#elliott/leah is a big one and shane dances with emily at the dance so she's here too
unknown-limes · 4 months
This is the farmer and his husband, Sam, and his husband's boyfriend Sebastian, and his husband's boyfriend's girlfriend Abigail, and his husband's girlfriend Penny, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend Maru, and his husband's girlfriend's girlfriend's boyfriend Harvey. Also, the farmer has something going on with this little freak in the sewers, not sure what that's all about but Krobus seems pleasant.
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Summer (real world) birthday headcanons and how they would celebrate their special day
Jas - June 4th - picking wildflowers with Penny in the morning, drawing on coloring pages with some new crayons from Vincent (courtesy of Sam's Joja paycheck) in the afternoon and playing at the park together. Gunther organizes a special story time at the library (with the help of Elliott providing all the voices). Marnie doesn't cook so Jodi would bake a pink cake, but Marnie would probably would have bought a new doll for her. Jas finishes the day on Shane's shoulders feeding the chickens on the farm.
Gus - June 8th - this man deserves more love since he feeds the village! I could see the Farmer bringing fresh oranges from their orchard in a basket wrapped with a yellow ribbon. Emily cooks up a big batch of his favorite fish tacos, and drags Haley in to help serve (giving Gus the night off). Haley would drag Alex into it (at least to carry bags of ice and look hot doing it). Elliott might tinker on the piano. Leah would have a pint or two and pitch in also. Willy brings some tropical curry from Ginger Island for his buddy. The SAS trio attempt a song in his honor. Gus is happy to spend the evening in the Saloon with his friends and neighbors.
Maru - June 10th - A big breakfast with her family complete with fresh strawberries. Seb surfaces before 10 just in her honor. Maru is thrilled to spend the day with her dad in the lab and collecting specimens in the forest. Harvey gave her the day off, of course, and a little strawberry birthday card. She gets a rhubarb pie, courtesy of Evelyn or the farmer. She spends the late afternoon chatting on a park bench with her BFF, Penny, who gives her robot drawings from the Valley kiddos. Robin builds a wooden shelf for all of Maru's odds-and-ends gadgets. And stargazing with Sebastian (like they did as kids) is the perfect way to end the day.
Alex - June 13th - Evelyn would make a complete breakfast for her grandson, and a small gift that she knitted (maybe a cover for a water bottle or for his weights to keep them protected). With the help of Farmer, George ordered a gridball card online for his grandson. Tossing the ball down at the beach and a long ocean swim with Farmer, plus a picnic lunch. (I have this cute little headcanon that he would build sandcastles with Vincent and Sam). If Farmer is able to splurge, catching a gridball game together in the evening is his birthday present. And Alex is a very physical guy in my book, so plenty of hand holding, bear hugs, kisses all day long and then a dip at the hot springs in the evening (and maybe a sensual massage).
Sam - July 17th - A platter of maple bars for breakfast and maybe some early morning cloud gazing with his main squeeze (Farmer). And there's no way he wouldn't have a party. Pizza. Joja colas. Plenty of cheery hi-energy rock music. Streamers. Balloons. Arcade games. Party poppers. Confetti. Karaoke. Oh and he would buy something cheesy at Jojamart for party favors like rubber bracelets or silly string. And maybe for a final touch of whimsy, embracing his inner child, a pinata with tons of candy (much to Vincent's delight)! Abigail would play her woodland flute after one too many sugary drinks and candies and cakes. Seb might even step up to the mic for karaoke (but would sneak a smoke first for courage).
Dwarf - July 22 - Dwarf is just happy if someone makes the effort to visit them and remembers to bring a gift (preferably a shiny stone). Oh and they are touched if you speak their language. Fancy a spot of stardrop tea together? Cheers!
Demetrius - August 19 - this man doesn't strike me as someone who really likes celebrating his birthday. A nice quiet unwrapping of gifts at home (a gift card from Seb because he has no clue what to get his stepdad), and a good bean hotpot dinner is probably all he wants. Maybe sharing an ice cream cone with Robin and a private dance under the stars.
Willy - August 24 - Spend the day fishing together and enjoy a simple fish dinner on the beach by a fire and he's happy. Oh and mugs of mead shared while swapping sea stories.
Leo - August 26 - look for bird feathers and shells to decorate his treehouse. I picture playing tag on the beach with Jas and Vincent, probably Sam and Penny too. And some fresh mangos is a delicious treat! He would probably enjoy a tape of bird songs or a picture book about birds. I totally think Emily would do face painting for his birthday.
