fictionkinfessions · 7 months
I have to share this exciting news; Eivor Wolf-Kissed will be returning to Norway! It's still at least over a year before it'll happen, but the finances have been ironed out and I'm too excited not to share! I'm going home, and may the gods watch over me along the way. I keep remembering how it felt to return home after being away, this will be that but exponentially more intense. I might cry, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'll get to see the aurora again. It may not be the home that I remember, but it's the home my bones remember, and that's good enough for me.
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
It makes complete and total sense that I, Eivor Wolf-Kissed, would loathe the idea of flying home. Give me a boat. Give me a ship. Let me be on the water again. But this world is obsessed with speed and has left even the grand ships of well after my time behind, and I am a vast ocean away from home. But hope is not lost, there is one passenger ship still setting out across the Atlantic! To England, but hey, maybe, just maybe, I can still manage without getting in a metal tube that is propelled through the air by fire (in case you couldn't tell, I really hate airplanes, they are awful and I constantly feel anxious when I must get in one, and I haven't crossed an ocean in one before so I could always see moving land beneath us, I can only imagine how much worse it is over the water). As an aside, it still feels weird to me that apparently, my canon counterpart was a woman. I was not and am not. But I'm also canon-divergent in other ways so it is to be expected that there would be some oddness about canon to me.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
yes I stole my brother’s wife
and I’d do it again. she’s a lesbian bro
10/10 would sleep with my brother’s wife
—Eivor Wolf-Kissed (#🌿🏹🐺)
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
I miss my family. My parents, my father, my brother. I miss all of you. I miss Norway, and I miss Ravensthorpe. England sucked, but it was also wonderful. My home is those I am with, and I miss my crew. My family, my crew, my clan. I hope I can find the Raven Clan again. —Eivor Wolf-Kissed (#🌿🏹🐺)
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