propertyofhog · 11 months
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|| Autumn days ||
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mangher-a · 4 months
' Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, you know? Here...let me just... ' Adler @ Teru uwu
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"mm, it seems to have grown a lot." he admits, having not had time or energy to really get it cut to a proper length. teru blows up at his fringe, it settling to cover part of his face not even a second later.
smiling to himself, he scoots over a bit closer to adler, so she doesn't have to reach over too far for his sake.
"are you gonna make me look as pretty as you~?" he asks, unable to stop a small grin from forming on his features. it's surprisingly nice, to be pampered. even if it would only be her brushing his hair to the side, or whatever she had planned.
"i'll get it fixed some day soon." he promises her, not wanting to cause 'em any worry.
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attroxx · 6 months
❤️ Coughs.....quietly....
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hi hi i'm so sorry i haven't reached out or anything i'm just . . . shy and bad at this whole approaching people thing but yes i'd totally be down to ship with you. i got a butt load of characters to choose from T^T thank you for being interested and i'm always down to plot or what not <33
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send ❤️ if you want to ship but are too shy to ask. ― accepting.
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mundanemiseries · 9 months
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@ekleipsi :
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥ !!
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// !!!!! NATAAAAAA tysmmmmmmm this means sm to me 🥺
right back at u man <3 !
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lunarscaled · 9 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥ smooches!!
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sonderrow · 1 year
🐈 @ekleipsi.
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He's been staring at her. She's a nice girl. She's waiting for him to say something as he approached her first after her photoshoot (where he modelled. while being pensive near a fountain.) But he does not say anything. He's got stage fright. In front of a single person. When modelling, he daydreams, or just continues whatever he is doing. He doesn't get what she sees in him (despite his past, he thinks of himself as just a person.)
If she does not mutter something he might just spend the entire day like this. Hypnotized by her face.
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panthersnake-2 · 1 year
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Made this a long time ago based off Moon Cai
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hellguarded-moved · 1 year
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// an alternative version of a previous piece ✨ ft. @ekleipsi
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propertyofhog · 1 year
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|| Solis Ekleipsi || King of the gods, woo'er of many ||
My boy hasn't been drawn in nearly a year SO SUDDENLY DRAWING ALL THIS FOR HIS REF WAS SUUUCH A NICE REFRESH!! I love him to bits and so glad I decided to move in and update everything <3
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starfruitbuzz · 2 years
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alt ending panel LOL
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goddessrisen · 8 months
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     the goddess's bright, piercing gaze turned from the scene toward kieran, a dark eyebrow raised in question. twinned flesh twitched as she struggled to hide her amusement with the fae before she sighed, cleaning the mess left behind with a snap. job done, hyeon-seung turned back where she came, wiggling her fingers at the other over her shoulder.
' Are you accusing me of covering up a crime!? ' /kieran @ekleipsi
     " quite. and badly, too. i care not for crimes being committed, only when done badly or poorly covered up. you are fae, free to do whatever your little heart desires. but do not make it a headache for me. otherwise, we will have a problem. if that's all, 'ta for now, darling. "
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questioning starters || accepting
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dasmondkuss · 9 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥ !!! love seeing u on my DASH!?
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Aww, this is so sweet! Thank you, thank you! It did make me smile and be happier about having returned <3
We need to put all that plotting we had in actual words. I'll be coming for you! 😘
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ovilis-m · 10 months
' You always seem to think you're out of the woods...that you're free. That you've escaped, and eluded my grasp, little dragon. ' [ adra/morganna ]
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Whole body freezes; mismatched eyes narrowing as the dragon tries to pinpoint where his voice is coming from. It had been so fucking long since she had even remotely seen or heard about him. Despite the length of time, their most recent fight was still fresh in her mind. She went from winning to getting her ass kicked in a matter of seconds. And the aftermath wasn't much better.
With a heavy sigh, Morganna prepared herself for a fight; even though she was praying that wouldn't happen. She was exhausted and aching for a hot shower. She wanted Jack more than anything, though. He was her comfort zone.
"Look, Adra," she started, voice strained from lack of sleep ( and getting punched in the throat ). "I'd rather not deal with this right this minute. Can we take a rain check on this whole ... whatever you're doing?"
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lunarscaled · 1 year
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"Don't think I won't rescind those bite privileges of yours on a whim simply because I'm irritated with you @ekleipsi ."
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thecircusfreaks · 1 year
' We should iron out the details of this. Arrangement, if you're gonna ruin my fun constantly like that... ' a muttered, amber orbs narrowed in mild irritation. It was one thing for an arranged marriage of sorts like this, it was quite another when the expectation was remaining faithful to one another. Jaeger had been quite vocal about saying he didn't care what sort of antics Maria had gotten herself up to so long as she turned a blind eye to his as well...though the British family head seemed to have other plans. ' Neither of us really wanted this, let's not make it harder than it has to be. '
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"It was your house that came to me for this arrangement. I expect you to honor it to the best of your ability. I'm not quite sure what your life was like before the decision was made that you'd marry me but if we are to be married, I don't want a husband who could be seen as a lesser man or unworthy. From what I gathered, you like your fun. I'm much more reserved than that but if I find out you're seeking your 'fun' elsewhere, then we have a serious problem. I don't want there to be risk of me being seen as weak for letting my husband cheat on me. If it is ever to find out, I'll have your head ... that's all there is to discuss."
Maria was not going to go about this any other way. They were going to be married for the outside world and for family benefits but if the outside world were to view her as weak due to Jaeger's actions, then she would take action accordingly.
"Anything else, husband?"
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sonderrow · 1 year
🩸 @ekleipsi.
Another vampire. Who liked to play word games and tell grand words without any bite behind it. Across the bar counter from him. Well this will either be interesting or incredibly boring.
Hands lay side by side across the counter, playing as if nothing interesting was going on. However, vampires recognize one another. How would this one play it? After all, it was Archer's territory. Predators watch out for others' presence.
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"What's your poison tonight, sir? It's your first time here, I believe?"
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