#eliana stabile
mearpsdyke · 2 years
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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ELIANA STABILE - FIFA Mundial Femenino 2023 - partido del Grupo G entre Argentina y Sudáfrica - 28/07/2023. (Foto de Lars Baron)
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garadinervi · 10 months
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«Administrative detention (AD) is a procedure that allows Israeli occupation forces to hold prisoners indefinitely on secret information without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. The secret information or evidence cannot be accessed by the detainee nor his lawyer, and can according to Israeli military orders, an administrative detention order can be renewed for an unlimited time. The court issues an administrative detention order for a maximum period of six months, subject to renewal.» – Administrative Detainees, Addameer – Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, 2018 – November 2023
«The practice of Administrative detention is linked to the political situation in occupied Palestine, and the Palestinian movement that protests against the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967. Administrative detention is a punitive measure and is a political action that reflects the Israeli occupation’s official policy against Palestinians. Although the use of administrative detention in a widespread and systemic manner is prohibited under international law, the Israeli occupation uses administrative detention as a tool for collective punishment against Palestinians. The occupation continues to issue administrative detention orders against various segments of the Palestinian society in the West Bank including human rights activists, university students, lawyers, mothers of detainees and business people. Palestinians have been subjected to administrative detention since the beginning of the Israeli Occupation in 1967 and before that time, under the British Mandate. The frequency of the use of administrative detention has fluctuated throughout Israel’s occupation and has been steadily rising since the outbreak of the second intifada in September 2000. On the eve of the second intifada, Israel held 12 Palestinians in administrative detention. Only two years later, in late 2002 - early 2003, there were over 1000 Palestinians in administrative detention. Between 2005 and 2007, the average monthly number of Palestinian administrative detainees held by Israel remained stable at approximately 765. Since then, as the situation on the ground stabilized and violence tapered off, the number of administrative detainees has generally decreased every year. As of December 2018, there were at least 482 administrative detainees in Israeli prisons, who are being held without charge or trial for an indefinite period of time, nine of whom are members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. During the year 2018, administrative detainees collectively started a boycott campaign of military courts. This boycott started in March 2018 and was paused in September 2018 in order to give time for negotiations between the prisoners and the prison administration. Though administrative detainees declared that if no changes were made by the beginning of 2019 they will resume to actions.» – December 2018
Administrative Detainees, November 2023: 2070
Plus: Eliana Riva, Prigionieri palestinesi, il sistema giudiziario parallelo di Israele, «Pagine Esteri», November 28, 2023
Image: Ahed Tamimi in Nabi Saleh, February 7, 2019 [photo: IBL/Shutterstock]
Plus: Ahed Tamimi and Dena Takruri, They Called Me a Lioness. A Palestinian Girl’s Fight for Freedom, One World, New York, NY, 2022, then Penguin Random House, New York, NY, 2023
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gildcdwings · 7 months
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❀ *◦ kim jisoo. cis woman. she/her. heterosexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that bernadette lim? i think that the twenty-nine year old from anchorage, alaska works as a marketing consultant for blood for beauty cosmetics and an illustrator for the anchorage daily diem, but outside of that people describe them as stucco roofs, well-used ceramic kitchenware, the smell of fresh laundry, wandering aimlessly through an orange grove, and sunlight hitting your face after a long and dark winter. i hear they are passive & directionless, but they are also known to be courteous & humble. consider giving them a visit at their home in the marionette and get to know why they’re called the shadow.
-always apologizing and anticipating other people's reactions -a bit of a pushover -queen of masking -approach with caution, she spooks easy -good at a lot of things, not exceptional at any one thing -a little aimless, still looking for her purpose -recently divorced, doesn't want to talk about it -not thrilled to be back in alaska, but is looking forward to being with family and friends again
pinterest / playlist
tw: neglect, masking, abuse mention, miscarriage
through the give and take you had to learn, how to cross the coals and not get burned: lore.
Unconventional to say the least, Bernadette's childhood was made up of nothing but gray areas, something that she'd never been particularly good at making sense of, especially not as a child. One moment, her parents were doting and loving, showering their two girls in all of the affection that they could give. The next, the sisters were left to their own devices for hours, and occasionally even days at a time, with Rosalind left to a young Bernadette's care. There was no stability during those years, no consistency, and barely a moment for the elder Lim daughter to catch her breath or think about her own needs. The only thing that mattered back then was survival.
