schittscreekficrec · 2 years
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Hi everyone! This week, we wanted to highlight some of the amazing fics from the @elevatefemslash​ fest! Go give these all some love!
Liv’s recs: There's a shine in your eyes that i just can't fight by @the-kellephant [alexis/twyla, T, one shot]
You Can Have My Back by @doublel27 [alexis/twyla, T, one shot]
Julie’s recs: Resonance by an_fish & another_Hero [jazzagals, G, one shot]
Preheat to 350 degrees by @fakingsincerity [stevie, G, one shot]
Jette’s recs: (everybody’s watching her but) she’s looking at you by singsongsung [alexis/twyla, E, one shot]
as close as pages in a book by @stereopticons [stevie/ruth, T, one shot]
Ali’s recs: home is wherever you are tonight by Amanita_Fierce & @sarahlevys [alexis/twyla, T, one shot]
making a lark of the misery by @petalwritesx [alexis/twyla, T, one shot]
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elevatefemslash · 2 years
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The time is here, and the gateway is now open!! Sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange today!
What’s Elevate!?
At its heart, Elevate! is a Schitt’s Creek exchange that centers on Alexis, Moira, Jocelyn, Twyla, Stevie, Ronnie, Gwen, Ruth, Tennessee, Heather, Rachel, Shannon, and any other non-male character from the show.
You can participate in two ways:
Sign up for the exchange! You let us know what you want to receive and what you want to write, and we match you with a new friend. And now's the time to sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange!
Submit a solo work! Add a work to the collection—fic, art, podfic, or anything else—before the due date, and it’ll get posted as part of the releases.
Important Dates:
Sign Ups Open: August 1-14
Matches Delivered: By August 16
Works Due: October 9
Works Posted: October 10-14
Works Revealed: October 17
If I’m going to submit a solo work, do I have to sign up by August 14? No!
If I want to partner with a writer to create art, podfic, or something else, how do I get that set up? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you connected!
If I want to partner with an artist, podficcer, or someone else to have work included with my fic, how do I get that set up? Find us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of you!
Are there any restrictions on who can sign up? We only ask that fest participants (exchange and solo) be 18+. 
I have more questions! We have answers! Find us at [email protected] or here at our ask box!
Sign up for this year's Elevate! exchange today!
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hullomoon · 1 year
for this 9(?) day of 12 days, i want to give a shoutout to all the wonderful people who mod fests for sc! @elevatefemslash, @scfrozenover, @poderators, @scmediafest, @scrarefest, and the several more who have done fests in the past 💙💙💙
it truly takes so much time to organize, what we see is only a small portion of the work they do. fests are an important part of fandom. they help build community, foster relationships, and help motivate. i’ve made several friends by working with others during fests. whether that’s co-creating, betaing, or just bouncing ideas off, i always have so much fun.
and special shoutout/apology to the mods’ dms i’ve slid into asking for an extension. i’d like to say it won’t happen again, but that’s a lie 😅
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scrarefest · 1 year
Any new fests coming up?
hello!!! as far as we know, @elevatefemslash is the only fest coming up. it'll be happening in the fall, with hopefully similar dates to last year (mid October).
if anyone knows of any other fests happening let us know!
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fakingsincerity · 2 years
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Preheat to 350 degrees 
Stevie receives a cookbook as a gift. The resulting meals feed her body and soul.
Now that @elevatefemslash​ author reveals have happened, I wanted to share here my Stevie fic that I wrote for the fest, a story about building confidence and learning to care for yourself (and your community) through cooking and baking. 
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stereopticons · 2 years
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as close as pages in a book [stevie/ruth, T, 3.4k]
for @elevatefemslash​ 2022!
Stevie runs One Last Chapter, her great aunt’s bookstore, and Ruth has just moved to town. Five times Ruth asks for a book from Stevie, and one time she brings one herself.
This was my first time participating in @elevatefemslash​ and it was so fun! Please everyone go give these fics some love. All the participants worked so hard on them!
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💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I don't actually think I've gotten a super unexpected response before, tbh. I flipped through my fics and... oh! LOL, so I wrote come home to my heart (a tedlexis fic) for tropefest and soooo many people came to me like "omg that dating app is like Bantr!" I hadn't watched Ted Lasso yet, and it was SO confusing lmfao. Does that count?
💥 find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
making a lark of the misery is actually my most recent fic, which I wrote for @elevatefemslash. It's based on my very favorite episode of Dawson's Creek, called 'Castaways,' and I maintain it's one of the cutest episodes of television ever. That said, I was really fond of the concept of this fic and, y'know, personally, I think it's very sweet.
