#elfine phillet platoon operator
ashitakaxsan · 4 years
It gets my Interest,it looks like “My next Life As A Villainess:All Roades Lead To Doom”,but it’s not a copy.It’s really original plot:
“ Leonis, the Undead King, is being attacked by the six heroes after allying with the Goddess of Rebellion. Seeing his imminent defeat, he seals himself away for a thousand years. However, when he awakens he is no longer the undead king but instead a ten-year-old boy! To make things more complicated, the young girl who rescues him – Riselia Ray Crystalia – thinks he is a refugee from the Voids, evil monsters that have wiped out three quarters of humanity and take on the aspects of mythological creatures. When they are attacked, Leonis discovers his powers are reduced, and Riselia takes a mortal blow meant for him. After dispatching the creatures he uses his necromancy to bring her back to life. With their fates entwined, she takes him back to one of humanity's last bastions where she is enrolled as a Holy Sword to defend humanity against the Voids. Leonis must learn about the circumstances of this new world without revealing his own true nature in the process”.
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