#electric tractor vs diesel tractor
jriotte001 · 1 year
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solectrac · 2 years
A short guide on electric tractor vs diesel tractor
Food is a necessity for every living being on this earth. But with more pollution and the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, productivity is gradually decreasing.
But if you are worried about this issue for your farmland, then you should resort to the best tractor for 10 acres.
Even in this aspect, there is the question of greenhouse gas emissions from the fuel being used to power the tractors.
Difference between the electric and diesel tractor
While buying a tractor for increasing production, you need to think about certain factors. Like:
 You want to increase production, but this does not mean that at the cost of environmental damage you have to fulfill your desires. Wondering why this is stated. 
Well, electric tractors use batteries charged by solar power which is completely eco-friendly. 
Moreover, there is no harmful gas emission while the tractor is being operated, unlike diesel tractors where black fumes are generated as soon as you run it. 
2.      Cost
When cost-effectiveness comes to play in the case of electric tractor vs diesel tractor, then the latter wins. But what remains hidden is the future costs associated with the maintenance of these tractors. 
The initial cost of an electric tractor might be high but in the future, there will not be any high expenditure for purchasing fuel or power required for its operation, unlike the diesel tractor.
3.      Maintenance
The electric tractors do not have many moving parts which leads to diminishing upkeep and repairing costs.  
But for diesel tractors, the extra moving engine parts are to be well-maintained to keep the motor running.
4.      Production
In terms of increasing crop cultivation, electric tractors are more proficient in working. It has more precision in working and has highly effective engines than the diesel version.
But this is in theory. When you compare them in the practical field the productivity rate is almost equal. 
The electric tractors are calmer and the energy that they use can be generated using the sun, wind squanders, and even creature compost, which is the futurist answer for reduced contamination and reliance on petroleum derivatives.
As a whole, these zero emission ag utility vehicles are a long-term investment that will be a good investment if you buy it from a reliable manufacturer.
We are happy to help you to increase your farm production with our tractors which can be viewed in our website: https://solectrac.com/ or you can call us in (866) 219-6750.
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dritafiber · 2 years
Diesel punk wars
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Diesel punk wars manual#
Armored vehicles and useable submarines are lessĬommon but still important innovations. Tractors, and diesel-powered electrical generators are even more important The airliner is the prime example of this, but cars, trucks, (better alloys, plastics, etc) makes machinery lighter, stronger, and more Internal combustion and electric power in combination with new materials Period technology encompasses everything found in Steampunk, but Man is dwarfed by his creations and things are subsumed into abstractions. World War I was still fresh in memory as the Great War, the most colossal conflict in the history of mankind. It also saw the first multinational corporations, large-scale social engineering, and mass political movements. This was the age of the zeppelin, the ocean liner, the flying-boat airliner, and the skyscraper. Still, during this period steam engines were gradually being replaced by diesel engines in many areas. The life of an ordinary citizen was far deeper influenced by the oil-burning locomotive, bus, ocean liner or neighborhood power plant. To be noted: unlike the 2000s, the Diesel-powered car in the 1930s was a rare curiosity, only a single model being put into small-scale production in Germany during that age, but on the other side the vast majority of the population could not afford cars back then. (On the other hand, noted reviewer Ken Hite described Children as "Not really diesel, and not really punk.") Pollak stated that it was intended to be on the "darker, dirtier side of Steampunk" and should be considered a "continuum between steampunk and Cyberpunk.". The term Dieselpunk was popularized by Lewis Pollak and Dan Ross in 2001 as the genre for their RPG Children of the Sun. World War II may still happen in some Dieselpunk settings, see below. Typically, Dieselpunk roots itself in urban and wartime settings of the 1920s to the late 1940s, both literally and figuratively 'down to earth'.Ī common point of divergence from our timeline is that The Great Depression never happened, leading to further economic and technological growth and less of the warmongering typical of the inter-war era. Two-Fisted Tales explore settings such as Heroic Fantasy, Space Opera, etc that are not properly a part of Dieselpunk, and Raygun Gothic tends to describe a period both chronologically and technologically later. Both grime and glamour have their place in dieselpunk.ĭieselpunk overlaps with Two-Fisted Tales and Raygun Gothic, but differs mostly in its Punk Punk theme. Like Steampunk, Dieselpunk is a genre dictated primarily by its aesthetics rather than by its thematic content. As this covers a broad spectrum, the precise sources of inspiration can vary greatly between dieselpunk works. Generally, dieselpunk can take inspiration from '20s German Expressionist films, film noir, 1930s pulp magazines and radio dramas, crime and wartime comics, period propaganda films and newsreels, wartime pinups, and other entertainment of the early 20th century. The protagonists are often Heroic Neutral and have low social status. The dieselpunk narrative is characterized by conflict vs the undefeatable ( nature, society, cosmic), strong use of technology, and Grey and Gray Morality. Early 1950s or Mid 1950s period, spiced up with retro-futuristic innovations and Dieselpunk hovercraft by Alexey Lipatov.Ī Punk Punk genre of Speculative Fiction based on the 1920s PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.īecause Steampunk isn't dirty enough. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples.Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted.Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so.
Diesel punk wars manual#
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plugincaro · 2 years
Electric Tractor for Wet Puddling | #ElectricTractor
Benefits: 1. Electric Tractor hardly need any repair, service or maintenance. 2. Very LOW operating costs. 3. Very low noise levels 4. Very low vibration thus less tiring 5. Adding a 1kw or more Solar roof can provide shade & extend working hours 6. No polluting smoke or diesel smell. Due to the reduction of fuel consumption… (more…)
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Electric Tractors For Vineyard And Best Small Vineyard Tractor
Farmers can put the electric tractors to different types of tasks including the best small vineyard tractor. Traditional tractors need complete engine rebuild after 6000 hours of running which is a big expense. On the other hand the electric tractors can be used for 5-10 years without break and it is great for cost-economy.
For more information: https://solectrac.com/tractor-for-vineyard
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dailytechnologynews · 7 years
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U.S. heavy duty trucking companies could save $43.84 billion each year in future fuel costs by switching from internal combustion engines to electric powertrains such as the Mercedes Benz eActros.
U.S. heavy duty trucking companies could save $43.84 billion each year in future fuel costs by switching from internal combustion engines to electric powertrains such as the Mercedes Benz eActros.
Fuel (usually diesel)— consistently represents one of the largest costs for trucking companies.
In 2015 (latest data available), 2.75 million heavy duty trucks (class 7-8, gross vehicle weight over 26,000 lb) traveled 170.25 billion miles, consumed 28.88 billion gallons of fuel, and had an average fuel economy of 5.9 miles per gallon.
The Mercedes Benz eActros can travel 124 miles with an input of 240 kWh.
Therefore, for heavy-duty trucks with an internal combustion engine [(170.25 billion miles) * (5.9 miles per gallon)-1 * ($3.00 per gallon)] = $86.57 billion
For electric heavy duty trucks, e.g. Mercedes Benz eActros [(170.25 billion miles traveled) * (0.518 miles per kWh )-1 * ($0.13 per kWh)] = $42.73 billion.
Savings = [$86.57 billion - $42.73 billion] = $43.84 billion
Fun fact: Average fuel economy loss from 50 to 70 mph (for light duty cars and trucks, internal combustion engine) = 24.5% (Chapter 4, Table 4.29)
Question: Since the electric tractor + trailer costs approx. $0.21 per mile, and the internal combustion engine tractor + trailer costs approx. $0.51 per mile in fuel costs, would the eActros customer potentially consider renting the battery pack (for a fee of $0.11 per mile) in order to decrease the initial cost of the electric powertrain? Or, would it make more sense to purchase the battery pack outright?
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: The second of a two-article submission from R. Ann Parris to The Prepper Journal. As always, if you have information for Preppers that you would like to share as well as being entered into the Prepper Writing Contest and have a chance to win one of three Amazon Gift Cards  with the top prize being a $300 card to purchase your own prepping supplies, then enter today!
