#ejen ali rant
thealienkidtm · 1 year
[Warning: Ejen Ali salt] Alilicia needs some work
I feel like there's more accounts of Alicia hurting Ali more than times she's been nice to him. And while some of it is deserved, others are just pure on excessive?
Like that time in Misi: Protocol Gegas where she straight up traps him in a gravity field and left him there WITH ENEMIES ROAMING AROUND while saying that it would be better for everyone if he left MATA OR the multiple times where she's punched him in the face with full force EVEN AFTER HE SAVED HER LIFE THAT ONE TIME?
Do people really expect Ali to just FORGET ALL THAT, move on and reciprocate her feelings??? Because I've been told something similar and it still hasn't left my mind. Imagine that with a 12 year old, geez.
It's like the opposite gender version of the "Oh he's bothering you a lot so it must mean he likes you!"
And while we do get glimpses of Alicia slowly getting a crush on Ali, we barely have any of Ali getting a crush on Alicia. (and no, I'm not taking account of that time in Misi: Seri, that boy did not know it was her)
I saw someone comment on his reaction about Alicia being called his girlfriend and someone said he's too young to understand or that he's dense and I'M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT NO, HE'S WELL AWARE OF WHAT A GIRLFRIEND IS (JUST LOOK AT HIS UNCLE'S HOPELESS ROMANTIC A** BEHAVIOUR FOR DAMN'S SAKE) HE'S JUST NOT INTO THE IDEA AT ALL
Ali looks uncomfortable here tbh and I don't blame him
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To be honest, Alicia's not really good at the feeling's department or when it comes to comforting/relating to someone with their issues I'm looking at you, Ejen Ali the Movie and your audacious "MATA is your family" bullshit. I don't blame her however, it's pretty realistic for her character but she does need work in realising that her words of "caring" needs some awareness.
Also, even if we do eventually get Ali liking her back, I think they need to settle their tension and talk to each other about what exactly they are. (Are they partners? Acquaintances? Friends? I don't think even they're sure what they are)
I don't think Ali likes Alicia like that at all. We do see that his behaviour has become so mellow that he's willing to admit his mistakes and face the consequences while also opening up more to his friends and take up on their advice/criticsm (like we see him do with Rudy). Which is great! So great that he's even willing to try and get closer to Alicia as better friends.
However, I think that for him to even start liking her back, I feel like Alicia needs to start being nicer and talk to him more as well so they could have a more thoroughly established and grounded friendship instead of her AVOIDING HIM ALL THROUGHOUT SEASON 3💢
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onglai · 11 months
Not gonna lie, I hate this scene a lot
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I didn't realize it on the first watch, but when I went back to it, I just went "wow, what a great way to shut down a grieving person".
Like, I get it. They're trapped, and Niki is out there tryna become Pein and destroy Konoha Cyberaya. And that's not to mention Ali's betrayal against MATA. She's frustrated, which is understandable.
But she didn't have to twist the knife already in his chest, you know?
When someone opens their heart to you, what you should absolutely not do is:
1. Invalidate their feelings: "Kau ingat kau sorang je takde mak? Sekurang-kurangnya ayah kau ada lagi."
2. Turn the situation to be about you instead, as if it's a competition of who's got it worse: "Aku dua-dua dah takde."
3. Never apologize
I mean, I understand the concept of bersyukur and all, but that's definitely not how to do it. This whole scene just rubs me the wrong way, especially when Ali went all "MATA pun family aku jugak" with that smiley face of his ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
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screwzara · 2 years
Damn it my brain won't let me sleep ;----;
Just had the cutest AU idea where Boboiboy and Ali(from Ejen Ali) are long distance friends who have known each other for a fairly long time with Boboiboy vaguely talking about his space adventures and missions(because the info keeps slipping his mouth, woopsies) and Ali trying his freaking best to not tell his friend about M.A.T.A and I.R.I.S.
