#best electric tractor
autonxt · 1 year
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The agricultural industry is enthusiastically embracing sustainability as the globe moves toward a greener future. This revolution in farming is being led by the best electric tractors made in India. These cutting-edge devices offer considerable advantages to farmers and the environment alike because they are both environmentally friendly and very effective.
Significant Considerations
You should consider a number of important elements before making an investment while looking at the best electric tractors in India. Important first stages include figuring out how much an electric tractor costs in India, assessing its features, and contrasting models. Farmers can make informed decisions by taking into account the electric tricycle for adults in India and other particular needs.
Accepting Technological Progress
Another fascinating development in the farming industry is the development of self-driving tractor technology in India. Self-driving tractors are being adopted by farmers more frequently, which lowers labor costs and boosts output. With this invention and the greatest electric tractors, Indian agriculture has a bright future.
The Future Route
Modern farming techniques and sustainable farming methods are the way of the future. The agriculture industry is moving toward a greener, more effective future thanks to the cost-effective and ecologically friendly qualities of the best electric tractor in India. The electric tractor revolution is poised to influence the direction of Indian agriculture in the future with its steady developments and farmer-focused solutions.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
⚡ - Goodbye Fossil Fuels, Hello Renewables: The Energizing News You Need
1. Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
It took 90 days for the fungi to degrade 27 per cent of the plastic tested, and about 140 days to completely break it down, after the samples were exposed to ultraviolet rays or heat. We really see a solution within five years, according to environmental scientist Paul Harvey, an expert on global plastic pollution.
2. Topeka Zoo welcomes new African Lion as female sprouts mane
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The Topeka Zoo has welcomed a new African Lion to its pride, a male, as one of its females started to sprout a mane following the 2021 passing of the pride’s last male.
The Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center announced on Thursday, April 13, that Tatu, a 4-year-old African Lion, has arrived in the Capital City. He comes to Topeka from the Denver Zoo and his arrival marks a time of growth for the zoo.
3. This barber opens his shop on his day off for children with special needs – and all of their haircuts are free
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On his day off, Vernon Jackson still goes to work, opening up his Cincinnati barber shop, Noble Barber and Beauty, for VIP clients: children with special needs. 
It's something he's done since 2021. "I was hearing so many horror stories that parents were going through with other barber shops and just the barbers or stylists having no patience with their child," Jackson told CBS News. "So I figured I would compromise by coming in on my day off so there were there would be no other barbers or stylists in the shop and I could give them the full attention that they need."
4. Renewables break energy records signalling ‘end of the fossil age’
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Experts are calling time on the fossil age as new analysis shows wind and solar power produced a record amount of the world’s electricity last year.
The renewables generated 12 per cent of global electricity in 2022, up from 10 per cent the previous year, according to the report from clean energy think tank Ember. Last year, solar was the fastest-growing source of electricity for the 18th year in a row, rising by 24 per cent from 2021.
5. New nuclear medicine therapy cures human non-hodgkin lymphoma in preclinical model
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A new nuclear medicine therapy can cure human non-Hodgkin lymphoma in an animal model A single dose of the radioimmunotherapy, was found to quickly eliminate tumour cells and extend the life of mice injected with cancerous cells for more than 221 days (the trial endpoint), compared to fewer than 60 days for other treatments and just 19 days in untreated control mice.
To explain it in simple terms because this is so freaking cool: There is a radioactive atom attached to a drug. The target cell eats the drug and the energy coming off of the radioactive atom kills the target cell
6. Colorado passes first US right to repair legislation for farmers
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Colorado farmers will be able to legally fix their own equipment next year, with manufacturers including Deere & Co obliged to provide them with manuals for diagnostic software and other aids, under a measure passed by legislators in the first U.S. state to approve such a law.
Equipment makers have generally required customers to use their authorized dealers for repairs to machines such as combines and tractors.
7. When a softball player falls after hitting a grand slam, this is how her opponents reacted
That's it for this week :)
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theotherwesley · 3 months
So I'm visiting my folks in Idaho and I need you all to understand what the drive through Washington -> Idaho -> Montana -> Idaho Again was like because it was surreal.
First, you have to understand that we hit a truly Kafkaesque amount of roadwork across three separate states. This is important context because you need to imagine everything else that happened happening while driving 30mph through a construction zone.
This is a picture-heavy tale. Bear with me, you will want to see the end.
We start off-- gorgeous day in WA state, we're lookin green, we're lookin hydrated, and ooooh looks like we might hit some Weather up ahead haha! (This is called 'foreshadowing'.)
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The rabbits express their extreme displeasure with the situation by wishing death upon me with their eyes.
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We go through the ID panhandle and it's a beautiful drive-- roadwork, every step of the way. (I neglected to take pictures of this part because I was Sleepy.) There was a huge amount of wildlife running and flying around; saw lots of antelope and deer (including the one that jumped RIGHT in front of the car as soon as it got dark), a blue heron, a crane, definitely saw a bald eagle just sitting in the middle of a field looking confused.
THEN: Montana. First thing we see, in the middle of Nowhereville Mountain Farmington is a big rolling field with a tractor flying THE BIGGEST PRIDE FLAG YOU CAN IMAGINE. The fact that I didn't catch a photo of it is going to haunt me til the end of days. Rural America is not all bad; you must consider the Mountain Lesbians.
Big Rocks, Big Weather:
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The landscape remains impressive and we seem to be driving into every storm in the country, with the sun at our back the whole time. We had rainbows on our tractors, and rainbows pretty much continuously for the whole journey. It was a Gay Odyssey.
We had everything from barely visible misty rainbows to electric neon rainbows to full rainbow arches to Double Rainbows Going All Across The Sky (on THREE separate occasions) to little chode rainbows, doing their best.
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The Chode Rainbows:
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Bonus Wesley Dad Cameo under the full rainbow bridge:
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Increasingly beautiful, increasingly ominous. Golden hour has lasted for like 20 hours? Is this normal? I'm calling the doctor. (Note the construction cones.)
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And are we stuck in a 30mph construction zone? HABsolutely!
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Rainbows happening at the same time as the lightning and the road construction, naturally.
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Okay wait nevermind, THIS is golden hour:
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The sky has some kind of dragon in it, so that's cool.
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Like, what is this. Like what kind of mystic portent shit is this. This is some kind of Sky Phoenix. Lightning has been striking on either side of the car for half an hour. There's a thing in the distance that might be a tornado. I am worried for my life. We might get raptured. We've seen twenty different kinds of rainbow. I'm trying to take photos of what seems to be the Götterdämmerung taking place a hundred miles from my home town through a bug-spattered windshield.
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Anyway, we got home and I get to see this idiot again:
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We did not get raptured or devoured by the world serpent, The End.