All of her childhood memories before she was eventually placed in foster care remain a hazy blur that Bernadette can't recall with much clarity, a mix of the happy moments shared with her family sprinkled in with times that the two girls were left to fend for themselves, the uncertainty of not knowing with complete confidence whether their parents would return for them at all.
The only thing that kept her feet on the ground during those years was taking responsibility for her little sister. Bernadette did everything she could to shield Rosalind from it all, telling them stories and encouraging their overactive imagination to whisk them both away from the eerily empty house. That was how the girls lived their lives, how they made it through the tough times. That is, until the night of the fire.
Luckily, their salvation to a more stable home life came in the form of being placed under Eliana Okin's care. It was a tragedy, no doubt, to lose the only life they'd ever known in such an operatically tragic way, but a young Bernadette was hopeful for better times ahead, for the chance to start over somewhere new, a picturesque place dusted with snow.
Sure enough, in the Okin household, the sisters' every creative whim was encouraged and nurtured with gusto as they grew up. They found the structure and stability that Bernadette had always craved, and it was no longer just the two girls against the world. Their new foster family came with additional foster siblings, and although she still felt different than the rest, content to get lost in her own inner world for hours at a time, she finally had a place where she could belong as she grew into herself. That is, until confronted with the reality of life outside of her home, overwhelmed by the idea of finding something to do for the rest of her life once she had finished high school.
Early Adulthood:
A little aimless and uncertain about what path to take in life, Bernadette decided to enroll at the local university at the age of 20 and took a job as a hostess at the Ivy. She had two years of general education courses to figure out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. Surely, this experience could anchor her and provide some direction, right? But it seemed that life had different plans when she met Richard, a charming man in his mid-thirties that came out of nowhere, appearing at the restaurant on a near daily basis attempting to sweep Bernadette off her feet.
Richard knew all the right things to say to make Bernadette's walls come down. He promised an escape from her increasingly mundane life in Anchorage, more money than she'd ever know what to do with, a life full of travel and adventure. Most exciting of all, he would frequently wax poetic about the two of them getting to start a loving family of their own, something Bernadette had always yearned for. She would no longer be defined by the tragedy of her childhood or the circumstance of her early upbringing. With Richard by her side, she'd finally be free of those painful memories and could start to make new ones.
After only a few months of dating (and ignoring any protests from her siblings and foster parents), the couple rushed down the aisle, with Bernadette abandoning her collegiate studies altogether to start her new life as a kept woman—the perfect, charming housewife for her seemingly perfect husband. Until a few months after their wedding, when things started to change for the worse, the veneer peeling off of his picturesque façade.
Long gone were the days of Richard going out of his way to say exactly the right things. He became more demanding and critical of her every action, growing irate every time Bernadette made a social misstep, no matter how accidental, scolding his young wife as if she were a child for allowing her neurosis to rule her every move. And despite her best efforts to meet his exceedingly high expectations over their years together, to conceal the way she really felt in favor of being his image of perfection, it seemed that she always came up short, was never quite right. You don't belong here, and I was foolish to think that you could, Richard seemed to say with his every needling comment, leaving Bernadette to wonder what exactly she did that was worth such revulsion.
Present Day:
The final straw came with an unexpected pregnancy around her 27th birthday, the loss of the unborn baby just a few weeks after finding out that she was expecting. Richard had very little sympathy for Bernadette's heartbreak over the loss, remarking instead that it was "just as well." She was far too cold to be a good mother anyways, his promises of starting a loving family with her, something to make up for all the darkness in her childhood, seemed to crumple into dust.
Encouraged by her siblings to come home after the litigious divorce, Bernadette once again finds herself in her Alaskan hometown, a place that was once her salvation from an uncertain upbringing. Sure, she made it out of her marriage with some money, likely to afford her comforts that she never could've dreamt of before. But coming back to Anchorage was certainly not a victorious homecoming, no triumphant fanfare to welcome her home.
But at least Anchorage feels familiar and safe, even in all its oddities. Grateful to be tethered back to her roots by old friends and family, it was somewhere to pick up the pieces and restart, a silver lining through the shit storm of the last eight years. One can only hope that in the rubble, she can manage to rebuild, one brick at a time.
but you're really just a little girl, playing in the park 'til the sun goes down: stats.
General Info: Full Name: Bernadette Vivienne Lim. Nicknames: Bernie, Betty, Bea. Age: 29. Date of Birth: September 5th, 1995. Zodiac Sign: Virgo. Gender: Cis woman. Pronouns: she/her. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic. Relationship Status: Available, single. Alignment: Lawful Neutral. MBTI: ISTJ, the Logistician.
