#elijah mikalson x oc
alegacyofmikalsons · 4 years
The Act of Living Masterlist
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I decided that it was high time I create a Masterlist for this story so that anyone can catch up in one central place! 
Series summary: Klaus and Elijah were supposed to die, but fate in the form of new friends Serafina Hewitt and her sister Stevie intervened. A year later Stevie is dead and Sera returns to New Orleans to see her friends and investigate her suspicions about what happened. When it's confirmed that a powerful hunter group is responsible, she realizes a much bigger threat is coming, one that threatens all of New Orleans. As they race to stop it, she gets more than she bargained for, finding the truth about who she is and a growing attachment towards a certain Mikalson.  Most importantly, they all get answers to the biggest riddle of all: what the act of living really means.
Chapter 1: Back in the Crescent City
Chapter 2: A Dangerous Threat
Chapter 3: A Link of Fate
Chapter 4: Connections (New!)
Every new chapter this will be updated so, keep your eyes peeled for the next installment! 
11 notes · View notes
alegacyofmikalsons · 4 years
The Act of Living Chp.4: Connections
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Author’s Note: I’m super excited to share this chapter with you. It’s a bit on the long side but, there was a lot I wanted to include since the plot is starting to pick up. There’s some heavy foreshadowing sprinkled in for where the story is going and what revelations are going to happen soon. I want to continue to thank everyone who has read and left their support, it really means a lot! 
Rating: Mature
Series Summary: Klaus and Elijah were supposed to die, but fate in the form of new friends Serafina Hewitt and her sister Stevie intervened. A year later Stevie is dead and Sera returns to New Orleans to see her friends and investigate her suspicions about what happened. When it's confirmed that a powerful hunter group is responsible, she realizes a much bigger threat is coming, one that threatens all of New Orleans. As they race to stop it, she gets more than she bargained for, finding the truth about who she is and a growing attachment towards a certain Mikalson.  Most importantly, they all get answers to the biggest riddle of all: what the act of living really means.
Masterlist: https://alegacyofmikalsons.tumblr.com/post/623479526213681153/the-act-of-living-masterlist
Tags: @kinda-iconic​ @endlesshero1122​ @katelynnicolerollins​ @im-a-bisexual-mess​
If anyone wants to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know! I also post this story on Wattpad so you can check it out there as well.
Shoutout to @bbchoices​ for beta reading this for me! 
Link to Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/916376115-the-act-of-living-chapter-4-connections
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Several hours later, only a dull ache remains as I come downstairs freshly showered and changed into the lacy black dress Rebekah let me borrow. I stop in the living room surprised to find it in pristine condition. Just as Elijah promised all evidence of my destructive emotions is gone. That means Freya is here somewhere.
"Wow that was fast," I murmur before going to search for her.
However, I don't get far before hearing her raspy voice.
"That's the beauty of magic isn't it."
Turning, I see her walk into the room. "Freya, there you are!"
She quickly comes over, pulling me into a quick hug. "Sera, it's good to see you!"
"The feeling is mutual," I reply before asking, "Where's Keelin?"
"She stayed at home. Her feet are killing her lately so, I figured I'd let her rest. She's meeting us at the cemetery though."
I nod slightly. "How are she and the little one doing?"
"They're both good," she answers, a look of adoration appearing in her eyes. "The baby is healthy and is almost ready to go. After next week it'll be a matter of waiting."
I can't help the smile tugging at my cheeks. Talk of impending motherhood always put me in a good mood.
"Well, it looks like I'll still be here when the time comes."
She raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Really? How'd you get the time off?"
"I just lost my sister, they'll understand. I know my boss will. As if for the council, if they don't then, I don't really care."
I keep my response vague since I want to hold off on telling her about Nemean. I don't want her and Keelin stressing about this unless they have to.
At the mention of Stevie, Freya's expression falls. "I can't believe she's actually gone. She was just at our place yesterday afternoon."
I know the reason why. She was working on the nursery for the two of them. It was her latest design project and a gift. Now, she would never get to see the result.
"The nursery. She told me last week that it's almost finished?"
I frown as another wave of grief causes a lump to form.
"That's right. All that's left is a few furniture items to set up and things to put away."
"Well let me know if I can help. I can definitely assemble things," I offer, clearing my throat.
She lets out a little sound of relief. "I might have to take you up on that."
We continue to talk for several minutes while we wait for the others to join us.
At some point I inquire, "When exactly did you get here? I didn't hear you come in?"
"Oh, I've been here for at least an hour. No one told you I was here?"
I shake my head, pressing my lips together. "I wish they had, I would've gotten ready earlier."
Hearing the sound of footsteps behind me, I turn around to see Elijah walking into the room.
He raises an eyebrow as his brown eyes land on mine. "And that's precisely why I made sure no one did."
"Overprotective much?" I quip in protest. "I wasn't in that much pain you know."
He gives me a dubious expression, crossing his arms. "That's not what it looked like to me."
The level of concern causes my annoyance to disappear. I do tend to shy away from showing any kind of vulnerability, including taking other people's help. Most of the time I can cover up any discomfort or distress I may be facing. This time, I clearly let something show or he'd learned how to look beneath the surface.
"Okay I'll admit I was...a bit sore," I respond, with a half shrug. "But, I'm not made of glass Elijah. I could've walked down a short flight of stairs! Or if it was really that big of a deal you could've sent her up to the library. No movement from me required there."
Before he can respond, Klaus enters the room followed by Rebekah and Marcel.
"She's right, brother," the hybrid says, a smirk forming on his lips. "I tried telling you she would react this way but you wouldn't listen."
Glancing over, I notice Elijah's face turning a faint shade of pink. It's a prospect I find myself liking. He's always so controlled, so to see him suddenly flustered is refreshing. I try not to dwell on it too much though, much like the other thoughts I've had.
"Serafina," he finally stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to overstep I was just...concerned for your well-being."
I bite my lip in an attempt to hide the smile forming. "Oh, I know you were. You wouldn't leave the room until I had to get ready."
Freya's eyebrows shoot up in amusement. "Oh really? He definitely doesn't do that with everyone."
This renders him speechless, the flush deepening as he adjusts his already perfectly straight tie. Luckily for him, his sister's comment also leaves me at a rare loss for words.
"Well, it was nice, even if I did find it a bit excessive," I eventually tell him, my cheeks starting to become warm. "I guess it's just...easier to taking care of myself."
This seems to relax him somewhat, as he gives me a silent look. A shared understanding of what exactly I mean.
"I figured you could use the company given everything that's happened," he responds with a half-smile.
My smile widens. "It definitely helped take my mind off of things. So, thank you."
"You're welcome."
It's only now that I look around the room and realize everyone is staring. I quickly avert my gaze as the blush on my cheeks spreads.
For a moment, no one says anything until Elijah clears his throat. "I believe it's time to leave is it not?"
I look out the window to see the sun low in the sky, not quite at the point of beginning its final descent.
"I'm ready to go if you are," I answer.
When the others nod in agreement, I breathe a sigh of relief as everyone heads toward the front door. Less than five minutes later, we begin to head towards our destination. As I walk, I'm surprisingly able to keep up with the conversation without too many distractions. Occasionally, a fraction of a strange memory takes me away momentarily whenever I pass someone, but the visions don't last more than thirty seconds. Before long, we reach Lafayette Cemetery where Keelin is waiting for us.
"You look lovely," I tell her after saying hello.
She responds by rolling her eyes. "You don't have to flatter me, Sera."
"I'm only telling the truth."
We continue to talk as the group heads inside. However, I trail off seeing how many people there are. All four factions are here talking with one another as if there wasn't a deep history between them.
"There's no tension," I murmur, eyes widening.
"I told you everyone liked her," Marcel replies, his expression solemn. "She helped bring the whole community together."
I raise my eyebrows. "She always had this effect on people. But, I didn't realize she did this much."
"You have no idea Sera." Hearing Vincent's voice, I notice him walking towards me, a ghost of a smile forming.
"I assume I have you to thank for this."
He wraps me in a quick hug which I accept with no hesitation.
"In part," he replies. His eyes examine me, having not seen me in person for over a year. After he's done, his brows pinch together in care. "How are you holding up?"
The question forces me to acknowledge the grief that's come over me since we got here.
"As well as you'd expect," I finally answer with a shrug I definitely don't mean. "You'd think it would be easier after so many times, but...it's not."
He nods, sadness clouding his features. "Believe me, I wish it did too."
After a minute, I sigh, pushing past the emotions threatening to overwhelm me. At least I don't have to worry about another episode. They don't tend to occur repeatedly. In fact, the time between them is usually at least a few weeks.
"Anyway, I'm surprised you were able to do this so soon," I mention.
"I was told to expedite things with the local PD since you figured out what you needed. We couldn't get them to bury her any sooner than tomorrow afternoon but Elijah did compel them into letting us do this."
Of course, he did.
"I could've waited a couple of days. But, I appreciate it," I say, shaking my head.
When I look over, Elijah offers a shrug. "It was the least I could do."
I return my attention to Vincent. "In other news, it looks like I'll be in town for a while."
"Really?" His expression brightens. "Maybe this time you'll be convinced to stay for good."
This receives a scoff from Rebekah. "Oh, believe me, we're trying. But, she's more stubborn about obligations than Elijah is!"
I raise my eyebrows as the elder Mikalson purses his lips.