So, we’re ready to dig up our yards and grow food. Having figured out how and where we want our future plants to pop up, it’s time to deal with what’s already there. But, man, sometimes that grass looks daunting.
If you’re going after it with a broadfork and a shovel, it should – lush and thick or hard and patchy.
Even if you have a handy tractor or rototiller waiting in a shed, there are some tools and practices that can help make the conversion from grass to groceries a little easier. If you’re hacking out of forest, woods, or scrub, you have a ton of challenges. Once you have the thick brush tackled, some of the follow-on methods will apply to you, too.
If we’re crunched, plotting dedicated, permanent beds requires less labor and materials for the lawn-removal stage. We mow, de-sod, till, and cover only those spaces, and deal with access lanes and aisles … some other time.
Cover Kill
One of the simplest ways to convert lawns is with cover kills. Cover kills mean we cover the patches where we want to plant with something. A lot of times, that means tarps of some sort, and tarps have a lot of advantages over other options. (“Tarps” includes things like salvaged plastic baby pools and boat/automobile wrap.)
We can also use sheets of cardboard, plywood/OSB, or interior paneling. Dark curtains or blankets, landscaping fabric (high-density and doubled/tripled up), and tripled-over carpets can also work for cover kills.
In the simplest form, we go for the smother and re-smother method, or the smother-scorch method.
It starts by mowing/bush-hogging our yards to get them low and manageable, and covering them with one of the materials above. We also edge the area – 8-12” or deeper if possible – to cut rhizomes and stolons from beyond our tarp. We peek under our covers here and there, and go after anything that pushes out from the sides with a mower, weed eater, shears, or a hoe.
The plants underneath get starved of light and start turning white in 1-4 weeks. From there, we have a few options. Our best fit is going to depend on the time, labor, and equipment we have to play with.
One option is to take advantage of the grasses’ weakened state. We flip the covers off, go along with a garden rake, and pull out as much of the growth as possible. (Do not compost this.)
Then we play hokey-pokey with our tarps.
We flip them on and off checking things. If it’s dry, go ahead and water the patch(es). It’ll help encourage germination (a good thing). By type of tarp, it’ll also help warm the soil, which can be helpful when we’re doing this in winter, spring, and autumn.
When our beds show signs of new baby weeds emerging, we uncover them, and either burn them off (propane or hairspray-lighter “flame weeding”) or repeat our raking/pulling.
If we aren’t in a rush to start producing and are short on time on a daily basis, and if our tools are a garden rake, shovel, and hoe, we can go simpler yet and just leave those covers right where they are, or remove our tarps for 2-4 days and then replace them. The seeds will germinate, but they’re never able to get enough sun for developing true leaves, and they die off. The “runner root” weeds go through the sprout-anew cycle, too, and eventually run out of stored energy in their roots.  Eventually, the lawn will die-die.
If we can buy 1-9 months for this process, it’s pretty labor minimal to get a patch with significantly lower weed pressure.
If we can leave tarps in place during the warmer seasons, that weed pressure goes down even further. Not only do we kill and remove the first set, it takes less time for the next 2-8 rounds of killing off new sprouts, and the tarps generate enough heat underneath to steam or scorch some of those roots, rhizomes, stolons, and seeds. (That really only works with dark tarps – not so great with white or cardboard, fabric, or lumber.)
Till Kill
If we have them available, tillers also get used in hacking out gardens and farms (manual equivalent: double dig). There’s good and bad. If you’re heavy on rhizome and stolon weeds (Bermuda grass, creeping charlie) tilling slices those apart. You get 10-100 times as many to kill as you started with.
That said, it is an option. And it’s not a bad first or middle step, even for future no-till systems.
One way it’s super effective is to go ahead and till, then cover the areas you’re going to plant as discussed above. You can smother kill once, or play the hokey-pokey – letting in light and moisture, then covering again after baby weeds pop up.
Till kill is also done as a multi-step process of just tilling. You till, then you come back and till again in 1-6 weeks, and again, and again.
When your weed coverage has decreased, you can plant something fast enough out of the gate to compete with weeds (radish), a grass-based herbicide-resistant crop (so you can spray), or a smother-capable cover crop (mustard, buckwheat, vetch). That always applies, but with till kills it’s really helpful.
Tilthing vs. Tilling
Once you have tilled enough (once, or repeatedly) to get a head start on the weeds, seriously think about going to surface-only soil disturbance. Every time you till, you are redistributing 6-12” (or as much as 18”) of soil.
Beyond all the “greenie” and “eco-freak” reasons that include nitrogen “flash” and predator-prey and microbial balances, when you redistribute that soil, you’re redistributing more weed seeds.
Those boogers will last decades in some cases, just waiting to get close enough to the surface to sprout. Some of those stolons and rhizomes will grow through 4-6” of material, run sideways 8-15’, or lurk for up to 2-3 years after being cut. Then they, too, will spring back to life.
  I can be stirring up weeds in the top 2-3” with a manual, gas/diesel, or electric tilther (or my weasel or rake). Or I can be bringing up fresh weeds from a 6-12” pool of dirt. Relativity comes into play, but there’s also simple math. I will exhaust the weed monsters contained in 2-4” a whole lot faster than in 6-12”. There’s just fewer of them to be fighting along with whatever gets blown/dropped in.
Same goes for all the little rocks I redistribute every time I till.
So long as I’m not walking/driving on my rows or beds, and if I can mulch, cover crop, or tarp/cardboard cover them in the off season, the deeper soil will stay plenty loose enough to be productive. From there, running a tilther or rake in the topmost layer is sufficient for amendments, seed-bed prep, and weed control.
Situations are going to vary, but at least think it through and make actual pro-con lists. Make sure to make them from the “prepper/survivalist” angle as well. Factor in the fuel cost and shelf life, maintenance needs, noise, etc., if this is something you plan to rely on in a crisis.
For example, my tilthers run off an electric drill and a string trimmer. On one hand, I consider that a “pro” – one base tool, many jobs; electric brrvvvvh vs. gas grumble; low energy to recharge, my small individual panels and hydro can handle it; lighter and more mobile, more people can use them more places. On the other hand, it puts additional wear and tear and discharge cycles on tools and batteries I rely on a lot, and it adds to “need” competition for them.
There’s something to be said for cutting up our lawn and getting it out of the way when we’re hacking new production space. This can be the primary step, or it can be used ahead of tilling or cover kills. A combo starting with removal, hitting a double-dig or deep-till, and then going for cover kills is really effective.
You can do this with a shovel, a hoe, and a rake. You can buy or rent a manual machine that you kick every step. Or, you can rent or buy a diesel- or gas-powered version you push or tow.
I have a “kick” sod cutter. There are three very, very, very important things to note.
One, wear shoes/boots with good soles. This is where you’re going to make impact 400-600 times for an 8” cutter and 125 sqft (five 30”x10’ beds, a 10’x12’ plot). Aim for soles that will not slip off a narrow bar and create conditions for A.) doing the splits, or, B.) doing face plants. I have yet to fully decide if distinct heels are a detriment or an asset.
Two, wear shoes that fit well. Like, really well. Because you’re about to see just how much they slide around on the sides and heel of your foot. Loose boots x 500 = Blisters.
Three, typically we like damp earth for soil work. However, I’m on the fence about sod cutting dry vs. damp. If you are maybe not super graceful, for-sure do not go out to boot-stomp your way across the earth with a sod cutter when it’s full-on wet.
It has nothing to do with the accumulation of mud everywhere, and everything to do with how often you flap your non-wings and contort your body like a 13-year-old gymnast in hopes of avoiding what we like to call “fall-down-go-boom syndrome”.
We the most coordinated clowns in the circus are happy to have discovered these things for the good of humanity.
Other Considerations
This article specifically focused on ways to convert lawns into in-ground growing space. There are lots of ways to garden, and to grow fairly significant amounts of food. Methods abound that use basically yard debris and salvage materials to start from the grass and go up instead, although they’re going to require the purchase of at least some soil.
