#leonis the undead king
ashitakaxsan · 4 years
It gets my Interest,it looks like “My next Life As A Villainess:All Roades Lead To Doom”,but it’s not a copy.It’s really original plot:
“ Leonis, the Undead King, is being attacked by the six heroes after allying with the Goddess of Rebellion. Seeing his imminent defeat, he seals himself away for a thousand years. However, when he awakens he is no longer the undead king but instead a ten-year-old boy! To make things more complicated, the young girl who rescues him – Riselia Ray Crystalia – thinks he is a refugee from the Voids, evil monsters that have wiped out three quarters of humanity and take on the aspects of mythological creatures. When they are attacked, Leonis discovers his powers are reduced, and Riselia takes a mortal blow meant for him. After dispatching the creatures he uses his necromancy to bring her back to life. With their fates entwined, she takes him back to one of humanity's last bastions where she is enrolled as a Holy Sword to defend humanity against the Voids. Leonis must learn about the circumstances of this new world without revealing his own true nature in the process”.
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub (6)
Someone wants a fight with Cor. I told you guys this was indulgent.  BUT, there’s a reasoning for this twist I swear (at least my 1am self does).
PART 1   PART 2   PART 3   PART 4  PART 5
(possible crossover of FF lores ahead in this AU.)
- After making sure the Kingsglaive in Galahd are battle ready to protect the people, the Galahadians sends them off with a small dinner celebration as a small reprieve from the madness. If anything, they seem excited to find their goddess amongst them once more once they figure out their purpose in Galahd.(“Our festivals are full of light and people souls are bright! With the Kingsglaive back, the daemons will not dare!”) 
Ignis has never really been out of Lucis since his move from Tenebrae as a child.The new burst of sounds and culture makes him curious as the dinner goes on.
- Nyx and Cor amongst the people watching the people coo over Prompto (they gave them garlands and a sashes of galahd ribbons, to show they are welcome as family of their tribesman, especially Prompto now that he is seen as Etro’s beloved Farseer ). And he will be hard pressed to deny that the domesticity was absolutely sweet. 
Luna singing and dancing and thriving in life and joy among people, something denied to her for so very long. Noctis and Gladio trying to enjoy everything while not being too focused on the food. Ardyn in the corner being strangely subdued as he immerses himself in the feeling of festivity. Regis deep in discussion with Clan leaders and Clarus partaking in simple efforts in reconnecting with the common folk.There is hope it seems for a better future he thinks. 
- When they finally depart Galahd’s shores, they are re-energised to focus on strategy.When Prompto suddenly makes a request. He remembers that Gladio has already taken his trial with Gilgamesh (despite Clarus’s violent disagreement initially, that was certainly a trip that Ignis won’t be forgetting anytime soon.The old shield proved that even with one arm he is still a force to be reckoned with.) 
A land full of restless souls and one undead shield, he wishes they will answer her call, and seems almost rude to pull them into a battle to the death without asking. That’s just how Prompto is. Ardyn surprisingly volunteers, and after much discussion, Noctis, Gladio and Libertus are tasked to follow the ancient King on this errand. 
“Reuniting with an old acquaintance!How splendid, isn’t it, my dear nephews?I, personally, can’t wait!” 
(Noctis must finally face the music, and try to get along as Regis visibly tries to rein in his cringe.)
- Costlemark seems like daunting to take on with so little preparation.But they figured with Regis’ and Prompto’s magic and range, along with Cor and Nyx’s speed, Clarus’ strength(bless the Shields,they certainly Iive up to their name and and duty) while Ignis and Luna acting as support seem sufficient. (“We can also practice your new abilities while we are at it!”Luna beams at Prompto, who needs to get a hang of his new arsenal of spells.Luna looks delighted with her project.Good for her.Less so for sweet, dear, Prompto.)
-While waiting to arrive at their destination, the crew splits up for some personal time. Always a stickler for details (in Noctis’ words), Ignis seeks out Cor to relay some reports from the Insomnia Army, but stops when he realised Prompto and Cor are having a chat.At least, he thought it was Prompto.
-“Your Grace.”
”How did you know?”Etro smiles, her Eyes bright.Cor doesn’t give her an answer.