"That is a perfectly good thing to have," I protest. "It takes a lot of patience helping people who don't want it."
My tone hardens as my thoughts drift towards the leaders of Mirebrook.
"I don't know how you put up with them," Vincent grumbles. "They don't treat you with an ounce of respect."
More like they want me dead. I don't exactly fault their reasoning since I am the one that helped cause the decade of chaos we've had.
"I don't really have a choice. Not when I promised mom I'd finish her term on the council," I reply. "And I can't give up on the kids at the school. They need someone on their side."
Maybe one day I'll leave that place. Either if I get tired of it or if the townsfolk succeed in driving me out. But, as much as I've come to loath living there, there are some ties I can't sever just yet.
My gaze wanders towards the surrounding people, as I take in the scenery. For a cemetery, it's beautiful even without the addition of string lights and white flowers. Almost everyone is somewhat close together, in pockets of three or four.
Standing off towards the edge outside the gates is an older looking woman, her eyes wild and searching for something. Immediately, she piques my interest. She has to be at least in her sixties, judging by her warm and wrinkled facial features and wispy, graying hair. Several layers of clothing, including a loose dress and yellow knit sweater, cover her skinny frame.
For some reason, I can't look away no matter how hard I try. I jump when she suddenly notices me staring. A mixed expression of pain and fear appears on her face. Then, with superhuman speed, she vanishes. Almost like she was never there.
"That's weird," I mumble to myself.
I can't shake the feeling that we're connected somehow. That I should know her.
Then, I look over to see Vincent staring at the spot where she was standing. In his expression, I find familiarity and hesitation.
"Have you seen her before?"
He finally meets my gaze with a start. "Oh, that's Minerva. She lives out in the bayou but I've seen her in the city a lot. She's...a bit of a character. Keeps to herself for the most part. Except when...well...that's not important."
His sudden evasiveness is starting to bother me. Usually, he never hides anything from me. I don't from him.
"Vincent, what?" I ask, unable to let this go. "When she looked at me, it seemed like she knew who I was."
It doesn't take long to lower his resolve.
"She...knew your folks Sera," he finally says.
I widen my eyes as my mouth opens. "What?"
"They...made me promise not to tell you. But, yes. She came by the house occasionally, ever since they brought you home."
The information makes my head spin. Then, I gasp as old memories flood my brain. I remember talking to her when I was younger, her appearance exactly the same. All the things she randomly left on our doorstep, including a white jewelry box with a shimmering gold ribbon tying it shut.
"That's who she is," I whisper as I come back to the present. "She never told me her name."
Hearing his voice, I turn to find him staring at me in bewilderment.
"I talked to her when I was a kid," I tell him. "She gave me gifts sometimes too. My mythology books...this necklace." My fingers find the gold chain around my neck. "I wonder what she was doing here. Why she didn't just come inside."
"I wish I had an answer for you," Vincent says, clearing his throat. "Anyway, things are starting soon so, I'd better finish getting everything ready."
Once he's left we head over to where the chairs are set up in front of a small display. Sitting down in the front row, I examine everything. The first thing I notice is the closed black casket where Stevie is tucked inside. Next to it is a picture of her and a bouquet of her favorite flowers. A stage platform is also there with a podium that's chipping away in some spots from use.
Before I know it, Vincent's there greeting everyone. "Hi, everyone thanks for coming out here tonight on such short notice."
He then goes through the short program of the ceremony before beginning his eulogy.
"We're here to say goodbye to Stephanie Hewitt, better known as Stevie. I was friends with her parents for a long time, especially her dad, Anthony who I'd known since childhood. And so, I've had the pleasure of being here when Stevie was born. I watched her grow up from a sweet little girl to a remarkable young woman. Last year, she moved back to New Orleans and our community after being away for many years. That's when most of you met her. What she found was a community deeply divided, more than it ever had been before and that is an understatement."
The remark receives uneasy laughs from many around us.
After it settles, he continues. "We've had our tries at peace, but they never lasted long. But, in several months, Stevie was able to do what so many of us couldn't. Like many of you, I was skeptical at first. It definitely wasn't easy either. However, the challenges only made her more resolved to see this through. And eventually, by some miracle, we began to come together. Because of her, the factions have a real chance at peace. I will always be in awe of that. I know for me personally, that she made this place, this community, feel like home again. And I just...hope that we'll be able to continue this without her." He trails off as his voice breaks. "But, I know that she'll always be with us in spirit, looking after us. That here, she'll never be forgotten."
I watch with a heavy heart as he struggles to keep himself together. A few minutes pass before he can speak once more.
"Now, I'll leave the podium open for anyone who would like to say some words," he instructs.
One by one, people share their memories and pay their respects until almost everyone here has said something. Then, to my surprise, Rebekah comes up to the front, a tangled web of emotions on her face. I didn't expect any of them to say anything here given how closed off they usually were.
"I won't take too much time, I promise. I just wanted to say a few words on behalf of our family," she says as the small crowd quiets. Taking a deep breath, she continues. "Many of you know that our reputation precedes us. It's no secret that we're difficult to befriend or be partial to at all."
This receives some nervous laughter.
"However, there are a few brave souls during our long life who have sought to do the impossible. Who sought to truly get to know us. Stevie was one of those people along with her sister, Sera. When they first met us, they knew all about the legend of the Original Family. Yet, that didn't affect how they treated us. That alone earned our respect. Over the past several years, that has turned into a close friendship, something that usually takes decades for us. That's because they were able to see good in us despite everything we've done. Stevie especially. When they care about you, they make it known and they would do anything for you."
She paused, taking a breath as her eyes glistened. "They even...found a way to keep our family together...against all odds. Stevie was one of the best people I've ever known and I'm sure that my siblings would agree. We've experienced our share of losses over a thousand years, but this one we will carry with us for a long time. Thank you."
"You didn't have to do that," I say after she sits back down beside me.
She rolls her eyes, wiping away her tear-stained cheeks. "Of course I did. Even if it meant a moment of public embarrassment, Stevie is worth the sacrifice."
I give her a bittersweet smile, unable to hold back a snide remark. "But, now the world knows that the Mikalsons aren't completely heartless."
"Oh, I'm sure we will do something to make them forget again," Klaus interjects, his smirk faltering ever so slightly.
It seems even he isn't immune to my sister's influence. The thought makes me smile. Lord knows he needed it as much as I did. When I return my attention to the front, Vincent is there once more.
"At this time, I'd like to invite Stevie's sister, Sera to say some words," he announces.
A coil of anxiety forms in my stomach as I widen my eyes. I didn't prepare to say anything since I don't live here. But, I can't turn down this now. Reluctantly, I stand and walk onto the small stage.
Sighing, I approach the podium, trying to tune out everyone's eyes on me. "Thank you, Vincent. And thank you to everyone who's here."
I swallow nervously, trying to figure out what to say that hasn't already been said. Eventually, I decide to talk about the beginning.
"Usually, when you meet your younger sibling, it's when they're born," I begin. "However, Stevie was five when I first came into her and my parents' life. That's because they first took me in when I was nine and the adoption was finalized a year later. When they first brought me home, I was a bit apprehensive and didn't trust them yet. Back then, I was known as a problematic child...by the system. My emotions, especially my temper, often got out of control causing destructive things to happen. At the foster home I was at before this, they didn't know what to do. The adults hated me and the other kids were too terrified to come near me."
I pause, as ancient traumas make their appearance. Taking a deep breath, I muster enough strength to continue.
"I was scared that this would happen at my new home too. And so for the first few weeks, I pushed them away as much as I could, Stevie especially. I, either ignored her attempts to talk to me or... I lashed out. This continued until... I went too far. This time, I ended up pushing her which resulted in a bloody nose and a decent sized bruise. My parents were furious, more than they ever were up to this point. I remember being terrified as they sat me down in the living room. I was convinced that this was it, they were going to send me back...to that system."
My voice breaks off as I relive that time of my life. How if I didn't have my parents, things could've ended up different.
"What I didn't expect, was for them to start asking me questions. Not as an interrogation, but because they somehow understood that I was doing everything for a reason. For a good twenty minutes or so I resisted, still expecting the worst to come. Eventually, though, I couldn't keep it in. I broke down and told them everything. They stopped being angry after that."
As I continue, I don't even have to close my eyes to be transported back in time.
"They promised that they would always be there for me, that they would always love me. And they kept their word. Right up...until I lost them. First, my dad when I was 19, and then my mom almost two years ago. After this talk, I had to go and apologize to Stevie. I found her in her room, drawing something. I barely got the words out before she forgave me. Just like that. In fact, she was happy to see me, as if the incident never happened. Even back then, she never held a grudge against you. Since that day, we became almost inseparable. I tell you this story because it explains why Stevie became the person she was. The ability to believe in the good of everyone, her capacity to see every perspective, her forgiveness. All of it, she learned from our parents. I'm not surprised she brought that here."
I shake my head, my hand balling into a fist. "All she wanted was to make people smile. Through her friendship, her art. Everything. She didn't deserve this...for her life to be cut short. I loved her so much...and I will miss her every day."
Blinking back tears, I step down from the platform and head back to my seat. Somehow, I'm able to keep myself together and they stay inside.
I feel Rebekah's hand come over mine, squeezing gently. The gesture somehow makes everything less painful. Soon, the ceremony ends with Vincent thanking everyone and providing instructions for leaving.
