sort of tracker? Or did he search the area one by one? Whatever that is, Colt's package could be a super dangerous bomb capable of super destructive damage. It's really rash of him.
Regarding the Brotherhood, I think it being the greater evil is never expanded on. Even though the narrative mentions it as worse the MPC, it just comes across as bland and forgettable. It doesn't help that the only Brotherhood member MC encounters is a baseball hat guy Teppei met.
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