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thatwritingnerd · 3 years
Stardew Valley Trans breakdown
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you’re welcome
Sebastian - trans guy, he has known for a long ass time and started transitioning as soon as he could, will give people shit if they mention anything about his pre-social transition stuff (people just always thought he was a bit of a weirdo, I mean, he still is)
Sam - oblivious non-binary dumbass, doesn’t understand gender and doesn’t care to, just thought he supported trans rights for a long ass time but oops he’s way too into it and he definitely rocks skirts, possibly uses ‘they/them’ pronouns
Shane - yet another grumpy trans guy, you bet your ass he is proud of his stubble and rough voice
Elliott - definitely gender non-conforming, possible uses ‘he/they’ pronouns and definitely has more feminine days and more masculine days, also pretty dainty dresses for days
Harvey - he is a harder one, either I can see him as a soft, more feminine cis guy or a flexibly masc/fem enby who uses ‘he/him’ pronouns and who isn’t bothered to label his gender but does what he feels comfortable with
Alex - afab masc enby with a preference for ‘he/him’ pronouns, thought he was a big dyke lesbian for ages then thought he was completely a trans guy but gender is confusing and he has only 2 braincells
Haley - trans lady, probably ridiculously tall and her sister always makes her clothes for her bc women’s clothes suck, sort of feels like she has to conform to the overly fem appearance but at the end of the day she enjoys looking so fem
Emily - amab enby who uses ‘she/they’ pronouns, does not give a single fuck about gender, clothing has no gender, they’ll just fuck about and find out to be honest, possibly uses neopronouns like ‘xe/xem’
Abigail - trans gal who says fuck gender norms, not a high fem kind of vibe and she says he hates wearing dresses but is lowkey giddy that she knows he can wear dresses (even if it is the stupid white flower dance dress)
Leah - a big ‘she/they’ lesbian who dresses like a big dyke, dislike for dresses but soft for florals, so many pants and ugly shirt combinations (also consider: her in a jazzy suit and elliott in a dress just vibing)
Penny - a confused genderqueer baby, still uses ‘she/her’ pronouns but I reckon she would experiment with other pronouns (possibly neopronouns too) and definitely gets more comfortable when she realises a lot of other people in the valley are trans/gnc
Maru - amab enby who uses ‘she/they’ pronouns, clothes are more for convenience and how many tools they can fit into their pockets than anything else, doesn't really care about how they're perceived but will kick people if they misgender other people in her life
Bonus: Krobus does not understand this human thing you call ‘gender’
anyway trans rights babie!
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randomfandomasks · 3 years
Even More little stuff about Stardew Valley
In my Game Maru and Penny are dating (which is a mod...I think it's called Rivals Hearts or something like that. There is also a version for Sebastian and Sam, Maru and Harvey, Lewis and Marnie, Clint and Emily, Harley and Leah, Leah and Elliott and Alex and Harley)
I must say Maru and Penny are a very cute couple...almost as cute as my Farmer Blake and Emily.
I mean what is more cuter than two nerd dating each other? A ship dynamic were the stoic and shy Partner becomes very soft around the bubbly Sunshine Partner. And plus the height difference . (Blake is very short.)
While I think that Winter is by far the most beautiful season in Stardew Valley, it is probably also the most boring in my opinion.
My Farmer Blake is a big fan of Halloween and Autumn in general (mostly because of the golden pumpkins)
So, the first year is in Stardew Valley is almost over for my Farmer Blake...
Either in year 2 or in year 3 depends on how I feel they´ll probably propose to Emily. (I kinda want them to propose on the same day as the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies event which is on the last day of Summer)
I honestly think that Clint is in denial because during the ice fishing festival when he and Emily were building the snowman, and he said his usual dialogue (You know the one where he thinks that only because Emily helps him to build a snowman that she is immediately in love with him). Literally after Emily flirted with Blake in front of his eyes.
I mean it is kinda obvious that Emily is not attracted to him at all. I mean she and Clint probably know each other for a while, and nothing serious ever happened between them. Then suddenly the new Farmer arrives and they and Emily get together in less than a year....Ouch! Clint.
Besides, I headcanon that Emily is actually the one that flirts with Blake the whole time even before they started dating, because my Farmer Blake is almost as shy and socially awkward as Harvey and Clint combined.(And even though in the game itself the Farmer ask the Bachelors/Bachelorettes to date them, but in my headcanon world it was actually Emily that asked Blake out.)
