#elinor girlboss dashwood
bethanydelleman · 1 year
If I have to read ONE MORE TIME that Elinor Dashwood deserves a "stronger" man than Edward Ferrars...
Like excuse me? What exactly about Elinor Girlboss Dashwood's character implied that she wanted anything other than a malewife?
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madellaine · 4 months
anya's characters/ships in SRRP as jane austen characters
SORRY im crashign emma's vibe but this has been ON MY MIND since i made my aesthetics, because I very very deliberately picked quotes from the most Relevant TM Jane Austen books SO without further ado:
MAXELLA: Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot -- I literally went to Lins when I was drafting up Drizella's bio and told her we should do Persuasion vibes, but I wasn't going to do Drizella. READER, I WAS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In retrospect, I can't believe I decided to pull a plot from my favorite Jane Austen book and thought I would not do it.
Anyway, I said this in a gifset I reblogged, but I've been approaching Drizella here in an attempt to reclaim the HORRIBLE Netlix Persuasion, which made Anne a sort of #girlboss. It did NOT work for Persuasion, as the story was, but I thought about how it might make sense for Drizella. Anne breaks the fourth wall in a very Fleabag way and that would be perfect for a spinster who was laughing at society and critiquing it instead of one who had been pushed around by her elders.
WOLFING: Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferrars -- yes most of this is just bc I massively associate Ting with Elinor, but it is also because of the P I N I N G and the R E P R E S S I O N and the THINKING THEY CANNOT ACT ON THESE FEELINGS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! They have a sense of Duty and responsibility which keeps them from expressing their feelings :'')
MADDNEY: Henry Tilney and Catherine Morland -- this one appeared to me during their promenade walk, because Maddy is that starry-eyed country girl who wants a good story out of this and John is like love that energy, but also i know more about the world, but also you're kinda making me soft about that. I mean, there's obviously our own B-Plots here, but just for the pure surface vibes its great
DAYLILY: Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner -- sorry this doesnt count but jane austen didnt do scandalous class differences but i couldnt leave them out
tagging my boos @trackedbymaximus / @wolf-innsheepsclothing / @poor-princejohn / @halfawitch-willow / ok that is all
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Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferrars are like the ultimate girlboss / househusband duo.
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
New Year's Resolutions for Jane Austen Characters (mid-novel)
Emma Woodhouse: Find a new man for Harriet Smith No more matchmaking! Admit Knightley (and his brother) were right. Meet Frank Churchill, finally.
George Knightley: Just feeling thankful for everything I have. I don't think my life needs to change.
Mr. Woodhouse: Finally convince Isabella to live at Hartfield instead of with her husband. Poor Isabella!
Harriet Smith: Marry Mr. Elton 💗💗💗 *unable to read tear-stained writing*
John Knightley: Spend more time at home with my beloved wife. Why do people invite us places???
Elinor Dashwood: Find a way to get over the most perfect man I've ever met.
Edward Ferrars: Find an honourable way to get out of the engagement with Lucy (same resolution he's had for three years now)
Robert Ferrars: Build a magnificent cottage
Marianne Dashwood: Marry the most perfect man to grace this earth with his beautiful presence, John Willoughby. Also, read more poetry.
Colonel Brandon: *stares at the paper in despair because he cannot bear to give form to his ambitions which seem already impossible*
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't really think there's anything I need to improve about myself. I'm really a great judge of character.
Fitzwilliam Darcy: Remember that duty comes before ephemeral feelings of affection.
Jane Bennet: Find a way to get over the most perfect man I've ever met.
Charles Bingley: Buy an estate (resolution submitted by Caroline & Louisa)
Caroline Bingley: Encourage Charles to finally buy an estate (not in Hertfordshire), get Charles and Georgiana Darcy engaged, get engaged to Mr. Darcy, attend a party with at least three members of the nobility... (too many goals to record here)
Anne Elliot: find a way to be less awkward around Captain Wentworth... Prepare myself for Captain Wentworth to marry Louisa... Try to endure Bath with a smile
Captain Wentworth: Get out of the obligation to marry Louisa Musgrove by any fair means. PLEASE GOD I AM BEGGING YOU
Captain Benwick: Mourn Fanny for eternity Marry Louisa Musgrove
Catherine Morland: Henry Tilney 💗💗💗💗 Henry Tilney, Northanger Abbey 💗💗💗💗 Henry Tilney & Mrs. Catherine Tilney 💗💗💗 *doodles ideas for wedding gowns*
Eleanor Tilney: Marry the love of my life (same goal for the past three years)
Henry Tilney: Keep being awesome
Frederick Tilney: Keep being awesome
General Tilney: Have all my children disposed in marriage to wealthy individuals (goal since Frederick turned 21)
Mrs. Allen: Purchase some very fine lace
Fanny Price: marry edmund Be as unnoticed as possible
Edmund Bertram: Marry Miss Crawford
Mary Crawford: Marry Edmund Bertram
Henry Crawford: Promote William Price, marry Fanny Price. Rub my excellent treatment of Fanny in the Bertram's faces.
Tom Bertram: *never wrote anything down, never does his years are always awesome*
Mr. Yates: Finally put on a production of Lovers' Vows third times the charm!
Mrs. Norris: Save more money than last year by furthering economy. Keep Fanny in her place. Become more necessary to the Bertrams.
Lady Bertram: sew a cute little jacket for Pug
Lady Susan: Keep being the best Gaslight Girlboss *kisses paper*
(if Christmas happened within novel, I tried to place the resolutions around it. If not, I made up a time)
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
Each Jane Austen protagonist described in three words?
Lady Susan: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
and trying to stay in that trend...
Catherine Morland: Read, Reckon, Rationalize
Marianne Dashwood: Fervent, Fierce, Feeling
Elinor Dashwood: Stoic, Stalwart, Solitary
Elizabeth Bennet: Humorous, Hoodwinked, Humbled
Jane Bennet: Modest, Magnificent, Melancholy
Fanny Price: Wallflower, Wise, Withstands
Emma Woodhouse: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss (for the Greater Good)
Anne Elliot: Private, Patient, Passionate
Comment about Emma: I'm not totally sure you would call it "gaslighting", but Emma does try to adjust her father's perception of reality for the sake of everyone else. She will agree with her father and then do the opposite, especially when it comes to food. Emma does gatekeep, in fact one might call her a gatekeeper of high society in Highbury (eg. the Coles). She is also the mistress of Hartfield and therefore a confirmed girlboss.
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