We’ll likely need soil amendments, no matter what. If we’ve been devotedly mowing grass lawns, it’s compacted, with limited microorganisms. Our dirt is likely to be especially low in micro-nutrients if we mow and bag, either for trash or to mulch trees. If we can look and see our yard is bare, patchy, and hard or sandy, we know we have problems.
Those soils aren’t healthy enough to buffer crops from pests, disease and nutrient deficiencies.
Soil tests for pH and NPK are $5-15. Ideally, get a few and do a test now, so you know if you’re already deficient. Then repeat when you’re ready to plant. Most extensions will do a micro-nutrient battery, with prices ranging from $10-50.
Regardless of the results, we’ll eventually need amendments for any garden. That means we stock them, or we start producing those, too.
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The post Converting Yards to Gardens – Digging In appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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solectrac · 4 years
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Roadside Truck Diesel Repair Mechanic Cummins Power Stroke Duramax near Las Vegas Henderson NV
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Mobile Diesel Repair near me
Heavy Duty Mobile Diesel Mechanic Las Vegas Henderson: Not so long ago, diesel engines were considered totally unsuitable for cars and pickup trucks. With their tractor-like sounds, heavy vibrations, and noxious black exhaust smoke, they were simply not refined enough.
Today’s modern diesel engines are a whole different story. These machines have numerous strong points, with low fuel consumption being just one of them. The application of variable turbochargers and sophisticated fuel injection systems have enabled a wide torque range and faster throttle response, while offering a considerable engine noise and vibration reduction. And in the end, various exhaust treatment systems have eliminated unpleasant smells and black smoke from the tailpipe. As a result, diesel powered vehicles pull strongly from low revs, and exhibit a smooth and civilized engine character. All of this makes them ideal for pulling heavy loads or towing a trailer. It is no surprise to find that diesel engines are a desirable and popular option in modern pickup trucks.
Still, these engines are not without issues.
Although sophisticated fuel and induction systems have improved the overall driving experience, these engines are also less robust, and can be more prone to breakdowns if neglected. High-quality fuel and regular maintenance have become mandatory, as even a small amount of bad fuel can cause irreversible damage to the common rail system. Additionally, the best quality oil is a necessity, as oil vapor and carbon build-ups can jam variable-geometry turbochargers.
If not driven carefully, massive amounts of torque can put an excessive strain to the transmission and drivetrain. This is especially evident in cars with manual transmissions, where flywheels and clutches can fail.
Yet the biggest problem facing diesel engines is the high amount of harmful pollutants in diesel exhaust gases. This need for improved emissions controls has driven diesel engine development over the past ten years. Every few years, new government regulations demand further reductions of harmful emissions. This forces vehicle manufacturers to install more and more complex devices and systems to meet those regulations.
There are several ways to reduce diesel emissions. Diesel Particle Filters (DPF) are used to eliminate soot, but they don’t do anything about nitrogen oxide emissions. This is where either Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) or Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) come into play.
General Motors, Ford and Chrysler have diesel engines that they install in their cars, SUVs and trucks. Not only do these state-of-the-art machines have similar engine displacements and power outputs, but they also utilize similar turbochargers, fuel injection, and emission control systems.
But don’t think that there aren’t any noticeable differences between the three of them!
Of these three engine brands, Cummins is by far the oldest. Although generally associated with Ram pickup trucks, this engine is actually designed and manufactured by Cummins Inc., a specialized diesel power-plant manufacturer located in Columbus, Indiana. The current engine is the latest of the B-series engine family, and was introduced in mid-2007. This is a 6.7L straight six unit, with a conventional gray cast iron engine block. Unlike other modern engines, the 4-valve-per-cylinder head is also made from cast iron. The OHV valvetrain is gear driven, so there is no need for timing chains or belts. A relatively low compression ratio enables the usage of a large Holset turbocharger, capable of producing 33 psi of boost. A Bosch common rail system ensures noise reduction and smooth operation. Until 2013, the emission control system utilized DPF and EGR, making DEF fluid unnecessary. In 2013 an SCR system was also added. With a weight of around 1,100 lb, the Cummins is a bit on the heavy side. It is available either with a Chrysler-built six-speed 68RFE automatic transmission, or with a Mercedes G56 6-speed manual.
During 2019, a revised ITB 6.7L engine is available in several heavy duty versions of the Ram. This high-output version has engine block made out of compacted graphite iron, which increases strength without adding weight, forged steel connecting rods and a revised cylinder head. Combined with all new Bosch CP4.2 common rail injection and a modified turbocharger, this new engine is the first of its kind to reach the 1,000 lb.-ft. milestone.
·         Clogged Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is a very common problem on earlier 6.7L engines. This is due to the fact that because they do not use an SCR system, these engines tend to operate with a rich air-fuel mixture. This is done to keep the NOx down, but it also generates significantly more particulates and loads-up the DPF much quicker.
·         Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VTG) is a fairly common failure point. As the 6.7L engine was the first Cummins unit that uses variable geometry turbocharger, it is not unusual to have some initial problems. These units have a series of mechanisms that alter the turbine housing geometry. Problems occur when the moving components in the turbine housing become coated with soot and oil; the excessive buildup can prevent the movement of the VGT mechanism. This generally leads to excessive turbo lag or poor top end engine power. The turbocharger unit also tends to fail from various other causes, ranging from leaking oil seals to broken turbine or compressor wheels.
·         Head gasket failures: Unlike its predecessor 5.9L engines, the new 6.7L engine is known to have problems with failing head gaskets. This is caused by higher cylinder pressures, which are required for achieving such a high torque output from a relatively small engine.
·         Fuel dilution: The root cause for excessive fuel dilution is a result of the method by which the engine manages regeneration. This is the process which burns and removes the particulate matter captured in the DPF. In the 6.7L Cummins engine, raw fuel is released into each cylinder during the exhaust stroke, after normal combustion has occurred. Because this fuel sticks to the cylinders, small amounts eventually escape past the cylinder rings and enter the crankcase, contaminating the engine oil.
Mobile Cummins Mechanic near me: Although the Cummins automotive diesel engine lineup goes way back to the beginning of the 20th century, we will focus on the units that were installed in the Ram trucks (known as Dodge Ram until 2010).
The 6BT 5.9L 12V engine was first installed in a Dodge Ram truck in 1989, as an alternative to V8 gasoline engines. This engine generated much more low-down torque with a significantly increased fuel economy, and it quickly became a very popular option. Over the years, this engine received many updates to the fuel injection and turbocharging systems. This all-cast iron engine had a 2-valve-per-cylinder head and was turbocharged. While the first models had mechanical direct fuel injection and were not equipped with an intercooler, this was gradually changed. An intercooler was introduced in 1991 to help boost the power, and in 1994 a new P7100 Bosch injection pump replaced the outdated system.
The IBS 5.9L 24V replaced the well-proven 6BT engine in 1998, and was designed to meet updated emissions requirements. It featured many improvements, including an all-new 4-valve-per-cylinder head, and a VP44 Bosch electronic fuel injection system. This resulted in increased power output and performance potential without compromising reliability and durability. Another major update was done in 2003, when the common-rail injection system was introduced. This not only increased power output, but it also dramatically reduced engine noise and vibration, all of which helped it to be selected as one of Ward’s “10 Best Engines” for that year. It is worth noting that this engine was able to meet emission regulations without using either DPF or EGR.
The current 6.7L Power Stroke diesel engine that comes in Ford Super-Duty trucks series is completely built by Ford in-house. Nicknamed the Scorpion, this is Ford’s first venture into the heavy-duty diesel power-plant waters; all previous Power Stroke units had been produced by Navistar. With that in mind, it is only natural that potential buyers were concerned about the reliability of this newly designed powerplant.