I fucking can't-
Ali does know about Ochobot(not about Mechabot tho) because let's face it Boboiboy can't completely keep a secret to save his life(my headcanon)
On this note, I imagine a power sphere ends up in Cyberaya(am i spelling the city's name correctly) somehow and M.A.T.A tries to capture it but Boboiboy and his friends stop them from doing so only to realise his long distance friend is one of the agents and vice versa for Ali realising Boboiboy is part of the group that stopped them from capturing a sentient robot ai(which I'm pretty sure Ali tried his best to hide them from M.A.T.A cuz Ochobot's existence)
I'm freaking dying cuz I'm obsessed with this AU idea *screams in new hyperfixation found???*
Edit: Boboiboy and Ali Headcanons for LDF AU: Here
Edit 2: A small interaction between Boboiboy and Ali(an explanation for how bbb knows of Ali's friends): Here
Edit 3: A mini series bestowed upon me by a wonderful anon(now canon): Here
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lumidark166 · 2 years
I come back to Ejen Ali because i bought the subscription to disney+
Let's just say i still thinking about a possibility of Ali father, Ghazali fucking found out that Ali is in M.A.T.A, there no way this man doesn't know MATA, his wife was an agent in that shithole.
Also Ali definitely need therapy, that whole cyberscience arena fiasco made him zoning out and derealization feel like he fucking need it
I need his father react that his son being an agent that going mission, almost make him unalived etc Just like his wife, Aliya
I already tired of this boy getting bullied in School and the Academy but ofc there Alicia support him (Also Rudy in season 3 when Ali ask him about stuff that make him inferior and Rudy just said 'do what your best')
Also probably need therapy after he saw his mother disappear slowly as her data deleted (in Iris Dimension)
Can this dude have friends that does not turn back on him, except for Alicia, Iman. Sorry it's just i hate when they suddenly turn back on him when he help international agents when academy kids make it too far out of line. He just too good after all.
Tbf i think most of academy kids like to blame game too much but for Ali, blame game is not for him especially he take those words to the heart and feel inferior because of it.
For international agents, they turn bad to good, i feel fond of them quick but for Kim tho, opposite
Cause when she hurt Comot in ep 10, i literally feel my fondness of her dropping.
I need Ali to be villain again i swear-
He doesn't deserve this shit-
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
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My joy
Ok just a short rant I was feeling too sentimental bc this fucking character kinda saved me from k-ing myself at 12 bc I related to her sm and she helped me realize that however I look I wanna be a boy n I got into Ejen Ali which helped me meet so many ppl I love sm.
Whatever, bye.
also,,,traumatized character thats shown healing by gaining some weight i love,,,
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p-receh · 7 months
Hi! No neg to you at all but i really need to get this out so feel free to ignore :D
I feel like fandoms as a whole has started to become WAY too comfortable in telling their creators what to do. The drama, complaints, and overall neg that i've seen people spewing to monsta is disheartening.
Critics are fine here and there, especially when mentioned in a respectable way. But people seem to forget that nothing is perfect, they see a flaw and just... zero in on it
Monsta can't satisfy everyone. Heck NO creator can satisfy everyone, but complaining about the thing something is lacking and saying negative things about the creators is helping absolutely NO ONE.
If anything it makes the creators ignore you, at worse double down or get disheartened and stop creating as a whole. Other than that it creates a negative sphere that makes some people (who were fine and enjoying this thing they like) to also feel unsatisfied or be negative as well.
I feel like these people don't realize how HARD it is to create let alone make a show.. its actually something i've realized in media consumption over the years; people have consumed so much media that they believe they "know whats best" or "understand better how to create this and that"
Creating is not easy. It takes time. It takes skill. WRITING isn't easy. ART isn't easy. ANIMATING isn't easy.
You want a specific episode that cater to what you like and how you want the characters to be? Write it. Genuinely write it.
Thats what fanart is for, fanfiction, fananimation.
Want something? Make it yourself. People have been spoon feed with free content that includes 3 seasons worth of a show, 2 seasons of its sequel show, 2 movies, AND comics.
People do not REALIZE how privileged they are.
Do you know how many content now that is under a paywall? Do you know how incredible and generous it is to be given free content of an animated show for years?
To be given a show that is so obviously made with passion and love?
And still having the nerve to complain that its not the way how some people want or like it to..
Write it. To those who fully believe they know how things should be created, then do it yourself. Make a script and give it to them. Make a fanfic. Make an AU. Make art. MAKE WHAT EVER IT IS YOUR COMPLAINING ABOUT OR MADE YOU DISSATISFIED
Sorry about the long rant, this is in no way directed to you, been really peeved with how ungrateful people have been (getting that much free content in anything is a privilege some do not realize). Thinking its so easy to make a free show.