And instead of just quietly stalking Emily. Blake actually goes into the dangerous mines and gets those Topazes, Amethysts and other Gems that Emily likes.
Also, I definitely think that Shane and sometimes Seb, Sam and Abigail slightly watch over Emily so that Clint doesn't even think about flirting with her. You know since they all are good friends with Blake and because they all silently ship Emily and Blake (Blakily? Emlake?)
Another thing. I think that Evelyn is not as blind as she pretends to be. I mean she told my Farmer Blake, who is always were very dark sunglasses to hide their scar, that they have the same eyes as their Grandfather. How in the hell did she saw their eye color? Did Lewis tell her that? I seriously doubt it. I swear she is probably related to the Wizard, and she probably can do magic.
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softstardewimagines · 4 years
Friday Night || Shane x Reader
It was just another Friday night in Pelican Town. The small saloon was filled with bright laughter and cheery chatter. Nearly every seat at every table was filled, and Shane could name them all. 
At one table, there was his aunt Marnie making heart eyes at Mayor Lewis - kinda gross, if you asked him. Not too far away were Leah and Elliott, who he didn’t really know too well, but it sure as hell was amusing seeing Elliott get near-wasted after a single drink, embarrassing Leah to death as Pam encouraged him, loving the entertainment.
In front of him at the bar was Gus, the saloon owner who was a pretty nice and caring guy, and Emily, someone he wondered if he could consider a friend; both people he’s spilled his heart out to more times than he’d like to admit. A bit embarrassing, but they weren’t judgmental and truly only wanted the best for him, so he couldn’t be too upset about it. 
He also never found himself too upset with Clint, who sat with Willy and frequently gave Shane dirty yet heartbroken looks every time Emily approached Shane. He was kind of pathetic really, even more pathetic than he was. The guy lived alone for crying out loud, so Shane tried to just ignore him rather than make the situation somehow worse by talking to him. 
And of course there was the loud trio in the back of the saloon, the young adults that somehow acted like they were still in high school. Believe him, Shane would know, he had to put up with Sam at work. Sam, the kid who played air guitar with the sopping-wet mop. 
Shane knew these people, and they more-or-less knew him. Yet on this Friday night, surrounded by all his neighbours, he still felt alone. 
“They’re not here yet, huh?” Before him, leaning on the counter with a bright smile, was Emily. For a moment, Shane wondered how sad he looked - was it that obvious? 
He softly swished the glass of sparkling water around, “Nah, not yet. Could be busy tonight.” It was already nearing nine o’clock, and they were usually here around seven or eight. He knew they could be running late, but he couldn’t help but feel that they wouldn’t be showing up tonight. Shane never liked to get his hopes up anyway, and he kicked himself a bit for being so disappointed about this. They were allowed to be busy, it’s not like they had any kind of obligation to hang out with him every Friday night!
Hearing a snort from Emily, he glanced up to see her watching the door as it flew open. “About time!” She teased, and he followed her gaze.
Shutting the door behind them with a bashful smile was the farmer, “I’m sorry! The farm’s been getting a bit much to handle, I’ve been running around like mad all day.” Shane felt his heart skip a beat. He felt warmer, like they were the sun lighting up the saloon, as cheesy as it was. He couldn’t help feeling this way - they were one of his closest friends, he was allowed to think of them like this, right?
They approached their usual seat, a barstool right next to Shane, whose hands suddenly felt clammy as they always tend to do around the farmer. “So, how are you guys doing?” 
Emily prepared the farmer’s usual drink - a cool glass of iced tea - with a grin. “Pretty good! Some of my friends flew by today, they look as beautiful as ever.” Right, her friends, parrots. Sometimes Shane wondered who loved animals more, Emily or his aunt Marnie. 
The farmer’s gaze then fell on Shane, who simply shrugged as he took a sip of his own drink. “Been alright, work’s work.” He couldn’t help but notice Emily slowly slip out of the conversation, heading over to Gus. As much as he liked Emily, he felt a little grateful to spend some alone time with the farmer. Again, he just wanted to hang out with his good friend! Nothing non-platonic about that. Right? The thought of this sounding like he was attempting to convince himself rather than stating facts crossed his mind, which he tried to ignore.
“Morris annoying as ever?” The farmer teased, and Shane let out a groan with a roll of his eyes, getting an immediate chuckle from the farmer. 
“Yoba, you won’t believe what happened today,” The farmer leaned forward, their eyes brightening. Shane loved telling them stories, and they especially loved hearing about his hell of a job. “Morris nearly fired Sam. On the spot.” 