Luckily, Ford got everything right with the 6.7L. It offers great performance, fuel economy, and reliability. Maintenance-free timing is done by a chain-driven OHV setup that operates a 4-valve-per-cylinder valvetrain. The engine is quite light. Its block is made from compacted graphite iron, mated to aluminum heads, while the V-8 engine layout ensures compactness.
Power Stroke engines have a unique exhaust and intake setup. Unlike a traditional V-engine, the intake manifolds are located on the outer deck of the cylinder head and the exhaust manifolds exit directly into the engine valley where the turbocharger is mounted. This exhaust flow design increased thermal efficiency of the turbocharger. Another useful feature is a driver-activated engine-exhaust brake, which restricts the exhaust flow. This generates back pressure and slows the vehicle. On the emission control front, this engine utilizes almost every technology available. In addition to a standard DOC, EGR and DPF setup, it also uses SCR to additionally lower NOx content.
These engines come equipped with a 6R140 6-speed automatic transmission, called TorqShift by Ford. Over time, it has proven to be one of the best factory-installed transmissions on the market.
Most problems with the 6.7L Power Stroke are isolated incidents. Failures or faults have been experienced by a low percentage of owners, particularly on early engines. While some issues are expected from a late model clean-diesel engine, especially one as advanced as the 6.7L Power Stroke, there have been very few major issues with Ford’s new diesel.
·         Radiator failures and general coolant leaks: These are somewhat common on the early 2011 trucks. These trucks have two radiators, with the one closer to the engine developing a leak on the spot where the plastic tank is joined to the metal core. It is also possible to see coolant leaks around the turbocharger area, with coolant inlet fittings being the usual cause.
 ·         Turbo failure: This is one of the most common issues on these engines. The turbocharger on these engines is a fairly complicated unit, and many early 2011-2012 models suffer from various turbo-related problems. The ceramic bearings are the most common failure point.
 ·         EGR System Issues: These occurrences are far less common, when compared to the earlier 6.0 and 6.4 Power Stroke engines. But the problem with the EGR cooler getting clogged by soot still persists. The result is an obstructed exhaust flow and a ‘check engine’ light.
 ·         SCR system: This is a relatively simple device, but it has several weak points. A tank heater element can burn out, or the injector and connecting tubing can clog up. As this system works only at high exhaust temperatures, the urea solution can crystallize if you have frequent short journeys. Additionally, the NOx sensor can break or give false readings.
 ·         Glow Plug Failure: This is potentially the most dangerous weak point on the 2011 trucks. The problem lies within the glow plugs, which can break off. In most cases, this causes catastrophic engine damage. Newer trucks have updated glow plugs, and do not suffer this issue.
 ·         Fuel System Failure: This can be caused by internal deterioration of the high-pressure fuel pump. When this happens, debris is spread throughout the entire fuel system, requiring a new pump, injectors, and pressure regulators. To prevent this, be extremely careful about the fuel you use, and change the fuel filters regularly.
 ·         NOx sensor: This was a extremely common failure on 2011 trucks. A faulty NOx sensor can, in some cases, cause engine power reduction. Most of these sensors were replaced during their early years of service.
 Mobile Duramax mechanic Las Vegas Henderson: The Duramax, GM’s entry in the growing heavy-duty diesel engine segment, entered the stage quite late, compared to Ford and Ram. But even its first version, released in 2001, featured  advanced solutions, like common rail fuel injection and aluminum heads. Although it was speculated that the L5P would be developed from scratch, the general layout was left unchanged, keeping both the displacement and the V8 arrangement.
To keep up with the competition, this engine uses a cast iron block with hardened cylinder walls, mated to aluminum 4-valves-per-cylinder heads. Much like its Ford counterpart, it uses a chain driven OHV setup, with pushrods and a camshaft in the block. An electronically-controlled variable-geometry turbocharger, in combination with a high-efficiency air-to-air intercooler, increases the torque throughout the RPM range. The newest generation Denso common rail fuel injection, capable of achieving fuel pressures up to 29,000 psi, brings down the fuel consumption and noticeably reduces engine noise.
Starting the Duramax in extreme cold is much easier with its all-new ceramic glow plugs, designed to reduce preheat times. Exhaust treatments include EGR, DPF and SCR, to ensure that the strict emission regulations are met. This engine is only available with a well proven Allison 1000 6-speed automatic transmission.
·         Fuel starvation: This is usually caused by air in the fuel lines. The root of the problem is the fuel filter housing design and the absence of the fuel lift pump. Duramax engines use a high pressure fuel pump, which vacuums fuel from the tank. In many cases, air seeps in, either through a small crack on the fuel filter housing, or through a bad housing o-ring. It can also be relatively difficult to prime the fuel system once air has been introduced into the system, such as when the fuel filter is changed.
·         Cooling issues: These are  quite common on Duramax engines, with a faulty coolant pump being the main problem area. The problems seem to be caused by a poor factory design. As a preventive measure, the coolant pump is best replaced at 80,000 – 100,000 mile intervals. It is also possible to experience various other overheating problems, caused by either a dirty radiator or a faulty fan clutch.
·         Injection system: This can be the source of several problems. In general, the Duramax fuel injectors are quite sensitive to contamination, and may fail prematurely if poor quality fuel is used. Proper maintenance and regular fuel filter changes are very important. Another possible weak point is an injector harness that chafes over time. When the wires become exposed, a number of issues can occur, including a no-start, rough running, and lack of power.
·         The design of the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system: This has proved to be a bit troublesome, as it can vent the crankcase pressure into the intake. Over time, engine oil fumes build up within the intercooler and connecting tubing. This can result in clogging, as well as intercooler tubing deterioration.
·         The SCR system: This is a relatively simple device, but it has several weak points. The in-tank heater element can burn out, or the injector and connecting tubing can clog up. As this system works only at high exhaust temperatures, the urea solution can crystallize after frequent short trips. The NOx sensor can also break or give false readings.
Whatever its year or generation, every Duramax is a 6.6L V8 unit. Unlike Cummins or Ford, who altered key engine features such as displacement, cylinder head design or fuel injection throughout the years, GM has retained the same general layout from the beginning.
The LB7 was the first Duramax engine, first introduced in year 2001. Not only was it the first engine to utilize Bosch common-rail injection, but it also had aluminum multi-valve cylinder heads. Additionally, it managed to be ahead of the emissions regulations of the time. Even better, it was very reliable and economical. It was no surprise, then, that the Duramax LB7 was among Ward’s “10 Best Engines” in both 2001 and 2002.
The LLY replaced the very successful LB7 during 2004, with stricter emissions standards as the primary reason for its introduction. It featured an EGR system and a variable vane geometry (VVG) turbocharger, which provided noticeably improved performance characteristics, compared to a fixed geometry turbo.
The LBZ replaced the LLY in year 2006, and is almost identical. The only notable change was an increased power output, achieved by more aggressive fuel injection tuning. This Duramax variant was used only for a short period time, and was replaced during model year 2007.
The LMM was a further iteration of a LLY/LBZ platform, debuting during the 2007 model year. This model introduced a diesel particulate filter (DPF) system to meet Federal emissions regulations. Aside from the addition of the DPF, the LMM was nearly identical to the LBZ. The DPF resulted in a reduction of particulate emissions by 90 percent. The downside was noticeably higher fuel consumption, largely due to the periodic regeneration cycles needed to clean the particulate filter. By this point, a manual transmission was no longer available, with the Allison 1000 six-speed automatic being the only option.
The LML Duramax was introduced in 2011, using 60% newly-designed components, compared to the previous generation Duramax. As with previous versions, it featured several emission control upgrades. The most important was the addition of an SCR system, or diesel exhaust fluid injection. This simple and well-proven system helped reduce nitrogen oxide emission levels by 63 percent over the LMM engine. Among other improvements was the introduction of the “9th injector” system, which supplied fuel for the DPF regeneration directly into exhaust system. All of these modifications resulted in not only reduced emissions, but also in increased fuel economy.
