#either with a car or by frnk
frnkiebby · 10 months
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
Someone sent in a request for highschool frerard aus with bullying, so... here's the list :D
Some of these have either Frank or Gerard as the bully, in others they are bullied by someone else. Many of the fics deal with pretty dark issues, so if that's not your thing, don't forget to check the tags and warnings!
High School Frank/Gerard And Bullying
The Story of Us by SnowBazIsLife, 9k [WIP], Mature. Frank has had a crush on Gerard since like ninth grade, but Gerard was straight, right? Wrong, Frank learns, after something unexpected happens. This is the story of their life together, starting with that one day in March of senior year.
It's not Lovin' if It's Just Fuckin' by GeesCLUELESSgirl, momiji_neyuki, 28k, Explicit. Frank stopped and looked down at his best friend. "I love you Gee, you know that right?" Gerard swallowed, his smile slipping a little. He nodded. "Yeah, I know." Just not the way Gerard wanted him to. "Good..." Frank leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.
All In A Day by GeesCLUELESSgirl, 14k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gee in a skirt with Bob by his side...enter Frank, and the day gets interesting.
Frank wasn't really sure how any of this happened. by Frnk, 2k, Not Rated. Why was he still awake? When the fuck did it start raining? Does Jamia still have his fucking lighter? Aka Gerard is an asshole but Frank likes him anyway.
Careful by francoantoniohierro, 20k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gerard Way is a preppy idiot who doesn't get high school dynamics. Frank Iero is a loser who wants him. parallel story to my other fic Careless
Careless by francoantoniohierro, 20k, Teen And Up Audiences. Frank Iero is Gerard's biggest bully. He's also totally in love with him. parallel story to my other fic Careful.
Something Worth Losing by KafePest, momiji_neyuki, 50k, Explicit. Frank, a boy suffering from the abuse of his step dad, has moved to a new town with low hopes. He's transferred to a new school that allows vampire students and he's not sure if he'll be able to make it there. And he's right, capturing the attention of a powerful vampire prince is one thing. Capturing his heart is another. Can Frank survive long enough to melt Gerard's heart?
I Need You More Than Ever by Frnk, rockforfrnk, 10k, Mature. Frank has been out as trans for just under a year. After a one-stand and a pregnancy scare, he realizes how much he likes Gerard. But it is not an easy road for their relationship.
Can't Take It Any More! by GeesCLUELESSgirl, 13k, Mature. Gee's life was not the best...in fact, it was very far from it. When he was just 5 years old, his mother and his baby brother Mikey had died in a car crash, leaving his father to bring him up alone. On the day of the accident Gee was unwell, so he'd stayed home with his dad, while his mom took Mikey to the supermarket...Gee never saw them again, and he didn't get to say goodbye. Gee's father, Don Way, blamed Gee for their deaths. He said that if Gee hadn't been ill, his mom, Donna, would've been taking him to school, and she wouldn't have been on the bridge when that 18 wheeler lost control. Don and Gee had never been that close to begin with, but ever since the accident, Gee found himself living in a nightmare.
Unspeakably Unique by loganmai, 88k, Explicit. When Frank moves to a new school after being taken in by a social worker, the last thing he expects to find is Gerard, the kid who just really likes skirts. Can Frank overcome his ‘behavioral problems’ from his past trauma and learn to trust Gerard? And will Gerard ever truly trust Frank with all his secrets?
Stay by YouKnowNothinJonSno, 14k, Teen And Up Audiences. Gerard has bullied Frank for years throughout high school, but when Frank is in real danger, will Gerard save him? Even if he does, will Frank ever forgive him for the past?
The Locker Room Creep by ChemicalPunkSongwriter, 10k, Explicit. Gerard Way spies on his crush, Frank Iero, in the locker room showers. Gerard is a creep and Frank is a popular jock with some complicated feelings.
Under The Willow Tree by GeesCLUELESSgirl, 41k, Mature. When Gerard goes to sleep at night, the last thing he wants to do is wake up in the morning...or at all. When Frank and his mom arrive in Belleville New Jersey, the last thing he's expecting to do is fall in love.
A Step In the Right Direction by MCRmyGeneral, 49k, Mature. As long as Gerard's been alive, it's just been him and his mother, and that was just fine. They didn't need anyone else. Until one day, Donna decided they did. Too bad Gerard doesn't take too kindly to strangers. Even really cute ones in Joy Division shirts.
What happened to you? by SenpaiFrerard, 13k, Not Rated. Frank was running as fast as his legs would let him, he swears it wasn't his fault he tripped and it slipped out of his hands. He couldn't keep going though his legs hurt so much and they were gaining on him. It was way past getting an adult to help him they already chased him out of the school and into the neighborhood.
I Just Want You To Know Who I Am by mcr_rockstar, momiji_neyuki, 31k, Explicit. Frank stares at his reflection in the mirror. He's trying to pinpoint when his life got so bad. It had to be around the time the most beautiful boy he had ever seen transferred to their school after Thanksgiving break
Kick Me Like A Stray by lukesdaydreams, 8k, Explicit. Gerard hates Frank. He hates him he hates him he hates him. So why does he get so turned on when Frank beats him up?
Frerard Football Team AU For Which I Could Not Think of a Title by franks_hands, 5k, Teen And Up Audiences. In the locker room and at practices, Frank was noisy, bordering on obnoxious. He seemed to bounce off the walls sometimes. He didn’t know about personal space.
Pray For The Dead by curvethisonapearl, 25k, Explicit. And you say that you can save me ✬ Don't hope to ever find me ✬ And I fear I'm too far gone✬ Pray for the dead
Your Guardian Angel. by MCRmyKilljoySoldier, 8k, Teen And Up Audiences. Frank realizes there's more to the asocial older Way brother than he thought; so he tries to help him come out of his shell.
Nobodies by thehotinpsychotic, 31k, Explicit. Gerard's a bit of a misfit. He has zero friends to his name; unless his brother, who is a seventh grader weighing in at about 102 pounds, counts as one. Frank, spotting this awkward boy, decides to make his living Hell. Later, we find why Frank is so full of rage, and Gerard begins to fall in love with him over it.
The Friends Who Stuck Together, And Wrote Their Names in Blood by ierostache, 13k, Not Rated. Gerard and Frank are juniors at Belleville High Scool. They used to be best friends back when they were kids but soon drifted apart when Frank got Popular and Gerard stayed, well, Gerard. Now, at the age of 16, Gerard is bullied by Frank and his friends, as well as jocks. What happens when Frank moves next door to Gerard?
Only When I Hit the Ground... by jatty, 53k, Mature. After switching schools to avoid a sadistic ex-boyfriend, Gerard is introduced to Frank who he thinks is a normal, albeit an oddly nervous, guy. Frank was forced to transfer after getting caught enjoying his favorite pastime—spying on boys in the locker room. If only Gerard knew that he was Frank’s new favorite model.
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awsugar · 8 years
what are your thoughts on frnk posing next to a car that says "cheap tasty sub"
omfg is that what it says in russian??akdnsjshakd either way like i can't believe he posed next to it and covered the 'way' entirely so it literally just reads sub and i can't believe gerard commented on it saying it was his "favorite photo of the series"like!! when will i ever find peace ajdjskd fuck
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