“No!” The farmer exclaimed, eyes wide. “How the hell did that happen?” 
“You know how Pierre and Morris have that rivalry going on?” 
“Mhm,” The farmer nodded as they took a sip of their drink.
“Well, Morris found out that Sam’s close friends with Abigail, Pierre’s daughter. He had a fit.” Shane paused to take a sip of his own drink before continuing. “Said that if Sam was like, ‘conspiring’ with the ‘enemy’, that he could look for a job elsewhere.” 
“Wow, harsh.” 
“Yeah, I had to step in and calm things down - me, of all people.” Shane said with a sarcastic chuckle.
Something about that made the farmer burst out laughing. Maybe it was the thought of Shane having to mediate that situation to save Sam’s ass, or maybe it was just how Shane sounded when he said it. Either way, it seemed hilarious to them. Their laughter was infectious, and Shane found himself laughing along before he knew it. 
“Pfft, oh my- Shane, Shane look!” The farmer grabbed Shane’s arm, pointing not-so-discreetly to Elliott, who was starting to dance with Pam right next to the jukebox. Both of them were drunk as hell, stumbling over their feet and flailing their arms wildly. The pair watching them could do nothing but laugh even harder. The farmer let out a snort, and Shane tore his gaze away from the dancing duo to look at them and oh.
‘Oh wow,’ was all Shane could think in the moment. They looked absolutely… flawless. Their big smile was stretched across their face, cheeks flushed red, eyes teary from laughter. They had never looked more amazing - of course, they always looked great, but this? Shane felt his laughter begin to slow as he just gazed at them, lost in thought. If he could pick any moment of his life to take a picture and frame it up forever, it would be this one, no doubt about it.
Slowly, the farmer quieted down and they took notice of Shane’s staring. They wiped their eyes and gave Shane a crooked smile, “You good?” 
Shane, now hyper-aware of his staring, quickly glanced away. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m good.” He felt his cheeks redden - he probably looked at the farmer like his aunt looks at the mayor. Gross. His eyes began to widen as he realized ‘oh shit, I just looked at the farmer like how my aunt looks at the mayor.’ Alright, maybe things weren’t as platonic as he had hoped.
The all-too-familiar anxious thoughts began to rise in his mind as he realized how strong his feelings for the farmer truly were. Shane felt sick and a little dizzy as they swarmed his mind for a brief moment. 
The sound of Emily setting down a tray in front of the two distracted him. She had brought them a pizza, “Fresh out of the oven, on the house!” 
“Awh this looks amazing, thanks Emily!” The farmer grinned, grabbing a slice. With a wink, Emily turned around, leaving the two alone once more. Watching Emily walk away, Shane tried to calm himself down. 
He looked back at the farmer, who caught his gaze and gave him a warm smile, making his heart race. Picking up a slice of pizza, Shane started to feel at ease again. Times like these were his favourite, he couldn’t let it go to waste by worrying about his own dumb thoughts and feelings. 
Sure, he was terrified. He hated dealing with his own feelings, and he knew he’d have to deal with his feelings towards the farmer sooner or later. But right now, all he really wanted was to just split a pizza and enjoy their company.
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Landings Through the Grapevine
Chapter 2: Unfulfilled Expectations
Masterpost: here Go to:  Ch.1   |   Ch.2  |
"I have news for you. One good, one bad" Shane said hours after the dance, when everyone was busy cleaning the place up. "Wait! Help me with that table first...Allright. Shoot". Shane grabbed the other side of the table and together they heaved it off the ground to carry it back to Marnie's farm. The path that led to the narrow bridge which divided the forest clearing from the rest of the village, was not large enough for them to carry the table side by side. So Shane volunteered to walk backwards while Riley gave directions. For a few moments Shane didn't say anything but occasionally looked at something over her shoulder. Then he lowered his voice:
"Ok, so...Mr. Darcy" – that was code for Elliott – "has been mingling with my aunt for almost the entire festival and now they both keep looking over at you".
"Don't look! I didn't want to say it earlier, because I wasn't sure. But given how Marnie has been really chatty today, I bet she's playing matchmaker again"
"Oh for fuck's sake! What about Elliott?"
"Don't know, maybe he finally figured out that you don't understand his poems, or something"
„I'm kidding. Don't act so horrified. Also, it's true!"
„No! It's not."
„Okay. Remember the poem he 'gifted' you at the Feast of the Winter Star? What was that about?"