Appearance: Faceclaim: Kim Jisoo. Height: 5′4. Eye Color: Brown. Hair Color: Jet black. Tattoos: None. Piercings: A single earlobe piercing on each ear.
Background: Education: High school diploma, dropped out of community college after a semester. Occupation: Marketing consultant for Blood for Beauty Cosmetics and an illustrator for the Anchorage Daily Diem. Residence: The Marionette. Class: Upper. Ethnicity: Korean. Language(s) Spoken (in order of fluency): English / Korean / Spanish / French / Italian.
Identity: Label: the shadow. Positive Traits: observant, resilient, charitable, level-headed, thoughtful. Negative Traits: uncompromising, rigid, judgmental, insecure, obsessive. Quirks/Habits: voice cracks easily, skin picking. Love Language: Words of affirmation and acts of service. Hobbies: Cooking, record collecting, studying languages, photography, painting with watercolors. Likes: designer perfumes, gold jewelry, vintage couches, fresh fruit, antique maps and globes. Dislikes: pretty but empty words, being misinterpreted. Fears: remaining aimless, feeling trapped again.
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camellia-ep · 1 year
So… I made a post when I was manic about my 13 alters. Turns out, I blew it WAY out of proportion & overestimated things. It wasn’t until after my meltdown that i stabilized & really thought about my pluralness, & I *think* I’ve figured out my System.
For a while, I thought I had 3 alters that were an id/ego/superego, Pisces Sun/Libra Moon/Sagittarius Rising, mother/maiden/crone, Hekate/Selene/Artemis trio. But recently I realized a fourth, which leads me to…
The E.P. System
Robin / Eliana
The most recently discovered alter, who is partially a fictive of Nico Robin from One Piece. Kinda the end result of DECADES of “do I want to be with her or BE her” crushes that made me trans. I realized that the more mature stable version of my little little alter is something else entirely. And re-reading the series since the show came out (yes I am a lunatic) made me realize how much I am like her sometimes: calmly sitting off to the side, reading & sipping coffee, laughing or rarely pitching in with a dark joke. And like Robin, she’s a scholar. I think of her as the part of me that wants to be a librarian. But thing is, I have been told that I DO NOT look like a Robin. Which I don’t tbf.
Violet / Elly
My little, who is present much of the time. Little means she’s partially based on me when I was younger, which for me just means anxious nerd. I think of her as the one who takes over when I text, which uh… she isn’t actually much like her namesake Violet Baudelaire, but she does share her author’s frustrating elaborate verbosity in casual settings, which also annoys people. Need to figure out how to channel her & actually WRITE something.
April / Elle
The uh… cuddly one who’s always singing. The songs that are always stuck in my head while my other alters are going back & forth, that’s her. She’s has very bad adhd. And trust me, the name isn’t from what you think it is.
Esmé / Camellia
So this one is complicated, it kinda started as me practicing a British woman’s voice because I couldn’t do a good girl voice otherwise. Then it became a manic delusion of it being my inner goddess, Mother Nature, Gaia. Then it became an alter of Esmé Gigi Genevieve Squalor from A Series of Unfortunate events, same series as Violet. Now she’s just like, a haughty bitch who’s always cynical & angry at straight people. I’m imagining her as my Aries in Venus, for some reason.
And that’s it… a lot of names…
Right now I’m thinking of changing my legal name to something along to the lines of
Eliana Camellia La Roux (Nico Robin?) Palmer
but Amanda Palmer is problematic so idk
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sucuretcannelle · 1 year
INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
For Ai, Nash, and Jason ^ :D
—Aibreanne Raye Haius, Heiress to the Empire
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INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
Aibreanne can be a bit shifty with some of her beliefs, but that's because she's in a position where she's constantly learning things. If it's something deeply relating to her character, it'll take way longer for her to change her opinion.
Aibreanne doesn't lie a lot, but that doesn't mean she strives to be honest most of the time. If there is something she wants to hide, she just stays neutral when asked about it. Usually it is to avoid confrontation about things she's not quite ready to talk about.
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
Disorganized and anxious. It's not that surprising, her parents weren't the best and she never felt like anything she did was valid. She found it difficult to trust others and herself, has a strong fear of rejection, and an intense fear of abandonment. She doesn't show these things as much as she used to, but they're very much still there, and she may have gained some problems along the way.
