#elisa vegara
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep.10 Reaction
Oh boy, Isabel missing from dinner and Teresa and Diego are noticing. What Is Gonna Be In La Casa de Pascual amigos?
Ugh! And they got me! After seeing that the houses is absolutely stricken and trashed compared to his room at the grand hotel. Someone had already been here.
That was WEIRD, Andrés just said “don’t worry, I’ll help you” to a client in English and like, I’ve been listening/watching Carlos Rivera’s work for a while and let me just say it was JARRING to hear him say anything at all in my native language. I wonder if the client was/is American or something?
Oh boy, here comes Belén with her “your mom is so mean to meeeeee she’s talking shit around the other maids even though her concerns are 100% valid and even if you’re willing to glaze over it she’s not because if it turns out my baby daddy is a dangerous man (HE IS) she wants to be able to protect you. Waaaaaah” UGH I hate you so MUCH girl!
Diego and Belén have noticed Isabel’s unusual absence from her room now, I’m worried about the consequences for her.
Okay, first of all, I find the fact Andrés snores incredibly endearing. Second of all, gotta love his frickin “somebody is upset” spidey sense. I straight up have no idea what Julio would do without Andrés putting up with and taking care of his constant deuteragonist-in-distress ass.
You know what? I’m starting to think as much as they bicker Ángela and Lupe are actually quite fond of each other when the chips are down. They’re both single parents to sons who are foolish in love. They’re both in positions of authority that still suffer under the boot of rich assholes. I wonder how this relationship is gonna evolve 👀
Jeez here we go again with Teresa basically telling Diego to abuse Isabel to keep her from asking questions jfc. Teresa where the hell did you get all these nasty oppressive attitudes toward your own gender?? Certainly not from your husband, judging by his attitude from Isabel’s memories of him.
Time #24354 that Andrés has either been hurt or accidentally hurt himself because of Julio’s crazy bullshit. I’m sensing a pattern (I’m wondering if he and Felipe were like that as kids, difference being Julio gives a shit). Wait what?! The BARKEEP owed Cristina money?!
“Mr. Clock won’t give you a break twice” 😂is that an Andrés-ism or is that like an actual saying?? I can’t find it. Sounds like something similar to “a broken clock is right twice a day” but not quite the same meaning. “You’re gonna get fired!… he’s gonna get fired :(“ TE AMO ANDRÉS! 💕 gotta be up there with “I can’t talk I’m a pole.” ❤️
I think we got introduced to a new main character and I love her. Her name is Mercedes, she REALLY likes the food at the Grand Hotel. She keeps using unhinged war/music metaphors for the food, while Andrés looks like he’s screaming internally. Talk about a great impression! 🤣 Andrés has escaped third wheeling this bizarre monologue unscathed!
Poor Alfredo is worried about hurting Sofia since she’s clearly still unwell after the surgery. Julio is in trouble for being missing again big surprise. More poorly hidden Sofia miscarriage drama ensues as Felipe starts making eyes at Mercedes, I pity that girl already. Damn Elisa (NOT Luisa my mistake) really doesn’t want Alfredo staying around the Alarcóns.
Julio and Isabel’s meetings are getting riskier and riskier as Diego closes in. Julio needs a permission off of work to go to the bar (thank god he didn’t go THAT morning, I was worried Benjamin was gonna fire him again!) Still I feel like something like that is gonna tip Montejo off and we know how violent he can be. I’m scared for her. Ew, now he’s telling Jacinto she’s not allowed to take the car anywhere without his permission.
Mercedes is a military girl, I’m starting to wonder if she just might be exactly what Felipe needs to get a reality check. Something tells me she won’t put up with his usual bullshit like his shitty mom abuses him for or the prostitutes are paid to tolerate. O SHIT she made the move before Felipe did 😂 she’s insane and I love her.
The confrontation with the barkeep did NOT go well. Poor Julio needs to seriously develop more skills than punching people and things, there’s only so much you can do with that amigo. Jacinto kept Isabel from getting involved. We leave our stupid (affectionate) scrappy deuteragonist with barkeep having a gun pointed directly at his head.
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stnopsd · 3 months
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booksandwords · 2 years
Agatha Christie by Mª Isabel Sánchez Vegara. Illustrated by Elisa Munsó. Translated by Raquel Plitt
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Age Recommendation: Early Primary Art Style: Black, white and red, stylised realism Topic/ Theme: Mysteries, biographic. Setting: Europe, the Middle East Series: Little People, Big Dreams
Rating: 5/5
Agatha Christie's Little People Big Dreams may be one of the best I've read to date. And that is purely down to the colouring, or lack thereof, in the illustrations. Adults are more than aware of what Agatha Christie is famed for writing murder mysteries. The art in this reflects that not in styling but in colouring, everything is black and white except for everything that can be red is from cars to flowers from cushions to blood. Every page does have some red on it. I really appreciate the other details as well, the names and birthdates in the graveyard reflecting the victims and publication dates in her novels. Look I did legitimately count the books on the last page I got 88, doing some googling I discovered she published 80. Let's give that leeway to those being for some of those translated editions. The dispensary in the WWI hospital is well done, I feel like it is a mix of the old and the new and it suits the way that knowledge in her adulthood. The end pages were once again not what I would have expected but so fitting for a woman that was attached to and reliant on her typewriter.