“Cor Leonis. I never thanked you for saving Prompto. You did well.”
”I would have done it with or without fate.It was only right.”
”Yet you have no idea how many times I have tried for this result.”
Ignis doesn’t like the implication. 
Silence befalls between them.
“Magic may not have remained in your bloodline any longer from one of my incarnations…but you became a guardian to your kingdom and your loved ones as your forebears once did with all the fierceness and heart you bear.I am impressed. Descendant of sorceress and knight, you are a worthy protector indeed.”
“I thank you for the kind words.” Cor does not acknowledge her revelation.At least not outwardly.
“As thanks,I shall gift you a premonition.A fair warning.When you reach the tower of my old castle… an old acquaintance awaits, he wishes to have a reunion with familiar blood.”
And with that Etro leaves, letting Cor catch Prompto as he collapsed. He was…asleep?
-Ignis seems stuck in revealing himself eavesdropping or helping his friend until he notices Nyx in the corner ( wait, when was he there? ), and gestures the advisor kindly to turn and leave.The report can wait a little longer.
-The advisor remembered how he had went to look up on Prompto’s file after seeing Noct hanging around this new classmate so much.It was his job.Yet he found a locked citizen file and made an enquiry to The King and Marshal which earned him a chuckle from his majesty and a sigh from the Immortal.Before he was dismissed with the order to not worry and they are aware.
”Let the boys live a little.” He should have known something was off there and then.A terrible oversight. But not a mistake. Prompto have proven to be one of the sweetest person to grace them, always thoughtful and keeping Noctis grounded but in a positive way. As Gladio liked to say “a walking sunshine”. 
-( Ignis will never find out that Regis had laughed in Cor’s face after they heard the boys were up to something innocent and stupid, told him it was what he got for removing the sweet innocent babies from their playdate so early on and never bringing ‘Pompom’ around for the prince anymore.New friends meant making trouble together and teen friends are much more troublesome compared to baby friends by Regis’ logic .“If only they had grown up together!Oh!The shame!Shame!””…”)
- They part ways after dropping the group off at the ruined tower, with plans to reconvene at Costlemark later.The last time they were here, they found a Jabberwock and the lost royal arm but soon after Prompto begun to have seizures…possibly from reacting to what’s under the tower now they think about it.
-After gruelling puzzle solving and clearing the path of daemons, they reached the end where Regis seems awed by the old magitek for Solheim.(“Certainly an amazing tower!Bar the residents of course…Although I half expected a beast to great us,””There was one, your Majesty.””Ah.Pity we had missed the party then.””…”)
-It was dead end.At least until Prompto made a round and gathers energy in his palm.
”Get back!” 
The rest obeys the heads up as he tosses the spell into the ground.Ultima certainly is destructive, but achieves its purpose as a room of dim crystals greats them amongst some ruins and arches.
”Wokay, I nearly overdid it there, I think? Well…time to get to work!”Prompto hops down and reaches for the dim crystals and begun his rite in absorbing Etro’s power. Everyone else stays on guard and wait. Until Nyx realises something.
-“Hey…how are we getting out later? Our elevator has…poofed.”This has everyone’s attention. Except Regis, he shrugs and figure they can probably warp his way up.Probably?That was the idea…until the room began to quake.
(“That wasn’t me right??””Focus Prompto!”) 
A roar.
(“Oh dear, there really is a beast in this tower-”“Regis.With all due respect.Shut the fuck up.”)
And they hear a voice.
-“Who disturbs her rest?Who dares claim what is left of her brokenness lost in Time?”
-“It is Etro herself who seeks what is hers! Would you grant us mercy?” Dear Luna, blessed Luna, tries and pacify whoever had made the demand.There would be no reply for a long while.
-“You speak the truth.Very well.I will grant you passage but-“ of course there’s a catch.”-I ask you to indulge me.”
”What do you seek?”Regis asks. 
“A contest, of strength! I see amongst you…A knight?No you are neither…the blood diluted and long gone.Her incarnation has left nothing I see, even in another time.But nevertheless, a familiar soul since time immemorial.Will you, guardian, take my challenge?”
The hair on Ignis’ neck stands, he knows who that is. Etro’s warning ringing in his mind. 
-“Do you swear to provide us passage to safety regardless?”