As you can see, all three engines have roughly similar power outputs, despite various design and layout differences. What makes them very different is how all of this power and torque are delivered and used. With a slightly higher power output, Power Stroke and Duramax powered trucks predictably offer a noticeably better acceleration and somewhat better overall pace. Cummins, on the other hand, delivers more torque, especially in its high-output version. With 1,000 lb⋅ft, it is a true leader of the pack when it comes to towing. Being a straight-6 engine, it is less complex and in many cases easier to maintain. In other words, Chevy and Ford are faster diesel trucks than the equivalent Ram, but the Ram outruns them when it comes to towing.
A Final Word
Let’s talk about about reliability and running costs. It is frequently argued that modern diesel engines are less reliable and have much higher running costs, compared to older versions. Undoubtedly, the added complexity of today’s fuel injection, turbocharging and exhaust treatment systems does increase this possibility. Still, the main reason for the poor reliability myth is due to the fact that these sophisticated engines are far less forgiving of neglect. As with all modern engines, the key to longevity is proper maintenance. Using high quality fuel, performing regular service, using the recommended oil and filters, and practicing good driving habits, will increase the lifespan of any engine.
 Source: https://mechanicguides.com/cummins-vs-powerstroke-vs-duramax-the-heavy-duty-diesel-battle/
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eurekakinginc · 5 years
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"The amount of energy produced from a '60 foot wide PV System' built along all interstate, freeway, expressway & principal arterial roads within the U.S. would power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said fleet was converted into electric) [OC]."- Detail: Imagine we converted all internal combustion engine cars, trucks, and buses in the U.S. to electric. How large of a PV system would it take to run the entire U.S. electric ground fleet on 100% solar? How much would the PV system cost and how much money + petroleum would we save on fuel?Answer: a 1.133 TW-pDC PV system would cost approximately $3.39 trillion, would produce over 1.47 trillion kWh/year, and have a lifetime of 25 years. It would reduce the consumption of 117.89 billion gallons of petroleum EVERY YEAR, and save over $168.5 billion in fuel costs EVERY YEAR. So, after 25 years, it would save over 4.42 trillion gallons of petroleum and over $4.2 trillion in fuel costs (inflation not included).First, start with some data, then note some assumptions, and finally run through some calculations.DATAFrom National Transportation Statistics 2018-Q4Table 1-5: U.S. Public Road and Street Mileage by Functional SystemTOTAL urban and rural mileage = 4,165,349URBAN Interstates, freeways, and expressways = 19,092 + 12,152 = 31,244 milesRURAL Interstates, freeways, and expressways = 29,162 + 6,589 = 35,751 milesURBAN Principal arterials, Other = 66,316 milesRURAL Principal arterials, Other = 89,766 milesCOMBINED URBAN & RURAL Interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other = 31,244 + 35,751 + 66,316 + 89,766 = 223,077 miles223,077 miles = 359,007,631 metersDATATable 1-35: U.S. Vehicle-Miles (2016) (i.e. miles traveled per year)Highway, total = 3,174,408,000,000Light duty vehicle, short wheelbase = 2,191,764,000,000Light duty vehicle, long wheelbase = 657,954,000,000Truck, single-unit 2-axle 6-tire = 113,338,000,000Truck, combination = 174,557,000,000Bus = 16,350,000,000ASSUMPTIONS:(1) Average output of the PV system = 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC PV. Source(2) 1 kW-pDC PV = 58.83 sq.ft = 5.465 sq. meters Source(3) The entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) can be can be converted into electric. In other words, every internal combustion engine car, truck, bus and van, etc. would be converted into its electric equivalent. The difference in cost to purchase an EV vs. its equivalent ICEV is beyond the scope of this project.(4) The electric transportation fleet can be characterized as having a SPECIFIC AVERAGE EFFICIENCY PER VEHICLE CLASS with units x kWh/mile (or inversely y miles/kWh).(5) The average efficiency per vehicle class is extrapolated with the following data / estimates in mind:Tesla Model 3 SR (sedan) EXISTING = 0.29 kWh/mile (3.45 miles/kWh)Tesla Model X 75D (SUV) EXISTING = 0.36 kWh/mile (2.78 miles/kWh)Tesla Model T (pickup truck) ESTIMATED = 0.49 kWh/mile (2.04 miles/kWh)Tesla Semi-Tractor + Trailer ESTIMATED = 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh)Electric Light Duty Vehicle, short wheelbase ESTIMATED = 0.364 kWh/mile (2.75 miles/kWh)Electric Light Duty Vehicle, long wheelbase ESTIMATED = 0.364 kWh/mile (2 miles/kWh)Electric Truck, Single-unit 2-axle 6-tire ESTIMATED = 0.571 kWh/mile (1.75 miles/kWh)Electric Truck, Combination ESTIMATED = 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh)Electric Bus ESTIMATED = 1.33 kWh/mile (0.75 miles/kWh)(6) Efficiency specs for EVs would be rated by the EPA and therefore the estimated x kWh/mile accounts for any losses due to charging inefficiencies.(7) Inefficiencies converting DC to AC in a PV system is accounted for in PV Watts. Module Degradation is accounted for in PV output estimates (i.e. 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC takes accounts the 6-8% module degradation over the lifetime of the PV system.)(8) PV systems last a minimum 25 years. Since inverters are (normally) the only part of the PV system that don't last that long, a loss factor of (COST PER WATT * 1.25) is applied to COST ESTIMATES of the PV system to account for replacing the inverter every 12.5 years.(9) Kirchoff's law applies to PV systems the same way as it does to electric circuits. While it is true that the electrons that you create with your PV system, may or may not be the exact same electrons that charge your EV, for accounting purposes: solar energy in equals solar energy out. Solar energy in equals solar energy out is 'Kirchoff's law' rephrased for solar.(10) Energy storage is obviously necessary for a large PV array such as the proposed. However, calculating size and cost of any energy storage equipment is beyond the scope of this project. Kirchoff + Thevenin's theorem allows the analysis to apply even without calculating storage.(11) Inflation: calculating the cost of inflation and its effects is beyond the scope of this project.CALCULATIONS (using data from National Transportation Statistics + estimated efficiencies of EVs + estimated costs data):2,191,764,000,000 miles * 0.364 kWh/mile (2.75 miles/kWh) = 797,802,096,000 kWh657,954,000,000 miles * 0.364 kWh/mile (2 miles/kWh) = 239,495,256,000 kWh113,338,000,000 miles * 0.571 kWh/mile (1.75 miles/kWh) = 64,715,998,000 kWh174,557,000,000 miles * 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh) = 349,114,000,000 kWh16,350,000,000 miles * 1.33 kWh/mile (0.75 miles/kWh) = 21,745,500,000 kWh797,802,096,000 kWh + 239,495,256,000 kWh + 64,715,998,000 kWh + 349,114,000,000 kWh + 21,745,500,000 kWh = 1,472,872,850,000 kWh1,472,872,850,000 kWh ÷ 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC PV = 1,132,979,116 kW-pDC PV = 1.133 TW-pDC PV1,132,979,116 kW-pDC PV * 5.465 sq. meters/kW-pDC PV = 5,664,895,580,000 sq. meters PV359,007,631 meters (of interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other) * 18.29 meters (60 feet) = 6,566,249,571 sq. meters6,566,249,571 sq. meters (of interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other) > 5,664,895,580,000 sq. meters PVTherefore, if we built a 60 foot wide PV System along every mile of interstate, freeway, expressway & Principal Arterial Road` within the U.S. National Transportation System, it would be enough to power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said Fleet was converted into electric).How much would the PV system cost and how much money + petroleum would we save on fuel?DATATable 4-9: Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption and TravelVehicles registered = 268,799,000Vehicle-miles traveled = 3,174,408,000,000Fuel consumed (gallons)= 176,891,000,000Average miles traveled per vehicle = 11,800Average miles traveled per gallon = 17.9Average fuel consumed per vehicle (gallons) = 658DATATable 