Ai listens to her family and friends whenever they want to talk to her. With people she's closer with/less nervous around (Eliana, Char, and Alexi), she might press to know about their worries and goals, but that's just because she cares about them and wants to see them succeed.
Her first line of support is her parental figures (the mentors) and if they aren't available then she goes to Alexi and her closer friends...but that's only when she knows she can't fix her problems easily or quickly.
While she likes support and encouraging words, she feels a bit of panic when they offer to help. It makes her feel like she's putting some weight on their shoulders and that's the last thing she wants. If they do follow through with it anyway, she does end up feeling extremely grateful.
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
Aibreanne is a jack of all trades, so most of the time she can be unusually good at things even though she claims that she's never done them before.
Aibreanne is getting more used to being Wrath, but wrath is just now starting to get used to her. Due to her sin (and a lack of stability with her powers revolving around it), recently, she's been starting to get physically ill when she has to wait too long for something. In fact, she's been getting a bit ill with things that would normally irritate her just a bit. She should get that checked out
Anyway with time it'll even out but she still won't have the patience she used to have when she was a mortal
—Nash Morningstar, Bounty Hunter
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INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
Always. The only way someone could convince him to change his beliefs is when they do not service him anymore
Nash only really lies about small things. Big things? He usually does them on purpose and doesn't feel the need to lie about them unless it'll cause chaos around him for a long time
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
Avoidant. He loves being around people but deep down he feels like he can either do just fine without them or he doesn't feel as connected to them as he thinks he is. It's not like he's not used to fending for himself either, that's what he grew up doing, and he could easily go back to that. He doesn't really acknowledge the fact that there are people that actually do love him and care for him.
Nash does find a lot of joy in helping the people he's closer to, even if he doesn't usually show that.
He tries his hardest not to turn to others for support (with serious problems). He finds it extremely humiliating when he can't do everything on his own and it's best if he's just left alone with his problems until he gives in and asks for help.
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
Depends on what it is. He can be either really good at it or really bad, no in-between.
Nash cannot wait for anything to save his life. If he wants something, he'll whine and complain about it till he gets it. Eventually he does fall silent though, which is kinda scary.
—Jason Jones, Lakeland Nurse
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INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
Sometimes, not always. If he finds a few good reasons to change them, then he will.
Jason lies a lot. Most of them are to prevent arguments and it usually works. However, he can't really bring himself to lie about things that he knows will catch up to him in the near future.
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
A bit avoidant. After the death of his father he felt like he had to take care of everyone it affected, so he's not used to taking care of his own problems (he just lets them sit) and letting people help him.
With family, he usually wants to know what's going on with them (good and bad) and nothing will really get him to change that. With friends, sure he would like to know, but he wouldn't really ask unless they haven't talked about them in a long time.
Jason doesn't like to lean on others if he has the chance. He doesn't want to make them worry so he just keeps quiet about most of his issues.
If they really want to help, he won't stop them, but he might just give a simple "don't make me say I told you so" if he feels like the problem is deeper than they make it out to be
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
Jason is pretty average at everything. If it's a harder task, of course he's gonna struggle, but his skills are never surprisingly good or surprisingly bad
Jason is a very patient person, and that's a huge negative for him. He tends to wait for things that won't ever happen and it takes other people around him to make him snap out of it
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hedghost · 1 year
i have
analie longo (new zealand)
hali long ()
tahani annis ()
gaëlle thalmann (switzerland)
viola calligaris (switzerland)
coumba sow (switzerland) x2
amber barrett (ireland)
Denise o’sullivan (ireland) 
stine larsen (denmark) 
raquel rodríguez (costa rice) x2
cristin granados (costa rica) 
racheal kundananji (zambia)
ayaka yamashita (japan) 
li mengwen (china pr )
lou jiahui (china pr)
pernille harder (beyond greatness)
megan rapinoe (beyond greatness)
pauline peyraud-magnin (beyond greatness)
vietnam logo
tran thi thu thao (vietnam) x2
nguyen thi tuyet dung (vietnam)
pham hai yen (vietnam)
sílvia rebelo (portugal)
sakina karchaoui (france)
rebecca spencer (jamaica)
chantelle swaby (jamaica)
atlanta primus (jamaica)
tainara (brazil)
erika hernández (panama)
andile dlamini (south africa)
melinda kgadiete (south africa)
elisa bartoli (italy)
eliana stabile (argentina)
miriam mayorga (argentina)
mariana larroquette (argentina)
fatima tagnaout (morocco)
choo hyojoo (korea republic)
park eunsun (korea republic)
okay so wilkinson for analie longo, and madsen for thalmann?