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gpuzzle · 1 year
unfinished farming game rant
getting progressively more and more annoyed at my failure to find a farming game with the autistic attention to detail of something like Factorio and its modding scene
farming seems to fall under one of two paths: the first one is the rural version of racing's rFactor 2 or, being kind to it, Gran Turismo; a gorgeous to look at virtual world that prides itself on realism, and at its best it will have the design and immerse you in that virtual world completely; simulation at its finest
unfortunately, it tends to be just a bunch of brands that make it selling point (real supercars you can't buy! tractors from every licensed brand under the sun!) to an audience devoted to jacking off to leather seats
the other path is the one which is Harvest Moon Again; it's functionally adapting the mechanics from Tokimeki Memorial and every game that followed in its wake into a small, consistent, repeatable series of actions that don't require a ton of complexity; the game is one part small, routine minigames, one part visual novel
both of these are fine experiences - Stardew Valley is lovely and I 100% believe the soothing effect of a Farming Simulator, but still not quite what I look for, and the autism of the Factorio modding scene has yet to divert towards biology
and while Strange Loop Games' Eco has the sufficient level of autism as far as ecosystem management, but it's also a life simulator; due to the game not having any PvP and the inability of a player to specialize in everything, it turns into the kind of game that veers into the same problems of MMORPGs; I'm sure I'd love this game as an option, but I feel it presents kind of danger for me as EVE does
the fundamental gist of the game that I want here is pretty much some degree of supply chain management (the gist of games like the already aforementioned Factorio) with thematics and mechanics centered around farming and the required infrastructure; whether that's wells, pumps and waterworks, the housing for processing whatever you harvest, or just the area of harvesting itself, we can have something in that vein
I mean what's the capstone cycle of early game Factorio, when the game slams headfirst into a difficulty spike wall? acquire copper, iron and coal through electric mining; the coal is then split into two paths, which are feeding the giant boilers that fuel everything and being used as the fuel for the first level processing of copper ore and iron ore; which then are processed in a number of ways and eventually turn into the two main research beakers (automation and logistics) to progress on the tech tree, and keeping a surplus for whatever other things you need (mostly the tower defense aspect)
this sort of gameplay loop can 100% be brought to a farm system; accounting for hydration, for light, for fertilization, the harvesting itself could be automated, etc
with these games, expansion is largely done via tech tree, but we could borrow a leaf from a completely different game - Prison Architect - which structures its short term missions as grants and uses that to fuel its own tech tree and limit to expansion - to push it in that direction
IDK, just spitballing here (for now!)
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ramblebrambleamble · 5 months
Your best mate Todd reckons you're crazy, but he goes along with you anyway. That's why he's your best mate, and not old mate Ronnie down the road who'd've pulled the plug on the whole thing if he'd been in on it.
Old mate Ronnie would've been right though, you reckon, wiping the egg off your face. This was a bloody stupid idea.
Your best mate Todd, digging the rest of the quiche out all his facial orifices, mutters traitorously that old mate Ronnie is always right.
You pretend not to hear him.
You wipe your hands on your pants and you ring up old mate Ronnie on his old landline because he's a curmudgeonly old sod who won't get with the times, and you ask him with more manners than his mother ever taught him if he could bring that big new tractor of his to come get your beaten up old utes out of the ditch again.
Old mate Ronnie can afford big new tractors, 'cause he's not you. And his mother can't be all that bad, since he still tarts himself up every Sunday to see her, but you're feeling a little sour right now and cussing out old girls that can't hear you-
Just makes you feel worse, really, because you can't remember the last time you spoke to your mother.
(Really, you should've got that old pie recipe out of her before you cut her off.)
"D'ya think I should make up with my mum?" You ask your best mate Todd.
"She made your missus cry." Your best mate Todd says, because that's what you told him to tell you if you ever asked. He's a good mate, Todd.
"You're a good mate, Todd."
Todd looks at you like you've gone mad.
"You hit your bloody head, mate?"
"What? No, I haven't hit my bloody head. What are you on about?" You give old Todd a good squint.
You both must look bloody dodgy, you reckon. You're lucky the cops haven't shown up.
"Who's hit their bloody head?" Now old mate Ronnie's snuck up in his tractor. These electrics are damn quiet.
"It's Chris! He's hit his bloody head!"
"I haven't hit my bloody-"
"He was telling me I was a good mate! He wants to make up with his mum!"
Now old Ronnie is giving you the squint. You're beginning to feel just a bit hard done by.
"I just want her old pie recipe is all," you mumble.
"Bloody old bitch. That's my mum's recipe," is what Ronnie barks.
Your dad used to say that about your mother too. You don't talk to him either.
"You can't be saying that about people, Ronnie." Todd says, looking around like someone might've heard.
Ronnie gives you both a good snort, but he doesn't say it again and that's as good as you'll ever get.
(Knowing your mother, it probably is old Mrs Willis' recipe anyway.)
"Let's get you idiots out of the ditch, eh?" Ronnie says when you've all been quiet.
"Shut up," you say, and go to get the chains.
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rust-bearer · 10 months
I’ve got a whole zombie au one-shot planned out that I’ll be finishing soon, and I’ll definitely send a link when it’s done, but in the meantime I’ve got some other au stuff I’ve thought of. It never ends 🥲 but anyway, this is mostly more Combaticon related things and mainly revolves around transportation:
1. Not sure where I wanna focus or start or go with it, but to begin, I’m debating on their choice of transportation. Sure, encountering one Combaticon being in the wild is startling, but something tells me they travel in packs. I think that before the apocalypse, almost all members of the family had separate vehicles since Swindle is super fucking rich and refuses to carpool.
2. Post-apocalypse, though… hrmmm you could possibly do an electric vehicle? I dunno if those possibly run on electricity from solar panels? I don’t know if that could work. A simpler solution could be one of those church van things, or just a van used by paint companies or the vans that are stereotypically used by creepy kidnappers, I dunno just a van like that. Where does the gas come from, though? My biggest solution is that they go around and straight up siphon the gas from various vehicles LMAO they’re not passing up free opportunities.
3. Vans are nice for big groups of people, and I’d say five people plus Aid plus any kids they bring is fairly big? I dunno. Anyway, it’s just another way to cause complains and disagreements and arguments and such. Nobody can decide whether or not seatbelts or necessary or whether they should keep it clean/empty or keep things like napkins and condiments and such. Brawl and Onslaught, as the oldest siblings, demand that seatbelts be used, much to Vortex’s disappointment.
4. Seating arrangements are almost as bad as arguing over how full the gas tank should be kept on an average basis. Onslaught is usually the only one who drives the van for the most part. Sometimes Brawl borrows it for trips to the nearest Tractor Supply Co, but that’s the extent of his driving. Vortex and Blast Off are both permanently banned from driving, both for various reasons, and Swindle absolutely refuses to even touch the (as he puts it) “outdated, unsafe, rusty piece of shit’s excuse for a steering wheel.”
5. Ironically, despite his unwillingness to drive, Swindle is ADAMANT about sitting up front. When questioned about it (mostly by Vortex, who is a bit of a musical chairs passenger and hasn’t sat in the front seat of a vehicle for some time now), Swindle typically resorts to the “I get carsick” excuse. Nobody actually knows if he’s telling the truth or not, but nobody really cares enough to challenge the claim. Also, despite claiming to hate the town they live in due to the “red-neck” vibes it gives off, he knows his way around the area best out of everyone.
I’m not 100% satisfied with the “we have a creepy van now” solution, mostly because other variations of transportation exist that DON’T involve guzzling gas and making a shit-ton of noise with a vehicle that lost its muffler upwards of three times, but I don’t think the Combaticon’s would settle for anything different. Also, Swindle is against anything that involves excessive physical exertion, so extra points for poor long-term transportation planning. That’s all I’ve got though, and hopefully I’ll have that one-shot written soon.
