#el phantasmo x original female character
elitehunter · 2 years
El Phantasmo: Every time a bell rings...
Title: Every time a bell rings… Theme: Day 1 - Bells for @12daysofchristmas Fandom/Character(s): NJPW/El Phantasmo x OFC Warnings: none Word Count: 829
She's feeling a little down about being too busy for it to feel like the holidays, she hasn't even gotten a tree or watched her favorite movie and none of her favorite traditions observed. He notices and decides to take matters into his own hands. Maybe it's time for some new traditions.
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Comfortable Silence - Riley x Emery
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Post Bullet Club Betrayal at Sakura Genesis 2023
Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club Series
Word Count: 1874 Warnings: Mentions of betrayal, mentions of harming someone else.
Teeth-rotting fluff
Tag List: @blxxckheart @summertimefun1982
Prompts: > You can cuss, cry, scream—it doesn’t matter. Just talk to me; talk until it’s all out. > You’re safe here in my arms.
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Heartbreak and anger were the only emotions Emery could feel at the moment.
Heartbreak at how her boyfriend had been attacked and betrayed. Anger at the people who had done it.
Emery had been keeping a close eye on things happening in NJPW over the years, especially once she started dating Riley. Even more so recently, with Jay leaving and Finlay seemingly taking over. All his jabs, abuse, and disrespect he had shown her boyfriend made her seethe, and her blood boil. Numerous times, Riley had to talk her out of catching a flight to Japan to throw hands with the Irish-German jerk.
For hours today, she had waited to hear from Riley about his trios match at Sakura Genesis. Her demeanor had changed from excitement to shock when he had called her. His usual charming voice was low and soft and seemed to break as he spoke. He refused to do a video call, which was unlike him.
Riley usually loved video calls, claiming that seeing Emery’s beautiful face was the best part of his days.
For him to act this way pained her, which is why she was catching the first flight available to Tokyo. While she had been on the phone with him, she was already packing, throwing a few changes of clothing into a small carry-on, and hastily opening her laptop to get her ticket.
The longer they were on the phone, the more she could tell Riley was affected by the whole thing.
Not so much David’s attack on him— but the fact that even Gedo and KENTA had played a part in it.
And Taiji.
Taiji Ishimori. His long-term tag team partner. Someone he had been through the burner with for years now.
The closest flight she found was one that left Jacksonville at 2:24 pm, had a three-hour layover in Dallas, and would arrive in Tokyo at about 10:15 pm. It cost her a pretty penny, close to 3400 dollars, but Emery needed to be there for Riley.
It had already been nearly five months since they last saw each other in person. It was her luck that TK and Kenny didn’t need her for any Elite business for the following week, and she was able to take the time away. Kenny had even driven her to the airport and saw her off.
The entire flight, she was too wired to sleep; her mind kept racing with numerous thoughts.
What Riley must be feeling at this moment.
How would she feel if she was in his place.
What was the most pain-inducing thing she could legally do to Finlay and Ishimori.
Nearly eighteen hours after leaving Florida, the plane finally touched down in Tokyo, and Emery hastily made her way off the plane and towards the pickup area to look for a taxi.
Since he had taken to being in NJPW for the majority of the past few years, Riley had gotten himself a small apartment. Her Japanese was a bit rusty, so she typed out the address in her phone for the driver, and with a nod from him, they took off toward her unsuspecting boyfriend.
It had been just over four years since Emery had been in Japan, but it was still as beautiful as she remembered. All the bright, neon lights surrounded the streets. It gave her a small window to think more about everything that had happened.
Sure, Jay had taken Bullet Club over from Kenny – but it wasn’t a complete, hostile takeover like in the past. Kenny had been ready to pass it on, so unlike the last moments where AJ had attacked Finn and Kenny had attacked AJ—Jay was able to take over the club peacefully. There was no real animosity between Emery and Jay; they got along reasonably well. When she had learned that the violent takeover had occurred once more, as David attacked Jay back at Battle in the Valley, Emery felt somewhat disappointed.
But after talking with Riley and then later with Jay, Emery realized it wasn’t an actual takeover. Jay had zero plans to hand off Bullet Club to someone, especially not to David Finlay. To her, Finlay knew it too—which is why he seemed to always have issues with Riley, who would always be on Jay’s side.
Switchblade and ELP were for life, no matter what.
A smile lifted Emery’s lips slightly at the thought. She noticed the car come to a steady stop and looked out her window, recognizing the apartment building in front of her.
“Arigato,” Emery told the driver, paying him the fee plus a decent tip. It was late at night, after all, and she was feeling generous to him for even picking her up. Grabbing her carry-on bag and getting out of the taxi, Emery’s brown eyes scanned the outside of the building, stopping about halfway up at where Riley’s apartment would approximately be. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the brightly lit lobby area and headed to the elevator, pressing the ‘up’ button.