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In a universe speckled with stars and infinite possibilities, the young crystal-bearer Eliana stood aboard the starship Pandion II, her eyes reflecting the cosmos. She was no ordinary girl; her lineage traced back to the ancient Crystal Masters of Neberu, a planet where emotions and thoughts were not just feelings but palpable energies. These energies could be harnessed into crystals, which were both a source of power and a curse.
Eliana was on a mission, one that could either bring peace to the warring galaxies or plunge them deeper into chaos. Her headpiece, a dazzling array of multi-colored crystals, was not just a crown but a sophisticated neural interface that amplified her abilities to manipulate energy. The crystals on her attire, glowing with an ethereal light, were her armor and her burden.
The Pandion II approached the troubled star system of Velara, where a black hole threatened to consume all light and life. Legends told of a primordial crystal, hidden within the heart of Velara’s dying sun, capable of stabilizing the star and closing the black hole. But retrieving it was a task that had claimed many lives.
Eliana’s crew was diverse—a motley crew of sentient androids, rogue space pirates, and scholars—all united under her leadership. As they entered Velara’s perilous space, the ship’s alarms blared. Hostile drones, dispatched by the power-hungry Marauder Lords, swarmed around them, intent on seizing Eliana's power for themselves.
With a calm resolve, Eliana connected to the ship’s core through her crystal interface. Her thoughts merged with the energy fields around her, creating a dazzling aurora of protective force around the Pandion II. The drones, unable to penetrate the shield, were left floundering in space as the ship darted towards the sun.
Inside the sun, temperatures and radiation soared beyond imaginable limits, but Eliana’s crystals absorbed and refracted the energy, protecting the crew. As they reached the core, the sight of the primordial crystal, pulsing with intense power, took their breath away. It was suspended in a natural cathedral of fire and light, a testament to the universe’s unmatched beauty and danger.
Eliana stepped forward, her every movement resonating with the energy of the crystal. As she touched it, a surge of knowledge and emotion flooded through her—the cries of a thousand worlds, the hopes of countless beings. With a whispered promise to use this power for good, she gently extracted the crystal from its fiery throne.
The journey back was fraught with challenges as the Marauder Lords, desperate to stop them, initiated a final assault. It was a battle of wills and power, with Eliana channeling the energy of the primordial crystal to deflect attacks and mend the fabric of space torn by the black hole.
As the Pandion II emerged from the battle, scarred but victorious, the black hole began to shrink, its appetite curbed by the stabilized sun. The star system of Velara, once shrouded in darkness, now shimmered with new light.
Eliana, though tired, smiled softly. Her journey was far from over; many more galaxies needed healing. With the Pandion II cutting through the cosmos, she looked forward to a future where balance would be restored, not just for her people, but for all who dwelled in the endless night of space.
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wandercr · 5 months
no, you know what ... i'm gonna talk more about the brotherhood, sorry, y'all.
i know this opinion is semi-controversial, and disagreeing is totally fine by me, but i 100% believe that the brotherhood, to some degree, arranged sarah lyons' death. i doubt it was outright assassination, but the details about her being killed in action are left very vague. ( which could also be poor writing, but i'm giving bethany esda the benefit of the doubt just this once. )
now, where most people get finicky with this is regarding arthur maxson, to which i think i'm stating the obvious ... he has no idea that her death is related to the brotherhood, and he wasn't involved in it. the kid was fourteen/fifteen, at most, and had a hero worship crush on sarah. he wouldn't kill her. wouldn't sanction her death. let's not be ridiculous.
there's obviously a lot of discontent in the brotherhood in 2277 about how things are run under elder lyons. it isn't a leap to assume that there are members who would gladly usurp owyn and sarah to install someone more aligned with the brotherhood's original ideals.
i've always imagined there's turmoil between sarah's death and arthur's rise to power, in which there either is no solid leadership at all, or those that do become elder only last a few weeks to months, at most.
in comes arthur: young, desperate to prove himself and able to be manipulated. i think by the time we meet him in fallout 4, he's more or less making his own decisions, but at 16? 18? someone is pulling the strings, and i have no doubt that the brotherhood's reconnection with the outcasts leads to his further indoctrination to the brotherhood's original path.
for eliana, this lack of stability is basically hell on earth. she doesn't trust the faction she credits with saving her life; project purity probably becomes less of a priority; she's a piece of propaganda for brotherhood recruitment, rather than a respected knight, and she has nowhere to go, because the brotherhood has been her life for almost a decade. her voice, her opinion, her status, all of which meant something once, becomes drowned out by the brotherhood's senseless greed and power grabs.
basically, tldr; the brotherhood sucks? the brotherhood sucks.