”Certainly.On my honour as Guardian.”
“Cor!No!”Clarus hisses, this is like 30 years ago all over again damn it. 
“Cor, yes.”The Marshall readjusts his katanas.
(Ignis simply gives in and pinches the bridge of his nose here.This has Prompto written all over.) 
Regis and Clarus turns to Nyx in exasperation. 
-Their Captain simply offers his Kukris up to his husband.
”Stay sharp.”
”I will.” 
And in the corner of their eyes an archway glows, the sign is obvious. Cor strides forward without another word, while his two old friends sputters and hurry after their wayward brother.Nyx follows closely behind, because his charges are all reckless.Luna gestures for Ignis to follow, and that they will catch up since Prompto is done with his rite, just needing to gather himself together abit. 
He is hesitant but obliges.He trusts Luna’s judgement.
- Beyond the arch, was a different dimension, the atmosphere feels different.Its as if they are on the top of the tower in its original form in another time, amongst the stormy sky and clouds.The smell of ozone thick and unnatural. There was no one.
“Show yourself.” Cor calls out and a large shadow emerges and lands before them, rears back and r o a r s.
- Ignis will pay all the crowns and gil he has for Noctis and Gladio to see the gobsmacked faces of their fathers now.
After he finishes his own inner conundrum that is.
 A dark feline creature with a white mane and crimson crown with bladed feathery wings. The power it exudes is putting his senses on edge.This is no ordinary monster.Neither divine nor evil.
-“Will you not grant me your name, beast?” Cor and the creature begin to circle each other, calculating their foe. 
“I have no name.I am but one who grieves for what is lost…yes…I believe in what’s left of my memory, they had once called me…Griever.”
The legendary beast then lunges and Cor strikes. The Trial of the Guardian has begun.
*Side note: Um, Surprise? PART 7 
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
I find it interesting that no matter which route you pick, the invasion of Garreg Mach is always going to happen. 3/4 of the routes have you defend it in the Classic “defend the fortress” Fire Emblem mission. It makes me wonder if there was a way to prevent the invasion or if it has to happen due to causality.
That was always on Edelgard’s to-do list that Hubert wrote for her, right under “Declare war,” “Give badass inspirational speech (see attached - which Edelgard doesn’t because Hubert has the charismatic persuasive ability of mildew),” and “Kill my father” with a :D next to the last one. So I’m going to go with @ezralahm‘s suggestion that Byleth not be a complete idiot in the Prologue and let Edelgard get axed by the bandits she hired. Then the game proceeds as follows:
Blue Lions: Dimitri has so many boyfriends, and his boyfriends have boyfriends! You have to help him choose, professor. Luckily you have a cute lesbian couple to guide you on your way, and also Ingrid is there. They go around solving Faerghus’s many internal problems with bandits and civil unrest and in the process discover that Cornelia is up to something terrible and has to be taken care of. Each boyfriend/lesbian/Ingrid has an area of particular interest to them, and it’s crucial for the future of the Kingdom and Dimitri’s love life that he pursue as many as he can within the year. Yuri and Balthus get in on the boyfriend fun as well, and Hapi is there to lead them to her secret forest village (she and Dimitri do not however instantly fall in love and get married, because that would just be silly). Best ending: Dimitri becomes king and reforms the Kingdom and reconciles with Duscur, and stages a grand wedding where he marries all of his boyfriends at once and then they have an orgy. In his reformed nation Crests are no longer considered a priority for inheritance, and so Dimitri and his many husbands start adopting all the war orphans they can find and are generally very happy even if it gets a little harder to have orgies with all those kids running around the castle.