Send me an emoji!
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sarahlevys · 1 year
Trivia TWednesday
Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
Thank you @swearphil for tagging me!
I decided to write about time—curious, mystical, wondrous time as it’s one of my all-time favorite fics that I’ve written. For those that don’t know the fic, I’ll paste its summary here:
Alexis leans in, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I already lived today. Like, yesterday was August 20. My mom got back on Sunrise Bay, and I gave you all my clothes, and—"
"Alexis!" Twyla exclaims. "You did what?"
 "Okay, I promise I will circle back to that, but." Alexis flattens her hands on the countertop. "Like, am I losing it, or is this something that maybe you've heard of happening before?"
 Twyla purses her lips, thinking a little, before she turns her patient gaze back to Alexis. "I don't think that's ever happened to me, but nothing's impossible if you believe that it's true."
OR: Alexis finds herself reliving Start Spreading the News... over and over again.
This is a really long ramble about all of my feelings regarding Alexis’ overall arc in the show, how I see her relationship with Twyla, and my thoughts on her decision to move to New York, so I’ll put it under the cut...
(Also, I’m tagging @stereopticons @rosedavid @lilythesilly @roseapothecary @danieljradcliffe @rhetoricalk @hullomoon @schittposting @schitthappens and  anyone else who sees this!)
I first got the idea for this fic back in 2021, during @elevatefemslash/Elevate. I’ve always been fascinated by time loops, thanks to @schittposting‘s endless (pun intended) championing of the trope, and I thought this might be a fun prompt to leave for whoever ended up writing for me. (It ended up being @middyblue, who wrote like glass from sandy ground for me—not a time loop, but one of my all time favorite fics!)
After Elevate, I put the idea away in the back of my mind, since it didn’t get used by the writer, but it always sat there, waiting for its moment.
And then: I wrote a lot of Twylexis throughout all of 2021. Like, a lot. Some AUs, some canon-compliant, some canon-divergent, but when 2021 turned into 2022, I found myself itching for something new.
Along came @scrarefest/Rarefest!
I knew I wanted to write this fic for that fest, and I knew I wanted it to be focused on the growing pains that Alexis must have felt as she made her peace with deciding to leave Schitt’s Creek.
I know that not everyone thinks that Alexis should have left Schitt’s Creek, and prefer to have her either move back after moving to New York or move to Toronto or somewhere else that’s closer. Personally, I’m very on board with the decision that she made—I think Alexis wants to have a home to come back to, one where she’s seen and respected and wanted, unlike the way she grew up, but I think that where David might take comfort in the familiarity and routine of staying in Schitt’s Creek, Alexis is always seeking something new. I totally respect the viewpoints of others who disagree, but the fic—and the discussion around Alexis’ decision to move—was written from the perspective of that being the decision that was best for her.
Another big theme I wanted to play around with was the idea that part of Alexis’ breakup with Ted was because she’s now in the position where she can make something of herself through her own merits, talent, and knowledge.
It’s easy to see Alexis’ arc prior to Season 6 and think, “Alexis’ main storyline is Ted, and learning to love in a way that’s healthy and adds value to her life”—but as much as the Tedlexis breakup hurt me at the time, I love that the breakup reframes her storyline and makes us refocus on everything else—going back to school, going to college, launching Singles Week, opening ARC—through a new lens. Those weren’t whims, they were intentional, directional decisions that she made for herself, without anyone else telling her she should.
So now, post-breakup, instead of using other people to get what she wants, or relying on her looks, fame, and money to get her way, she has something for her very own and has the chance to pursue that on a bigger stage than if she stayed. And that, of course, brings with it questions of failure: am I good enough? Were these previous successes because of luck, or because of me? Am I making the right choice? Who’s to say that this will actually work out? Etc. Etc. Etc.
Those are already interesting, universal feelings and concerns, but they’re especially interesting to play around with when the character is also canonically a daredevil, who used to risk her life for excitement and adventure and the sheer thrill of getting away with something—but also, probably, did all of those crazy things to see if anyone would ever care enough about her to tell her to stop.
I always outline, so I started with that first. I did a lot of rambling to @schittposting @lilythesilly @roseapothecary @landofsonlali, and tried to sketch out the pace of the fic. The first part had to be when she decides to do something different, the thing that triggers the loop, and then the rest of it fell naturally into place. She’d fight it at first, keep trying to find ways to stay, but then as she relied on Twyla more and more to try to sort through the time loop, things she’d never been conscious of—the way she feels about Twyla, the attraction that’s always been under the surface, etc.—start to come to the surface. And I knew the fifth part had to be when she decides to break the loop, and the +1 had to be when it actually happens.