Swindle is both the most adaptable but also the one who will complain the most and I cannot imagine how he felt when he had to go back to sharing a car with his siblings. Like. For as smart and easy to switch tracks as Swindle is, he’s never going to get over the fact that he now rides in a glorified van as his main source of transport.
Vortex, when he’s not playing musical chairs with seating, of course is like. Don’t worry guys I’ll just ride my horse. No you can’t ride her. I mean, you can try, but she bites. And the horse DOES bite because Vortex trained it to bite anyone who isn’t him. He thinks it’s hilarious. Then he’s a little less enthusiastic when children arrive with their proddy little fingers that the horse absolutely wants to bite and Aw fuck first aid is gonna get so mad.
But anyway. Yes Vortex rides his horse into town for supplies. Saddlebags and bandana/gas mask and both gun and sword. The zombies are sluggishly intrigued by the horse and more intrigued by the prospect of eating Vortex, but horse hide is THICK and any grabby hands just graze off the surface.
I’ve always wanted to throw a specific twist on the zombies, because every story does and for good reason; Kingdom has zombies that sleep during the day (kind of!), 28 days later has sprinters, Last of Us has fungus zombies; I Am A Hero zombies are superhuman and retain some memories.
WITH all that being said. I think a riff on that could be fun. The zombies continue to do whatever was last on their mind at time of death during the day. At night they seek out humans and invest all their energy into that. So you could wander the city during the day, provided you don’t alert the zombies or disturb them; at night, you have to hide. I can imagine going into a mall, for instance, and you try to grab something from a store, but the zombie security guard’s last routine and thoughts were ‘stop theft’ so you suddenly uh. Have to run, because he starts screaming, and everyone else reacts to try and get you, etc.
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
So This is Christmas? (Mercs x Reader) Christmas Special
A/n: This is late.
Ah, Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. At least that’s what people say. This specific holiday manages to become the most stressful time of the year. Especially when you’re living with the most chaotic people. I stood outside the store in the freezing cold. Next to me was Engineer and Heavy. We had a list of gifts everyone wanted. Pyro wanted a Balloonicorn sweater, Scout wanted a new bat, Soldier wanted a frame for his American flag, Demoman wanted to try the Christmas special scrumpy, Heavy wanted a pair of gloves, Engineer wanted a rocket kit, Medic wanted a new bag for his supplies, Sniper wanted a flannel jacket, and Spy wanted an expensive watch. Engineer originally wanted a tractor that killed weeds with electricity. We said no. I didn’t want much this year, just to make sure we all had the best Christmas.
“It’s almost opening time,” Engie said, looking at his watch. “We’ve got about two minutes.” I nodded. A long line of people waited behind us. We were going to be the first ones in and out. I impatiently rubbed my fingers together. I was ready to go through that store and come out victorious. Unfortunately, just as the doors opened, everyone came rushing for the entrance at full speed. All I felt were feet slamming against my body as I fell. Heavy and Engineer went right inside. I groaned. This was painful. I was twitching like a poor bug that got stepped on. How did this happen? I was so determined, nothing could trample me over. Apparently I was wrong. I dragged my limp body to the side. I could see the hustle and bustle through the window. Heavy had to fight off an old woman who was trying to get Scout’s bat from him. Engineer pushed a small cart around. The presents were stacked on top, ready to fall down. I watched as they rushed to the checkout line and paid extra just to have the presents wrapped up.
“Did you boys have fun?” I asked as they walked out. I chuckled. Heavy had a displeased look on his face. I followed them to the car and helped pack the gifts into the trunk. I got into the driver’s seat and put on my seatbelt. “Next time, let’s just go shopping a whole month early,” I said, starting the engine.
I slid the last present underneath the Christmas tree. It was for Scout. Hopefully he would like the new bat Heavy fought for. We had all helped decorate it with shiny garland, twinkling lights, and cheap, plastic ornaments that Demoman and Soldier were bound to destroy after Christmas. The house also had lights and inflatables outside. It was Pyro’s turn to pick the tree. We ended up getting a small one for cheap. I sighed, getting off my knees. Pyro and Scout sat on the floor reading comics. Medic and Heavy were in the kitchen making dinner for Christmas Eve. I plopped down on the couch next to Demoman and Spy. Spy was busy working on a crossword puzzle. I kicked up my feet on the coffee table and turned on the T.V. Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” was on.
“Change,” Demo said, grabbing the controller from me. He changed the channel, but it played the same movie. I chuckled as he groaned.
“Hey guys,” Pauling said, opening the door. 
We all groaned, “Hey.” She closed the door behind her. Heavy came out of the kitchen carrying a burnt tray of cookies. Steam rolled off the overbaked cookies.
“Anyone vant one?” he asked. Spy pushed the tray away with his pen. I smiled. Medic and the others entered the room.
“Whatcha doing here, Pauling?” Scout asked, putting down his comic. “It’s Christmas Eve.” She sighed, pulling a packet of papers out of her bag. I sat up straight in my seat. She walked in front of the T.V and faced us. She dropped the packet on the table.
“I have a mission,” she said. “It needs to be done tonight.”
“Can’t it wait?” I asked. Pauling shook her head.
“The Administrator needs to make sure that the mission is carried out. No exceptions,” Pauling replied. I sighed heavily. I grabbed the packet and flipped through its contents. It seemed like a simple mission. I just need to grab the asset and get out. I stood up.
“I’ll do it,” I said. 
“What!?” Scout exclaimed.
“Y/n, don’t,” Sniper said. “It’s Christmas Eve.” I raised my hands up.
“I can do it,” I said. “I’ll be back before you know it.” I left the room for mine. I packed things I needed for this mission. A water bottle, check. A knife, check. A candy cane for a snack, check. I stuffed all this into a bag. Soldier was standing in the doorway.
“Don’t do this, Cupcake,” he said. “We can do it later or send someone else.” I hoisted my bag over my shoulder. I pulled out a small card from my drawer.
“Here, if I’m not back before midnight, read this to everyone,” I said. I placed the card in Soldier’s breast pocket. “Merry Christmas,” I called out as I left the base.
The cold snow fell on my freezing skin. My head was throbbing from slipping on the ice. I groaned and shivered. The mission had gone wrong, but I got it done. I killed the guys, all of them. I didn’t know if they had family waiting for them like the guys were waiting for me. I felt bad. One of them had shot me. That wasn’t good. Luckily, I got out alive. I was ready to be home for the holidays. I dragged my wounded body across snowy ground. The town of Teufort wasn’t far from here. If I could make it there, I could get home. I forced myself to stand and walk the rest of the way. Teufort was decorated with lights, garland, and a giant Christmas tree in the center. It looked lovely. Some people were still up, walking around or singing carols. I checked my watch. It was only eleven fifty. Geez, these people were up late. I trudged through the snow. I had only one thing on my mind. To get back to my family. My hot breath created steam in the air.
