#elecciones 2023
theginkosakata · 5 months
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yourbestamericangirlk · 6 months
San Martín viendo que peleó por la libertad de Argentina para que 200 años después salgan unos pelotudos desinformados a votar a un loco despeinado:
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beneaththemasks · 9 months
Hi there. I never really do this kind of thing here but I need you to stop for a second and read what's about to happen in my country Argentina because this will also affect many of you.
This man in the picture is Javier Milei, a libertarian political candidate running for the presidential elections taking place this october
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Argentina is not anywhere close to being a powerful country and much less an influential one. In fact we've been slowly becoming a U.S colony during the last couple of years which has really impoverished us. However, even if this man's victory won't affect the world's economy I'm sure it'll affect at least more than one of you as individuals.
In case you didn't know, Argentina is one of the very few countries that offers free and public access to both healthcare and education to both residents and non-residents. And that also includes universities.
This country is home to a very large percentage of foreigners that come every year in hopes of getting access to free education because they can't afford to pay for it back in their homelands.
Evey year hundreds of foreign students get degrees in a field of their interest here that allows them to find a job anywhere in the world, including our own country. To be honest many people hate this because, well, racism and xenophobia. But personally, it makes me very proud and hopeful that my country can guarantee this human right to so many people FROM ALL AROUND THE GLOBE.
Sadly, this very man Javier Milei has openly stated that he wants to abolish free access to education for everyone (among many other human rights violations) if he wins this year's elections.
I'm very sad because of yesterday's first round of elections results in which he came out first place. I'm scared that he might win the last round and become our president. And more than anything I don't want my country to loose so many of the things and rights our people fought so hard to obtain.
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vavaharrison · 5 months
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light-miracles · 6 months
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Argentina today
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milanesa42 · 5 months
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La gente sobrevivió cosas peores, solo queda sobrevivir otra vez más
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maidragoste · 6 months
Hermanas de Argentina por favor no voten a Milei pero tampoco voten en blanco 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
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(Pongo una foto de Daemon solo para llamar la atención jajaj)
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purpleyang234 · 9 months
Che pero fuera de joda, lo de Milei me asusta porque si el loco ese gana voy a valer verga de forma bárbara. Por una parte por el trabajo (que por el momento ni siquiera tengo jaja matenme o contratenme) y por otro por la EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA VOY A UNA UNIVERSIDAD PÚBLICA FLACOOOOO AAAAAAA
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sc4rlett-letter · 5 months
tengo miedo por el país que nos vamos a convertir después del 10 de diciembre
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madame-fear · 5 months
These Argentine elections reminded me that when I was little and saw Madonna’s Don’t Cry for me Argentina music video for the first time I didn’t even acknowledge she was representing Eva Peron, I thought MADONNA WANTED TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF ARGENTINA AHHDJDFJ
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pancakes4life · 6 months
Fui a votar y vi a un tipo salir del cuarto oscuro con los ojos rojos e hinchados como si estuviera llorando. Que lindo ser argentino
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yourbestamericangirlk · 5 months
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beneaththemasks · 5 months
40 years ago people in my country were killed for being poor
and black
and studying
and thinking
and speaking
and working
and loving
today, a president who denies the last military dictatorship that took 30.000 lives ever happened, has won the elections
today is a farewell to all the rights we fought so hard to gain by raising our voices in the streets.
it's hard to feel at home.
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adora-sword · 5 months
Ojala le hagan un golpe de estado en menos de un año cuando se den cuenta lo que votaron
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Mi mamá:Vos no te preocupes que nosotros la clase media media vamos a estar bien
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milanesa42 · 6 months
La lluvia de hoy? Son las lágrimas del General San Martín y el Comandante Ricardo Fort
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