1-20: Production-Weighted Fuel EconomiesFuel economy, mpgCar = 30Car SUV = 26Pickup = 18.9Van = 22.8Truck SUV = 22.2Table 4-23: Average Fuel Efficiency of U.S. Light Duty VehiclesICE-Light duty vehicle, short wheel base EXISTING = 24 mpgICE-Light Duty Vehicle, long wheelbase EXISTING = 17.4 mpgICE-Truck, Single-unit 2-axle 6-tire ESTIMATED = 15 mpgICE-Truck, Combination ESTIMATED = 8 mpgICE-Bus ESTIMATED = 5 mpgTherefore, powering the U.S. Electric Ground Transportation Fleet with 100% solar would replace the combustion of 117.89 billion gallons of gas EVERY YEAR.DATAState-level median installed PV prices in 2017 ranged from $2.6/W to $4.5/W for residential systems, from $2.2/W to $4.0/W for small non-residential systems, and from $2.1/W to $2.4/W for large non-residential systems. SourceNational Average Regular Gasoline Prices = $2.45/galNational On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices = $3.10/gal SourceCALCULATIONS(117.89 billion gallons of gas equivalent/year) * ((0.8) * ($2.45/gal gas) + (0.2) * ($3.10/gal diesel)) = $304,156,200,000 PER YEAR for petroleum fuel1.133 TW-pDC PV * $2.4/WATT * 1.25 (inverter loss) = $3.39 trillionPV system lasts 25 years (pricing includes the assumption that inverters need to be replaced every 12.5 years)3.154 trillion miles traveled/year$304,156,200,000 PER YEAR (for petroleum fuel) * 25 years = $7,603,905,000,000 (for petroleum fuel over 25 years)$7,603,905,000,000 - $3,390,000,000,000 = $4,213,905,000,000 (over 25 years)4,213,905,000,000 ÷ 25 years = SAVINGS = $168,556,200,000 PER YEAR in fuel costsTherefore, powering the U.S. Electric Ground Transportation Fleet with 100% solar would SAVE $168,556,200,000 in fuel costs EVERY YEAR or $4.2 trillion over 25 years.CONCLUSION:The amount of energy produced from a '60 foot wide PV System' built along all interstate, freeway, expressway & principal arterial roads within the U.S. would power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said fleet was converted into electric).A 1.133 TW-pDC PV system would cost approximately $3.39 trillion, would produce over 1.47 trillion kWh/year, and have a lifetime of 25 years. It would reduce the consumption of 117.89 billion gallons of petroleum EVERY YEAR, and save over $168.5 billion in fuel costs EVERY YEAR. After 25 years, it would save over 4.42 trillion gallons of petroleum and over $4.2 trillion in fuel costs.Yes, I know that it would be better to build the PV system above the road, rather than along it. I also understand that it would be better to install a larger part of the PV system in places such as Arizona, California and Nevada rather than Washington, Maine and Alaska.Think my calculations are too conservative? Still proves my point (and it's even cheaper + smaller than my estimates). Think my calculations are not conservative enough? Show me your detailed calculations and I might edit accordingly.. Title by: everyEV Posted By: www.eurekaking.com
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sandlerresearch · 4 years
Automotive Turbocharger Market by Technology (VGT, Wastegate, Electric), Material (Cast Iron, Aluminum), Component, Fuel Type, Application (Agriculture, Construction), Vehicle (Passenger Car, LCV, Truck & Bus), Aftermarket, Region - Global Forecast to 2025 published on
Automotive Turbocharger Market by Technology (VGT, Wastegate, Electric), Material (Cast Iron, Aluminum), Component, Fuel Type, Application (Agriculture, Construction), Vehicle (Passenger Car, LCV, Truck & Bus), Aftermarket, Region - Global Forecast to 2025
“Growing stringency in emission regulations and speculated increase in gasoline turbocharger demand are projected to drive the automotive turbocharger market globally.”
The global automotive turbocharger market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% during the forecast period, where the revenue in 2020 is estimated to be USD 11.1 billion and is projected to reach USD 18.4 billion by 2025. The growth of the automotive turbocharger market is influenced by factors such as upcoming regulation in Asian countries such as China and India, increased production of mild-hybrid vehicles, and increased popularity of TGDI among others. Some of the market restraining factors are the declining share of diesel vehicles, a recent decline in global vehicle production, and possible shift towards electric cars.
“Aluminum is estimated to be the fastest-growing material for turbochargers.”
The automotive turbocharger consists of various components like turbines, turbocharger housing, compressor housing, bearings, and turbocharger shaft. Cast Iron, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Nickel-based alloys, Titanium-alloys are the essential materials used for the manufacturing of turbochargers. The durability of turbocharger components at high temperatures depends upon the type of material been used for it. Owing to the light-weighting trend, and the benefits offered by Aluminum over cast iron, the demand for Al is estimated to be the largest in the coming years.
“Passenger car segment is estimated as the largest market for turbochargers.”
Passenger car is the major market for turbochargers in the vehicle segment, considering the overall production globally. According to ACEA, the passenger car production hit 74.9 million in 2019 and is expected to go beyond ~70-72 million by 2024-2025, with Asia Pacific and North America being the leading regions. In 2019, Asia Oceania passenger car production was around 40.2 million units as compared to 43.8 million units in 2017. In 2019, the Asia Oceania region accounted for 79.4% of the global passenger car production. On the other hand, China accounted for 29.2% of the worldwide passenger car production, which makes Asia Oceania is the largest market for turbochargers.
“Asia Oceania to dominate the automotive turbocharger market.”
Asia Oceania is estimated to be the largest market for automotive turbochargers.The automotive industry has changed the landscape of the Asia Pacific region. Increased production of automobiles, the presence of key players such as IHI, continental AG, Mitsubishi heavy industries, BorgWarner have broadened the scope for turbochargers in this region. China’s passenger car production is estimated to cross 20 million by 2024, with 50% of them already equipped with TGDI now will expand the turbocharger market. Other emerging economies stress on cleaner vehicles such as Mild hybrid vehicles, and stringent emission norms will positively impact the turbocharger industry in the future.
The study contains insights provided by various industry experts. The break-up of the primaries is as follows:
By Company Type:  Tier-1 – 70%, Tier-2 – 20%, and OEMs – 10%
By Designation: C level Executives- 40 %, Directors– 35%, Others- 25%
By Region: Asia Pacific –20 %, Europe –50 %, North America -25 %, and RoW –5 %
Note: “Others” include sales, marketing, and product managers.
Company tiers are based on the value chain; the revenue of the company is not considered.
Tier I are Turbocharger manufacturers, while Tier II are suppliers of turbochargers and its components&materials.
The automotive turbocharger market consists of key manufacturers such as Honeywell (US), BorgWarner (US), MHI (Japan), IHI (Japan), and Continental (Germany). The other players in the turbocharger market are – Bosch Mahle (Germany), Cummins  (US), ABB (Switzerland), TEL (India), and Delphi Technologies (UK), Rotomaster International (Canada), Precision Turbo & Engine INC(US), Turbonetics(US), Turbo International (US), KompressorenabuBannewitz GMBH(Germany), Turbo Dynamic Ltd.(UK), Fuyuan Turbocharger Co. Ltd.(China), Hunan Tyen Machinery Co. Ltd. (China), Ningbo Motor Industrial Co. Ltd. (China), Calsonic Kansei (Japan).
Research Coverage
Technology segments the automotive turbocharger market (VGT, Wastegate, Electric Turbocharger& Others), Vehicle Type (Passenger car, LCV, Truck, Bus), Off-highway application (Agricultural Tractor, Construction Equipment), Fuel Type (Gasoline, Diesel and CNG/Alternate Fuel), By Material (Cast Iron, Aluminum, &Others),Aftermarket (Light duty and Heavy duty vehicle), and Region ((Asia Oceania (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand,and others), Europe (Germany, Spain, Turkey, France, Russia, UK, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, others), North America (Canada, Mexico, US), Row (Brazil, South Africa,Iran, ArgentinaRoW others)).