I promised I’d be back before midnight. I held the USB drive tight in my hand. I gave up Christmas for this little thing. I hoped it was worth it. “I’m sorry guys,” I whispered. The tears pricked at my eyes. What made me choose the mission over the mercs? They were counting on me to be there. To help open presents, to eat the turkey with them, to build a snow fort and rage war against each other. I was almost there. I could see the base. But I couldn’t carry myself anymore. My wound was getting to me and so was the cold. I dropped to my knees. I closed my eyes shut as I felt the icy winter surround me.I was going to be home for Christmas. But only in my dreams.
A warm hand placed itself on my forehead. There were quiet mumbles around me. I shivered uncontrollably. “Guys?” I asked. I struggled to open my eyes. I got them open with some force. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, and Spy all surrounded me. I was laying on the couch. My teeth chattered together. I shakily reached out for someone. “Guys?”
“Sh, don’t move Y/n,” Medic whispered, taking my hand. “Jou’re not doing too well, relax.” He removed his hand from my forehead. “Heavy found you at the doorstep, frozen and bleeding.”
“Luckily, he found you, lad,” Demo said. I chuckled. Demoman sighed. “You had us all worried sick.”
“I’m sorry,” I answered. “I shouldn’t have gone. I just should’ve stayed here, with you all.”
“Mmph mmph mmph (Don’t beat yourself up about that),” Pyro mumbled. Scout nodded.
“Yeah, he’s right,” he answered. For once, I actually saw Spy genuinely smile. I mean, I had seen him smile before but this smile felt a bit different.
“We’re just glad you’re back,” Spy said. “It wouldn’t be Christmas without you.” I smiled.
“Oh, that reminds me,” Soldier said. He pulled something from behind him. “Here ya go, cupcake.” He handed me a present, wrapped up in (favorite color) gift wrap.
“Aw, thanks Solly,” I replied, taking the gift. He smiled proudly.
“It’s from all of us,” he answered. “We hope you like it.” I unwrapped the gift. I gasped as I pulled out a snowglobe. It contained miniature versions of us behind a Christmas backdrop of Red Bread. I shook the glass, letting it snow. I smiled. There were no words needed to be said. I opened my arms up for a hug. We all embraced, Heavy giving us a small squeeze. So this is Christmas truly was? It felt good. 
“I wish you all Merry Christmas,” I said. “And a happy new year.”
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clevermird · 1 year
Last chapter is up, featuring the Jedi Knight and my attempt to capture Miraluka Force Sight in text
Title: The Road to Coruscant
Prompt: Allies @shortfictionweeklychallenge
Rating: Teen
Characters: Feyte Saien (female Jedi Consular), Mallena Dayne, (female Republic Trooper), Eyrie Lancaster (female Jedi Knight), Jessasi Silver (female Smuggler), Aric Jorgan, Corso Riggs, T7-01, Qyzen Fess
Pairing(s): None
Four young women find themselves on a ship bound for Courscant. Each brings their own companion, their own mission, and their own past, but when the Sith Empire attacks their ship, they find themselves in an alliance, and their biggest problem isn't what they'll do when they reach their destination, but if they're going to reach it at all!  
This time, Eyrie tries her best to save the galaxy single-handedly and the team attempts to escape the ship
Text under cut
Hanging over the edge of the tractor beam control platform, Eyrie felt the droid flicker out of existence as the electricity from the console destroyed its circuits. Machines didn’t register in the Force the same way organic beings did, but she could still perceive them as a sort of hum.
Feyte poked her head over the edge of the platform. “Do you need help up? Are you hurt?”
“I have it.” Eyrie swung herself back onto the flat surface and retrieved her lightsabers, hooking them to her belt over either hip. Not that they would stay there for long. Already she could feel more Imperial troops on their way.
The smaller, higher-pitched hum that was T7 approached her. “Jedi=OK?”
“Fine.” To tell the truth, she had probably sprained her wrist catching hold of the edge, but it wasn’t important enough to stop. She could fight, and that was all that mattered. T7 and the others followed her down the ramp on the other side of the now-defunct tractor beam.
A quartet of Imperial troops ran toward them. Pulling her lightsabers off her belt, Eyrie launched herself into the air, aiming for the center of the group. The blades activated with a familiar sound and a slight change in the balance of the hilts. She let her knees absorb the impact of her landing and channeled it outward into a kinetic blast that knocked the nearest two men off their feet.
Straightening, she sprinted toward one of the ones still standing, leaving T7 and the special forces troopers to finish off the incapacitated pair. Blaster bolts flew around her, sharp needles of sensation that filled the air with a stink of ozone. A quick slash with her uninjured hand and the Imperial fell, bisected.
Qyzen Fess had already taken care of the final soldier, so she switched her sabers off, but kept them in her hands. They had to find a way back to the shuttle before the Imperials marshaled themselves enough to attack them in force.
Her wrist throbbed. Think, Eyrie. These people are counting on you. The grand moff would send troops to block off the most obvious path. “T7, do you know of an alternate route back to the hanger?”
“T7=checking ship’s map.”
While he did, she turned her senses outward. Feyte bustled around, tending to the ship captain’s scratched lekku and checking the others over. Despite the pain she was in, the captain and her mercenary companion seemed to be in good spirits. Probably riding their success with the droid. The two troopers were less jovial, though. As Eyrie stepped over to consult with them, T7 beeped.
“What did you find?” she said quietly.
“T7=found a way. Way=difficult+lots of troops. T7+Jedi=can do it.”
“Which way?” Before he could tell her, another ripple came through the Force. More danger.
“Imperials are coming from the west elevator and the hall back to the control room,” said Feyte.
“How many?” Feyte’s force skills were more honed than hers, at least when it came to sensing details outside of the immediate area. Eyrie worked in impressions, quicker when it came to acting and moving, but her masters had been chronically frustrated when it came to her ability to perceive specifics or explain why she acted and despite years of work, she’d never quite been able to remedy the weakness.
“Fifteen or twenty from each direction.”
One of the troopers, the male, swore. “Don’t think we can take on that many.”
“Way to hanger=west elevator.”
“Follow me!” Eyrie shouted. She would get them out of this if she had to cut through the deck plating herself. “T7, start checking for another path.”
They ran across the huge room to the only other exit. Piling into the elevator, they managed to get the door shut just as the first wave of troops burst into view. Someone pressed the button and Eyrie felt the car slide down, like a breeze blowing up onto her face. It shuddered to a halt and she made certain she had as free of an area to maneuver as possible before opening the door. The hallway was deserted.
“Where are we?” the female trooper asked.
Feyte bent down, probably to examine a map T7 displayed. “The detention level.”
“That would explain the dim lights, dark colors, and generally oppressive vibe. Oh, wait, I just described the entire ship. Never mind.”
Eyrie decided to ignore the captain’s inane banter. “How can we get back to the hanger from here?”
“It looks like we can go through the garbage chute, then take another elevator right up to the hanger deck,” the female trooper replied.
“Wait, what? Are you crazy?” the captain said. “Those things are like a hundred feet deep on a ship this big. And who knows what they throw down there.”
“It’s that or turn yourself into the Imperials,” Eyrie said. They were wasting time here.
“Wait,” said Feyte. “What about the prisoners?”
“What about them?”
“What if some of them are Republic citizens? Or even just innocent people? We can’t just leave them behind, we have to save them!”
She was right. It was a Jedi’s duty. “T7, come with me. Feyte, take everyone else to the garbage chute and use the Force to make sure they get down safely. Don’t wait for me.”