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kouros-herc · 8 months
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Basic Facts
Full Name: Hercules Georgios Kouros 
Nicknames: Herc, Kouros, ‘erco (by his family only)
Age: 28
Birthday: 26th July 1995
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: White
Cultural Background: Raised by Greek 1st generation immigrants
Magick Status: Gifted (Superstrength)
Career: Small Business Owner & Gym Manager, Olympus Gym. Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
Social Media Handles: kouros-herc (Instagram) / HercAtOlympus (twitter) / OlympusGym (Official Gym handles)
Face Claim: Josha Stradowski
Complexion: Pale
Hair Colour: Ginger
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 6’2”
Build: Muscular and toned, like a professional athlete
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Other Distinguishing Marks: Has some scarring on his right calf.
Common Hairstyle: Shortly trimmed sides, slightly longer on top
Clothing Style: Usually wearing sports kit. Otherwise is trying to cultivate a more ‘classic’ style.
Mannerisms: Quite restless, will drum hands on legs, bounce his leg, move around a lot
Signature Scent: Always smells faintly of oranges
Usual Expression: 
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Zodiac Sign: Leo
Enneagram: Type 2
Temperament: Sanguine
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Primary Vice: Lust? (Self-doubt)
Primary Virtue: Kindness
Element: Earth
Mother: Eliana Kouros (nee Stefanidi)
Father: Anastasios Kouros
Mother’s Occupation: Small Business Owner (The Olive Branch delicatessen, London)
Father’s Occupation: Small Business Owner (The Olive Branch delicatessen, London)
Family Finances: Middle Class (insecure)
Birth Order: Only child (adopted)
Other Close Family: The Kouros Cousins (especially Sofia, Alexios and Nikolas).
Best Friend(s): Merida Dunbroch, Aquata Triton & Mary Gibbs. Bruce White. Ken Carson.
Close Friends: Simba Bonfamille-Lyons, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Phil Knightley
Other Friends: Kristoff Bjorgman, Tom Harrington, Isaac Morey, Ren Dubhuir.
Romantic Relationships
Exes: Vixey Chakraborti (Good terms)
Other Relationships
Enemies: Annie Tremaine (it’s complicated)
Habits and Lifestyle
Overall (do they get sick easily): No
Physical Ailments: None
Neurological Conditions: None
Allergies: None
Grooming Habits: Likes to stay very well-groomed. Uses an orange based soap that always leaves him smelling slightly citrus-y.
Sleeping Habits: Chronic under-sleeper. Wakes up early, revenge procrastinates at night.
Eating Habits: Eats a lot of meal-prepped food. Generally healthy diet but has a very fast metabolism so is always hungry.
Exercise Habits: Works out ~13 times a week.
Emotional Stability: Prone to anxiety but generally good at self-regulating.
Sociability: Very friendly
Addictions: None
Drug Use: Has experimented with weed but decided it's not for him.
Alcohol Use: Will drink in social settings and to ease his nerves on nights out.
Bad Habits: Over-commits to everything. Overthinking. Messiness. Solving his problems through sex.
Good Habits: Looks after his friends with food and care, healthy lifestyle.
Best Characteristic: Kindness
Worst Characteristic: Self-doubt
Worst Memory: Revealing his Magick status by lashing out and smashing a science desk in class as a teenager.
Best Memory: Summers in Greece spent with his friends
Proud of: The Gym still standing. His friends.
Embarrassed by: Anything cringe he’s done? 
Driving Style: Does not drive. London boy.
Strong Points: Loyal. Kind, Caring, Brave.
Attitude: Considerate, generally upbeat
Weakness: Self-belief
Fears: General inadequacy and disappointing his parents. 
