#ellaria is the safety middle ground cause yall are besties fr
lore we have decided on for oberyn martell with @joel-mlller @thesadvampire
his only son is absolutely pathetic when it comes to physical activities. cannot throw a ball without tripping over his own two feet. Has been this way since he was a child and will be as an adult. becomes competent through years and years of training but even grown up he’ll still trip walking up stairs and thwack his head on doors. As a baby you might as well either never set him down or put that baby in armor cause that mfer is falling all over
1. is he yours? no. you (oberyns wife) never wanted to sire children and never will. but when he brings the babe home his little infant brain looks at you and goes ‘ah. that is mother’ and will outright refuse to be told otherwise. Will shriek and cry all goddamn night long until you come in and bounce him in your arms and he will finally settle. Always doing the uppy hands for you and mumbling “muh???muh???” to get your attention. Loves ellaria as second mother but YOU are prime mama despite your lack of maternal instincts you just sigh and go ‘well. i guess this is my baby now’ and are his mother. Oberyn thinks its hilarious but also seeing you motherly kinda makes his breeding kink go crazy. 
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