Riley was preparing to answer him in a know-it-all manner but soon realised that she had actually no idea what to say. She hoped her death glare would shut him up for good. Alas, it didn't.
„You can give me the evil eye all you want. I already cringed to death when he started performing it in front of the goddam tree."
„Maybe a few metaphors and references go over my head sometimes, but that's because I never read much poetry before.
„Or maybe his writing is as inflated as his ego"
„Stop! For Yoba's sake, just tell me what's up with him!
„How should I know?"
„Then why tell me?"
"I thought you would want to know these things"
"Well, what does he look like? Does he look upset or anything?"
"Ehm",– at that Shane peeked back over her shoulder, looking rather pained as he tried to awaken his interpersonal skills: "Well he looks like a schmock, so nothing new there. Maybe that's just his –oh shit!"
"He's coming"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Stop! Jesus, Riley have you never been to highschool? You don't look at people you're talking shit about."
"Ok! ok, act natural !"
"You're the only one acting like a headless chicken", he hissed under his breath.
"Well, maybe I would be calmer if you –"
Shane dropped his side of the table. It came to the ground with a soft thud and Riley almost lost her footing from the sudden yank it caused on her side, forcing them to an immediate stop shortly before the bridge. This interrupted Riley's tirade and in hindsight saved her some embarrassment, as Elliott appeared by her side soon after, brushing a strain of hair behind his ear : "Good day, you two. I am so very sorry I didn't get to chat with you sooner. Can I help you with that?", he asked, having seen them struggle but obviously mistaking the situation at hand. Before Riley could even say anything, Shane intervened again : "Glad that you ask!" he said in an overly friendly manner while stretching theatrically and making a face: "My back is killing me! If you don't mind, I'd rather go see if I can help with something else" and with the blink of an eye, Shane and Elliott had switched places.
"You're welcome!", Shane murmured while brushing past her and he was gone. Meanwhile Elliott was getting into position and testing the table's weight while Riley could do nothing but watch him dumbfounded. When he noticed her staring, Elliot winked: "Shall we then?"
"YES! I mean, sure. Thanks for the help", If Riley's face looked as flushed as it felt right then and there, Elliott was gentleman enough to pretend not to notice. "Please, don't thank me! I should have been more involved with the preparations to begin with. I was just so caught up with my newest draft, that I had forgotten all about the dance until a few days ago. Oh, also, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything between you and Shane?", he added, leaning slightly towards her in mock-conspiracy.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it did look like you've been arguing, before I came over. I hope it was nothing serious"
"Ehm... I was just worried. His, eh... his 'back pain' is quite bad, but he didn't want to bother Harvey during a holiday", Riley lied between her teeth, as they made their way over the narrow bridge.
"Poor fellow, no wonder he seemed rather miffed today. But he danced like a champ!", Elliott stated sympathetically.
"Yes, he knows how much it means to Emily and didn't want to let her down"
"See, I was wondering about that a little. I did expect the two of you to be dancing today"
At that, Riley tripped over nothing, looking at Elliott with such astonishment that she almost forgot to warn him about the slight slope the path would be taking, shortly after the bridge.
"Sorry, who?"
"Well, you and Shane….?"
Elliott then must have come to some sort of realisation, for it was now his turn to look flushed and embarrassed.
"Oh, Let the greater part of the news thou hearest be the least part of what thou believest." he exclaimed ruefully and smiled at her apologetically: " I should have known better than to make assumptions. I am sorry, Riley. It was something I overheard, please pay no mind to it!"
Riley suppressed the urge to ask him if he had been quoting Shakespeare again, as in 5 times out of 7 she had already been wrong. And by now, she had the nagging suspicion that Elliott chose anything but Shakespeare, just to mess with her. Instead, she stammered: "N-No, it's fine! Shane and I are close, but we are just friends...'', and almost Riley would have given into the temptation of adding something like: '...just as you and Leah, if I am not mistaken?'. But she discarded that idea as soon as it came to her. Too obvious. Though Riley was dying to get her hands on any piece of information about what kind of relationship he and the artist were cultivating, she had to be careful. The last thing she needed was the awkwardness of unrequited feelings or the loss of a friendship because of it. However, remembering Shane's assumption regarding Marnie, she continued : "...Though I do believe Marnie wouldn't mind me as her niece-in-law. But neither Shane or I see that ever happening,". She then laughed. But, following her gut instinct, she kept an eye out for Elliott's reaction, who, still dealing with his own embarrassment, couldn't help but wince slightly.
Shane's words were practically echoing in the back of her mind: I bet she's playing matchmaker again.