I make everyone wait outside the entrance for Vincent without too much protest. They still don't have the best relationship but, they manage to keep any lingering grievances to themselves around me. I wasn't going to pick a side in any arguments, which usually revolved around something small.
By the time I see him approach us, the place is empty and devoid of the decorations that were here.
"Sorry that went a little long," he says, a sheepish expression on his face. "I didn't expect that many people would want to speak."
I shrug. "Don't apologize, I'm glad they did. It makes me feel better that I wasn't here."
He frowns at me. "You're not blaming yourself for what happened, are you?"
"Do I really have to answer that?" I remark. "Of course I do. If I was there...I could've protected her."
"She wanted you to come with her."
I roll my eyes. "I know that, Vince. I wish I could've but...you know why I couldn't."
We exchange a silent look. He knew about Nemean and how they wanted me. He was the only person Mom trusted with it.
"So, you think her staying in Mirebrook would've been safer?" he asks incredulously.
"I don't know, maybe!" I exclaim, his tone rousing my easily set off temper.
I don't need a guilt trip or lecture at the moment.
"Come on, Sera. We both know how secure that place really is. She would've been just as vulnerable there as she was here. There was nothing you could do."
I whip around to face him.
"And whose fault is it?" I snap. "It's still mine. I'm the one who started all of this in the first place!"
"Because you were manipulated, Sera! By someone who claimed to love you!" I recoil, the words stinging as I'm reminded of the worst mistake I ever made. "What happened is on him and the rest of Nemean, not you."
Freezing with alarm, I widen my eyes at him. "Vincent--"
"Yeah, I saw the mark," he interrupts, his eyes slightly narrowed. "I know they're here, that they did this."
"Not everyone here did, and that was for a reason." My nerves tinge with anger once more. But, I know it's no use trying to keep this a secret now. "The community can't know yet, especially since we have no idea what they have planned."
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead. "Sera, we have to tell people! They need to know what they're up against."
I shake my head adamantly. "No, that is the worst possible thing we can do right now."
"And why is that?"
"You know why," I snap, images from the last attack at the edges of my vision. "Mirebrook, two years ago. The council told everyone right away and look what happened! When the fire started none of them stuck to the plan we spent the last four months creating." This time as my eyelids well with tears, I can't keep them from spilling down. "Mom and I were the only ones who stayed behind! We were trapped in there for hours before someone came back."
When he meets my gaze again, his eyes are haunted. "I know Sera. As if I can forget what happened."
A tension-filled silence surrounds us as we calm down. Then, I hear Freya clear her throat.
"Wait a minute. Who the hell is Nemean?" she asks, her hands loosely on her hips.
Vincent gives me a nod. "They deserve to know."
As much as I'd rather not talk about this out in the open, I know he's right. Exhaling, I reveal who Nemean is and how I knew about them.
"Oh my god," Freya stammers after I'm finished. "Were they...really behind what happened to Stevie?"
"Yes," I say quietly. "Each time they kill someone, they leave their symbol in ink somewhere on the body. We found one on Stevie's neck."
"We also discovered one on someone else," Rebekah adds, her gaze landing on Marcel. "Daniel."
After a few seconds, he blinks in realization. "You already knew? And you didn't say anything?" he exclaimed, his forehead creasing into a scowl.
"I...yes." She gives me a hesitant stare.
Feeling a little guilty, I try to reassure him. "I made her promise not to say anything to you yet."
The irritation barely diminishes as it shifts towards me. "And why is that? I wouldn't have told any of the vampires yet."
"I know, I wanted to wait until I could convince Klaus and Elijah first which didn't take as long as I thought it would." I turn back to Freya who I can tell is also a bit annoyed. "And I didn't want to stress you two. My mom always talked about how it wasn't good for her clients."
Her gaze softens at this, her arms loosening from her sides. "I appreciate the concern but, I'd rather know what this threat is."
"What do you think Nemean will do exactly?" Keelin inquires.
Glancing around, I make sure no one can overhear us, even with enhanced hearing.
"I believe that there will be a large attack at some point," I confess. "One that could endanger everyone in the quarter, possibly more of the city."
Both of them look at me in horrified shock.
"What?!" Freya stammers.
"It's what they always do in places like this, with large supernatural populations. Did you hear about the explosion in Savannah, Georgia six weeks ago?"
Her eyes widen, the color draining from her already light complexion.
Keelin swallows, equally disturbed. "It was on the news. They said a gas leak was responsible."
"Which was started by Nemean. They also set the fire inside. I know because I've been tracking them for years now. Including hacking into their communications."
"That's awful," she murmurs, her hands gravitating towards her stomach instinctively.
"That's actually one of their less successful ones. Usually, their casualties are around twice that number."
Marcel's eyebrows knit in concern. "What made the difference?"
"The amount of warning time. Nemean only started sending their threats five weeks beforehand. The residents had enough time to prepare a defense while staying in the right mindset. The three places they targeted before this one? Same thing. I should've known they were coming here. All of them lead in a curved line...towards New Orleans."
This leaves everyone in stunned silence.
"That's why we need to keep this between us right now," I continue, giving Vincent a pointed look. "I doubt we'll be given the same treatment."
"Why not?" he counters. "Why wouldn't they just continue the pattern?"
I roll my eyes heavenward. "Because this is different! I'm here. More importantly, I care about this place, a thousand times more than I do Mirebrook. This isn't just a means to an end for them. This is personal. They're going to inflict as much pain as they can, which means they're not going to reveal their final move for a while. Trust me on this one Vince. Do you really think they'll give us enough to plan anything until they want us to?"
His jaw clenches repeatedly, his expression full of conflict.
"Alright," he relents, throwing his hands up in defeat. "I won't say anything for now." He narrows his eyes at me. "But if this backfires, I won't hesitate to say I told you so."
I press my lips together to keep a slight smirk from forming. "I would be concerned if you didn't," I remark before I raise an eyebrow at the others as a silent question.
Marcel lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. "The vampires won't hear a thing."
"You know we trust you," Freya adds, gesturing to Keelin who nods in agreement.
An ounce of relief runs through me, allowing the tension I usually carry around with me to ease slightly.
"Thank you," I say before a yawn escapes my lips.
Suddenly, I'm aware of just how exhausted I am from everything that's occurred since this morning.
"Are you...actually tired for once?" Rebekah exclaims with a laugh.
They all knew how I tended to stay up late. Usually, the short amount of sleep I received is somehow enough to keep me energized but, this isn't normal circumstances.
I fail to hide the smile making it's way upwards. "I know, I hardly believe it myself."
"I should probably get going then," Vincent says, his gaze meeting mine once more. "I assume I'll be seeing you soon?"
"Probably. You're the only person here who knows as much about Nemean as I do. I'm sure you'll be able to assist somehow."
He gives me an amused look. "What'd you do, bring all those files with you?"
"Of course not. I digitized everything several months ago. All I needed to bring was my laptop and four flash drives."
After another minute or so of idle conversation, he finally heads for his place. Freya and Keelin leave shortly followed by Marcel and Rebekah who have their own place in the Quarter for when they're not traveling.
"I assume that you'll be staying with us," Elijah says, somewhere between a statement and a question.
I shake my head, realizing I hadn't said anything until now. "Actually, I got a hotel room when I first arrived. It was a couple of hours before check-ins started but, I managed to charm the guy into letting me do it early."
He blinks at me in surprise. Though I catch something else too. Disappointment? I can't quite tell. Usually, people's emotions were easy to decipher but, not his. At least, not when he didn't want you to.
Finally, he gives me a slight grin. "I assume there's no way to dissuade you?"
"Nope." Though I have to admit, the prospect of staying with them is tempting. Luckily, I did plan on having to do it eventually. "But, I did just pay for tonight. After that, if your offer still stands I'll take you up on it then."
"Of course love," Klaus tells me, his gaze dancing between the two of us.
Elijah nods, choosing to ignore him. "You're always welcome when you're here."
We agree to reconvene around 10 in the morning tomorrow before taking my leave. The walk is a relatively short one, around fifteen minutes. The hotel is a historic one but not a major attraction. It's a bit more than I wanted to spend but, since I'll only be here for a night, I didn't really care.
As I start to round the corner onto the street it's on, I notice a figure emerge from the building. Something about it seems strange, compelling me to investigate. I quickly duck back against the brick. Peeking out, I freeze when the person walks underneath a streetlight, illuminating their face.
Why would she be at the hotel? Vincent mentioned that she lived in the Bayou. When she goes past where I'm hiding she stops suddenly, and I hold my breath. Then, the air suddenly warps around her and I have to bite down on my lip hard to keep from gasping.
Blinking, her appearance changes as everything stills once more. The woman is now several years younger and strawberry blonde hair cascades down her shoulders. A pristine white and gold dress covers her slim but muscular frame.
What the hell?!
She looks around as if she can sense someone is watching her. However, her blue eyes never land on mine and she eventually walks past me. The air shifts once more and before I can blink the older woman is back, as if nothing ever happened. I stare in confusion, unable to process anything until she's merely a shadow in the night.
Shaking my head, I finally walk down the street once more and head inside the hotel. When I reach my room, I'm snapped out of my bewildered state as my blood turns to ice. The door is slightly ajar. I didn't forget to lock it. The memory is clear as day. Which means someone else opened it.
I reach for the knife I always keep hidden, briefly closing my eyes to feel the coil of dark energy that hums in my veins. Once I have control of it, I push open the door open completely. Not seeing anyone from out in the hallway, I step inside, my eyes darting around the small space.