Golden Deer: Claude needs to get a handle on the divided Alliance council, and what better way to do that than by making an excellent marriage? Help him decide between the Golden Deer ladies and also Ingrid and Petra and Shamir who come over to visit sometimes while Lorenz makes catty gay remarks over tea and prods Claude into becoming a more deft politician in the process. Meanwhile Leonie and Jeralt are hot on the trail of the secret underground organization perpetuating all sorts of nefarious plots against Garreg Mach, and they bring along Ignatz and Raphael because it’s not like they’ve got anything else going on. Best ending: Claude takes his bride of choice back to his homeland along with his always-helpful Teach, and together they establish powerful diplomatic relations with the Alliance (via a flummoxed Lorenz) and maybe even beyond depending on his wife. Jeralt’s crew along with some help from monster summoner Hapi roots out the Agarthan threat and all the Deer come together to take them out. Then they have a big party at Fòdlan’s Throat where Claude abruptly announces that he’s opening the border and also dissolving the Alliance council and putting his wife in charge of the whole thing and also also he’s the prince of Almyra and one day he wants Almyra and Leicester to be able to unify into one peaceful nation with no racism ever. Lorenz is immensely flummoxed, and weeps into Holst’s manly chest which is still offscreen somehow. Balthus is also there, with a more visible chest.
Black Eagles: Hubert cries alone in the sauna for days following Edelgard’s death. At last, sweltering and pruny, he emerges to lock himself away in his room and pet the box of his keepsakes from his lady including locks of her hair and skin flakes and blood and urine samples. He considers using unspeakable dark magic to revive these bits into a hellish undead simulacrum of her who would totally put out, but he’s interrupted by a knock on the door. Putting down the knife he was going to fling at the person upon seeing that it’s Ferdinand, he grudgingly answers the boy’s prodding questions after his well-being these past weeks and sniffles that while he’s known and even liked that Edelgard was a bit stupid, he didn’t ever think she’d be that stupid. Eyes glistening with unshed tears, Ferdinand takes Hubert hands and says with full sincerity that he can be exactly as stupid as Hubert needs him to be. Hubert glances from Ferdinand to his own crotch and back several times, is satisfied by what he sees, and declares that he’ll do perfectly and that soon Adrestia will have a new emperor - followed by his most drawn-out evil laugh. 
All this occurs outside of Byleth’s knowledge of course, and so their year with the Eagles is spent engaging them in various talent competitions to encourage their generally artistic bent and do the inspirational teacher thing with these various troubled individuals. Dorothea and Yuri start a school theatre troupe, Bernadetta is coaxed into participating in a writing context (along with Linhardt once an essay category is unveiled), Constance and Dorothea start planning early to ace the house dancing competition while Constance plots on the side to one-up her rivals in elegant noble magical prowess, Caspar has declared that he’s going to single-handedly whip all those cocky Lions guys who always hog the training grounds and make out with each other in the sauna, and there’s no better place to do it than at the big house fighting tournament. At every event though a mysterious masked figure with flowing red hair and fashionable red and black garb shows up to upstage everyone. The judges at these events all seem unusually nervous, as if they had loved ones dangling over a shark tank somewhere or something of that nature, except for Manuela who adores the masked man(?) and weeps openly when they belt out a perfect rendition of one of the most stirring solos of her stage career, complete with suggestive dancing. Byleth determines that they’ll get to the bottom of this, while Ferdinand and Hubert are busy being Totally Not Suspicious and also the latter seems to be oddly missing much of the time, down in one of his many rumored basement lairs. Best ending: the disguised Ferdinand slays the competition at every event, finally revealing his true identity at the end of the year dance that exists for cliché reasons. Hubert had missed his last performance, having gotten too distracted with other matters to help with Ferdinand’s frankly idiotic plot to become emperor on sheer talent and charisma - but the trade-off is that now he’s got the head of the man who had been masquerading as Lord Arundel mounted on his wall and an underground city’s worth of new minions who now answer to Hubert’s very own long-winded name for them. Ferdinand is upset that Hubert missed his big moment, but before he can run away in tears Hubert takes his hand and kisses him in front of their shocked classmates. They then perform a romantic duet and dance number, where it is quickly discovered that Hubert cannot sing - at all - and also that he’s easily crushed under his new boyfriend’s ample frame when Ferdinand tries to jump into a lift Dirty Dancing style. Everyone else joins their dance number anyway, except Bernadetta who never left her room. A few days later a tightly-bound stack of papers is slipped under her door, which she recognizes as her entry to the writing contest now with Hubert’s commentary. He declares her descriptions of murder to be some of the most deliciously vivid he’s ever seen put to paper, and that she’s inspired him in his own work. Bernadetta is too overjoyed to care about the implications.