Her eyes widened momentarily, quickly pulled out her cell and clicked on her messages.
“Hey, Ken. Totally spaced on it, but I landed a bit ago. Already got a taxi and made it to Riley’s. Getting in the elevator as we speak.”
Hitting the send button, Emery walked into the small square, hit the button for the 7th floor, and then the close button. As she waited, her phone vibrated in her hands, alerting her to a message.
“One-track mind, like always. ;-) I’m sure he’s going to love having you there. Stay safe, and try not to get into trouble. -K”
With a smile, she replied,
“Harrharr Ken. Thanks, and no promises. I have some asses to kick while I’m here.”
The elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open, so Emery slid her phone into her back pocket and began walking down the hall. For some reason, she started to feel nervous, which was odd; she was just going to see her boyfriend. There was nothing to be nervous about.
Maybe it was the whole situation? She didn’t know what frame of mind he would be in. Would he be happy to see her? Perhaps this was a mis—
No, it wasn’t a mistake. Emery shook the thought from her head.
Riley needed her.
Perhaps, she even needed him.
Either way, it was too late as she stopped outside his apartment door. Not wanting to risk hesitating, Emery quickly reached out and knocked on the wooden door before waiting. Close to a minute passed, and nothing happened.
She debated knocking again, wondering if he was out—or if he was already asleep.
Riley sleeping this early wasn’t usual, however, but going out was a possibility. He hadn’t seemed in a ‘Go-Out’ mode on the phone that morning. Frowning, Emery tried again, knocking just a tad harder, and waited.
Close to a minute passed again, and she was about to reach for her phone before the door swung open.
“What do you--?! E-emery?” Riley questioned, his voice softening as he looked at her standing there.
“Surprise?” She gave him a soft smile, hoping he wasn’t upset, “I just figured… with everything that—” Before she could even finish, Riley had stepped out into the hallway and engulfed her in a hug. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight to his chest, his head resting against the top of hers. Emery slowly snaked her arms around his body, her palms resting against his back as she breathed his scent.
She missed this.
Missed him.
Not seeing him in person for a long time had driven her insane.
They stayed in that spot for several minutes before pulling apart, and as she thought they would head inside, Riley surprised her by leaning down and kissing her. The impact of his lips on hers took her breath away, but she welcomed it, her hands resting on his as he cradled her face in his larger hands. A minute later, he released her lips and led her inside his apartment. He let go of her hand as he closed the door and walked towards the living room.  
It was dark inside, a small lamp on in the living room being the only light source. Emery also noticed it seemed trashed, as a chair lay on the floor and papers scattered the living room.
“What are you doing here, Ree?” Riley asked quietly, slumping down on the couch. She noticed he wouldn’t meet her gaze, his eyes staring at the coffee table.
“I wanted to see my boyfriend. He wouldn’t video call me this morning,” Emery said, hoping to get a smile from him, but instead, he seemed only to scoff.
“Some boyfriend… betrayed and attacked by everyone…. Be better off without me.”
She felt like her heart was shattering at his words, so she set her bag down at the small dining table and walked over to join him on the couch.
“Riley…” Emery softly called out, reaching out to take his hand. As soon as she touched him, he quickly drew it away, surprising her. It was silent for a few minutes as she tried to figure out what to say or do.
“Rye— come on, baby, talk to me, please.”
Silence again until Riley pushed himself off the couch and walked over to the window, looking at the city.
“Please, Rye. You can talk to me,” Emery told him, her voice soft,” You can cuss, cry, scream—it doesn’t matter. Just talk to me; talk until it’s all out.”
Even in the dim light, she could see his fists clenching and unclenching. Emery wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch him again—but held back, deciding to let him make the first move instead. After what seemed like forever, Riley finally turned around to face her. His jaw was tense, but she could see the emotion in his eyes.
He was hurt. The betrayal—especially by Taiji—was getting to him.
“Just… hold me. Please.” He bit out, eyes glistening as he made the request.
Nodding, Emery brought her legs onto the couch and leaned back as Riley gently laid down on top of her, his head resting on her chest. His long legs stuck out past the end of the couch, but at that moment, he didn’t care about it.
Emery began to softly comb her fingers through his blonde hair, humming a random song as she did so. The silence between them wasn’t thick with tension but calming and comfortable. With her other hand, she gently rubbed his upper back through the shirt he was wearing. As the minutes ticked by, Emery could feel the tension slowly leave Riley’s body as he finally relaxed.
Placing a soft kiss on his head, Emery whispered, “You’re safe here in my arms.”
They stayed like that for quite a while, comfortable in the silence, before Riley finally spoke up.
“Thank you, Emery, for being here…. I love you so, so much….”
“I love you too, Riley,” Emery replied, a soft smile on her face.
This was home.
Being in his arms, being with him.
That’s where she belonged.
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F You - Riley/ELP x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Tag: @summertimefun1982 @pleasantpastels @blxxckheart
Words: 175
Warnings: language?