"If you're still here, I have a weapon and know how to fight," I exclaim, my tone harsh. "I suggest you come out now."
I receive no response, the only sound from the old radiator. Growling, I search the entire place including the bathroom and closet with no luck. Whoever was here left before I arrived. Examining my suitcase, I find it undisturbed.
With a huff, I lower my hand to my side and allow the energy to become dormant once more. Surveying the room again, I spot a small slip of paper on the nightstand that wasn't there before. Narrowing my eyes in suspicion, I pick it up expecting it to be from Nemean. The paper is smooth under my fingers, thick.
This isn't anything like they've left before. Turning on the lamp, I hold it up to the light until a faint watermark can be seen. Expensive no doubt. A short handwritten message is written on one side in simple yet elegant penmanship. I don't recognize the writing. It isn't Richard's or one of is subordinates. The ink is black which could mean anything. I'd have to analyze it up close to know more.
Sighing, I finally decide to read the message, which is addressed to me.
Dear Serafina,
You do not know who I am but, I believe that I may be able to help you. I am aware of your conflict with the Nemean Brotherhood and have seen the different ways that it may end. It is because of this that I have decided that the time is come to reveal myself to you. To tell you the truth of who exactly you are. More specifically, what you are. It will be the key to defeating your enemy. You have no reason to trust me but, I have watched you from afar since you were a mere infant. I have even visited Mary and Tony to ensure that you were alright. When you left New Orleans, they entrusted me with the care of your home. If you choose to meet with me, I will be there waiting for you. However, I understand if you do not. I will send you the information in another manner.
- A.
The words leave me speechless my heart hammering in my chest. Is this real? Or some elaborate trick? As I continue to stare at the note, it suddenly starts to glow in my hands. Jumping, the paper falls to the ground, a tingling sensation running up my arms. Then, I look down to see my necklace gleaming in the same faint yellow color, the metal suddenly hot against my skin.
I stumble back, almost knocking the lamp over as a strong realization hits me. An overwhelming sense that this is the clue to find out exactly who I am. What Nemean wants with me.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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alegacyofmikalsons · 5 years
The Act of Living Chp. 2: A Dangerous Threat
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Author’s Note: It's taken me forever to finish this chapter but, here it is! I love how it turned out, especially Sera's interactions with all of them. I'll be revealing more details about how exactly they met and became friends over the course of the story, I didn't want to overwhelm with a bunch of background all at once. But, what do you think? Let me know! Hopefully, the next chapter won't take nearly as long as this one did, though I've only just started it so, it will be a little bit before it's ready. 
Rating: Mature
Series Summary: Klaus and Elijah were supposed to die, but fate in the form of new friends Serafina Hewitt and her sister Stevie intervened. A year later Stevie is dead and Sera returns to New Orleans to see her friends and investigate her suspicions about what happened. When it's confirmed that a powerful hunter group is responsible, she realizes a much bigger threat is coming, one that threatens all of New Orleans. As they race to stop it, she gets more than she bargained for, finding the truth about who she is and a growing attachment towards a certain Mikalson.  Most importantly, they all get answers to the biggest riddle of all: what the act of living really means.
Link to Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/791411114-the-act-of-living-chapter-2-a-dangerous-threat
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Her shriek draws attention from people on the street and seeing their bewildered stares lock onto us, I groan. This the last thing we need. The longer they linger, the more I want to avoid them.
Pulling her behind another building, I shush her. "Keep it down."
She gives me a confused look but, lowers her voice. "Sera, why are you...?"
"I don't want anyone to overhear this." Glancing around, I make sure no one can see us before continuing. "Not until we know more about what they might be planning. If they follow the pattern they have before...they'll let us know."
I don't have a timeline for when Nemean might attack or a strong idea of what one here might even look like. The only thing I know for sure is the longer the public is worried, the worse the final outcome will be. That means keeping this from them until we have to warn them.
Her worried frown deepens. "This Nemean group, do you really think they want to attack everyone?"
I respond with another sigh. "I do. Targeting public places and events is what they're known for. Sunday farmer's markets, festivals, parties. Anywhere most of the community will be gathered with limited exits. And they're alarmingly successful. Just over a month ago they attacked a festival in Savannah where over a hundred died. The worst part is, if they don't kill as many as they want to, they come back until they're satisfied."
A look of frozen terror materializes as she struggles to comprehend what I've told her. "How do you know all this?" she asked. Then after a few minutes, her eyebrows lift suddenly. "The attacks you've talked about. Your parents. Were they...?"
Closing my eyes for a second, I swallow as images of death and destruction briefly fill my vision.
"There have been five over the course of eight years," I explain, my voice breaking. "With us, they've never been content...for that to happen they'd have to kill everyone. And we've proven to be resilient."
She and her siblings know a lot about our small, secretive town from everything Stevie and I have told them. It's earned me a lot of crow from those in charge, given their disdain for the Original Family but I don't care. Nemean already ruined Mirebrook's illusion of secrecy when we met. And despite being well aware of everything they've done, it wasn't usually without a reason, even indefensible ones.
Her eyes widen in alarm. "Well, why has it taken them so long to show up here? Shouldn't we have been a target by now?"
I shake my head. "Not necessarily. You've done a good job keeping everyone's nature a secret. That's why...I thought Stevie was safe here..." trailing off, I stare at the overcast sky before clearing my throat. "But, it doesn't matter. They can find out who we are on their own, no matter how secretive a community is. If they found Stevie, they're capable of knowing who everyone else is. I guarantee it. That's why I'm so worried. With a city and population this large, if they attack and I believe they will, it could be the biggest one they've done yet."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know a lot about them, " I respond. "After the last attack a year ago studying them has been my obsession. This is a target they'd be foolish to pass up."
Because of me.
Everything I care about they destroy and this is the only thing left they can. Unless they figure out how to grow white oak.
I don't say that out loud though, not wanting to scare off the only people I have left. "And they're willing to do anything to kill as many as possible. They'd burn this city to the ground if that's what they thought was necessary. It wouldn't be the first time."
The aftermath of their raid of a small Massachusetts town back when I was following them still appears in my nightmares occasionally. I'd managed to be there in time to save several people but, the town itself was already too engulfed in flames.
Her complexion turns ghostly white.
"We can't let that happen," she frets. "What do we do?"
Hesitating, I bite my lip. I'm used to being able to know everything but my intelligence isn't absolute and Nemean so far has been able to stay elusive. There are no real answers I can give her, especially if the attack is still months away. But, there is an obvious place to start.
"Well, the first thing we need to do is tell your siblings. They'll want to know about this and I'll need their help. You guys have the connections that I don't anymore. Where are they?"
"Nik and Elijah should still be at home," she replies. "If not then I'll have them meet us there."
The others have separate places outside the quarter but still visit frequently. While they'll most likely have to be a part of this too, the two she does live with will do fine for now. They have the most influence on the rest of the community. Plus, I want to see them anyway. Talking through a dirty computer screen isn't the same.
"Let's go then."
I follow Rebekah through the French Quarter, keeping up with her vampire speed. She looks at me in amazement like she has since we met, but doesn't say anything. I give her my usual shrug. There isn't much to tell her. It's one thing that doesn't come with having demon blood. The mystery element in the other half of my pedigree my parents refused to disclose before they died.
This pace allows us to reach the compound relatively quickly and I can't help the small smile that forms. It looks almost identical to how I left it a year ago, with a fresh coat of paint the only addition.
"They should be inside somewhere," she tells me as we enter the courtyard.
Almost as soon as we step inside, a group of vampires surrounds me, their faces twisted in threatening scowls. I recognize them as some of Marcel's nightwalkers, lower-ranking members of his circle. Sometimes they hang out here when he's with Klaus, so I assume he's inside somewhere. It's clear from their attitudes that they don't remember me. But, they do sense the darkness from my blood radiating from me, all vampires can. I'm not worried though. If they do try anything, I can take care of them, probably without causing too much damage. Or if they really annoy me I can let them find out the ugly fate that happens to those with my blood in their system. I doubt anyone will fault me too much if they initiate it.
But, before any of the scenarios in my head can take place a familiar male voice rings out.
"Relax guys, Serafina's a friend," Marcel Gerard says. His eyes narrow into a soft glare until they dutifully resume their prior activities. Seeing me, his expression brightens. "Sera. Long-time no see."
He soon wraps me in a hug and I quickly accept the friendly gesture.
"Sorry, it's been safer for me to be back there," I reply. "But, nothing is keeping me from family and friends right now."
It's the partial truth. Even without the threat, I'd likely still be here. And I figure he'll be filled in after Klaus and Elijah. But, right now is not the time. I definitely do not want the vampires with him to find out yet.
"No worries." His jovial expression falters slightly. "I'm sorry about Stevie. The whole Quarter is grieving. She was loved by everyone here."
I know she had a decent amount of friends here, but not the extent of her connections. The news is welcome information, my guilt for leaving her alone in the city receding a little.
"Thank you, I needed that."
We make more small talk which I only take part in because he's a friend and with Rebekah. Normally it's an activity that makes me bristle. Too soon, Nemean crowds my thoughts once more. I clear my throat. "I'd love to stay and chat but, we need to talk with Klaus and Elijah about something important."
Seeing our tense demeanor, he steps aside to give us better access. "Of course, I was just on my way out. I assume that I'll see you at the funeral later?"