Reasons to Buy the Report:
This report provides insights concerning the following points:
Technology-wise market sizing & forecast of automotive turbochargers, which is split further into regions. The study would also give the future trend of electric turbochargers, with the growth of mild-hybrid vehicles
The automotive turbochargers market is also discussed in terms of materials used in the turbochargers at present, and material shift which would be observed in coming years
Another aspect covered in the study is the analysis of the turbocharger market in terms of fuel type. The report discusses on change in fuel types historic vs. present and which fuel type would be preferred in coming years
The demand for turbochargers is analyzed further for On- & Off-Highway vehicles. The demand for turbochargers in On-Highway vehicle type is discussed at the country-level, whereas the OHV turbocharger demand is addressed at the regional level.
The study also discusses the aftermarket potential of automotive turbochargers in light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.
The report covers Competitive Leadership Mapping (micro-quadrant analysis) on the major players that offer automotive turbochargers in the global market.
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techsciresearch · 4 years
Tractor Sales in India Crossed 700 Thousand Units in FY 2020 – TechSci Research
Rising farmer income, increasing government focus on farmer welfare and rural development along with mechanization in agriculture and growing popularity of bank financing facilities to boost tractor market in India
According to TechSci Research report, “India Tractor Market By Application Type, By Power Output, By Drive Type, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, FY 2026”, India tractor market stood at 709 thousand unit sales in FY 2020 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of around 10% until FY 2026. Growth in the market is anticipated on account of increase in demand for mechanization in agriculture & logistics industry. The Government of India is planning to double farmer income by 2022 and has already implemented National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), with strong focus on improving farm productivity and mechanization of agricultural practices. Strengthening of financial state of the country’s agriculture industry by loan waivers, government subsidies and growing availability of bank financing options will be the key factors responsible for the growth of tractor market in India over the next five years.
Browse over 23 market data Figures and Tables spread through 70 Pages and an in-depth TOC on "India Tractor Market"
 India tractor market is classified based on application type, power output, drive type, and region. Based on application type, the market is segmented into agriculture and construction, mining & logistics. In 2019, the agriculture sector accounted for the largest share in the country’s tractor market, followed by construction / mining and logistics sectors. In terms of power output, tractor market is categorized into below 40HP and 41-100HP.  The market is currently dominated by tractors with rated power output under 40HP. However, with increase in expenditure by agricultural communities, and to meet diverse needs of heavy tasks associated with large scale farming such as mowing, tilling, plowing, cutting, loading, etc., demand for performance-oriented tractors with rated output of 50HP to 80HP is also expected grow in the coming years.
Due to the implementation of lockdown to prevent spread of COVID-19 pandemic, sales of tractors in the month of March 2020 fell by almost half and that in April 2020 fell by almost 90% as compared to corresponding months of the previous year. Nevertheless, the market rapidly recovered in May 2020 with a rise of 4% as compared to May 2019. At present, there are 16 major domestic players alongside four global ones engaged in manufacturing tractors in the country. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. holds the largest share in tractor market, followed by TAFE Ltd., Sonalika Group (ITL), and Escorts Ltd. holding double-digit shares. Other leading market players include John Deere, CNHI India Pvt Ltd, Force Motors Ltd., Captain Tractors Pvt. Ltd., Ace Ltd., and Preet Tractors (P) Ltd.
Download Sample Report  @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/report/india-tractor-market/2884.html
 Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Mahindra & Mahindra dominated the market in the financial year 2020, due to its wide dealer network and a broad range of economical yet quality product offerings. Demand for tractors is anticipated to increase in India in the coming years, on account of rising need for mechanized farming and growing government focus on strengthening agriculture industry and improving productivity.”, said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“India Tractor Market By Application Type, By Power Output, By Drive Type, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, FY 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of India tractor market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in India tractor market.
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we-future-first · 5 years
The amount of energy produced from a '60 foot wide PV System' built along all interstate, freeway, expressway & principal arterial roads within the U.S. would power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said fleet was converted into electric) [OC].
Imagine we converted all internal combustion engine cars, trucks, and buses in the U.S. to electric. How large of a PV system would it take to run the entire U.S. electric ground fleet on 100% solar? How much would the PV system cost and how much money + petroleum would we save on fuel?
Answer: a 1.133 TW-pDC PV system would cost approximately $3.39 trillion, would produce over 1.47 trillion kWh/year, and have a lifetime of 25 years. It would reduce the consumption of 117.89 billion gallons of petroleum EVERY YEAR, and save over $168.5 billion in fuel costs EVERY YEAR. So, after 25 years, it would save over 4.42 trillion gallons of petroleum and over $4.2 trillion in fuel costs (inflation not included).
First, start with some data, then note some assumptions, and finally run through some calculations.
From National Transportation Statistics 2018-Q4
Table 1-5: U.S. Public Road and Street Mileage by Functional System
TOTAL urban and rural mileage = 4,165,349
URBAN Interstates, freeways, and expressways = 19,092 + 12,152 = 31,244 miles
RURAL Interstates, freeways, and expressways = 29,162 + 6,589 = 35,751 miles
URBAN Principal arterials, Other = 66,316 miles
RURAL Principal arterials, Other = 89,766 miles
COMBINED URBAN & RURAL Interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other = 31,244 + 35,751 + 66,316 + 89,766 = 223,077 miles
223,077 miles = 359,007,631 meters
Table 1-35: U.S. Vehicle-Miles (2016) (i.e. miles traveled per year)
Highway, total = 3,174,408,000,000
Light duty vehicle, short wheelbase = 2,191,764,000,000
Light duty vehicle, long wheelbase = 657,954,000,000
Truck, single-unit 2-axle 6-tire = 113,338,000,000
Truck, combination = 174,557,000,000
Bus = 16,350,000,000
(1) Average output of the PV system = 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC PV. Source
(2) 1 kW-pDC PV = 58.83 sq.ft = 5.465 sq. meters Source
(3) The entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) can be can be converted into electric. In other words, every internal combustion engine car, truck, bus and van, etc. would be converted into its electric equivalent. The difference in cost to purchase an EV vs. its equivalent ICEV is beyond the scope of this project.
(4) The electric transportation fleet can be characterized as having a SPECIFIC AVERAGE EFFICIENCY PER VEHICLE CLASS with units x kWh/mile (or inversely y miles/kWh).
(5) The average efficiency per vehicle class is extrapolated with the following data / estimates in mind:
Tesla Model 3 SR (sedan) EXISTING = 0.29 kWh/mile (3.45 miles/kWh)
Tesla Model X 75D (SUV) EXISTING = 0.36 kWh/mile (2.78 miles/kWh)
Tesla Model T (pickup truck) ESTIMATED = 0.49 kWh/mile (2.04 miles/kWh)
Tesla Semi-Tractor + Trailer ESTIMATED = 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh)
Electric Light Duty Vehicle, short wheelbase ESTIMATED = 0.364 kWh/mile (2.75 miles/kWh)
Electric Light Duty Vehicle, long wheelbase ESTIMATED = 0.364 kWh/mile (2 miles/kWh)
Electric Truck, Single-unit 2-axle 6-tire ESTIMATED = 0.571 kWh/mile (1.75 miles/kWh)
Electric Truck, Combination ESTIMATED = 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh)
Electric Bus ESTIMATED = 1.33 kWh/mile (0.75 miles/kWh)
(6) Efficiency specs for EVs would be rated by the EPA and therefore the estimated x kWh/mile accounts for any losses due to charging inefficiencies.
(7) Inefficiencies converting DC to AC in a PV system is accounted for in PV Watts. Module Degradation is accounted for in PV output estimates (i.e. 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC takes accounts the 6-8% module degradation over the lifetime of the PV system.)