Feyte’s hesitation hung around her in clouds, but she didn’t object. As the rest of the group moved off in the direction of the chute, Eyrie led T7 toward the rest of the detention level. Why aren’t there any enemies? Most of the troops on board were probably tied up chasing them, but surely some would be left to guard important resources.
Wait. There was a concentration of life up ahead, behind a door that blocked her path. How many? She stopped and tried to focus. About ten, perhaps. She had never taken on that many sentients herself before, but she would have to try. They seemed calm enough. Maybe if she could take them by surprise. . .
A cold streak of alarm raced through them. Had they seen her? She sprinted lightly toward the door, T7 rolling behind. As she approached, their alarm hardened into a chilled determination and warning tingled in the back of Eyrie’s mind. She checked herself and force her mind to focus on the details of their Force-sense.
Just in time. A rush of sensation overwhelmed her – heat, pressure, sound, every one almost too much for her to stand. When her head cleared, she was lying on the deck and troops rushed out of the now-open door.
Heart pounding, Eyrie pulled herself to her feet and ignited her lightsabers. There were too many enemies to fight in her condition, but at least she could buy the others some time.
No, Eyrie, there’s too many of them. Run! Feyte’s voice in her head. We need your help to get out of here. Please.
Eyrie sent a wave of motion at the troops, knocking them back into each other, and ran. T7 kept up with her, but he buzzed with worry. “T7=not made for jumping. T7>smashed to bits.”
“I’ll cushion your landing.” Fatigue tugged at Eyrie as she raced through the twisting corridors. She needed to start a stricter training regimen when she reached Coruscant; this was unacceptable.
Finally, she felt the hollowness that must be the garbage chute open up in front of her. Without hesitation, she leaped into the space, using the Force to slow her descent.
She landed in a pile of something that smelled of rotting flesh with an impact that dropped her to her knees in a thick, warmish liquid. Above her, T7 rolled clumsily over the side and tumbled end over end as he fell. She caught him and steadied him to a gentle landing in a clear part of the room.
The rest of the group huddled by the man door, trying to stay out of the foul debris. Feyte hurried down the stairs and Eyrie sloshed through the knee-deep refuse to intercept her. “I’m fine. We have to keep going.”
“Are you – “
Before she could finish her question, there was a shout from above and Eyrie felt a prickle of energy as a grenade tumbled down the shaft. She half-dragged Feyte back toward the stairs and it exploded behind them with a deafening noise and a spatter of liquid across their back. Feyte cringed.
“Have you got the door open yet?”
“We were waiting for you. Mallena thought it would set off alarms if we broke it open and I knew we couldn’t wait for you if soldiers were shooting at us.”
“I told you not to.” Eyrie started up the stairs. Feyte was too soft sometimes. A Jedi’s life was sacrifice, and that meant being willing to accept it when others needed to sacrifice themselves, too.
She ignited her lightsaber and plunged it through the door. It popped open with a blare of alarm klaxons and Eyrie beckoned the rest of the group through. They were running out of time.
Fortunately, the elevator was nearby. As it raced upward, Grand Moff Kilrin’s oily voice came over the com. “Very well, you leave me no choice.”
“Yes, I’m very scared now,” muttered the captain and for once, Eyrie agreed with her. Vague threats were hardly going to impress them. Still, they should be on their guard.
The elevator let out within sight of the hanger bay. A few droids stood around the shielded door, but no other guards were in evidence. This is too easy. What was she missing?
The two troopers shot the droids, whose Force presence dimmed without causing so much as a ripple in the general area. Not like living beings. The deaths of flesh and blood were like holes poked in the fabric of Eyrie’s consciousness, bright and raw and impossible to ignore. But what had to be done had to be done.
Disabling the shield over the door proved to be a simple matter. The earthy-feeling mercenary that accompanied the captain flipped a switch on a nearby console and it disappeared with a snap. The Imperials must have put the barrier together quickly when Eyrie and the rest of the group boarded the ship.
The door slid back slowly with a heavy noise. A cold sensation raced up her neck. It was a trap. She didn’t know what was about to happen, but they couldn’t stay here.
Ambassador Asara, Commander Narlok, and a few troopers stepped out from behind the shuttle. “Ready to leave?” called the commander.
Eyrie didn’t get a chance to answer. The ambassador flew across the room with a burst of Force energy and a cold, slimy being strode into the room, followed by several Imperials. He gestured again and Commander Narlok fell. Unconscious or simply stunned, Eyrie didn’t know.
Her lightsabers were in her hands before she knew what was happening. They flicked to life and she leapt toward the Sith. He laughed and she felt him ignite his own blade. Letting her knees take the landing, she spun to the side, trying to catch him off guard. Her heart and the hum of her sabers seemed to merge into a single rhythm and she let it guide her actions, immersing herself in the flow of the Force.
He parried and counterstruck, sending pain up her injured wrist. The Dark Side swirled around him and searing pain arced to Eyrie’s body. She gritted her teeth and kept up the pressure. He was strong in the Force, but his lightsaber technique was weak. She could defeat him if she could just keep him from shocking her again.
A wave of Force energy hit her in the chest and she staggered back. As she closed the gap again, weakness spread throughout her body. Blocking his next blow took much more effort than it should have and she almost didn’t manage at all.
The energy was gathering again. She gathered the Force around her and sent it all to her own body, throwing everything she had into a roundhouse kick. The Sith stumbled backward and the dark energy dissipated.
Taking advantage of his distraction, Eyrie slashed at his body and felt his arm detach from his shoulder. With a roar of rage, the Sith lunged at her, only to be driven back by a hail of blaster bolts from the others, who must have finished with the Imperials.
Still fighting the weakness, Eyrie advanced, lightsabers swirling to block his blows. The energy gathered again, but this time she couldn’t stop it.
The lightning seared her nerves and stabbed at her brain, forcing her to her knees. No, she thought. I can’t give up. I have to save them.
She lifted her head. Brought one leg up. The other leg. Stood. Stepped forward. Forward again. The Sith registered surprise that quickly changed to anger. She caught his next attack on her left saber and stabbed with the right one. A slight resistance told her that it had found its mark and the Sith slumped to the ground as she removed her blade. The weakness left her as his life cut out of existence.
* * * *
They stepped onto the bridge: some limping, some still walking strong. Eyrie thought it was a miracle that all eight of them had made it back, as well as the ambassador and the commander. As they approached First Officer Hakin’s station, she felt the tremor of the ship as it jumped to lightspeed.
“We’re on route to Coruscant now,” announced a navigator.
“Good.” Hakin turned around to face them and his shock rippled through the Force like an explosion.
You didn’t think we would bring her back, did you? thought Eyrie. Coward. He must have kept it off his face, though, as the ambassador didn’t comment. By unspoken agreement among the group, they hadn’t told her about the plan to leave her behind, although Eyrie privately wondered if that was the right choice.
“Is everything going to be alright?” said Feyte.
“Yes. We should reach Coruscant in a few hours. Thank you for all you’ve done. I can’t give medals to those not in my direct chain of command, but you’ve all earned them. The whole crew owes you our freedom, and our lives.”
Eyrie shifted uncomfortably. “We were just doing our duty; you can save your praise.”
