#ejen alicia salt
thealienkidtm · 1 year
[Warning: Ejen Ali salt] Alilicia needs some work
I feel like there's more accounts of Alicia hurting Ali more than times she's been nice to him. And while some of it is deserved, others are just pure on excessive?
Like that time in Misi: Protocol Gegas where she straight up traps him in a gravity field and left him there WITH ENEMIES ROAMING AROUND while saying that it would be better for everyone if he left MATA OR the multiple times where she's punched him in the face with full force EVEN AFTER HE SAVED HER LIFE THAT ONE TIME?
Do people really expect Ali to just FORGET ALL THAT, move on and reciprocate her feelings??? Because I've been told something similar and it still hasn't left my mind. Imagine that with a 12 year old, geez.
It's like the opposite gender version of the "Oh he's bothering you a lot so it must mean he likes you!"
And while we do get glimpses of Alicia slowly getting a crush on Ali, we barely have any of Ali getting a crush on Alicia. (and no, I'm not taking account of that time in Misi: Seri, that boy did not know it was her)
I saw someone comment on his reaction about Alicia being called his girlfriend and someone said he's too young to understand or that he's dense and I'M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT NO, HE'S WELL AWARE OF WHAT A GIRLFRIEND IS (JUST LOOK AT HIS UNCLE'S HOPELESS ROMANTIC A** BEHAVIOUR FOR DAMN'S SAKE) HE'S JUST NOT INTO THE IDEA AT ALL
Ali looks uncomfortable here tbh and I don't blame him
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To be honest, Alicia's not really good at the feeling's department or when it comes to comforting/relating to someone with their issues I'm looking at you, Ejen Ali the Movie and your audacious "MATA is your family" bullshit. I don't blame her however, it's pretty realistic for her character but she does need work in realising that her words of "caring" needs some awareness.
Also, even if we do eventually get Ali liking her back, I think they need to settle their tension and talk to each other about what exactly they are. (Are they partners? Acquaintances? Friends? I don't think even they're sure what they are)
I don't think Ali likes Alicia like that at all. We do see that his behaviour has become so mellow that he's willing to admit his mistakes and face the consequences while also opening up more to his friends and take up on their advice/criticsm (like we see him do with Rudy). Which is great! So great that he's even willing to try and get closer to Alicia as better friends.
However, I think that for him to even start liking her back, I feel like Alicia needs to start being nicer and talk to him more as well so they could have a more thoroughly established and grounded friendship instead of her AVOIDING HIM ALL THROUGHOUT SEASON 3💢
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pega-chan · 3 years
anyway TIL that Ejen Ali is streaming on Disney+ Hostar Indonesia—just the two seasons, but not the MOVIE, like i was hoping for, even though all the AniMy movies are available on Disney+ Malaysia—simply while i was browsing the platform bc they didn't actually advertise it anywhere on their social media. to rub salt in the wound, the only available dubs for streaming there are the Disney English dub and the Indonesian dub, both of which i mildly despise. weirdly enough, there are Malay subtitles but they couldn't provide for the orginal Malay dub? anyway here are some of my thoughts on them:
English Dub
i've actually heard this one before on disney channel, but i skipped ahead to season 2 bc i was deathly curious about the young agents' voices
Jet: rich boy voice, it suits him ig
Roza: yeah her voice is deep but at first i didn't think it suited her that much, but in later episodes she actually sounds pretty good
Mika: 0/10. her voice is too high and nasally; bro it's supposed to be androgynous. at least they knew she's a girl and casted accordingly but i hate her english voice hhh
Chris: as the token White Character, he does sound like a white boy, and that's good enough for me. it suits him, but it sounds vaguely british. all the white characters in Ejen Ali sound british but Chris is like, the least british even though he's like a slice of white bread amongst all his malaysian classmates lmao
Iman: her voice suits her! i like it
Bulat: PERFECT. flawless as always. i love my son
Khai: love Khai's voice, it's nice
Moon: she sounds adorable. love it
Rudy: i heard from foreign fans who watched EA on disney channel that his voice was attractive, and they were right. holy shit. what a great day to remember i'm bi
Leon: for some reason he has a british accent JFBSJDBJ???? i thought he was malay, did the casting director think he's white? was he actually white and i just didn't notice???