"You will." As we head towards the door, I give him another sad smile.
Rebekah and I go inside and after a few minutes of searching, we find her brothers in the library on the second floor.
"Of course," she quips with a small scoff. "I should have known you'd be moping in here."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Klaus responds, his attention still on the weathered paperback in his hands.
If he's heard the extra noise from my footsteps, it doesn't register. However, Elijah looks up in mild surprise. "Serafina...hello."
"Hi, Elijah."
I find myself swallowing down a sudden bundle of nerves. What the hell? I haven't felt like this around him before. At least, I don't think so. I can't dwell on it too much as Klaus finally glances at me, setting his book aside.
"What nothing for me?"
I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue against the roof of my mouth. "Patience, Klaus. Even if I could forget about you, I wouldn't."
A faint snicker comes from Rebekah while a corner of Elijah's mouth tilts upwards. We all know how little he has. This lighthearted moment makes me realize how much I've missed seeing them in person and I feel a smile forming.
After a minute, Elijah clears his throat, a concerned frown suddenly there where it wasn't before. "How are you doing?"
My mood plummets as I'm forced to remember why I'm here. I almost utter my standard response before stopping myself. Back in Mirebrook, no one really asks me that question anymore or care enough to expect a genuine answer. Not since my dark blood and lovesick heart turned their lives into a paranoid hell. But, right now I can tell that he wants the truth. And as another wave of passing butterflies rolls through I find that I for once want to give it.
"Not too well," I admit with a breathy sigh. "It's hard. She is...was...the last family I had left."
He doesn't say anything but the look on his face is enough. It's more sympathy than pity but it still feels as intense.
"I'm sorry," he finally manages. "She's in our thoughts too."
I don't know what to say, so I simply give him a nod as I take a deep breath to quell the sudden swirl of emotions inside. After a few minutes, I feel Klaus's eyes on me, so I look over.
"I'm assuming you saw her? In the alley?"
Stevie's body.
I nod again. "Yeah, I did. Thanks for making sure no one touched anything. It's actually allowed us to obtain some information about what happened."
This is met with interest.
"What information exactly?" Elijah trades an uneasy look at Klaus.
Rebekah lets out a sigh, trading with me an uneasy glance. "Who killed her. She was targeted by a group of hunters known as the Nemean brotherhood." Her voice trembles slightly.
There's a beat of silence. Then, Klaus lets out a quiet chuckle, a devilish grin spreading.
"I see you're still looking for facts that don't exist. Brother, will you please get her to see some reason?"
Her expression falls before vibrant flush coats her cheeks. I knew this would be the likely response but it still irritates me nonetheless since I've made the same mistakes she has. A conflicted look appears on Elijah's face. For a second I hope that he might give her the benefit of the doubt. But, that's soon dashed as he lets out a resigned sigh. I know he'll make the same choice he usually does when caught between the two of them.
"I know you're upset about what happened to her, we all are. But this speculation isn't going to help," he tells her.
Her eyes harden on them, her lip quivering in centuries of pent-up anger. "Will you just take me seriously for once! This isn't speculation, Sera's confirmed this. And she believes everyone in the Quarter is in danger now too!"
This makes them recoil in surprise. She's yelled at them countless times, but never like this. Especially when it came to sticking up for herself.
Elijah finally looks over at me in silent question. "Is this true?"
Next, to me, she rolls her eyes and I give her a sympathetic look before answering. "Yes. They don't just hunt individually or in small groups. Nemean are more like supernatural terrorists attacking public events. These result in numerous casualties, sometimes hundreds of them."
He blinks in disbelief, straightening in his chair. "How do you know these people are responsible?"
"Because they want us to know. When Nemean kill someone, they leave their symbol somewhere on the body. Just like," I swallow, the words becoming tangled in my mouth. "Just like this one, which Rebekah noticed on Stevie's body. It's the reason I needed to see her, so I could confirm it."
She shows them the picture she's saved on her phone. As soon as he sees it, Elijah's eyes widen as his expression becomes grave. "Niklaus...isn't that...the same symbol that was on that boy Daniel's arm?"
The hybrid's jaw clenches several times. "I thought it was a random tattoo," he growls in confirmation. "Clearly it's not."
Any lingering doubt is erased. This means something to them.
It takes only a second to put the pieces together. "Are you saying...there was a victim before Stevie?"
Dread pools in my stomach. This means they've had to be here for at least that long, perhaps even a month if they took time to survey things before targeting anyone.
"It appears so," Elijah replies, his brows pinching together. "He was a newly turned vampire who we found dead a little over two weeks ago. Are you certain the emblem belongs to them?"
"Positive. Circle with a lion and their name in Greek. All in black or white ink."
The image is vibrant in my mind. Even if I could forget, I've seen way too many victims and buildings with it.
He turns to his sister, an apologetic expression appearing. "I'm sorry Rebekah, it seems you were right to be concerned."
"Thank you," she replied, folding her arms across her chest. "I do know what I'm talking about from time to time."
Meanwhile, Klaus is still sulking, arms crossed. I know why. He's mad that he didn't know about Nemean until now. It's not his fault, I doubt it's an accident. For some reason, Nemean hasn't wanted them to. Now that there's the young man, though, I can tell that's changed.
"Bloody hell. Alright, Sera, tell us more about these people," he demands, his stare boring into me. "I take it you know a lot."
"I do. Nemean travels around the country attacking communities with large supernatural populations. The bigger the place in general and the greater portion of our kind, the bigger the target. They were founded in the nineties and were a fringe group until their current leader joined and took over. He turned them...into an army...a nightmare."
An icy chill spreads in my veins as the man comes to mind and I feel myself beginning to tremble. He's the only person I've truly feared. The reason why when it comes to Klaus's antics, I barely bat an eye.
"What do you know about him?" Elijah inquires.
He's putting on a neutral expression but I can sense the intense worry hidden underneath.
I feel the air become charged with electricity as the energy inside me stirs once more. I have to be careful. Hesitating, I bite into the inside of my cheek until a bitter metallic tang hits my mouth. My body's only reaction to what is poison for everyone else.
After a minute, I finally answer the question. "His name is Richard Crane and... I've never met anyone like him. He's clever, sadistic, power-hungry. Loves using psychological warfare. He can't be human since he can keep up with the best of us. The oldest Vampires, the strongest wolves. Even the witches struggle to fight against him. If I had a guess I'd say he's part demon, even more concentrated than I am. His blood...it's almost pure black and just like mine it kills everything it touches. He could even be the child of a Sin, the highest, most powerful one there is. They're the equivalent of Lucifer."
Klaus leans back in his chair, his anger climbing higher by the minute while Rebekah's turned ghostly white, visibly shaken.
"Where did you obtain all of this?" Elijah asks in curious amazement.
"I've done a lot of research. Also...I've experienced it myself. They've been coming to Mirebrook regularly for years now. We constantly get new people from other places and always manage to rebuild. So, they're never able to quite finish the job."
My voice breaks as I feel tears starting to form and anxiety blooms in my stomach. This is more than I usually show in front of other people due to the risk. Yet, I feel a stubborn urge to press my luck.
So, I divulge the one detail not even Rebekah knew. "And that will never happen as long as I'm there...since Richard Crane has made my death his personal vendetta."
Her mouth falls open as a horrified expression materializes. Klaus and Elijah share similar looks as well.
"What, why?" she exclaims.
I shrug, playing with the sleeve of my sweater in an effort to calm my increasingly erratic emotions. "Not quite sure, he hasn't felt the need to tell me. Could be the demon part of my blood, or the other half I haven't been able to identify. I've also done some...particularly nasty things to his soldiers' families in the past so, I assume that's a factor as well."
The power inside builds once more and the chilled wind returns sending my heartbeat racing twice as fast. My parents' lecture is loud in my head screaming at me to stop. Yet, for some reason, I can't.
"Whatever it is, it's why they've gone after everyone close to me. First, they killed my father in the first raid several years ago...then, my friends one by one," I exclaim tears pricking my eyes like tiny knives. "Last year, the attack on the school where my mother died was their doing as well. Now...poor Stevie. The only reason I'm still here is that I've... somehow...recovered from everything they've done to me. Things that...that should've been fatal. I survive everything, so they've taken everyone from me. Because being alive and alone is...is worse than the most p...painful death."
Through the tears, I see them react with various states of horror and sympathy. The pressure of them on me is too much and I close my eyes to find some relief. Instead, the vivid image of damaged walls and the metallic scent of blood overwhelm me. I snap them back open before it can pull me in completely, my heart pounding in my chest as the power inside me radiates outward causing the floor beneath me to vibrate ever so slightly and the wind to pick up.
I try to do my breathing regimen and begin to hyperventilate, realizing with a sickening dread that it's too late. Collapsing into a fit of heavy sobs as everything intensifies around me, I desperately will myself to move. Somewhere, anywhere but this room. Yet, I can't, my legs rooted in place. The floor is now shaking violent and high-speed gusts rattle everything in sight.
"What in the world?" Klaus shouts.
Elijah and Rebekah bolt upright in states of bewilderment.
"Sera?!" she wonders, her voice filled with fright.
"I can't...I can't stop it...I'm sorry!"