Phobias: Snakes
Secrets: His Magick Status
Regrets: Generally regrets saying dumb things in social situations
Feels Vulnerable When: Being genuinely intimate with someone, being cared for
Pet Peeves: Bad manners, meanness
Conflicts: His career ambitions and his want to have a settled homelife, and his wish to be near his family
Motivation: Make his parents proud
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Keep the business afloat. Be better every day.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: See the business thriving. Settle down. Have a family. Hire someone to be his assistant manager (not in that order).
Exercise Routine: Religiously works out twice a day most days. Timing varies depending on schedule.
Day or Night Person: Morning person
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist
Greatest Want: To be loved
Greatest Need: To love and accept himself
Music: A lot of 2010s pop-punk, emo, and the such like. 
Books: Generally very bad at reading, does read sports biographies. 
Foods: Anything Greek? All time favourite is his Mama’s Lamb Kelftiko
Drinks: Tea with lemon. 
Animals: Horses. Dogs.
Sports: Athletics (but is aggressively on top of basically any sport).
Games: Adventure games and things with a plot over shooters. Loved his classic Zelda
Websites: Social media? 
TV Shows: Tries to keep up with whatever is big currently. Enjoys sitcoms and light-hearted stuff more than serious dramas.
Movies: Classic old romantic movies, black and white stuff. 
Social Issues: Tries to keep up with everything going on in the world.
Favourite Saying: N/A
Colour: Orange
Weather: Summer Storms
Clothing: His fleece lined denim jacket, and his big fisherman’s style jumper.
Jewellery: Doesn’t tend to wear any.
Home Life During Childhood: Stable but busy parents. Very few childhood friends. Strict parents with strong Greek Orthodox religious views. 
Childhood home: Shepherd’s Bush area, London.
Childhood bedroom: Simple white walls, blue bedsheets. Lots of family photographs on the walls, usually fairly messy. Added tv show and band posters as he got older. 
Favourite toy/game: battered 4th hand Nintendo 64 console
Favourite school subject: Biology
Popular or Loner: loner. 
Religious Beliefs: Greek Orthodox (increasingly lapsed, but still practises a strict fast for Lent)
Relationship to Family: Rarely sees them physically, but regularly calls and facetimes with his Mama. Socially in touch with all his cousins in Greece.
Spoken Languages: Greek, English.
Current Lifestyle
Home Address: 433 Sycamore Drive, Southern Isles, Swynlake.
Housemate: Kenneth Carson
Furnishings Style: Relatively simple, but Ken has introduced a lot more accents and tasteful furniture. 
Finances: Stable (currently paying off multiple loans involved in buying out the gym). Business finances are successful.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
I would take the south Korean player! But can only offer Eliana Stabile (Argentina) :)
ill set it up there
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
there's so much to unpack here
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chefrobertk · 2 years
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🙏 PLEASE PRAY FOR BABY ELIANA!! Ellie has been through hard times in her 6 weeks since birth. Her health scares have been a challenge to say the least. Born at 6#s/11z, she was diagnosed with a thyroid problem. Had it not been caught and diagnosed, her lack of T4 hormones at birth would have lead to her brain not developing properly, mental retardation and then death... THANK GOD our amazing doctors caught it when she was 1-2 days old! Immediately, she was placed on meds, but her weight plummeted to 5#s/5z. We were then informed that this sweet little baby girl was completely deaf. She failed 5 different hearing tests, with no brain wave responses to any doctor induced stimulus -or- barking dogs, screaming kids & a smoke detector. In her first 12 days, we had 12 doctors visits and emergency blood tests. Weekly she's been getting blood draws to regulate her hormone levels. 1 pediatrician, 2 audiologist, 2 endocrinologist, & 2 Ear-Nose-Throat children's specials visits! It's been crazy!! ... Not to mention multiple other family ER & doctor visits. SMH 😢 We just checked her in for surgery this morning and she tipped the scale at a chunky and healthy 9#s/5z!! ❤️. Our amazing docs are taking care of our beautiful baby girl. She will be put to sleep, getting an invasive ear cleaning, removing any and all water behind her ear drums, possible tubes added and an extension hearing test preformed to see what, if anything she can then hear. Full diagnosis will be done and we will have answers/solutions this morning! 😳 Please, please keep her in your prayers!! GOD, if it's your will, help these doctors to fix Baby Ellie's hearing problems and continue to stabilize her hormone levels. AMEN!! 🙏 ✝️🤞❤️ (at Childrens Hospital Wisconsin Milwaukee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGgD3yu643/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rookieforlife · 2 years
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Esto es hermoso.
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caitlinclark · 4 years
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pernilleharders · 4 years
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