Golden ending: In the absence of an emperor Adrestia is easily absorbed into the Almyran-Leicester Alliance, its people glad to trade centuries of outdated bureaucratic red tape for the mercantile values of the Alliance. Brigid gains its independence and along with Dagda fosters stronger diplomatic ties to Fòdlan thanks to Claude, and there are no more invasions. The Kingdom remains on peaceful terms with the new Alliance, and the love and companionship expressed by its king become legendary throughout the continent, passed on by some twenty or more adopted children who become the king’s joy and comfort in his many years of pious celibacy surrounded by his very good friends who all coincidentally happen to be attractive men. Dedue remains forever at Dimitri’s side and carefully oversees the restoration of Duscur, Ashe opens a restaurant in Fhirdiad that becomes internationally renowned, Felix makes peace with his father through Dimitri’s gentle coaxing and also all those dicks in his mouth and ass, and Sylvain somehow lives a long and happy life without ever contracting an STD because some people are just lucky like that. Annette and Mercedes help out by founding an orphanage because it is the standard maternal thing for women in FE, and together they work through Annette’s strained relationship with her father and help Mercedes break away from her (second) adoptive father. Ingrid is still there, but (if she didn’t marry Claude) she finds a nice NPC with money to marry and now the Galateas are doing well.
Hubert had big plans to lead the Agarthans Those Who Slither Under Him in an infiltration of Garreg Mach to take out its dragons and harness their bodies for himself, but the constant sex with Ferdinand wears him out even with all the coffee and so eventually he just poisons everyone in Shambhala and steals all their tech so now he has murder trains and zombies and nukes and sharks with freakin’ laser beams and also he got around to reviving that simulacrum of Edelgard after all which he uses like a RealDoll so now he’s really got no time to conquer the universe. Ferdinand is very happy with him though, and succeeds his father in becoming Duke Aegir and managing the former Imperial lands as a whole. He often takes the stage in Enbarr, sometimes in operas written by him or his friends and co-starring Dorothea much of the time, and everyone is invited and almost no one gets murdered (just a few though - Hubert has needs). They publicly expose Jeritza and Hubert mocks him as a totally lame poser, and they plan to have him locked up for life until Mercedes runs to them and cries about what a sweet boy he is and how it’s not really him doing the serial killing. Hubert finds that just twisted enough to release Jeritza to his sister’s custody, where he doesn’t murder anyone so long as he never runs out of ice cream. Bernadetta remains isolated in her room for the rest of her life, but upon her death the material for dozens of novels, many of them based on the saucy romantic exploits of her school friends, is discovered among her effects and she posthumously becomes a household name throughout Fòdlan. As the years wear on Dorothea leaves Enbarr behind along with Manuela to join Petra in founding a lesbian commune on Brigid, which causes much scandal initially but is eventually accepted by the people. Constance restores House Nuvelle with Ferdinand’s help, and she makes frequent visits to a certain orphanage in Fhirdiad where she shares her finest roses with Jeritza and her most complicated spellcraft with Annette and Mercedes. The three of them go on to become guest lecturers at the School of Sorcery. Caspar joins a fighting ring in Abyss and gains some notoriety and a sufficiently imposing nickname, but he’s not really into it when he finally notices that Balthus and even Raphael are sporting hard-ons for the duration of their wrestling matches. 
Claude lands an invite to the King of Faerghus’s Circle of Platonic Male Companionship, and while he’s not really into it when everyone starts getting naked he comes out of it with a few loads pumped out of him and the groundwork laid for the Alliance to peacefully absorb the Kingdom. He sets up Balthus as ambassador, because who better to understand Dimitri’s particular needs who already isn’t sharing a very large bed with him several times a week? Meanwhile Lorenz ends up with Claude’s sloppy seconds on the marriage market, but at least he still has his tea bestie in the Empire and Holst’s awesome presence. Judith and Nader get together because Balthus ships them, and while this further strengthens ties between the Alliance and Almyra it annoys Claude to no end.