Finally, I'm able to force myself to leave, hurrying out of the room and down the stairs as the tremors increased and hurricane-force winds fill the house. I manage to stumble my way to the living room where the shaking ground and blurring vision cause me to lose my balance. Falling onto my hands and knees, I continue to cry, my chest heaving from the force of the emotions coming out. It feels like it will never end, the sobs, the ringing in my ears and blurry vision.
Yet, at some point, I'm able to latch onto my breath and use it to slowly start regaining control. The quaking slowly turns into a rolling motion and the gusts taper. Then, eventually, everything stops, becoming calm like before. After a minute, I blink as everything comes back into focus. That's when I look around, surveying the damage this outburst had caused. Thrown objects cover the floor including a few framed pictures and a few small cracks are noticeable in the ground. The worst of the destruction is one of the windows which has a small hole and cracks raiding out around it from where something punctured through the glass.
"Oh God," I mumble to myself tearfully as I shakily stand up
My temples begin to throb like my head always does after an episode. Soon, my whole body will be sore from overexertion. After a minute I hear the wood on the stairs creak as I become aware of a presence behind me. Turning around, I notice Elijah standing near the bottom and let out a squeak.
His gaze meets mine and the concern I find in it deepens. "Serafina."
"Elijah." My cheeks are suddenly boiling hot and my forehead starts to sweat as the butterflies from earlier return in earnest. "How long have you been standing there?"
"I came down as soon as it stopped," he replies, looking over my appearance before turning his attention to the surrounding damage. "What exactly happened?"
I sigh and shift my eyes downward. "Sometimes when my emotions are strong they set off abilities. I don't even really know what they are, only that they involve this and that I can't control them. Like my visions."
He knows of the ones about the future, the thing that allowed me to save his life. They all do. But the memories, I haven't worked up the courage to tell them about. Most people I have didn't react well, not understanding that I had no control over what I saw. Even those who accepted my emotional outbursts.
I brace myself for a harsh reaction of fear. I'm a freak. A danger. Most people usually respond with one of the two labels. It's what I've learned to expect ever since the first time back in the orphanage. I barely understood why the woman in charge was so cross with me, her untrimmed nails digging into my arm or why all the other kids were crouched in the corners in fright. But, to my surprise, this isn't the case.
Instead, when I make eye contact once more, I see nothing other than compassion. "I wish we would've known. Maybe we could've helped. Are you alright?"
Twice now all he's cared about is my well-being.
"I..." I stammer before shaking my head as I fall apart once more, with no reason to hide what I'm feeling.
In a matter of seconds, I find myself in his arms being pulled into his embrace. After a second I melt into it. He doesn't say a word, simply giving me the silent comfort needed until I'm ready to talk.
After several minutes I finally choke out, "I'm so tired of people dying because of me."
"Don't say that." He backs away slightly forcing me to meet his gaze. "What happened to Stephanie wasn't your fault."
I shake my head vigorously. "But, it is. It's all because of me. Crane has told me himself. If he can't kill me than he's determined to make my life so painful that I stop living it. That means taking everything and everyone he can from me."
Pushing away, I start to pace across the floor as he watches silently, knowing that nothing he can say will dissuade me.
"That's why I'm so sure this attack will happen," I continue, raking my fingers through my hair. "I don't have people they can take anymore...but I have this, Elijah. My home, the place I care about more than anywhere else. He knows that. So this is what he'll make them destroy next! And I'm scared that...again...I won't be able to stop it. That the only way this will end is with me dead."
"Serafina, we both know that's not true," he replies.
Pausing, I let out an embarrassingly loud sniff. "You're just saying that."
He approaches me cautiously, leaving just enough space to not be startling.
"No, I'm not." He gently places his hands on my shoulders urging me to look at him once more. When I do, my heart leaps into my throat as I notice a soft but strong determination. "You were able to save us and destroy the Hollow while staying alive. That alone should tell you that you're capable enough. And we won't let you do this by yourself. We will help you every step of the way until they're gone."
I gape at him. No one back home would do that for me. Maybe when we first arrived and Nemean hadn't shown up yet, but not now. Now they look at me like they want me dead too.
"I can't ask you to do that. What if it puts you in danger?"
His resolve doesn't waver. "Well, thanks to you, that's not much of an issue. Even on the off chance it becomes one, it won't change a thing. This city is our home, we won't let it be destroyed. And you, Serafina are our friend. A close one. We certainly won't let anything happen to you, I promise."
At this, I gasp. He doesn't throw that word around unless he means it. And I can tell from the look I receive that he does.
This and a nod is the only response that comes out as that feeling floods my veins once more, a mix of nerves and giddiness I can't quite place. The only thing I can compare it to is...no. I've seen enough memories to know that would be a bad idea. Even if it wouldn't be, I can't afford to be distracted now. After a minute, I finally avert my gaze which takes the pressure off of a bit. Then, I realize I should say something. As much as I hate small talk, uncomfortable silence is worse.
"Thank you. Out of all the reactions I thought you'd have to me destroying your house...this was definitely not one of them." I glance around at the surrounding mess, the guilt creeping in again.
He shrugs in response. "It wasn't on purpose. And we're not unfamiliar with this type of situation."
Instantly, I know what he's referring to and I crack a smile. "Davina when she had to go through the Harvest, right."
I realize my mistake as his eyes widen slightly in surprise. "You know of that?" he asks me curiously.
Blood rushes to my cheeks in a wave of panic. At some point I know I'll have to tell them. Or it'll slip out on its own. But the thought of that conversation occurring now is terrifying. Quickly, I think of an acceptable answer.
"Uh, yeah. Rebekah mentioned it a few months ago."
It was the partial truth. She did tell me this in a small café in Portland. But, I had already seen the memory months before then.
Luckily, he nods and doesn't question it further. "Then you know this is nothing to be worried about. Nothing a spell or two from Freya can't repair."
This time, the grin on my face is completely real. "If you're sure. I'm perfectly capable of cleaning up my own messes."
He scoffs lightly. "Oh, I'm sure you are. But, right now you should get some rest before tonight."
On cue, the fatigue I've been expecting begins to creep in. As much as I want to protest, I can't. These often left me sedentary on the couch or in severe cases, in bed for a few hours. I actually got a decent nights' sleep the last time this occurred. This one while intense was relatively short. I've stayed in it for nearly half an hour before. Meaning I should be able to get by with just sitting down somewhere.
"Fine." I purse my lips not looking forward to the next few hours. I tend to get bored with nothing to keep my mind occupied. Then, an idea comes to me on how to pass the time. "Still have those Greek mythology books?"
He blinks at me, not expecting this request before nodding. "We do."
"I'll rest by doing that then."
They're lovely editions, reprinted but untranslated from the Greek they were written in. While recovering from the Hollow, they were the only thing that kept me occupied once I was awake.
He sighs. "I suppose that's better than nothing. Won't that strain your eyes?"
"Nope. It's pretty relaxing actually," I tell him, my smile widening.
He shakes his head in amusement. "Alright, I'll get them for you then."
The normalcy amongst everything else is comforting. I just hope whatever it is I'm feeling isn't permanent because that will upset things one way or another. I don't know if I'll be able to handle the consequences of that.
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alegacyofmikalsons · 4 years
The Act of Living Chp. 3: A Link of Fate
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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has read and supported this, I've loved seeing your reactions to what is happening. As you can see this chapter is a flashback, I want to include some of these to give some background context for why Sera has the relationship to all of them that she does. I also wanna include some other important moments from her past that don't involve them as well. I'll probably be including these every three to four chapters, depending on where it would make sense to put this in the story.
I've already started the next chapter so hopefully it won't take quite as long to finish as these ones have. 
Rating: Mature
Series Summary: Klaus and Elijah were supposed to die, but fate in the form of new friends Serafina Hewitt and her sister Stevie intervened. A year later Stevie is dead and Sera returns to New Orleans to see her friends and investigate her suspicions about what happened. When it’s confirmed that a powerful hunter group is responsible, she realizes a much bigger threat is coming, one that threatens all of New Orleans. As they race to stop it, she gets more than she bargained for, finding the truth about who she is and a growing attachment towards a certain Mikalson. Most importantly, they all get answers to the biggest riddle of all: what the act of living really means. 
Link to Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/874712498-the-act-of-living-chapter-3-a-link-of-fate
@kinda-iconic​ @endlesshero1122​ @bbchoices​ @katelynnicolerollins​ @im-a-bisexual-mess​
If anyone else wants to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know and I’l add you!
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New Orleans, LA - 2019
The streets teemed with locals and tourists alike as I searched for any signs of potential danger. In New Orleans, there was plenty to look out for. There were the normal creeps looking for a harmless young woman to bring home and the rogue vampire who didn't want to wait until midnight to obtain their refill. However, the thing that concerned me the most was the group of hunters who wanted me dead more than any other powerful being. While not a typical threat here, if they ever learned how important this place was to me they could become one.
"Are you sure we should be out here?" I asked.
Hearing a sigh, I finally glance over in time to catch my sister rolling her eyes. "Uh yes. Taking part in the nightlife here is practically a requirement."
We slowed to a stop as she looked at one of the bars along the street, Rousseau's.
"Says the person whose ID is fake?" I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow.
"Oh come on, that hasn't mattered before." When my expression didn't waver, she gave me a pout. "Come on. Don't be such a Debbie Downer Sera! We'll be fine, especially if I stay by you."
Letting out a sharp exhale, I muttered, "That's what everyone in Mirebrook thought too until Nemean showed up."
Until I gave my heart to the worst person I could have.