Geetha: not...soft and motherly enough, but it's tolerable.
Bakar: i like it enough, he's jovial enough to fit the part
Karya: he's pretty good too! he's as suave as his malay counterpart
many of the OG malay VAs were brought in to reprise their roles in the english dub so of course the voices fit, i'm just reviewing the voices i haven't heard before
Aaron/Nueve: FULL ON BRITISH ACCENT, and he sounds great! grade A casting
Sies and Siete: they do sound sleazy, i give them that. they're a meh for me.
Sinco: 8/10, i don't have much to say except his voice fits.
Also they translated "teras" as "core" JFNJD i'm DYING, the official translation from Wau staff is "pillar". IT'S PILLAR GODDAMMIT
Indonesian Dub
Ali: he sounds adorable. i think he's voiced by the same VA who did Indonesian Naruto, he sounds a lot like him
Alicia: her voice is okay tbh but her acting needs a little work. she's too expressive for Alicia, who always sounds controlled and menacing. also the indonesian VAs pronounce her name as "Ah-lee-see-ya", which throws me off
Bakar: his VA nailed it! he's fantastic
Rama: to his credit he has the gruff general tone down pat. what REALLY bothers me is how the script writers decide to tamper with his quote, even though it's literally the same in Indonesian and Malay. in this dub, they switched it around and made him say "segera bertindak", it sounds so off
Uno: i think he fits, almost like the OG VA, 9/10
Jenny: this one was surprising. Her voice isn't as high-pitched as Meirysha's, but still fits Jenny. however, Meirysha was directed to voice Jenny so she sounded cold and flat no matter how friendly she was, and this didn't translate into the indonesian dub. 8/10
Rizwan: very similar to Azman?! wow. also the acting is good (good enough for the dialogue, which is stilted and formal). 10/10
Jet: HE SOUNDS LIKE A JAKARTAN AJDBJDNF okay but legit expected him to break out into english the way rich jakartan kids do, he sounds like a radio personality to some extent jxjfjf
Roza: her voice isn't deep enough, and doesn't suit her
Mika: OKAY THIS ONE IS FUNNY SJBF they first thought Mika was a boy so they casted her with this really manly voice in her first appearance. they rectified this in the later episodes, where, like in the Malay dub, she had an androgynous voice that was MARVELOUS, but i was still distraught hearing a teen boy's voice come out of her mouth. congrats
Chris: i was half-hoping they would give him a Minang accent but he sounds just as city-boy rich as Jet.
Iman: she has the opposite problem to Roza's; her voice is TOO deep. i feel like their VAs should've been switched and it would've sounded better, though neither of them suit their characters that much
Bulat: they got his voice down nicely. see? my son sounds great in any dub. he shines regardless of the circumstances
Khai: he sounds exactly like Khairul holy crap, 10/10
Moon: this is the opposite to Alicia's problem; her acting isn't expressive enough, but her voice sounds cute.
Rudy: it's meh. he really could've been better, he doesn't sound sullen enough either.
Geetha: now THIS is good casting. actually sounds motherly and i like her acting
Leon: he doesn't sound gruff enough :(
Karya: love this guy's voice, i think Karya's character shines through with his acting
Dos: it's like. adjacent to Dos' malay voice. it's good enough
Tres: Tres is easy to cast for, since he sounds so typical, so of course he sounds identical to the OG voice
Aaron: he has the same tone as the OG Aaron, god bless his VA. 10/10
Sies and Siete: they sound like the guys who degraded me in middle school, eugh. in other words, perfect casting
Sinco: i like how he sounds, and i think his acting is okay
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invisoble · 7 years
tujuan review
the ejen ali fandom is currently in an emotional mess
ok, now where do i start...
i guess the only sane person in invizo is moon. whY JUST WHY
why Why why
i have
. im in the state of shocked wau had me yet again, but so far this is the most shocking ep i’ve ever watched
how do i review this everything just hit me like a truck. the fighting scene really broke my heart into pieces. now we know so far; how iris works. the device is highly unstable, seeing how ali couldn’t even recognized khai, moon and iman AND EVEN COMOT all together OH DEAR GOD. when override ali attacked all three of them boi i was about to fLIP. iman certainly had a good amount of screentime to show her skills, and it was amazing i tell you. sadly iris is too powerful for her, thus her defeat.