“I’ll take it!” the captain piped up and Eyrie smiled inwardly in spite of herself.
In a few hours, they would reach Coruscant. She would meet up with Master Dinn and begin work on whatever tasks he had planned for her. She was a Jedi and she would serve the Republic until her death. But until they arrived, all she wanted to do was sleep.
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harboneger · 2 years
I've just been sitting in a coffeeshop for a few hours sharing a table with a stranger while everyone around us watched the World Cup (ARG v. AUS). The first score of the game was electric, and honestly I can finally say that I understand football. I didn't before, everyone got so excited about these games and I just couldn't understand any of it.
There's an electricity to all of this though. You sit down and try to work and you just can't pay attention to anything else because everybody else's attention is so focused that it draws you in like a tractor beam. It felt like the best concert I've ever been to. Like the Thanksgiving parade. Like a focused project where everybody is moving together in tandem. I felt like a kid again, drawn into an experience with all the adults in the room that I've never been a part of before. I didn't know what happened but in the second that the ball hit the inside of the net I was a part of it, despite my noviceness.
I want to sit here forever in the throes of this game, even though it ended an hour ago. Go Argentina.
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tm-trx · 1 year
selections from my week in media [11-17 june 2023]
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The SHINee comeback is so close I can taste it. The skirt suits in the teaser photos they dropped this past week killed me dead. They all look gorgeous.
Bouncy / ATEEZ - I’m not sure what I love most about it. Hongjoong’s electric blue hair? The goat? Conga line choreo? Chipmunk effect? Mingi in that hat? Yes to all of it. (But especially the goat.)
Heart of the River by meyari - Jiang Yanli pov MDZS elementals fix-it AU - Stayed up way too late reading, but boy was it worth it.
Horns of Light by Morlin Lorenz - A darling little graphic novel about a young cow and her quest for horns. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is very sweet, with a touch of fantasy. I have the Kickstarter book, but I’ve linked the webtoon comic.
Old-Fashioned Cupcake by Sagan Sagan - The English language edition of the manga was released this week.
Big Dragon - A quick and easy rewatch for when I couldn’t concentrate on new stuff. It was so much better the second time, without the expectations I had going into it and knowing in advance the general tone and quality I was in for. This is why I rewatch shows. They are almost always better the second time through (especially if I originally watched week to week.) I don’t know if we’ll be getting a season two, but I’d love to see the two leads do another project together.
Bokura no Shokutaku, ep 10.5 - I am a bit disappointed we didn’t get the epilogue from the manga. They followed the rest of the book so closely, that I was sure we’d get that last glimpse of the future. Other than that, I liked it as much as the rest of the show. I’m going to miss this little family.
King the Land - Lee Junho! Yoona! Together in a chaebol kdrama! I’ve been looking forward to this since it was announced last year and the first episode did not disappoint. The first ep covered a lot of groundwork, but I think it did it well. We’ve got a good sense of who Yoona’s character is (less so with Junho’s - I have so many questions) and an even better idea of the worlds that they inhabit and how they will intersect. I’m going to really enjoy watching it this summer.
Love Tractor - I’m enjoying it, despite the uneven tone. This might be another one I like better on rewatch when I can run through the episodes all at once.
Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (April in Tokyo is) - I love this show so far. My first impression is that it’s beautifully filmed and the two leads are very comfortable with each other. They’re so easy with each other, it’s a joy to watch them. And the young actors in the flashbacks are also very good. I’m excited to see where the story goes and am resisting looking up the manga it’s based on to see what I’m in for.
Step By Step - Episode 8 was a rollercoaster: a painful break-up; a delightful “not date-date”; moody sunbathing; drunken crying in a bar; and the best lightbulb moment to cap it all off.
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scribblewise · 1 year
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Saw some cool machines at the construction equipment show at the Mall. I'm very fond of these super small scale excavators.
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Hydraulics, probably? I don't know a lot about how they work, I doubt these are filled with air though.
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Tough ones. Note the big yellow tractor is as large as a house and electric powered.
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Bobcat may not make the nicest looking machines but they definitely have the best logo.
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mitraagro · 3 days
Agriculture Sprayer Machines Explained: Types, Benefits, And Expert Tips Revealed
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Agriculture sprayers are pivotal in today’s farming practices, offering precision and efficiency for pesticide, fertilizer, and herbicide applications. Whether you need an Agriculture Sprayer Machine for a small farm or a large commercial operation, this guide will cover all essential aspects, including types, prices, and how to select the Best Spray Machine for Agriculture. We will also provide market insights and explain why Mitraweb is your best choice for reliable farming equipment.
1. Agriculture Sprayer Machine: Importance and Types
An Agriculture Sprayer Machine ensures the even distribution of chemicals across crops, making farming more efficient. The primary types include:
Boom Sprayers: Suitable for large farms, boom sprayers are mounted on tractors and cover wide areas efficiently.
High-Pressure Sprayers: Best for tall crops and orchards, these machines use high pressure to spray chemicals over a large distance, ensuring thorough coverage.
Air-Assisted Sprayers: Using air to improve spray penetration, these are perfect for denser crops like vineyards or fruit orchards.
Each type of Agriculture Sprayer Machine serves different farming needs based on the land size, crop type, and chemical application requirements.
Image Prompt 1: An image of a tractor-mounted boom sprayer applying pesticides across a large farm, with rows of crops and a clear sky in the background.
2. Automatic Spray Machine for Agriculture
The Automatic Spray Machines for Agriculture have revolutionized farming by allowing seamless and continuous chemical applications with minimal manual effort. These machines, powered by batteries or small engines, ensure uniform spray across large areas without frequent interruptions.
Electric-powered models, in particular, are gaining popularity due to their eco-friendly nature and operational efficiency. Mitraweb’s range of Automatic Spray Machines for Agriculture offers durable models designed to meet various farm sizes and crop types.
3. Pesticide Spray Machine: Optimizing Crop Protection
To combat pests efficiently, a Pesticide Spray Machine is crucial. These machines distribute chemicals evenly over crops, minimizing wastage and ensuring effective pest control. High-pressure jets and precision nozzles guarantee that pesticides reach every part of the plant, from leaves to roots.
4. Fertilizer Sprayer Machine
For optimal crop growth, the timely and precise application of nutrients is essential. A Fertilizer Sprayer Machine ensures that every part of the field receives equal amounts of fertilizer, promoting uniform growth. These machines are specifically designed for liquid fertilizers, with adjustable pressure settings for even distribution.
At Mitraweb, our Fertilizer Sprayer Machines come with advanced features that ensure minimal wastage and maximum coverage, helping farmers achieve better yields.
5. Agriculture Spray Machine Price
The cost of an Agriculture Spray Machine depends on its size, technology, and features. Below is a general guide to pricing:
Boom Sprayers: Prices range from ₹20,000 to ₹50,000 based on size and capacity.
High-Pressure Sprayers: Typically between ₹30,000 to ₹80,000, offering more range and greater versatility for different crop types.
Prices also vary based on the machine's material, brand, and durability. At Mitraweb, we provide competitive pricing to ensure farmers can access top-tier equipment without overspending.
