madockisser · 4 days
It was Locke that said Cardan and Valerian are competing, not Valerian himself. It happened in How the High King Of Elfheme Learned To Hate Stories. The story where Cardan caught them. However after Locke said that the narrator explains Locke loves to exaggerate and his stories are the closest to a lie faeries can do
was cardan loyal to nicasia? pt 2
Part 1: here
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hi! locke and valerian were competing w the debauch of the circle of grackles! or if you were talking abt this scene:
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it seemed he was referring to the root woman who was dancing upon a table drinking wine, before they had all gotten riotously drunk and drugged up to the point that the root woman had fallen from the table was was severely hurt. sap was flowing from her mouth, at which valerian was watching with strange fascination.
locke could’ve been referring them outdoing each other in excess as them getting drunk or high, or even violent.
i stand by my point that cardan hadn’t seen any other lovers upon rereading that scene.
it was so much more devastating than i remembered. he says that he trusted nicasia not to hurt him, that he felt his stone heart shatter as though it were glass. so yeah. now i am sure he wasn’t seeing any other lover.
thank you for the ask! i wasn’t sure if i was gonna post this bc it doesn’t fall into any specific category lol but i wanted to answer you🫶 also why the hell does balekin know french
(made this on sep 2 and idk why i never posted it I’m sorry anon 😭)
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xcruelprincessx · 16 days
Taryn doesn't deserve to be hated as much as she is. I agree she did all kinds of fucked up shit, but I can see her point kinda? She very often said that's her way of surviving as a mortal in Elfheme, aka doing what they tell her without complaining. Locke is a faerie that most can't resist (Nicasia, Taryn, Jude.. ), and I can see why the thought of him choosing to marry her of all the people seemed very tempting for her. With that she betrayed Jude and I won't forgive her for that. She should have chosen Jude! But Locke is the real problem here. He told her faeries don't love like humans do and what he's doing is normal. The bigger betrayal from Taryn's side tho was when she helped Madoc by pretending to be Jude. And even then I can see her motives. With Vivi now gone, her relationship with Jude basically non existing anymore and her cheating husband acting like she's a toy, she has only Madoc to turn to, and if she doesn't go with his plans, she would be left alone.
Don't get me wrong, she's still a terrible person and I don't like her. I just don't understand why people hate her more than Nicasia who did so much worse. Plus she murdered Locke's cheating ass and I'll forever thank her for it.
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satanfemto666 · 5 years
Guts, Casca Y Puck 🧚‍♀️💗
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literallyjolyne · 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if you can do fluff alphabet with guts with the letters a,b,c,f,h and i
OOOOO i love this idea ^_^ here ya go!
Affection - What do they do to show affection?The way that he show that he cares about you is protecting you from dangers and training you so you can also learn to defend your self.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? He admires mostly everything about his s/o but he is sucker for some pretty eyes. He also finds being tough or strong with a unbreakable fighting spirit pretty attractive.
Cuddles - How do they like to hug their s/o?
Cuddling with guts is very warm and comforting. He usually likes to have you in his lap as he plays with your hair.
Family - Do they want a family?
Guts doesn’t think he is fit to be father. He doesn’t think bringing a kid in to this world would such a good idea. If you do get pregnant he would keep you and your child in elfhem.
Hands - Do they like holding hands?
Guts thinks holding hand with you is pretty cute since you have such a small hand compared to his.
Injury - What do they do if their s/o gets hurt?
If someone caused this injury he would hunt them down and kill them with out a thought. If you injured yourself he would take care of your wound and scold you a little for being so careless.
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sweet-villlain · 5 years
Jude sneaking back into Elfhem:
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vandacarnelme · 6 years
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I really like Elfhem’s design... anyway... fuck this questline specifically
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sweet-villlain · 5 years
There's NO hint of any possibility of Cardan's (or any other) pov being in QoN but here I am getting my hopes high
till Jude finds a way in Elfhem I want to know what's going on there, what happened after her exile?
And mostly I NEED to know what is going on in his head all the time? What does he think of this whole situation? How he felt after tcp?
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