(8) PV systems last a minimum 25 years. Since inverters are (normally) the only part of the PV system that don't last that long, a loss factor of (COST PER WATT * 1.25) is applied to COST ESTIMATES of the PV system to account for replacing the inverter every 12.5 years.
(9) Kirchoff's law applies to PV systems the same way as it does to electric circuits. While it is true that the electrons that you create with your PV system, may or may not be the exact same electrons that charge your EV, for accounting purposes: solar energy in equals solar energy out. Solar energy in equals solar energy out is 'Kirchoff's law' rephrased for solar.
(10) Energy storage is obviously necessary for a large PV array such as the proposed. However, calculating size and cost of any energy storage equipment is beyond the scope of this project. Kirchoff + Thevenin's theorem allows the analysis to apply even without calculating storage.
(11) Inflation: calculating the cost of inflation and its effects is beyond the scope of this project.
CALCULATIONS (using data from National Transportation Statistics + estimated efficiencies of EVs + estimated costs data):
2,191,764,000,000 miles * 0.364 kWh/mile (2.75 miles/kWh) = 797,802,096,000 kWh
657,954,000,000 miles * 0.364 kWh/mile (2 miles/kWh) = 239,495,256,000 kWh
113,338,000,000 miles * 0.571 kWh/mile (1.75 miles/kWh) = 64,715,998,000 kWh
174,557,000,000 miles * 2 kWh/mile (0.5 miles/kWh) = 349,114,000,000 kWh
16,350,000,000 miles * 1.33 kWh/mile (0.75 miles/kWh) = 21,745,500,000 kWh
797,802,096,000 kWh + 239,495,256,000 kWh + 64,715,998,000 kWh + 349,114,000,000 kWh + 21,745,500,000 kWh = 1,472,872,850,000 kWh
1,472,872,850,000 kWh ÷ 1,300 kWh/year per kW-pDC PV = 1,132,979,116 kW-pDC PV = 1.133 TW-pDC PV
1,132,979,116 kW-pDC PV * 5.465 sq. meters/kW-pDC PV = 5,664,895,580,000 sq. meters PV
359,007,631 meters (of interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other) * 18.29 meters (60 feet) = 6,566,249,571 sq. meters
6,566,249,571 sq. meters (of interstates, freeways, expressways & Principal Arterials, Other) > 5,664,895,580,000 sq. meters PV
Therefore, if we built a 60 foot wide PV System along every mile of interstate, freeway, expressway & Principal Arterial Road` within the U.S. National Transportation System, it would be enough to power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said Fleet was converted into electric).
How much would the PV system cost and how much money + petroleum would we save on fuel?
Table 4-9: Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Travel Vehicles registered = 268,799,000
Vehicle-miles traveled = 3,174,408,000,000
Fuel consumed (gallons)= 176,891,000,000
Average miles traveled per vehicle = 11,800
Average miles traveled per gallon = 17.9
Average fuel consumed per vehicle (gallons) = 658
Table 1-20: Production-Weighted Fuel Economies
Fuel economy, mpg
Car = 30
Car SUV = 26
Pickup = 18.9
Van = 22.8
Truck SUV = 22.2
Table 4-23: Average Fuel Efficiency of U.S. Light Duty Vehicles
ICE-Light duty vehicle, short wheel base EXISTING = 24 mpg
ICE-Light Duty Vehicle, long wheelbase EXISTING = 17.4 mpg
ICE-Truck, Single-unit 2-axle 6-tire ESTIMATED = 15 mpg
ICE-Truck, Combination ESTIMATED = 8 mpg
Therefore, powering the U.S. Electric Ground Transportation Fleet with 100% solar would replace the combustion of 117.89 billion gallons of gas EVERY YEAR.
State-level median installed PV prices in 2017 ranged from $2.6/W to $4.5/W for residential systems, from $2.2/W to $4.0/W for small non-residential systems, and from $2.1/W to $2.4/W for large non-residential systems. Source
National Average Regular Gasoline Prices = $2.45/gal
National On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices = $3.10/gal Source
(117.89 billion gallons of gas equivalent/year) * ((0.8) * ($2.45/gal gas) + (0.2) * ($3.10/gal diesel)) = $304,156,200,000 PER YEAR for petroleum fuel
1.133 TW-pDC PV * $2.4/WATT * 1.25 (inverter loss) = $3.39 trillion
PV system lasts 25 years (pricing includes the assumption that inverters need to be replaced every 12.5 years)
3.154 trillion miles traveled/year
$304,156,200,000 PER YEAR (for petroleum fuel) * 25 years = $7,603,905,000,000 (for petroleum fuel over 25 years)
$7,603,905,000,000 - $3,390,000,000,000 = $4,213,905,000,000 (over 25 years)
4,213,905,000,000 ÷ 25 years = SAVINGS = $168,556,200,000 PER YEAR in fuel costs
Therefore, powering the U.S. Electric Ground Transportation Fleet with 100% solar would SAVE $168,556,200,000 in fuel costs EVERY YEAR or $4.2 trillion over 25 years.
The amount of energy produced from a '60 foot wide PV System' built along all interstate, freeway, expressway & principal arterial roads within the U.S. would power the entire U.S. Ground Transportation Fleet (excluding rail) with 100% solar (if said fleet was converted into electric).
A 1.133 TW-pDC PV system would cost approximately $3.39 trillion, would produce over 1.47 trillion kWh/year, and have a lifetime of 25 years. It would reduce the consumption of 117.89 billion gallons of petroleum EVERY YEAR, and save over $168.5 billion in fuel costs EVERY YEAR. After 25 years, it would save over 4.42 trillion gallons of petroleum and over $4.2 trillion in fuel costs.
Yes, I know that it would be better to build the PV system above the road, rather than along it. I also understand that it would be better to install a larger part of the PV system in places such as Arizona, California and Nevada rather than Washington, Maine and Alaska.
Think my calculations are too conservative? Still proves my point (and it's even cheaper + smaller than my estimates). Think my calculations are not conservative enough? Show me your detailed calculations and I might edit accordingly.
submitted by /u/everyEV [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/beppi3/the_amount_of_energy_produced_from_a_60_foot_wide/
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hudsonespie · 6 years
Port Of Long Beach Receives Zero-Emissions Equipment Grant Worth $5.3 Million
As part of its commitment to transition to zero-emissions operations, the Port of Long Beach will use a $5.3 million grant from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to deploy hydrogen- and electric-powered cargo-handling equipment at two shipping terminals.
Representation Image
The funds for the Commercialization of POLB Off-Road Technology Demonstration Project (C-PORT) leverage Long Beach’s place as the nation’s second-busiest seaport to test the viability of zero-emissions vehicles that are used on the docks. The demonstration project is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of cap-and-trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.
The demonstration will include three cargo-moving vehicles known as “top handlers” with never-before-tested battery-electric systems. The project will also feature a unique, head-to-head comparison of hydrogen fuel cell vs. battery-electric technology in yard trucks. In total, five vehicles will be demonstrated: two battery-electric top handlers at SSA Marine’s Pacific Container Terminal at Pier J; and one fuel cell yard tractor, one battery-electric top handler and one battery-electric yard tractor at Long Beach Container Terminal at Pier E.
“The progress we’ve made in reducing pollution is a model for seaports everywhere, with diesel emissions alone down almost 90 percent since we adopted the Clean Air Action Plan in 2005,” said Harbor Commission President Lou Anne Bynum. “Still, we are not satisfied. This equipment will further contribute to a cleaner environment for our neighboring communities.”
“Our partnerships with the California Air Resources Board and other agencies provide crucial funding for these vital demonstration projects as we work to create a zero-emissions seaport,” said Mario Cordero, Port of Long Beach Executive Director.
The equipment is expected to be put into use to begin the demonstration next year. As part of the project, information about the demonstration will also be integrated into the coursework at the Port-sponsored Academy of Global Logistics at Cabrillo High School to support education and workforce development for new port technologies.
Press Release: polb.com
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solectrac · 3 years
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