6. Farming Spray Machine: Enhancing Efficiency
Investing in a high-quality Farming Spray Machine can dramatically enhance farm productivity by reducing labor and time. According to industry research, adopting advanced sprayers can improve farm efficiency by up to 20%. These machines help reduce the amount of chemicals wasted during application, allowing for a more sustainable farming practice.
Advanced Farming Spray Machines from Mitraweb are designed to handle large-scale operations with customizable nozzles and pressure settings, giving farmers full control over how their chemicals are applied.
7. Electric Spray Machine for Agriculture
With a growing focus on sustainability, Electric Spray Machines for Agriculture are becoming popular for their eco-friendly features and cost-saving benefits. Powered by rechargeable batteries, these machines eliminate the need for fuel and reduce operational noise, making them ideal for eco-conscious farmers.
Mitraweb offers a range of Electric Spray Machines for Agriculture, providing efficient and precise chemical application for farms of all sizes. These machines are easy to maintain and help reduce the carbon footprint of farming.
8. Best Spray Machine for Agriculture
Selecting the Best Spray Machine for Agriculture depends on several key factors:
Farm Size: For larger farms, boom and high-pressure sprayers are ideal, offering wide coverage. Smaller farms may benefit from more compact, electric-powered machines.
Crop Type: Different crops have different spraying needs. High-pressure sprayers are suited for dense or tall crops, while boom sprayers are better for ground-level crops.
Budget: Investing in durable machines, even if they come at a higher upfront cost, can save long-term operational expenses by reducing labor and chemical use.
Mitraweb provides a variety of options to help you select the Best Spray Machine for Agriculture, ensuring that your farm operates smoothly and productively.
9. Why Purchase from Mitraweb?
Mitraweb stands out for offering high-quality agricultural machinery, including Agriculture Sprayer Machines, at competitive prices. Here’s why farmers choose us:
Durability: Our machines are built to last, even in tough farming conditions.
Affordability: We ensure that our customers get the best value without compromising on quality.
Customer Support: Our team is dedicated to helping you find the right machine for your farm, offering guidance and post-sale support.
When you buy from Mitraweb, you’re not just buying equipment—you’re investing in the success and sustainability of your farm.
10. Agricultural Market Trends and Budget Insights
The global market for agricultural sprayers is projected to grow at an annual rate of 6.8%, driven by the demand for precision farming and sustainable agricultural practices. In India, the government’s 2023-2024 budget allocated ���1.25 lakh crore for farm mechanization, allowing more farmers to invest in advanced Agriculture Sprayer Machines.
This push for mechanization is helping farmers adopt Automatic Spray Machines for Agriculture and Electric Spray Machines for Agriculture, which reduce operational costs and improve productivity.
Agricultural spray machines are indispensable in modern farming, helping to protect crops, apply nutrients, and optimize yields. Whether you need a high-pressure Pesticide Spray Machine, an Electric Spray Machine for Agriculture, or a versatile Automatic Spray Machine for Agriculture, Mitraweb has the perfect solution for you. With our durable and affordable options, you can enhance your farm’s efficiency and productivity.
Explore our range of agricultural sprayers today and take the next step in modernizing your farming practices!
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airbotixin · 3 days
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tractorseva · 9 days
Essential Tips for Tractor Repair and Maintenance
How often should a tractor undergo maintenance checks?
Regular maintenance checks for tractors are recommended every 150-200 operating hours or at least once a year. This helps prevent costly breakdowns and ensures optimal performance and longevity of the tractor. With Tractor Seva, scheduling maintenance is made easy through online booking, and their certified technicians ensure your tractor is serviced regularly, helping you avoid unexpected issues.
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Key Highlights • Regular tractor maintenance is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Tractor Seva offers comprehensive service packages that cater to your tractor’s specific maintenance needs. • Understanding basic maintenance tasks like oil changes and filter replacements is essential for tractor owners. If you're unsure, Tractor Seva professionals can guide you or handle these tasks directly. • Identifying early signs of wear and tear can prevent costly repairs and downtime. Tractor Seva's technicians are trained to spot these signs during routine check-ups. • Familiarizing yourself with the owner's manual and recommended maintenance schedules is highly advised. Tractor Seva follows manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper care and service of your machine. • Consulting your tractor's manual or seeking professional help is recommended for complex repairs. Tractor Seva's expert technicians are always available for consultations and on-site repairs.
Tractor maintenance is crucial for keeping your machine running well and lasting longer. Whether you use your tractor for farming or other tough jobs, basic maintenance tips, such as checking the engine oil level, can save you time and money. Tractor Seva's online platform helps you follow manufacturer recommendations and ensures timely maintenance without any hassle.
Understanding Tractor Maintenance Basics
Tractor maintenance includes many tasks that affect performance and longevity. Neglecting these tasks can lead to decreased efficiency, higher fuel consumption, and potential breakdowns. Tractor Seva’s scheduled maintenance services prevent such issues and extend the life of your tractor by ensuring that all essential tasks, from oil changes to filter replacements, are done on time.
The Importance of Regular Tractor Check-Ups
Regular check-ups for your tractor are very important. They help you avoid sudden breakdowns and expensive repairs. Just like your car, your tractor needs regular care to work its best. It's good to check important parts like the engine oil, coolant levels, and tire pressure. These checks can find small problems early, before they turn into big issues. Fixing these little problems can help to prevent more damage and can actually make the life of your tractor longer. Also, keeping up with regular maintenance helps your tractor run efficiently. Tractor Seva provides convenient and reliable check-up services at your doorstep, helping you detect small problems early and prevent them from becoming costly repairs.
Essential Tools for Tractor Maintenance
While having the right tools is important for maintenance, not everyone has the expertise to perform complex repairs. For those instances, Tractor Seva provides not only the tools but also trained professionals who handle these tasks efficiently. You can rely on their 24/7 customer support to address urgent maintenance needs.
Key Areas of Focus for Effective Tractor Maintenance
Effective tractor maintenance involves concentrating on key components that impact its performance and longevity. These include the engine, transmission, hydraulics, electrical system, and chassis. Regularly inspecting and maintaining these essential systems will ensure your tractor operates smoothly and prevent unexpected breakdowns. Following a solid maintenance routine will keep your tractor in peak condition and extend its lifespan.
Engine Care and Maintenance Tips
The engine is very important for your tractor. Taking care of it is key for good performance. You need to do regular tasks like checking and changing the engine oil and replacing filters. The air filter stops dust and debris from going into the engine. It should be checked and cleaned or changed often, especially if you work in dusty places. The fuel filter keeps the engine safe from dirt in the fuel. Tractor Seva's Premium service package covers all these essential tasks, ensuring that your engine runs smoothly and efficiently.
Transmission System Maintenance Guidelines
The transmission system takes power from the engine and sends it to the wheels. This lets your tractor move. You should check the transmission fluid often. The fluid can get dirty or wear down over time. This may cause the tractor to work less efficiently or even get damaged. Check your tractor's manual for the right type of transmission fluid and how often you should change it. It’s important to look at the clutch and brake systems regularly too. This helps keep your tractor safe and running well. If you hear strange sounds or see any slipping, fix these issues quickly to avoid more damage. Tractor Seva’s technicians are trained to inspect and service transmission systems based on manufacturer recommendations, helping prevent damage and extend the life of your tractor.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Common Tractor Repairs
Taking preventive steps is important to avoid common tractor repairs and to make your equipment last longer. One of the best ways is to get into the habit of checking your tractor often. If you deal with small problems right away, you can stop them from becoming big issues that cost a lot to fix. Also, it is important to follow a regular maintenance plan to prevent early damage to parts. With Tractor Seva, you can schedule regular maintenance and diagnostic services that help catch potential problems early, allowing you to address them before they escalate.