Anyway can't wait to see the continuation of your AU :D
Allahuakbar—THAT'S A LONG TED TALK wwwwwwwww X'D
Lmao I was not ready for a minute with how long your ask was, so of course I couldn't ignore this! wkwkwkw
Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 100%!
I am new to this fandom but it genuinely got me a headache. Even with the recent drama "Boboiboy is more likely a fan service franchise now!" or "Why monsta always treat Boboiboy only and abandoning their supporting characters? This is why Ejen Ali is better!" and many other drama that I don't need to know in the past.
Like... Puh-lease. Don't you guys know how much it blessed that they released their show full HD on YouTube? Both TV and movie series? Released their comic on webtoon for free?
Maybe you guys didn't realize how illogical that sound for outside of... I dunno, maybe from sea countries. Like Japan with their infamous strict rules for any franchise when they promote their products.
(and with how ridiculous what had westerns entertainment corporations did to consumers, so pirating on us and Europe almost became a norm?)
Monsta I'd say is genius. They knew they cannot apply the same way with how the Japan did, and thus they find a way to make their show release without losing any money. Even me personally still find that strategy is "somewhat" illegal. But for SEA countries? I can understand why they choose this path. Because that's how The some of franchises from my country did that too to promote their products.
Buuuut does it make the corporate go impecunious?
Now that my friend, it all comes down with the quality and the general public reception themselves.
(I can give you examples buuuut it gonna be longer and might subjective since I don't have any uh... Marketing background knowledge)
Therefor Monsta creatively managed to survive that obstacle. Their shows already big enough across the SEA nations and beyond; their comics and card battle themselves are heavily sold out, and even managed to release on theater in Japan!
Aaaaaaaaand then again, anon. This is internet.
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Sometimes criticism could cause endless of drama that never ends. And it's absolutely unhealthy. Uurggh..
Yet in rare occasions, consumer criticism had their own benefits. Like the infamous Gremlin Movie Sonic before Paramount had to change because of the internet. (HUGE internet criticism If you guys don't know)
It really is a gamble to take any discourse if their take was supporting and even disowning some product. Especially on the internet where you could freely critics without hearts content.
I admit I myself have my complaints but tbf, at the of the day I don't mind with what Monsta give to their product. In fact, I respect with how much they take risk to correcting their mistakes from the very first Boboiboy Series up until now.
Nobody's perfect anyway, so I highly appreciate it they way Monsta tried to please anyone.
But that's the beauty of the Fan Art. Whether in form of music, visuals, literary, and any kind of medium to ensure that franchise still has an active community with tons of new ideas to share for their franchises. Big or small.
Fan art for me is a clarification whether the franchise is acceptable to their target market or not. If no one creates it, I consider that franchise is failure and not exist.
"The difference between fanfic and a "real" novel is that fanfic is honest about its inspiration."
-Mary Robinette Kowal
"There's a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called 'fan fiction'."
-Joss Whedon
Why would someone would want to waste their talents for creating fan art that they didn't even like it at first?
I specifically refer to people who made fan art clearly for hate or trigger people who liked it, not for earning money(that's another story to tell)
What a pity to waste time, ya know?
Like, touch some grass dude :/
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pega-chan · 6 years
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onglai · 8 months
MATA is shady
I like the agency and all, but boy, aren't they scary
First off, the first thing General Rama decided to do after Ali got his hand on IRIS was to execute him before Bakar (and Jenny) intervened. And even then Ali was considered the agency's, and I quote, "property". That's illegal.
Secondly, while it's not explicitly said, MATA is a child soldiers factory. They're training children to fight their war whether inside Cyberaya or outside.
And third and lastly, by using Protokol Gegas as an excuse, they can abandon those child soldiers who've been nothing but loyal to them just because a mission doesn't go their way. While this is a noble moral code, again I repeat that literal children are expected to carry this code as we've seen during S1E7. Right on the next episode, even General Rama admitted that he was grateful Ali wasn't a good agent and had disobeyed a direct order because he wanted to save Alicia.
Bear in mind that MATA is Cyberaya's military first and foremost, founded and funded by none other than Dato' Othman to protect Cyberaya from threats. They're not created as a justice system like the police is. They're just there for Cyberaya's interest and could care less about people's plight such as the Pinggiran.
...okay, I've cooked enough. Time to sleep
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onglai · 8 months
Analyzing Ali's neglect
Today we're gonna look at the extent of emotional neglect in Ali's household, the cause, and the damage it has on Ali's psyche.