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Emery stood there, glaring at Riley as he leaned against the wall with a huge smirk on his face.
“Well--- Fuck you!”
Riley laughed before tilting his head to the side as he replied, “No, fuck you. You’re the bottom in this relationship.”
Emery stood there, wide-eyed, unsure of what to even say—all the anger in her had disappeared in an instant.
“But…. We haven’t even slept together yet.”
“I can change that,” Riley smirked, quickly leaning down to pick her up. He threw her over his shoulders, ignoring her protests and demands to be let down.
“Sorry- can’t hear you,” he said loudly, his grip on her tightening as she wiggled around. Taking a chance, Riley clamped one arm around her knees, freeing up one of his hands- before smacking her rather roughly on the ass.
It was too tempting of an opportunity to pass up—it was right there.
“RILEY!” Emery exclaimed, and despite her wanting her voice to seem angry, he could hear the smile in her voice.
“Oops, sorry, babe!”
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Shortie - Riley/ELP x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Tag List: @blxxckheart @summertimefun1982 @pleasantpastels
Words: 783
Warnings: language? Sexual tension
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Emery stood in the middle of Riley’s kitchen, her hands on her hips as she stared at the cabinet’s top shelf. Her brown eyes were narrowed in mild annoyance and a bit of frustration. All she wanted was to enjoy a bowl of cereal; she had the bowl, spoon, and milk, but for some awful reason, her boyfriend had decided to put the cereal box on the tallest shelf.
Sure, a box of honey smacks was within reach, but she hated how those tasted.
She wanted her fruit loops.
 Behind her, Emery heard Riley walk down the small hallway and over to the living room, heading towards the couch. With her back turned, she didn’t see his shit-eating grin as he watched her stand there.
Riley wasn’t oblivious; he knew that shelf was too high for her to reach. And since he never had use for a ladder or step stool, there was no way to safely reach the top shelves—unless you were tall, like him.
“Can you get the cereal for me?” Emery asked, barely glancing over her shoulder.
Riley lounged back on the couch, one arm stretched out on the back of it, as he looked over at her. Swiping his tongue over his lips, he couldn’t help the smirk as he asked her, “Can I what?”
Emery half-turned to face him, crossing her arms as she glared daggers at him, “Can you please get the cereal for me?”
Wordlessly, he stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, glancing over her head and reaching for the cereal box. Before his hands even touched it, Emery huffed in agitation.
“Not. That. One. The fruit loops. On the TOP shelf.”
Riley glanced over his shoulder at her with a mischievous grin, “Oh, you want the fruit loops, my bad. You mean you can’t reach it?”
“No I can’t reach it, you jerk!” Emery frowned, watching as he grabbed the box and put it on the counter before turning around.
As Riley leaned against the counter, his hazel eyes appraising her, “Look at you. So small and cute, huh? You’re like an armrest.”
“Shut the hell up,” Emery frowned, “I am not short!”
He knew he was poking the bear, but messing with her was too much fun—and he rarely got the chance to do it since they worked in different companies on different continents.
“I could lift you up off the floor without a problem—"
“Excus---!” Emery argued but was cut off by Riley taking a giant step toward her. His arms wrapped around her, grabbing her thighs and effortlessly picking her up. Her legs instinctively curled around him, her ankles locking together.
“What are you doing?! Put me down!”
“I’ve been breaking my back trying to kiss you,” Riley said with a grin still on his face, looking into her eyes.
“I’m not that fucking short!”
“Keep telling yourself that,” he laughed, “If you want to experience the world from up here, you can always call me.”
“I’ll kick you in the back of your knees and make you kneel in front of me,” Emery threatened him, trying to sound harsh, but Riley could see she was fighting with her emotions.
Riley turned around and sat her on the counter before lowering his lips and gently kissing her. She pulled away briefly with a pout on her face.
“Jerk,” Emery mumbled, before leaning up and giving him another kiss. His hand gently wrapped around the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss before letting her go.
“Love you too,” Riley whispered before reaching behind him to unlock her ankles and step away with a smile, “Eat your breakfast, babe.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Emery rolled her eyes, hopping off the small counter area and pouring her bowl of cereal. After putting the milk away, she looked at Riley as he sat on the couch.
Her eyes took in his long sweatpants and hoodie before looking down at her attire—a pair of shorts and a light, long sleeve sleep shirt. It wasn’t hot outside, but it wasn’t cold either—so she was confused.
“Aren’t you hot with so many clothes on?”
Riley turned his attention away from the television screen, smirking at her, “Why? Do you want them off me instead?”
Emery’s eyes went wide for a split second before she narrowed them at Riley and turned back to her bowl of cereal.
“…. I never fucking said that you insufferable prat—”
Riley’s laughter bounced around the room as she ate her breakfast, a soft blush on her face. Sure, he was an ass sometimes, but she loved him and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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