– ‘Yes she is and you won't like to find out with whom exactly', Riley thought grimly.
To say this was news to her would be a lie, sadly. Last year it had been just a few questions, if Riley was seeing someone, or if she fancied someone from the village already. Before long, Marnie had gotten more obvious about her actual motivation: "Have you met my nephew, yet? Shane. He is from Zuzu-City too. Oh, I need to introduce you to each other, next time you visit."
But said introduction flopped big-time. It had been difficult. Well, Shane had been. But Riley now knew that this wasn't anything personal. She had involuntarily witnessed his downward spiral until the fateful day at the cliffs, where Shane had finally hit rock bottom. Since then he was getting the help he needed and they could manage having a conversation that wasn't ending in a disaster. Nevertheless, as she and Shane clearly never hit it off, Riley thought that Marnie had moved on and was satisfied with talking her up to some other bachelor instead. Apparently, she had been wrong. "Please, do not believe that I usually engage in petty gossip." Elliott exclaimed and Riley knew, if his hands were free, he would probably underline his words with some dramatic gesture: " This is not why I wanted to talk to you. I would never bother you with such shallow conversation!". They finally reached Marnie's farmhouse and were greeted by Gunther and Clint, who were busy sorting Marnie's belongings back to where they belonged. Soon Elliott and Riley were relieved of their task and hurriedly shooed away. "Riley, you did enough! You've been here all day and surely your farm does not run itself", Gunther called over his shoulder as he and Clint disappeared into the house, leaving Elliott and Riley to themselves. „Well, I don't want to keep you from your duties..." Elliott eventually said rather deflated, after some seconds of them just standing there.
„It's fine! Really. I have time to chat."
„Are you sure? I would hate to inconvenience you", though Riley could easily tell that Elliott was just saying that to stay polite.
„You aren't, believe me. What did you want to talk about originally?"
Elliott immediately straightened his posture, his demeanour getting more relaxed as Riley's question offered him the chance to return their conversation back towards familiar territory.
He suspensefully cleared his throat.
"I wanted to thank you, for you have played a significant role regarding my latest draft. Well, draft is a bit much. It's more of an outline, actually."
"Really?!", Riley could not believe her ears. This was like the beginning of some obscure fever dream, where Elliott would finally announce her as his muse and declare his undying love for her…. Totally hypothetically of course, because Riley would never fantasize about such a corny situation! Ever.
"Yes! For as much as I frequent the library, I just recently noticed the marvellous collection of exhibits you have been providing to the museum. I would've never thought for our tiny valley to be such a place of wonder and history! I must be honest, my latest works were getting nowhere and I dreaded starting a new manuscript. I had gotten quite far with my latest piece. But all these treasures have ignited a new spark within me. Now I can hardly put my pen to rest. But I need more inspiration!". Elliott got more excited the more he talked. It was no longer just polite enthusiasm but an almost childlike delight that made his eyes sparkle in a way she rarely got to see on him.
"Oh that's wonderful! But how can I help you with that?" Riley was getting somewhat confused. If Elliott needed more information on the artifacts, he would be better off talking to Guntehr instead. And following that line of thought, Riley couldn't really fathom what Elliott needed of her, to fuel his newfound inspiration.
"It's about this Adventurer's Guild..."
The answer was: absolutely nothing.
"Oh", Riley tried not to sound or even look unhappy about this revelation and Elliott seemed too fixated on his own issues to notice anything, for he continued talking: "I have seen you standing next to that older gentleman, today. What was his name again?"
"Yes! He is the guild's leader, I suppose ?"
"Eh, yes, you could call him that."
"I would like to ask him a few questions. I would love to hear some of his adventures. He looks like a man who has many stories to tell. However, I struggle to get a hold of him!
Surely, I tried asking around. But before today, I didn't even know whose company he keeps. I have never seen him in town either, other than during holidays, which is why I had hoped to talk to him today. But shortly after the dance I lost sight of him and he was gone! I could tear my hair out, Riley! That man is like a ghost. How am I supposed to write about fantastic tales of danger, when I have no authentic experience to write from?!" Elliott had talked himself into such a frenzy, that he ended up being short of breath. While he needed a moment to collect himself, Riley used this pause to talk some sense into him.