The text is done well it moves around the page, fitting where it does best away and from the darkest parts of the page. None of the blocks of text is extensive and does contain sometimes unusual words that may need explaining to young readers. But it is readable and sends a good message about following your passions. The book keeps an upbeat tone despite the obvious potential for it to maybe go dark. As always the photos and timeline included is helpful and span her life. As I said this is likely my favourite of this series to date.
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katsotherworld · 3 years
Elisa Lam Doc, My Thoughts
I was expecting so much more from this documentary. I knew they were going to get into a lot of the conspiracies', and they went into some I had never even heard of. (The TB outbreak stuff, Pablo Vegara)
Her family doesn’t deserve for a documentary about their, daughter, sister, grandchild, to have more focus on the youtubers and such who read about it online. Her family should have if they happened to watch this, seen or talked about their Elisa Lam, maybe have an episode about her childhood and what she had been dreaming to do.
I will admit that there are a lot of strange things that happened at that time, but also, a lot of it is mostly explainable. (One of which was the elevator doors staying open, which they actually cleared up in the doc, cause she pressed a door hold button which does seem to make sense.) I feel like they should have done one episode that was the heavy conspiracy shit, but there should be more focus on Elisa. 
But she had Bipolar disorder, this is a rough disorder, and it sounds like she was still trying to understand herself and the disorder. Which definitly had an impact on everything she did and definitely would have affected her trip, especially, if how the toxicology reports reports, she wasn’t taking her meds, which impacts the mind. I wish they would have done better on explaining bipolar disorder in a clear and understandable but not negative and “horror movie” type casting of it or just not including the ‘her mental disorder didn’t impact this at all’ consipiracy theorists bullshit.
(I was also surprised they didn't mention her instgram at all, which is full of pictures, some of which are rooftop pics, I would have thought that they would have dragged that up again. A lot of the things I’ve seen about it always drags it up.)
I despise the hotel manager, the entire time she's on screen she just sounds like there’s nothing that needed to be done or whatever. She just seemed way to focused on making sure that the hotel sounds as out of the negativity of Elisa’s story as possible. Or something, I can’t wrap my head around her the entire time.
Pablo Vergara is a victim of the crazy conspiracies' of these youtubers. I hate that they took his passion because their stupidity. 
I don’t know, she deserved better than this conspiracy of a show. 
I hope you are resting well wherever you are honey, you seem like you would have been a positive impact on lives, you are more than your death. And I hope the family’s grief hasn’t been to impacted by the release of these high profile documentaries about Elisa.  
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periodicomirador · 5 years
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Zacatecas, Zac.- El Gobernador Alejandro Tello dio la bienvenida a la delegación de Orihuela, España, ciudad hermana de Zacatecas, la cual recibió la Carta de Visitante Distinguido y será celebrada con un desfile y una representación de las Morismas de Bracho el próximo sábado.
La delegación española, encabezada por el alcalde oriolano, Emilio Bascuñana Galeano, se encuentra de visita en Zacatecas con el fin de reforzar el hermanamiento entre ambas ciudades, para lo cual el mandatario ofreció crear lazos culturales, educativos, turísticos y comerciales entre las dos regiones.
El hermanamiento de Zacatecas y Orihuela se oficializó el pasado 2 de febrero, aunque desde hace tres años existe intercambio cultural entre las ciudades, gracias a la participación activa de sus cronistas Manuel González Ramírez y Antonio Luis Galiano Pérez, respectivamente.
Algunas de las similitudes que hermanan a estas ciudades son sus raíces basadas en la minería, la arquitectura barroca de sus calles, además de celebrar la Procesión del Silencio, al igual que las fiestas de moros y cristianos.
Otra coincidencia es que mientras Zacatecas vio nacer a Ramón López Velarde, poeta de trascendencia nacional, Orihuela es la tierra de Miguel Hernández Gilabert, bardo y dramaturgo, cuya figura es trascendente para comprender la literatura española del siglo XX. 
La delegación también se encuentra integrada por las y los representantes de la Asociación de Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos, José Vegara Durá, Ester Hernández Valverde, Manuel Ortuño Marcos, Elisa Gil Moreno, Encarna Cartagena Quirantes; y el cronista Luis Galiano Pérez. 
En total, Zacatecas suma 30 hermanamientos con otras ciudades, de las cuales, nueve son nacionales y 21 más, internacionales, por lo que Tello Cristerna y el Alcalde anfitrión, Ulises Mejía Haro, tendieron su disposición a la delegación de Orihuela para compartirles la experiencia de esta capital en el hermanamiento con otras demarcaciones y así difundir la cultura de este municipio español.
Recibe Tello a delegación de Orihuela was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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Little People, BIG DREAMS Agatha Christie Illustrated by: Elisa Munsó Written by: Mª Isabel Sánchez Vegara Publisher: Lincoln Children’s Books Format: Hardback, 32 Pages Published: March 2, 2017 ISBN: 9781847809605
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