I didn't say that part out loud but, judging by the scowl forming on Stevie's face, I didn't have to.
"No," she stated, shaking her head adamantly. "We are not bringing them up, especially not James. In fact, you aren't going to think about them for the rest of this trip. It's not like they're going to follow us here. Even if they do, there aren't any large events this weekend for them to crash. So, let's just get out of that overactive mind of yours and have a good time. Who knows when we'll be able to come back."
This didn't ease my anxiety entirely, but she did make a dent in it. She was also right. I did love being in New Orleans again after twelve years. As soon as we drove into the city limits, I felt like I was returning home, something Mirebrook hadn't felt like in years.
"Fine," I told her after a minute. "But, we're leaving before midnight. You know what happens then. And if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming it on you."
A contagious grin spread across her face. "Deal. Now, is this place fine or should we walk further?"
I read the sign above the door once more turning my attention to the inside. I remembered it being popular when I was here last, at least with the underage crowd since they were pretty lenient. However, I was barely in high school when we left so, I didn't get to join in much. Most of the few parties I attended were in the Bayou.
"Yeah, this is fine," I told her with a nod. "Let's go before I change my mind."
Following her inside, the bar is already filled to the brim with loud conversations and dancing. After a minute, we were able to snag the last two open seats at the counter. I took the time to examine the surrounding scene. Everyone seemed to be having a good time with a live band playing a jazz tune.
"Sorry about the wait," I heard the bartender shout over the noise. Quickly, I turned back around to find her eyes carefully trained on us. "I'll have to see some ID, you both look a little young."
We both handed them over without a fuss. It didn't take much time at all for her to return Stevie's fake with a nod. However, when she got to my genuine card she paused, looking back and forth in disbelief.
I traded a knowing look with my sister. Ever since I was a teenager, I appeared younger than my real age, the difference becoming more prominent as I got older.
Finally, after another minute, the woman returned my card shaking her head. "Well, I'm not quite sure I believe it but, it looks legit"
"Yeah, I know. I get that a lot," I replied with a shrug. "It certainly isn't the strangest thing to find in this city."
The lady at the counter suppressed a laugh. "It definitely isn't. Anyway, what can I get you, ladies?"
"Rum and coke please," Stevie said, excitement tingling in her veins.
"And I'll have a Vieux Carre."
It was the Big Easy after all. But there was another sentimental reason why I picked the whiskey cocktail, it was our dad's signature. Since this trip was to honor him a year after his death, it felt right.
"Interesting choice. I'll have those ready as soon as I can. In the meantime, enjoy the entertainment. It's open mic tonight."
She turned away to make our drinks and I sighed, focusing my attention back on the stage where a man sprang up with a lively grin. As he approached the microphone, I raised my eyebrows.
Marcel Gerard.
Our parents talked about him frequently when we still lived here since he was running the supernatural scene. He implemented the rule banning witches from practicing magic, keeping Stevie from studying her spells for a few years and me from using dark magic. However, unlike many at the time, our parents didn't really protest the rule out in the open. While they didn't particularly like it, they understood where it was coming from, that the witches' added fuel to the ever-burning flame among the different factions. That ability to see every side is something they instilled in us and that I took to heart. So, Marcel often came to them when he needed a favor requiring magic, giving our family an exception in return.
"How's it going?" he exclaimed, causing the small crowd to cheer. "Who's ready for some music?"
Hearing the bartender shout that our drinks were ready, I took mine from the counter with a courteous smile. "Thanks."
Bringing the glass to my lips, I was surprised to find myself enjoying more than expected as I let it linger on my tongue. In fact, the more I tasted it, the more it became my new favorite.
Looking over, I noticed Stevie's face scrunched up in disgust. "Don't tell me you actually like that."
"What can I say," I answered, gladly having another sip. "Dad had good taste."
I frowned for a moment before shaking it off. This wasn't supposed to be sad, he wouldn't want that. As I scanned the masses of people, I couldn't help tapping to the beat. Music has always been a passion of mine since it was one of the few things I did that felt effortless. It was more feeling than thinking. Which, for my overactive mind was a needed comfort. Soon, only half of my drink was left and I willed myself to slow down, remembering to pace myself. My tolerance was high but, it wasn't roofless.
"Come, let's dance!" Stevie shouted, hopping off her stool.
I debated turning her down but, then I remembered I was supposed to be having a good time. Sighing, I stood up and took my drink with me.
"Oh, why not."
Wading through the crowd we managed to get ourselves relatively close to the stage. With a giggle, she spun me around, catching me off guard for a split second. She was definitely more buzzed than I was but, then again, she was a bit more of a lightweight and had less experience.
"Hey, take it easy, I am not losing my drink." I told her, trying not to encourage her antics with my laughter. "Or breaking a glass."
"You're no fun," she complained but, let go of my arm.
I rolled my eyes, continuing to dance on my own until the song ended. Pausing, I took a deep breath as my heart raced with an electric feeling. I hadn't been this happy in ages, not like this anyway. Realizing Stevie was no longer beside me, I glanced around a little concerned.
Then, I heard her voice shout from the other side of the dance floor. "Vincent!"
At the name I turned to see her approaching a long time friend of our parents, our dad especially. Smiling, I quickly made my way over being careful not to bump into anyone. When I arrived, I found them deep in conversation.
"Last time you were here, you were about this short and had bright pink braces," he told her.
She scowled, her nose wrinkling at the end. "Ugh, I'd like to forget that ever happened, thank you."
"That is definitely not going to happen, Stevie," I chimed in. "He's seen you in diapers. Something I didn't even get to witness."
Turning in my direction, the grin on his face widened. "Sera. It is sure good to see you in person."
I got pulled into a tight hug that filled me with nostalgia.
"It's good to see you too Vincent," I said once we separated. "Only took a death to bring us back."
A sad look entered his eyes and he swallowed. He and our dad were friends since they were both kids. "I still can't believe he's gone. It's been, what a year now?"
Vincent watched both of us grow up at least somewhat. In fact, he was the reason I was adopted at all. It was him I met first when he stopped by the foster home to donate some supplies. Then, my parents showed up the following week. I didn't know until years later that he was the one who encouraged them to do so. Without him, my whole life would be completely different.
Biting my lip I nodded. "Yeah, it certainly doesn't feel like it."
"Is Mary not here?" he asked, scanning the bar surrounding us.
Our mother.
"No, she didn't feel like coming with us tonight," I replied. "Not really her scene. But, she did plan for all of us to come to visit tomorrow. I hope that's okay."
His expression brightened once more. "Of course it is. She actually already ran it by me the other day, wanted to make sure I would be available. Tell her I look forward to seeing her."
"I will." Taking another sip of my drink, I asked, "So, are you here with anyone, or are you drinking by yourself?"
Hesitating, Vincent ran a hand along the back of his neck. "I'm actually meeting up with...a family I know. The one I've complained about before."
Suppressing a smirk, I remarked, "Ah, so they're what...frenemies?"
"You could say that. One of them invited me and I couldn't really say no. She can be a bit persuasive."
I raised my eyebrows in interest. "Oh, I hope we're not keeping you from them."
"You're not, I'm still waiting for them to arrive," he replied with a half-hearted chuckle. "Actually, why don't you can stick around and I'll introduce them to you. You actually might get along which would be very helpful for me."
I let out an aggravated sigh. "Vince, I am not going to be your pawn for ass-kissing. I have to do that enough at home, I do not need more." However, I found myself becoming curious about these acquaintances. "But, I will meet them, only because I want to. From what you've told me, they sound interesting."
"Yeah, that's...definitely a word for it. More like dangerous and cruel when provoked."
Well, now I was definitely interested. "Is that supposed to make me dislike them? Because it is not working. I can be like that if the impulses take over, you know that. That doesn't necessarilly make me a bad person."
He flashed a disapproving look at me. He always tried to steer me away from the dark energy's effect on my desires. I didn't necessarily love that part of myself either but, I'd accepted its presence a while ago. It was a part of who I was. Plus, the more I used it, the more I learned to control it.
A wave of cheering and applause erupted around us and I looked just in time to see the person currently onstage finishing their song.
Marcel hopped back up as the noise died down slightly. "We'll be taking a five-minute break but, after that, since there are no more names on the list here, anyone can come up to play something."
Vincent glanced in that direction before giving me a grin. "You should go up there Sera."
"What, me?" I stammered as a subtle warmth grew in my cheeks. Then, I shook my head, mild anxiety coursing through me. "I don't...not in front of all these people."
It wasn't a lack of confidence that held me back, but the prospect of being noticed because that led to prejudice. During my childhood and adolescence, most of the attention I received from strangers and acquaintances were for things I didn't want to be known for. Actions I couldn't control. It was easier to be invisible, without any expectations or labels being placed on me. I wanted to be able to choose how moral I wanted to be, without the restriction of reputation.
"Come on sis," Stevie exclaimed, her eyes pleading once more. "You have the voice of a goddess. One of these days you're going to have to let the world hear it. Plus, I know how much you enjoy it."
I pressed my lips together. "That's not..." Once again this evening, the lessons I've given her on rhetoric backfired. "I don't even have an instrument with me."
Vincent shrugged this off, the determination now fierce in his eyes. "That's not a problem. The guitar up there is for anyone to use."