rizwan Oh man someone hold me HE KEEPS MAKING THAT REGRETFUL FACE WHY
WHY???!? he rly followed dos just to see uno ah the scene in the old building room got me broke man. at that time i couldnt read him at all on this ep they revealed the core leaders (which explains that today was pretty intense). oh general butterful ;__; alicia go and hug your dad he deserves better. i got completely thrown off when rama showed sadness and shocked that another of his trusted agent betrayed mata. once he left, the meeting of the current three core leaders begin. i, personally did not like ganz. he’s too...idk how to say this um headstrong? dayang gives me another vibe of dislike too idek why skdsnjd she wants to separate ali and the iris. so i see they’ve told rizwan the truth, and further blaming that he followed his emotions and past bonding towards djin. to put more salt, rizwan sees djin as a part of his fam. but then zain cut me off, which leads me to a mass confusion. said zain, rizwan is much like djin as they go on their own ways, then saying riz has his reasons. i take it as zain rly trust rizwan. meanwhile here i am not knowing who do i side with tbh. for now, i trusted zain, since he so far, believes in ali onto the sickbay scene. moon and jet interacted!! they were the original dynamic duo until moon sided with ali. here i can tell how jet feels. maybe he’s just that loud and blunt (telling moon to not be friends with ali wow ok smooth move jet), but i know he cares for moon. in this case we can see the little agents trying to defend their injured friend from the newbie (ali) who they now sees as a threat. mika, jet and roza were quick to attack him, same goes with rudy, who needs to be held back by jet when it comes to the mention of his lord and saviour role model djin. when ali told them the truth, they wouldn’t believe him, which is horrible. then again, they all had mutual feelings towards each other, so they won’t know how one experiences this and that. another thing is that they look down on ali, simply because he’s a no-good kid with the iris. ali couldn’t handle the pressure and ran away crying, slightly bumping into alicia at that. i was sad when moon couldn’t say anything throughout the situation, but seeing how she got injured by a friend, she might be unable to forgive him at the moment, or just couldn’t say anything due to her other friends. i do hope alicia, who personally know ali from the beginning, could hand a help to ali. its too much pressure for the 12-years-old kid its very sickening for me to watch back to riz and dos. i, really couldn’t bring myself to talk about rizwan. i personally like him. he, just like ali, has been put into pressure as well, but different. he told dos that he just wants to see him after knowing the truth, but dos didn’t believe him and there goes another fighting scene, but way brutal since it was many against one (thank god trez didn’t appear or else riz might yknow). new characters come kickin’ (no pun intended) in, which are the football twins seis and seite. theyre a bit annoying to me, but job well done on wau’s creativity. and there’s ali, troubled, throwing the iris away, which happened to land right in front of zain. ali ran down immediately and they had a conversation. can you believe i thought zain was ghazali the whole time when they didn’t show his face until they did. zain is really that father figure we don’t deserve good things. then he told about the truth about iris, and a younger djin and zain had a conflict about iris. and fast forward; thats where djin got heavily insane over power (+further adding that it was also djin who kinda glitched iris up, thus the instability of the iris itself). its like a prime motto where mata acts as a protector of cyberaya, not a leader. zain furthermore has encouraged ali, as ali’s first and prime reason about the iris is that he could do anything with it, especially to protect others. that’s where i’ve opened my eyes and see the truth. i cant believe i forgot about ali’s main trait. he’s been saving multiple lives from the start, flashing back to comot, ghazali and alicia. i blame myself for that, since wau often showed ali’s weakness right back when he did his heroic move. once ocho managed to trap him JENNY APPEARED KCDNNBJFNDJNDW I GOT INSANE. jenny really, darn she’s wicked as heck she gave me the chill. to be not safe for the children, rizwan nearly died until uno appeared.so there we have it. the cliffhanger. rizwan finally stepping in the uno card game, and zain putting his trust on ali to protect cyberaya and stop uno from getting iris
...a week rest after a heated ep isn’t enough i need more time to process all of these. everything is just shocking, in a good and bad way mixed up together. i’m glad ejen ali isn’t rushed im thankful that it gave us time to think through. i just...i just hope that everything gets toned down in the next ep
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