"Well, you will be happy to hear that the guild building is actually very easy to find. It's right next to the entrance to the mines.", she informed him, trying to push away the feeling of disappointment. "Office hours are between 2 pm to 10 pm. Normally, entrance is only allowed for adventurers only, but technically you would be considered a potential client. And If you really cannot get in, then Clint, Willy and I see Marlon often enough that we can relay a message to him." "Is that so? Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you! I will seek him out first thing tomorrow!". With that he made his goodbyes and hurried back towards the meadow, presumably to find Leah and share his progress with her. She looked after him until his silhouette disappeared from her sight and with a groan Riley decided that it was indeed time to head back to her farm. The gleeful excitement she had felt at the prospect of being alone with Elliott, had vanished to sober disillusion. She wasn't even in the mood to get worked up over the whole Marnie-situation. Therefore, she decided to no longer think about whatever had transpired today. That would be future-her's issue to deal with. When Riley entered the premises to her own farm, the sight of the seemingly endless plot of land filled her with awe, like it did everytime. Proudly, she watched her cows, chicken and ducks peacefully napping in the sun and listened to the faint rustling of leaves above her head, as she finally made her way towards home.
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Bachelor/ettes hygiene headcannons
My friend and I discussed how often we think each of the villagers bathe and I thought I’d share that
Abigail: Prefers to be clean but spends so much time gaming that she can go a week without showering. She enjoys a relaxing shower or bath after practicing her sword fighting. It’s happened multiple times where she’s on her way to go shower but then her mom tells her she stinks and then she doesn’t shower out of spite. (Also she would totally love those little skull shaped bath bombs)
Sebastian: He showers whenever he thinks he’s going to see another human being. This is one of the reasons he doesn’t feel comfortable with people coming into his room. I imagine the for his two heart event he was quite embarrassed with how long it’s been since he showered and kept his arms down the entire time. He doesn’t actually smell that bad but the main thing is his hair gets greasy and he smells a lot like smoke.
Maru: She has to be clean for her job and can sometimes over shower and dry out her hair. Her hands are also probably pretty dry from using hand sanitizers. Sometimes after a long day of tinkering she can get lazy and there are grease patches on her arms that she’ll just cover up. Her invention overalls can get pretty smelly but she washes them whenever she thinks the farmer is coming over.
Harvey: This man probably speed showers with cold water. Uses the same bar of soap for everything. His mustache hygiene is impeccable though and he uses the most product on that. I also have a headcannon that he’s afraid of bathtubs so only ever showers. He can get a bit behind on dental hygiene and always has coffee strong breath. He started having to use hypoallergenic shampoo once a week cause he had a dandruff problem.
Elliott: Nobody knows how this man keeps so clean in a one room beach shack. He uses a lot of product to keep his hair literally perfect. He wears a swim cap in the ocean to protect his hair from damage. He’s tied with Haley for the most extensive beauty routine. If you marry this man your water bill will sky rocket. He doesn’t use any cologne and smells like the ocean.
Leah: Prefers the No-Poo method. This girl is crunchy af and thinks showering is unnatural. She just occasionally falls in the lake and lets nature take its course. This is however no accident and Elliott throws (organic) shampoo in the lake and pushes her in. She does however light a lot of homemade candles and can smell rather hearthy. She’s into brushing her teeth with coconut oil and it seems to work for her. But seriously what is in her hair? Where did that come from?!
Alex: Only showers after an intense work out and prefers being in the showers after gridball with the dudes. Thinks he smells ‘manly’ and prefers his natural musk. His hair is surprisingly soft and he’s really into saunas. A lot of his clothes smell like dog but he’s gone nose blind to it. He keeps his fingernails really short and tidy so they don’t catch on anything and hates getting his daily clothes dirty.
Haley: The treat yourself queen. Takes frequent bubble baths and has a face mask on daily. You can see a lot of her aesthetic bath set ups on her Instagram. She puts her hair in curlers every night which the farmer finds adorable. She also likes taking pictures and sometimes relaxing at the bathhouse with is probably the only way she knows who Penny is. She’s a frequent gum chewer and loves for her breath to be perfect like the rest of her. Wears the same perfume and refuses to tell anybody where she got it from because it’s a secret.
Shane: Tries to put off showering for as long as possible because he oftens goes in there to cry things out. Marnie totally drags him in there when he’s passed out and sprays him with the shower hose. The one thing he keeps up on is he wears a very strong deodorant but not axe because it brings back bad memories. After he’s married to the farmer he showers and shaves regularly but can still smell like chickens.
Penny: Tries to keep clean the best she can cause the kids will 100% tell her if she’s smelly. On occasion Pam has forgotten or couldn’t afford to pay the water bill. Once she tried to shower in the river late at night but her and Linus saw each other and screamed. She has a sweet smelling subtle perfume that she uses sparingly. She’ll wear gloves whenever it gets slightly cold so her hands don’t dry out even more than they already do.