Rhea reveals the full truth to Byleth after their first year of teaching, and then they have sex and Rhea is so happy to be with her mother again that she doesn’t even mind that it’s in the carnal sense. Byleth returns to teaching a new crop of students the following year, as vacantly happy to be where they are as ever. Jeralt eventually dies of cirrhosis, and then they are sad (but not sadder than Alois and Leonie, damn it). Several of the former students including Ignatz and Hilda return to Garreg Mach to help expand its curriculum for a more peaceful time, and Linhardt opens a new wing of the library dedicated to Crest research and experimentation where the floor is made entirely of pillows. Caspar sometimes joins him in naps, and Hanneman works closely with him to develop techniques to bestow and remove Crests at will without harm to the individual although they are often assisted in this endeavor by mysterious grants of arcane knowledge from unknown sources, delivered to them not by owls but by vicious trained geese that bite whoever takes the parcels from them. Still, Lysithea is successfully cured using their methods, and while Marianne pleads with them to have her own Crest removed she later decides to make peace with her heritage and become an accomplished stateswoman in spite of the prejudice - inspired by Claude and the others around her. They also figure out what the hell is up with Hapi, who afterwards bounds happily back to her isolated village sighing all the way. Flayn spends many happy years as a student in different houses, and eventually Seteth feels comfortable enough to allow them to remain with Rhea and her precious mother/sibling/child-twice-over/grandchild. The Ashen Wolves are eventually made into a proper fourth house and allowed to come out of Abyss now that Aelfric is dead, although Yuri is always keeping tabs on the underground and especially that fighting ring with Balthus and all those other sweaty men. Anna makes bank in Garreg Mach - much of it from Balthus - and leaves it behind one day for another dimension and the company of some of her innumerable identical twin sisters. Abysskeeper and Mr. Backup get married in a lovely ceremony where no one attending has a name. Gatekeeper still has nothing to report.
And they all lived happily ever after - except for Edelgard who is now an undead RealDoll. Sucks to be her, I guess.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy, Vol. 5
By Yu Shimizu and Asagi Tosaka. Released in Japan as “Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai” by MF Bunko J. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Roman Lampert.
Before The Asterisk War went on hiatus here due to no new volumes in Japan (the artist has been sick), I was frequently asked by fans why I kept reading it given how generic and cliched it was. And granted, it absolutely is that. But my answer was, simply, “It hasn’t done enough wrong for me to stop reading it”. And The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy feels a lot like that. There’s really nothing here you can’t get in other magical academy series, and they likely don’t have “lol, he’s in the body of a 10-year-old” dragging down the harem premise. But I dunno, it all feels so harmless. There’s goofy fun, there’s cool battles, there’s the occasional dribble of plot, and the girls are all beautiful. It is a series that you can read and immediately forget about, but when the next volume rolls around you’ll grab it and read it because it’s there. Plus, pool battle!
After the events of the last book, Leo now has to deal with the fact that a Dark Lord has been resurrected… albeit, like Leo, with only a fraction of her power. Also like Leo, that’s mostly irrelevant, because Veira is hella powerful even muted, and the first half of the book is mostly her getting a tour of the modern world and running our heroes ragged. That said, the second half gets more serious, as the Mysterious Organization that is behind all this has decided that the deadliest Dark Lord is the next one they want to bring back… the Undead King, Leonis. I, um, have some bad news for them about their timing. More seriously, there is also a problem of Holy Knights getting corrupted by a mysterious “voice of the goddess” and having their Holy Swords turn into Demon Swords. Which, unfortunately, also seems to send them into a rage.
Not gonna lie, I was startled to see the minor villain from the first novel come back to be a minor villain in this one as well. Arrogant jerkass shows he’s even worse is good only in small doses, so it’s absolutely fine that he gets taken down immediately. If there is a “focus heroine” beyond Riselia here it’s Elfine, who is suffering from PTSD from prior battles causing her sword to lose some of its power, and decides to go on the front lines with our team this time to do something about it. Good thing, too, as the other teams they’re paired up with to explore Leonis’ old underground tomb are being led by demon sword users. Elfine is able to get over her trauma and emerge victorious, but there’s a lot of others who also try hard but either get turned into demon sword users or lose their swords to said users, and unfortunately I don’t see a really good reason why Elfine is different from them other than “main character syndrome”. I wonder if we’ll ever see any of them again.
So yeah, if you like this series, this is a decent volume of it, and if you don’t, you dropped it ages ago. It’s still not doing enough wrong for me to stop.