Looking back at the stage, I found what he was referring to and let out a silent gasp. It was one of the nicest ones I'd ever seen. The wood was a beautiful brown color with black on the edges. It was of good quality and the right amount of worn-in too. As soon as I saw it, my fingers itched with the temptation to pick it up.
"I see that look Sera," he said, snapping me out of my daze. "Do it for me will you? I haven't heard you live yet, just the recordings your parents sent me."
I peered back at the stage, as my resolve began to dissolve. The desire to create, that euphoric feeling, it tugged until I had to say yes. It was one of the more common ways my blood influenced me.
After a minute, I sighed. "Oh, alright. One song."
Stevie let out another squeal, spinning me around until I was slightly dizzy. "I win again." Setting me down, her gaze turned bittersweet for a second. "Will you sing one of Dad's favorites?"
I found myself swallowing a dry lump as I nodded. "Yeah, I can do that."
Clearing my throat, I finish off the last of my drink, handing the glass to her. Then, I approached the stage, nerves crawling all over my stomach. The person with the clipboard, a boy around my age, looked up with a sloppy grin. His eyes roamed my figure appreciatively. Instinctively, I tensed ever so slightly.
"Well hello, to you. Interested?" he crooned, tilting his head towards the small stage. His hair was slicked back with too much gel that it needed.
He reminded me a little too much of J...no. I needed to stop thinking about him. About what he did.
Feigning a smile, I nodded. "I am. What do I have to do?"
"Just sign here with your name and the song you're doing," he said, his words blurring together. "You'll be up first when we resume things."
I simply took the pencil from him and jotted the information down. "Anything else?"
"Nope, just wait here until we call for you. Won't be too long." He leaned in, more than a little too close for comfort. "You have a vibe, you know. Mysterious, dark. I like it."
"Oh really? I hadn't noticed," I quipped deliberately taking a step back. "Let me save you some effort, I'm not interested."
He responded by letting out a chuckle. "Oh come on, I won't disappoint. At least let me buy you a drink." He inched forward once more, even closer than last time.
Strong coils of dread seized my stomach as the urge to do something violent took over.
"What part of 'I'm not interested' don't you understand?" I hissed with a glare.
Making sure no one was paying attention, I kept my eyes on him as I concentrated on the dark energy lying in my veins until it stirred ever so slightly. His smirk vanished as his eyes widened, no doubt noticing how my eyes had darkened and the orange glow.
"What the--?" Before he could finish his face contorted in visible pain as the blood boiled beneath his skin. "Ow!"
I continued for a little longer then released him to gasp and shudder. "Keep your hands to yourself, and we won't have any more problems. Is that clear?"
He let out an agonized groan. "Yes, I got it, thank you."
"Good." Smiling, I walked away to the other side of the stage to wait.
"Okay everyone, who's ready for more music?" Marcel eventually exclaimed setting off a loud cheer. "Now up onstage we have, Serafina Hewitt, singing Neon Moon."
Taking a deep breath, I climbed up on the black platform and grabbed the guitar from the hand, slipping it around me. Feeling the comfort of the instrument in my hands I relaxed enough to approach the microphone with a nervous smile.
"This is for my dad, Anthony Hewitt," I said, my voice wavering.
I pulled up the stool at the back of the stage and sat down, adjusting the mic stand until it sat perfectly in line an inch or so away. I took out the pic I always kept in the pocket of my jeans, mainly as a good luck charm, and placed my hands in the right position. Searching the bar, I found my sister and Vincent who were now at the counter joined by several people. They had to be the family he wanted me to meet. This made the nerves increase but, I pushed past them.
Closing my eyes, I strummed the first chords. "When the sun goes down on my side of town, that lonesome feeling comes to my door, and the whole world...turns blue. And there's a run down bar across the railroad tracks, I got a table for two way in the back...where I sit alone...and I think of losing you. I spend most every night beneath the light of a neon moon." I felt myself smile and start to let go as the chorus came in fully. "If you lose your one and only, there's always room here for the lonely. To watch your broken dreams dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon."
Now, I as I looked out, the stares of the people listening didn't matter anymore. Everything drowned out except me and the music until all too soon, I approached the end.
"To watch your broken dreams dance in and out of the beams of a neon moon." I played the last note, letting it reverberate in silence.
Once it died, I sat back with a smile as people began to clap enthusiastically. It made me a bit sheepish but, not as terrified as I was in Mirebrook whenever I played at the local café.
"Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your night." I placed everything back where I found it and climbed down to reunite with Stevie and Vincent.
After a minute, I finally made it through.
"Okay Vince you were right," I said.
He looked in my direction his grin straining his cheeks. "Sera, that was amazing. Had the whole place in the palm of your hand."
"Thanks," I responded, tucking a loose strand behind my ear.
Once again I soon found Stevie's arms wrapped around tightly threatening to cut off my air supply. "I knew you would kill it!"
"And you are killing my lungs right now," I wheezed, and she immediately let go.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it! You were just so good."
Laughing dryly, I remarked, "Yeah, I know you can't help depriving me of oxygen."
As she stuck her tongue out at me, I turned my attention to the people I'd noticed earlier speaking to themselves. Now that I had a good look at their faces, I knew I'd seen them before, in my head. Not from my memories but theirs. After a beat, I realized with surprise who they were.
Oh my god. The Mikalsons.
I knew their story well, anyone who grew up within a school for the mystic did. But, the other version I received painted a more holistic, human picture of them. The two certainly had similarities, such as the endless number of people they'd killed over the centuries. But, they also had differences. I started receiving their memories back in high school after we started to cover them in supernatural history. The first was a painful one from ages ago, probably around the time they first were turned. The intensity of it all woke me up, and I'd been unable to stop thinking about it the rest of the night and following morning. Then, in class that afternoon, I began to question what they were telling me. I wondered just how much information was hyperbolic.
After that, I continued to see them almost daily until the end of that unit. After that, they occasionally showed up though it was only once every few months now. Strangely, I didn't mind. For some reason, I felt like I could sometimes relate to what they went through. Balancing the different parts of yourself, having this darkness that sometimes took over. Even letting it when it was easier to forget you had a heart.
I caught myself staring, and I blinked, willing myself to look away before one of them noticed. The last thing I wanted to do was make them feel uncomfortable. I decided that I'd wait to judge them until we talked. Lord knows I would love someone to look past the demon blood and destructive powers for once.
Glancing at Vincent once more, I raised my eyebrows in interest. "So, Vince, you promised me an introduction to these friends of yours, did you not?"
"I did," he replied. "Let's see, we have Freya, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, and last but not the least Klaus." I followed along silently as he named each of them. "And this is Serafina. She's Tony and Mary's other daughter."
"The adopted one I presume?" Klaus commented, his grin widening.
He received a punch on the arm from Rebekah. "Nik! You can't just say that. Excuse my brother he has the manners of a two-year-old."
I shrugged it off.
"Oh it's fine," I answered with a laugh. "It's something I don't mind people pointing out. It doesn't make a difference they're the only family I've really had."
"I presume you don't know your birth parents then?" Elijah observed in mild curiosity.
Getting lost in his inquisitive stare, it was a minute before I responded. "I don't know anything about them really."
I scolded myself for being so flustered all of a sudden. Though I had to admit, his eyes were captivating, even more in person. I snapped out of it, noticing the smirk on his face.
"Except that, at least one of them isn't human, right? Or did that poor fellow suffer an aneurysm all by himself?"
So much for being subtle. At least I didn't have to feel guilty about my knowledge of them. Hearing Stevie snickering next to me, I pursed my lips.
"No, that was me," I admitted freely. "Though I figured it was that or breaking his hand when he put it on me without my permission."
This received some more laughter from his siblings and even an impressed look from Rebekah. "Sounds like the bastard deserved it then."
I found myself smiling at this. No wonder Vincent couldn't get rid of them.
"I sure thought so." I returned my gaze to Elijah. "Now, I'm guessing what you really want to know is what I am."
He opened his mouth then closed it. "You could say that. Usually, it's a bit more noticeable. Vampire I'm guessing?"
"Demon, actually," I answered. "Well, a half-blooded one anyway, but that just means we work up here, on Earth. We absorb malevolent souls which transports them to Hell. It also gives us a little more power for a short amount of time."
He almost choked on his drink, his eyebrows raised once more. "Demon...I knew you existed but I don't think we've ever met one."
I feigned shock. "Even with that thousand-year life span? That's...a bit surprising," I replied with a smug look.
Now he was the flustered one which only increased the satisfaction.
"Ah, so you do know who we are," Klaus laughed.
I scoffed loudly. "Of course I do, you're the Mikalsons. What supernaturally gifted person hasn't? I mean you're taught in schools now these days." I ignored Vincent's cautionary stare. "I just didn't feel the need to point it out until now."
"There's no need to be shy love," he chuckled to himself. "Most people make it known either in disgust or fear."
Shrugging, I remarked, "Yes, well, I try not to be like most people. And from outside research, I know the people who wrote the story of you have a bit of a bias. So, while my lessons were entertaining, they haven't influenced too much." The stranger sitting on the barstool next to Freya left and I immediately took his place. "See, not bothered. In fact, I kinda like you. Now, I'm gonna need another drink."
This was met with an array of smiles including from Elijah. "The feeling's mutual."
There's no way I could be Vincent's little spy now. It was an innate pull as if the universe wanted to forge a link between us, a link of fate. However, I wouldn't know why until years later. When the thing that I once hated would prove to be exactly what they needed.
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