Sam: This man bathes with a rubber duck and he’s not ashamed. He kept a more regular shower schedule when he worked at the Jojo mart because Morris would frequently get on his case about it. Band practice with Abigail and Sebastian can get really smelly. His band mates often tease him about smelling bad even though they’re hypocrites. In highschool he just wouldn’t shower and would just douse himself with axe. He can be convinced very easily to shower with the farmer and totally runs and does big splashes in the bathhouse much to everyone’s annoyance.
Emily: Doesn’t know what a shower is. Is really into bath magic and with take them with a lot of crystals around the rim of the tub and meditate in there. She also really enjoys doing rain showers out and dances in a swimsuit with Haley teases her for. She can’t shampoo that often to keep her hair dye intact. Once she went to the bath house with Haley and meditated for most of the time and they haven’t gone together since.
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stardewremixed · 3 months
🎆 Fireworks Headcanon 🎆
(And subsequently Independence Day ones since this is 4th of July where I'm from).
Alex- not really a big fan but would toss around the gridball on the beach while waiting for them to start. Super nostalgic about the picnic though. Used to do that with his mom. All the favorites (and Granny doesn't disappoint). Carries the basket out and helps her setup and even tries to get Grandpa George in the spirit by asking about his old war stories.
Abigail - loves them and would raid her dad's secret (illegal) stash to get the big ones to set off with Sam. Drags Seb into her shenanigans. Ends the night with a big bonfire on the beach, telling scary ghost stories. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Not this gal.
Elliott - Earlier in the day, he's a bit annoyed by the sudden appearance of so many people on the beach. He wanders off to contemplate a poem about patriotism and glory. Might crack open a pale ale at the Stardrop before heading to the waterfront. He is a romantic so of course, he loves fireworks! Preferably in a little boat out in the ocean, away from the crowds. Maybe stealing time with Farmer (or if not in a relationship, with Leah).
Emily - has a little fireworks dance! Magic! Trying to pull Haley outside to enjoy but her sister won't budge. Emily is passing out little flags to her friends and neighbors. And she's decked out in patriotic colors, handmade bandana and hair bows and all.
Harvey - is too busy treating the idiots who set off fireworks and got burned to really enjoy them. Might start some "sparks" of his own if Farmer comes to drag him outside to enjoy. *wiggles eyebrows* They are far more exciting than fireworks (and something about these fiery lights in the night sky is romantic... or at least that's what someone once told him). Absolutely sipping wine coolers once he's off duty.
Haley - smoke messes with her hair and makeup and clothes and no... that would be a hard no. But she does enjoy holiday sales earlier in the day, stocking up on her favorite treats, athleisure wear, and cosmetics.
Leah - She's moderately interested in fireworks, and may feign more interest for the sake of Elliott. Wanders off into the forest to enjoy quiet. In honor of the "rebel spirit," she skinny dips in the Cindersap Lake and embraces "one with nature" vibes.
Sam - loves them! He's probably setting off the big (illegal) ones. Don't tell Lewis. Organizes a beach volleyball game, pulls in Seb and Abi, Alex, and maybe even Penny, but promptly gets distracted when he remembers he's supposed to rehearse for the official town ceremony. He also plays the national anthem (rock ballad style, of course), and tears up every time.
Maru - will try and explain all the scientific properties to you - how fireworks actually work. Robin will remind her not to bore you to tears. Demetrius is so proud of his little girl. What else is new? The smoke bothers her eyes a bit though during the actual show so she may just turn in a bit early.
Sebastian -gets dragged into shenanigans with Sam and Abigail. Slinks off to steal a smoke on a dark corner of the beach. Ducks out early to go watch old movies in the cool of his basement. It's too noisy and hot out there anyway. He would, however, be up for snuggles.
Shane - meh! Sells them at JojaMart. Would toss around a gridball with Alex first for kicks and giggles. Could prove his superiority in a hot dog eating contest. Probably burns off an eyebrow trying to set a firework off for Jas (and plays it off like it's no big deal).
Penny - enjoys them, but is busy trying to corral Vincent who wants to get too close and Jas who's a little scared (and upset about Shane being injured). Earlier in the day, she gets pulled into Sam's beach volleyball game. It's a good opportunity to wear her cute orange bikini. While she's always nervous about showing skin, today she's feeling a bit braver.
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