It's well established that Dr. Ghazali is not a perfect dad, but at the same time he's not a villainous caritature either. He's simply human. There will be no bashing in this post, though I'm definitely criticizing a lot of his methods.
Part 1: Cause
Before the events of Ejen Ali, Dr. Ghazali was a cheerful man living with his happy family of three consisting of himself, his wife Aliya, and his toddler-aged son Ali. Aliya too was living her best life as an undercover agent, acknowledged as one of their best in the agency.
Sadly for everyone, one person wanted too much power for himself. Uno, formerly Djin, wanted too much power for himself and installed a backdoor program in IRIS. This backdoor would later become some kind of a sick joke when Niki tried to attack Cyberaya by taking over the city's missiles and launch it towards a civillian populated area. Normally, IRIS's processing power is limited but the backdoor Uno installed allowed it access to the city's mainframe, thus allowing Aliya to redirect the missiles... in exchange for her life.
We don't know whether Ghazali is aware that MATA is involved in the events leading her death considering he's a Cyberaya pioneer, so I'll leave that to you speculate. What we can be sure of however is he was not the same after her death.
From a cheery man, he became reclusive. And this is where his family of now two starts to break.
Part 2: Effect
Now, we don't know how old Ali was when Aliya died, but we can assume it was when he was old enough to understand the concept of death.
Ghazali started to shut himself, preferring to bury himself in his work by using his busyness as an excuse. Being a child, Ali obviously couldn't process his emotion with his two anchors gone. Even their cat, Labu, went missing, a fact Ali would later hung onto and project onto Comot.
While it's not mentioned anywhere on screen, with likely with no healthy outlet for his emotion, Ali became much like his dad and made his home his safe haven. Did you ever see this kid playing sports before Bakar barged into his life? Yeah.
Ali would later find a best friend in the form of Viktor, the only support system he had at the beginning of the series.
While they are distant, Ghazali would still provide Ali with money. Otherwise though, Ali was on his own. When he got into trouble or misbehaved, Ghazali would only scold Ali and tell him to grow up despite the fact that he likely never was home to discipline his son in the first place.
Melentur buluh dari rebungnya as people would say.
For what it's worth, Ghazali does love Ali. There's no doubt about that. But emotion isn't his strong suite so he leans into what he does best; be a money machine.
Part 3: Damage
Ali became undisciplined, prone to outbursts, lacked tact, and was generally disgareeble due to his rather obnoxious nature. Why do you think he had no other friends at school?
He had good qualities, like his heroic and kind side, but they were overshadowed by his attention-seeking behavior leading to him becoming reckless and impulsive as we've discussed in this post.
His education was also not so good. Whether he was really a slow learner or just had no motivation to study, his self-esteem issue caused him to spiral more and more downwards whenever his bad grades were brought up.
Other than his lack of social circles, he also didn't have a proper parental figure, causing him to latch onto anyone that gives him the time of the day. Bakar, Jenny, Rizwan, Niki, his junior agent friends. Heck, even Alicia.
And the worst thing? Every single time he wanted to chase over his idolized adult figures, he pushed away everyone else. Yes, every time. First time happened with Rizwan when he shrugged Bakar and Comot off in season 1. Second time also for Rizwan when he alienated Viktor during season 2. In the movie, Ali argued with Alicia and deserted MATA as a result just because of Niki.
Which is why season 3 was such a blessing. It's amazing watching him change so much throughout the series. And while it's painful seeing who he used to be, it's more inspiring to see who he has become.
Part 4: Prediction
Ali isn't a vengeful person. So we know he'd never hate his dad even once he realizes what the man's lack of parenting had done to him.
My prediction is that Ali's gonna be the one who's going to take the initiative to heal Ghazali's grief. I don't think we're gonna see a full-blown father-son fight in season 4, if ever. Ali knows he's not the only one hurting from his mom's death, so he definitely won't use it as an ammo against his dad.
Honestly, I wonder if Ali's even gonna confront his dad about the issue directly. He's emotionally healthier now, but that doesn't mean he won't keep some things to himself like he used to do. Habits die hard.
I just hope their relationship gets resolved (and hopefully not by magic) by the end of the series. Not sure if the Misi: Resipi video is canon, but I do want to see more of these warm interactions in the future
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