I won’t give away the ending of the fic here for those who haven’t read it, but one of my favorite things about the fic was getting a chance to play with a familiar fic format and hoping it worked out. And overall, I think I did a decent job distilling the long ramble above into a fic, hopefully.
If you read it, I’d love to hear what you think!
time—curious, mystical, wondrous time
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wild-aloof-rebel · 2 years
Do you know of any future upcoming SC fic-writing and/or art events? I'm stir crazy with long covid fatigue & want to take part in something ! Thanks either way and Take Care ~☆~☆~☆
the two i know of that are happening now/soon are @sc-passions-and-pastimes and @elevatefemslash.
if anyone out there knows of anything else, feel free to drop it in the notes!
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brrose-apothecary · 2 years
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An Evolving Palate
Stevie goes to Jake’s for a whisky or whatever, but ends up wine-tasting instead.
Posted as part of Elevate! A Schitt's Creek Femslash Exchange (2021) by @elevatefemslash
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I'm completing the SC Summer Fic Reading Challenge but am VERY new to the fandom. Can you rec a couple rarepair fics? I'm not even sure what would be considered a rarepair
What a great way to dive into the fandom! Taking on the reading challenge was an excellent way to get started.
For the farm witches, the definition of "rarepair" is essentially any pairing that's not David and Patrick, since they are the pair that has the most fics written about them.
Rather than give specific titles on this one, we're going to suggest some resources that are absolutely killing the rarepair game.
First, a hot tip: The Reading Challenge spreadsheet has built-in links for many of the fic categories. You can click the highlighted blue words at the top of the column to bring up a list of fics for that category. (Our minds were blown when someone pointed this out to us.)
Second, @scraregenrecs provides monthly roundups of both rare-ship and no-ship fanworks, so that would be an excellent blog to visit/follow.
Third, @elevatefemslash just wrapped up and there were some fantastic fics again this year.
Good luck finishing off the challenge!
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elevatefemslash · 2 years
Two Weeks Until Elevate! 2022 Sign-Ups Open!
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In 2020, 4% of all Schitt's Creek fics were tagged F/F.
In 2021, 7% of fics were F/F.
In 2022, 8% of fics are F/F.
It's progress, but it's not enough! That's why the gateway is opening again in 2 weeks. It's almost time to ELEVATE!
What's Elevate!?
At its heart, Elevate! is a Schitt's Creek exchange that centers on Alexis, Moira, Jocelyn, Twyla, Stevie, Ronnie, Gwen, Ruth, Tennessee, Heather, Rachel, Shannon, and any other non-male character from the show.
You can participate in two ways:
Sign up for the exchange! You let us know what you want to receive and what you want to write, and we match you with a new friend.
Submit a solo work! Add a work to the collection—fic, art, podfic, or anything else—before the due date, and it'll get posted as part of the releases.
Important Dates:
Sign Ups Open: August 1-14
Matches Delivered: By August 16
Works Due: October 9
Works Posted: October 10-14
Works Revealed: October 17
If I’m going to submit a solo work, do I have to sign up by August 14? No!
If I want to partner with a writer to create art, podfic, or something else, how do I get that set up? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you connected!
If I want to partner with an artist, podficcer, or someone else to have work included with my fic, how do I get that set up? Find us at [email protected] and we’ll take care of you!
Are there any restrictions on who can sign up? We only ask that fest participants (exchange and solo) be 18+. 
I have more questions! We have answers! Find us at [email protected] or here at our ask box!
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hullomoon · 2 years
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it’s fine if it’s with you
part of @elevatefemslash​
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Relationship: Stevie Budd/Twyla Sands
Characters: Stevie Budd, Twyla Sands
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season/Series 05, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Awkward Dates, Light Angst, Fluff, Getting Together
Stevie and Twyla try fake dating. It's much harder than it looks.