Conclusion Regular maintenance is important for keeping your tractor running well and lasting longer. By following these helpful tips, you can avoid common repairs and catch problems early. This includes doing regular check-ups, using the right tools, and paying attention to key parts like the engine and transmission. Remember, taking care of things ahead of time can save you both time and money. Don't wait for something to break down. Be proactive and take preventive steps. If you have questions or need help, feel free to reach out Tractor Seva. Your tractor deserves the best care for smooth operation. Tractor Seva simplifies this process by offering easy-to-schedule services and expert support, ensuring your tractor gets the best care. Be proactive, and trust Tractor Seva to keep your tractor running smoothly and efficiently.
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rbdmachinenet · 13 days
RBD Brush Cutter Machine: Your Ultimate Grass and Weed Cutting Solution
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Maintaining a neat and tidy garden or farm can be a challenging task without the right tools. The RBD Brush Cutter Machine is the perfect solution to help you tackle even the toughest grass, weeds, and small shrubs effortlessly. Designed for efficiency, durability, and ease of use, this machine is ideal for both home gardeners and professional landscapers.
Why Choose the RBD Brush Cutter? Powerful Performance: The RBD Brush Cutter is powered by a robust engine that provides high torque, ensuring smooth cutting of thick grass and stubborn weeds. Whether you need to maintain a small yard or a large farm, this machine handles all tasks with ease.
Versatility: Equipped with various attachments like blades and nylon trimmers, the RBD Brush Cutter is versatile enough to tackle different types of cutting jobs. From precision trimming around edges to clearing dense undergrowth, it’s a multitasking machine that adapts to your needs.
Durability and Reliability: Built with high-quality materials, the RBD Brush Cutter is designed to withstand heavy-duty usage. Its long-lasting components ensure you get the best performance season after season without worrying about frequent maintenance.
User-Friendly Design: The ergonomic handle, lightweight body, and adjustable shaft make the RBD Brush Cutter easy to handle, even during extended use. Its low-vibration feature adds to the comfort, allowing users to work longer without fatigue.
Cost-Effective: Offering top-tier performance at an affordable price, the RBD Brush Cutter Machine delivers excellent value for money. It’s an investment that saves time and labor costs, making it a must-have for anyone serious about lawn care and maintenance.
Key Features of the RBD Brush Cutter Engine Power: Available in petrol and electric models to suit different preferences and needs. Cutting Attachments: Includes a blade for tough grass and weeds, and a nylon trimmer for lighter jobs and precision cutting. Adjustable Shaft: Easily adjust the length of the shaft to reach tight or difficult spaces. Fuel Efficiency: The petrol version is designed to consume less fuel, reducing operational costs while ensuring top performance. Low Noise Operation: The RBD Brush Cutter operates with minimal noise, making it an environmentally friendly option. Applications of RBD Brush Cutter Machine The RBD Brush Cutter is highly versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications:
Lawn Maintenance: Cut and trim overgrown grass, giving your lawn a manicured appearance. Weed Control: Remove weeds from gardens, farms, and roadsides with ease. Small Shrub Clearing: Efficiently cut through small shrubs and undergrowth. Agricultural Use: Perfect for maintaining farms, especially in areas where tractors or large machines can’t access. Landscaping: Ideal for professional landscapers who need precise, efficient cutting tools for various environments. Why the RBD Brush Cutter Stands Out When compared to other brush cutters on the market, the RBD Brush Cutter stands out due to its superior performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. It combines powerful cutting capabilities with ease of use, making it the go-to tool for garden enthusiasts, farmers, and professionals alike.
Contact details
📞📞 +91-9694949030 📞📞 +91-9782949030
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zoomlift · 21 days
Why Invest in an Agricultural Tractor in Dubai?
For together small and large-scale farming enterprises, buying an agricultural tractor in Dubai has several compensations. Modern tractors increase productivity by mechanizing labor-intensive processes like planting, harvesting, and plowing, which is helpful for Dubai's fast expanding agricultural sector. In addition, a tractor lowers the need for human labor, which consequences in lower costs and higher output. Tractors are an invaluable instrument for cumulative production and guaranteeing long-term sustainability since of their sophisticated features, which include GPS and precision farming equipment that further enhance crop management.
Using Electric Forklifts in Dubai to Increase Productivity
Electric forklifts are now vital for effective material handling in Dubai's fast-paced industrial sector. Trades that value cost-effectiveness and sustainability must have this equipment. In addition to being less damaging to the environment, electric forklifts are more reasonable to operate than their conservative fuel-powered counterparts are. These forklifts deliver reliable performance though transporting goods inside warehouses, construction sites, and distribution centers—vital in a city like Dubai where competence is paramount. Electric Forklift in Dubai are the best option for interior and urban settings due to their compact design and reduced noise pollution.
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Lifting Materials in Dubai: The Appropriate Tools for the Task
Possessing the appropriate tools is essential while lifting goods in Dubai. To handle big loads and guarantee the safe transportation of goods, the region's construction and logistics sectors need sturdy and dependable equipment. These jobs are a good fit for electric forklifts because of their sophisticated characteristics. Their swift and effective lifting and material-moving abilities minimize downtime and boost output. Electric forklifts are a useful tool for companies trying to improve efficiency, whether they are used for industrial supplies, building materials, or pallets of merchandise.
Heavy Machinery in Dubai: An Essential Resource for Industry and Construction
In Dubai, the growth of the industrial and infrastructural sectors depends heavily on heavy machinery. From material transportation to earthmoving, these machines are built to do even the most taxing jobs. The obtainability of dependable Heavy Equipment Dubai is essential to behind the growth and development momentum in a city famous for its ambitious construction projects. Purchasing heavy machinery is a intelligent strategic move that can have a big long-term impact for companies in the industrial, construction, or logistics sectors.
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Flexible Machines in Dubai: Fulfilling Various Sector Requirements
Beyond logistics and construction, Dubai has a broad need for adaptable machinery. Modern machinery is also essential to the efficiency and productivity of sectors including industry, agriculture, and transportation. Having the appropriate equipment is essential for preserving competitiveness in various industries, from CNC machines to automated manufacturing lines. Dubai's varied economy need a broad variety of machines that can adjust to various uses, guaranteeing that companies can satisfy their particular needs without sacrificing quality.
Using Agricultural Tractor Dubai to Increase Farming Productivity
Modern farming methods and increased crop yields in Dubai need the use of agricultural tractors. Having the appropriate equipment can make a big difference in an area where agricultural is difficult because of the severe climate. Farmers can carry out operations like planting, harvesting, and plowing more effectively thanks to tractors fitted with cutting-edge technology. In addition to saving time, this lowers labor expenses and raises farming operations' total output. The agricultural growth of the region is facilitated by these machines, which also help to maximize land utilization and guarantee continuous production.
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