pqrachel · 5 months
So the main reason I closed my Patreon a few months back was I felt like with it I was creating "content" and not art, and that just felt personally wrong to me. So I just shut it down.
That being said I really really have been wanting to do the shirt cut meme. Like boobs are fun but I just felt like sexualizing my OCs for content behind a paywall was weird, so instead here's shirt cut meme for free but with only past art of my OCs. It feels ethically better and I think it's fun to look back at art and how I depicted boobs too. (It's so much better now than it was.)
Also I rarely drawn men but when I do I'm not afraid to occasionally sexualize them too.
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whencallstheheart · 1 year
I’m going to stop looking at When Calls the Heart if they break up Lucas and Elizbeth. They have a chemistry that gives me hope on love. Nathan needs to find another interest. Nathan and Elizabeth do not have chemistry. I’m not interested in watching Nathan and Elizabeth. Lucas and Elizabeth bring out the rich qualities in one another and still humble enough to be like. There’s one thing I don’t care for or like about Elizabeth, she is very selfish. It’s all about her. When Lucas suggested
DO LET LUCAS and ELIZABETH BREAK UP! I like Nathan. But he needs another love interest. I just started back watching this show. If they break up my favorite couple I will not watch again, I’m very disappointed that they have Elizabeth acting flicker and unstable in her love life. When she thought she had lost Lucas she was about to go crazy. Don’t let that scene be for nothing. I’m team Lucas and Elizabeth. If that scene with her crying and running thinking Lucas had left Hope Valley is for noth My comment is limited. If the scene with Elizabeth running crying thinking Lucas had left Hope Valley is for nothing then shame on the show runner and its writers. Why have a woman show this much love affection only to snatched it away with a man she stated she didn’t love. I am a writer and I need to be writing on this show. I’m waiting for the wedding of these two love birds. Don’t spoil it with Nathan. You all making Elizabeth look unstable when choosing relationships. Stick with Lucas/Elizbe
Well, I'm gonna have to completely disagree with you but thanks for your comments. It's frustrating for both sides right now but honestly it's kind of nice to have Team Lucas pissed off for a change and have to go through a bit of turmoil after what the show has put Nathan fans through. 🤷‍♀️
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pqrachel · 7 months
So here's my first mARTch study. Trying to learn from @princeofcake's style. (They're cpthamburger on Bluesky/Twitter.) I first saw their art on Monster Prom but I've been following them ever since.
When I started this I didn't think it'd take 6-7ish hours to do, but I definitely learned a lot. I included pre-render and post-renders for each art since that's what I'm focusing on and I think that seeing both is a good idea.
I wanted to start simple so I could get the basic plan down and pick up as much as I can before trying it on an actual figure drawing. So I found a Bulbasaur art of theirs that was great to learn from. I didn't color pick for this one but other than that I think it's a pretty good style match.
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Then I found a figure drawing that matched the Bulbasaur style pretty closely. They don't always render the same way, sometimes no shading at all, sometimes with a bunch of shading with blending and stuff, but this is the style I want to learn so this was a good next piece.
For this one I only color picked for the flats. And I'm glad I did because I learned a thing about lighting colors that I like kind of knew but now I definitely know and can was able to put into words.
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Then for the final piece, I know you're supposed to use what you learned from the art study in your piece. So I pulled up a sketch of mine from a couple months ago and rendered it fully in this style. I found a couple of similar pieces of their to help me out, since using reference is okay.
The shading isn't as good as the other pieces, but it's definitely better than probably any of my attempts prior to this study that I didn't completely steal lighting angles from a reference.
I colored picked a bunch for this one as well cuz that's what I'd normally do. I probably should have done my normal lining that has different thicknesses to see how that would work with what I learned but I didn't think to do that when I started.
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But yeah my first mARTch study done. I had a lot of fun and since it took so long I'll probably only do like 1 or 2 of these a week. And that'll give me time to use what I learned on my own art pieces in between studies.
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pqrachel · 9 months
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I made TTRPG characters for my main OCs, so now my OCs have OCs. Probably gonna give them actual names and better drawing soon but yeah this was fun. (Katie is Gabby's sister BTW.)
They're almost completely based off Shadow of the Demon Lord's system but I made a few creative liberties to fit the Blanksford world a bit and I'll probably dive deeper into those differences in the updated sketches for these guys.
My first thought was who'd end up being the GM and of course it'd be Taylor. His job is basically storyteller as is and I think he'd do amazing as a GM, even if maybe he was reluctant at first. Gabby's character is based on EliZB (since they were already Gabby's OC) but as a zombie hoping for the humanity back and gaining life force from others demise. Aeri's is based a lot around Callamastia Chloe's Elf Barbarian in Life is Strange, I thought they'd play well together. Aeri's character killing and Gabby's character relishing in that (trying to make fantasy murder romantic I guess). Katie as a character is kind of undeveloped in Blanksford lore but I had a dream last night which loosely inspired this piece so I made her into a mind reader / telepathic, the naga inspiration was kind of just to make the characters as a group seem most fantastical and I thought it fit well with the telepathy for some reason. And finally Madi's character, I wanted a robot character, since pqkR6 didn't really hit with me. I think this concept is so much better. She's a robot that snuck around and tried to stay out of humans way, but eventually met a fae creature and managed to pick up magic which she uses to heal the world and reclaim nature, which is a cool concept coming from Blanksford where it's all cyberpunk and there's very little nature left in the typical scenery.
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pqrachel · 9 months
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I don't know what just happened with my tumblr but out of nowhere the tumblr theme I was using just decided it wasn't going to work any more. I switched to a default theme but it's super annoying.
Unrelated to that though my mood's but a bit low lately. So I went back to one of my older character and gave them a bit of redraw, definitely a lot closer to my current style and I really like how it came out.
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pqrachel · 4 years
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Skating EliZB!
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pqrachel · 4 years
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I drew this zombie friend again. It’s a nice non-committal character that I have lore for in my head but I’m just not sure how I want to share that. (Which I guess is true for a lot of my characters...)
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pqrachel · 4 years
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This started out as a simple cartoon zombie sketch just to get some practice with the new art program but then I kept adding details and enjoying the gory anatomy practice that I was getting so I kept going a bit, and ended up with this zombie dude named Eli. You ever hear about the zombie that lost his left arm?
-He’s all right now!
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