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5ambreakdown · 3 years
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bringing me one step closer (to you) with artwork by @rhetoricalk for @paradigmsofjessicaday as a part of the @elevatefemslash 2021 collection
rating: E
archive warning: no archive warnings apply
relationships: stevie budd/twyla sands, stevie budd & alexis rose, patrick brewer & stevie budd & alexis rose & david rose, patrick brewer & stevie budd & david rose
characters: stevie budd, twyla sands, alexis rose, david rose, patrick brewer
additional tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Compliant, fucking fight me, Childhood Friends to Lovers to Exes to Friends to Lovers, Sexual Content, Background Patrick Brewer/David Rose - Freeform, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, During Canon, Non-Linear Narrative, Semi-Public Sex, Fanart, Schitt's Creek Fanart, Digital Art, Digital Painting
words: 18,296
chapters: 1/1
When Alexis speaks, it’s with a soft certainty Stevie doesn’t ever think she’s heard from her, at least not to this degree. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
She thinks about denying it. A part of her wants to take the Stevie way out, to scoff and claim that the very notion is ridiculous. But it would be a lie, the most blatant, laughably false thing she could possibly claim. Because there is not a single part of Stevie that is not so irrevocably in love with Twyla Sands.
Somehow, she thinks, trying to deny it — as if she could — would only make her fall deeper, harder.
So, she breathes out slowly through her nose, her gaze unmoving from the white popcorn texture of the ceiling. “Yes. Yes, I am.”
or, a (mostly) canon stevie and twyla childhood friends to lovers to exes to friends to lovers story
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catelyngrant · 2 years
3 and 30 for the fic asks!
3. Favorite line/scene I wrote this year
I kind of want to give myself kudos for feeling like I pulled off halfway-believable dialogue for a few characters that I was terrified of trying to write! I signed up for the @elevatefemslash Schitt’s Creek to push myself and write for characters who have very distinctive voices, and between Alexis, Moira, and Twyla in a handprint on my heart, I don't feel like I nailed them but I think I did all right. And then sugar, we're going down swinging was absolutely terrifying but the dialogue actually ended up being one of the easier parts, I've been having a lot more trouble with the less-verbal chapter two than I did with Ava and Deborah's banter!
A couple of specific scenes, though - I always love when I can break people, so chapters three and four of ghosts in the attic did the job nicely. The line "She keeps her word. He's the one who leaves" in chapter four was one of the first bits of the entire fic that I wrote, and I like the impact that it has, and I really liked the way the scene of Elliot and Olivia dancing at her wedding in chapter three turned out.
30. Favorite fandom to read fic from this year
It's got to be SVU, right? I read so much incredible fic and all of my fandoms have amazing writers, but SVU has 20+ years of content that I've gotten to start digging through, and it's just been really fabulous.
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Thanks to @sarahlevys for compiling this amazing list of WLW prompts submitted to our fest! Visit the fest page to make your claims.
Also, check out the @elevatefemslash fest. Works are due next month!
WLW prompts
alexis: training for a marathon (can be shippy, can be not) alexis: she grew up playing board games with david (requested to keep primarily focused on gen, but a love interest for alexis can be included)
alexis/twyla: twyla dog walks; alexis has a dog alexis/twyla: twyla starts traveling, and alexis comes with alexis/twyla: alexis learns how to roller skate alexis/twyla: twyla woos alexis through bread alexis/twyla: twyla's cooking is much better than the café's alexis/twyla: patrick and twy bond over dating roses alexis/twyla: alexis learns how to cook and surprises twyla with a home-cooked meal alexis/twyla: twyla is cosplaying as alexis' character on galactic sunrise bay when she meets alexis at a con
stevie: gets into geneology (no ship specified, but suggested ruth. open to others) stevie: stevie gets the community theatre bug (stevie/twyla would be nice, but not necessary) stevie/whoever: whiskey nights at jake's (no ship specified, but suggested rachel. open to others) stevie/OFC: roller derby AU
twyla: can twyla cook? are her smoothies always bad? (could be friendshippy twylexis, could also be romantic twylexis) twyla: twyla starts a textile/fiber arts hobby (no ship specified, but could go romantic)
stevie/alexis: fake-dating podcaster AU
stevie/rachel: couples cooking course AU stevie/rachel: crokinole competition
stevie/ruth: roller derby AU stevie/ruth: stevie finds a video of ruth singing stevie/ruth: they learn how to cook together stevie/ruth: discovering they're both gamers stevie/ruth: filipino food cookery stevie/ruth: ruth watches stevie in her next theatre production stevie/ruth: ruth brings stevie to karaoke
stevie/twyla: stevie starts attending twy's yoga classes stevie/twyla: cuddly museum vibes
OT3s prompts
alexis/ted/twyla: twyla expands her culinary palate alexis/ted/twyla: road trips together alexis/stevie/twyla: book club gets saucy
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