By: Sean Gaffney
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nonsololibristore · 3 years
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365runesofthesystem · 7 years
Age Perspective
So like, I learned that Cor is five whole years younger than Regis and I was just like, “What in the world Cor.”
I learned that Cor was like, thirteen when he joined the Crownsguard and then fifteen, he started working for the kings and like, he served King Mor (Regis’ dad!?) as his bodyguard and then went to become Regis’ advisor/driver/personal babysitter like Ignis is to Noct (I think?).
Cor “I don’t give a crap” Leonis decided to fight some kind of undying warrior death reaper and, not only lives, but also cuts off his arm and now the dude keeps Cor’s sword as like, a souvenir of their meeting!? 
He then gets the moniker “The Immortal”. At fifteen. Goes back and is like, “Yeah, kinda have to work on the whole ‘not die’  thing so I guess I will be careful now.” and then serves King Regis. 
And I come with this all to say: 
Can anyone else imagine Cor still doing school, like he would be in highschool, and just, doing his homework while Regis is doing his duties and like, Regis comes and tries to procrastinate via helping Cor with homework because Cor can take on a thousand undead warriors, slice off the undying warrior’s arm, come back alive, guard two kings but can’t figure out how to substitute systems of equations!? 
“Cor, what are you getting all frustrated over?”
“Nothing Your Highness.”
“Oh come on, I can help. I took Algebra too, once. Let me see.”
*shows him the problem*
“Ah, I hated these things.”
“I just don’t understand.”
*the next three hours are spent on Algebra instead of anything else*
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy, Vol. 1
By Yu Shimizu and Asagi Tosaka. Released in Japan as “Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai” by MF Bunko J. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Roman Lampert.
Sometimes trends can be exhausting. Just try asking a hardcore light novel fan what they think of isekais sometimes and you’ll see what I mean. This is especially true when a trend happens so fast that you get five or six books in a row right at once. Magical academies – particularly ones that also teach swordsmanship and other “knight” classes – have been around for some time, as those of you who have mocked Asterisk War are well aware. And lately the trend has been to populate these schools with a demon lord who is reincarnated in these modern times. Not only is The Demon Sword Master at Excalibur Academy not the first of these, it’s not even the first one licensed by Yen On. Heck, it doesn’t even have a hot anime attached to it like The Misfit of Demon King Academy. What it does have is a very readable text that is written by a light novel veteran, one that doesn’t excite much but doesn’t put many feet wrong either. Read this, it’s competent.
As with most novels of this type, our hero is the one in the background there, behind the cute girl. Leonis Death Magnus is an undead king whose lands are finally being taken down by the heroes. (He’s a former hero himself, so knows how tough they can be.) The Goddess of Rebellion, the one he was doing this all for, is gone. And so he seals his soul and waits for time to pass. Which it does. A thousand years later, he’s freed by two students investigating a ruin. There are a few problems, though. First of all, he’s got the body of a 10-year-old. Secondly, the girl who is trying to protect him, Riselia, is one of the few students at this academy who hasn’t woken to her abilities yet, and ends up getting killed as a result. So Leonis is forced to resurrect her as a vampire queen. Now he’s trying to figure out how much this world has changed, try to start a new life at this magical academy floating on the water, and help Riselia deal with her newfound state.
If you’re like me, nothing in that paragraph made you hyped up to read this. But it’s really not bad. The cast isn’t that large yet, and this book focuses squarely on its hero and heroine. The fight scenes are exciting and not confusing. There is some humor that is actually amusing, not always guaranteed in light novels. Of course, it’s not perfect. The hero really wants to tell us that the girls he meets have large breasts, so he does over and over. Riselia’s “it’s OK, he’s just a kid!” naivete beggars belief, though to be fair that’s the opinion of everyone else as well. The fact that Leonis is trying to figure out who the reincarnation of his lost love Roselia is when there’s a girl named Riselia who is his new minion makes him seem a lot more dumb than I think he’s meant to be. And I could do without the guy and his harem of mind controlled sword girls, even though he’s only there to get humiliated.
But yeah, this is another example of a book that exudes competence, which helps make up for deficiencies in originality and character. You will be mildly entertained when reading it. Which these days is more than we can ask for.
By: Sean Gaffney
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